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Introduction to Literature

1. Rina Mariana (210512501012)

2. Nur Fadilla (210512500001)
3. Desy Wulandari Wiranto (120512500010)
4. Nur Fitriani (210512501011)
5. Imam Mahdi Hi Hisban (120512501010)
6. Muh. Iqbal Febriansyah HH (210512501007)
7. Nurul Wildani ( 210512501017)

The Garden of Love By William Blake


The Garden of Love is a poem written and engraved by the English poet William Blake
(1757-1827) who was the best writer of his time. The poem, entitled 'The Garden Of Love',
was written in the Romantic period between 1789 and 1794.


The title 'The garden of Love' attracts readers of the poem because the title seems to say
about something that is overflowing with love, something beautiful because of love. this title
sounds romantic.


The genre of this poem is Narrative Poetry. This poem tells the reader about the garden of
love that was lost and replaced by the chapel. The plot in this poem is when the poet finds
himself deprived of his pleasure because of something he has never seen. The characters in
this poem are the priest and the writer himself. The setting in this poem is where a chapel was
built. while this poem is a poem that is told in the first person point of view because it uses
the word 'I'.


The poem entitled 'The Garden of Love' consists of 3 stanzas where each stanza consists of 4
lines so that it can be concluded that this poem is in the form of a stanza quatrain. Each stanza
consists of 4 lines each where each line consists of 8 and 10 syllables, so the lines in this
poem are not the same length. The rhyme pattern in this poem is irregular, as in the first
stanza ABCB, the second stanza ABCC, and the third stanza ABAA. The first stanza in this
poem uses the trochaic tetrameter because each of the last 4 syllables is stressed. the second
stanza is where each of the last 3 syllables is stressed so that it is called a dactynlic trimeter,
while the third stanza does not have a different meter.

Subject or Topic

In this poem there is the word 'chapel' which is defined as a place of worship and relates to
religion, and the word 'garden of love' which is defined as happiness or freedom. so the
subject in this poem is religion and happiness.

This poem tells how a garden of love with flowers in it was replaced with a chapel and a
priest in it. Gives an understanding that happiness in the form of freedom will disappear after
the existence of religion in his life. Religion stifled his freedom so much that he could no
longer see happiness.


The theme in this poem is romantic and religion. We say this poem has a romance theme
because it tells about feelings of love that link God in it. feelings of love in the form of
happiness and freedom that are restrained by religion. After reading this poem over and over
again and understanding it carefully, the message in this poem is conveyed well. Taking the
word 'garden of love' as a parable of happiness/freedom is very appropriate while the
meaning of the word 'not' at the chapel gate has given the meaning that religion restricts its
freedom so that the author cannot see happiness anymore.

Sensorik Images

in this poem, the detail that appeals to my sense of sight is " And i saw it was filled with
graves, And tomb-stones where flowers should be". The detail that appeals to my sense of
sound is " And Priests in black gowns, were walking their rounds, And binding with briars,
my joys & desires." The detail that appeals to my sense of smell is " write over the door; So I
turned to the Garden of Love, That so many sweet flowers bore." In this poem the poet adds a
sense of taste to the phrase "That so many sweet flowers bore". In this poem the poet adds a
sense of touch to the sentences "A Chapel was built in the midst" and "And binding with
briars, my joys and desires. In this poem the poet emphasizes the sentences "I went to the
Garden of Love", "A Chapel was built in the midst", "Where I used to play on the green", "So
I turn'd to the Garden of Love", "And Priest in black gowns, were walking their rounds",
"And binding with briars, my joys and desires". The poet aims to describe and emphasize
feelings to the reader, so that everything the poet wants to convey can be conveyed properly.

Figurative Language

In the poem there is a metaphorical figure of speech in the sentence 'binding with briars, my
job and desire' because the word 'briars' which is an inanimate object binds a feeling. Simile
figure of speech on the word 'garden of love' which we interpret as happiness/freedom. There
is also a personafication figure of speech in the sentence 'That so many sweet flowers bore'
which describes the human characteristics of plants that do not make sense. The use of this
figure of speech is very influential in bringing the author's intention to life, adding color,
interest, and bringing the reader to increase his imagination. In the poem there is also a
symbol in the form of the word 'green' which is symbolized as a free and prosperous nature.
Allegorical poetry is poetry that tells about comparison and criticism, so 'The garden of Love'
is an allegorical poem because this poem provides criticism of religion and the church,
criticism of how religion restrains writers.

Tone/ use of sound devices

The poem is delivered in a melancholic tone, because it can be seen in paragraphs 3 and 4
which answer why the park is closed or not like it used to be.While the atmosphere created
after reading the poem is solemn accompanied by doubt. Tone changes all the time, example
of the line part of “And saw what I never had seen:” This shows a confused tone, then in the
next line, "A Chapel was built in the midst" shows an anxious tone.The alliteration in the
poem is found in the stanza "Thou shalt not" because there is a repetition of the more
dominant "T" consonant sound. The author uses the consonants in the poem which are found
in the verse "And binding with briers, my joys & desires." because there is a repetition of the
more dominant “s” consonant sound/word. Also "over the door" where there is a repetition
of the more dominant "r" consonant. The use of assonance is found in the verse "And saw
what" there is a sound / vowel word "a" which is more dominant.

The poem, entitled The Garden of Love, does not contain or use onomatopoeia or words that
describe a sound. Dissonance gives an impression into a poem in the form of an opposite
sound. After paying attention, this poem does not contain this element, namely the element of
dissonance. After observing, between the two sound patterns of euphony and cocophony, this
poem uses cocophony. Where the poem The Garden of Love tends to have words that are
consonant and sound closed so that you feel a commotion when you read them. Parallel in
poetry is used with the same word in each line. Then after being examined, in this poem there
is a parallel structure. It can be seen clearly in the third or last stanza, the repetition of the
word "and" at the beginning of each line of the poem. For repetition of stanza is not given in
this poem. There is a repetition of words in several lines. Seen very prominently, the
repetition of the word "and" in every line in the last stanza of this poem. Generally both of
these are used in poetry. Likewise with this poem entitled The Garden of Love. The rhyme
used in this poem uses free or irregular rhymes.


In this poem there is any contrast in people and personalities, marked by the words "I" and
"priests". In this poem, it is described as having the same place but with a contrasting
atmosphere. this is reflected in the sentence "And tomb-stones where flowers should be"
which turns the atmosphere of happiness into oppression. Another element of contrast in this
poem is when the author sees the chapel being built and the chapel gate is locked with the
words "not", which seems to contrast with the author's wishes and takes away his joy. The
effect of this contrast is that the author feels that what Priests did is a crime, which is marked
by the sentence "and binding with briars" the sentence seems to limit and restrain the author
in his activities.
Spesial Style Question

This poem does not use special techniques such as punctuation, capitalization or unusual
spacing. This poem includes normal poetry with basic techniques. The poem uses strong
words such as 'grave', 'priest', 'black' dress and 'briars'. This poem uses thou shalt not refer to
the notion that the prohibition in religion to enter a freedom. there are prohibitions and rules
in it so that freedom will not be open.

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