Chapter 5 - Doing Philosophy

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MODULE Introduction to the Philosophy of Human



a. Distinguish a holistic perspective from a partial point of view

b. Inculcate the value of doing philosophy in obtaining a broad
perspective in life
c. Evaluate the different methods of philosophy that leads to
wisdom and truth


Doing Philosophy
Doing philosophy means engaging oneself in “matters of utility” and
methodologies to eliminate any practical problem or abstract idea.
In the process of doing philosophy, it is critical to have a holistic point of view.
Some other skills involved in doing philosophy are critical, logical, and analytical
thinking, observation, and communicative skills.

Holistic Point of View Partial Point of View

• Looks as all aspects of the given • Looks at only a limited number of

problem or situation aspects of a given problem or
• All aspects are given importance situation.
when making conclusions • Conclusions are made based on
• All aspects are tied in together to considering some, but not all sides
form a general overview of the of the problem or situation.
problem or situation
Example: Example:
A teacher listens first to both stories of her A teacher scolds Student A after Student
two arguing students before making any B accused him of stealing her pencil case.
conclusion about the issue. However, the teacher only listened to the
story of Student B, and not to Student A,
before deciding to scold the student.

MODULE Introduction to the Philosophy of Human

Using a holistic perspective is more desirable in doing philosophy than using a

partial perspective. Learning philosophy requires learning to look into all available
perspectives and work on their relationship to come up with sound, logical and valid
- Doing philosophy can be applied in day-to-day activities and life perspectives
because it involves an evaluative process.
- Doing philosophy allows a person to make better decisions and act accordingly
to situations with the help of philosophical skills.
- Doing philosophy directs how a person will perceive factors in life and how they
will be faced.
In any setting, wisdom is always gained when philosophy is applied to formulate
a conclusion about a certain problem or situation.
Philosophy can be described as either
a body of knowledge or an intellectual
- Philosophy applied to human
experience or everyday life denotes the use of
philosophy as an intellectual activity.
- Also known as “philosophy in life”,
this concept is important because it serves as
the guiding principles on how one ought to
live life.
Philosophical Reflection - is the process by which a person undergoes a reflective
state or evaluates his or her experiences first before making any related actions.
- It is the act of giving time to think about the meaning and purpose of life.
- The use of philosophical reflection is important as it enables thought to be looked
into using a deeper, holistic perspective.
- It is a tool in doing philosophy.
Types of Philosophical Reflection
1. Primary Reflection
- ability of the mind to construct and evaluate arguments
- ability to think logically.
- fragmented and compartmentalized thinking
- instrumental thinking
- “means-end” thinking
2. Secondary Reflection

MODULE Introduction to the Philosophy of Human

integrates the fragmented and compartmentalized experience into a coherent

Skills Needed in Doing Philosophy
1. Philosophical Reflection – enables us to look deeper into our experiences and
see the bigger picture of reality
2. Construction and Evaluation of Argument – allows us to express our ideas in
a systematic and logical way; allows us to examine the ideas of other people
Premise 1: All human beings are mortal.
Premise 2: But the President of the Republic of the Philippines is a human being.
Conclusion: Therefore, the President of the Philippines is mortal.
If the premises are assumed to be true, then the conclusion must also be true. If we
reject the conclusion, then we are making a logical error since it is what the premises
In the process, one can learn more about himself or herself, including personal
beliefs, ideals, or values. Aside from knowing the self, many other activities also
emanate from reflection such as:
- learning from your previous mistakes and not repeating them again
- evaluating and knowing the best choice from the set of options
- gaining holistic point of view first before making any conclusion
The Philosophical Method of Inquiry

The Philosophical Method of Inquiry is not pure reasoning.

- It includes contemplation combined with and confirmed by experience,
observation, and introspection.
- In other words, the approach is similar to the scientific / rational method but it is
coupled with philosophical reflection—

MODULE Introduction to the Philosophy of Human

1. Identifying the problem;

2. Organizing and evaluating the data;
3. Proposing the hypothesis;
4. Testing the hypothesis;
5. Discovering the truths [Conclusion]
6. Applying principles to specific cases
[Philosophical Reflection]

- The Philosophical Method of Inquiry is

applicable to solving the mysteries of
the human person (Montemayor,
- The goal of Philosophical Inquiry is the making of sound judgments about all that
man does.
- Philosophy as a body of organized and unified knowledge can be attained
through scientific investigation.
- As a science, it rejects myth, hearsay and wishful thinking and makes
conclusions using empirical evidence.

Socratic Method of Philosophizing

- It is a didactic dialogue of questioning that is expressed in the critical examination
and cross-examination of the positions of every participant in the dialogue.
a. Maieutic or Intellectual Midwifery
-The participants in a dialogue do not force-fit their own beliefs on others.
- According to Socrates, knowledge begins the moment one admits her ignorance.
So, participants in the dialogue must first admit their ignorance.

Three Steps in Arriving at the Truth

Step 1: Give an initial definition of a thing or a concept.
Example: A table is a four-legged furniture.
Step 2: Look for characteristics not captured in the initial definition.
Example: Is the table a cow?
Step 3: Give a new definition.
Example: A table is a four-legged furniture made up of wood, and has a flat

Through the Socratic Method, we come up with the true definition of a chair. It
helps to improve our understanding of something and eventually arrive at the truth and
enables us to move from the state of “not knowing” to that of “knowing.”

MODULE Introduction to the Philosophy of Human

Philosophy is a dedicated search for meaning. Once it is started it “consumes”

the whole person—his attention, concentration, interest, and effort. A philosopher can
hardly afford distractions as he goes on his “search”. He observes, reads, reflects, and
writes. He does so without let-up until the answer is found, or if the answer is not yet
found, the conviction is reached that for the moment at least he has found the best
possible although still imperfect solution (Cruz, 1987).
The method of philosophical investigation is rational reflection.

- It is the method of observing facts,

interrelating them with one another,
arid interpreting them by means of
rational hypothesis.
- It makes use of analysis and synthesis,
like science.
- It realizes its end by the hard method of
reason. Its method is empirical and
- It is pre-eminently speculative and
- Rational reflection is the principal method of philosophical investigation. But it is
based upon the experience of facts.
- It is not unscientific and non-empirical.

Philosophy employs rational reflection on the facts of experience in order to explain

them adequately by making a rational hypothesis

MODULE Introduction to the Philosophy of Human

For further reading, please refer to the links below:



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