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Marvilla, Jay Ar S.

BSIT 3 -1 10:00AM – 12:00PM Monday

Assignment No. 4 – Requirement Engineering

A. What is requirement?

B. What is the difference between functional and non-functional requirements?

C. What is a Software Requirements document (SRS – Software Requirements

Specification)? Describe its importance.

A. A requirement is a singular documented physical or functional need that a particular
design, product, or process aims to satisfy. Requirements engineering is the process of
defining, documenting, and maintaining requirements in the engineering design process.
The requirement is a statement of one thing a product must do or a quality it must have.
The requirement is it can range from a high-level abstract statement of a service or of a
system constraint to a detailed mathematical functional specification. There are types of
requirements the first one is user requirements where statements in natural language plus
a diagram of the services the system provides and its operational constraints. Written for
customers. The second one is system requirements where a structured document setting
out detailed descriptions of the system’s functions, services, and operational constraints.
Defines what should be implemented so may be part of a contract between client and
contractor. But there are functional and non-functional requirements, functional
requirements are statements of services the system should provide, how the system
should react to particular inputs, and how the system should behave in particular
situations and the non-functional requirements is constraints on the services or functions
offered by the system such as timing constraints, constraints on the development process,
standards, etc.

B. A functional requirement describes what a software program device ought to do, at the
same time as non-useful necessities vicinity constraints on how the device will do so. For
functional requirements, a device ought to ship an email every time a positive
circumstance is met and for the non-functional requirement is emailed should be sent
with a latency of no more than 12 hours from such an activity. The functional
requirement is describing the conduct of the device because it pertains to the device's
functionality. The non-functional requirement elaborates an overall performance
characteristic of the system. Non-functional requirements are once in a while described in
phrases of metrics to cause them to extra tangible. Non-functional requirements might
also describe factors of the device that do not relate to its execution, however as an
alternative to its evolution over time. Functional requirements are the primary matters
that the person expects from the software program as an example of the utility is a
banking utility that utility ought to be capable of creating a brand-new account, replace
the account, delete an account, etc. Functional requirements are designated and are
targeted withinside the device layout. Non-functional requirements aren't clear-cut the
requirement of the device as an alternative it's far associated with usability as an example
for a banking utility a primary non-useful requirement may be to be had the utility ought
to be had 24/7 and not using a downtime if possible.

C. An SRS is a document that includes all of the facts associated with the improvement of
your product until the release. An SRS is a document that offers the technical facts
associated with the app improvement, along with the important thing functions and
consumer flow. An SRS is a document that demonstrates both, the technical elements of
your app, and the commercial enterprise side, just like the app's purpose, goals, and
different details. The importance of SRS is we can apprehend a group shape as we can
simply see who has to be in a group and what position they play to your product
improvement. A software program engineer, for example, will want to apply your SRS to
estimate the time for every characteristic improvement, apprehend your app’s purpose,
layout an efficient app’s architecture, and code. We can get a completely correct
estimate, when you return back to a software program improvement group, you glaringly
assume to get a few charges and time estimates. For that, you want to offer a group
something to base their estimation on, preferably a characteristic list. We will have clean
information whilst you may launch, A specified app necessities file collectively with the
assessed dangers will let you prepare all processes, along with an optimized workflow. It
reduces unpredictability and offers you confidence.

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