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PHILIPPINE RED CROSS Red Cross Youth Department

General Information
Sex: Contact Number: __09672283196_ Age:
Female _/_ Email Add: _michelle.emee.pongao@gmail.com__ _______ 15-18
Male _____ _______ 19-25
________ 26-30
___/__ Over 30
INSTRUCTION: Put an X mark on your chosen response
Select the answer that you think is correct for each one of the following statements
Having a social difference (different age, different sexual orientation, different ethnicity, True False
different abilities/disabilities, different religion, etc.) can make a person vulnerable. x
Gender and sex mean the same thing True False
Gender equality means that men and women are the same and because they are the same, True False
they should be treated the same. x
Understanding women’s special needs is the most important thing for mainstreaming gender True False
equality. x
Mainstreaming gender and diversity equality is about understanding that women, girls, boys True False
and men all have different needs. x
Please rate to which extent you agree or disagree with each one of the following statements.
People of different ethnic origins should be able to live in Strongly Disagree No Agree Strongly
peace together. Disagree Opinion Agree
It is best that people of different religious beliefs are kept Strongly Disagree No Agree Strongly
apart. Disagree Opinion Agree
I will marry a person I’m in love with, no matter that Strongly Disagree No Agree Strongly
person’s cultural, social, and/or religious background. Disagree Opinion Agree
I know about, respect and appreciate other group’ cultural Strongly Disagree No Agree Strongly
and religious practices. Disagree Opinion Agree
People have the right to think, live and be the way they Strongly Disagree No Agree Strongly
want. Disagree Opinion Agree
Men lose out when women’s rights are promoted. Strongly Disagree No Agree Strongly
Disagree Opinion Agree
There is always a peaceful way out of any conflict. Strongly Disagree No Agree Strongly
Disagree opinion Agree
PHILIPPINE RED CROSS Red Cross Youth Department

Yelling or insulting others, laughing at them, threatening Strongly Disagree No Agree Strongly
them or ignoring them is not being violent. Disagree Opinion Agree
Negotiation is a competition: there is always a winner and a Strongly Disagree No Agree Strongly
loser. Disagree Opinion Agree
People who are in prison should be treated with dignity, no Strongly Disagree No Agree Strongly
matter why they are there Disagree Opinion Agree

Choose the sentence(s) that best reflect your behaviour in each situation, and rate how often you adopt it. You can also
create and rate your own by completing the last sentence.
When listening to someone:
 I remain silent and do not interrupt the person Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
until I’m sure they finished, even if I disagree with x
 I ask questions or repeat what I have heard using Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
my own words to make sure I understand what x
the person really means and feels.
 I ask myself “what would I do if I were in the Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
same situation?” and tell my own story to the x
person, giving them advice based on my
 I do something else at the same time. Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
 I always hold eye contact. Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
When seeing vulnerable people:
 I feel sorry for them and remind myself how lucky Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
I am not to be in their situation. x
 I think about how I could help them, and I then Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
do something in this sense. x
 I easily get overwhelmed by their suffering. Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
 I think they are somehow responsible for the Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
difficult situation they are in and have surely x
done something to deserve this.
 I Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
When crossing someone in the street or meeting them for the first time:
 I immediately know whether I will like them or Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
not. x
 I’m friendly as I believe all human beings have Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
positive characteristics and qualities. x
 I tend to be cautious and to judge the way they Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
look, talk, walk, etc. x
 I’m glad and thankful to life as I’m convinced that Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
I will learn something from this person, even if x
s/he is very different from me or has opposing
When analysing a situation
 I try to look at it from as many angles and Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
perspectives as possible x
 I look for information from different sources, Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
based on facts and evidence. x
 I look for sources which are credible and Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
accurate. x
 I try to balance things at all times Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
PHILIPPINE RED CROSS Red Cross Youth Department

When disagreeing or in a dispute with someone:
 I hear and respect the person’s opinion but I Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
know I’m right. x
 I get easily annoyed or angry, and will do all I can Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
to convince the other person to change their x
PHILIPPINE RED CROSS Red Cross Youth Department

 I try to keep my self-control, take time out to Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
calm down before reacting to what is said or x
done, and try to understand why that person is
angry and what they need.
 I react immediately and tend to blame or accuse Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
them as well as say or do things that I regret x
afterwards. Despite this, I do not apologies easily.
 I… Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
When negotiation with someone:
 I try to get the best deal for myself, at the Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
expense of the other party. x
 I use all available means (including cheating, Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
bluffing, lying, threatening, intimidating) to get x
what I want.
 I do not compromise easily and consider the Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
other person as an adversary, not a partner. x
 I try to understand what that person’s needs and Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
interests are, and discuss open with them to find x
the best win-win solution for both of us.
 I… Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
When mediating a situation between two or more parties in dispute:
 I listen to each side of the story and try to help Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
them understand each other’s perspective, needs x
and interests.
 I analyse the situation and offer them solutions. Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
 I facilitate a discussion among them to help them Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
find by themselves the best solution to their x
 I… Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
When facing difficulties in life:
 I tend to dramatize, blow the event out of Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
proportion, and smoke/eat/drink/etc. more x
 I acknowledge my limitations, try as much as Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
possible to do things that I know help me x
recharge my batteries, and ask friends or
relatives for support and/or advice.
 I put things into perspective and take this as an Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
opportunity to learn, grow and be able to x
overcome the problem/get up and reach further
next time.
 I try to change the way I look at things, interpret x
them and react to them.
 I tend to keep myself calm and go to a place to Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
think about the situation. x
When overwhelmed by emotions and stress:
 I acknowledge my state of being, and try out Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
different techniques to calm down (e.g., x
breathing, relaxation, gardening, walking,
listening to music, etc.).
 I feel powerless, I do not know what to do and do Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
not dare asking anyone for help. x
 I easily lose my temper and become aggressive. x
 I always find a way to push through. x
Kindly complete the following sentences with the first idea that crosses your mind.
I do not accept people who
PHILIPPINE RED CROSS Red Cross Youth Department

I don’t trust people who

I’m afraid of people who uses violence or uses power to

It is acceptable to use violence when / if my loved ones/close friends are in danger.

If someone wants to fight with me or tries to drag me into a fight I will try to settle it without a fight.

Women’s role and responsibility are to…

Men’s role and responsibility are to…

Please rate how you personally feel about each one of the following statements.
I have the power to make this world a better place to live Not Very Little Average Very A lot
in. At all little much
I have the ability to achieve anything I want in life. Not Very Little Average Very A lot
At all little much
I have a purpose in life. All I do is geared towards achieving Not Very Little Average Very A lot
it, and gives meaning to me being alive. At all little much
I consider myself responsible for my feelings, thoughts and Not Very Little Average Very A lot
actions. At all little much
I am ready to assume the consequences of what I think, Not Very Little Average Very A lot
say or do. At all little much
I can speak in front of others and express my opinion. Not Very Little Average Very A lot
At all little x much
I care about what other people think of me. Not Very Little Average Very A lot
At all little x much
All my answers in this questionnaire truly reflect who I am, Not Very Little Average Very A lot
what I think, what I believe in and what I do. At all little much x
Finally, state three values that are very important to you and explain what they mean for you.
1. Kindness- will always go along way. For me, we are all in our own ways of trying to be the best version
of ourselves. So I always remind myself to be a little more understanding and forgiving to others flaws
even if they are very hard on you, they insult you, they belittle you. Just carry your kind heart always
because ikaw parin ang mabibigyan ng reward at the end of the day.

2. Healing- It always remind me that its okay to get lost as long as I hold onto hope. I always believe that
there is always healing sa lahat ng bagay

3. Gratefulness-
PHILIPPINE RED CROSS Red Cross Youth Department


INSTRUCTION: Classify the following words accordingly. Use the table below.

 Non-discrimination  Non-violent  Ethical leadership

 Respect for diversity communication  Freedom of action
 Gender equality  Collaborative negotiation  Solidarity
 Intercultural dialogue  Mediation  Cooperation
 Social inclusion  Personal resilience  Integrity
 Violence prevention,  Inner peace  Responsibility
mitigation and response  Dropping bias  Discipline
 Active listening  Non-judgement  Objectivity
 Empathy  Commitment  Open-mindedness
 Critical thinking  Trust / confidence  Mutual understanding
 Altruism  Generosity  Commitment

Humanity Impartiality Neutrality Independence Voluntary Unity Universality

Empathy Non Open Integrity Solidarity
Critical discrimination mindedness Freedom of
Thinking Respect for action
Ethical diversity
leadership Gender
cooperation equality
Ctive Intercultural
listening dialogue
PHILIPPINE RED CROSS Red Cross Youth Department


INSTRUCTIONS: Discuss briefly (3-5 sentences) the following concepts:

1. Andragogy versus Pedagogy

2. The importance of Peer Educators/Facilitators

3. Importance of Social Media in Promoting Advocacies

4 and 5 Choose two programs and discuss the concept of each:

- PASSA Youth - IHL

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