ใบงาน Past Cont

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Name natthapaong sisod Class M.4/2 No.


Past Continuous Tense + V.ing

Functions : หลักการใช้
1. ใช้ กับเหตุการณ์ ท่ เี กิดขึน้ อย่ างต่ อเนื่องในอดีต

2.ให้พดู ถึงสี่ งที่กำลังเกิดขึ้งในอดีด (ระบุเวลา)

3.ใช้ กบ
ั 2 เหตุการณ์ ท่เี หตุการณ์ หนึ่งกำลังเกิดขึน้ และอีกเหตุการณ์ แทรก
4. ใช้ กบ
ั เหตุการณ์ ท่เี กิดขึน้ พร้ อมกันในอดีต
Structures: โครงสร้ างประโยค

Affirmative I/He/She/It + was + V.ing You/We/They + were + V.ing

(บอกเล่ า)
เช่น I/He/She/It was sleeping. เช่น You/We/They were sleeping.
Negative I/He/She/It + wasn't + V.ing You/We/They + weren't + V.ing
เช่น I/He/She/It was not eating. เช่น You/We/They were not eating.
Interrogativ Was + I/he/she/it + V.ing? Were + you/we/they + V.ing?
(คำถาม) เช่น Was I/he/she/it studying? เช่น Were you/we/they studying?
Short Yes, I/he/she/it + was. Yes, you/we/they + were.
(การตอบ) No, I/he/she/it + was not. No, you/we/they + were not.
Time expression: while, as, when, all day, all night, all morning,
at 4 o’clock yesterday morning, etc.

** When/While/As + past continuous (ใช้ กบั เหตุการณ์ที่เกิดขึ ้นก่อน)

เช่น When/While/As she was cooking dinner, the phone rang.
(was cooking is longer action than rang. การทำอาหารเกิดขึ ้นก่อนโทรศัพท์ดงั )

** When + past simple (ใช้ กบั เหตุการณ์ที่เพิ่งเข้ ามาแทรก)

เช่น Children were playing football when their mother called them.
Part A
Direction: put the verbs in brackets into the past continuous tense.
1. Children weren't wearing (not/wear) fancy dress costume at the party.
Name natthapaong sisod Class M.4/2 No. 17

They were (wear) jeans.

2. Were you making (you/make) cakes at 6 o’clock yesterday afternoon?
No, we weren’t. We were decorating (decorate) the house.
3. Tim wasn't working (not/work) at 1:00 yesterday. He Was eatting (eat) lunch.
4. Sue and Andy weren't having (not/have) a picnic at 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon. They
were visiting (visit) their grandparents.
5. Was Mark watching (Mark/watch) the fireworks display at 8 o’clock last night?
No, he wasn’t. He was watching (watch) a parade.
6. The sun was shining (shine) and the birds were singing (sing).
7. In 1985, we were living (live) in Canada.
8. It was rainning (rain), so we did not go out.
9. He was watching (watch) a movie at 10 o’clock last Sunday.

Part B
Direction: Look at the picture and complete the sentence.

(eat breakfast) (read a newspaper) (wash her car) (listen to music) (swim) (cook

she was washing her car

Example: At 9.45 __________________________.
1. At 11.45 she was swimming.
2. At 9 o’clock she was reading newspaper.
3. At 12.50 She was cooking food.
4. At 8.15 she was eatting breakfast.
5. At 10.30 she was listening to music.

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