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Increase industrial base for Egypt

Industry around the world

As we know the progress and development of any country in the
world depends on industry, how much products which provides
citizens their needs, and how much exports and imports of this
country. The best example of this is a country like united states,
japan, china or Germany. These countries are called
“group of the great eight” as shown in opposite
picture refers to the group of eight highly
industrialized nations: France, Germany, Italy, the
United Kingdom, Japan, the United States, Canada,
and Russia. They depend on modern and technological
industry and this is why these countries have huge
economy and development.

Industry in Egypt
Industry problem in Egypt:
 Egypt is estimated to have weak economy until its industrial
revolution. Egypt is a country that depends on importing not
exporting or producing. So, the value of the Egyptian pound is
falling dramatically annually. That makes one dollar equal
about 17 pounds to 20 pounds. It is a large drop comparing the
previous years.
 The leakage of raw materials to be processed
 the lack of industrial machinery and equipment
 The low number of industrial education as 85% of students
enter high school
 No sufficient factories
 We produce less than our needs and no self-supply
 Depending on traditional products: industrial products
included textiles, chemicals (including fertilizers, polymers, and
petrochemicals), pharmaceuticals, food processing, petroleum,
construction, cement, metals, and light consumer goods.

Crude textiles Chemical Vegetable metals machines Plastic Food paper

petroleum products products &rubber Stuffs
23% 12% 11% 10% 7.3% 6.8% 5.8% 5.3 2.0%

When we observe the table, we find that Egypt lack the

modern and the electronic products, So the economy has

To over come this problem which affect on economy therefor

prevent the country from develop process, we must

 Increase the area of industry and factories

 Decrease the percent of traditional products and direct to
technological products like devises and robotics…..etc.
 Increase exports more than imports
 Attention or concentration on industry field as Germans
did to develop their country
 Increase the industry workers and release that the
industry workers as doctors and engineers in their jobs

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