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Summairze what have you learned on the following: (10 POINTS EACH)
A. Records Management System
B. Individual Performance Evaluation
D. Statement of Assets Liabilities and Networth
E. Community-Based Human Resource Management
F. Police Correspondence

2. Why is planning important in CSW?

3. “The purpose of the SALN is promote transparency in the civil service and to

establish a deterrent against government officials bent on enriching themselves through

unlawful means.” DISCUSS

4. Human rights are INTERTWINED: the absence of one negates the presence of the

others. DISCUSS

5. Why learning Gender and Development important?

6. The “standards of conduct and moral requirements” necessary to function effectively

within an organization or profession. What does that mean?

7. What do you think is the importance of promotion in PNP?

“Weakness of attitude, BECOMES weakness of character”

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