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Received: 12 March 2019 Revised: 6 January 2020 Accepted: 6 January 2020

DOI: 10.1002/joc.6473


Drought risk assessment for future climate projections

in the Nakdong River Basin, Korea

Jong-Suk Kim1 | Seo-Yeon Park2 | Hyun-Pyo Hong2 | Jie Chen1 |

Si-Jung Choi3 | Tae-Woong Kim4 | Joo-Heon Lee2

State Key Laboratory of Water Resources
and Hydropower Engineering Science,
Wuhan University, Wuhan, China To prepare for the potential of extreme drought caused by climate change, both
Department of Civil Engineering, physical and socioeconomic factors need to be considered. In this study, three gen-
Joongbu University, Gyeunggi-do,
eral circulation models were selected: IPSL-CM5A-LR, HadGEM2-AO, and Can-
South Korea
3 ESM2 as representative scenarios for severe, moderate, and relatively weak
Department of Land, Water and
Environment Research, Korea Institute of droughts to assess the risk of droughts for future climate projections. Drought haz-
Civil Engineering and Building ard was estimated using the meteorological drought index to determine drought
Technology, Gyeunggi-do, South Korea
frequency, severity, and probability. Population density, agricultural land area,
Department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering, Hanyang University, Ansan, and municipal, agricultural, and industrial water demand were used as drought
South Korea vulnerability indicators. The Analytical Hierarchy Process technique was applied
to determine the weight of each indicator, and the integrated drought risk was
Joo-Heon Lee, Department of Civil then estimated. HadGEM2-AO and CanESM2 projected that drought risk would
Engineering, Drought Research Center, be reduced in the far future. IPSL-CM5A-LR projected an increased drought risk
Joongbu University, Gyeunggi-do 10279,
Republic of Korea.
in the near and far future in the downstream area of the Nakdong River Basin.
Email: This study presented a quantitative approach to identify high drought-risk areas
that should be the focus of future extreme drought assessments and mid- to long-
Funding information
Korea Environmental Industry &
term drought mitigation strategies.
Technology Institute (KEITI), Grant/
Award Number: 18AWMP-B083066-05; KEYWORDS
National Research Foundation of Korea, analytical hierarchy process, climate change, drought Hazard, drought risk assessment, drought
Grant/Award Number: NRF- vulnerability

1 | INTRODUCTION because they are continuous, wide-ranging, and long

term. Furthermore, it is difficult to define the start and
Climate change is considered as one of the most danger- end of drought (Gao et al., 2019). Consequently, strate-
ous risks facing the present and future generations and gies to minimize drought damage and the development
can have significant impacts on both civilizations and of countermeasures for future drought-prone areas are
ecosystems (Pelt and Swart, 2011; Hao et al., 2017; Kang vital (Hong et al., 2019; Lee et al., 2018).
et al., 2017; Kim et al., 2017; Lee et al., 2018; Choi et al., Many recent studies have shown that droughts can be
2018). Among the risks associated with climate change, more frequent and severe due to global warming (Touma
drought has been recognized as a serious disaster that is et al., 2015; King et al., 2017; Huang et al., 2018; Lee et al.,
widely spotlighted around the world. Droughts are cau- 2018; Gao et al., 2019). For example, Touma et al. (2015)
sed by a shortage of water resources due to a lack of pre- used 15 general circulation models (GCMs) from the
cipitation (Park et al., 2018; Kim et al., 2017). Droughts Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5) and
are challenging to manage, particularly in the short term, found that the spatial extent, duration, and occurrence of

Int J Climatol. 2020;1–13. © 2020 Royal Meteorological Society 1


drought will increase in subtropical and tropical regions in years. Consequently, an assessment of drought risk
the 21st century under the Representative Concentration should consider the vulnerability of social structures. For
Pathway 8.5 (RCP8.5). However, potential changes in example, greater losses can be expected in areas of higher
future droughts are controversial, mainly due to uncer- socio-economic value as compared to other regions
tainties associated with climate change projections and (Mishra and Singh, 2010). Socio-economic aspects of a
drought assessment methods (Dai, 2012; Chen et al., 2018; river basin include its PD, agricultural land area, and
Lee et al., 2018). water usage. These factors should be considered in com-
Various drought risk assessment studies have investi- prehensive drought risk assessment.
gated future drought scenarios (Park et al., 2012; Kim The choice of GCM is essential when carrying out
et al., 2014; Yoo et al., 2015a, 2015b; Ahmadalipour, research on extreme hydrological events; however, the
2017; Lee et al., 2018). For example, Yoo et al. (2015a, ability of GCMs to represent extreme droughts has not
2015b) calculated drought risk based on drought duration been fully investigated. In addition, it is important to con-
and severity by applying the bivariate Copula function. sider both physical and socio-economic factors to prevent
Ahmadalipour (2017) used the Coordinated Regional and prepare for extreme droughts in the future. The
Climate Downscaling Experiment regional climate model socio-economic impact of drought can be profound and
(RCM) framework to calculate the Standardized Precipi- long-lasting, so a thorough understanding of the future
tation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) introduced by risk posed by drought is important. Therefore, this study
Vicente-Serrano et al. (2010), drought hazard, and proposed a quantitative approach to identify high
drought vulnerability in Africa considering economic fac- drought-risk areas considering both physical and socio-
tors, energy, land use, and population density (PD). economic hazards that should be the focus of future
These drought risk studies assessed drought risk by con- extreme drought assessments and mid- to long-term
sidering socio-economic vulnerability in addition to drought mitigation strategies in a changing climate.
meteorological drought factors; however, they were lim-
ited in assessing the drought risk for various future cli-
mate change scenarios. Furthermore, there is inherent 2 | DATA AND M ETHOD
uncertainty in these assessments based on the GCM sim-
ulations used. Kim et al. (2014) calculated the severity- 2.1 | Data and study area
duration-frequency (SDF) curve using historical observa-
tions and the drought frequency analysis using the future According to an analysis of seasonal and regional
rainfall data of four GCMs based on special report on drought characteristics (Lee et al., 2018), spring droughts
emergency scenario and identified the future drought- were the most frequent, and the central and southern
prone areas of the Korean Peninsula. Yoo et al. (2015a, regions of Korea are more vulnerable to drought. The
2015b) assessed the selection of appropriate GCMs NRB in the southern parts of Korea was selected as the
related to agricultural water resources by analysing target study area (Figure 1). The area of the NRB is
trends in 25 GCM outputs based on RCP scenarios and 23.717 km2, accounting for 23.9% of South Korea's terri-
with RCM provided by the Korea Meteorological Admin- tory, including the longest river (521.5 km) that passes
istration (KMA). through major cities such as Daegu and Busan. The NRB
Recently, Lee et al. (2018) conducted a conditional is regarded as one of the most vulnerable basins to
analysis of future hydrological drought risk (HDR) in drought in South Korea. The most severe droughts in the
South Korea. They calculated the exceedance probability
of long-term runoff using the Standardized Precipitation
Index (SPI) and Soil and Water Assessment Tool with
RCP scenario-based HadGEM2-AO data. They found that
using the short- and mid-term drought index, the HDR is
relatively high in central and southern regions during the
period 2011–2040, and significant in the Nakdong River
Basin (NRB) in the period 2014–2070.
Meteorological and drought risk assessment studies
using rainfall and temperature are relatively common;
however, social and economic hazards must be consid-
ered contemporaneously to determine the drought risk F I G U R E 1 Location of the study area and sub-basin regions.
accurately. Whilst meteorological droughts occur season- The numbers shown on the map indicate basin identification
ally or year-round, their societal impact lasts for many numbers for the 33 sub-basins of the Nakdong River, Korea

NRB occurred in 1988, with a 100-year frequency of The bias-corrected future projections x^m:f ðt Þ is given by
drought (magnitude: −15.5, duration: 11 months, and multiplying the relative changes Δm(t) to historical bias-
average severity: −1.4), and the magnitude and duration corrected value,
of the droughts have been increasing since the 2000s
(Kim et al., 2019). Of the precipitation data provided by x^m:f ðt Þ= F o,r τm:f ðt Þ  Δm ðt Þ ð3Þ
the KMA, precipitation data measured by the automated
synoptic observing system with more than 30 years of More information regarding the QDM procedure
data were used. To assess future drought risk, a historical can be found in Cannon et al. (2015). The climate
30-year period (S0: 1976–2005) and future 30-year change scenario data applied in this study was provided
periods; S1 (2011–2040), S2 (2041–2070), and S3 by the Korean research group of Climate Change Adap-
(2071–2099) were investigated. tation for Water Resources. CMIP5 GCM data (Table 1)
In this study, the SPI was selected as the variable for were statistically downscaled by combining Bias
the future extreme drought outlook. The SPI was devel- Correction/Spatial Disaggregation and QDM, reflecting
oped by McKee et al. (1993, 1995), with a typical meteo- long-term trends in climate scenarios (Eum and
rological drought index focusing on precipitation declines Cannon, 2017).
that cause water shortages relative to water demand. The
drought index is calculated based on the normalized
probability distribution by setting a specific time unit 2.3 | Weighting factor analysis based on
(months) and organizing a time series of cumulative pre- the AHP technique
cipitation by the time unit. SPI (1) and SPI (3) can be
used to evaluate short-term droughts caused by short- The analysis hierarchy process (AHP) is a multicriteria
term severe precipitation deficiencies, and SPI (6), SPI decision making (MCDM) tool developed by Saaty
(9), and SPI (12) can be used to evaluate long-term (1987). AHP is a method of stratifying decision-making
drought caused by lack of continuous rainfall over a long elements and calculating the importance of components
period of time. through a pairwise comparison for each component.
The technique has been widely utilized and has the
advantage of ensuring the reliability of assessment
2.2 | Quantile delta mapping for future results through consistency verification (Kang et al.,
climate projections 2014; Choi et al., 2018). AHP assessment consists of
four phases: determining the hierarchy of decision ele-
The quantile delta mapping (QDM) is designed to bias- ments, pairwise comparison of decision elements, esti-
correct climate projections through quantile mapping mation of relative weights, and aggregation of relative
while preserving long-term signals in quantiles projected weights. In the weight estimation process, the consis-
by a GCM (Cannon et al., 2015; Eum and Cannon, 2017). tency index (CI) and the consistency ratio (CR) were
The QDM can be started with the time-dependent cumu- used to examine whether the weights were logically
lative distribution functions (CDFs) of the model projec- consistent (Saaty, 1987). First, for each evaluation item
ted series (xm.f) at time t: to estimate its importance and to assess its consistency,
a comparison matrix consisting of pairs of survey data
ðt Þ  
τm:f ðt Þ =F m,f x m:f ðt Þ ð1Þ is validated, and then a relative weight, maximum
eigenvalue (λmax), and CI are calculated to evaluate the
where Fm.f is the time-dependent CDF of the model pro- CR and to assess the reliability of the analysis results
jected series, and τm.f is the non-exceedance probability (Equations (4 and 5).
associate with the value at time t.
The corresponding modelled quantile (τm.f) in the ref- CI= ðλmax – nÞ=ðn – 1Þ ð4Þ
erence period can be found in the historical inverse CDF
(F m,r ) and the relative changes in quantiles between the CR = ðCI=RIÞ × 100 ð5Þ
reference and future periods is given by
ðt Þ − 1   where n is the number of objects compared in one stra-
F m,f τm:f ðtÞ x ðt Þ tum, and RI is the random index. Generally, the closer a
Δ m ðt Þ = − 1   = h m:f i ð2Þ
F m,r τm:f ðtÞ F −1 F
ðt Þ
x m:f ðt Þ CR is to zero, the more consistent it is thought to be. In
m,r m,f
this study, CR values <0.2 were permitted. More informa-
where the reference period is denoted by the subscript tion regarding the AHP procedure can be found in Saaty
r and the projected period is denoted by the subscript f. (1987). In this study, the survey was conducted by experts

TABLE 1 Details of the general circulation models (GCMs) from phase five of the coupled model intercomparison project (CMIP5)

No. GCMs Resolution Institution

1 CMCC-CM 0.750 x 0.748 Centro Euro-Mediterraneo per I Cambiamenti
2 CCSM4 1.250 x 0.942 National Center for Atmospheric Research
3 CESM1-BGC 1.250 x 0.942 National Center for Atmospheric Research
4 CESM1-CAM5 1.250 x 0.942 National Center for Atmospheric Research
5 BCC-CSM1-1-M 1.125 x 1.122 Beijing Climate Center, China Meteorological
6 MRI-CGCM3 1.125 x 1.122 Meteorological Research Institute
7 CNRM-CM5 1.406 x 1.401 Centre National de Recherches Meteorologiques
8 MIROC5 1.406 x 1.401 Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute (The
University of Tokyo)
9 HadGEM2-AO 1.875 x 1.250 Met Office Hadley Centre
10 HadGEM2-CC 1.875 x 1.250 Met Office Hadley Centre
11 HadGEM2-ES 1.875 x 1.250 Met Office Hadley Centre
12 INM-CM4 2.000 x 1.500 Institute for Numerical Mathematics
13 IPSL-CM5A-MR 2.500 x 1.268 Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace
14 MPI-ESM-LR 1.875 x 1.865 Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M)
15 MPI-ESM-MR 1.875 x 1.865 Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M)
16 FGOALS-s2 2.813 x 1.659 LASG, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese
Academy of Sciences
17 NorESM1-M 2.500 x 1.895 Norwegian Climate Centre
18 GFDL-ESM2G 2.500 x 2.023 Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory
19 GFDL-ESM2M 2.500 x 2.023 Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory
20 IPSL-CM5A-LR 3.750 x 1.895 Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace
21 IPSL-CM5B-LR 3.750 x 1.895 Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace
22 BCC-CSM1-1 2.813 x 2.791 Beijing Climate Center, China Meteorological
23 CanESM2 2.813 x 2.791 Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and
24 MIROC-ESM-CHEM 2.813 x 2.791 Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and
Technology, Atmosphere and Ocean Research
Institute (The University of Tokyo), and
National Institute for Environmental Studies
25 MIROC-ESM 2.813 x 2.791 Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and
Technology, Atmosphere and Ocean Research
Institute (The University of Tokyo), and
National Institute for Environmental Studies

in drought-related fields with more than 10 years of expe- 3 | D R O UG HT RI S K AS S E S S ME N T

rience at research institutes, universities, and engineering UNDER CLIMATE CHANGE
companies. Twenty-five responses were retrieved from
on/offline survey for a total of 30 experts (response rate: 3.1 | Definition of drought risk
83.3%). Based on the survey, the relative importance of
the assessment items was determined by applying a The definition of risk varies depending on the country or
17-point scale (16-grade classifications based on one the purpose of the risk assessment. For example, the
equivalence scale). United Nations International Strategy for Disaster

Reduction (UNISDR 2004) defines risk as a combination study, the DHI has estimated for different climate change
of risk to natural hazards and losses caused by vulnerabil- scenarios used a six-month time unit SPI (6), for the assess-
ity to humans. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate ment of mid- and long-term droughts in the NRB.
Change (IPCC 2007) defines climate change risk by com- The dry spell method was used to estimate drought fre-
bining the risk of natural disasters with the exposure and quency and ADS. The dry spell is a technique commonly
vulnerability of socio-economic factors. Although the used to analyse drought frequency and is used to count and
definition of risk may vary, many studies assess risk by analyse specific weather and hydrologic events based on
combining hazards (e.g., drought and flood), vulnerability daily or monthly data (Lee and Kim, 2013; Kim et al., 2014).
(socio-economic factors), and adaptability (infrastructure). To determine drought frequency, an SPI (6) <−1 was used,
Based on the various definitions of risk, this study defines and mean drought depth was determined by averaging
drought risk by combining the physical hazards of drought values of SPI (6) <−1. The sensitivity of our assumptions
with social and economic vulnerabilities caused by was analysed utilizing the generalized extreme value distri-
drought. To quantify this concept, drought hazard and vul- bution, facilitating the analysis of extreme hydrometeoro-
nerability were combined to determine the drought risk. logical data, with a 200-year return value from the SDF
In this study, evaluation indicators were divided into haz- curve determined by frequency analysis.
ards and vulnerabilities for future drought risk assess-
ments, and the feasibility and suitability of the indicators
were reviewed based on expert opinions of the evaluation 3.3 | Drought Vulnerability Index
items (Figure 2). Because the various indicators used to
assess drought risk have different units, a standardization To reflect the social and economic factors that may expe-
process is necessary. Here, the rescaling method was uti- rience ongoing effects from drought, the following indica-
lized; each factor was adjusted, based on its range rather tors were selected to determine the drought vulnerability
than the standard deviation, to values from 0 to 1. This index (DVI): PD, farmland area (FA), demand for munic-
rescaling process has the advantage of being able to com- ipal water (DMW), demand for industrial water (DIW),
pare the relative size of the data by listing the rankings and demand for agricultural water (DAW).
within the overall scope of the data. PD was investigated and collected by city and county
from 1993 to 2013, using data from the National Statisti-
cal Office (NSO; Five univari-
3.2 | Drought Hazard Index ate time series estimation models were used to predict
water supply demand for the projected population of
Indicators for calculating the Drought Hazard Index (DHI) each city and county. NSO data projects the future popu-
were derived using the drought index to determine drought lation by the city until 2040, and this rate of increase was
occurrence frequency (DOF), average drought severity used to determine population growth until 2060. After
(ADS), and probability drought severity (PDS). In this 2060, we assumed no population growth. FA data reflects

F I G U R E 2 Integrated drought
risk assessment. Three evaluation
indicators are used for drought
hazard analysis and five evaluation
indictors are used for vulnerability

the land forecast presented in the Agricultural Outlook of " # " #

n X
the Korea Rural Economic Research Institute (KREI) in DRIi,j =DHIi,j × DVIi,j = αk  H ki,j  βp  V pi,j ð8Þ
2016, set at ±1.5% of the reference demand scenario k =1 p=1

boundary, considering the decreased land area in 2020

(2.9% over 2015). The study assumes that S0 is the aver- where the subscripts i and j refer to the sub-basin number
age value of the hard land area, S1 is the average value of and each climate projection period (S0, S1, S2, and S3), and
farmland in 2011 and 2025, and S2 and S3 are the same k and p represent the number of evaluation items, αk and βp
as the 2025 FA. indicate the weights that are applied to each evaluation
Consultation with the Ministry of Environment and item in DHI and DVI analysis, respectively.
local governments regarding plans for the readjustment
of water supply in metropolitan and industrial areas was
used to determine the DMW. Using historical data, the 4 | RESULTS
future daily usage per person for each region was esti-
mated. DMW was calculated by multiplying the daily 4.1 | GCMs evaluation
usage for each person by their future target rate and mul-
tiplying the estimated population of each region by the To select the best GCM for future drought projections, four
per capita DMW. The population of each sub-basins was indicators (Case 1: average annual rainfall, Case 2: number
re-estimated as the NSO provided this information as an of dry days, Case 3: DOF, and Case 4: average drought
administrative unit. Demand in unwatered areas was cal- severity) were evaluated. In Case 3, a daily precipitation of
culated using the population of future feedwaters and the 0 mm was considered to be a dry day. The drought spell
undeveloped area water demand (215 L). Because future technique was applied to estimate drought frequency and
demand for groundwater cannot be predicted accurately, average severity in Cases 3 and 4, respectively. Because they
it was assumed to be the same as the groundwater have different dimensions, the results of the evaluation
demand in 2013 (KME, 2013). cases are standardized. For Cases 1 and 4 (2 and 3), the low-
Changes in the DIW were determined using the com- est (highest) values are given as one and the highest (lowest)
prehensive plan for long-term water resources (2011). as zero. Among 25 CMIP5 GCMs, IPSL-CM5A-LR, IPSL-
DIW for S0, S1, S2, and S3 were based on the assumption CM5A-LR, and IPSL-CM5A-MR project the most severe
that after 2025, the DIW will not increase, reflecting droughts into future; moderate droughts are projected by
trends in domestic and foreign industrial water demand, HadGEM2-CC, CMCC-CM, and HadGEM2-ES; and rela-
which have stabilized despite increased GDP. tively weak droughts are projected by CESM1-CAM5,
To determine DAW, a simulated system of repair facili- MIROC-ESM-CHEM, and CanESM2.
ties developed by the Korea Rural Community Corpora- Figure 3 illustrates the evaluation of future projections
tion was used to calculate the volume of catchment and for the drought in four cases by applying 25 GCMs for the
irrigation required. By analysing reservoir water balance RCP 8.5 scenario. In this study, representative GCMs were
and calculating the unit water volume, potential evapora- selected by compiling four cases. The results of the selected
tion was estimated considering the actual evaporation GCMs were the same for the RCP 4.5 scenario. Therefore,
yield calculation, infiltration quantity, and effective rain in this study, among the various climate change simulations
quantity. Then, DAW was estimated by multiplying suitable for future drought risk assessments, IPSL-CM5A-
the unit water quantity and required quantity by the LR, HadGEM2-AO, and CanESM2 were selected as repre-
farm-land area. Various climate change scenarios were sentative simulations for severe, moderate, and relatively
applied to reflect future weather conditions, and the aver- weak droughts, respectively.
age DAW value was used in each sub-basin for S0, S1, S2,
and S3.
Finally, the drought risk index (DRI) is calculated by 4.2 | Drought hazard assessment
multiplying DHI and DVI for future climate projections
(Equations (6–8)), To determine the DHI, the weighting results by AHP
were applied to the three evaluation indicators (DOF,
ADS, and PSD; Figure 4). Weighting factors based on
DHIi,j = αk  H ki,j ð6Þ
AHP analysis showed that DOF was the highest (0.458)
k =1
followed by ADS (0.286) and PDS (0.256; CR = 0.001).
m The weights given in Figure 4a were applied to reflect cli-
DVIi,j = βp  V pi,j ð7Þ mate change scenarios, and the DHI was calculated for
p=1 each future period and GCM.

Figure 5 shows the DHI under the RCP 4.5 and 8.5 the sub-basins of the NRB according to the selected
emission scenarios. For IPSL-SM5A-LR under the GCMs and RCP scenarios are summarized as follows.
RCP4.5 scenario, drought worsens (relative to S0) during For IPSL-CM5A-LR under RCP 4.5, DHI peaked at
S1 in the entire NRB and in the upper NRB during S3. 0.787 in the Milyang River basin (sub-basin ID: 2021) due to
Under the RCP 8.5 scenario, the NRB can expect severe a low DOF, at 0.477 in the Gaghwacheon basin (sub-basin
droughts during S1 and S3 as compared to S0. Under the ID: 2501) during S2, and at 0.654 in the Andong Dam basin
RCP4.5 and 8.5 scenarios, both HadGEM2-AO and Can- (sub-basin ID: 2001) during S3. For HadGEM2-AO, DHI
ESM2 project fewer droughts in the future. During S0, peaked at 0.582 in the Byungseongcheon basin (sub-basin
the Huang River basin (sub-basin ID: 2016) showed a ID: 2006) during S1, at 0.372 in the Taihua River basin (sub-
high DHI of 0.516. The detailed DHI analysis results for basin ID: 2201) during S2, and at 0.248 in the Nam River
Dam basin (sub-basin ID: 2018) during S3. For CanESM2,
DHI peaked at 0.442 in the Gaghwacheon basin (sub-basin
ID: 2501) during S1, at 0.259 in the Milyang River basin
(sub-basin ID: 2021) during S2, and at 0.306 in the
Gamcheon basin (sub-basin ID: 2010) during S3.
For IPSL-CM5A-LR under RCP 8.5, DHI peaked at
0.774 in the Andong dam downstream basin (sub-basin ID:
2003) due to a low DOF and PDS during S1, and at 0.589
and 0.851 in Gaghwacheon basin (sub-basin ID: 2501) dur-
ing S2 and S3, respectively. For HadGEM2-AO, DHI peaked
at 0.515 in the Andong Dam basin (sub-basin ID: 2001) dur-
ing S1, at 0.373 in the Byeongseongcheon basin (sub-basin
ID: 2006) during S2, and at 0.443 in the Milyang River basin
(sub-basin ID: 2021) during S3. For CanESM2, DHI peaked
at 0.527 in both the Nakdong Miryang (sub-basin ID: 2020)
and Milyang River basins (sub-basin ID: 2021) during S1, at
0.241 in the Andong Dam basin (sub-basin ID: 2001) during
S2, and at 0.258 in the Namhaedo basin (sub-basin ID:
2502) during S3.

4.3 | Drought vulnerability assessment

FIGURE 3 Assessment of the 25 CMIP5 GCMs under the RCP
8.5 scenario (2011–2099). Four cases (Case 1: average annual rainfall,
Case 2: number of dry days, Case 3: drought occurrence frequency, and
To determine the DVI, five detailed indicators (PD, FA,
Case 4: average drought severity) were considered to select the DMW, DIW, and DAW) were weighted using the factors
appropriate GCMs for future drought risk assessment. Boxplots show shown in Figure 4b. AHP analysis showed that DMW
the results for each case, and the violin plot combines the results of the had the highest weighting (0.322), followed by PD
four cases. The three representative GCMs selected for severe, moderate, (0.236), DIW (0.186), FA (0.166), and DAW (0.089;
and relatively weak drought conditions are shown on the violin plot CR = 0.091). Figure 6 shows that DVI is projected to

F I G U R E 4 Weighting factors
for the drought hazard index (DHI;
a) and drought vulnerability index
(DVI; b)

F I G U R E 5 DHI results and

projections for the time periods, S0:
1976–2005; S1: 2011–2040; S2:
2041–2070; and S3: 2071–2099
[Colour figure can be viewed at]

decrease into the future, and for most vulnerability fac- In summary, the Sooyoung River basin (sub-basin ID:
tors, the future periods are similar to S0. However, the 2302) has the highest historical DVI and is projected to
DAW is projected to decrease over time. have the highest DVI in the future. This is attributed to the
The Sooyoung River basin (sub-basin ID: 2302) had region's high DMW and PD because these factors carry a
the highest PD for the entire period (S0, S1, S2, and S3). high weighting. High DVI is also projected in the Geumho
During S0 and S1, the Changnyeong-Hapcheonbo basin River (sub-basin ID: 2012), Nakdong River estuary (sub-
(sub-basin ID: 2014) had PDs of 1,360 and 1,525 people/ basin ID: 2022), Taehwa River (sub-basin ID: 2201), and
km2, respectively, and during S2 and S3, the Nakdong Gangjeong-goryeong basins (sub-basin ID: 2011).
River estuary basin (sub-basin ID: 2022) had PDs of 1,538
and 1,463 people/km2, respectively (Figure 6a). Figure 6b
shows that the Naeseongcheon (sub-basin ID: 2004), 4.4 | Drought risk assessment under
Geumho River (sub-basin ID: 2012), Nam River Dam different climate change scenarios
(sub-basin ID: 2012), and Nakdong Milyang basins (sub-
basin ID: 2020) displayed high FA, the highest being the Figure 7 shows the results of the integrated DRI by com-
Naeseongcheon basin. Figure 6c shows that the bining DHI and DVI data compared to the past. For refer-
Sooyoung River (sub-basin ID: 2302), Geumho River ence period (S0: 1976–2005), the risk of the NRB was
(sub-basin ID: 2012), Nakdong River estuary (sub-basin average 0.085 (Coefficient of variation: 0.642, Interquartile
ID: 2022), and Nakdonggang South Sea basins (sub-basin range: 0.064); the highest risk was in the Geumho River
ID: 2504) displayed relatively high DMW during the (sub-basin ID: 2012, DRI: 0.254) and the relatively lowest
entire study period (S0, S1, S2, and S3), the highest being risk was in the Gumi-bo basin (sub-basin ID: 2009, DRI:
the Sooyoung River basin (sub-basin ID: 2302). Figure 6d 0.254). For IPSL-CM5A-LR, HadGEM2-AO, and Can-
shows projections of DIW. The Yeongdeokchen basin ESM2 under RCP 4.5, the DHI was high in most areas
(sub-basin ID: 2402) showed the highest DIW downstream of the Nakdong River, and DVI was high in
(50.9 billion ton/year) during S0, while the Taehwa River the Geumho River (sub-basin ID: 2012) and Sooyoung
(sub-basin ID: 2201), Geumho River (sub-basin ID: 2012), River basins (sub-basin ID: 2302). Consequently, these
and Hoi River basins (sub-basin ID: 2301) displayed rela- basins have the highest risk of drought in the future. These
tively high DIW during S1, S2, and S3. The Myeongcheon results are similar to the RCP 8.5 scenario.
(sub-basin ID: 2004), Geumho River (sub-basin ID: 2012), For IPSL-CM5A-LR during the S1 period under RCP
Namgang Dam (sub-basin ID: 2018), Nakdong Milyang 4.5, the risk of the NRB was found to increase by 21.8%
(sub-basin ID: 2020), and Nam River basins (sub-basin than the reference period to an average of 0.103
ID: 2019) all showed relatively high DAW during (Coefficient of variation: 0.760, Interquartile range:
the entire study period (S0, S1, S2, and S3), the highest 0.103), from a minimum of 0.011 to a maximum of 0.347.
being the Naeseongcheon basin (sub-basin ID: 2004; For the S2 and S3 periods, it was found a significant
Figure 6e). reduction in the risk of drought up to 28.9 and 20.7%,

F I G U R E 6 Results and projections of DVI indicators for S0: 1976–2005; S1: 2011–2040; S2: 2041–2070; and S3: 2071–2099 [Colour
figure can be viewed at]

respectively. The relatively high risk of the drought was (coefficient of variation: 0.704, interquartile range: 0.097)
the Sooyoung River (sub-basin ID: 2302) and Geumho ranging from 0.010 to 0.293. In the S2 period, the drought
River basins (sub-basin ID: 2012); the Sooyoung River risk is mitigated (average 0.076) and tends to be slightly
basin (sub-basin ID: 2302) had high DRIs of 0.347, 0.178, deepened in the S3 period (average 0.100). DRI was the
and 0.160 during S1, S2, and S3, respectively. In the highest in the Sooyoung River basin (0.307) during S3,
Geumho River basin (sub-basin ID: 2012), DRI during S1 followed by S1 (0.267) and S2 (0.228). DRI in the Geumho
was relatively high (0.347), as compared to S2 (0.176) and River basin was relatively high during S1 (0.293), followed
S3 (0.200). HadGEM2-AO and CanESM2 showed similar by S3 (0.288) and S2 (0.210). For HadGEM2-AO, the
results under RCP4.5. The Sooyoung River basin showed Sooyoung River basin had DRIs of 0.162, 0.125, and 0.168
the most significant risk change by the GCMs selection, during S1, S2, and S3, respectively, and the Geumho River
and in the IPSL-CM5A-LR, the drought risk for the S1 basin had DRIs of 0.167, 0.127, and 0.171, during S1, S2,
period was reduced by more than 53.4 from 0.347 to and S3, respectively. For CanESM2, the Sooyoung River
0.160. This change was similar for the S2 period (reduced basin had DRIs of 0.230, 0.085, and 0.052 during S1, S2,
risk by more than 40.4%). For the S3 period, the Geumho and S3, respectively, and Geumho River Basin had DRIs of
River basin was analysed as having a drought risk of 0.193, 0.079, and 0.056 for the periods S1, S2, and S3,
more than 42.0% difference from 0.200 (IPSL-CM5A-LR) respectively. In addition, as with the results of the RCP
to 0.116 (CanESM2). 4.5, Sooyoung River basin (IPSL-CM5A-LR, S1: 0.267;
For IPSL-CM5A-LR during the S1 period under RCP CanESM2, S1: 0.100) and Geumho River basin (IPSL-
8.5, the risk of the NRB was found to increase by 12.2% CM5A-LR, S3: 0.307; CanESM2, S3: 0.052) showed the
than the reference period to an average of 0.095 most significant risk change by the GCMs selection.

F I G U R E 7 DRI results and

projections for S1, S2, and S3 under
RCP 4.5 and 8.5 emission
scenarios. (a) Results of drought
risk assessment. (b) Percentile
change rate of DRI. For each panel,
the results were shown in the
percentile change rate to the
reference period (S0), and red
(blue) represents an increase
(decrease) in drought risk
compared to S0. S0: 1976–2005; S1:
2011–2040; S2: 2041–2070; and S3:
2071–2099 [Colour figure can be
viewed at]

Finally, eight evaluation indicators that contribute the severe drought occurs, and DRI determined in the S3 period
greatest to the determination of drought risk were analysed was analysed to have a relatively large effect on DVI rather
for the 33 sub-basins of the Nakdong River by the detailed than DHI. For the CanESM2 model, the longer the future,
factors in the DHI and DVI according to different climate the higher the influence of the DVI. For HadGEM2-AO, it
change projections (Figure 8). IPSL-CMSA-LR showed DHI can be seen in the RCP 4.5 scenario that the impact of DVI
higher than DVI in all periods (S1, S2, and S3), and Can- increases over the S3 period. Most models were found to be
ESM2 had a more significant DVI impact as it progressed to heavily influenced by the DHI in the S1, S2, and S3 periods.
S3. As the weight per indicator was set as AHP in the DRI However, for RCP 8.5 scenario-based CanESM2 and RCP
analysis, the effects of DOF and drought severity were rela- 4.5 scenario-based HadGEM2-AO, the impact of DAW was
tively large, and the DAW was greatly affected in the DVI. most significant as the future progressed. The reason why
DHI's influence was greater in IPSL-CMSA-LR, where DAW has contributed more to DRI than DHI in low and

moderate drought risk models is that CanESM2 and the SPI (6) to calculate drought frequency, probability, and
HadGEM2-AO models provide low and moderate levels of severity, and the DVI used PD, FA, DMW, DIW, and DAW.
droughts project an increase in average annual precipita- The DRI was then derived by combining DHI and DVI to
tion (especially during the S3 period) as shown in Figure 9, assess the future risk of drought in the NRB, Korea. The
resulting in a less drought risk by natural climate change results of the analysis can be summarized as follows.
and a relatively more contribution of DVI. DHI differed between GCMs. For example, IPSL-
CM5A-LR, which represented the extreme drought case,
projected an increase in severe droughts in the future under
5 | S UM MA R Y A ND both emission scenarios. Conversely, HadGEM2-AO and
C O N C L U S IO N S CanESM2, which represented moderate and low drought
conditions, respectively, projected that future drought and
Three CMIP5 GCMs were selected to assess future drought would be relatively moderate as compared to the recent
risk under different climate change scenarios by combining past. With the exception of DAW, the factors influencing
meteorological and socio-economic factors. AHP multi- DVI did not change markedly in the future.
criteria decision-making techniques and expert opinions Under the RCP4.5 scenario, the projected drought
were used to determine the validity and weight of the risk generally declined towards the end of the century.
selected factors. To assess the drought risk, the DHI used The DHI tended to be high downstream of the Nakdong

F I G U R E 8 Analysis of indicator contributions for determining DRI. The indicators that contribute the greatest to the determination of
drought risk were analysed for the 33 sub-basins of the Nakdong River by the detailed factors in the DHI and DVI according to different
climate change projections [Colour figure can be viewed at]

F I G U R E 9 Comparison of annual average precipitation during the three separated time periods according to the three GCMs with RCP
4.5 and 8.5 climate change scenarios [Colour figure can be viewed at]

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