The Ultimate Closing Script Updated

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Hi NAME, it’s NAME. I had us down for DATE/TIME, is now still a good time?


Great. Where are you today? (little rapport, under 1 minute max)

So listen, I know we both have a lot going on and I want to be respectful of your time, are you
okay if we just get started?



Great. So the point of this call is to talk “X” for NAME OF BUSINESS. Is it cool if I ask a few
questions so I can figure out if or how I can help you with “X”?



Great! So before we begin, just out of curiosity because I’m sure you get a ton of people hitting
you up, what made you want to chat with me? And what’s going on in the business now that
made now a good time for us to chat?



Makes sense, thank you for sharing that. OK, so first question before I get into the current
situation, I like to find out where it is you’d like to go, so where would you say you’d like your X
to be...90 days from now?



Got it, so <REPEAT BACK THE RESULT THEY JUST TOLD YOU> is the goal 90 days from
now. I’m going to ask a series of diagnostic questions now, so I apologize if this sounds at all
like a doctor interviewing a patient! First question...

1. So where is your X right now?

2. How do you currently bring in new business?
3. Do you think there’s room for improvement?
4. Have you seen your competitors online marketing, if so, which ones?
5. What is the immediate value of a new client for you?
6. What is the lifetime value of a customer?
7. Is it common for a customer to buy again?
8. If so, how frequently?
9. Do you know what your current cost per acquisition is?
10. Do you have a process in place to get new customers at will?
11. Do you have a monthly marketing budget in place now?
12. OK cool, looking over all this, want me to share what I think the problems and
opportunities are?

<there should be a good amount of Ask/Feel/Show going on responding to some of their

answers to these questions...this is where reps come into play...the more calls you’ve done, the
easier you’ll intuit when to Ask/Feel/Show and when to get right on to the next question>


Great. So… the biggest problems are X and Y. This also means the biggest opportunities are
XX and YY. And I think if you could do that, you could realistically hit your 90-day goal of
<GOAL> in about 90 days. Does that make sense?


My team and I just helped a client in a similar position get a similar result. Would you want me
go over what we did with them?



Great. So the big things we focused on with that client was X and Y. Most people think it’s about
MYTH but in reality, it’s about FACT. That’s what we did with them. After X months, we got them
<SHARE CLIENT RESULTS>. Does that make sense? (can you show the client results here
instead of just report them? Showing is better than telling.)


Great. Want me to show you how it works? (other way of saying it: Would you want me to show
you how it might be able to work for you too?)


Great. (Now here’s where you draw your simple model for the prospect. Remember: Circle,
Square or Triangle. Keep it short and brief. This isn’t about teaching, it’s about demonstrating
that you have a proven plan - a framework - for consistently and predictably delivering the
results the prospect has stated they want.) Does that make sense?


Great. Want me to go over how we might be able to do this for you too?



Great. So my team and I focus on working with business owners in the <INDUSTRY> who are
looking to increase <GOAL> so you are obviously a fit for what we do. I also like that you have
X because we have a lot of experience with that too. If we decide to work together on this and
working towards getting you <GOAL>, we’ll do a kick-off call later this week or early next week
depending on scheduling to intake the info we think we’ll need and then we’ll handle the rest of
the process to getting this going on our end for you. From there, we run and manage everything
and report to you every week. Does that make sense?


Great. So the last thing we haven’t discussed is price, want me to go over that real quick?



Great. So we do pricing in a straightforward way. It’s $16,000 for 12 months, if you wanted to
sign up for a 12-month contract but I think it’s easier to get started if we just commit to 90 days,
and go month-to-month from there. To start with 90 days, it’s just $1,800 a month. Does that
make sense?


Great. So which do you prefer - the full year or start with 90 days?


Great. So we’ll start with 90 days to <GOAL> and then we’ll go from there. I’m going to get the
contract started here, is it ok if I take down the general information really quick now?

Great. What is the legal business name?... What is the payment card you want to use?... What
are the 16-digits?... What is the expiration date?... What is the CVC code?... Got it.


NAME, really, really excited to work with you on this. In fact, I’d love to get our Kick-Off Call
scheduled now. On the kick off call, I’ll get all the details I need so my team and I can start
working on this for you. What day next week is good for you?


Great. And would X TIME or Y TIME be better for you on that day?


Great. So I’ve got us booked for our Kick-Off Call on DAY and TIME. I know it’s hard to
remember all this stuff on a call, so right after this call, I will send you a recap of what we talked
about here in contract form. I will need you to sign that and send back, ok?


Great. So NAME, I think that covers everything we’ll need to get started on this. Like I said, I’ll
send that contract over now and be on the lookout for the return copy. And our Kick Off Call is
set for DAY and TIME. I’ll see if NAME, my partner, can join us for that call time so you can start
to meet the rest of the team too. I am pumped!


Talk to you DAY and TIME!

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