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Lesson 3

 Velocity Analysis Method

Velocities in Machines
If the body has any coplanar motion other than translation, it is necessary to
have enough data to determine the velocity of two particles in order to determine the
velocity of any part of the body.
In analyzing the velocity of a rigid body, or a group of such bodies, the words
point and particle will be used interchangeably. The principal cases which may occur
are the following:
1. two or more points on the same body;
2. points on two or more bodies connected by pin joints;
3. points on bodies in rolling contact; and
4. points on bodies in sliding contact.
Velocities and accelerations in machines may be determined analytically or
graphically. Often, an analytical analysis becomes quite complicated and, in some
cases, impossible. The graphical analyses are more direct, less complicated, and
usually sufficiently accurate. Graphical methods will be used in this module.

There are four commonly used methods for obtaining velocities:

1. Resolution and Composition
2. Instantaneous axis of velocity
3. Centro; and
4. Relative velocity or velocity polygon

Vector is a line that represents a vector quantity.
A scalar quantity has magnitude only, such as 1 ft, 2 lb.
A vector quantity has magnitude, direction, and sense, such as force, velocity,

In the graphical solution of problems it is necessary to draw the machine full scale, to
smaller scale, or to a larger scale.
a) Space scale is expressed in three ways: 1. Proportionate size, e.g., one-fourth
size (¼ scale) or twice size (double scale); 2. The number of inches on the
drawing equal to 1 foot on the machine, e.g., 3 inches equal 1 foot (24 inch.
= 1 ft.); 3. 1 inch. on the drawing equals so many feet, e.g., 1 inch equals 13
foot ( 1 in. = 13 foot). The space scale is designated Ks.
b) Velocity scale, designated Kv, is defined as the linear velocity in distance
units per unit of time represented by 1 in. on the drawing. If the linear
velocity of a point is 5 fps and the Kv scale is 5, then a line 1 in. long would
represent a linear velocity of 5 fps and would be written Kv = 5 fps.
c) Acceleration scale, designated Ka, is defined as the linear acceleration in
distance units per unit of time per unit of time represented by 1 in. on the
drawing. If the linear acceleration of a point is 100 ft/sec² and the Ka scale
is 100, then the line 1 in. long would represent a linear acceleration of 100
ft/sec², and would be written Ka = 100 ft/sec².

Rotating and Oscillating Cranks. The magnitude of the instantaneous linear velocity of
a point on a revolving body, rotating crank, or oscillating crank is proportional to the
distance of that point from the axis of rotation of the body or crank. The direction of
the velocity is perpendicular to a line joining the point whose velocity is considered and
the axis of rotation. The sense of the linear velocity is the same as that of the angular
velocity of the body, that is, right-handed if clockwise rotation and left-handed if
counterclockwise rotation. Figure 3.1 represents an irregularly shaped crank

m turning about the fixed axis Q with an instantaneous angular velocity N producing the
linear velocity of A represented to a scale by the line Aa. The magnitude of the
velocities of B and C are proportional to Va as their respective distance from Q. By the
use of similar triangles the magnitude are obtained as shown. In each case the direction
is perpendicular to AQ, BQ, and CQ, and the sense of each linear velocity is consistent
with the clockwise angular velocity of m.

There are four commonly used methods for obtaining velocities:

1. Resolution and Composition

If the velocity of one point and the direction of the velocity of the other point
on a body are known, the velocity of any other point on that body may be
obtained by resolving the known velocity vector into components along and
perpendicular to the line joining these points and making one of the components
of the velocity of the other point equal to the component along the line. The
other component of this velocity will be perpendicular to the line.
Example 1. In figure 3.2, A and B represent two points on the rigid body m. The
velocity of A, Va, is completely known and the direction of the velocity of B is
along BM. Since this is a rigid body, the distance AB is constant and the
component along AB of the velocity of B is equal to the component along AB of
velocity of A. Resolve Va into components along and perpendicular to AB. Then,
any point on AB must have a component along AB of velocity equal to Aa, the
component along AB of the velocity of A. Extend AB and lay off Bb equal to Aa.
The sense of the components along AB must be the same for all points on AB.
Now, Bb is one component of the velocity of B. Draw bb₁ perpendicular to AB,
cutting BM at b₁. bb₁ is the perpendicular component of the velocity of B, and
Bb₁ is the absolute or total velocity of B.

Example 2. In figure 3.3, A, B, and C are points on the rigid body m. Va is known
and the direction of the velocity of B is along BM. The velocity of B is obtained
as in figure 3.3. Neither the magnitude nor the direction-sense of the velocity of
C is known, but Vc can be obtained by the graphical solution of the following
vector equations.
Vc = Vc alongAC  Vc  AC (1)
Vc = Vc alongBC  Vc  BC (2)
Resolve Va into components along and perpendicular to AC. Lay off Cc equals to
Aa. Cc is the velocity of C along AC, and is written
Vc alongAC . Draw a line perpendicular to AC from c. This line represents the
direction of the velocity of C perpendicular to AC and is written Vc  AC . Resolve
Vb into components along and perpendicular to BC. Lay off Cc₁, the velocity of
C along BC, equal to Bb. Draw a line perpendicular to BC from c₁. This line
represents the direction of the velocity of C perpendicular to AC. The
intersection of the perpendicular lines drawn from c and c₁ locates c₂. Then cc₂
is the velocity of C.
Illustrative Problem:

In figure below, the instantaneous angular velocity of the crank Q₂A is 100 rpm
counterclockwise. Q₂A is 24 inches and the other members are drawn to the same
scale as Q₂A. K s : 1 inch = 1 ft. K v = 10 fps. Find Vb, Vc, Vd and Ve. ( In printing,
the original drawing has been reduced one-half size.)

2xQ2 AxN 2x 24 x100
Va =   20.94 fps
12 x60 12 x60
Lay off Va = Aa, to scale, and perpendicular to Q₂A ( the velocity of a point is
perpendicular to the line joining the point and the axis of rotation).
Resolve Va into components along and perpendicular to ABD. Lay off Bb₁
and Dd₁ equal Aa₁, the component along ABD. The direction of the velocity of B
is perpendicular to Q₄B. Draw bb₁ perpendicular to AB. Then Bb is the vector
representing the velocity of B to the Kv scale. Vb = Bb x Kv = 1.3 x 10 = 13 fps.
Draw the proportional line abd. From d₁ draw the component of Vd perpendicular
to ABD cutting the proportional line at d. Then Vd = Dd x Kv = 1.42 x 10 14.2 fps.
The velocity of C is found as follows: Resolve Va into component along and
perpendicular to AC. Lay off Cc₁ equal to Aa₂ the component along AC. From c₁
draw a perpendicular to AC. Resolve Vb into components along and perpendicular
to BC. Lay off Cc₂ equal to Bb₂ the component along BC. From c₂ draw
perpendicular to BC. The point c, found by the intersections of this perpendicular
with the perpendicular from c₁ is the terminus of the velocity of C. Then Vc = Cc
x Kv = 2.1 x 10 = 21 fps.

2. Instantaneous Axis of velocity

Each member of a machine is either rotating about a fixed axis or about a moving
axis. Instantaneously this moving axis may be thought of as a stationary axis with
properties similar to a fixed axis. The cranks of a machine rotate or oscillate
about their respective fixed axes and the floating link ( i.e.., connecting rod)
rotates with an absolute angular velocity about an axis of velocity. The absolute
instantaneous linear velocities of points on the link are proportional to the
distance of the points from the instantaneous axis and are perpendicular to the
lines joining the points with the instantaneous axis.
Figure 3.4 represents an irregularly shaped floating link. The absolute
linear velocity of A is known in magnitude and direction-sense.

Another point B on this body has a velocity in the direction-sense of BX. The
instantaneous axis of velocity, Q, may be found by locating the intersection of
the lines perpendicular to the directions of the velocities of A and B. At the
instant under consideration all points in the body are tending to rotate about Q.
The magnitude of the velocity of B can be obtained when the magnitude of the
velocity of A is known by the use of similar triangles as shown. Instantaneously
the velocities of all points in the body are proportional to their distances from
It should be clearly understood that:
1) there is one instantaneous axis of velocity for each floating link in a machine,
2) there is not one common instantaneous axis of velocity for all links in a
machine, and
3) the instantaneous axis of velocity changes position as the link moves.

Angular Velocity of a Floating Link.

Figure 3.5 The instantaneous axis of link 3, Q₃, is located by drawing lines
perpendicular to the velocities of A and C. Since these velocities are respectively
perpendicular to cranks 2 and 4, Q₃ may be located by extending the lines Q₂A and Q₄C
until the lines intersect. Since A is a point on the floating link 3 as well as on the crank
2, and since link 3 is instantaneously turning about Q₃, the angular velocity 3 is equal
to the linear velocity of A divided by the distance Q₃A. Expressed in equation form,
 3  Va / Q 3 A (1)
The angular velocity of a floating link may be obtained as follows.

Draw a line connecting any point whose linear velocity is known and the point on this
link with the least velocity. The angular velocity in radians per second of the link is
equal to the component, perpendicular to this line, of the linear velocity in feet per
second of the point whose velocity is known divided by the distance in feet between
these two points. The sense of the angular velocity is consistent with the sense of the
perpendicular component.
The angular velocity of link 3 may be obtained by using the resolution and
composition, in Fig. 3.6
a a  c1c
3  1 (2)

a1a is the perpendicular component of the velocity of A, and c₁c is the perpendicular
component of the velocity of C. The vector difference a1a  c1c is the velocity of C
relative to A and must be expressed in the same linear units as AC and time units as 3

Instantaneous Axis of Rolling Bodies

If a wheel, as in figure 3.6, rolls along the surface XX without slipping the point
of contact Q of the wheel and the surface is the instantaneous axis of velocity and the
entire wheel acts as if it were a crank rotating about the axis Q.
The magnitude of the velocities of points on the wheel are proportional to their
respective distances from Q and are perpendicular to lines joining the points with Q. If
Aa represents the velocity of A, the center of the wheel, then by similar triangles Bb
represents the velocity of B.

Illustrative Problem:
In figure below, the linear velocity of A is represented by the line Aa. Determine the
linear velocities of B, C, and D on link 3 by the instantaneous axis method and angular
velocity of link 3.

Solution. Since the directions of the velocities of two points, A and B, on link 3
are known, the instantaneous axis of link 3 is located at Q₃ by obtaining the intersection
of lines drawn perpendicular to the direction of the velocities of A and B. By similar
triangles, Vb = Va(Q₃B/Q₃A). Vd = Va(Q₃D/Q₃A) and is perpendicular to Q₃D. Vc =
Va(Q₃C/Q₃A) and is perpendicular to Q₃C. The graphical solution is shown in figure.
 3  Va / Q3 A and its sense is clockwise.
3. Relative Velocity
A crank in a machine, rotating about an axis fixed to the machine frame which
is attached to a foundation in the earth has absolute motion. A floating link, the
connecting rod of a machine, has a motion relative to the crank. The floating
link also has absolute motion or motion with respect to the earth. A very common
example is a brakeman walking on the top of a box car as the car runs along the
track. The car has absolute motion, the brakeman has motion relative to the car,
and the brakeman has absolute motion. The absolute motion of the brakeman is
equal to the motion of the car plus the motion of the brakeman relative to the
car. Expressed in equation form:
Dm  Dc  Dmc (3)
If the time rate of change for the above three displacements are considered, the
relationship for velocities may be written

Vm  Vc  Vmc (4)
Dm = the absolute motion of the man
Dc = The absolute motion of the car
Dm c = the motion of the man relative to the car

Vm = the absolute velocity of the man

Vc = The absolute velocity of the car
V m c = the velocity of the man relative to the car
By rewriting equation,

Vmc  Vm  Vc (5)
It may be stated that the velocity of one point relative to a second point is equal to
the absolute velocity of the first point minus the absolute velocity of the second point.

In figure 3.7, represents any body m with angular velocity  , as shown. It is assumed
that Va and Vb are known in magnitude and direction-sense.

The instantaneous axis of velocity m is located at Q. In the velocity polygon, obtain ab

by drawing qa equal and parallel to Va and qb equal and parallel to Vb. The vector ab
is the velocity of B relative to A. Note that qa is perpendicular to QA, qb is perpendicular
to QB, and ab is perpendicular to AB. Then triangles AQB and aqb are similar and
QA/qa = AB/ab
qa = Va =  x QA
QA/(  xQA) = AB/ab
ab =  x AB
ab = Vba
Vab =  x AB
It may now be definitely stated that
1) the absolute linear velocity of one point on a body is equal to the absolute linear
velocity of a second point on a body plus the velocity of the first point relative
to the second point;
2) the velocity of one point on a body relative to the second point on the body is
equal to the product of the absolute angular velocity of the body and the linear
distance between two points;
3) the direction of this relative velocity is perpendicular to a line joining the two
points; and
4) the sense of this relative velocity is such as to be consistent with the sense of
the absolute angular velocity.

Illustrative Problem:
In figure below, the instantaneous linear velocity of A is known and drawn to

The procedure for obtaining the linear velocities of B and C and the angular velocity of
the connecting link 3 follows:
Vb = Va  Vba
The direction of Vb is perpendicular to Q₄B. Both the magnitude and direction-sense of
Va are known. The direction of Vba is perpendicular to AB. The magnitude of Vba cannot
be obtained at present because the angular velocity of link 3 is unknown. The equation
is solved graphically by drawing qa equal and parallel to Va; drawing from q a line,
representing the direction of Vb, perpendicular to Q₄B; and drawing from a a line,
representing the direction of Vba, perpendicular to AB. Locate b at the intersection of
the last two lines drawn. Then Vb = qb and Vba = ab. The senses of these velocities are
indicated by arrows. After becoming familiar with the method the arrows are not
needed. Now obtain Vc,
Vc = Va  Vca
The velocity of C can also be expressed by the equation
Vc = Vb  Vcb
Neither of these two equations can be solved independently but the two equations can
be solved simultaneously by drawing a line, representing the direction of Vca from a
perpendicular to CA, and another line, representing the direction of Vcb, fom b,
perpendicular to CB. Notate the intersectionof these lines by c. Then Vca = ac, Vcb =
bc, and Vc = qc.
The absolute angular velocity of link 3, 3, may be obtained by either of the
following relations:

3, = Vba/AB = Vca/CA = Vcb/CB

If it is desired to obtain  in radians per second, the linear velocity should be in feet
per second, and the length of the link, the actual length in feet on the machine.
The polygon qacb is called the velocity polygon. It should be noted that all
absolute velocities originate at the pole q and relative velocities originate and
terminate at points other than q. All lines in a velocity polygon are perpendicular to
the corresponding lettered links ( e.g., aq is perpendicular to AQ₂, ab is perpendicular
to AB, etc). Each line in the polygon is an image of the parent line in the sketch (e.g.,
aq is the image of AQ₂, ab is the image of AB, etc.).
The velocity image is useful in obtaining the linear velocity of points in a link. If
the velocity of a point D on Q₄B is desired, locate d on the velocity image qb by the
Qd/Q₄D = qb/Q₄B
In this proportion, Q₄D and Q₄B are known from the location of D on the sketch
and qb is measured on the velocity image. Calculate qd and locate d on the image qb.
Then Vd = qd. If the linear velocity of the midpoint M of BC is wanted, locate m, the
midpoint of the velocity image bc. Then Vm = qm.

1. Points A, B, and D on the rigid body 3 form the vertices of an equilateral triangle
with sides 2 inches long. Bb₁ is the velocity vector for B and is 1.25 inch. long.
The direction of the velocity of A is along the line ZZ. Find the velocity vectors
for A and d. Compare the triangle formed by the termini of the three vectors
with the triangle formed by the points A, B, and D. Solve on the space diagram.

2. Block 3 slides along link 2. Q₂A = 3½ in.; Q₂F = 1 5 8 in.; Q₄C = 2¾in.; Q₄G = 1 916
in.; GB = 3 inches; FB = 2 inches. If the velocity vector of A is 2 inches long, find
the velocity vector of B resolution and composition.


3. Q₂B = 1½ in.; BC = 4 inches; Q₄C = 3 inches; Q₄E = 2 inches; EF = 5 inches; Q₂Q₄

= 5 inches. Scales: Ks, full size; Kv = 100 fpm. Q₂B rotates uniformly clockwise
at 200 rpm. Find the linear velocity of slide 6, giving its magnitude in feet per
minute and its direction-sense. Also find the instantaneous angular velocities of
crank 4 and connecting rod 3.

4. Q₂Q₄ = 4 inches; Q₂D = 6½ inches; Q₄F = 1½ in.; GF = 4 inches; DE = 3 ½ inches.

Scales: Ks, full size; Kv = 100 fpm. If the absolute linear velocity of 8 is 150 fpm
toward the left, find the absolute linear velocity in feet per minute of the slide
6 and the angular velocities in revolutions per minute of the crank 2 and the
connecting rod 5.


5. Link 2 = ¾ in.; link 4 = 4 inches; link 5 = 3 inches. If link 2 rotates at 100 rpm
counterclockwise, find the linear velocity of 6 by the relative velocity method.


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