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1.CAMP acts through:

a. Activation of protein kinase
b. Activation of adenylate cyclase
c. Increased Ca2+ released.
d.PIP3 pathway
e.opening of ion channels
A. Ref Guyton 14th Edition pp 924

2.The following is an example of peptide hormone

a.Parathyroid hormone
A.Ref Guyton 14th Edition pp 917

3.If pituitary gland is removed from its normal position,the levels of which hormone will rise ?
D. Ref Guyton 14th Edition pp 930

4.A 39-year-old man with an enlarged head, hands, and feet; osteoarthritic vertebral changes
and kyphosis.The patient is most likely suffering from a tumor in which of the following
a. Adrenal cortex
b. Anterior pituitary
c Breast
d. Hypothalamus
e.Posterior pituitary
B. Ref Guyton 14th Edition pp 937

5.A 29-year-old woman presents with paroxysmal episodes of headaches, anxiety, and
palpitations. The physician suspects an anxiety disorder, but orders laboratory studies to rule
out underlying disease. The laboratory findings of elevated urinary catecholamines suggest the
possibility of Pheochromocytoma.Which of the following is the hallmark of pheochromocytoma?
a. Dry skin
b. Hypertension
e. Weight gain
B. Ref Ganong 26th Edition pp 777

6.An abdominal computed tomography (CT) in a 50-year-old patient with Conn’s syndrome
(primary hyperaldosteronism) shows multiple small adrenocortical masses. Which of the
following clinical findings are most likely present?
a. Decreased extracellular fluid volume
b. Hyperkalemia
c. Metabolic alkalosis
d.Increased concentrating ability of the kidney
e.Increased hematocrit
C. Ref Guyton 14th Edition pp 971

7.A 59-year-old man is brought to his physician’s office by his wife. She reports that he has
been weak, nauseated, and urinates frequently. She has also noticed a fruity odor on her
husband’s breath. A urine sample is strongly positive for ketones and the finger-stick glucose is
high, leading to a presumptive diagnosis of diabetes.As a result of insulin deficiency, which of
the following will most likely occur?
a. Decreased fatty acid release from adipose tissue
b. Decreased alpha glycerophosphate in liver.
c. Enhanced glucose uptake and use except by brain.
d. Increased cellular uptake of glucose
e.Indirect depression of glucose utilization due to excess fatty acids in the blood
B. Ref Guyton 14th Edition pp 977+964

8.A 37-year-old woman presents with exophthalmus and an enlarged thyroid gland. The levels
of free thyroxine in her blood are elevated. Other clinical findings of Graves’ disease include
which of the following?
b. Bradycardia
c. Decreased sweating
d.Increased basal metabolic rate
e.Increased weight gain
C. Ref Guyton 14th Edition pp 946

9.Reason of diurnal variation in eosinophil count:

a. Variation in environmental temperature
b.Variation in cortisol levels
c. Bone marrow depression during night
d. Increased physical activity
e.variation in thyroxine levels
B. Ref Guyton 14th Edition pp 965+968
10.A 75-year-old woman with primary hyperparathyroidism presents at her physician’s office
with dehydration and malaise. Which of the following plasma levels are most likely to be
C. Ref Guyton 14th Edition pp 1001


With respect to hormonal changes during pregnancy, which of the following is the source of
estrogen and progesterone during the first 2 months of pregnancy?
a. Anterior pituitary
b. Corpus luteum
d. Placenta
e. Posterior pituitary
B. Guyton 14th Edition pp 1032

A 55-year-old woman is experiencing the signs and symptoms of menopause. Her gynecologist
discusses with her the possibility of hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Which of the following
are effects of postmenopausal HRT?
a. Increases the risk of osteoporosis
b. Reduces the incidence of hot flashes
c. Reduces the risk of breast cancer
d. Reduces the risk of coronary artery disease and stroke
e. Returns the menstrual cycle pattern to normal
B. Guyton 14th Edition pp 1041

A 29 year old woman delivers a healthy 8 lb baby girl without any complication.She begins to
produce and eject milk a few days later. Prolactin secretion is suppressed in a non pregnant
woman by which of the following?
A.Guyton 14th Edition pp 1058
A 15yr old boy presents for his annual physical examination.A thorough exam reveals
cryptorchidism unilaterally.The physician recommends surgery because of his concerns of
possible infertility in future.Which of the following best describes spermatogenesis?
a.Leydig cell secretion of testosterone requires FSH
b.LH acts directly on sertoli cells to promote cell division
c.Mature spermatozoa are present at birthbut can't be released till puberty
d.Spermatogenesis requires a temperature lower than internal body temperature
e. Spermatogenesis requires constant release of GnRH.
D.Guyton 14th Edition pp 1015

Increased LH secretion just before ovulation is mostly due to:

a.positive feedback by progesterone
b.positive feedback by estrogen
c.positive feedback by FSH
d.positive feedback by oxytocin
e.positive feedback by relaxing
B.Guyton 14th Edition pp 1039

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