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The study focuses on the significance of the school base sports program

being implemented to alleviate students’ absences especially Senior High School

SARDOs of San Luis National High School. School-sponsored sports became a

trademark of public education thus; an Annual Sports League was implemented in

San Luis National High School to address the problem of tardiness and absenteeism.

During the conduct of the league, attendance of players was closely monitored while

grades for the 2nd semester and 1st semester were gathered and tested for significant

difference using the T-test.

Based on the data gathered, there was a significant difference in the

performances of the SARDOs from 1 st semester before the DSA and its second

semester performance during the DSA. There was an increased also of about 160 or

28.07% in our enrollment in this school year (2019-2020) compared to last school

years’ 570 in which 8.07% attributed to the DSA., and our performance also during

the recently conducted Division Meet put West III on the limelight as we have made it

to the semi-finals round and became crowd favorite compared with the last years’

first round finished except on football.

The sports league formation increased student engagement in school. It

symbolized not only a significant development for organized youth athletics but also

that sports became a valuable component of the K-12 education.


The researcher would like to express his heartfelt gratitude on the realization

of the research especially to the following:

To Almighty God, who has been the source of talents and strengths;

To Dr. Sheri Love M. Aguiman, our school principal for always encouraging

me and keep pushing me to finish my research.

To Dr. Maribel C. Claveria, Assisting Principal of Jacinto D. Malimas Sr.

National High School for some important assistance and insights.

To the panel experts especially to the division research coordinator Ma’am

Helen Tanasas for giving me this opportunity to showcase my capacity and


To all San Luis National High School faculty and students for their moral

support and words of encouragement especially those who helped me in gathering

and collecting data.

To my family, my kids and my wife for they were the source of my strength

that keep me going and pursuing this research.

Lastly, to all not mentioned who contributed in the success of this study.

Thank you so much.

I. Introduction

It has been a perennial problem of the school how to keep students in the

school for the whole duration of the week, much more for the whole month and for

the whole year respectively. Students are eager to attend school during in their 1 st

month while others have managed to reach until school Intramurals. After which, if

they were not lucky to be chosen to represent the school in the district and division

meet, many students opt to stop schooling or some committed series of absences

and habitual tardiness. San Luis National High School has 570 students enrolled

from grade 7 to grade 12 but sad to say, about 30% of them rarely you can see them

attending morning ceremony and even 1st period classes. A portion also skip classes

and choosy enough on which subject to attend. But mind you, we have shortage in

our chairs during periodical exams. Since my office was adjacent to one of the

section in which absenteeism and tardiness was rampant, my investigative mind and

my detective nature found out and exit and caught myself having conversation with

these students. Hence I found out that the reason for such behavior was another

reason that no one could imagine, i.e., going to school was boring after those

mentioned sports activities.

Sports programs have been an integral part in molding the minds of the

young specially those who were attending schools. They supported the academics of

the school and therefore foster success in life. These programs were educational and

help produce productive citizenship. They helped students experience and build skills

that may help them in their future specifically those sports inclined learners.

Education may kindle the light of knowledge, but sports help maintain the proper

physique. Sports were also an important means of entertainment and Proper Avenue

of burning excess energies and releasing stress gained from lectures and classroom

activities. It has been a known and proven fact that participation in high school sports

encourages better moods, self-esteem, discipline, and critical thinking.

Students are full of energy, all of which cannot be spent in studies only. The

extra energy can lead students to wrong or unwanted activities which can do harm

not only for their health but will affect their studies as well. Sports activities are the

outlets of surplus energy. Students who play have their mind occupied and less likely

to have their mind wander to some other things with nature undetermined. Sports

taught students that they have to play not for their own but for the success of the

whole team thus, developing teamwork and camaraderie. It also helped students

lead a more corporate and mature life as they will be playing different roles that

would reflect life roles at present or in the future. The very breath of sportsmanship is

fair play as the noun itself means honesty, integrity, and loyalty.

School-sponsored sports became a trademark of U.S public education during

the Progressive Era. Even here in the Philippines, many schools have adopted such

measures in addressing the problem of tardiness and absenteeism. In fact, as far as I

can recall, Camiguin National High School, my Alma Mater had utilized such

approach headed by then our basketball coach Mr. Bernardo Pallo that resulted a

positive result. Hence, an annual basketball and volleyball league were implemented

starting on the second semester of S.Y. 2018-2019 in San Luis National High School.

The motivation for integrating sports into schools was primarily rooted in the

philosophy of humanistic education that traces back to the Renaissance and was

inspired by the ancient Greeks (Cubberly, 1920).

II. Literature Review

This part presents the review of related literature relevant to the present

study. The league itself is not an original creation of the researcher’s mind but

patterned on the Annual Basketball League (ABL) being implemented in one of the

school in Camiguin; Camiguin National High School (CNHS) by which I am the ABL

president with Adviser Mr. Bernardo Pallo. It was an intersection sports activity from

Grade 7 to Grade 12 that was played every afternoon right after classes.

Sports have positive effects to students. Just over half of all high school

students in the United States reported being involved in school- sponsored sports

(Koebler, 2011). It’s curious phenomenon unique to the US public education system.

At a basic level, sports and academics doesn’t have an interscholastic athletics


School-sponsored sports became a trademark of the U.S public education

during the Progressive Era. A keystone moment for this development was in New

York City in 1903 with the establishment of its Public Schools Athletic League. Before

this development, youth in athletics competition was predominantly student

governed; school sponsored competitions typically were exclusive to boarding

schools (Pruter, 2013). Forming a large, urban, public school sports league

symbolized not only a significant development for organized youth athletics but also

sports had become a valuable component of the K-12 education.

As compulsory school attendance took hold, public schools had to cater a

greater variety of educational needs, and administrators increasingly felt compelled

to create opportunities that were usually reserved for students from more privileged

backgrounds (Pruter, 2013). The motivation for integrating sports into schools was

primarily rooted in the philosophy of humanistic education that traces back to the

Renaissance and was inspired by the ancient Greeks (Cubberley, 1920). An

assertion from this more holistic view of education is that sports competition

essentially can play a vital role in adolescent character formation and development.

Believed that sports increase student engagement in school, communities and

underserved populations would not have access to certain valuable extracurricular

activities unless schools provided them.

Despite the perceived benefits and high levels of support from students and

parents, interscholastic athletics constantly come under attack. In times of budgetary

constraints, funds for extracurricular activities are typically the first on the chopping

block, and sports tend to receive a disproportionate share of negative attention for

propose cuts.

Therefore, this study aims to reveal the positive impacts of sports. And also

this will show facts that through sports; students earned good grades as well as

increased attendance. Students will be motivated and had self-discipline. Sports,

lastly, a tool to promote human development (PSC 2 nd Cycle).

III. Research Questions

The main purposed of this study was to address the decreasing attendance of

the students and lack of enthusiasm in going to school after sports activities

sponsored by DepEd such as School Intramurals, District Athletic Meet and Division

Athletic Meet of the students of San Luis National High School for the second

semester of the School Year 2018-2019. Specifically, it aims to answer the following


1. What is the profile of the respondents before the conduct of the Daily Sports

Activities in terms of?

1.1. Attendance

1.2. Academic Performance

2. How does DSA increase their attendance as well as academic performance?

3. Is there a significant difference in the students’ attendance and academic

performance after the conduct of the DSA?

Ho = There is no significant difference in the students attendance as well as on their

performance during the conduct of the DSA.

IV. Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study was conducted during the second semester of the School Year

2018-2019 of San Luis National High School. The participants of this study were all

identified senior high school students with absences more than 20% of the number of

school days which was only the allowable number of absences based on Deped

Order 11, S. 2011. There were 15 identified participants of this study who were

considered as at risk of dropping out or SARDOs. The researcher used validated

survey questionnaire relative to the study and unstructured focus group discussion to

qualify and discuss their reasons why they committed habitual absences and have

minimized committed such absences in the last two quarters where in the DSA was

at its peak.

V. Research Methodology


A purposive sampling was used in the study since the participants of the

study were identified through the given list of each class beadle. Purposive in the

since that we only include in the research those students who committed absences

more than the allowable 20% of the total number of school days. The total 15 chosen

SHS students with habitual absences were assumed normally distributed.

Data Gathering

During the implementation of the sports league, players of each team were

not allowed to play if they were absent in that certain week they have a game

schedule. We distributed attendance sheet to their class beadle for our reference

duly signed by the class adviser and collected it monthly. The researcher used

survey questionnaire validated by the panel experts. In terms of content, it was

validated by Dr. Sheri Love M. Aguiman, Principal of San Luis National High School

and Dr. Maribel C. Claveria, Assisting Principal of Jacinto D. Malimas Sr. National

High School. For technical aspect was Mary Jane Saligumba English major Teacher

III and Miss Mitzi Macasarte our school research coordinator. The researcher sought

permission from the school administrator to conduct the said study as well as

implementing the said sports league. After approval, the survey questionnaire was

used in collecting necessary data relative to the research questions to the identified

students with habitual absences. Unstructured Focus Group Discussion was done to

validate the participants’ answers. The said result was then analyzed using the

following statistical tools; frequency distribution and percentage to determine the

profile of the participants. The T-test was used to determine the significant difference

between the academic performance of the student from the 1st two quarters before

the DSA was conducted and his performance on the last two quarters of the S.Y

2018-2019 after the DSA has been implemented.

VI. Discussion of Results

This part presents the findings of the study and its conclusions based from

the data gathered and statistical analysis duly supported by the reviewed literature

and related studies.


Table 1: Frequency Distribution and Percentage of Participants’ Attendance

before the Conduct of DSA According to Sex

Sex Average Frequency Percentage


Male 60 9 60%

Female 69.33 6 40%

Total 96 15 100%

Based on the results reflected on table above, most of the participants of the

survey were males with frequency of 9 or 60% having an average of 60 days in

attendance while 6 or 40% were females with an average attendance of 69.33 out of

96 school days for the 1st semester. All of these respondents were members of the

team and played the sports the team have participated and played according to the

rules and guidelines being implemented throughout the duration of the league. Based

on the unstructured interview done by the researchers, they were excited to come to

school every time they have scheduled games. Further, they wanted to invite friends

to enroll in SLNHS and wish that the sports league will be implemented in the next

coming school years as the league really gave them enthusiasm in going to school

every day.

Table 2: Frequency Distribution and Percentage of Participants’ According to

their Academic Performance before the DSA

Average Grade Frequency Percentage

75 8 53.34%

76 5 33.33%

77 2 13.33%

Total 15 100%

In terms of their academic performance, 8 of the male and female

respondents or 55.56% having an average grade of 75, 5 or 33.33% of the

respondents having average of 76% while 2 or 13.33% with an average of 77. This

means that most of the respondents were at risk of dropping out as their grades just

one step higher of the failing mark.

Graph 1: Summary of the Attendance of the 15 Students before and after the

Conduct of the DSA




1st sem 2nd sem

The graph revealed that, the average 69 attendance of the female in the first

semester of S.Y. 2018-2019 has increased to 78 in the second semester of that

school year during the conduct of the DSA. While on the other hand, the average

attendance of the male respondents during the first semester which was 60 has

climbed to 69 after the conduct of the DSA.

Table 3: Frequency Distribution and Percentage of Participants According to

Academic Performance after the conduct of the DSA

Average Grade Frequency Percentage

77 6 40%

78 9 60%

Total 15 100%

Results of the study revealed that 6 or 40% having an average grade of 77

after the conduct of the sports league. Of this 6, 3 were having an average of 75

before the conduct of the sports league while the other 3 were having 76 as an

average grade. The table also shows that 9 or 60% having an average grade of 78.

Of that 9, 5 were having 75 as an average grade before the conduct of the DSA, 2

have an average of 76 while the other 2 have an average of 77. This means that,

after the conduct of the DSA, the academic performance of the respondents have

leveled up. Based on the unstructured interviewed done by the researcher himself,

they were now eager to come to school every day because of the sports activities

being conducted except for reasons uncontrollable to them. Seemed that they were

forced to go to school more often than before because the DSA mechanics were

strictly implemented, i.e., player who committed absences on the week they have

scheduled game were not allowed to join the game.

Table 4: Summary of the T- Test in determining the significant difference

between the performances of SARDOs from 1st semester (before the DSA) and

the 2nd semester (after the DSA) of the S.Y 2018-2019

Period Mean Grade Df t-value

1st semester (Ẍ1) 75.6 14

2nd semester (Ẍ2) 77.6 14

Total 28 7.43

Level of Significance 0.05

One tailed T-test was used to determine the significant difference between

the performance of the respondents who committed absences more than the

allowable 20% of the total number of school days from the first semester before DSA

and the 2nd semester of the S.Y 2018-2019 after DSA. Results of the study revealed

that t-value was 7.43 at (28) degrees of freedom was greater than the level of

significance 0.05 at t equal to 2.048 which means that the null hypothesis was

rejected. This means that there was a significant difference between the

performances of students before and after the conduct of the Daily Sports Activities.

A survey also conducted by the Minnesota State High School League in 2007 and

reported by the NFHS found that the average GPA of high school athlete was 2.84,

while a student who was not involved in athletics had an average GPA of 2.68. The

survey also showed that student athletes missed less school than their non-athlete

counterparts, with a total of 7.4 days missed and 8.8 days missed respectively

(Chen, 2018).


Based from the results, the following conclusions were drawn:

1. There was a significant increase in the attendance of the respondents

during the conduct of the DSA.

2. There was a significant increase in the academic performance of the

students during the conduct of the DSA.

Thus, the implementation of DSA to address SARDOs was a huge success.

VII. Reflections

The researcher strongly believed that the Daily Sports Activities being

implemented throughout the 2nd semester of S.Y. 2018-2019 was very effective in

addressing SARDOs. With that, we suggest that another relative research with larger

sample will be conducted to further assess the validity and reliability of the study

while DSA was implemented in the present school year. The DSA implementation in

San Luis National High School will be a proper avenue also to hone athletes and

discover new breed of champions that would compete in the bigger arena as

prestigious as GCAA Meet and NMRAA Meet.


Chen, G. 2018. School Sports Benefit Students. Available @


Cairns, J.A (1990). “The Demand for Professional Team Sports”.

British Review of Economic Issues 12, pp. 1-20

Noll, R.G. 2003. The Organization of Sports Leagues.pdf. Available @

Paren, R. 2016. Descriptive Research on Tardiness of Students in

Grade 6 Phoenix Section. Available @ http://rimmon-


Retrieved on October 21, 2019.

Bueno, D.C 2016. Introduction to Statistics ( Concepts and

Application in Research)

PSC. 2017. Five- Year Sports Development Plan (Second Cycle) 2017-

2022 Programs and Projects

Deped Order # 11, S. 2011 –Amendments to the 2010 revised manual

Of regulations for Private Schools in Basic Education available

Retrieved on October 21, 2019.

Student Guidelines The School Policies/Rules and Regulations

Available @ retrieved on

October 21, 2019.



Declaration of Anti-Plagiarism and Absence of Conflict of Interest


1. I, RONIE T. LAGAT, understand that plagiarism is the act of taking and using

another’s ideas and works and passing them off as one’s own. This includes

explicitly copying the whole work of another person and/or using some parts

of their work without proper acknowledgement and referencing.

2. I hereby attest to the originality of this research and has cited properly all the

references used. I further commit that all the final research study emanating

from this proposal shall be original content. I shall use appropriate citations in

referencing other from various sources.

3. I understand that the violation from this declaration and commitment shall be

subject to consequences and shall be dealt with accordingly by the

Department of Education.


SIGNATURE: ______________



Republic of the Philippines

Region X
San Luis National High School
San Luis, Gingoog City

February 11, 2018

Sheri Love M. Aguiman, Ph.D.

Principal 1

San Luis National High School

San Luis, Gingoog City


The undersigned is conducting Action Research titled “Increasing Attendance

and Elevating Academic Performance through Daily Sports Activities of SHS

Students at Risk of Dropping Outs (SARDOs) of San Luis National High School” for

the 2nd semester of S.Y. 2018-2019.

In connection to this, the researcher would like to ask permission from your

good office to allow him to conduct the said study and float questionnaires to the

identified SARDOs of the senior high school of San Luis National High School, San

Luis, Gingoog City on March 25-27, 2018.

Your favorable approval with this letter is highly appreciated.

Thank you.

Very truly yours,




SLNHS DSA Season 1 Timelines


ACTIVITIES Involved Week 1 Week Week Week Week

2 3 4 5

Planning and Sports

game format Club

Acceptance of


Training of






Elimination Game

Round Officials



Quarter Final Game

Round Officials



Semi-Final Game

Round Officials

Semi-Final Round Game




through survey


Championship Game

Round Officials


Awarding Officers/

Ceremony Faculty



Description Quantities Unit Total Cost(Php)


80 gsm bond paper A4 3 205 615.00

Sports Supplies and Equipment Set 5,000.00 5,000.00

22”x 68” Tarp 2 250 450.00

Standee 1 945 945.00

Meals and Snacks 50 100 5,000.00

Binding 4 200 800.00

Black Epson Ink L120 2 350.00 700.00

Blue Epson Ink L120 1 350.00 350.00

Cyan Epson Ink L120 1 350.00 350.00

Magenta Epson Ink L120 1 350.00 350.00

Total 14,560.00







I. a. To keep a. * Sports  November Php

SPORT students Implementatio Coordinato 2018 to 25,000.0

S coming to n of the r March 0

school or intersection * MAPEH 2019

increase volleyball and Coordinato

school basketball r

attendance league that * Sports

specially will be played Club  Whole

those of from Adviser second

students who November 5 * School semester

are to March 31 of Principal of this

committing the second * Sports school

habitual semester of Club year

absences but this school Officers

are sports year. The * Barangay

fanatics like league will Council

volleyball and cater both * Barangay

basketball. men and SK

women Federation

students of * Parents

SLNHS from * Students

grade 7 to

grade 12.

b. To develop

and discover

new players


potentials of

volleyball and


that will

represent the

school in the



n meet in the

next school




(SLNHS Sports Club Daily Sports Activities Season 1)

S.Y. 2018-2019

SLNHS Sports Club is responsible for the systematic process of

implementing, gathering and monitoring of attendance of the players as the 1 st

objectives is focused on the learner’s daily attendance and feedback players on their

standing for the purpose of ascertaining the realization of set objectives. By this, the

SLNHS Sports Club does the following tasks during the 2 nd semester.

a. Announced the planned intersection volleyball and basketball league on

November 26, 2019 after the conduct of morning activities.

b. Opened the 1st season of the AVBL by conducting 1st the Volleyball

League both men and women on January 21, 2019 at exactly 4pm with

games played by Grade 12 Charity vs. Grade 11 Peace for women and

Grade 11 Charity vs. Grade 7 Galaxy for men.

Grade 12 Charity vs. Grade 11 Peace

Grade 11 Peace vs. Grade 7 Galaxy

c. Asked the Brgy. Council of San Luis some assistance in the challenge of

implementing the Basketball League without Basketball facility such us

basketball court. Thus, we made request to the Equiparco channelled the

letter request to the barangay council of San Luis headed by Brgy.

Captain Nino Stephen Quinto dated January 31, 2019 addressed to the

manager sir Ruben Javier. With the positive reply of Equiparco, we

successfully put up the requested basketball court with Equiparco do the

clearing and levelling of the grounds by their heavy equipment and the

barangay council constructed the basketball goals.

d. Open the 1st season of the basketball league on March 4, 2019 with

Grade 7 Starlight and Grade 7 Sunlight battling for the 1 st win for the

women division while Grade 11 Hope and Peace for the men division on

March 9, 2019 with Peace and Sunlight came out as victors respectively.

e. One of the highlights of the league is the conduct of the “All Star Game”

both for men and women which was played on March 8, 2019 for women

and March 11, 2019 for men both done at 3pm in the afternoon on the

mentioned dates. For women, Shaira Balaba and Marjorie Picato both

grade 12 students selected as Captain Balls of the two opposing team

while Ivar Rosil while Jerome Aban were also the team captains of the two

opposing teams. Team Picato and Team Aban were the winners. One of

the aimed of the All Star game is to select and discover potential players

for the schools representative in the next district or division meet for the

coming school year.

f. On March 25, 2019 we conducted the Championship match for Volleyball

both for men and women with Grade 11 Peace and Grade 8 Genes facing

each other for men while Grade 11 Peace and Grade 7 Sunlight for

women respectively. Grade 8 Genes declared as the Champion nipping

Grade 11 Peace in 3 sets against 1 and Grade 7 Sunlight stunned Grade

11 Peace in a hearth breaking set 5.

g. On March 25, 2019 the Championship match between Grade 12 Charity

and Grade 11 Peace was held with Grade 12 came out as the victor. On

March 29, 2019 at exactly 8 A.M the school ground was filled with fans of

both teams namely Grade 12 Charity and Grade 10 Pascal as the fought

and showcasing their basketball skills to be acknowledged as the school’s

first ever Basketball Champion in which the Seniors came out as the sole


h. The Annual Volleyball/Basketball League ended with a note. Together

with the schools recognition on April 2, 2019 we announced the winners

and handed certificates and cash prizes to the winners of each division.



Champion: Grade 7- Sunlight

MVP: Levy Balaba

1st Runner Up: Grade 11 - Peace

2nd Runner Up: Grade 7 - Galaxy

3rd Runner Up: Grade 12 – Charity


Champion: Grade 8- Genes

MVP: Arjhon Balaba

1st Runner Up: Grade 11 - Peace

2nd Runner Up: Grade 10 - Pascal

3rd Runner Up: Grade 7 – Galaxy


Champion: Grade 12 - Charity

MVP: Marjorie Picato

1st Runner Up: Grade 11 - Peace

2nd Runner Up: Grade 8 – Genes


Champion: Grade 12-Charity

MVP: Ivar Rey Rosil

1st Runner Up: Grade 10-Pascal

2nd Runner Up: Grade 10-Newton

3rd Runner Up: Grade 8-Genes

Special Awards:

Men Division:

Best in Sports Attire : Rollan Enriquez

Best Setter : Jerald Obedencio

Best Spiker : Jerome Aban

Best Blocker : Jerome Aban

Best Server : Arjhon Balaba

Best in Sports Attire (Team Category): Grade 12-Charity

Women Division:

Best in Sports Attire : Ceneygee Sagrado

Best Setter : Ceneygee Sagrado

Best Spiker : Cristine Joy Hindem

Best Server : Cristine Joy Hindem

Best in Sports Attire (Team Category): Grade 11- Peace

Mythical Team (Volleyball-Women)

1. Cristine Joy Hindem

2. Christine Balaba

3. Sarah Balaba

4. Rosemay Balaba

5. Livy Balaba

6. Shane Rosil

7. Dres Sagrado

8. Charlyn Enriquez

9. Ma. Gretel Villalon

10. Regine D. Aban

Mythical Team (Volleyball-Men)

1. Arjhon Balaba

2. Jeric Alguzar

3. Rennier Cui

4. Rollan Enriquez

5. Mars Amper

6. Nicco James Hindem

7. Deanmark Bangoy

8. Mico Alguzar

9. Tyron Castro

10. Renaldo Pangahin

i. The 1st Daily Sports Activities officially closed with an exhibition game

between Volleyball All-Star for women versus some selected volleyball

enthusiasts parents in a game entitled “Liga Contra Druga” in

collaboration with the NDEP headed by the NDEP Coordinator Mrs.

Genoveva Uy. Of course, the students defeated the parents.

j. The 1st DSA was a GREAT success. We monitored players who were

committing habitual absences before the implementation of the activity but

were now attending classes, students who have failing grades on the 1st 3

quarters but now got higher and passing grades on the last quarter and

most of all, we were able to find students who are not volleyball skilled at

the start of the game but developed into a volleyball superstar.




Nickname : “Ron” or “Bobet”

Date of Birth : December 18, 1980

Place of Birth : Catarman, Camiguin

Home Address : Purok Garcia, San Luis, Gingoog City

Civil Status : Married

Religious Affiliation : Roman Catholic

Name of Parents : Elpidio L. Lagat

Juana T. Lagat (deceased)

Name of Spouse : Bebie Jean Aban-Lagat

Name of Children : Aljeya Gybrielle A. Lagat

: Xyza Clairesse A. Lagat


Elementary :

Mainit Elementary School

Mainit, Catarman, Camiguin


Consistent Top 4

Sto.Nino Elementary School

Sto.Nino, Catarman, Camiguin


First Honor

Secondary :

Camiguin National High School

Catarman, Camiguin



Tertiary :

Central Mindanao University

University Town, Musuan, Maramag



DOST Scholar

Dean’s List

Gingoog City Colleges

Paz Village, Gingoog City



Post Graduate Study :

Caraga State University

Km. 02, Ampayon, Butuan City

MS Math (6 units)



Mathematics Teacher

Senior High School

San Luis National High School

San Luis, Gingoog City

July 2018 – present

Mathematics Teacher

Senior High School

Jacinto D. Malimas Sr. NHS

Odiongan, Gingoog City

June 2017- June 2018


Jacinto D. Malimas Sr. NHS

Odiongan, Gingoog City

January 2016- June 2017

Sales Supervisor

Personal Collection DSI

Gingoog City

May 2015-November 2015

Branch Operation Supervisor

Personal Collection DSI

Butuan City

October 2012 – May 2015

Branch Operation Supervisor

Personal Collection DSI

Valencia City, Bukidnon

March October 2012 – October 2012

Area Manager


JR. Borja St., Cagayan de Oro City

June 2005 – February 2012

Project Consolidator

National Food Authority X

Baloy, Cagayan de Oro City

October 2004 – February 2005

Republic of the Philippines
Region X
West III District
San Luis National High School
San Luis,Gingoog City


Title: “Increasing Attendance and Elevating Academic Performance through

Daily Sports Activities of Senior High School Students at Risk of
Dropping Outs (SARDOs) of San Luis National High School”

Research Type: Action Research

Basic Research
CI Based Research
Research Proponents: RONIE T. LAGAT
Position: Teacher –II
Division/District: Gingoog City
Category: Elementary
Junior High School

Senior High School

Oral Presentation: Kindly check
Theme 1, Teaching and Learning
Subject: ___________________
Theme 2
Theme 3
Theme 4

Poster Presentation: Kindly check

Theme 1, Teaching and Learning
Subject: ___________________
Theme 2
Theme 3

Theme 4


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