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Monday 23 August 2021 ** No 51,715 £2.


Misfiring Gunners Arsenal booed by fans after

team’s worst start to season in 75 years Sport


Johnson to
push Biden
on Afghan
will tell them, ‘We will see what we can
PM will put pressure on US do’.”
Asked if he had discussed delaying
president at G7 meeting to the withdrawal of troops with the Tali-
extend Aug 31 deadline for ban, Mr Biden said: “Obviously we’ve
troops to leave the country discussed a lot with the Taliban.
“They have been co-operative in
By Christopher Hope chief Political extending some of the perimeter [of the
correSPondent and Jamie Johnson airport]. It remains to be seen whether
we ask that question.”
BORIS JOHNSON will tomorrow per- Announcing the G7 meeting, Mr
sonally ask Joe Biden for a delay to Johnson said: “It is vital that the inter-
the withdrawal of US forces from national community works together to
Afghanistan. The Prime Minister will ensure safe evacuations, prevent a
put the US president on the spot in front humanitarian crisis and support the
of world leaders at an emergency G7 Afghan people to secure the gains of the
meeting tomorrow. last 20 years.”
Ministers have been pressing the US No 10 last night confirmed that
privately for days to consider delaying extending the withdrawal would be
the August 31 withdrawal and ease the raised at the video-link meeting of
pressure on Kabul airport, where thou- world leaders.
sands of Afghans who are trying to One No 10 source said: “The main
escape the Taliban are still gathered. focus of the G7 is on the long term of
Seven people died in a crush over the Afghanistan but they will of course be
weekend. discussing the current evacuation
The Daily Telegraph understands that effort.”
unless Mr Biden relents, UK troops are Mr Wallace yesterday signalled in a
due to start to withdraw from Kabul air- Sunday newspaper article that US
port towards the end of the week as forces “will have our complete support”
they are expected to step up efforts to if they are permitted to stay longer.
evacuate as many as 6,000 people. James Heappey, a junior defence

The UK government is now prepar- minister, confirmed yesterday that

ing for thousands of Afghans to try to requests for a delay had been raised by
flee the country through its land bor- both Dominic Raab, the Foreign Secre- A British soldier, any extension would have to be agreed gees to the UK since 2015. Officials from restrictions between Russia and its
ders with Pakistan, Iran, Turkmenistan, tary, and Ben Wallace, the Defence Sec- left, in conversation with the Taliban, who are controlling the UN High Commission for Refugees INSIDE Central Asian allies.
Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. retary with their counterparts in the with an American access to the airport. The only current oversaw the scheme on the ground, Foreign Office officials were last
Mr Johnson is expected to meet sen- Biden administration. Mr Raab spoke counterpart at contact with the Taliban is through the helping to screen cases for the UK, Reports night said to be trying to clarify Mr
ior Cabinet ministers today to discuss with US secretary of state Anthony Kabul airport Armed Forces on the ground. which was able to reject any refugee on Pages 4-6 Putin’s remarks. A source close to Ms
plans to set up “processing hubs” in Blinken on Saturday night. yesterday He added: “If the programme is security grounds. Patel told The Telegraph: “We will still
these countries before some refugees One UK government source said the extended, then there is the opportunity Under the scheme, Afghans would be Nick make sure we can help those in need.”
go to the UK. US was “in listening mode rather than to continue with flights. But the Taliban asked to prove they required urgent Timothy In an attempt to quell fears about an
However, last night Russian Presi- making any commitments”. He added: get a vote in that too, it’s not just a deci- medical treatment, were survivors of influx of unvetted people being flown
dent Vladimir Putin said he was “Biden seems pretty dug in”. sion made in Washington.” violence and torture or were women Page 16 into the country from Afghanistan, Mr
unhappy at the risk of letting extremists Any extension would mean more Thousands of Afghans are expected and children at risk. The alternative is to Biden said last night that “anyone arriv-
enter Russia via former Soviet countries Afghans can be saved, the source said. to try to head for the country’s land bor- prove they qualify for a scheme such as Editorial ing in the United States will have under-
that do not require visa checks. Foreign Office minister James Clev- ders if the exit route from Kabul airport the one for former interpreters who Comment gone a background check.”
Pressure is mounting on Mr Biden to erly last night said: “Obviously the more is closed by the Americans. Under Mr helped British forces. There was a further setback when
extend the deadline. Asked about the time we’ve got, the more people we can Johnson’s plans 5,000 Afghans and Explaining his unhappiness at the sit- Page 17 Turkey warned that it cannot handle
issue during a press conference last evacuate. That’s what we’re pushing their families would be flown from the uation, Mr Putin said: “Does that mean the burden of Afghan migrants. Recep
night, Mr Biden said: “There are discus- for.” neighbouring countries in the first year, they can be sent without visas to those Tayyip Erdoğan, the Turkish president,
sions going on about extending. Our Over the weekend more than 1,720 rising to 20,000 after that. countries, to our neighbours, while said: “A new wave of migration is inevi-
hope is that we don’t have to extend, but people were airlifted from Kabul by the The scheme – developed by Mr Wal- they themselves [the West] don’t want table if the necessary measures are not
there are discussions going on about Royal Air Force. A total of 5,725 individ- lace and Priti Patel, the Home Secretary to take them without visas? Why is taken in Afghanistan and Iran.
how far we are.” uals have been flown out since the oper- – would operate in a similar way to the there such a humiliating approach to “Turkey, which already has five mil-
Asked what he would tell G7 leaders ation began. Vulnerable Persons Relocation scheme solving the problem?” lion refugees, cannot take an additional
who pressed for a deadline, he said: “I However, Mr Heappey warned that which has brought 20,000 Syrian refu- Mr Putin noted there were no visa burden of migrants.”

Covid emergency means flu jabs Not wrong to be a Nimby, says

may not be effective this winter Government housing adviser
By Sarah Knapton Science editor tries closed their borders and imposed said: “We saw quite a big reduction in By Christopher Hope “Office for Place”, has helped to draw up increase the number of homes built
travel restrictions has also led to a 62 the labs supplying the genetic sequence chief Political correSPondent a design guide for builders to ensure every year from 240,000 to 300,000 by
THE influenza jab may fail to protect per cent drop in shipments of influenza data to WHO, and around September that new homes are in keeping with the middle of this decade.
people this winter because global Covid surveillance samples, experts warn. last year we saw a 94 per cent drop in NIMBYISM is an understandable “emo- their surroundings. He told a seminar Asked if Nimbys were a “problem”, Mr
surveillance prevented laboratories A mismatched flu vaccine, coupled the genetic sequence data that was tional” response from local communi- Boys Smith said: “A human response to
gathering data on the dominant flu vari- reported into the database. So this has ties to new homes on their doorsteps, a change to a place in which you live is nat-
Health experts were already con-
cerned that coronavirus restrictions
‘We saw quite a big
reduction in the labs
had a massive impact in the reporting.
“We could have reduced the oppor-
tunity to identify viruses as they
senior adviser to Robert Jenrick, the
Housing Secretary, has said.
Nicholas Boys Smith told the Bright
300,000 ural and to condemn that, as some devel-
opers do, as emotional, is to miss the
had left people with little natural immu- supplying the genetic emerge. We certainly have reduced the Blue think-tank seminar that people The number of homes that will be built “Humans are emotional and home is
nity to flu, but now they fear the vaccine opportunity to look at which vaccines were right to have an “emotional” every year by the middle of this decade, emotional. Where you live, where you
may also be mismatched to the virus. sequence data to WHO’ would give the best overall protection response to new homes and “no one according to a Government pledge bring up your children, where you go to
The World Health Organisation made and the best coverage of all the circulat- should condemn anyone for that”. see your mum – that’s an emotional
the recommendation about what to put with waning immunity, high levels of ing viruses. Nimbyism is shorthand for people thing. It should be emotional, and no one
in northern hemisphere jabs in late Feb- Covid and the NHS backlog, could “What we’re actually seeing is influ- who have a “Not In My Back Yard” that Nimbyism was a “human response should condemn anyone for that.”
ruary, but vaccine makers say that quickly lead to the health service being enza in geographical pockets, so it’s response to proposed new develop- to change” and will never go away Last month, Mr Boys Smith said that
global genetic sequencing of flu fell by overwhelmed this winter. very difficult to tell which one is going ments. because people are right to fight against he wanted new homes to be built “in
up to 94 per cent preceding the deci- Dr Beverly Taylor, at Seqirus, which to be the winner. We could see a mis- Mr Boys Smith, chairman of the unsightly development near them. beautiful and popular places ... we
sion. The cancellation of flights as coun- provides Britain with seasonal flu jabs, match for at least one of the subtypes. board advising the Government’s new The Government is committed to should demand nothing less”.

NEWS BRIEFING news news comment news business

Overtime for teachers Cambridge to ‘explain’ Jane Shilling Panda cars get a Corruption tsar calls
Puzzles 18 to do catch-up tuition white plaster casts Whitby’s Dracula rainbow makeover for clarity on subsidies
Obituaries 33 School teachers will be offered
overtime pay to carry out one-to-one
Cambridge University’s archaeology
museum is to add signs to explain the
hunters show the Police are using rainbow-coloured
patrol vehicles called “hate crime cars”
The Government risks distorting the
economy and encouraging cronyism
TV listings 35 tuition with pupils under the “whiteness” of sculpture plaster casts haunting power to encourage people to report unless it opens up its new subsidies
Government’s latest education as part of the Classics faculty’s incidents such as social media system to more radical transparency,
Weather catch-up plans. Head teachers will also anti-racist strategy. Plaster casts of
36 be allowed to apply for funds from the Roman and Greek sculptures on of fine comments. Deputy Chief Constable its own corruption tsar has warned. In

Department for Education (DfE) to display at the Museum of Classical

literature Julie Cooke said that the police insignia
and rainbow liveries would patrol
an open letter backed by transparency
groups and free market think tanks,
employ retired teachers as tutors, as Archeology and in lecture rooms give a Page 16 daily. Critics have said forces should John Penrose MP, urged Kwasi

9 *ujöeöu#yxcvyx* ÊÓËÄ
long as they meet the right quality “misleading impression” of the “absence focus on “real” issues such as knife Kwarteng, the Business Secretary, to
standards. Officials at the DfE are of diversity” of the ancient world, the crime and rape, with the latest figures publish all subsidies given with a value
drawing up a tranche of official Classics faculty has said. It has faced a showing poor prosecution rates. An of £500 or more. Currently, the
guidance on how the next phase of backlash from dons after it said it official police Instagram video has Government plans to publish only
catch-up cash can be spent. would install the signs later this year. been released explaining the livery. grants of more than £500,000.
Page 10 Page 3 Page 13 Business, page 27
2 *** Monday 23 August 2021 The Daily Telegraph


Facial recognition rollout criticised


Escapee caught hanging

about outside his prison
ment-appointed watchdog responsible ‘In a democratic society, it is groups have called for the use of the cameras should take into account any A man loitering around an open prison
Police and Home Office for policing CCTV cameras has also facial recognition cameras to be halted. potential adverse impact on protected was an escaped inmate, a court heard.
accused of bypassing warned that the guidance fails to spell imperative that intrusive The guidance follows a Court of groups, be justified and proportionate Anthony Cooke was spotted near
out safeguards to protect the public technologies are subject to Appeal ruling that the use of facial rec- and any unused biometric data should HMP Standford Hill on the Isle of
Parliament by approving from intrusive surveillance by police. ognition cameras by South Wales as a be quickly deleted. Sheppey in Kent on March 26.
wider use of technology Facial recognition technology maps effective scrutiny’ pilot scheme before rolling them out However, the campaign groups said it He made a “half-hearted” attempt to
faces in crowds based on the co-ordi- nationwide breached privacy rights and failed to set out any specific protections flee when an officer arrived, having
By Charles Hymas nates of features like the nose, eyes and scrutiny. Police and the Home Office broke equalities law. against the identified breaches and absconded from jail three hours earlier.
HOME AFFAIRS EDITOR mouth and compares them with images have, so far, completely bypassed Par- The case was brought by Ed Bridges, allowed intelligence gathering and use Cooke was jailed in 2012 after a
of people on a watchlist of suspects, liament on the matter of live facial rec- a civil liberties campaigner, who had of people’s social media images. double-shooting robbery attempt on a
THE Home Office and police have been missing people and other persons of ognition technology (LFRT). argued that the capturing of thousands Tony Porter, the former Surveillance tattoo parlour in Maidenhead, Berks.
accused of bypassing parliamentary interest to the police. If there is a match, “We are not aware of any intention to of faces by the Welsh force was indis- Camera Commissioner, who drafted a He was handed an indeterminate
debate on the rollout of facial recogni- officers are automatically alerted. subject LFRT plans to parliamentary criminate and disproportionate. 72-page set of guidelines, said the Col- sentence with a tariff of nine years.
tion by quietly sanctioning its wide- The guidance was published last week consideration, despite the intrusiveness On two key counts the court found lege’s redraft was simply the “bare Cooke pleaded guilty to escape from
spread use in new guidance. by the College of Policing during the par- of this technology, its highly controver- Bridges’ right to privacy under Article 8 bones” and “de minimis” – a legal term lawful custody at Maidstone Crown
In an open letter published today, 30 liamentary recess and without any sial use over a number of years, and the of the European Convention on Human describing something too small to merit Court, Kent, on Friday and was given
organisations say that the guidance announcement by it or the Government. dangers associated with its use.” Rights had been breached, and on consideration. another two months on his sentence.
allowing police, local councils and The 30 organisations, including Lib- They said it also flies in the face of a another it found that the force failed to “I don’t think it provides much guid-
enforcement agencies to deploy face erty, Privacy International and Amnesty call by the all party science and technol- properly investigate whether the ance to law enforcement [or] a great
recognition cameras across England International, said: “In a democratic ogy committee for the use of the cam- software exhibited any race or gender deal of guidance to the public as to how Pilot injured after two
and Wales ignores court rulings against society, it is imperative that intrusive eras to be suspended until a legal bias. the technology will be deployed,” he
“invasive” filming. A former govern- technologies are subject to effective framework is set out and agreed. The 30 The guidance said deployment of the said.
planes land ‘at same time’
A pilot was injured after two light
aircraft crashed after apparently
landing at the same time.
Listening in the A yellow biplane ended up on top of
rain Concert-goers the other aircraft on Friday afternoon
at Dunkeswell aerodrome near
wear Union flag Honiton, Devon.
waterproofs during The pilot, in his 60s, was not
a spot of rain at the seriously injured and the Air Accident
Castle Howard Investigation Branch has begun an
inquiry into the runway collision.
Proms, near York. A witness, Tom George, said both
Held in the gardens planes were “landing on the same
of the stately home, runway, approaching from the same
the outdoor picnic direction”.
An investigation by Devon and
concert ends with a Cornwall police has been launched.
rousing medley of
orchestral anthems, Man arrested after
popular classics homophobic attack
and songs from A man has been arrested on suspicion
musicals, played of assault following a homophobic
attack, as police look for two other
by the London suspects. A West Midlands Police
Gala Orchestra. spokesman said a 31-year-old handed
himself in after an incident in
Birmingham’s Gay Village.
Two men were attacked with bottles
in the early hours of Sunday Aug 15
after homophobic abuse by a passing
car’s occupants in Bromsgrove Street.
Officers are searching for Sohail Khan,
24, and Ishaaq Ayaz, 21, both from
Birmingham. Anyone with information
can contact police on 101, quoting log
552 of Aug 15, or call Crimestoppers
anonymously on 0800 555111.

Lucozade hampered by
lorry driver shortage
Lucozade is the latest product to be
affected by Britain’s lorry driver
shortage, after the closure last week of
nearly 50 Nando’s restaurants. A
spokeswoman for Suntory Beverage &
Food GB&I told The Grocer: “The
deliveries of our drinks to some
customers are being affected by the
shortage of HGV drivers.”
It comes as the Government faces
calls to grant 10,000 EU lorry drivers
visas. Rising transport costs have also

prompted fears that parents could face

higher toy prices and limited stock this
Christmas, while Waitrose warned
there could be a shortage of turkeys.

Children ‘terrified’ as
shots are fired at house
A house with a man, woman and two
young children inside was shot at on

Child arrests fall by 74pc as police opt for ‘soft justice’ Friday. Police are hunting a small black
hatchback seen in the area at the time.
Det Insp Bob Campbell said: “Shots
were fired indiscriminately with some
ricocheting off the wall into the
By Charles Hymas charging at more serious crimes instead number of youth arrests, with 79,681 Frances Crook, its chief executive, Nine police forces recorded reduc- garden. Children were playing in
HOME AFFAIRS EDITOR of landing children with a criminal detained in 2017 and 72,475 in 2019. said: “Every child deserves the chance tions of 20 per cent or more in 2020: gardens nearby and there were people
record for minor offences. It follows the disclosure last week to grow and fulfil their potential, and we Cheshire (24 per cent); Cumbria (33 per in the street. The gunman has no
CHILDREN are four times less likely to Police are now more likely to caution that the proportion of adult offenders must do all we can to ensure that they cent); Leicestershire (24 per cent); Mer- regard for anyone, including children,
be arrested than a decade ago, statistics children or opt for a community pun- not being taken to court has hit a record are not held back by a criminal record. seyside (22 per cent); Norfolk (34 per some of whom were really terrified.”
reveal, as police opt for “softer” justice ishment rather than seek to bring them one in six, with most being given com- “Police forces have made giant cent); Nottinghamshire (31 per cent); Mr Campbell said a window was
for the young. before the courts for crimes. munity resolutions where they apolo- strides, diverting resources to tackling South Wales (27 per cent); Suffolk (24 damaged in the attack in Burdiehouse
Police figures, obtained through free- Half a dozen police forces have also gise to their victims and in some cases serious crime instead of arresting per cent); and British Transport Police Drive, Edinburgh at 8.40pm on Friday
dom of information laws, show the launched “diversionary” schemes for offer compensation. children unne cessarily and this (22 per cent). and the car made off towards
number of children arrested has fallen drug possession where teenagers The campaign to reduce the number approach will help to make our commu- The largest force, the Metropolitan Southhouse Broadway.
from 245,763 in 2010 to 63,272 last year, caught with small amounts of cannabis of children arrested has been led by the nities safer. Police, made 13,599 child arrests in
a 74 per cent reduction. and even cocaine can avoid prosecution Howard League, which says it has “As we begin to emerge from the pan- 2020. This was a 4 per cent reduction
The Howard League for Penal if they agree to attend health and educa- helped to ensure that hundreds of thou- demic, and as police forces recruit thou- on the previous year and a 70 per cent Harrison Ford wishes
Reform, which compiled the figures, tion programmes. sands of boys and girls have not had sands more officers, the challenge now reduction on 2010, when 46,079 arrests
said police were targeting arrest and It has led to a downward trend in the their lives blighted by a criminal record. is to build on this success.” were recorded.
retiring firefighter well
A member of the London Fire Brigade
was given a retirement present he is
Khan travels in
three-car convoy to
SNP’s attacks on Westminster unlikely to forget – a surprise visit
from Harrison Ford.
The brigade’s Blue Watch had just

take dog for a walk are ‘harming its campaign’ finished roll call at around 8pm on
Saturday evening when the Star Wars
actor got out of a car that happened to
stop outside the station. Ford, 79, spoke
By Tony Diver By Simon Johnson dren were old enough to understand, with Andrew Shaw for a while and
POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT SCOTTISH POLITICAL EDITOR but her condition was made public by wished him well with his retirement.
“dark forces in the party”. After the encounter, station officer
SADIQ KHAN has been accused by a THE SNP leadership’s attacks on West- Ms MacDonald, also a former SNP Ryan Osborne said: “It was a pleasure
minister of “hypocrisy” after he was minster are damaging its independence deputy leader, succeeded in being to be able to say farewell to Andrew on
spotted in a convoy of three cars that campaign, the party’s former deputy elected as an independent in the 2003 his last shift with the impromptu help
drove him miles across London to take leader has said. election despite the leak. She died aged of Han Solo.”
his dog for a walk after raising conges- Jim Sillars said Nicola Sturgeon was 70 in 2014.
tion charges for other drivers. wrong to believe she could increase The SNP frequently accuses West- Lotto
The Labour Mayor’s office issued a support for separation with a “manufac- minster of ignoring or insulting Scot- 17 | 18 | 27 | 28 | 35 | 57 | B/Ball 51
report last week that warned of the dan- tured grudge and grievance” agenda land, with the party recently claiming it
gers of car pollution in the capital, and that depicted Westminster as “an anti- had been “shafted” by the Brexit deal Thunderball
pointed to policies like the expansion of Scottish institution”. and Ms Sturgeon claiming Boris John- 17 | 34 | 37 | 38 | 39 | T/Ball 14
London’s ultra-low emission zone, Instead, he said such an approach son was launching a “full-scale assault” No ticket holders won Saturday’s £4 million National

Lottery jackpot and no winners scooped the £500,000

which charges non-compliant vehicles would only antagonise the Unionist on devolution. Thunderball.
£12.50 per day to drive in the capital. supporters the SNP needed to win over Although the modernised SNP no
But Mr Khan appeared to take an as they did not view the UK Parliament longer explicitly attacks the English,
unnecessary car journey to Battersea as “a malign anti-Scottish force”. concerns have previously b e en
Park last Thursday, despite living within Writing in his forthcoming autobiog- expressed that the party is using “West-
walking distance of one of London’s raphy, Mr Sillars said UK ministers do minster” as a proxy term for this. is a member of the
largest green spaces, Tooting Common. not sit in their offices in London “think- Writing in his autobiography A Dif- Independent
Paul Scully, the minister for London, ing of how to shaft Scotland” and ference of Opinion, Mr Sillars said: “I Press Standards
said: “It’s in everyone’s interest to pro- argued the party would be better served don’t think we should exaggerate the Organisation (IPSO) and we subscribe
mote walking, cycling and public trans- trying to understand why people voted undertone of anti-Englishness that to its Editors’ Code of Practice. If you
port, but lecturing Londoners whilst “no” in 2014. exists in Scotland, but it is there and the have a complaint about editorial
driving in a three-car convoy for a dog The former MP, who served as Alex grudge and grievance tactic of the SNP content, please visit www.telegraph.
walk is the height of hypocrisy.” Salmond’s deputy in the 1990s, also leadership does play to it and keeps it or write to
A spokesman for Mr Khan said: “The accused a senior SNP figure of leaking alive.” He said the attacks on Westmin- ‘Editorial Complaints’ at our postal
Mayor receives round-the-clock protec- his late wife’s diagnosis of Parkinson’s ster fire up “the party but does it serve address (see below). If you are not
tion from the Metropolitan Police in line disease in a failed attempt to “sink her the nation’s interests? I think not. I am satisfied with our response, you may
with the assessed threat to his safety.
Time watch Slides taken in the 1970s of Hill House, by campaign” for Holyrood. not sure that it serves the independence appeal to IPSO at
“Due to the sensitivity of their nature, Charles Rennie Mackintosh, in Helensburgh, have given Mr Sillars said he and Margo Mac- movement either.”
it would be inappropriate to comment the National Trust for Scotland new insight into its history. Donald had hop e d to delay the The SNP did not respond to request The Daily Telegraph, 111 Buckingham
on the detail of those arrangements.” announcement until their grandchil- for comment. Palace Road, London, SW1W 0DT
The Daily Telegraph Monday 23 August 2021 ** 3


Cambridge explains ‘whiteness’ of plaster casts

restored, and to the “role of classical which called for “public acknowledge- ‘The idea “harassment and micro-aggressions
Anti-racism strategy to sculpture in the history of racism”. The ment of the problems of racism within and how to combat them” by running a
address colour of material new information panels are due to go on classics and the need for active anti-rac- that this series of “race awareness” sessions.
display later this year. ist work within our discipline”. The let- has been All classics faculty members should
used to make replicas of Ancient statues, and therefore the ter, signed by dozens of students, be given “implicit bias training” every
ancient marble sculptures plaster casts, are predominantly white alumni and some staff members, made approved three years and this should be moni-
because white marble was the main a series of demands including “an by the tored through the appraisal process, the
By Camilla Turner material sculptors had access to. acknowledgement of the existence of document adds.
EDUCATION EDITOR But the plans have prompted a back- systemic racism within classics”. faculty The action plan notes that engage-
lash among dons who say the move is From the start of this academic year, is as ment with the “problematic past and
CAMBRIDGE’S archaeology museum is “unhinged” and “extraordinary”. One dons will be encouraged to include present of classics” has been insuffi-
to add signs to explain the “whiteness” academic told The Daily Telegraph: “content warnings” in material on terrifying cient, in particular its relationship to
of sculpture plaster casts as part of the
classics faculty’s anti-racist strategy.
“The idea that this has been approved
by the faculty is as terrifying as it is
courses and lecturers will be encour-
aged to include these before lectures.
as it is “ imperialism, colonialism and
entrenched racism”.
Plaster casts of Roman and Greek comical. It is so easy to laugh at this but From October, new training will be comical’ Dr Arif Ahmed, a fellow at Gonville
sculptures on display at the Museum of in laughing it is easy to overlook how rolled out to classics tutors in how to and Caius and lecturer in philosophy,
Classical Archeology as well as around extraordinary it is that one of the finest discuss sensitive topics and a review said the “only criteria” for putting some-
lecture rooms give a “misleading humanities departments in the Western Greek sculptures sity would be limited. Academics in the will be launched into all language used thing on a reading list should be its aca-
impression” of the “absence of diver- world is putting this stuff out with an in Cambridge faculty are understood to be aghast at in course titles and materials. demic merit. “I have a general concern
sity” of the ancient world. official institutional stamp.” University’s the proposals published last month as All new and existing courses will that actually there is a threat of diluting
The classics faculty has said it will Another academic pointed out that Museum of part of an “action plan” to combat accu- be reviewed to ensure there is sufficient the academic interest and value of an
“turn the problem into an opportunity” since the museum’s 600 plaster casts of Classical sations of racism. “diversity” on reading lists and bibliog- issue because of current political
by drawing attention to the diversity of Roman and Greek statues are largely Archaeology The plan was drawn up in response to raphies. trends,” he said. “Universities don’t
those figured in the casts, to the ways in depictions of Romans and Greeks, the an open letter written last summer to The action plan also contains a pledge exist for any political purpose, even a
which colour has been lost and can be opportunities to highlight their diver- the chair of the classics faculty board to work on promoting awareness of laudable one like anti-racism.”

Telegraph helps matchstick man Philip Warren,

above, began
making matchstick
models of military
matchboxes, a razor blade and glue to
make the scale 1:300 models, which he
has been constructing since the age of 17
and exhibiting for six decades.

keep his model hobby shipshape ships in 1948 and

said he ‘counts
himself very, very
lucky’ to still be
Since he started he has constructed
more than 250 Royal Navy ships includ-
ing HMS Ark Royal, HMS Belfast and
HMS Sheffield as well as many Ameri-
doing his pastime at can vessels and those of other nations,
By Olivia Rudgard around 300 wooden matchboxes, made from aspen wood, to make the the age of 90 building a total of 484 models and using
which he has now used to construct a hulls and decks of the boats. But over a million matchsticks.
AFTER 72 years making intricate three-foot model of the Gerald R Ford matches began to be sold in cardboard, At the age of 90 he can still do the
matchstick models of military ships, US aircraft carrier. rather than wooden boxes, in the 1980s intricate work, which includes painting
Philip Warren was running out of raw Mr Warren said: “When I started and 1990s, limiting Mr Warren’s supply. inch-long aircraft with tiny Royal Navy
materials. doing this in 1948, there were many Luckily, the colourful images used to lettering, and plans to continue until he
But after the 90-year-old from Dorset more people using matches and match- decorate the wooden boxes meant they sees the quality of his work drop.
was featured in The Daily Telegraph boxes all the time. So there were liter- had become collectors’ items, with “It’s depending totally on the state of
appealing for more wooden match- ally hundreds of them just lying about. some fans amassing tens of thousands. my health – the dexterity of my fingers
boxes, his life’s work was saved by gen- “Matches aren’t a problem because When they heard of his plight last they’re mostly grandad’s, or so on, and carrier, Mr Warren made a two-foot and the keenness of my eye.
erous readers – and he has added three they are still useful for people camping year these collectors and their families were up in the attic for years, and they model of the new Type 26 Royal Navy “I count myself a very, very lucky
brand new model warships to his col- and things like that, as well as smokers. began sending him spare boxes, which wonder what to do with them. frigate and a 10-inch model of the HMS man that at my age I can still do it,” he
lection, currently on exhibition in Wey- But I would imagine the sales are only a he is rationing to ensure supply. “Luckily, [these] collectors kept the Trent offshore vessel using the donated Mr Warren said.
mouth in Dorset. fraction of what they were years ago.” “Generally speaking, not the collec- whole box, not just the label,” he said. boxes. He has around 150 boxes left. The exhibition at Nothe Fort contin-
Collectors and their families sent him He uses the traditional thin boxes, tors themselves, but their relatives – As well as the Gerald R Ford aircraft He uses nothing but matchsticks, ues until September 12.

Extremely rare Welsh flower grazed to Scientists may have found secret ingredients
near extinction blooms again in Snowdonia behind the special sound of a Stradivarius
By Olivia Rudgard first identified in the 1880s and declared By Joe Pinkstone tor, Nicola Amati, and two violins from
ENVIRONMENT CORRESPONDENT a species in the 1950s. SCIENCE CORRESPONDENT Giuseppe Guarneri, another Amati
Before they were rediscovered they apprentice who worked in Cremona.
A RARE Welsh flower eaten almost to had last been recorded in 1953. SINCE the 18th century, violin makers Chemical analysis of the fragments,
extinction by grazing sheep has made a Conservationists have since removed have desperately sought to re-create ranging in age from 400 to 270 years old
comeback in Snowdonia after conserva- sheep from the immediate vicinity and the unrivalled sound of a Stradivarius and weighing no more than 0.3 grams,
tionists removed the animals from the collected the plant’s seeds as an insur- instrument. revealed all the craftsmen treated their
area. ance policy. Now, almost 300 years later, they wood before they started building.
The Snowdonia hawkweed, one of Mr Blackhall-Miles added: “It’s now may finally have found a way. Amati, the originator of the method,
the rarest plants in the world, had been safe where it is. It’s been brought into Scientists trying to unlock the secrets coated his materials in borax as well as
thought to be extinct for almost five the National Botanic Garden of Wales to the violins’ exceptionally smooth zinc and copper sulphates, the scien-
decades. But in 2002 a team of botanists Botanists thought the Snowdonia for conservation and is being protected sound have found that a special coating Italian Antonio Stradivari made around tists found, which Prof Nagyvary says
spotted the plant clinging to a cliff away Hawkweed had been extinct for decades in the wild. of salt and potash could be the answer. 1,200 violins during the 18th century was to prevent worm infestation.
from grazing sheep and began conser- “It would be great to see them again Modern manufacturing methods “Borax has a long history as a pre-
vation efforts to revive it. it’s just another dandelion. In 2002 we in all seven sites where it used to grow have thus far been unable to produce a University, obtained four extremely servative, going back to the ancient
The perennial, also known as Hiera- were down to three plants but by 2021, but you’d have to control grazing for violin to match the sublime sound pro- rare wood shavings from Stradivarius Egyptians, who used it in mummifica-
chium snowdoniense, has now doubled six have been seen. that to happen.” jection and quality of Italian master violins which were undergoing restora- tion and later as an insecticide,” Prof
its numbers from three to six after two “After the Second World War, sheep Earlier this year the plant was also Antonio Stradivari, who made around tion work to their maple backs and Nagyvary said.
decades. were left to roam the landscape and not featured in Sherlock Holmes drama The 1,200 violins during the 18th century spruce tops. Amati’s descendents within his
It can now be found on mountains regulated by shepherds as they had Irregulars on Netflix, where it was cred- before his methods were lost to history. Such samples are in short supply due multi-generational instrument-making
near Bethesda in Snowdonia and at the been historically. ited with properties which brought a In an attempt finally to solve one of to the scarcity of surviving instruments family adapted and intensified the con-
National Botanic Garden of Wales in “And if you’re sheep, you’re not going dead man back to life. the greatest musical puzzles, Prof and the reluctance to remove wood coction because they realised the treat-
Carmarthenshire. to eat boring grass but nutritious flow- While this power was a fictional Joseph Nagyvary, Emeritus Professor at from multi-million pound violins. ment also improved sound.
Robbie Blackhall-Miles, a consultant ers, so herbs like the Snowdonia hawk- invention, it has traditionally been used Texas A&M University and the doyen of These samples were analysed along- The new study is published in the
botanist, who is based in Snowdonia, weed got eaten.” as a treatment for respiratory and kid- Stradivarius research, along with Dr side four Stradivari cellos, a cello and journal Angewandte Chemie Interna-
said: “If you’re Joe Public, you’d [think] The sunshine-yellow flowers were ney problems. Hwan-Ching Tai at the National Taiwan viola made by Stradivari’s possible men- tional Edition.
4 *** Monday 23 August 2021 The Daily Telegraph


Clockwise from left,

medical staff helped
deliver the baby in
the plane’s cargo
hold at Ramstein air
base in Germany;
an Afghan family
arriive in Chaman,
Pakistan after
fleeing the country;
Sir Laurie Bristow,
the UK’s
to Afghanistan,
speaks with
members of 3 PARA
in Kabul


Woman gives birth on US evacuation plane

By James Rothwell and an Intermediate Staging Base in the came as the US ordered civilian airliners children ask. I wonder how I will get ban had imposed some order at the air- “aiming to improve the situation” for
Suddaf Chaudry Kabul Middle East, the mother went into to assist in the evacuation effort and the more,” she said. “If we move from our port, with Afghans put into queues. people trying to leave.
labour and began having complications. UK said seven Afghans had died in the location we will be further away from Taliban soldiers have also been firing The Pentagon said on Sunday that 18
A QUICK-THINKING US pilot helped The aircraft commander decided to crush outside Kabul airport, where the front.” shots into the air and wielding batons in civilian aircraft from US airlines, includ-
to  save the life of an Afghan woman descend in altitude to increase air pres- thousands have been desperately trying One man, holding bloodied docu- an attempt to restore order. ing American Airlines and Delta Air-
who gave birth on board an evacuation sure in the aircraft, which helped save to flee the country. ments, told Euronews that his wife had French military planes over the lines, were being ordered to assist in
flight from Kabul by lowering the the mother’s life.” In a statement the defence ministry been shot dead as they tried to enter the weekend fired flares as they took off evacuation efforts. President Joe Biden
plane’s altitude. Giving birth at high altitude can be said: “Conditions on the ground remain airport. “I went to the airport with my from Kabul airport, a precaution against yesterday confirmed civilian airlines
The US Air Mobility Command said dangerous for both mother and child extremely challenging but we are doing wife and brother with our two kids. We being fired at with missiles. may be ordered to help get people out
that the woman, who has not been iden- because of the low oxygen levels. everything we can to manage the situa- took all of our documents with us… Antony Blinken, the US secretary of of Afghanistan.
tified, went into labour and had compli- After the C-17 landed at Ramstein air tion as safely and securely as possible.” they fired at people,” he said. state, says that 8,000 people have been There are mounting concerns that
cations shortly before the US C-17 jet base, US soldiers boarded the plane and A mother outside the gates told The “My kids and I were injured. They evacuated from Afghanistan via 60 Islamic State terrorists are planning to
touched down at Ramstein air base in assisted in delivering the baby inside Telegraph that she was worried she shot my wife. I’m left with my two chil- flights in the past 24 hours, the highest launch attacks on Western civilians as
Germany. She subsequently gave birth the cargo bay. “The baby girl and would run out of water in the blister- dren – what am I supposed to do now?” figure so far. they gather at the airport. Jake Sullivan,
to a baby girl. mother were transported to a nearby ingly hot conditions. he said, and broke down in tears. A Taliban official said on Saturday the White House national security
A spokesman for the military unit medical facility and are in good condi- “We have two bottles of water left, I However, yesterday eyewitnesses that security risks could not be ruled adviser, said yesterday that the threat
wrote on Twitter: “During a flight from tion,” Air Mobility Command added.It have to be so careful every time my two told Reuters news agency that the Tali- out. But they added that the group was was “real, acute and persistent”.

Trump’s Doha agreement was a retreat dressed as peace deal, and it

means the Taliban will be celebrating on the 20th anniversary of 9/11
government from negotiations. From were then free to attack fellow Afghans ANSF morale and further encouraged activists seemed aimed at silencing opposite: behind the scenes, they were
Analysiss those talks emerged the bilateral again from March 1 2020 onwards. the Taliban. One of many soldiers and voices and removing civic opposition rallying fighters to re-take and
US-Taliban deal signed in February Khalilzad’s strategy boosted Taliban police interviewed by Andrew Quilty ahead of any attempted takeover. establish a new emirate in Afghanistan.
2020 in Doha, a Trump-era agreement morale. It gave them legitimacy on the in summer 2020 gave a typical All through this time, Khalilzad’s When President Biden announced
that Biden inherited. international stage, leant not only by account: “The Taliban aren’t stressed assumption that the Taliban were on April 14 2021 the full, rapid and
To get that deal, Khalilzad prised the US but all the other countries about air strikes anymore,” said the pursuing a negotiated peace informed unconditional withdrawal of US forces,
By Kate Clark vague promises from the Taliban – on whose diplomats flocked to Doha. deputy commander of an ANP check not only US policy but also that of its he tied it to a US domestic political
their dealings with al-Qaeda and other US planning appeared not to have post on the highway south of

allies. Internationally, many event – the 20th anniversary of
t seems likely that the 20th international jihadist groups, to begin allowed even for the possibility that Maidanshahr. “They walk around in institutions were commissioned to al-Qaeda’s 9/11 attacks. As so often,
anniversary of al-Qaeda’s 2001 talking to the government – and just the Taliban might be playing a double the open with their weapons… They’re look into “post-peace” scenarios – America’s Afghan policy was pegged to
attacks on the US – the event that one strong commitment: that they game – going along with the very relaxed, checking everyone studies looked at how a future what might sound good to a domestic
brought the American military to would not attack the US and “its allies”. negotiations, while actually intent on a slowly and carefully.” constitution might work, at US audience rather than its
Afghanistan – will be remembered for In return, the US conceded a swift military solution, or that they might That last quarter of 2020, just after “disarmament, demobilisation and consequences for Afghanistan. That
the start of the second Taliban emirate. timetable for the withdrawal of redouble their efforts to capture “intra-Afghan talks” had finally begun reintegration”, women’s rights, the gave the Taliban a timetable for action.
Just how fundamentally flawed US international troops, that the Afghan Afghanistan by force once the inter in Doha, was the most violent of any economy and development. It means that on September 11 2021, not
Special Representative for Afghanistan government would release 5,000 national forces left. last quarter that the United Nations But the Taliban’s attitude to the only the Taliban but also the various
Zalmay Khalilzad’s strategy for Taliban prisoners, and that it would After Doha, for example, the US Assistance Mission in Afghanistan had intra-Afghan talks showed every sign violent jihadist groups in the world
negotiating with the insurgents was is cease attacks on the Taliban. The US pressured the Afghan National monitored. Over the winter, there was of their “running down the clock”, of will be celebrating the 20th
now laid bare. It was driven by the US also agreed to work for United Nations Security Forces (ANSF) to take an also a campaign of unclaimed – but it avoiding any discussion of substantive anniversary of al-Qaeda’s attacks and
desire to withdraw its troops, meaning sanctions to be lifted. “active defence” stance, i.e. the ANSF seemed clear, largely Taliban- issues and wasting time until foreign rejoicing in the second defeat of a
the US had given away its bargaining The Doha agreement bound the US would take, at most, pre-emptive perpetrated – targeted killings of forces left. Despite warm words from superpower by Afghan “mujahideen”.
chip before it came to the table. More and the Taliban not to attack each action. The ANSF was forced to wait off-duty ANSF, judges and lawyers, the Taliban in Doha, on the ground,
dangerously, it gambled on the Taliban other while international troops passively for the Taliban to attack them government officials, journalists and there were no signs that the Taliban Kate Clark is co-director of the
wanting to negotiate an end to the war withdrew. There was to be no and could only watch as the Taliban activists, in Kabul and other cities. It were preparing for compromise. The Afghanistan Analysts Network and this
rather than try for military victory. ceasefire. Rather, the US had extracted consolidated territory and spoke of the appeared to be a systematic exercise to leadership did not embark on the sort article is republished from their website
Stemming from that came just a 10-day period when violence coming victory. Along with the dishearten the ANSF, a demonstration of work it would have to have done if it with permission. In 2001, the Taliban
Khalilzad’s caving in to Taliban generally was reduced in the run-up to withdrawal of US air support, the that, even in the capital, there was no had wanted to prepare for an end to expelled her from Afghanistan, where
demands to exclude the Afghan the deal being signed. The Taliban active defence stance was a disaster for place of safety. Killing journalists and the “armed struggle” – quite the she was the BBC’s correspondent
The Daily Telegraph Monday 23 August 2021 *** 5


Islamists begin assault on resistance fighters

commanders had given the order to ance fighters recaptured three districts sia’s ambassador to Kabul. US officials lapsed in the face of the Taliban’s light- hard war because the people of Panjshir
Taliban commanders attack. from the Taliban in northern provinces, are said to be “wary” of supporting the ning-speed takeover over the country, are going to fight to the very last breath,”
In a post on its Arabic-language Twit- which has created a dilemma for the rebels because Washington is relying though several thousand soldiers he said.
order attack on rebels in ter account, the Taliban said “hun- United States over whether it should on the Taliban to secure Kabul airport remain on the battlefield. According to the Pentagon, the rem-
province of Panjshir after dreds” of fighters were heading to offer military support. as evacuations continue. Many have moved to the north-east- nants of the Afghan army are not oper-
peace talks failed Panjshir after peace talks with the In the first major clashes since Any perceived US support for the ern Panjshir valley where they continue ating as “functional” units and there are
rebels failed. Afghanistan fell to the Taliban, the rebels could jeopardise a fragile agree- the fight. doubts that they will prove to be an
By James Rothwell and If the Taliban manage to seize control rebels claimed to have driven the insur- ment with Taliban leaders who are Among them is former Afghan vice- effective resistance movement.
Suddaf Chaudry in Kabul of Panjshir, a narrow and near-impene- gents away from the Pul-e-Hesar, Deh- allowing Americans safe passage to president Amrullah Saleh, who claims Analysts say low morale – which was
trable valley which lies 100 miles north e-Salah and Bano districts. Kabul, US military officials told The New to be the leader of a unified anti-Taliban compounded by the US withdrawal of
TALIBAN fighters last night launched of Kabul, it would be the first time they The fighters, who are believed to be York Times. movement. forces – was a key factor in so many
an assault on the north-eastern prov- have done so. remnants of Afghan security forces, The New York Times added that the Over the weekend, The Daily Tele- Afghan troops surrendering their posts
ince of Panjshir in a bid to crush resist- The valley was never captured dur- also said they had killed at least 30 Tali- resistance fighters had not made graph interviewed one of the rebel and weapons to Taliban fighters.
ance fighters who recently captured ing the Taliban’s first reign, thanks to ban soldiers and captured a dozen oth- any requests for US military support, commanders, Ahmad Massoud, the The removal of US air support from
three districts in the area. the resistance of warlord Ahmad ers. such as airstrikes, and that none had Sandhurst-trained and King’s College Afghanistan, in particular, is said to
A source familiar with the Taliban’s Shah Massoud, who was backed by the The Taliban offered to negotiate with been offered publicly by the US govern- London-educated son of the fighter have convinced Afghan soldiers that
military operation confirmed to The West. the rebels about a political agreement ment. who held the valley in the 1990s. they stood no chance against the
Daily Telegraph last night that military The assault began after Afghan resist- before beginning the assault, said Rus- The Afghan army has all but col- “It is going to be a very bloody and advancing insurgents.

Young people
‘flogged by
extremists’ for
wearing jeans
By James Rothwell
A GROUP of young Afghans have said
they were flogged by Taliban fighters
for the crime of wearing jeans.
In a post widely shared on Facebook,
an Afghan youth said they were “walk-
ing with friends in Kabul”, when they
encountered a group of Taliban soldiers
who accused them of disrespecting
Islam. Two of the friends escaped, the
youth said, but the others were beaten,
whipped on their necks and threatened
at gunpoint.
The Afghan newspaper Etilaatroz
reported over the weekend that one
of its journalists had also been beaten
for not wearing “Afghan clothes”, such
as full-body gowns. There have been
other reports of Afghan youths being
targeted for wearing T-shirts. A Taliban
official told Etilaatroz that the move-
ment was still deciding on the dress
code for men.
Both incidents will increase concerns
that little has changed in the Taliban
since the late 1990s, when it was com-
monplace for Afghans caught without
religious clothing to be beaten or even
killed. During the first period of its con-
trol over Afghanistan, which ended
with the US invasion in 2001, the Tali-
ban was known for its misogyny, reli-
gious extremism and brutal
punishments. Women who broke the
Taliban’s rules were routinely flogged
or executed. Forced to wear a burqa
from the age of eight, they were also
banned from working and going to
school, or even from leaving the house.
In Kandahar, women who painted
their nails could have had their fingers
cut off, and there was a ban on them
wearing shoes with heels as “no stran-

ger should hear a woman’s footsteps”.

Since taking power for the second
time in Afghanistan, Taliban leaders
have sought to present themselves to
Western observers as a more moderate
group. They claim, for instance, that the
Taliban will respect women.
However, there have been numerous
reports of female workers being
ordered to leave their jobs and to send a
male relative to take their place. Taliban fighters patrol the streets in the capital Kabul wearing traditional long gowns. A Taliban official said the movement was still deciding on the dress code for men

Taliban to be added to terrorist watchlist to ‘dissuade UK jihadists’

By Tony Diver Patel was “livid” the group had not territory they control, under the terms with a code of honour”. Ben Wallace, ship of Afghanistan’s government.
THE Home Office is planning to add the
already been officially banned, as MI5
warned the UK’s risk of being attacked
by jihadists had increased since the fall
of a deal the group struck with Donald
Trump last year. The United States
agreed to withdraw from Afghanistan
14 the Defence Secretary, stood by his top
general’s comments despite claims he
had “joined the Taliban PR team”.
Yesterday, the former head of British
forces in Afghanistan, Colonel Richard
Kemp, said the UK’s terror threat level
Taliban to the UK’s list of proscribed of Kabul earlier this month. but hoped to minimise the risk of secu- Years in prison that membership or The UK has said it will not rush to for- should be raised to reflect the Taliban’s
terrorist groups to discourage Britons “Some will go and train under the rity threats on US soil. support of the Taliban could result in mally recognise the Taliban as rulers of control of the country. A move to
from joining it. Taliban and may come back to launch Banning the Taliban under UK law if the group are banned under UK law Afghanistan, and will judge the group “severe” – which was last used in Febru-
Priti Patel, the Home Secretary, has attacks,” a source told the newspaper. means that membership or support of by their actions, not words. ary – would mean intelligence officials
reportedly asked officials to add the Tal- “Others may take their families with the group could land Britons with 14 But one source told The Daily Tele- believe an attack is “highly likely”.
iban to the list, making it possible to them and live under the Taliban’s years in prison. cratic government of Ashraf Ghani on graph that in a meeting with Tory He told the Sunday Mirror: “Jihadists
prosecute British jihadists who train Islamic government.” But the move could conflict with the August 15. MPs this week, a Foreign Office official everywhere have been celebrating the
with the group in Afghanistan and then The Taliban has promised not to UK’s diplomatic position, which appears Earlier this week, General Sir Nick referred to “the Taliban’s second term Taliban victory. This will have re-ener-
return to the UK. allow al-Qaeda and other Islamic terror- to have softened towards the Taliban Carter, head of the UK Armed Forces, in office”, suggesting that the Govern- gised them, encouraged them and moti-
The Mail on Sunday reported that Ms ist organisations to operate within the since they won Kabul from the demo- described the group as “country boys ment has already accepted their owner- vated them to strike.”

MPs’ hotline for constituents Pole

British school helps
trapped family get
to be rescued ‘not answered’ An Afghan
boy sells
to safety in Dubai
By Tony Diver does nothing,” he said. “Lots of MPs’ flags at the By Olivia Rudgard
staff are in tears every day because they
A HOTLINE for MPs to request evacua- come home and they’re just not able to Karte A BRITISH family trapped in Afghani-
tions from Afghanistan for their constit- do anything. It’s just like knocking your Mamorin stan have fled to Dubai after a Notting-
uents goes straight to voicemail and head against a brick wall.” area of ham primary school stepped in to help
pleas for assistance are not followed up, Lisa Nandy, the shadow foreign sec- Kabul them escape.
it is claimed. retary, has requested a meeting Their head teacher said they would
Chri s Br yant, Lab our MP for between Labour MPs and officials to be receiving counselling on their return

Rhondda in Wales, said staff were “in discuss the situation. to the UK having survived a terrifying
tears every day” because their attempts It is understood that some Conserva- ordeal to make it into a safe house at
to help British nationals do not receive tive MPs have already received a brief- Kabul airport and on to a flight out of
a response from the Foreign, Common- ing from Nigel Adams, an FCDO the country.
wealth and Development Office. minister. The siblings, a five-year-old boy and
The Government has said it is trying On Saturday, Mr Bryant wrote to his nine-year-old sister, had flown out
to evacuate 1,000 people a day, includ- Dominic Raab, the Foreign Secretary, to to Afghanistan with their sister, 24,
ing some UK nationals and Afghans who ask how many staff have been diverted more than six weeks ago following the
worked with British forces during the to Afghanistan hotlines to assist Britons death of an uncle, but became trapped
20-year war, but have admitted not eve- stranded abroad. “You could argue that in Parwan province following the light-
ryone will be airlifted out. we’ve had time since Donald Trump did ning Taliban advance.
RAF planes are taking off from Kabul the deal with the Taliban to be putting Amanda Dawson, headteacher at
airport, which is currently under the all of this in place,” he said. Mellers Primary School, said she was
control of the US military. Taliban fight- “You just would have thought some- “absolutely overjoyed” that the family
ers are allowing Westerners to travel to body in the Foreign Office would be had managed to escape.
the airport to be repatriated.
MPs were given a hotline to the
going: ‘Right, what’s our emergency
evacuation plan?’”
Afghan women’s football captain fears players will be killed The Nottingham family had wit-
nessed frightening scenes as they tried
Foreign Office to report constituents A spokesman for the FCDO said: “Our to get to safety near the airport in an
who had been stranded in Afghanistan staff are working tirelessly to facilitate By Davide Zanelli Committee in an interview with The playing sport when they took over area packed with Taliban troops,
after the fall of the country to the the swift evacuation of British nation- Daily Telegraph. Now living in the Afghanistan in 1996. according to Ms Dawson. She said: “I
Taliban last Sunday. als, Afghan staff and others at risk. THE captain of the Afghan women’s United States, Ms Mobarez, described Ms Mobarez, who left Kabul for managed to get to direct them to the
But Mr Bryant, a former foreign “The scale of the evacuation effort is football team has appealed to the sport’s the fear engulfing women athletes. “All Copenhagen when she was seven, safe house by the airport.”
office minister, said the line does not huge and we have helped more than governing body for help in evacuating of them are currently hiding,” she said. recalled the brutality of the Taliban. She added that the school was
work and requests for assistance by 5,000 people leave Afghanistan since her teammates, who she fears could be The Afghan women’s football team “I remember my childhood being involved with a charity that provides an
other means are ignored. Sunday. killed for playing the game. was formed by the country’s National shattered,” she said. “They used to cut established counselling service that is
“It’s meant to be an MPs’ hotline, but “The line for UK nationals to request Shabnam Mobarez, 25, made her plea Olympic Committee in 2007. off thieves’ hands and then expose them “already working” on plans to support
it just rings dead. It goes nowhere, it consular support is working.” to Fifa and the International Olympic The Taliban had banned women from in places where people could see.” the children.
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6 ** Monday 23 August 2021 The Daily Telegraph

Tugendhat denies ‘playground gossip’ that he is after Raab’s job
By Christopher Hope and Tony Diver hoping to replace Mr Raab at the next rage”, adding that “this is what defeat The key is to have a strong team, work- But insiders believe the timing of Mr something that as soon as Mr Tugendhat
Cabinet reshuffle when he told journal- looks like”. He then flew to Belarus with ing together on the same mission.” Tugendhat’s speech and the visit to made the speech he took a political
TOM TUGENDHAT has dismissed ists he would welcome a “leadership a Mail on Sunday journalist, who asked The comments drew criticism from Belarus suggest he hopes he may soon journalist to Belarus. He used to vote
claims that he hopes to usurp Dominic role” in government. him if he wanted to be prime minister. allies of Mr Raab. One MP said: “[Mr be promoted. A Cabinet reshuffle could against the Government semi-regularly.
Raab as Foreign Secretary as “play- In a speech in the House of Commons Mr Tugendhat replied: “This is about Raab] has more integrity than anyone I come this autumn. He must be playing the long game but
ground gossip,” after he criticised the last Wednesday, describing the fury of putting our people and country first. Of know in politics. No ego. Dom never It has been suggested that Mr Raab he is not doing himself any favours.”
UK’s decision to withdraw from Afghan- Armed Forces veterans over the West’s course I want to try to shape decisions. thinks about himself. Everything is could be demoted after the debacle of Mr Tugendhat said: “I’m focusing on
istan. withdrawal from Kabul, Mr Tugendhat “Of course, that means leadership always for someone else. There are very his late return from holiday in Crete doing what I can through the networks I
The Tory MP, chairman of the foreign told MPs that the past week had been a positions, because that’s how you bring few MPs who have executive leadership during the fall of Kabul. built up over years in Afghanistan and
affairs committee, fuelled rumours he is “struggle through anger, and grief and about change. But you can’t do it alone. abilities and Dom does.” A Whitehall source said: “It does say the Army.”

Militant Islam has

been given a huge
boost, says former
US ambassador
former British prime minister Tony
Ryan Crocker criticises Blair, who said that the decision to
withdraw from Afghanistan has “every
‘disaster’ in Afghanistan as jihadist group round the world
Joe Biden addresses nation cheering”.
for third time in a week Mr Blair accused Mr Biden of being
“in obedience to an imbecilic political
By Jamie Johnson US CORRESPONDENT slogan about ending ‘the forever wars’,
as if our engagement in 2021 was
JOE BIDEN’S chaotic withdrawal from remotely comparable to our commit-
Afghanistan has “given a huge boost to ment 20 or even 10 years ago”.
militant Islam everywhere”, a former In America, Mr Biden is facing a bar-
US ambassador to Kabul has said, in a rage of criticism from both Democrats
broadside against the president. and Republicans.
Ryan Crocker, who served as ambas- “There’s no way to hide it. The situa-
sador to Afghanistan under Barack tion in Afghanistan is another shame on
Obama, described the situation as a “dis- this administration,” said Vicente Gonza-
aster” and said it “flouted 20 years of lez, a Texas Democrat and a foreign
work and sacrifice”. affairs committee member.
The 72-year-old, who was described “Withdrawal was never going to be
by former secretary of state Colin Powell easy but it didn’t need to come to this.”
as “one of our very best foreign service Chrissy Houlahan, a Democrat repre-
officers,” said that Mr Biden’s lack of stra- sentative and air force veteran, added:
tegic patience in Afghanistan has dam-
aged alliances, emboldened enemies and ‘Taliban narrative is that
increased the security risk to the West.
Last night Mr Biden addressed the believers, clad in the armour
nation for the third time in a week in an of the one true faith, have
attempt to quell the growing chorus of
voices who have been critical of his vanquished the infidels’
actions. “There is no way to evacuate this
many people without pain and loss and “These past few days have been difficult
the heartbreaking images you see on tel- to process, and not because the Taliban’s
evision,” he said. progress was surprising. In fact, the
“My heart aches for those people you opposite. We sounded the alarm, and our
see. Nothing about this effort is easy, but dire warnings fell on deaf ears.”
the men and women of the United States David Axelrod, who was a senior
armed forces are acting bravely and with adviser to Mr Obama, and worked with
professionalism and with basic human Mr Biden, called it “a nightmare sce-
compassion.” nario”.
But in an essay for the New York Times, “You cannot defend the execution
Mr Crocker blamed the chaos on “our here. This has been a disaster,” Mr Axel-
lack of strategic patience at critical rod said on CNN. “It is heartbreaking, it
moments, including from President is depressing, and it’s a failure. And he
Biden”. “It has damaged our alliances, needs to own that failure. He’s the com-
emboldened our adversaries and mander in chief.”
increased the risk to our own security. It There is growing concern inside the
has also flouted 20 years of work and sac- Democrat party about how the mishan-
rifice,” he said. dling will play out among voters, with
Mr Crocker, who served under four mid-term elections next year.
presidents, from George HW Bush to Mr “Afghanistan definitely has entered
Obama, added: “The American disaster the conversation in a big way,” said State
in Afghanistan that Mr Biden’s impa- Senator Jeff Jackson of North Carolina,
tience brought about is not a disaster just Joe Biden last night an army veteran who fought in Kanda-
for us. It has also been a huge boost for spoke to the nation har and is now running for the US
the Taliban, whose narrative now is that and said that his Senate.
the believers, clad in the armour of the ‘heart aches for “We’ve done six or seven town halls in
one true faith, have vanquished the infi- those people you the last week and Afghanistan has come
dels. Mr Biden’s strategic impatience has see’. He faces up in all of them,” he told the New York
given a huge boost to militant Islam eve- growing criticism Times. “It’s pretty clear that there are

rywhere.” for his withdrawal concerns. They’ve seen the images

This view was echoed on Saturday by from Afghanistan we’ve all seen.”

France ‘felt no need to liaise with US’ over evacuation of Afghans

By Rebecca Rosman in Paris Le Drian, foreign affairs minister, said: following a “pessimistic analysis” of French government “just got on with it ground “in peril”, and “contradicted the regime, but with a country,” the diplo-
“France does not forget those who have Afghanistan’s future. without feeling the need to co-ordinate meaning of humanitarian action”. mat told Le Monde, defending Germa-
FRENCH officials have been praised for worked for us,” and highlighted the Lord Peter Ricketts, the former Brit- closely with the US”. Among those interviewed was a Ger- ny’s decision to keep its personnel in
their “anticipatory planning” to evacu- government’s “anticipatory planning” ish Ambassador to France, told The Doing so, however, did not go down man diplomatic official who said Ger- the country.
ate more than 600 Afghans in May, in evacuations that began in mid-May. Daily Telegraph that unlike the UK, well in its initial stage. many planned to spend €400 million on In an interview with France 24,
months before the UK and US, despite Clément Beaune, the European the which has stronger ties to Washington, European officials and French NGOs co-operation with Afghanistan. Etienne Gille, the head of the French
widespread criticism of the strategy at Affairs Minister, was also quick to point France’s relative distance helped the with a foot in Afghanistan told Le Monde To make the investment work, the NGO Amité Franco-Afghan, echoed a
the time. out the French government’s foresight, government act quickly on its own con- in May that France’s decision to begin diplomat said, Germany needed to keep similar disappointment with the French
As a host of Western nations scram- sharing a May 14 article published in Le clusions. evacuations of Afghans who had all its Afghan personnel on the ground. government, criticising its decision to
ble to get people out of Kabul, Jean-Yves Monde detailing the initial evacuations According to Lord Ricketts, the worked for France put their work on the “We are not co-operating with a evacuate Afghans as “premature”.

America’s messy exit from Afghanistan will

cause allies to reconsider future co-operation
bordering on fear, that unwinding its crisis surrounding immigration. the goodwill his administration was
Comment commitments in Afghanistan will The broader challenge for the US is gradually rebuilding with partners
create ongoing instability rather than if its unilateralism in Afghanistan in Europe.
facilitating a new strategic focus. impairs its ability to work with its UK This matters, because Europe and
President Biden is one in a and European partners further afield. especially the UK are essential if the
growing line of US presidents that has Already Europe has wavered in its West is to compete with China
By Leslie Vinjamuri sought to reorient – or in the words of commitment to working with the US economically.
President Obama, “pivot” – the US on China. The US has now made the Given the sense of urgency that

he US decision to exit strategic focus to Asia. But this task of building a coalition to challenge surrounds America’s competition
Afghanistan will have its gravest requires the US to extract itself from China harder than it needed to be. with China, and the slow movement
long-term consequences on the the Middle East in a way that creates towards clarity on Biden’s China

people of Afghanistan. more, not less, stability and in a way The US exit will also raise strategy, further delay is no
But it has also set the stage for a that is sustainable. trivial matter.
crisis of confidence in the US among So far, the US withdrawal has doubt among America’s The domestic backlash in
America’s closest partners, including unleashed a massive humanitarian partners that dysfunction in America against Biden’s management
the UK. And President Biden will crisis that will require Western of the US exit from Afghanistan will
depend on these partners to make attention. But with the Taliban in Washington is pervasive also raise doubt among America’s
headway on his chief foreign charge, and no American or British partners that dysfunction in
policy objectives – in particular, presence on the ground, America’s Mutual interest is necessary but Washington is pervasive.
confronting China. ability to solve it has been severely rarely sufficient to sustain co- Still, with few exceptions – and
In theory, the fact that the US is compromised. operation. Trust is essential. Afghanistan is one – the Biden
winding down its presence in America’s failure to anticipate and Biden’s ability to convince US administration has shown a
Afghanistan should reassure its prevent the astonishing and rapid partners that they are being consulted remarkable degree of coherence,
partners by demonstrating its resolve, takeover of Afghanistan by the Taliban rather than informed is bound now to predictability and stability, all the
especially since the US role in is also dominating the US foreign deteriorate. Foreign policy co- things that its predecessor was not.
Afghanistan had become one of choice policy agenda. So much so that in the operation is always difficult, even
Solidarity A woman in Krakow, Poland, joins a rather than one of necessity. But by past week, China has barely featured. among allies, even when interests are Leslie Vinjamuri is director of the
demonstration in support of the people of Afghanistan. managing the exit so poorly, the US has This also has the potential to shared and even in good times. But US and Americas programme at
instead raised considerable doubts, stoke an ongoing domestic political Biden’s unilateral exit has set back Chatham House
The Daily Telegraph Monday 23 August 2021 *** 7
8 ** Monday 23 August 2021 The Daily Telegraph


One in four GP surgeries faces staffing crisis

high turnover”. The proportion of GP addressing challenges for the National aging impact of the pandemic. Dr stripped by demand, threatening the
Research shows that a practices with high turnover almost ‘Rates of Health Service, and for ensuring that Samira Anane, BMA GP committee ‘High levels level of care practices are able to offer”.
quarter of practices lose doubled from 14 per cent in 2009 to 27
per cent in 2019. However, the propor-
early quality and continuity of care are avail-
able to patients. We reveal worrying
workforce policy lead, said at the time of GP Earlier this summer, the BMA, the
that despite the figures being “alarm- main doctors’ trade union, said many
between 10 and 40 per tion of practices with very high turno- retirement trends in GP turnover. High levels may ing”, they “will certainly not come as a turnover doctors were retiring early in order to
cent of their staff each year ver remained stable, at 8 per cent. are affect the ability to deliver primary care surprise to many GPs as this has been a may affect avoid being hit with hefty pension tax
Prof Evan Kontopantelis, co-author services, and undermine continuity of long-standing concern”. bills. While 401 GPs and hospital doc-
By Gabriella Swerling of the peer-reviewed study, published increasing, care which in turn may affect the qual- “This research was carried out before the ability to tors in England and Wales took early
SOCIAL AFFAIRS EDITOR in the BMJ Open journal, said: “We as are ity of patient care. the pandemic, and it is likely that the deliver retirement in 2007-08, that number
already know the GP workforce in Eng- “And healthcare received from multi- experiences that GPs have gone rose to 1,358 in 2020-21 – an increase of
A QUARTER of GP surgeries are losing land is going through a major crisis. intentions to ple GPs can lead to conflicting thera- through over the last year has changed primary care 239 per cent in 13 years.
up to 40 per cent of their staff every “Rates of early retirement are reduce hours peutic treatments and fragmented care. their outlook further… services, and The Government rejected calls to
year, researchers have warned, amid increasing, as are intentions to reduce “Differential turnover across prac- “This desire is largely driven by reform GP pensions taxation, arguing
fears that the pandemic will exacerbate hours of working or leave their practice of working tices and regions could also lead to a unsustainable workload and the impact undermine that the problem had already been
the “major crisis”. in the near future. or leave their maldistribution of GPs, exacerbating this has on doctors’ own well-being. continuity addressed. In March, the Government
In most NHS regions, GP staff resig- “Though in 2015 the Government retention problems and health inequal- GPs desperately need support from raised the threshold income at which
nations increased steadily between promised 5,000 more doctors in pri- practice in ities.” Government and policymakers as they and quality doctors see their tax-free pension allow-
2007 and 2019, according to a study by mary care by 2020, the number of full- the near The research comes after the British face the most challenging time of their of patient ance tap ere d, from £110,000 to
University of Manchester academics. time equivalent GPs per 1,000 patients Medical Association published a survey careers.” £200,000, and announced the mini-
If a GP practice loses 10 to 40 per cent continues to decline.” future’ in June that showed that more than a She added that without intervention care’ mum level for reduction of the tapered
of workers within a year, it is deemed as Prof Kontopantelis added: “Quantify- third of GPs – and nearly two thirds of more doctors would be “forced to leave allowance would be £4,000. However,
having “high turnover”. If it loses more ing GP turnover and understanding those aged over 50 – planned to quit the profession, creating a vicious cycle the BMA and pensions experts warned
than 40 per cent of staff, it has “very how it is distributed is fundamental to within five years, even before the dam- where capacity is continuously out- the measures “do not go far enough”.


Shoot for the moon The full Sturgeon Moon is pictured, rising up behind the Cunard cruise liner, Queen Mary 2, anchored in the bay at Weymouth, Dorset. Synonymous with the final days
of summer, and beginning of the harvest, the Sturgeon Moon reached its peak yesterday. It is named after the prehistoric-looking fish that Native Americans would catch at this time of year.

Gambling premises 10 times Threat to Paralympics on Student medics campaign to

more prevalent in poor areas C4 if channel is privatised fund studies with sex work
By Charles Hymas gambling premises than stores run by By Gabriella Swerling Lord Burns, who chaired Channel 4 at By Camilla Turner EDUCATION EDITOR from expulsion and professional pro-
HOME AFFAIRS EDITOR the largest eight supermarket chains in SOCIAL AFFAIRS EDITOR the time the broadcaster poached the ceedings”.
Britain, who collectively account for 90 Paralympic TV rights from the BBC. MEDICAL students are pushing to be The authors of a study which sug-
POORER areas are 10 times more likely per cent of the market. The researchers CHANNEL 4 could drop its Paralympics In 2012 Channel 4 made a £30 million allowed to do sex work to fund their gested that one in 20 students was
to have betting shops, bingo halls or said this highlighted a mismatch in the coverage if it is privatised, its former loss, followed by a £15 million deficit in studies. Trainee doctors have urged the involved in the sex industry have called
amusement arcades than wealthier amenities for deprived communities chairman has warned. 2016, both of which were attributed to British Medical Association (BMA) to on universities to accept the practice
areas, research shows. compared with the more affluent. The Government is in the process of costs associated with broadcasting the work with universities to “recognise” and offer support rather than stigma.
The University of Bristol study found Areas with the highest number of a public consultation regarding the sale London and Rio Olympics. and “support” students working in the Prof Tracey Sagar and fellow Swan-
21 per cent of gambling premises were betting shops per capita included Glas- of the channel, publicly owned but “The Government expects Channel 4 sex industry. sea University academic Debbie Jones
located in the most deprived areas, gow, Liverpool, parts of London and commercially funded. John Whitting- to keep investing in unprofitable remit- The trade union’s student wing has said that students selling sex was “not
compared with just 2 per cent in the Middlesbrough, with on average one dale, the media minister, has said delivering initiatives like the Paralym- put forward a motion which is due to be going anywhere”. Laura Watson of the
wealthiest 10 per cent of districts. betting shop per 3,000 to 4,000 resi- “increasing pressure” from streaming pics but hopes these can all be delivered debated at the BMA’s annual conference English Collective of Prostitutes told the
The researchers warned the geo- dents. had been a factor in the decision. for another 40 years by a profit-maxim- next month which says that the pan- Mail on Sunday: “We have experienced
graphical spread had serious implica- Jamie Evans, Senior Research Associ- Now a former chairman and chief ising entity that either is, or can be, for- demic has “forced student sex workers an increase in the number of students
tions for poorer families who were more ate at the University of Bristol, said: executive of Channel 4 have said the eign-owned and controlled,” said David into more risky situations”. considering prostitution.”
likely to gamble and fall into debt. “Rather than having greater access to channel’s successful mission to make Abraham, chief executive of Channel 4 They are calling on the body to A spokesman for Universities UK said
Even though gambling has increas- the facilities, services and opportunities the Paralympics a fixture on prime-time from 2010 to 2017. “lobby the General Medical Council and that their institutions encouraged
ingly shifted online, betting at physical that help people to improve their lives, TV could be axed by a new owner. Channel 4 plans to record 1,300 Medical Schools Council to ensure med- “legal, healthy and safe behaviours and
venues still accounted for nearly half those in more deprived communities “The way Channel 4 was set up gives hours of coverage of the Tokyo Games, ical students engaging with sex work, of support students to make the right
(44 per cent) of the UK’s gambling yield. are disproportionately faced with it the ability to do things unlikely to be almost three times the amount the BBC whatever form, to support their studies choices”. The BMA said it does not dis-
As of Nov 2020, there were still more choices that can often prove harmful.” achieved by any other broadcaster,” said managed with its Olympic coverage. are not penalised for this and are safe cuss motions before they are debated.
The Daily Telegraph Monday 23 August 2021 *** 9


Police hope that

rainbow vehicles
will drive up hate
crime reports
vert. DCC Cooke, who works at Chesh-
Officers’ focus on online ire Police, added that the “cars are there
in the communities on normal policing
offences means they are patrol just to show the community that
overlooking the dangerous we want you to come forward.
real-life variety, say critics “It is there to try and give confidence
to our LGBT-plus community, but also
By Hayley Dixon to other underrepresented groups.”
SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT She said that the “cost is quite mini-
mal” but the impact is “huge”.
POLICE are using rainbow-colour The number of hate crimes reported
patrol vehicles called “hate crime cars” to police have more than doubled in
to encourage people to report incidents recent years, with allegations of
such as social media comments. transgender hate crime seeing the
Deputy Chief Constable Julie Cooke sharpest rise.
said that the police insignia and rain- But cash-strapped forces across the
bows liveries are now “part of our fleet” country have faced criticism for focus-
and will patrol daily. ing on the allegations, a large number of

Critics have said forces should focus which stem solely from social media
on “real” issues such as knife crime and comments.
rape, with the latest figures showing Even where a crime has not been
poor prosecution rates. committed, police record the allegation
DCC Cooke, the National Police as a “hate incident”, which could show
Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) lead on LGBT- up on a person’s criminal record checks.
plus issues, released a video through its Harry Miller, a former police officer
Instagram account explaining why and founder of campaign group Fair
police have rainbow vehicles. Cop, said: “We don’t see the Met with
She said that forces are “always special cars for knife crime even though A patrol car in without fear or favour. They have liter- Dept Chief Constable Mark Hamil- ‘We don’t policing. However, this does not
replacing vehicles”. They will bear the the number of stabbings in London is rainbow colours for ally tied their colours to the mast and ton, who leads on hate crime for the detract from the service to victims of
police insignia and “there will normally appalling. the London Pride painted their cars with their political NPCC, said that responses to hate see the Met other crime types and anyone who has
be then something added to do with the “The problem is that the second that LGBT parade leanings. crime are a key priority after the with special been a victim of crime should report it
rainbow side of things”. you see a rainbow car you know that it “They are painting rainbows on their inquiry into the murder of Stephen to the police,” said DCC Hamilton.
A spokesman for the NPCC said that is a police force that has made its mind cars when we have figures showing that Lawrence. cars for “ Early inter ventions, such as
they did not have figures on how many up about some very contentious issues. only 7 per cent of violent crime ended in He said the police have a legal duty knife crime’ responding to hate crime, is also one of
had been painted as forces operate “You no longer see a police car or a a prosecution. They have moved from to protect victims under the Human the most effective actions to reduce the
independently and it is up to individual police officer who is there to support policing crime to policing thoughts and Rights and Equalities Acts. escalation of violent crime and com-
forces how many cars they want to con- everyone, from all political persuasions, speech, because it is easier.” “Tackling hate crime is a priority for munity tensions.”

Undertaker fined while waiting at hospital Car meet spectator fights for life after crash
By Daily Telegraph Reporter pendent Family Funeral Directors in A United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS By Gabriella Swerling event in Lincoln and saw the speeding place in Whisby Road, Lincoln, at about
Grantham, Lincs, has since reluctantly Trust spokesperson said: “We work vehicle plough into a crowd of specta- 10pm.
A FUNERAL director has criticised a paid the fine. He said: “We were parked closely with funeral directors and ask A CAR meet spectator is fighting for his tors at an event held in memory of a It is understood the car meet was
hospital after he got a parking fine while at pathology and had to wait for the nec- that they provide us with their vehicle life after a vehicle ploughed into fatal road crash victim. being held in memory of 36-year-old
he was waiting to collect a body. essary paperwork to be completed. We registration details so that they do not onlookers at a memorial event. Video footage shared on social media Damian Buckle who died in a motorbike
Jason Price, 50, was handed the pen- are usually in and out within half an have to pay for parking. Police are appealing for witnesses to over the weekend shows a light-col- crash on the A46 on August 13, accord-
alty after he stayed for over an hour at hour but this time it took over an hour. “If we are not given this information the crash for information after a car oured vehicle speed past a crowd before ing to The Sun.
Lincoln Hospital on Aug 9. A few days “We have been given a £70 fine then unfortunately it will result in a crashed into a parked vehicle at high hitting the parked vehicle and spinning The crash involved two cars, one of
later he received a letter informing him reduced to £42 if you pay straight away. parking charge notice being issued. speed leaving one person fighting for out as the shocked onlookers gasp. which was parked, which hit the pedes-
he had been illegally parked outside the Our vehicle is a Mondeo ambulance, it “We look forward to hearing from his life while four others were seriously Police closed the road and the injured trians before the driver of the speeding
pathology department. even says ‘private ambulance’ on the Price & Son so that we can organise a injured. The car then drove away. people were rushed to hospital for car drove off and ended up in a ditch at
Mr Price, who runs Price & Son Inde- back, so we were clearly not visitors.” refund of the charge.” The crash happened at a memorial treatment after the crash, which took a second scene.
10 *** Monday 23 August 2021 The Daily Telegraph


Overtime pay
for teachers who
give one-to-one
catch-up tuition
By Camilla Turner them. But he added that the logistics of
EDUCATION EDITOR the programme are still “incredibly
complicated” and many schools may
SCHOOL teachers will be offered over- decide not to engage with it at all.
time pay to carry out one-to-one tuition An analysis by the Institute for Fiscal
with pupils under the Government’s Studies (IFS) found that school closures
latest catch-up plans. could cost each British pupil up to
Head teachers will also be allowed to £40,000 in lost earnings in their life-
apply for funds from the Department time. The effects of the pandemic could
for Education (DfE) to employ retired result in the UK’s 8.7 million school-age
teachers as tutors. children collectively missing out on
Officials at the DfE are drawing up £350 billion of income during their
guidance on how the next phase of working lives, their study found.
catch-up cash can be spent. It will set Earlier this year, Sir Kevan Collins
out what funding is available to schools quit as the Government’s catch-up tsar,
to spend on education recovery during accusing ministers of a “half-hearted”
the next academic year. approach to helping children whose
Schools will be encouraged to make learning has been disrupted by the pan-
use of three possible ways of accessing demic. Following the announcement of
tutoring which could be via an accred- a £1.4 billion cash injection for tuition
ited company that is part of the National and teacher training in June, Sir Kevan
Tutoring Programme, making use of said it represented just a tenth of the
academic mentors or by paying their £15 billion funding he felt was neces-
own staff more money to work extra sary to help students catch up.
hours as tutors. Meanwhile, the former chief execu-
The Prime Minister first announced tive of Ucas, the university admissions
its tutoring programme last summer, service, has accused teachers of a “sys-
which was aimed at helping children tematic bias” against boys with their
get up to speed on the work they have predicted grades.
missed during school closures. In a paper published by the Higher
It was initially envisaged that tutor- Education Policy Institute, Mary
ing would be subcontracted to private Curnock Cook said the huge disparity
companies but this was opposed by between boys’ and girls’ exam grades
teacher unions. this summer is a cause for concern.
Dr Mary Bousted, joint general secre- She said the gender gap is more wor-

tary of the National Education Union, rying than the gulf in results between
said allowing schools to pay their own private and state schools, rich and poor
staff overtime to act as tutors is an students, or North and South.
“attractive” prospect. Ms Curnock Cook added that the
“We have said for some time that increased lead that girls have in this
schools know best which pupils would year’s A-level grades “goes further than
benefit most from tutoring,” she said. the usual concerns about boys’ undera-
Geoff Barton, general secretary of the chievement in education and needs a
Association of School and College Lead- convincing explanation to eliminate Race to the finish Runners descended on south-east London yesterday as they took part in the Vitality Big Half, which runs
ers, said allowing teachers to do the what seems, on the face of it, to indicate from Tower Bridge to Greenwich. The 13.1-mile run was postponed from April 25 due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
tutoring “signals a greater trust” in systemic bias against boys”.

Home working leads to 10-year low in men taking paternity leave

By Gabriella Swerling gible fathers (27 per cent) taking pater- 2000s, the number of men using their hold finances, volunteering for a pay tance of some men to take time off work fathers to see more of their newborn
SOCIAL AFFAIRS EDITOR nity leave after the birth of their child. right to paternity leave has stalled and, cut to £152 a week just isn’t viable for with statutory paternity pay set at such children, but even when taking this fac-
The research, published by the com- in recent years, declined from a peak of many people.” a low level. tor into account, the number of men
WORKING from home has prompted mercial law firm EMW, found that just 221,000 in 2016/17. The law firm said that limited take-up Working from home has also likely taking paternity leave is still “worry-
the decline of fathers taking paternity 176,000 men took paternity leave in Jon Taylor, principal at EMW, said: of paternity leave is likely due to the low impacted these numbers, with many ingly low”, the law firm claimed.
leave because they are spending more 2020-21 (to the year end March 31 2021), “For a lot of men, taking paternity leave rate of Statutory Paternity Pay, which is men being able to see their children Mr Taylor added: “The rise of work-
time with their children. compared to 652,000 women who took has become a luxury they can’t afford £152 per week. while also working from home, discour- ing from home could signal a longer-
Paternity leave take-up is at a 10-year maternity leave over the same period. during the pandemic. The added financial pressure of the aging them from taking paternity leave. term decline in men taking paternity
low, with approximately a quarter of eli- Following an increase in the mid- “At a time of huge pressure on house- pandemic will have increased the reluc- Furlough may also have allowed leave.”

NHS advert uses young people

with long Covid to promote jabs
By Tony Diver forward for both their jabs as quickly as thought I was going to die,” he said. “My
POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT possible as vaccines are the best way to advice is to get the vaccine: don’t put
protect yourself and your loved ones yourself and others at risk.”
YOUNG long Covid sufferers appear in from serious illness.” Megan Higgins, 25, and Ella Har-
an NHS advert to encourage people of A total of 89,331,700 vaccinations wood, 23, were both healthy and active
their age to receive a vaccine. have been given in the UK, with 87.7 per but now suffer extreme fatigue due to
The video features three previously cent of the population aged 16 and over long Covid. Miss Higgins, a special
healthy people in their 20s and 30s, having had a first dose and 76.7 per cent needs tutor from London, said: “It’s
including a man who thought he would having had a second dose. now been eight months since I tested
die from the virus in hospital. People aged 18 to 34 now make up positive, and I can’t even walk around
The advert is to make the case that more than one in five of those admitted the shops without getting exhausted.
coronavirus can cause serious harm to hospital with the virus, which is four “Long Covid is debilitating, so please,
even if you are in a low-risk category times higher than the peak in winter get vaccinated. I wouldn’t want anyone
without underlying health conditions. 2020, the NHS has said. else to go through what I have.”
It comes as 16 and 17-year-olds in Eng- Public Health England figures show Miss Harwood, an illustrator from
land and “at risk” people aged 12 to 15 people aged 16 to 29 are most likely to London, said: “I’m young and fit but I
are offered jabs ahead of the return to get long Covid, but vaccine uptake in was bed-bound for seven months with
school next month. this age group is lower than average. Covid-19. Before I caught the virus, I
And the Government has launched Support worker Quincy Dwamena, was superactive and had no health con-
“grab a jab” pop-up vaccination sites, 31, describes himself in the advert as a cerns, but I now suffer with asthma
including ones at football stadiums, fes- “healthy young guy” who “went to the which I didn’t have before and a num-
tivals and at London nightclub Heaven. gym often” and delayed getting the vac- ber of allergies. I fear I’ll never be the
Sajid Javid, the Health Secretary, cine – but became seriously ill. same again but I’m making progress
said: “I encourage everyone to come “I ended up being hospitalised and and I’m very grateful that I’m still alive.”

Australian council
shoots dead rescue
Javid gives ‘cowboy’ travel
dogs over virus fears test firms final warning
By Giovanni Torre in Perth By Sarah Knapton SCIENCE EDITOR “We are also introducing regular
spot  checks this week to make sure
AN AUSTRALIAN council fearful of the MORE than 80 “cowboy” Covid testing that  all private providers follow the
spread of coronavirus has sparked out- companies face being removed from the rules and meet our high standards
rage after shooting dead a number of Government’s website after misleading of transparency.”
rescue dogs to stop animal shelter vol- travellers over prices. Although testing is free for people
unteers ravelling to pick them up. A rapid review by the Government with symptoms of Covid, all tests used
An investigation has been launched found that nearly one in five recom- for travel have to be purchased.
into Bourke Shire Council, in New mended providers of polymerase chain Holidaymakers have complained of
South Wales, following an outcry from reaction (PCR) holiday test kits adver- high and inconsistent prices, with tests
animal rights groups. The council killed tised lower prices on the website on the government website ranging
“several” dogs last week in order to pre- than they later charged customers.
vent staff at a rescue centre in Cobar Spot checks will now be carried out
travelling across the state and possibly
spreading Covid-19, the Office of Local
Government said.
and companies will be removed from
the list if they do not update their pric-
ing within the next three days, the
The state government agency is now Health Secretary Sajid Javid confirmed. The number of firms being removed from
examining the incident to determine A fur ther 57 companie s were the list – a further 82 will be given
whether companion animal and cruelty removed from the list after they were a two-strike warning
prevention laws were broken. found to no longer exist, or were unable
A source who is familiar with the to provide the day two and day eight
arrangement said the shelter volunteers testing needed to comply with test-to- from £23 to £575. Some travellers said
had Covid-safe measures in place to release requirements. they had not received test results or had
handle the dogs, the Sydney Morning Mr Javid said: “It is absolutely unac- been sent damaged PCR kits.
Herald reported. ceptable for any private testing com- Willie Walsh, the former boss of Brit-
Animal Liberation regional campaign pany to b e taking advantage of ish Airways who now heads up the
manager Lisa Ryan said: “We totally holidaymakers and today ’s action International Air Travel Association,
reject the council’s unacceptable justifi- clamps down on this cowboy behav- has accused PCR firms of “profiteering”.
cations that this killing was apparently iour. Fifty seven firms will be removed Mr Javid has also asked for a separate
undertaken as part of a Covid-safe plan,” from the list and a further 82 will inquiry by the Competition and Mar-
she told the newspaper. be given a two-strike warning – if they kets Authority and has also launched an
The council has declined local media advertise misleading prices ever again, inquiry into pricing and reliability
requests for comment. they’re off. problems among Covid test providers.
The Daily Telegraph Monday 23 August 2021 *** 11


Hidden immunity in our

bones means many of us
may not need booster jabs
and can quickly multiply on re- vaccinated against Covid produced
Analysis exposure, providing a rapid response high levels of neutralising antibodies
to an invader. against both viruses.
T-cells may also have the added It suggests that memory regions of
benefit of being able to fight variants. the immune system were jogged into
While antibodies only detect action by the vaccine, raising hope
By Sarah Knapton proteins on the outside of cells – such that coronavirus infection or
SCIENCE EDITOR as the spike protein that the virus uses vaccination offers long-term
to latch on to human cells – T-cells can protection which can be easily

nyone keeping an eye on hone in on proteins inside infected ramped up if the virus re-emerges.
coronavirus antibody levels in cells. Crucially, many of these do not Certainly, we are not seeing any
Britain may have noticed an change when the virus mutates. indication that vaccinated people are
alarming trend in recent months. Earlier this year, scientists at La becoming more at risk for reinfection.
Since peaking in May, the Jolla Institute for Immunology in Although there have been some
percentage of older people who are California found that people infected breakthrough infections with the


testing positive for protective by Covid generate T-cells that target delta variant, the vast majority (82 per
antibodies has been steadily declining. at least 15 to 20 different fragments of cent) of people catching Covid
It rose to 95 per cent for the over-80s, coronavirus proteins, and would work currently have not had two doses.
and has now fallen to 92.4. even against worrying mutations such The Joint Committee on
In fact, only the under-50s are not as the 501Y.V2 mutation found in the Vaccination and Immunisation is
seeing a drop in antibody levels, South African (beta) variant. expected to advise that booster
according to the Office for National Infections from the original Sars vaccinations not be rolled out to the
Statistics. virus have also produced immunity in wider population, although some
This signal of waning immunity has recovered patients that has lasted more vulnerable people may be
led to calls for booster jabs ahead of a decades. A study by scientists in offered a third jab. For most of us, it is
Under pressure David Riegor, a paramedic in Houston, Texas, is pictured after his patient,
winter wave. Singapore, published last week, found likely we will be safe enough with a 65-year-old man with suspected Covid symptoms, died from a cardiac arrest.
But several studies have come out in that Sars patients who were just two.
the past few months that suggest we
may not need to be too worried after We can
all. Antibodies are not the only
indicator of immunity. generate a
In May, researchers at Washington
University School of Medicine, who
type of
studied 77 recovering Covid patients, dialled-
found that while antibodies declined down
over time, bone marrow plasma cells,
capable of producing antibodies protection
against the virus, remained stable. that could
It means that people who have
recovered from an infection have last decades,
immunity hidden away in their bones, or even a
ready to spring into action. This type of
dialled-down protection could last lifetime
decades, or even a lifetime, the
researchers believe.
The team also found patients were
carrying memory B-cells – a type of
white blood cell – which patrol the
blood looking for the virus.
In fact, the researchers noted that
the levels of B-cells found in recovered
Covid-19 patients were equal to people
vaccinated against tetanus or
diphtheria, vaccines that both provide
long-term immunity to those diseases.
Similarly, researchers from the
Rockefeller University, New York,
recently found that recovered Covid
patients still have immunity a year
after an infection, including antibodies
that were “exceptionally resistant” to
“The data suggest that immunity in
convalescent individuals will be very
long lasting and that convalescent
individuals who receive available
mRNA vaccines will produce
antibodies and memory B-cells that
should be protective against
circulating SARS-CoV-2 variants,” the
researchers concluded.
The problem with only looking at
antibodies is it gives a false picture of
the level of protection. The body is
efficient, and will not continue to
produce high-levels of antibodies
when they are no longer needed.
This is a good thing, as it prevents
the onset of autoimmunity which can
lead to a slew of debilitating
conditions. Instead, the blueprints for
making antibodies are squirrelled
away, while a casual surveillance is
mounted by the immune system.
But bone marrow and B-cells are not
all the body has stashed away for a
future fight. Last year, Imperial College
found that people who had recovered
from Covid still had memory T-cells
even after antibodies had waned.
T-cells are a kind of white blood cell
that store the details of a past infection

Jamaica and Morocco

‘next to go on red list’
By Charles Hymas because of declining Covid
HOME AFFAIRS EDITOR rates. They are Poland, Bhu-
tan, the Czech Republic,
FOUR Caribbean and African Hungary and Saudi Arabia,
holiday destinations are at according to the analysis,
risk of UK travel bans being which is based on Covid
imposed this week, sparking infection rates, the propor-
a scramble by holidaymakers tion of tests coming back
to return to avoid hotel quar- positive and the level of vac-
antine, an analysis suggests. cination.
Jamaica, St Lucia, Domi- However, eight green
nica and Morocco have seen countries including Israel
rising Covid rates that put are expected to turn amber,
them on course to be red- meaning anyone who is not
listed this week when Grant vaccinated will have to race
Shapps, the Transport Secre- home before next Monday’s
tary, unveils the new traffic deadline to avoid being
light ratings for the final days forced to quarantine for 10
of summer. days at home.
The analysis by travel con- The other seven are popu-
sultancy the PC Agency also lar holiday spots including
indicates Covid rates in the Croatia and Madeira, and the
Balearics and Spain are high Caribbean islands of
enough to merit inclusion on Anguilla, Antigua, and Turks
a red list. But the researchers and Caicos, as well as Lithua-
say they will not be added nia and Montserrat.
because of the travel chaos it Paul Charles, chief execu-
would mean for Britons tive of the PC Agency, said:
forced to rush back and the “ Much of Europe won’t
lack of hotels in the UK in change because the Govern-
which to quarantine them. ment would create utter
Israel’s fourth wave of cor- chaos at our borders during
onavirus has also put it on the Bank Holiday weekend
the cusp of the red list despite and week if they chose to
its current rating as green. turn some of the most popu-
But the researchers again lar countries red, such as
expect ministers to steer Balearics or Spain, and force
clear of such a dramatic move so many people into hotel
taking a country from green quarantine.”
to red and say they will Red-listed Turkey has
instead choose amber. seen its Covid rates decline,
Five amber countries are raising hopes that it could be
ex p e cte d to turn gre en moved to amber.
12 *** Monday 23 August 2021 The Daily Telegraph


blood vessels
give hope for
those with
heart issues
which will reveal more about
Creation means the development of different
waiting for a donor Smo oth mus cle cells,


match may become found in the walls of blood
a thing of the past vessels, support the move-
ment of blood around the
By Sarah Knapton body by contracting and
SCIENCE EDITOR relaxing in resp onse to
chemical signals.
LAB-GROWN blood vessel This helps to move blood
transplants for people with to the areas of the body
heart problems are on the where it is needed most and
horizon after scientists cre- when it stops working it can
ated contracting muscle cells lead to a range of heart and
You wait all year for a bus... A fleet of old and new Routemaster double-decker buses provided a unique annual service in Wiltshire on from human blood. c i rc u l a t o r y c o n d i ti o n s ,
Saturday, ferrying passengers on a 10-mile route from Warminster to the uninhabited village of Imber, in the heart of the Salisbury Plain. Researchers from Imperial including high blood pres-
College successfully grew sure and diabetes.
smooth muscle cells in a dish To test whether the lab-
and showed they make a sim- grown cells were contract-
ilar pumping acting as natu- ing, researchers exposed
ral blood vessels. them to thromboxane, a hor-
It opens the door for grow- mone which causes cells in
ing complete arteries or the body to contract.
veins in the lab which could Shortly after exposure
be transplanted into people they saw increased levels of
with circulation or heart calcium in the cells – a signal
problems. that the cells need in order to
Currently, people who contract.
need blood vessel replace- The breakthrough will
ments must wait for a blood- also help scientists under-
matched donor to become stand the differences
available, or have an “auto- between healthy and dis-
graft”, where a vein is taken eased vessels.
from another part of the Growing cells from blood
body, such as in heart bypass vessels in the lab usually
surgery. requires taking arteries or
But being able to grow ves- veins from someone during
sels in the lab could give an surgery or after death.
unlimited supply, while also Labs across the world have
halting damage to another been looking for a way to
part of the body, and reduc- grow blood vessels artifi-
ing the chance of rejection. cially. Last year a team of
Around 14,000 people in researchers at the University
Britain need coronary artery of Minnesota Medical School
bypass grafting surgery each grew human-derived blood
year. vessels in a pig.
Dr Blerina Ahmetaj-Shala, The breakthrough will
Research Fellow at the Brit- also help scientists under-
ish Heart Foundation Centre stand the differences
of Research Excellence, at between healthy and dis-
Imperial, said: “[We’ve] been eased vessels.
able to grow the individual The team have started to
cells that make up a blood grow cells from patients with
vessel from blood samples. type 1 diabetes, who are at
“Next, we want to create increased risk of heart and
3D models of blood vessel circulatory complications,
systems using blood samples and have shown that these
from both healthy volunteers cells are also able to contract
and people with heart and in response to thromboxane.
circulatory conditions. The research was pub-
“This will allow us to com- lished in the journal Fron-
pare how blood vessels func- tiers Cell and Developmental
tion in health and disease, Biology.

Strike threat over

Legionella on trains
By Mike Wright the lavatories, Mick Lynch,
the union’s general secretary,
L E G I O N E L L A has b e en said: “RMT has been raising
found in the lavatories of a concerns for weeks now, and
number of Thameslink the latest cavalier approach
trains, leading to a rail union from the company is pitifully
threatening strike action inadequate and is an outright
over the operator’s response. gamble with passenger and
The RMT union described staff health.
Thameslink’s decision to “We have now declared a
drain and bleach seven toi- dispute and if we don’t get
lets on four trains that tested serious action we will ballot
positive as “half-hearted and our [members].”
inadequate”. Responding to the com-
It has now called for talks ments, Thameslink said it is
with the operator’s manage- not uncommon for low levels
ment and is preparing its of Legionella to exist in
members for strike action. homes and offices as well as
Thameslink said “very low public places.
levels” of the bacteria had It said no traces of the bac-
been found and the trains t e r i a , wh i c h i s s p re a d
had been taken out of service through the air, were found
while they were cleaned. in its trains’ air conditioning
The bacteria can cause a systems.
potentially lethal lung infec- Following the positive
tion, known as Legionnaires’ tests the facilities were “com-
disease if droplets containing pletely drained, bleached
it are inhaled. and refilled” before the trains
Thameslink said the were returned to service.
removal of the trains, which Rob Mullen, train services
are now back in service, had director at Thameslink, said:
not affected its timetable, “A v e r y l o w l e v e l o f
which is still running under Legionella was found to be
capacity following the pan- present during testing in a
demic. small number of our Thames-
After the positive tests of link Class 700 train toilets.”

Rugby player collapses

and dies during match
TRIBUTES have been paid to shocked and saddened. Fly
an amateur rugby player who high brother … fly high.” The
collapsed and died during a Welsh Rugby Union tweeted:
memorial game in Neath Port “Our deepest condolences to
Talbot, South Wales. Alex’s family, friends, team-
Alex Evans was playing for mates and all at the club.”
Cwmllynfell RFC against Club captain Chris Balfe
Crynant RFC when he fell ill praised those who went to
on Saturday. The flanker was help Mr Evans and offered
treated by first responders condolences to his family.
and the ambulance service Writing on Facebook, he
but died. said: “To play as part of a
The club wrote on Twitter: team is more than a sport, it’s
“We have lost a brother on to be part of a family.
the field and it is hurting so “We went out today as a
much. RIP Alex. The whole team of mates and we came
club and community are off the field losing a brother.”
The Daily Telegraph Monday 23 August 2021 *** 13

Pot Noodles and no
TV: girl, 14, becomes
youngest sailor to
go around Britain
By Daily Telegraph Reporter
A S CHO OLGIRL has become the
youngest solo sailor to navigate Britain,
fuelled largely by Pot Noodles.
Katie McCabe, 14, arrived at her
home town of Devon on Saturday even-
ing after a 1,600 nautical mile anticlock-
wise voyage.
She came home to torrential rain and
a large crowd along Topsham Quay.
She beat the previous record holder
Timothy Long, who completed the trip
aged 15. After arriving, Katie said: “I am
overwhelmed.” Asked what she was
looking forward to doing next, she sim-
ply said: “Sailing.”
Following close behind her has been
David, her boatbuilder father, who had
to stay within a five-mile range of his
daughter for insurance reasons. Katie McCabe, left, sailed into the record
Katie set sail in her 26ft bull-hulled books on her 26ft wooden yacht, above,
wooden boat called Falanda on June 30 covering the 1,600 miles in seven weeks
and completed her voyage in seven
weeks. She had no TV and meals were in time for the start of her school term,
fairly basic, with pasta or Pot Noodles but joked: “I might carry on and go
being cooked on a single-ring stove. around again.”
Her grandparents Clive and Chris Katie has so far raised more than
Parnell said: “She had only sailed 400 £10,000 for the Sea Shepherd UK char-
miles solo before this. We are so proud.
She had some night sails, which are ‘I am looking forward to
very tricky in the dark.”
As Katie set off from Plymouth on the standing and stretching out.
last leg of her adventure, she said: “I am I really enjoyed it although
looking forward to standing up and
stretching out. I have really enjoyed it you are constantly tired’
although you are in a constant state of
tiredness. I was invaded by a swarm of ity, which targets illegal fishing and
hoverflies out at sea at one point. There clears the oceans of ghost nets.
was a big trip from south of Oban to Timothy, who completed the journey
Conwy in Wales which was 170 miles in 11 weeks in October last year, also had
and took 32 hours. And around the Mull to deal with the perils of the sea. During
of Kintyre we had a three-metre swell his trip he tackled large waves and gale-
for five to six hours.” force wind, sometimes sailing for 24
She wanted to complete the voyage hours straight.

Supermarkets ‘days apart in terms of freshness’

when packing deliveries. The results products purchased from different and drink there can be a significant dif- Partners to pick products with the long-
Online food deliveries last come as Which? conducted a series of supermarkets. For instance, the longest ference between online supermarkets. est best before date for online deliveries
“mystery shopper” purchases online lasting mince came from Asda, with 13.4 Shockingly, our mystery shoppers – we’re sorry this fell short of our high
longest from Tesco, staying from six major supermarkets: Wait- days to eat it, compared with just 2.1 found some items that were already out standards and are committed to making
in date for a week and a half, rose, Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Asda, Morri- days for a packet of mince from Morri- of date when delivered, as well as gro- this better for our customers.
survey of six chains shows sons and Ocado. sons. ceries that appeared to have gone off “From time to time we sometimes
Testers ordered more than 1,000 gro- Best before Likewise, the freshest semi-skimmed before their use-by dates had even shorten the date codes on certain fresh
By Mike Wright ceries looking at the same 16 perishable Average milk was bought online from Asda with passed. produce to ensure it’s at optimum qual-
items across the different services. time left for 18.3 days left before it went off, whereas “Use-by dates are about safety and ity – so this may also have been a factor
SHOPPERS looking for the freshest Which? then totalled up the number testers received one bottle from Wait- shoppers should not risk eating out-of- behind the results.”
deliveries should order from Tesco over of hours left from the time of the arrival food bought rose with just 4.7 days left. date food. Anyone who is unhappy with ‘Anyone who Sainsbury’s said the mystery shopper
Waitrose, a Which? study has found. until midnight on the use-by date to cal- online Which? also received some products the freshness of their online groceries results were “at odds” with research
The consumer champion discovered culate the average freshness of the that were already beyond their best- should complain to their supermarket, is unhappy Which? had carried out earlier in the
that groceries lasted on average two and deliveries. Tesco 264 hours before dates in two separate pots of or switch to a supermarket with better with the year which dubbed the chain the UK’s
a half days longer when purchased from The watchdog found Tesco came top (11 days) cream from Sainsbury’s and Ocado. policies on food freshness if possible.” “favourite online retailer”.
Tesco when it tested deliveries from a with its items lasting on average 11 days Asda 252 hours Three items from Asda, Morrisons Another issue uncovered by Which? freshness of Morrisons said it was “disappointed”
range of large supermarkets. after delivery, whereas Waitrose ranked (10.5 days) and Sainsbury’s were delivered on their was items being delivered in damaged their online with the results of the test and was look-
The findings come as Which? also bottom of the six with an average of just Ocado 249 hours use-by dates and separate packets of or compromised packaging. Ten such ing into how to improve its delivery
found some supermarket deliveries 8.6 days. (10.4 days) minced beef from Asda, Ocado and products were delivered in a state that groceries process.
included damaged items or produce Asda was found to have the second Sainsbury’s 230 Waitrose “appeared to have gone off ” testers deemed not safe to eat, includ- should A spokesman for Ocado added: “We
that was about to go off, such as cream freshest produce with its items lasting hours (9.6 days) despite technically being within their ing some bacon rashers from Morrisons work hard to ensure our supply chain is
and meat. on average 10.5 days and the online ser- Morrisons 221 best-before dates. and an Ocado pasta salad which had its
complain to efficient and runs smoothly in order to
Following the findings, Waitrose vice Ocado came third with 10.4 days. hours (9.2 days) Harry Rose, editor of Which? maga- plastic film torn. their deliver the freshest food with the long-
said it trained its workers to pick prod- The testers also found stark differ- Waitrose 207 zine, said: “Our analysis shows that Following the exercise, a spokesman est shelf life, while maintaining the low-
ucts with the longest best-before dates ences in the use-by dates of similar hours (8.6 days) when it comes to delivering fresh food for Waitrose said: “We always train our
supermarket’ est levels of food waste in the industry.”

Two pints of lager and a packet of olives –

pubgoers moving to healthier snacks
By Mike Wright table service apps during the Meanwhile, demand for nuts, Mini Cheddars and Monster Munch or Mini
pandemic, giving a clearer gourmet flavoured crisps prawn cocktail crisps. Cheddars still remained an
OLIVES and halloumi fries picture of the nation’s evolv- shot up by 16 per cent and Data from the app also popular accompaniment to a
are replacing salted peanuts ing bar food preferences. olives by 8 per cent. noticed that upmarket snacks pint in places such as Mid-
and traditional crisp flavours A study of 1.5 million Purchases of snacks popu- were becoming increasingly dlesbrough and Swansea.
as the nation’s favourite bar orders by ServedUp, a table lar with adherents of low-carb popular in northern towns Hugo Tilmouth, CEO at
snacks, data have shown. service app, found a marked diets, such as the paleo and and cities such as Manches- ServedUp, said: “Obviously
Pubgoers in the North are increase in purchases of keto regimes, also rose with ter, York and Aberdeen. our data reveals a snapshot of
also leaning more towards healthier snacks since pubs demand for cured Biltong In York, beer-battered fries life in Britain’s bars and pubs,
trendy snacks according to a started to re-open in April. meat strips up 7 per cent. were among the most popular but could it be that the north
study of more than one mil- Purchases of baked crisps Conversely, more tradi- snacks post lockdown and in has overtaken the south and
lion table service orders. rose by 23 per cent compared tional bar staples saw a Manchester tempura prawns is now the epicentre of the
The findings come as with before the pandemic, decline in popularity, with rose in popularity. upmarket bar room nibble?”
punters have had to order cashew nuts by 20 per cent purchases decreasing for H o w e v e r, t r a d i t i o n a l
food and drinks online via and popcorn by 12 per cent. pickled onions, salted pea- snacks such as packets of Editorial Comment: Page 17

River plague prompts

warning to dog walkers
By Gabriella Swerling or animals, it has killed
white-clawed crayfish to the
DOG walkers have been told point where they are now an
by the Environment Agency endangered species.
to keep their pets away from “The whole of the Forest of
streams as they are spreading Dean is at risk because on a
a deadly crayfish plague. day you might trudge
The Environment Agency through the Soudley Brook
issued the warning after and before you know it
white-clawed crayfish were you’re in another water-
found dead in two brooks. course quite quickly,” Mr
T h e e n d a n g e re d a n d Bainger warned.
native crustaceans died in “You might still have dirty
the Cinderford and Soudley boots or your dog’s been hav-
brooks in Gloucestershire. ing a run in that stream. It’s
Chris Bainger, a fisheries important to think about that
technical specialist at the bigger scale.”
Environment Agency, said: The Wildlife Trust lists the
“We’ve had a few outbreaks species as the UK’s only
over the years but this is the native freshwater crayfish.
first in that specific area.” The white-clawed crayfish
The plague is transferred inhabits small freshwater
through the water and was streams of a depth less than

brought into the UK by the one metre, hiding under-

Testing time Supporters of Geronimo, the TB-positive alpaca, American signal crayfish. neath stones and rocks and in
demonstate at Shepherds Close Farm, Wotton-under-Edge, Glos. Although it is not fatal to small crevices where they
the invasive species, humans forage for food.
14 *** Monday 23 August 2021 The Daily Telegraph

World news

Josephine Baker Unrest Fireworks

launched by anti-

to be first black protesters explode

over riot police in
Bangkok, Thailand.
The protesters have

woman buried in for several weeks

been holding rallies
against the

French Pantheon government’s

failure to handle
outbreaks and the
pandemic’s impact
on the economy.
because of the acts of courage she per-
Macron decides to honour formed for the country.”
Baker, who became a French citizen
US-born performer for her in 1937 and was buried in Monaco in
courage as a resistance 1975, was famous for saying she had two
fighter against the Nazis loves, “my country and Paris”.
Born in St Louis, Missouri, in 1906,
By Rebecca Rosman in Paris she moved to Paris in 1925 as part of a
wave of black Americans who saw the
FRANCE is to induct the first black French capital as a welcome escape
woman into a mausoleum for its most from racial segregation and other kinds
distinguished citizens. of mistreatment in the United States.
Josephine Baker, the American-born In 1925, she joined the Théâtre des
dancer, Second World War resistance Champs-Elysées to dance in La Revue
fighter and civil rights activist, will be Nègre, where she introduced French
reinterred at the Panthéon in an official audiences to the Charleston, a jazz
ceremony this autumn. dance named after the town in South
Activists celebrated President Emma- Carolina where it first originated.
nuel Macron’s decision to honour Baker’s performance made her an
Baker, who died aged 68 in 1975, by overnight success. Ernest Hemingway,
placing her alongside national heroes the writer who was a part of the famed

including Marie Curie, Alexandre “lost generation” of Americans that

Dumas and Voltaire. lived in Paris in the Twenties, described
Baker as “the most sensational woman
anyone ever saw”.
Josephine Baker was In 1927, she became the first black
born in Missouri, woman to star in a major motion pic-
United States, then ture, with the French silent film Siren of
became a French the Tropics.
citizen, speaking of Her commitment to France was
her love for Paris cemented during the Second World
War, when she was recruited by the
Deuxième Bureau, the French military
“When the president said yes, [it was
a] great joy,” said Jennifer Guesdon, one
intelligence agency, to use her fame and
charm to gather information on Ger- Sewage from Beijing ships a ‘catastrophe’ for the South China Sea
of 38,000 people who signed a petition man troops at parties. “The Parisians
calling for the reburial. gave me their hearts, I am ready to give
Mr Macron’s administration has them my life,” Baker famously told By Nicola Smith and A A Alegre ships often gather in batches. “When concluded. Ms Derr said: “The right Following Simularity’s July report,
come under fire in recent months for its Jacques Abtey, the French spy that the ships don’t move, the poop piles up,” thing to do, and this has been proposed the Chinese embassy in Manila denied
approach to minorities, with police bru- recruited her for these missions. HUMAN waste and sewage dumped in Ms Derr told an online conference. by a number of scientists, is to make the Chinese boats were dumping sewage
tality and a new law targeting Islamist Once Germany invaded in 1940, the South China Sea is causing lasting “This is a catastrophe of epic propor- Spratly Islands a no-catch marine pro- overboard, accusing the company of
separatism sparking a backlash. Baker moved to southern France where damage to fragile reefs and marine life, tions and we are close to the point of no tected area. Those coral reefs are criti- “maliciously spreading fake news
In reply, Mr Macron has been vocal in she housed members of General according to US experts tracking the return,” she said, warning that fish, cal to the lives of all the people who live against China”.
his backing for France’s principle of Charles de Gaulle’s Free French forces. environmental catastrophe from space. including migratory tuna, breed in the along the shore,” she said. But Ms Derr said satellite images over
“universalism”, where citizens are De Gaulle later awarded her the Legion Liz Derr, of a software firm creating reefs that are being damaged and could The Spratlys lie at the centre of a ter- the past month suggested that more
expected to place national identity over of Honour medal. artificial intelligence for satellite cause fish stocks to decline in an area ritorial dispute between China, Taiwan, than 100 ships had moved away from
ethnic or religious ties. Even though she remained based in imagery analysis, said it was “highly that is a key regional food source. Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam and the Union Banks and were no longer
Laurent Kupferman, a writer who France, Baker also became involved in probable” the effluent came from Chi- Another investigation contrasted Brunei, and Vietnamese forces have anchoring in long strips.
launched the petition, said Baker sym- the US civil rights movement during the nese ships linked to Beijing’s maritime algae build-up in the Union Banks atoll also occupied some coral outcrops in Her company is working with the US
bolised the principle, having credited it Fifties and Sixties. militia patrolling and anchoring in in the Spratlys with similar reefs that Union Banks. state department and embassy in
with helping her escape the racism of In 1963, she spoke alongside Dr Mar- politically sensitive reefs and atolls. were free from human activity. A diplomatic spat erupted this year Manila to help the Philippines govern-
the United States. tin Luther King Jr at the March on A Simularity Inc report used satellite “There is significant evidence that between the Philippines and China ment purchase its software and services
In his petition, Mr Kupferman wrote Washington. images over the past five years to show the Union Banks reefs are being dam- when Manila ordered hundreds of Chi- to help monitor the coastline.
that Baker “should not be inducted just Baker died in Paris in 1975 at the age how raw sewage had caused algae in aged by “excess nutrients” and have nese boats to leave the Whitsun Reef, She said she had been taken aback by
because she was a woman or because of 68 after suffering a cerebral haemor- reefs in the Spratlys archipelago where more reef degrading macroalgae than which it maintains is within its 200- the strength of the international
she was black … she should be inducted rhage. China has territorial claims and Chinese similar reefs which are not occupied,” it mile exclusive economic zone. response to the research.
The Daily Telegraph Monday 23 August 2021 *** 15

World news


Record rainfall leads to

issue captive 10 deaths in Tennessee
Flooding in Tennessee has left at least
10 people dead and dozens missing as

elephants with
record-breaking rainfall washed away
homes and rural roads
Twin toddlers are among at least 15
people killed in the state, where homes
were washed away, and left 30 people

identity cards
missing. The flooding took out roads
and telephone lines, leaving families
unable to contact each other.
Up to 17in (43cm) of rain fell in
Humphreys County in less than 24
hours Saturday, shattering the
Tennessee record for one-day rainfall
By Louise Watt TAIPEI Wildlife safaris are a major tourist by more than 3in.
draw in Sri Lanka, including elephant
ELEPHANTS kept in captivity in Sri rides. The new law says that no more
Lanka are to be given biometric identity than four tourists can ride an elephant, Haitian gangster vows to
cards as a way of protecting them from and they must sit on a well-padded sad-
ill treatment. dle to protect the animal.
assist earthquake relief
Authorities have also banned owners The measures call on owners of A Haitian gang leader has promised to
from riding them while drunk as part of working elephants to make sure each assist in relief efforts following the
a host of measures that are contained in one has a two-and-a-half-hour bath devastating earthquake that officials
a wide-ranging animal protection law. every day. Each elephant must also have now say killed 2,207 people.
The new law aims to address wide- its own photo identity card with a DNA It comes as relief operations are
spread complaints of cruelty and ill stamp. In another new rule, a rider – expanding, but authorities have
treatment against elephants that are known as a mahout – may not ride an struggled with security at distribution
kept as pets in the South Asian nation. elephant while drinking alcohol. points. Gangs have hijacked aid trucks
There are around 200 domesticated People who violate the new law will and ambulances, forcing relief workers
elephants officially recorded in Sri see their elephant taken into state care, to transport supplies by helicopter.
Lanka. They are commonly kept by and they will face punishment of up to Yesterday, Jimmy Cherizier, leader
Buddhist monks and wealthy people three years’ imprisonment. of the G9 Revolutionary Forces, said:
who like to show them off. In other measure s, elephants “We invite all compatriots to show
Elephants are considered sacred in engaged in hoisting logs and other work solidarity with the victims by trying to
the majority-Buddhist island and are in the logging industry cannot work for share what little there is with them.”
already protected to ensure minimum more than four hours a day, and they are
standards of care, but prosecutions not allowed to work at night.
have been rare. In one notorious case, a They are also banned from the film Swedish PM announces
particularly old elephant – a 70-year-old industry – they cannot be used unless
domesticated Asian elephant – died in they are government productions with
intention to step down
2019 after being made to walk several vets supervising their treatment. Stefan Lofven, the prime minister of

miles in an annual Buddhist pageant. Compared with the 200 domesti- Sweden, caught many off-guard
Now, as part of strict measures meant to cated animals, there are an estimated yesterday by saying he would resign in
ensure elephants are properly cared for, 7,500 elephants in the Sri Lankan wild, November ahead of a general election
owners must send them for a medical although activists say the elephant pop- in September 2022 to give his
check-up every six months. ulation is on the decline because of the successor a chance to improve the
The new regulations also aim to end destruction of their habitats. Social Democrats’ standing in the polls.
harsh treatment of working elephants, Some elephants who have been Mr Lofven has been leader since
including at tourist sites where visitors forced to spread out further looking 2014, heading two coalition
can feed baby elephants. Baby ele- for food have been killed in conflicts governments with the Greens that have
phants can no longer be put to work or with farmers and others protecting lurched from crisis to crisis, unable to
separated from their mothers. their crops. Elephants in Sri Lanka are commonly kept by Buddhist monks. New measures aim to ensure they are properly cared for command a majority in parliament.

Modern masterpiece: Berlin’s contemporary art gallery reopens after six-year revamp
By Jorg Luyken in Berlin causing restrictions on entry, visitors Nationalgalerie was not universally nished, detracting from the impression “One would only be visible if one made
had to book time slots and the opening liked when first opened, but has since of a floating ceiling and obscuring the mistakes. It’s an intellectual challenge.
THE most important house of modern day was sold out weeks in advance. been one of the most iconic views in the view of the adjacent Philharmonie con- And that was the interesting thing for
art in Germany, Berlin’s Neue National- Monika Grütters, Germany’s culture German capital’s cityscape. cert hall. me,” he told the Neue Zürcher Zeitung
galerie, reopened yesterday after a no- minister, heralded the opening as a Its steel roof plane, weighing more Furthermore, the lack of accessibility newspaper.
expenses-spared refurbishment by “brilliant comeback as a pilgrimage site than 1,000 tons, is held up by eight thin for disabled people to the galleries on The interior of the building, includ-
British architect David Chipperfield. for lovers of modern art and as a stage columns, giving the impression that it is the lower floor, plus the need for a new ing its marble columns, was painstak-
Some 1,500 visitors were able to enter for contemporary artists”. floating. air ventilation system, meant that an ingly disassembled at the beginning of
the modernist masterpiece after a six- Built on the edge of West Berlin in But wear and tear over the 50 years overhaul was long overdue. renovation work, which included add-
year renovation that cost €140 million the 1960s by father of Bauhaus architec- since its opening in 1968 meant that the Chipperfield has spoken of his task as ing a lift, a modern LED lighting system
(£120 million). With the pandemic still ture Mies van der Rohe, the Neue building’s glass facade had become tar- The Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin, Germany keeping “as much Mies as possible”. and underfloor heating.
16 *** Monday 23 August 2021 The Daily Telegraph


Whitby’s Dracula
hunters show the
haunting power
of fine literature

ount Dracula is not between fiction and reality.
real. The sinister Perhaps the problem with
Transylvanian the troublesome tomb
neck-nibbler had no tourists of St Mary’s is that
corporeal existence. Nor, they are seeking the
despite his preference for numinous in a place where it
resting in boxes of earth already exists – if only they
from his native land, does he knew how to recognise it.
lie buried anywhere – least
of all in the churchyard of St
Mary’s Church, Whitby, the
Yorkshire town where Bram
‘ In 2010, researchers
from Keele University
received the coveted Ig
Stoker’s 1897 Gothic novel is Nobel Peace Prize for their
partly set. In fact, Stoker’s research into the analgesic
narrative explicitly denies properties of swearing. “I
the undead nobleman a final would advise people, if they
resting place: after he is slain hurt themselves, to swear,”
by the vampire hunters, said Richard Stephens, one
Jonathan Harker and of the authors of the study.
Quincey Morris, Dracula’s Yet a recent analysis of the
body crumbles to dust. sweary habits of Britons
None of this has deterred discovered that the use of To order prints or signed copies of any Telegraph cartoon, go to or call 0191 603 0178 ‹
the hundreds of tourists expletives is in decline,
who make the pilgrimage while our profanities of
to St Mary’s in search of choice have changed.
Dracula’s grave, however.
Here, despite a leaflet
explaining “Sorry, it’s
not here! In fact it’s not
anywhere because Dracula
“Bloody” – in my
childhood a word of such
forbidden power that I still
remember the shock of
hearing my gently spoken
The Afghanistan debacle is just the
latest blow to the Western alliance
is fiction … ”, disappointed mother utter it – has fallen to
vampire-fanciers have been third place in the league
venting their frustration so table of curses.
furiously that Father It didn’t make the cut in
Michael Gobbett, the priest Nicholas Cage’s recent
of St Mary’s, has written to Netflix documentary on
the Whitby Gazette, pointing the History of Swear Words,
out that “the primary which examined the
purpose of a church is the cultural background of Afghanistan was a Nato mission. Yet world demonstrating its European telecommunications
worship of God”. six popular profanities – There is now no hiding the when President Biden withdrew US unpredictability and instability with markets to guarantee homegrown
A more significant local including the top two on deep cracks between the forces he barely consulted his allies. ever-increasing frequency, the West FOLLOW Nick capabilities and reduce dependence
figure, he has suggested, is the current league table, He claims he discussed his decision at needs to remember the values and Timothy on firms like Huawei.
St Hild, the 7th-century f--- and s---, as well as the US and Europe. How the G7 in Cornwall in June. But Britain interests its members share. on Twitter The same is true with other threats,
founder of Whitby Abbey genteel “Damn!”, now so leaders respond is critical and others say that the nature of The United States and Europe will @NJ_Timothy; from Russia to Islamist terror, and
(and patron of the earliest anodyne as hardly to withdrawal – failing to secure Kabul differ on many an issue, but as liberal READ MORE at from climate change and migration
named English poet, count as a swear word. and removing key logistical support democracies and open societies, they crises to cyber security and new
Caedmon). In general, a disjunction NICK TIMOTHY
THY from Afghan soldiers – was not agreed. want to contain aggressive and opinion pandemics. Factors like geography,
Anyone who loves books seems to exist between our As a European ambassador privately authoritarian rivals, uphold demography and relative economic
will be familiar with the view of swearing by public says, “Our American allies played a international institutions, and strengths and weaknesses will all
sense – sometimes so strong figures – shock and horror very nasty trick on us.” maintain the global trading system. determine the extent of the danger
that it feels like a haunting if someone accidentally Americans might counter that, with They want to protect individual rights, and the urgency of addressing it for

– that a character in whose lets slip a vulgar word on Nato, the Europeans have played their commercial freedoms, their both sides. Nonetheless they are
story you have been a hot mic – and a more own trick for years. For it is not only democratic systems and their own threats we have a shared interest
immersed has an existence relaxed attitude to what reat powers rise and fall, Donald Trump who’s furious about strategic autonomy. Sometimes these in confronting.
that continues somewhere you might call domestic and apparently European free-riding while the US issues will pit one against the other, Doing so requires restoring lost
beyond the final page. profanity. impregnable empires spends vast sums on its military. EU but as hostile states like Russia and trust, and an ambitious plan to build
Lizzie Bennet, Elena As for the analgesic eventually turn to dust. countries spend on average 1.4 per China become more assertive, Western new institutions, reform old ones, and
Ferrante’s Lenu and Lila, effects, I still aspire to the Today China is on the cent of annual income on defence, states will need to work together more. ensure that together Western
Harry Potter – these are impregnable self-control rise, power is shifting compared with 3.4 per cent in America. Part of the problem is complacency governments have the capabilities
personalities that seem too of a friend’s mother who, from West to East, and the United The free-riding does not end there. and a tendency to believe our own they need to protect their citizens.
powerful to be contained by on catching her hand in States suffers from domestic division, Last year, as international pressure was rhetoric in the West. In Britain, we This may include new treaties on the
the bounds of their fictional the whirring blades of a strategic overreach and a crisis of building on China over Covid-19, Hong seem to believe that there is such a governance of the internet, reaffirmed
settings. lawnmower, remarked only: confidence. The Afghan war ended in Kong and its treatment of the Uyghurs, thing as truly free global markets. In commitments to fighting terrorism, a
A lively tourist industry “Christmas crackers!” unmitigated defeat, the withdrawal the EU signed a Comprehensive Europe, politicians act as though the reformed World Trade Organisation,
nurtures the longing of fans was a humiliation and the evacuation a Agreement on Investment with EU really has become a superpower in a common understanding of how we
to engage with their literary disgrace. Yet it is too soon to write off Beijing. The problem was not only that its own right. In America, Democrats should approach Russia and China,
heroes and heroines. Yet American power. The US remains the the incoming Biden administration especially talk of the rules-based and new agreements to cooperate in
most of us remain capable of READ MORE at world’s greatest military force, its had asked the EU to wait before liberal international order, as the fight against cybercrime,
recognising the border economic superpower and instigator signing the treaty; it was that European though such an order might exist pandemics and people smuggling
of innovation and discovery. negotiators took advantage of the spontaneously. In reality the world and illegal immigration.
But America is supposed to lead collective pressure on China, and the order is a global hierarchy enforced by On climate change, governments
the free world. And what we have eagerness of the Chinese to undermine US economic and military strength. should try to agree what is fair for
come to call “the West” – the liberal a post-Trump EU/US alliance, to win But it is increasingly challenged by Western countries to take on over and
democracies and open societies of concessions in the deal. others, and many American politicians above targets for the rest of the world.
North America, Europe and Australasia Add to this American concern about and voters are reluctant to keep paying And there needs to be a clear
– is fragmenting. American leadership, Nord Stream 2, the pipeline that will the bills. commitment to maintain capabilities
mostly unquestioned since 1945, is supply Germany with Russian gas Consider the mounting threats in the West: military and security
now challenged in Europe and rejected under the Baltic Sea, cutting out against the West, and the need to capabilities, but strategic economic
as a burden by many in America itself. Ukraine and making Kiev more confront them together becomes and commercial capabilities, too.
Afghanistan is the latest cause of vulnerable to Russian aggression, or immediately apparent. On China, Front Bench The Afghan debacle might prove to
division. The decision, 20 years ago, to European noises about not picking Europe may be more mindful of its Everything you be another staging post on the way to
remove the Taliban from power, was sides – and indeed seeing equivalence desire to maintain exports, but like schism, decline and weakness. But it
made after 9/11 when the US invoked
need to know
– between America and China, and the America it has to contend with could become the moment our leaders
Article 5 of the Washington Treaty. extent of the differences between the industrial espionage, cyber attacks and from Westminster, realise they must revitalise the
Article 5 guarantees collective security EU and US become even clearer. diplomatic pressure in international every weekday Western alliance. Sometimes, failure
between Nato members: an attack on But it would be a grave, tragic and institutions. If the West is serious morning can breed further failure. But
one state means all must come to its historic error to allow such differences about Chinese cyber threats, it will sometimes, from failure can emerge
defence. to form an unbridgeable chasm. In a need to reform American and front-bench new resolve, purpose and success.

We must resist the normalisation of masks

resist the way in which they have been will likely have been better than the development, particularly in relation
Their adoption by zero- adopted as a talisman by the campaign average we see around us. to social interaction.
for the impossible state of zero Covid. In the absence of compelling RCTs, FOLLOW Dr Colin If the real-world effect of mask-use
Covid supporters as a kind Does it matter that half of the MPs we need to examine indirect evidence. Axon on Twitter on reducing transmission was strong,
of talisman is no substitute were not wearing a mask in a large Looking at different countries, there is @cjaxon2; there would likely have been a signal in
for rigorous research enclosed space? The Office for little or no correlation between READ MORE at the infection data. Overall, it seems that
National Statistics estimates that more changes in the infection rate and the the best we can say about masks is that
than 90 per cent of adults have dates of implementation of mask opinion any effect on transmission they might
COLIN AXON antibodies anyway. The WHO advice mandates. If the number of infections have is obscured by the effects of other
prior to 2020 was that cloth face was increasing when the mandate was interventions, perhaps lost in the noise
coverings and surgical masks were not imposed, it carried on increasing at the below any readily observable level.
effective in preventing transmission of same rate. If the number of infections Responses to pandemics should
viruses. Prof Chris Whitty has stated was falling or stable, they continued on account for all factors that make for a
that the evidence for using masks was that line. This statistic tells us nothing well-functioning society. The rules
weak. It does not appear that any new about individual behaviour, but should and advice need to balance health,

he divide in the House of evidence has emerged in the last 18 inform governments which have to economic, and human and social
Commons was striking last months to overturn that consensus. make decisions at the population level. factors. If face coverings do become a
week. Nearly all members of the According to the scientific method, Also, the UK pilot study for large- political battleground in the UK, as
Opposition were wearing masks while it is not for those claiming the veracity scale indoor and outdoor events found they have done in the US and
only a handful could be seen on the of an effect to expect others to disprove no worrisome spikes in infection. elsewhere, politicians will not be solely
Government benches. I do not know their claim. The onus is on those The real world has many variables responsible. The wider scientific
whether this was an organised political asserting that masks work to devise a and picking apart these effects using advice system and its relatively narrow
statement, a natural result of personal suitable experiment to prove it. statistical methods is hard. That makes base of expertise must shoulder some
choice, or a difference in the The best evidence would be from it easier for the mask proponents to blame for failing to commission
implications drawn from the randomised control trials (RCT), but argue that if mask-wearing saves just systematic trials and transparent,
scientific evidence. But whatever the too few have been done. One Danish one life and a few infections it is worth balanced risk-benefit analyses.
explanation, political posturing RCT showed no statistically significant it. But that is a value statement, which If the results of such research are
over face coverings matters. difference in the infection rate takes no account of possible harms. open to all, we can end those
For a year or more, many between those who used masks in the There are many downsides to using remaining mask mandates and let the
commentators have been suggesting community and those who did not. It masks. They stoke fear and anxiety, public make up their own minds.
that the Government’s responses to the was not a perfect study: participants reminding us that we are living in a state
pandemic owe more to politics and had to self-report how well they used of emergency. They are a hindrance to Dr Colin Axon is senior lecturer in
polls than science. We must resist the masks once they had been shown how communication, and can have a engineering at Brunel University. He is
creeping normalisation of masks and to use them properly. But compliance significant impact on child writing in a personal capacity
The Daily Telegraph Monday 23 August 2021 *** 17

Letters to the Editor

America’s unconvincing explanation of the operation in Kabul to save civilians from the Taliban
SIR – While serving with Isaf at Kabul postwar decline was arrested and support from the Qataris. Questions made without informing Pakistan.
airport on the 10th anniversary of would-be invaders of our allies were need to be raised, not just about the In the last week, Pakistan has helped
September 11, during a period of deterred. venue of the 2022 World Cup. hundreds of diplomatic staff of several
high-intensity combat operations The catastrophic withdrawal of the Alexandra Wakid European countries and Afghans
there, I was ordered to attend a United States from Afghanistan has London SW15 working at organisations like the
meeting at the US embassy in Kabul, already had the reverse effect on the World Bank and UN to evacuate safely.
thinking it at the time, for obvious world standing of America, but also on SIR – The article “Pakistan goes to the Pakistan expects all stakeholders in
ESTABLISHED 1855 reasons, a dangerous journey. that of Britain. With China having root of Taliban support. Time to stop Afghanistan to respect fundamental
I was a fairly senior officer, flouted the Joint Declaration in Hong treating it as an ally” by Kyle Orton human rights, including the rights of
effectively under American command, Kong and already sabre-rattling over ( includes the claim women, while fulfilling their
and I live to tell the tale despite having Taiwan, and with Russia’s Vladimir that Mullah Omar died in Pakistan. By commitment to ensure that Afghan

Tony Blair offers made the return trip by road.

For the US secretary of state to
suggest that helicopter flights were the
Putin having seized part of Georgia in
2008 and Crimea in 2014, calculations
will be made that the West under US
all accounts, he died in Afghanistan.
In the past 20 years, more Pakistani
soldiers have died in confronting
territory is not used by international
terrorists against any other country.
Moazzam Ahmad Khan

a blinkered view normal means of making that trip is

contemptuously dishonest. We all
leadership has lost the will to defend
its interests and its values. Overnight,
terrorism than those of the United
States and Nato combined. Pakistan
High Commissioner for Pakistan to the
UK, London SW1

know why it’s now a helicopter the world has become a much more has suffered over 80,000 casualties.
journey, as it was in Saigon. dangerous place. Pakistan’s intelligence cooperation SIR – Which lessons of history will we
Colonel James N Stythe (retd) The West must now declare that has been pivotal in decimating repeat at Kabul airport, where flights
n a lengthy essay on the website of the Pewsey, Wiltshire Nato’s Article 5 remains firmly in force al-Qaeda and other groups. Pakistan are only possible by the acquiescence
Institute for Global Change that bears his and that any attempt to seize Taiwan continues to be a generous host to over of the Taliban?
name, Tony Blair sets out a case for SIR – Tony Blair (report, August 22) will be forcefully resisted. three million Afghan refugees. Will the media-savvy Islamists put
continued Western intervention to curb the might like to recall who committed Meanwhile, Britain must ramp up its It has been the consistent position of us through a surrender and a repeat of
spread of radical Islam. He suggests this British troops to this 20-year war Armed Forces more than envisaged in Imran Khan, the prime minister, that the Iranian hostage crisis of 1979-81?
threat is every bit as great as the efforts of the before using the word imbecilic. the recent defence review. there was no military solution to the Or will it be a promise of evacuation by
T T Weller Sir Gerald Howarth conflict in Afghanistan, and that land and then a massacre, as happened
Soviet Union to seed the doctrine of Marxism- Newbury, Berkshire Minister for International Security dialogue was the only way forward. So to Major-General Elphinstone’s army
Leninism around the world and needs to be Strategy, 2010-12 Pakistan played its part in bringing the on the road to Gandamak in 1842?
countered in the same way as during the Cold War. SIR – It’s getting embarrassing. As Chelsworth, Suffolk Taliban to the negotiating table. The We are past a military solution to
The criticism he levelled at Joe Biden for the We accept letters an (ex) paid-up member of the US, the Taliban and the Ashraf Ghani this problem. Bring our soldiers home
“imbecilic” withdrawal from Afghanistan has been by post, fax and Conservative Party, I find myself SIR – The unwelcome image of Taliban government held direct talks. Failure within hours, not days.
interpreted as a denunciation of the incompetent email only. Please agreeing with Tony Blair yet again. leaders returning triumphantly to of intra-Afghan negotiations to make Otto Inglis
include name, Garry Wiseman Afghanistan from Qatar was made headway speaks of the inflexibility of Crossgates, Fife
manner of the departure. Donald Trump has address, work and Fordham, Cambridgeshire more shocking by the fact that they various Afghan parties, rather than any
described the retreat from Kabul as a greater home telephone were filmed disembarking from an “duplicity” on the part of Pakistan. SIR – A strong sense of déjà vu makes
humiliation than the fall of Saigon. But Mr Blair is numbers. SIR – Following Margaret Thatcher’s aircraft of the Qatar Air Force. Pakistan maintained that any me wonder if, in 2035, a new musical
not talking about the logistical fiasco we are resolve to send a taskforce across the The Taliban are a terrorist grouping withdrawal of international forces will take the West End by storm,
witnessing as thousands of Afghans who worked 111 Buckingham globe to recover the Falklands from with no mandate to take control of must be accompanied with a called Miss Kabul.
with Nato struggle to leave. Palace Road, Argentine occupation in 1982, Britain’s Afghanistan, but they have been given negotiated settlement. Unfortunately, Paul Ryan
London standing in the world shot up, our a spurious status by this visible official the decision to withdraw forces was Smarden, Kent
The former prime minister, who sent UK troops
to joint the action against al-Qaeda and the Taliban
in 2001, is making a geopolitical point about future FAX What the DVLA does McGreenery
Western strategy. 020 7931 2878
Leaving Afghanistan, whether in an organised SIR – My sister and her husband run SIR – After years of complaining that
way or not, he considers to be “tragic, dangerous, EMAIL what was the family farm on an island Scotland does not get the government
unnecessary and not in their interests or ours.” He dtletters@ off Scotland. They had a letter from the it voted for, Nicola Sturgeon has just DVLA informing them that a vehicle added a Green dimension to her own
asks: “Has the West lost its strategic will? Meaning: registered in their name does not government that almost no one in
is it able to learn from experience, think FOLLOW comply with London emissions rules Scotland voted for. Her “landslide”
strategically, define our interests strategically and Telegraph Letters and would not be allowed on the M25. victory seems to have gone down
on that basis commit strategically? Is long-term a on Twitter They found the registration belongs the drain.
concept we are still capable of grasping? Is the @LettersDesk to a 32-year-old tractor, kept as a Dr Gerald Edwards
nature of our politics now inconsistent with the loader. My brother-in-law is quite Glasgow
disappointed that he can’t go to
assertion of our traditional global leadership role? London on his tractor. SIR – I see that the Green Party in
And do we care?” Incidentally, I am still waiting for my Scotland does not believe growth is
These are good questions but they come from a driving licence to be renewed (Letters a “sensible measure” of economic
former leader who arguably super-charged radical August 20), and am worried as we plan success (report, August 21).
Islam by backing the invasion of Iraq which a trip to Spain in October. How can I What might they believe is,


removed the bulwark against Iran, seen then, as explain to a car-hire company that I am I wonder?
allowed to drive, but don’t have proof Simon Morpuss
now, as the major threat to regional stability. in the form of a driving licence? Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire
Where was the long-term strategy then? Mr Blair’s John D Frew
essay mentions Iraq in passing, as a “lesson learnt”, Ipswich, Suffolk
before reprising his well-attested belief in Selfish virus
interventionism. The cat chooses
We know this works in some circumstances, as Experienced eyes inspect the scones and flowers in a tent at the annual village show SIR – It would appear that the cunning
coronavirus has a plan to frighten the
in the former Yugoslavia and Sierra Leone. But the SIR – On the question of the pecking adult population into not educating its
lesson to be learned from Afghanistan and the order with cats in the house (Letters, It’s cash that counts at the village flower show children, thus ensuring that there are
Middle East is that Western involvement is August 21), I heard my wife call out no future scientists capable of devising
resented to the point of outright hostility. How is from the kitchen: “Do you want beef or SIR – This month our local Government suggest we achieve this schemes for its elimination.
that in our national interest? Mr Blair says that chicken?” I replied: “Ooh, beef, please.” community hall has as usual held its in future when they seem hell-bent Anthony Singlehurst
“non-intervention is also policy with consequence” To this the retort was: “I was talking annual flower show. It was highly on phasing out this valuable London SE11
to the cat; you’re having soup.” successful and we took nearly £900. commodity?
and he is right. But it would be easier to take his Dave Taylor But it was all in cash. Dick Arnold
advice on these matters were he to acknowledge Manchester How do the banks and the Holditch, Dorset Star-crossed staging
that the consequences of the invasion over which
he presided were calamitous. SIR – I am 101 years old. When I sat for
the School Certificate in 1936, the set
Patients are told that no appointments are available to see a GP Shakespeare play was Romeo and

The flu threat SIR – You report (August 21) Professor

Martin Marshall, the chairman of the
only reinforces this feeling.
The vast majority of GPs have
Monday I found a large lump on my
shoulder blade close to my spine.
Juliet. We were taken to see the
London production with Laurence
Olivier, Peggy Ashcroft, John Gielgud,
Royal College of General Practitioners, worked their socks off in the Covid I rang the doctors and was given a and Edith Evans (as the Nurse).

t has been apparent for some months that the saying: “It’s a misconception that GPs pandemic. They have been seeing telephone appointment for some time I do not remember being
aren’t seeing patients face to face.” patients face to face throughout. If Wednesday morning the following traumatised by the events in the play.
biggest health threat this winter will come not
Last week my wife attended hospital they work from home, it is in addition week. How will the doctor be able to Was I hard-hearted, or just more
from Covid but flu. Every year the vaccine for leg surgery and was told to arrange to long hours in the surgery. diagnose me? I cannot take a photo as grown-up than today’s teenagers?
against influenza needs to be adjusted to account an appointment with her GP for Ruth Mays I have arthritis in both hands. Mary Wilson
for annual mutations in the virus. Usually scientists examination after a week. Windsor, Berkshire Roy Bottomley Sudbury, Suffolk
in the northern hemisphere tweak their jabs about On contacting her surgery she was Huddersfield, West Yorkshire
now, based on the dominant strain in the southern told that no face-to-face appointments SIR – I recently had reason to enter a SIR – Oh dear! How could I have got it
hemisphere’s winter, but there has been little flu were being made. Misconception? building that houses two large GP SIR – Having had problems with so wrong all these years? I thought the
Chris Davis surgeries. I saw no one except a single face-to-face consultations with actors in Romeo and Juliet really did
because of the actions taken to stop the spread of Stevenage, Hertfordshire receptionist telling one caller after GPs, hospital consultants and die at the end of the play (“Woke
coronavirus. another there were no appointments. physiotherapists, and waiting six warning: Romeo and Juliet is not real,”
As we report today, this is alarming scientists. SIR – I am the mother of an extremely Karen Gwynn weeks for an urgent MRI, I have report, August 21), and a new pair of
The Government is promising the biggest ever flu hard-working GP. I am sick and tired of Bromsgrove, Worcestershire come to the conclusion that the NHS actors were chosen for the next
vaccination campaign aimed at ensuring the most GPs being constantly denigrated. They was not saved, and is in fact dying. performance.
vulnerable are covered. Flu in a bad year will kill as are demoralised and short-staffed, and SIR – I am 90 years old and live alone, Pamela Cox Guy Williams
constant carping in the Telegraph and have no health visitors. Last Lichfield, Staffordshire Nailsworth, Gloucestershire
many as 30,000 people even with an effective
vaccine. Its impact if the jab does not work
effectively can only be guessed at. A mismatched
flu jab in 2015 contributed to a serious spike in
cases. A bad flu year on its own would put massive
pressure on the NHS. This happened in 1999/2000
when wards were full to overflowing, patients
The unspoken truth is that Joe Biden is too old
were treated in corridors and there were 48,000
excess winter deaths, though no one suggested was not cheap (final price tag more weeks are the consequences of the credibility” from allies he claimed,
locking down the country. Age is only a number, but than $2 trillion) or enlightened Democratic Party’s cynical bargain in which was contradicted by Parliament.
Successive governments have every year (grievances against the state included 2020. In a desperate bid to beat Growing numbers of Republicans
it is obvious that the rape, corruption and torture), and if no Trump, they nominated the least say Biden looked unwell or unfit for
endeavoured to maximise protection by offering all
over-60s a free jab but this is predicated upon its
president has exhausted US service personnel had died in 18 offensive candidate possible – either the job. It’s an open goal screaming for
his once formidable talent months, as claimed by war hawks, it’s because they have no faith in the a good kick. Accusations that Ronald
anticipated effectiveness. People will be probably because Trump had signed a appeal of their own ideology or the Reagan was over the hill were
encouraged this year more than ever to reinforce peace deal with the Taliban. Biden is alternatives were so unlikeable – and accentuated by innuendo; this man’s
the protection they have from Covid with a flu jab. TIM STANLEY
EY right: if he’d torn up that deal, it would though the strategy paid off in the incompetence is displayed before our
Some more vulnerable people will be offered have meant a shooting war. short term, it meant that when they very eyes.
boosters against coronavirus as well. But the But why did Biden reject a needed transformative generational The Democrats will deny it, of
conditions-based approach to leadership, they merely added one course, partly because they suspect
reality is that scientists have no real idea whether withdrawal? Why was Bagram air base more placeholder to the gerontocratic that if they are forced to admit that this
we will have a largely immunised population this abandoned? Why leave behind vital pantheon. candidate was a terrible mistake, then
winter or one at greater risk than ever from a twin supplies and equipment? Why did he The president is 78. The Senate they would have nothing else to offer
respiratory virus threat.
hen Joe Biden addressed the hide away in Camp David? Why ignore Majority leader is 70. The House – and their pitch that “at least we’re a
press on Friday, slurring and phone calls from the PM for around 36 Speaker is 81. A striking element of this safe pair of hands” is false because the
stumbling over his words, I hours? And why take so long to take uncharismatic administration is that old establishment, the Democrats and

Sophisticated snacks was reminded of the moment in 1985

when the Soviets dragged Konstantin
Chernenko, the terminally ill leader of
questions from the press? The latter is
unsurprising given that Biden waited
three months into his presidency
it’s hard to name off the top of one’s
head anyone working in it – there is no
Rahm Emanuel or James Carville – and
Republicans who intervened and
surged in Afghanistan, are just not that
competent. It was they who committed
the USSR, out of his hospital bed to before he gave a formal press its freshest face is Kamala Harris America to building a foreign

vote in an election on TV. It wasn’t just conference (the media might have whose own ratings are down after she democracy in the midst of a civil war
e report today how the typical bar snacks desperate, it was cruel. hated Trump but he was far more admitted in an interview that despite – a tall order for a nation that can’t even
of crisps and peanuts are being replaced Biden is too old to be president, accessible, and tweeted his opinions being in charge of fixing the migration free Britney Spears.
by items that reflect a more sophisticated which isn’t to say that an old person from 4am onwards), an embarrassing crisis she hadn’t yet been to the border. You know what was one of the most
and international palate, including halloumi fries can’t lead. Donald Trump is only three affair navigated with a cheat sheet. “I haven’t been to Europe either,” she radical, commented-upon aspects of
and olives. Drinkers have long suspected years younger, Pope Francis six years The president lacks the necessary joked, to everyone’s confusion. Before Trump’s administration? He was the
older, and Moses’s death at 120 was acuity for this job, something brushed the weekend, Harris boarded a plane first president in memory not to have a
innkeepers of tempting them with salty fare to considered premature. Rather, in his away during the election as a symptom for a tour that includes Vietnam. Kabul dog. Biden turned up at the White
keep them thirsty and boost the sales of beer. case Biden has simply exhausted his of his lifelong stutter, an explanation I is such an embarrassment that House with two German Shepherds, as
Whether a bowl of kalamata olives or even once formidable talent and energy, and bought into because I didn’t want to be Democrats are fleeing to Saigon to if to hammer home the point. Within
popcorn, better left to cinema audiences, will do attempts to pretend that he’s a spring cruel. But go and watch videos of escape it. weeks, one of the dogs had bitten a
the trick is anyone’s guess. Time was when any chicken have become a bad joke. Biden when he first ran for president Back to Friday’s press conference, at member of staff. The return to
self-respecting pub would have a jar or two of People are dying because of this man. in 1987 and you’ll note the stutter is which Biden reassured us that the normalcy has been a return to chaos.
I happen to believe Biden did the almost undetectable. He also had less Titanic might be sinking but the
pickled onions or pickled eggs on hand, though necessary thing in Afghanistan in the hair, much of which has magically lifeboats were doing great. Americans
the king of the nibble has always been the pork worst possible way. The West should grown back. The president is ageing were being allowed to get to the
scratching. Halloumi fries or biltong strips don’t never have been there; proof of failure backwards. By the time he leaves the airport by the Taliban he said, which FOLLOW Tim Stanley on Twitter
come close. was the speed with which the state White House, he’ll probably look 18. was contradicted by local media @timothy_stanley; READ MORE at
collapsed when we started to leave. It What we’ve seen in the last two reports. I’ve heard “no question of our
18 *** Monday 23 August 2021 The Daily Telegraph

Puzzles, Mind Games & Herculis

The Daily Telegraph Monday 23 August 2021 *** 19

Michael FITZPATRICK p.20

Shane WATSON p.25

Ivan HEWETT p.24

& Arts

Are you just tired fluctuating oestrogen and progesterone

levels can trigger a host of symptoms
throughout the body – including your
heart beating quickly or strongly,
trouble sleeping, feeling unhappy or
irritable, headaches, muscle or joint
Don’t wait to seek help: Dr Louise
Newsom, below, says it’s never too late
– or too early – to be perimenopausal

menopause. It eases symptoms and

helps protect against the long-term
no difference, and then beta-blockers
which left her feeling spaced out.
It was during a routine asthma
check-up for her son at the same
surgery that the penny dropped,
when she overhead a lady in the

…or could it be the

pain, hot flushes, night sweats, vaginal health risks of hormone deficiency, waiting room talking about her
dryness and a loss of interest in sex. A which include osteoporosis and menopause. Tearfully, Claire told a
list can be found on my website (tinyurl. cardiovascular disease. The earlier it is friendly nurse about her symptoms.
com/menopausedoctor-symptom- taken, the sooner it will work to “You’re not going crazy – you’re
sheet). If you suspect you might be improve your symptoms and boost your perimenopausal,” the nurse said,
perimenopausal, keeping a record of future health. explaining how her symptoms

your symptoms, and how they change For the majority of women, the were probably due to changing
over time, can help aid a diagnosis. benefits outweigh any risks. Yet for hormone levels.
As with the menopause, if you are 45 many years, women, healthcare At first, Claire dismissed the idea
or older, a healthcare professional professionals and the media have been as she was only 41, surely too young
should be able to make a diagnosis on given incorrect information about HRT to be perimenopausal. She was
account of changes to your periods and – for example, over reported links with prescribed the progestogen-only
any other symptoms that you may be breast cancer. pill, but although this helped with
experiencing. You do not need a the migraines and the anxiety, it
hormone blood test (which will be caused heavy bleeding (the
unreliable anyway).
‘Before I realised I progestogen-only pill is not a
In an extract from her new book, Dr Louise Newson reveals the There is a common misconception was perimenopausal, treatment for the perimenopause).
that you can only start treatment once It was at this point that Claire
telltale signs that are often dismissed as the stresses of a busy life you are actually in the menopause. This I was forgetting the came to see me. Looking at her long
isn’t true: if your symptoms are list of symptoms, I could see that she

ou bump into an old school control over their own bodies. I’m period one month, then it can be affecting your day-to day life, don’t names of medications’ was perimenopausal and I
friend and feel embarrassed passionate that women can have access heavier or is missed altogether, before wait. The earlier a woman receives prescribed HRT.
when you can’t recall their to clear, unbiased information and going back to normal again for a few treatment, the more benefits to her So often, women tell me their It has now been almost a year since
name. You put it down to a lack of support, whatever lifestage they are at. months. Things may settle down for a future health there will be. Many perimenopausal or menopausal Claire started taking HRT and she says
sleep – after all, it’s been weeks since It is never too late – or too early – to be while, but a few months down the line symptoms of the perimenopause and symptoms have caused them to the difference has been incredible.
you managed a night without waking perimenopause, and menopause, savvy. you may find it increasingly hard to menopause overlap, so this means that comfort eat and put on weight, stop Her symptoms have subsided, and
up at least once, hasn’t it? Maybe you concentrate at work, and feel irritable you will usually benefit from the same exercising, or drink more alcohol. instead of feeling as if her best years
don’t make the connection between How to tell if you’re at home. You might generally feel that advice and treatments offered during Such lifestyle changes are associated were behind her, she is looking
all these events, but one thing is for perimenopausal life is a bit more of a struggle than it the menopause. Treatments might with a higher risk of developing forward to what the future holds.
sure: you don’t feel quite like “you”. Your menopause occurs when your used to be.. include the combined oral breast cancer than the risk involved in I witness such transformations
What I have described here is a ovaries stop producing eggs and, as a So many y of us put these pi local oestrogen
contraceptive pill, taking any type of HRT. Women who every day in my clinic. Women who
fairly typical experience of the result, levels of hormones called symptoms down to the stress of delivered with a pessary, cream are under 51 and taking any type of had been on the verge of quitting their
perimenopause, the stage directly oestrogen and progesterone fall and our busy lives.
ves. or ring, or HR
HRT. HRT do not have an increased risk of jobs, or ending relationships, regain
before the menopause. With so much your periods stop. During the Take my y experience, for men
Good menopausal care isn’t developing breast cancer, as they are their confidence and zest for life
emphasis on the menopause itself, perimenopause, you experience example: before I realised I m
just about medicine. Use this simply replacing their missing within a few months.
you could be forgiven for not realising menopausal symptoms due to declining was perimenopausal,
enopausal, I found yo life to reflect on
period in your hormones. The days of struggling on in silence
how disruptive the perimenopause levels of these hormones, but still have myself forgetting
getting the names of your overall health and must be put behind us. No matter
can actually be. Not openly discussing your periods, which are changing in different medications and I well-being. A good diet and Regain your confidence your age or your symptom, if it is
it can add up to a potential physical nature or frequency. was terrified ed of making an exer
regular exercise are an Claire, a patient of mine, had always affecting your life, please see a
and mental health timebomb for This can last for many months or error at work.
ork. This was so p of managing
integral part been fit, healthy and a cup half full healthcare professional. Never wait
women, both now and in later life. years. Like the menopause, there is no frightening g to experience. In y r perimenopause
your pe and kind of woman, but on turning 40, until your symptoms become

Doctors frequently misdiagnose it. set age at which the perimenopause hindsight, I realise it was menop
menopause. Don’t everything changed. For the first time unbearable. You are the expert when
Research has shown that more than will start. For most women, it is likely to all too easy y to put this neglec your mental
neglect in her life, she began suffering it comes to your mind and body.
one-third of perimenopausal and be around 45 years of age, but many down to a busy work and health – book in regular
health unbearable migraines and heart
menopausal women in the UK wait at women in their twenties, thirties and home life. o to do things
time out palpitations. She had terrible anxiety Extract taken from Preparing for the
least a year to receive adequate forties will be perimenopausal without yo enjoy and help
that you that came from nowhere, was irritable Perimenopause and Menopause by Dr
treatment for their symptoms; and for even realising it. From headaches
adaches you rel
relax. with her husband and two children Louise Newson (Penguin Life, £9.99),
one in 10 women, it takes more than Typically, the first sign may be bido,
to low libido, and felt zapped of energy. which is published on Thursday. Order
nine doctor’s appointments even to changes to the frequency, duration or don’t wait
ait to HRT is not just for Over the course of several GP now for £8.99 at,
make the diagnosis. flow of your periods. But it isn’t always seek helpp the me
menopause appointments, she was prescribed or call 0844 871 1514
We need to start destigmatising the easy to make the connection. Because Along withh changes HRT rem
remains the gold- sumatriptan for her migraines, which To download Dr Newson’s app, go to
menopause, so that all women have a hormone levels are fluctuating, many to your periods,
riods, the standard treatment for the made her feel sick and groggy, then an
better understanding of it and greater women will have a completely normal knock-on effect of perimen
perimenopause and anti-anxiety medication which made
20 *** Monday 23 August 2021 The Daily Telegraph

The Surgery
D O C T O R’ S D I A RY MIND HEALING everyday conversations as
well. For relationships truly

Teenagers The benefits

of having an
to thrive, he recommends
that comments indicating
respect and showing
gratitude for your partner’s

need the argument

qualities should outnumber
negative comments by a
ratio of five to one.
Acknowledge your role in

facts, not maintaining the discord and

creating your own distress.
No one can make another
person feel upset: it’s

bribes entirely up to each of us how

we react to what happens.
Furthermore, chronic
disputes are almost never
attributable to the actions of
only one person.
Keep to the issues. Focus
Linda Blair on the issue of disagreement
rather than personal

veryone argues qualities, and avoid
sometimes – yes, even descending to insults.
on holiday together – Whenever you feel unclear
and few of us have done so about something your
without ever losing our partner says, ask for


temper or saying things that clarification – and listen.
we regret. Take turns. Avoid
You might think it’s interrupting. If you feel
better, therefore, to avoid unable to control yourself,
arguing altogether. Not so. ask for a break – 20 to 30
John Gottman, professor minutes is enough; longer is
emeritus at the University of fine if you think it necessary.
Washington, refers to this as Take a walk, practise yoga
Michael Fitzpatrick

“stonewalling”, and warns or deep breathing –
it’s one of four strategies anything that releases your
came in here really excited The programme to vaccinate Yet we are now expected to warn Teenage vaccination: most young people (along with criticising, tension. If this happens
to get the vaccine, and teenagers ahead of the return to teenagers of the risks of heart grasp the balance of benefit and risk showing contempt, and often, consider discussing
now you seem to be trying school next month has prompted inflammation that rarely occur with acting defensively) that can sensitive issues in a public
to put me off …” This demands that our vaccinators some Covid vaccines. These rare side effects of vaccination, effectively predict the place such as a park or
comment, overheard in produce further evidence of conditions cause mild and transient young people are being patronised ending of a relationship. outdoor restaurant. We’re
our Hackney Covid advanced qualifications in risk symptoms, such as shortness of by being offered diverse incentives Keeping communication less likely to allow emotion
vaccine clinic earlier this year, came aversion. These include high-level breath, palpitations and chest pains to get the jab. These include food lines open even when you to swamp us if we’re in view
back to me this week in the kerfuffle police checks and familiarity with that are far more likely to be induced and travel discounts, clothing gift disagree – perhaps of others.
over extending vaccinations to 16 child protection and specialised by anxieties provoked by such cards and gym passes. I suspect that especially when you Prepare ahead. John Platt,
and 17-year-olds. With all the talk paediatric resuscitation procedures. warnings. these measures will not encourage disagree – is vital if you want who was professor at the
about “vaccine hesitancy”, I fear We are also required to attend The health authorities seem the hesitant, while irritating many to enjoy a fulfilling, lasting University of Chicago, says
that the insecurity and teaching on issues of “capacity and determined to turn the simple who readily appreciate the case for relationship. the way to look at a problem
defensiveness of the medical consent”, and “face to face” Send process of consent into a legal vaccination and are happy to attend When Joseph Grenny, isn’t simply to defend your
profession may be being (Special Education Needs and contract. But if somebody walks the clinic. co-author of Crucial solution, but to think
transmitted to our patients. Disabilities) training. If doctors through a door labelled “Covid I find that most teenagers have a Conversations: Tools for through all possible
In fairness, my medical colleague regard young people with such a vaccination centre”, sits down and good grasp of the balance of the Talking When Stakes Are approaches and determine
was merely following the combination of fear and trepidation, rolls up their sleeve, I think that a (relatively small) benefit of High, asked 1,000 adults why none of them works as
requirements of the official it is not surprising that they are not reasonable person would interpret vaccination in protecting about their relationship, he well as yours.
guidelines to advise patients in in a strong position to reassure them this as consent to vaccination, themselves from illness and the found those who argued Expect to compromise.
detail of the risks of rare adverse about vaccination. without subjecting them to (largely notional) risks of adverse (effectively) were 10 times No one has explained this
consequences of vaccination. In all the years we have been interrogation and instruction. effects. Their main motivation, as more likely to have a happy more clearly than French
But when patients not well versed vaccinating children and adults in Even the simple matter of the one boy told me, is that “this is relationship than those who essayist and moralist Joseph
in classical languages are subjected our surgeries, we have never felt 15-minute period of observation something I can do to protect my avoided dealing with Joubert, when he wrote:
to earnest inquiries about prior obliged to read out the small print required after the Pfizer vaccine family and community”. disagreements. “The aim of argument, or of
experiences of anaphylaxis, from the vaccine data sheets, listing because of rare allergic reactions An appeal to the good sense and The question, then, is not discussion, should not be
thrombosis or thrombocytopenia, or every possible adverse effect. has become a focus of anxieties altruism of our country’s teenagers whether to argue, but how. victory, but progress.”
episodes of “capillary leak about the need for additional seems more likely to improve Here are some suggestions:
syndrome”, a condition so rare that
only a few hundred cases have been
‘When vaccinating measures to safeguard teenagers
from predatory adults.
vaccination uptake than attempting
to bribe them with pizzas and free
Start positively. Ensure
your opening comment
Linda Blair is a clinical
recorded in the half century since it children before, we taxi rides. contains something
psychologist and author of
Siblings: How to Handle Rivalry
was identified, you wonder whether
common sense has been surrendered were never expected A free lunch (sincerely) affirming about
your partner. According to
and Create Lifelong Loving
Bonds. To order for £10.99,
Email medical questions confidentially
to an obsessive commitment to
regulations and a concern to rule out
to read out every At the same time as they are being
to Dr Michael Fitzpatrick at
Prof Gottman, this is
important not only when
call 0844 871 1514 or visit
any future prospect of legal liability. possible side effect’ subjected to grim warnings about you disagree, but in

Dirty truth about the state

Rosa Silverman on why a
quick paddle may be bad for
you, after a Sussex harbour
is polluted by sewage

ur appetite to holiday at home in
the UK has surely not been this
great since before cheap flights
took off in the 1990s. This summer,
amid ongoing uncertainty
surrounding the Covid pandemic and
the high cost of testing required for
foreign travel, many of us have chosen
instead the Great British “staycation”.
We have been reminded of the
spectacular scenery on our doorstep,
our numerous sandy beaches and
waters to bathe in, from Cornwall to
St Combs, depending on how hardy
you are.
But as we watch our children dash
headlong into the waves, should we
stop and consider how clean the seas
might be? Last week, it was reported
that discharges of raw sewage into
Chichester Harbour in West Sussex
were threatening to cause an
environmental catastrophe.
Campaigners allege such discharges –
which are legal – also threaten the

quality of local swimming waters.

Mike Owens, who lives on nearby
Hayling Island and set up the
campaign group Hayling Sewage
Watch about five years ago, believes it
is “inevitable” that bathing water
quality is affected when stormwater
containing effluent overflows into
local harbours during periods of heavy
rainfall (even if no one is swimming in organisation can single-handedly
the harbour itself). He says he and improve the quality of water in the
others were in the water off Hayling harbours. We convened a summit in
Island at West Beachlands the week May with 16 local and national
before last without realising sewage organisations to discuss the problem
had been discharged not far away. and find a solution.”
“Lots of people were in the water It isn’t just a problem in West
and nobody knew,” he says. “But you Sussex. According to the campaign
sensed something was going on. You group Surfers Against Sewage (SAS),
could smell it – and taste it.” untreated sewage and wastewater
Over the years, he says, there has frequently discharges from thousands
been anecdotal evidence that “lots of of sewer overflows around the UK,
people have been admitted to hospital, “sometimes significantly reducing
sick and infected” after swimming in to run-off from roads and farms after water quality”.
local waters. There is no proof their rain. “Bathing water quality is a vital Environment Agency figures
illnesses were caused by the sea, but metric for our environmental published in June revealed the amount
he says the link is “suspected”. stewardship, and we work with of raw sewage dumped into our rivers
He adds: “A local vet said he’s seen a partners around our 700 miles of coast and seas had increased by almost 40
lot of dogs come in with sickness and with 83 designated bathing waters to per cent in one year. Climate change,
infection after being in the sea.” improve and protect water quality,” as well as population growth, has been
Southern Water, which manages says a spokesman. blamed for making such discharges
water supply and wastewater A £25 million pipeline is currently more frequent.
treatment for East Kent, parts of under construction to take local Hugo Tagholm, SAS chief executive,
Sussex, Hampshire and the Isle of wastewater from new developments to says: “The public can be much more
Wight, says everything humans do on wastewater sites with capacity to confident about water quality than in
or near beaches has an impact: handle the flow. the 1990s, but we still languish at the
anything from dog waste knocked But, says the spokesman: “This is a bottom of the European table for water
down drains and litter left on beaches collective problem and no one quality due to sewage and agricultural
The Daily Telegraph Monday 23 August 2021 *** 21


following month, she was referred for cancer is caused by a mutant gene
an X-ray specialist – but only, she was BRCA2, which runs a greater risk of
informed, to try to ease her anxiety. breast and ovarian cancers. “When
After a two-week wait for her X-ray, you have a diagnosis of BRCA2,” she
Gill had no sooner got home from the explains, “the usual recommendation
hospital than the telephone rang is a bilateral mastectomy”, removing
asking her to come back at once for a both the breast with the lump and the
CAT scan. The NHS was finally kicking other breast as a preventive measure.
in with the urgency required if cancers However, that was not possible
are to be diagnosed early and survival because of Covid restrictions in
rates to remain high. hospitals aimed at protecting both
It was found that Gill had a tumour staff and patients from infection by
in one lung, plus cancerous cells in her keeping time spent in the operating
lung fluid and in her lymph nodes. theatre to an absolute minimum by
“Why weren’t the signs spotted prioritising only essential – and
earlier?” asks Lisa. “Why didn’t any of therefore not preventive – surgery.
those GPs ask her if she had any family Carla therefore had to undergo two
history of lung problems? I can only separate operations, the first in May
think that their judgment was clouded 2020 and the second in February of
by the pandemic.” this year. “It has meant two lots of
At Christmas, Gill started recovery time of six to eight weeks,
chemotherapy. “It was horrific,” says
Lisa, “and she was very, very poorly,
but we were not able to go in and see
her because of the Covid rules. We are
a very close family, and it was
heartbreaking not to be able to hold
her and hug her.”
Though Gill responded to her two

rounds of chemotherapy, she ended up

back in hospital in July with a chest
infection. Earlier this month, she died
at home, surrounded by her family.
“We are heartbroken to lose her and
still in shock,” says Lisa. “I can only
hope others don’t get treated as my
mum was, and that more people will
get the early diagnosis they need to be Bereft: Lisa McBlane with her mother,

‘If a GP had seen my mum, able to survive this horrible disease.”

In particular, she believes GPs need
to get back to face-to-face consultations
as soon as possible. “As midwives, we
have managed to find Covid-secure
ways of seeing patients. Without it, we
Gill Dutton. Gill was told in a GP phone
consultation that a cough was likely to
be long Covid; she had lung cancer

‘I can only think the

they’d have caught it sooner’

can’t read patients’ body language, so
that when they tell us they are fine, we
doctors’ judgment
can see that they clearly aren’t. If a GP was clouded by
had seen my mum face to face early on,
they would have known she was the pandemic’
worrying about something and sent her
for an X-ray sooner. We know that cure two lots of anxiety, and two lots of
rates with lung cancer are high if you trauma to my body.”
catch it early.” The Covid restrictions also ruled
The announcement by Health out the reconstructive surgery that
As a campaign launches to persuade those worried about symptoms to go to a doctor, Secretary Sajid Javid that £10 billion is would normally be done at the same
being pumped into the NHS to “bust” time as the mastectomy. It would
Peter Stanford meets a family who lost their mother after her tumour went undiagnosed

its backlog caused by Covid came too have required a 10-hour operation.
late for Gill Dutton and others like her. Instead, Carla was offered implants
t couldn’t have happened at a mum wasn’t a fusser. She wouldn’t use her new leisure time. Instead, she urological and lung cancer. Research The community diagnostic hubs and because they took less time in
worse time. In April 2020, just have wanted to waste the GP’s time was given two and a half to three years by the Institute for Public Policy new scanner units will, however, theatre.
as Covid was causing the NHS unless she was concerned.” to live. Research suggests that cancer survival benefit the seven million people who “I was not thrilled, and hopefully
to focus all its energies on What Gill knew was that her mother, “It was devastating news for her and rates have been set back by up to eight some experts estimate failed to come will be able to go back at a later date
tackling the emerging father and aunt – the last two, like her, for all of us,” says Lisa, an NHS midwife years because of the shutdown of forward with worrying symptoms for reconstruction when all of this is
pandemic, to the exclusion of non-smokers – had died of lung cancer. from Belper in Derbyshire. “If only it surgeries and services, and focus on during the lockdown for fear of having over. But in a pandemic the reality is
almost all of its usual activities, Gill The local surgery, though, wasn’t had been caught sooner.” Covid treatment. It predicts an extra to go into hospitals that were full of there was no choice. So I prefer not to
Dutton, a 65-year-old hospice offering any face-to-face appointments That is a realisation many other 4,500 avoidable deaths likely this year Covid patients. see it as something personal,
community care worker from because of lockdown. In the brief families are also facing up to right now, as a result of late diagnosis, such as Carla Faria, a media consultant and something I didn’t want that
Tamworth in the Midlands, phone consultation she had, no as the scale of the Covid cancer happened in Gill’s case. coach from south-west London, had a happened to me, but something that
developed a cough that just wouldn’t question of any family history was backlog becomes clear. Almost three in It took two more visits to the GP much better experience of GP care just happened. That way I can deal
go away. asked and she didn’t raise it. 10 cancer patients had their treatment – the second face-to-face – before Gill than Gill when, back in March 2020, with it as best I can.”
She had enjoyed a lifetime of good She had probably had Covid already, disrupted by Covid, a recent survey by was sent for a chest X-ray. That came she found a lump in her breast. A
health, along with three children and she was told, and the cough would Cancer Research UK found – and many after she had been on a walking face-to-face consultation saw her For information and support on lung
three granddaughters, and was a clear up in its own time. It was the start are still delaying seeking advice over a holiday in September, when her referred within five days to the Royal cancer, visit the Roy Castle Lung
keen walker with her husband in of more than six months of delay fear of burdening the NHS. breathing had got so bad, she Marsden Hospital. Cancer Foundation site (
whatever spare time she had. But the before it was diagnosed in October as Last week, the NHS launched a new described it to her daughter as “The care I have received has been Carla tells her story on Victoria
cough worried her. “She didn’t say stage 4 lung cancer. campaign urging the public to talk to overwhelming. On her return, a GP exceptional all the way through,” she Derbyshire’s podcast, And Then Came
anything to us at the time,” says her Gill had been due to retire that their doctor about worrying initially told her it was long Covid. says, “but still Covid put a significant Breast Cancer, at
daughter, Lisa McBlane, “but my December and had plans about how to symptoms, specifically of abdominal, When she went back again the spanner in the works.” Her breast

of Britain’s coastal waters

experienced windsurfing coach based
in West Sussex, acknowledges there
are risks, but recommends we keep
them in perspective.
The potential to pick up bugs in the
water is “a concern and a
consideration”, he says, but adds: “We
want people to be in the water, and
considering how many have been this
summer, very few have been ill. I’m in
the water 200 days a year and
pollution has not really been an issue.
I’ve never been ill and very few people
I know have been either.
“It’s one of those things where it can
be painted in a very bad light,
deterring people from going in the
water, but once the tide has gone in
and out [after stormwater has flowed
into the sea], it’s all clear.”
There are, moreover, active steps we
can take to minimise the risk of
contracting an illness from swimming
or doing water sports in British seas.
Avoiding bathing shortly after heavy
rainfall means there is less risk of
stormwater containing sewage having
recently been discharged into the
waves. In England, you can also go
online and check the Environment
Agency’s classifications of bathing
water quality in designated bathing

‘A local vets said he’s

seen a lot of dogs
come in with sickness
after being in the sea’
pollution. Many beaches can still be Crest of a wave: children enjoying the sea spots (
affected by pollution from combined – but water quality can deteriorate after The ratings tell water users whether
sewer overflows and run-off.” heavy rainfall. Left, a sewage outlet spews the quality is excellent, good or poor
SAS’s 2020 Water Quality Report its contents into the open sea based on weekly assessments between
described poor water quality as a May and September.
public health issue. The most common might pose a far greater risk than Meanwhile, SAS has produced a free
illness suffered last year was found to swimming in the sea. app ( providing
be gastroenteritis or infectious “Last year alone, sewage pollution real-time water quality information
diarrhoea, accounting for 64 per cent was discharged into English rivers across England, Scotland and Wales,
of submitted reports. There were also 400,000 times for over 3.1 million alerting users when untreated human
25 reports of ear, nose and throat- hours,” he says. “Agricultural pollution sewage has been discharged into the
related infections, and 10 non-specific had an equal impact, which means sea and when heavy rainfall and
viral-associated illnesses experienced only 14 per cent of our rivers meet pollution has temporarily affected its
by different water users. Two water Good Ecological Status.” cleanliness.
users needed antibiotics for their While many have sought out the Campaigners say there is plenty of
gastroenteritis issues, and another bracing experience of cold water room for improvement, although
required emergency care. swimming during the pandemic, the Owens acknowledges local authorities
Visitors to Hove Lawns beach in Rivers Trust points out there is and MPs have been responsive when
Brighton reported the highest number currently only one designated bathing concerns are raised – which, as he says,
of episodes of ill health (seven said water in a UK river (a stretch of the is “a start.”
they had contracted gastroenteritis- River Wharfe in Yorkshire), and even But Bornhoft is clear there is no
related infections during the bathing this has been classed as poor quality. single culprit to blame for the threat to
season), while Westward Ho! and Recreational river users are therefore our waters.
Croyde Bay in North Devon were each at risk every time they enter the water, “It’s all the development of the land:
the subject of six health reports. says the trust. the building of houses that puts a
However, Tagholm says the So what does all this mean for strain on the water system locally,” he
explosion of wild swimming in rivers, families wanting to take a dip while on says. “The infrastructure is overloaded.
lakes and non-designated waters holiday in the UK? Simon Bornhoft, an Something more needs to be done.”
22 *** Monday 23 August 2021 The Daily Telegraph
The Daily Telegraph Monday 23 August 2021 *** 23


On a mission: “a big step forward, but it would be

JJ Chalmers, right; wrong to say we fixed anything.
with Prince Harry at When we look at why people are
the Invictus Games, disabled, much of it comes from
in Orlando, Florida, wider society.
in May 2016, left; “Is it acceptable that businesses
JJ in Helmand don’t have disabled access? A lot of
Province, below people think it’s not their problem,
but anybody can become disabled.
We’re lagging behind on disability,
but we’re still a lot further along than
we were 10 years ago.”
Chalmers’s blossoming TV career
– forthcoming non-sporting projects
include Gardeners’ World, a history
series for Channel 5, and a CBeebies
bedtime story – started entirely
accidentally, when his relaxed and

‘It’s tough personable manner with a

microphone was noticed by
organisers of the Invictus Games.
One was his pal Prince Harry, who
remains heavily involved in the
veterans’ games.

when a thing
“I’d say with the Netflix
documentary that’s coming out about
Invictus, more than ever, he’s using
his platform and his connections to
bring the games to a wider audience,”
Chalmers says. “I don’t think we’d

that defines
have a Netflix deal if it wasn’t for him,
it’s as simple as that.”
Chalmers’s children are a couple of
years older than Harry’s, so they text


about fatherhood. “He actually sent
me a copy of Meghan’s book for

you falls apart’

Father’s Day, which was lovely. The
kids loved it.”
Maybe Chalmers will appear in
Harry’s own memoir, which is due
out next year? “Gosh, I forgot about
that, I meant to message him. Yeah,
maybe I’ll get a cameo appearance
and find out just how good friends we
really are… I mean, he’d be in my
book, in fairness.”
having low moments. “It has been keeping safe was better for it, and that surgeon to ask whether he was at Chalmers’s book will be worth
Paralympics presenter JJ Chalmers tells personally tough, because what we’re
seeing is utterly heartbreaking. It’s
girls were going to school. We’d hoped
that would continue, but that probably
greater risk than most from Covid-19.
His lungs weren’t damaged in the
reading one day. He’d love to become
a household name, he says,
Guy Kelly how he and other veterans are been very tricky to continue with life
when you see something which so
won’t be the case.”
Chalmers is, at least, grateful for the
Afghan blast, but the rest of his body
was battered.
presenting myriad different shows,
and intends to become a fixture on
coming to terms with Afghanistan’s fall defines you falling apart,” he says. distraction of his work. A fortnight ago, “His answer was a bit of both: that, Olympics coverage for years to come.

“The number one concern is the he finished his dream presenting job, going by the scientific understanding “I picked a big dream and I worked
Afghan people, of course, but there are hosting Tokyo 2020 for the BBC (albeit we have, I should be fine, but also that my a--- off. To Lance Corporal
or the past decade, J J Chalmers’s mantra led him to win a lot of [veterans] suffering in this from Salford). It was, he says, people like me are scientific anomalies, Chalmers lying in that hospital bed,
Chalmers has lived by a three medals and work as a spokesman country, who like me are invested in “absolutely amazing”, and he’s still not having survived the unsurvivable.” this makes no sense, but when I look
mantra: “I should make at the Invictus Games in 2014, that country, because the mental quite over the fact that he landed the Chalmers wasn’t put in a higher-risk at the last five years, this is the
the best of any situation becoming firm friends with the games’ health battles they’ve had are built on gig on his 10th “bangiversary” – the group, but he knows from friends in natural progression of my career. I
I’m in, because I could so organiser, Prince Harry. making some semblance of the good day of his being blown up. the disabled community that there just hope it’s not the last one.”
easily have not had it.” He became a husband d to Kornelia we did. And we did – we did. did.” “This is the absolutely wild thing. If remains a profound fear of the virus – The book Chalmers read on his
It’s something that’s served him mpeted in last
and father twice. He competed Over the last week, since Kabul Kab someone had appeared, like The Ghost especially as society opens up, CBeebies Bedtime Stories slot, which
well ever since the summer of 2011 ncing,
year’s Strictly Come Dancing,g and ffelll to the Taliban, Afghanistan
fel of Christmas Future at the end of that increasing the risk of transmission. will air this month, was James
when, aged 24, he was out on foot this summer became the he first veterans from all walks of life have hospital bed, and said ‘Listen, don’t “It’s a big thing. When we talk about Catchpole’s What Happened To You?,
patrol eight weeks into a six-month he BBC’s
disabled presenter of the spoken movingly about seei seeing worry, just get through it, you’re going Freedom Day, for the disabled about a child with a disability.
tour of Helmand Province, Olympics coverage. He is their work undone. to present the Olympics one day…’, I’d community in particular, and the It’s a question Chalmers has been
Afghanistan, with the Royal Marines, co-anchoring this year’ss “I’ve never felt our community
comm have been like, ‘Er, what?’” elderly and vulnerable, it’s the asked incessantly by strangers over
when one of his colleagues stepped Paralympic Games for sstronger
str onger than right now. I’ve I got For the Paralympics, he is flying to opposite of freedom. Lockdown starts the last decade – what happened to
on an improvised explosive device. Channel 4, which begin n n shortage of people calling
no ca Tokyo. It won’t be the riskiest trip he’s again in some regard,” he says. you? – and while it’s a long answer, he
Two of his friends died in the blast. this week. m up to check if I’m OK
me OK,” done in his life, obviously, but it still “The pandemic has shown a lot of doesn’t tire of it, and instead just
Chalmers was airlifted to hospital to In person and on C
Cha lmers, now 34, says.
Chalmers, says carries some jeopardy. people what it’s like to feel isolated and refers to his mantra.
have 30 operations, some lasting screen, you couldn’t “The question of ‘W ‘Was it all “You’ve just got to not let your guard not able to leave their home, and What happened to him is
more than 12 hours. The explosion wish for a sunnier, w
worthth it?’ is bandied aaround down, which is where it’s similar to people should realise that’s how a lot of extraordinary – but what he’s done
had crushed an eye socket, burst his more affable presence. a lot, but most guys k know [military tours] – because our health disabled people feel all the time.” since is even more remarkable.
eardrums, destroyed his right elbow, Yet after a week in they did what they c could. is at stake and I’ve used my luck up. Part of the mission of the
blown off two fingers, and left him which all veterans of And I can go to bed at night So I’ll be cautious, but the show must Paralympics is to show how people Watch the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic
with burns all over. Afghanistan have been k
kno wing that while I was
knowing go on.” with disabilities can do extraordinary Games from tomorrow on Channel 4
In the years afterwards, as he confronted by sadness, in Afghanistan, the small When the pandemic started, the first things when given the opportunities. (
rebuilt his body and resolve, even Chalmers has been n p art I was charged with
part w thing Chalmers did was text his old Chalmers believes London 2012 was

E AT M O R E B E A N S ,

s the saying goes, and season well. Stir the
beans, beans are yogurt mixture through
good for the heart... the beans, and serve.
We’ll leave it there, shall These days many
we? What is certainly true pre-cooked pulses come
is that most of us should in pouches that are
be eating far more of perfect for adding an
them. Not only does their extra dimension to salads
production have a low and side dishes. Black
environmental impact, beluga lentils make a
they’re rich in protein, dramatic base for a more
fibre, iron and potassium interesting salad. Just tip
and are a healthy a packet into a bowl, add
alternative to meat. a finely diced red onion,
According to the latest dress with 1 tbsp apple
government statistics, cider vinegar, 1 clove
nearly half of Brits are finely-grated garlic, 1
trying to reduce the tsp runny honey, 1 tbsp
amount of meat in their extra virgin olive oil and
diet and 13 per cent of top with roasted cherry
the population consider tomatoes (pour over any

themselves “flexitarians”, juices from the pan, too)

defined as eating a mixed and crumbled feta cheese.

diet, mainly vegetarian,
with meat occasionally – Don’t forget
meaning more of us are frozen
reaching for legumes, Frozen pulses
pulses and beans for our are your friend
protein source. – not only super

Although the terms are convenient, but because
used interchangeably, Heart healthy: lentils cooked Throw in a tin they are picked and
legume refers to any plant with onions, garlic and spices You can add a frozen straight away
from the Leguminosae make a comforting dal tin of pulses to they often retain more
family and includes its almost anything, of their vitamin and
leaves, stems, seeds and If you’ve got a few including family mineral content than
pods. A pulse is the edible minutes to spare, and favourites like bolognese vegetables that have had
seed from a legume plant, packet of lentils to hand, sauce, cottage pie, curries a long journey to the
for example beans, lentils then a quick dal is one of and stews. Choose your supermarket.
and peas. the healthiest comfort favourite from lentils, Bean and pea mixes can
So now we know foods there is. Fry up a chickpeas, kidney, be eaten as a simple side
exactly what they are, diced onion, 2 cloves finely cannellini, flageolet, pinto dish but are also excellent
how do we go about grated garlic, 1 tsp finely or borlotti beans. defrosted and added to
eating more of them? grated ginger and 1 tbsp Another great idea is to salads. Podded frozen

curry powder for a few swap your regular mashed edamame beans are widely
Quick wins minutes on a high heat. potato for an easy white available these days and
You might be Add 200g red lentils, 1 can bean mash – it’s actually are an alternative to peas.
surprised how many chopped tomatoes, ¼ tsp quicker than boiling Or, for hummus fans,
vegetables you salt and 600ml water. Bring potatoes. Gently heat 2 try making this variety
already eat are, in fact, to a boil and reduce to tbsp olive oil and 3 cloves with an Asian twist. In a
legumes. Garden peas, simmer for 15 minutes. crushed garlic in a medium food processor, add 200g
green beans, sugar snap And if you don’t have saucepan and cook for defrosted edamame beans,
peas and mangetout, to time to cook, did you a minute or so until the 2 tbsp light olive oil, 1
name but a few. So, the know that peanuts are a garlic has softened. Add 1 tsp sesame oil, 1 clove of
first step is to increase legume? Like soybeans, tin of drained white beans crushed garlic, juice of a
your consumption of the lentils and chickpeas, (cannellini or butter beans) lemon, 2 tbsp water, ½ tsp
legumes you already enjoy. peanuts are edible seeds and mash lightly with a wasabi (optional), ½ tsp
Another quick win is that grow in pods. Peanuts fork. Add 30ml water and salt. Blend on high for a
the humble baked bean. are a fabulous snack, so bring to a simmer for 3-4 minute or until smooth.
A tin of beans is packed keep some handy for when minutes until the water has
with fibre and protein and the munchies call. But reduced almost completely. The Midlife Method: How To
is low in fat, but the sauce a word to the wise, they Take off the heat and set Lose Weight and Feel Great
can contain lots of added are calorific; a snack-size aside. Mix 2 tbsp plain After 40 by Sam Rice is
sugar, so buy a lower sugar portion is 30g, or a small yoghurt and a squeeze published by Hachette
variety if possible. handful. of lemon juice in a bowl
24 *** Monday 23 August 2021 The Daily Telegraph


‘We must view

classical music
in a more
global way’
For decades, George Lewis has been at the
cutting edge of music. Ahead of his Prom,
he tells Ivan Hewett that change is afoot

ome creative figures really
do “contain multitudes” as
Vietnam war when conservatives and
radicals were at loggerheads over the
experimental ethos and was not
content to stay within the
‘I wanted direction, by composing written out
pieces for classical ensembles like
the poet Walt Whitman put liberal legacy of the 1960s. “Though it boundaries of “black music” as to capture trios, sextets and orchestras. Does he
it. They are so protean, it’s was nothing compared to what we are traditionally conceived. agree with those who say classical
hard to get a handle on experiencing today. I suppose I’m “They were also into modern the idea, music needs to become less “white?”.
them. George Lewis is one trying to create a musical image of the classical music,” says Lewis. “I used to “Well, maybe it could have a more
of them. The 69-year-old African- way our identities are now in flux. hang out with the founder of the
through mosaic identity, where it conceives of
American composer, whose brand-
new piece for the Proms will be
“A lot of ideas people took for
granted are suddenly disappearing,
AACM Muhal Abrams, and he
would ask me, “What are you
music, itself not just as the music of the
European diaspora, but as the music
premiered this week, also plays jazz norms that we believed in have turned listening to?” and I would say “Elliott that ideas of the whole Earth. I do believe that is
trombone well enough to have joined out to be chimerical. We are ‘No Carter’s first string quartet” [Elliott coming, but it’s going to take a while,
the Count Basie Orchestra in the Longer at Ease’,” he says, deliberately Carter was an American composer of people and for some people the prospect
1970s. He’s collaborated with referencing the title of a novel by fearsomely complex modernist music], took for arouses fear.

luminaries of improvised music such Chinua Achebe, the great Nigerian and he would say “Great, let’s take a “Just saying, “don’t be fearful”
as Anthony Braxton, created his own novelist. look” and fetch the score from his granted won’t of itself change much,
computer programmes to drive That might sound somewhat scary, library. But then the next day we because many people have a
improvising musical machines, and but at one level his new piece is quite would all be together playing are vested interest in keeping things
made numerous recordings himself
as a performer. He’s a distinguished
traditional. “It’s scored for a fairly
standard symphony orchestra for
something like Blues Forever on
stage somewhere.”
suddenly just as they are. But it might
actually benefit them as well, to see
professor in the music faculty of pairs of woodwinds and a reduced In flux: George Lewis, top; with the Association for the By the late 1970s Lewis was playing vanishing’ classical music in this more global
Columbia University in New York, body of strings. I thought I would do Advancement of Creative Musicians in the 1970s, above trombone with the leading lights of way. In fact the change is already
where he lives with his sound-artist that as I’m sharing the billing with free improvised music and was among happening; there are local variants of
wife Miya Masaoka and son Tadashi. Beethoven – not for the first time I was a big thing. My people had the first musicians to explore ways of classical music arising beyond
He’s laden with honours, including a might add!” he says. On another level emigrated from the South of the programming computers to improvise Europe [such as the incredible
MacArthur Fellowship, and, the piece is radical, as it involves United States, so they were really into music, in collaboration with live explosion of classical music in Asia],
increasingly, a composer of elaborate reconfiguring the sounds spatially. country music.” musicians. I venture the obvious and the idea that people in these
fully written-out “classical” scores, “This is my largest experiment in Lewis’s musical talent carried him question – with so many new places have to swear eternal
including an opera, and now the new moving sound around in space yet,” he all the way to Yale University, though underemployed musicians and fealty to classical music’s European
Proms piece, intriguingly entitled says. “There’ll be eight speakers in a he lived a dual life with constant composers in the world, why do we provenance doesn’t seem plausible
Minds in Flux. ring around the audience, which will returns to the black music scene in need computers to take on the job of George Lewis’s to me.”
When I ask whose minds they are, redistribute the orchestral sounds.” Chicago. At Yale, he switched from improvising? “Well you might say, why Minds in Flux is Is he saying classical music has to
and why they’re in flux, Lewis lets It’s an extraordinarily long road studying music to philosophy, which do we need self-driving cars, when we premiered by the divorce itself from its European
forth a rumbling laugh I hear a lot Lewis has travelled since his childhood Talking TV seems odd but actually was typical of have plenty of human drivers? It’s a BBC Scottish heritage? “No, no, I’m not going to
during our conversation. “Well, I in a poor black area of Chicago. For the latest an era when creative artists were as relevant question, because a self- Symphony say that! It’s not a question of
guess it’s really all of us. That title “I believe the polite term for it was features, news and interested in concepts as much as driving car is actually a wonderful kind Orchestra divorcing anything. Remember my
comes from a sermon I heard from a ‘ghetto’,” he says. “I didn’t grow up in a craftsmanship – the great minimalists of improvising machine. conducted by Prom concert is called “George Lewis
black evangelical preacher about 40 family of musicians. although
reviews direct to Steve Reich and Philip Glass also “It’s not really about what machines and Beethoven”. That doesn’t sound
your inbox, sign Ilan Volkov at the
years ago, where he said “we’re everyone was very interested in music. studied philosophy. can do, it’s about researching what Proms on August like divorce to me,” he says. “It’s all
talking about minds in flux.” He was I started trombone at school where I up for our weekly He then returned to Chicago people can do. It allowed me to 26. Tickets: about adding things and opening up
referring to the very turbulent had some very good teachers. I was TV newsletter where he found kindred spirits in the discover things about myself.” royalalberthall. to diverse influences so one day
political scene at that time.” Lewis is raised on African-American popular Association for the Advancement of In recent years Lewis has moved in com classical music will become a true
referring to the tail-end end of the music, jazz, and also country music newsletters Creative Musicians, which had an what seems a more “classical” world music.”

A gloriously giddy, goofy evening

with indie rock’s next big thing

Seaside special:

frontman Alex
Rice and the
band’s guitar
players on the
roof of the De La
Warr Pavilion

Pop since forming at Cambridge University unpretentious joy. Well, most of

in 2017. Their early shows often ended them do: Ben Mack, a po-faced
with the band inviting the audience keyboardist/percussionist with a
Sports Team home with them, or out to the pub. black-and-white dyed buzzcut,
De La Warr Pavilion, Bexhill-on-Sea These days, fans are invited to join a shakes a tambourine as if he’s
WhatsApp group and an annual bus auditioning for a late Beckett play.
trip to Margate. Rice frolicked around like a
★★★★★ The dedication of a largely teenage clean-cut Iggy Pop (if that’s not an
By Tristram Fane Saunders and refreshingly unblokey fanbase oxymoron), strutting like a peacock,
– with a bit of support from Lewis prancing like a horse and

ext weekend, Sports Team Capaldi – took their Mercury Prize- windmilling his arms in the air. At
will perform to thousands at shortlisted debut album to No 1 in the one point he seemed worryingly
Reading and Leeds Festival. To midweek charts last year, until it was close to attempting a stage-dive.
warm up for that, they played to a narrowly beaten down from the top Technically an “in-store” gig for a
handful of devoted fans on a drizzly record shop downstairs, a warm-up
Thursday evening on a rooftop in before a UK autumn tour, this brief
Bexhill-on-Sea. Their lyrics dwell one-hour set was more an amuse-
It wasn’t quite the ideal atmosphere bouche than a full meal, but one that
for sunny festival-ready anthems like
affectionately on bodes well for the future: ‘The Game’,
‘Long Hot Summer’, but it still felt like
a good spot for the six-piece band, for
mini-roundabouts a new song from their as-yet-
unrecorded second album, sounded
two reasons. Firstly, because it and Wetherspoons as good as anything they’ve written.
encapsulates the English mundanity Never short of self-belief, back in
that their indie rock affectionately spot by Lady Gaga. Somehow, a group 2018, with just one EP to their name,
mocks, in lyrics about Wetherspoons, specialising in an unfashionable brand the band looked into booking
Aldershot Community Gardens and of upbeat guitar rock has become Wembley Arena for 2021. From a
motorways. (“He fails to notice a hotter than “a burning British neck/ Bexhill rooftop Wembley still looks
mini-roundabout,” frontman Alex Rice on an August evening” (as Rice sings an awfully long way away, but Sports
sings on ‘M5’, a giddy anthem that on ‘Here It Comes Again’). Team are heading in the right
would have raised the roof, if we It’s true that there’s been a recent direction.
weren’t already dancing on it.) resurgence in guitar music, but
The second reason is that it’s the most prominent acts – such as Sports Team play Reading Festival on
through intimate gigs like this that Irish post-punks Fontaines DC – take it Aug 27, and tour from Oct 1,
they have quietly developed an very seriously indeed. By contrast,
extraordinary grassroots following Sports Team radiate a goofy,
The Daily Telegraph Monday 23 August 2021 *** 25


Stravinsky’s morality tale can This Requiem had an

abundance of charm,
still teach us lessons today but lacked maturity
Proms 2021 It was fascinating to hear Bologne’s
David Kettle piece side by side with Rameau’s
CLASSICAL MUSIC CRITIC music: one could catch lingering
Britten Sinfonia/ echoes of the Baroque courtliness in
the new forward-moving dramatic
National Youth Choir Mozartian style of his own age.
Classical Royal Albert Hall, London SW7 Alongside the dances were two
tragic arias from Rameau’s operas,
sung with affecting but somewhat
The Soldier’s Tale ★★★★★ small-voiced tenderness by soprano
Edinburgh Academy Junior School By Ivan Hewett Samantha Clarke and tenor Nick
Pritchard. One’s ear was drawn more

rab the audience by the scruff is to the lovely bassoon accompanying
★★★★★ the first rule of showbiz, and the parts, eloquently played by Sarah
he Soldier’s Tale seems Proms certainly obeyed it on Burnett and Shelly Organ.
to have found a Friday night. The first sounds we heard After the interval the magic and
comfortable home in were a howling gale and the crash of make-believe of Rameau was set
many ensembles’ thunder, summoned by the aside for something on a different
concert programmes percussionists of the Britten Sinfonia level of seriousness: Mozart’s
over the past 18 months. on thunder-sheets and wind machines. Requiem. The orchestra was joined
You can see why. With opera thin on Was a musical storm in the offing? No, for this by the National Youth Choir,
the ground, this work about a it was just to give a bit of extra drama to and two more soloists, the contralto
violinist trading his instrument with a couple of rustic dances lifted from Claudia Huckle and bass William
the devil in return for untold riches the 1739 tragedy Dardanus by Jean- Thomas, who was much the most
offers a pint-sized music theatre Philippe Rameau. characterful of the soloists. His
experience using just seven This was the first in a sequence of opening flourish in the Tuba Mirum
instrumentalists and a couple of pieces by the great French Baroque was the performance’s highlight.
actors. Social distancing is a breeze. composer performed by the Britten It’s true the Requiem has its
But the work’s origins in trauma Sinfonia under David Bates. moments of drama as in the Dies Irae,
and turmoil give it a particular Heightening the drama of music is and Bates made these maximally

resonance in our own pandemic always Bates’s aim and he uses an vivid, with sudden surges and
times, too: stranded in Switzerland extraordinary range of bodily gestures, retreats in dynamics. The problem
following the Russian Revolution, at one point standing arms pinned to was that he applied this small-scale
Stravinsky conceived it with writer one side and shaking his whole body, approach across the whole piece,
CF Ramuz in the wake of the First to give an effect of energy constrained with the result that the music lost
World War, and it’s a world apart before being released. much of its breadth.
from the lavish decadence of his In the first part where the music was The magnificent rising melody of
earlier music. A planned 1918 tour all on the small scale of “character” the Lachrimosa should feel like a
had to be cancelled because of the pieces, Bates’s approach worked well. continuity, despite the breaks in the
Spanish flu. Rameau’s dances had a thrilling line. Here it felt like a series of small
The Edinburgh International rhythmic bite and tangy orchestral explosions. The choir sang their
Festival’s performances formed the colour, and the performance of the hearts out, but I couldn’t help feeling
final panel in a triptych of concerts Second Symphony by Joseph Bologne, the piece was inappropriate for their
featuring violinist Nicola Benedetti. Chevalier de Saint-Georges, one of the light bright sound. Youthful lightness
Truth be told, Benedetti was here first black composers (his mother was a has its charm, but sometimes the
very much as first among equals, slave in the French colony of gravity of adult voices is
joined by an ad-hoc ensemble drawn First among equals: Nicola Benedetti was ably assisted by an ad-hoc ensemble drawn from Scottish and London orchestras Guadeloupe) also leapt into vivid life. indispensable.
from Scottish and London orchestras.
It felt, however, as though the septet fluttering waltz and brittle, clipped Michael Flanders and Kitty Black. Allen’s simple staging provided just the Small-scale
had been performing together for ragtime. Redmond, on the other hand, began level of theatricality that this approach:
years: their playing was perky and The more conventional theatre, with a sense of gleeful mischievousness unconventional work demands. You Claudia Huckle
propulsive, their ensemble so sharp however, took place out front, led by but revealed ever darker levels of could scarcely hope for a more was a soloist in
you might cut yourself on it, and their assured narration from Sir Thomas menace as the show progressed. spirited, energetic musical backdrop, Mozart’s Requiem,
evident delight in cueing each other Allen, erstwhile star of opera stages, There was, however, a problem with though even the instrumentalists’ with the National
and swapping ideas back and forth now a respected director, and here also amplification. On a particularly dreich, playing grew more sober as the tale Youth Choir
only added to the sense of theatre. responsible for the show’s modest drizzly Edinburgh afternoon, it wasn’t headed towards its concluding moral.
BBC SO principal Philip Cobb’s staging: a table, a chair, and a bit of easy to discern the dialogue from row Don’t try to get back what you once
cornet was a joy to experience, and movement from Anthony Flaum as F, let alone from 20 rows further back. had, intoned Allen’s narrator, and be
you could hear his years in brass the homecoming Soldier and a Thank goodness for the supertitles. happy with what you have today.
bands from his rich, vibrato-laden redoubtable Siobhan Redmond as the But this is a far from conventional There was a lesson there in 1918, and
Available for 30
tone. Benedetti came into her own, Devil who tricks him. Flaum balanced year, of course, and audiences are there is a lesson for us today, too.
days on the
too, in the three dances with which bravado and vulnerability nicely as the happy to make allowances. Sound
BBC iPlayer. The
the Soldier wakes a slumbering naive recruit, though in truth he issues aside, this was a gloriously
The Edinburgh International Festival Proms continue
princess, each beautifully doesn’t get much to go on, even in the vibrant, thoroughly committed yet
continues until August 29; until Sept 11
characterised: a raw, gutsy tango, still witty 1950s English translation by nicely knowing performance, and


The new
ouldn’t help noticing that
Ruby Wax (American,
rules of resident in the UK) now
Britishness identifies as English. “I feel
English, I even say w----r,” she
Here’s an told an interviewer, going on to
update on cite irony and authenticity as
getting it the qualities she most admires
in her adopted country.
right when This is excellent news;
it comes to people choosing to live here
always makes us feel
being one personally proud, and we’ve
of us been looking for an excuse
– post-Olympics and a rare
spate of guilt-free Union
flag-flaunting – to ruminate on
what being British means in
2021. So here goes:

New chart entry: Showing

Not long ago, people were
debating whether Matthew
Pinsent sobbing after he won Podium time: Tom Daley is not afraid to shed a tear in the national cause
gold in Athens was seemly in a
male athlete. But this year’s conscious fop? Feels like Union flags is the main reason
Olympics was wall-to-wall we did, and they’re going he made it to No 10.) Incredible,
tears, and we’re all agreed it absolutely nowhere. but this is Britain.
was the most uplifting ever.
What we now have in Britain Up one place: Bubble-bursting Down four: Respecting
is a stiff upper lip plus well- For example, Kaleb in bonkers behaviour, providing
exercised tear ducts (see Tom Clarkson’s Farm became the it harms no one
Daley on the podium). star of the show because he The England fan who put a
was the round the-clock firework up his bum was
Up two places: Minding bulls--- detector who showed revolting and a public
disproportionately about our up Clarkson in every scene. nuisance. But if you’re British,
gardens and pets That’s top scores for Kaleb and you sort-of reluctantly knew
In what other country would Clarkson on our respectometer. where he was coming from.
the garden centres have
reopened before the Up three places: Zero patience Still holding its position: The
bookshops, and the plight of for entitlement weather
Geronimo the alpaca been You know how the Queen Specifically refusing to be
front-page news all summer? always looks taken aback defeated by it, buying a
We were mad about dogs and when a surprise special flypast waterproof poncho, setting
gardening before the is arranged for some our jaws and ploughing on
lockdowns, now we’re madder. anniversary? This is, in a with the sunny-day staycation
nutshell, what we love about plans while insisting our
Up one place: Loving the HM; she has never once been politicians do the same, even
unflash impressed by herself, and we when they have offers of
Peter Kay is beloved because can’t say that of everyone with yachts and villas in the Med
he’s funny, he came out of a title and a Netflix deal. We coming out of their ears.
retirement to raise money for also like a rock star’s wife who
In what a good cause and he’s worth an moonlights as a policewoman. Down three: Hangovers
other estimated £43 million but, so Take a bow, Penny Lancaster. Still the country where you can
country far as we can tell, still buys his be a serious person and ring up
clothes in Asda and gets his Same position: Being silly your host of the previous night
would the hair cut by his sister. Other men aim to be cool and and tell him you had to pull
garden desirable, but British men over the car to be sick on the
centres have Up two: Also loving a would rather play the fool to way to work. Ha ha ha. (Note:
certain sort of show pony make us laugh, and it seems to this one may not make the list
reopened Jack Grealish, Harry Styles, work as a general ruse. (Boris of being British traits for much
before the Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen. dangling from the zipwire in longer. The younger ones are
bookshops? Did we invent the hair- that truss waving his plastic not so drinky.)
26 *** Monday 23 August 2021 The Daily Telegraph

Smaller firms
Mkt Cap Mkt Cap Mkt Cap Mkt Cap Mkt Cap
© 2021 Tradeweb Markets LLC. All rights reserved. The (£m) Stock Price Cvr Yld (£m) Stock Price NAV Yld (£m) Stock Price Cvr Yld (£m) Stock Price Cvr Yld (£m) Stock Price Cvr Yld
Tradeweb FTSE Gilt Closing Prices information contained
herein is proprietary to Tradeweb; may not be copied or
951.4 Hilton Food ● 1158 1.9 2.2 517.6 European Assets 143¾ 151 5.6 2143.0 Smith WH ● 1637 — 125073.1 Boeing $ 213⅜ — —
re-distributed; is not warranted to be accurate, complete or Mining

urge ministers
timely; and does not constitute investment advice. Tradeweb
is not responsible for any loss or damage that might result 24.3 REA Hldgs 55½ — 4728.0 F&C Inv Trust ● 890 948 1.4 250.6 StudioRetailGrp 288 — 112647.7 Caterpillar $ 205¾ 2.2 1.8
from the use of this information.
107472.0 Unilever 4135½ 1.2 3.6 354.2 Fidelity Asian V 484 488 1.8 39077.2 Anglo Amer 2868½ 0.7 6.2 19058.7 Tesco 246½ 7.0 3.7 183122.1 Chevron $ 94¾ 5.7 0.4

1726.8 Fidlty Chna Sp Sits ● 335 344 1.4 13792.1 Antofagasta 1399 0.7 3.8 25787.9 Coca–Cola Euro $ 56¾ 3.5 0.9

to cut ‘jobs tax’ Government Securities

Gas & Water 1337.9

Fidelity Euro Tst ● 325½

Fidelity Japan Tst 219




BHP Group

Centamin ●



Support services 66629.1

Colgate Palm $

DuPontDeNemrs $ 73
79 2.3



for recovery Amount

Issued £m Stock

35837.5 Treas 5% 25





Centrica ●

Pennon Gp ●

Severn Trent







Fidelity Sp V ●

Finsbury Gwth ●

Hend Div Inc Tst



















Ashtead Gp


Capita ●





224209.5 Exxon Mobil $

6109.1 Foot Locker $

Gen Electric $





19440.5 Treas 6% 28 140.16 4.28 0.40 7388.3 Utd Utilities 1083½ 1.5 4.0 227.3 Hend High Inc 176¾ 178 5.6 747.2 Hochschild Mng ● 145⅜ 0.5 3.2 61.1 Carillion # 14¼ — 349259.1 Home Depot $ 328½ 2.0 2.1
By Tim Wallace another cost to think about in
an environment where find- 38709.2 Treas 4¼% 32 137.75 3.09 0.63 327.8 Hend Intl Inc 167¼* 177 3.6 452.1 Kenmare Res 412 1.0 2.7 5920.6 DCC 6004 1.9 2.7 157683.7 Honeywell $ 228⅜ 1.6 1.9
SMALL businesses have ing the right people is a 30407.9 Treas 4¼% 36 147.61 2.88 0.78 987.6 Hend Smaller Co ● 1322 1414 1.8 7186.5 Polymetal 1517½ 1.8 6.2 347.3 De La Rue 178 — 33935.5 HP $ 28¼ 2.7 3.7
urged ministers to cut the so- nightmare.” General financial
called “jobs tax” amid warn- Semiconductors are 25747.9 Treas 4¾% 38 162.81 2.92 0.84 110.2 Hend Opp 1395* 1593 1.9 65214.1 Rio Tinto 5226 0.7 12.0 853.8 Essentra ● 283 0.3 1.9 124866.4 IBM $ 139¼ 4.7 0.9
ings that soaring costs and among the materials in short- 2678.5 Ashmore ● 375¾ 1.6 4.5 1517.0 Herald Inv ● 2340 2662 — 29493.4 Experian 3199 1.9 1.1 209341.2 Intel $ 51⅝ 2.7 3.3
Index Linked Securities
staff and materials shortages est supply, posing a key prob-
267.2 Charles Stanley 512½ 1.7 2.3 1738.7 HgCapital ● 396 335 1.3 22586.5 Ferguson 10160 2.0 1.6 23059.2 Intl Paper $ 59 3.5 1.4
threaten to hamper Britain’s lem for manufacturers across Oil & Gas
economic recovery. the globe. Car companies are 6821.2 Treas 2½% IL 24359.67 0.70 0.00 7000.9 Hargreaves L 1476 1.2 3.4 3385.6 HICL Infrastructure ●174¾ 153 4.7 3138.3 Homeserve ● 933 0.4 2.8 462148.1 JP Morgan Ch $ 154⅝ 2.3 4.2
Two thirds of SMEs have among those worst affected,
4841.2 Treas 4⅛% IL 30382.28 1.08 0.00 4041.7 IG Group ● 936½ 2.3 4.6 17.8 Highbridge Tactical 264 275 — 58001.6 BP 287⅞ -4.6 5.6 8473.1 Intertek Group 5250 1.5 2.0 473504.5 Johnson&John $ 179⅞ 2.4 1.6
suffered rises in costs, a sur- forcing severe cutbacks in
vey by the Federation of production. 9084.0 Treas 2% IL 35 305.57 0.65 0.00 6328.2 IntermediateCap 2178 2.9 2.6 778.4 ICG Enterprise Tst ●1136* 1394 2.4 916.2 Cairn Energy ● 183½ — 2977.8 IWG ● 295⅝ — 49498.3 Keurig Dr Pep $ 34⅞ 2.1 1.6
Small Busine ss e s ( FSB ) It has been reported that
1979.0 Investec ● 284¼ 1.9 4.6 227.6 Invesco Asia Trust 340½ 377 4.4 430.0 EnQuest 22¾ — 658.8 Johnson Serv 148 — 6436.4 Manpower $ 118⅝ 2.1 1.8
found, with more expensive the Government is consider- The share prices, price-earnings ratios and dividend yields
raw materials, utilities bills ing increasing national insur- below are supplied by Interactive Data (Europe) Ltd. The
yields are calculated using historic dividend payments divided
1371.0 IP Group ● 129 11.8 1.1 314.8 Invesco BondIncPlus186¾ 196 5.8 2933.9 Harbour Energy ● 317 — 288.6 Menzies J 314 — 8428.8 Marathon Oil $ 10¾ 1.4 4.6
and fuel all adding to pres- ance contributions – contrary by the closing share price multiplied by 100.
1384.3 Liontrust ● 2260 1.0 2.1 218.9 InvesPerp UK Sm Co647* 702 3.0 318.3 Hunting 193 2.6 3.5 1015.0 MITIE Gp ● 71¼ — 178694.0 McDonalds $ 239¼ 2.2 1.8
sure on firms which have to its manifesto pledge to
struggled throughout the keep the key levy on hold – to 12.2 Lon. Fin. & Inv. 39 -2.3 2.9 444.6 JPM Claverh’se 750* 746 4.1 340.0 Petrofac 98¼ — 10862.2 Rentokil 584¼ 1.3 1.3 199902.7 Merck $ 79 3.3 1.1
pandemic. fund social care reforms after 40668.7 Lon Stock Ex 8036 1.6 1.0 285.3 JPM ElecManGth 1025* 1087 1.6 57105.7 Royal D Shell A 1392⅜ -3.1 4.7 237.1 Ricardo Gp 381 -7.0 0.5 2289561.9 Microsoft $ 304⅝ 0.7 3.6
Ma n u f a c t u re r s’ i n p u t the pandemic. Aerospace & defence
prices jumped by almost one The 2019 manifesto also Mkt Cap
5459.8 M&G 210 2.4 8.7 78.1 JPM ElecManInc 103* 109 4.6 51183.6 Royal D Shell B 1387⅜ -3.1 4.7 519.2 Robt Walters 680 0.5 2.4 276942.4 Pfizer $ 49⅜ 3.2 1.4
tenth last month compared said the Government would (£m) Stock Price Cvr Yld
3090.2 Man Group ● 216¼ 1.7 3.8 7.7 JPM ElecManCsh 102½ 103 0.4 1559.1 Wood Grp (John) ● 226½ — 601.4 SIG 50⅞ — 353336.0 Procter & Gamble $ 145½ 2.4 1.6
with July last year, according seek to raise the threshold at
to the Office for National Sta- which national insurance 1797.9 Babcock Intl ● 355⅝ — 873.0 Provident Fin 344¼ — 266.4 JPM Eur Gwth 369½ 413 1.2 1665.0 Serco Group ● 136¾ 4.5 1.8 127068.9 Raytheon Tech $ 84¼ 2.3 0.9
tistics, while underlying pay would be paid. 18471.1 BAE Systems 573¾ 1.7 4.2 2521.7 Quilter ● 147¾ 0.9 3.6 132.6 JPM Eur Inc 154½ 171 4.3 3971.7 Travis P ● 1765 -0.8 0.7 36688.5 Rockwell $ 316¼ 1.4 2.6
Mr Cherry said: “This Gov- Pharmaceuticals
ernment was elected on a 1935.4 QinetiQ ● 334⅜ 3.2 2.1 1224.8 Rathbone Bros ● 1994 0.7 3.7 991.9 JPM Japanese ● 629 672 0.8 45884.6 Trane Tech $ 193⅛ 1.2 2.4

100,000 manifesto that rightly prom-

ised to cut the jobs tax, and
ministers must rediscover










JPM Jpn SmCp G&I 483

JPM Mid Cap


1492½ 1560

135253.0 AstraZeneca

5784.2 Dechra Pharma ●




Telecommunications 424216.9 Wal Mart Strs $

317708.7 Walt Disney $




Shortfall of lorry drivers in the that reformist zeal if they 2364.2 Ultra ● 3318 2.0 1.7 5273.4 Land Secs 711¼ 3.9 3972.1 Genus ● 6040 2.1 0.5 17198.4 BT Group 173⅜ 1.9 4.4 3969.5 Xerox Hldgs $ 22¼ 4.5 1.4
UK. Job vacancies topped 1m want to unlo ck grow th
376.9 Lowland Inv 1395 1437 4.3 76250.6 GlaxoSmKline 1515⅜ 1.4 5.3 819.3 Telecom Plus ● 1040 0.7 5.5
last month amid shortages within the small business Healthcare
community and secure our 121.7 Majedie 229½ 280 5.0 5972.1 Hikma 2580 3.5 1.5 33976.1 Vodafone 122⅝ 0.0 6.4
Banks Europeans
economic recovery.”
4547.2 ConvaTec Grp ● 225¾ 1.0 1.8 360.0 Mtn Currie Port 419½ 408 1.0 1402.8 Indivior ● 191⅞ —
growth is as high as 4.5pc. Businesses are struggling
Mike Cherry, national with a shortage of staff in 30396.7 Barclays 179⅜ 2.9 1.7 2157.2 Mediclinic Int ● 292⅝ — 2267.7 Mercantile InvTr ● 286½ 307 2.3 19242.0 AkzoNobel € 102⅝ 1.9 1.7
chairman of the FSB, said the almost all parts of the econ-
2298.2 Close Bros ● 1524 1.3 3.8 12528.7 Smith & Nep 1425 1.4 1.9 661.7 Merchants Tst 530½* 534 5.1 46341.6 BMW € 77 2.5 3.0
Government should cut the omy, with more than 1m job Property
employer national insurance vacancies available last 80918.3 HSBC 396⅛ 0.9 4.1 64.3 MomentumM-A V 190½ 193 3.5 62218.9 Brit Am Tob 2711½ 1.3 8.0 13627.1 Carrefour € 17¼ 2.8 2.6
contributions to reduce pres- month – a record high.
31219.9 Lloyds Bk Gp 44 1.0 2.8 3329.3 Monks ● 1408* 1372 0.1 4.9 Alina Hldgs 21½ 29 — 14735.6 Imp Brands 1557 1.1 8.9 22472.7 Continental AG € 112⅜ — —
sure on companies and help Lorry drivers are particu- Household goods
them grow again now lock- larly hard to come by, with 24561.1 NatWest Group 212¾ -1.0 2.8 1088.5 Murray Income ● 930* 979 3.7 2080.0 Assura ● 77¾ 3.8 74770.9 Daimler € 69⅞ 1.9 2.5
downs are over. the industry claiming it 46498.9 Santander 268⅛ 7.3 0.9 7388.9 Burberry 1825 2.2 2.3 1453.1 Murray Intl ● 1132 1166 4.8 2825.3 Big Yellow Gp ● 1537 2.2 43733.9 Danone € 63⅝ 3.1 1.5
He said: “Small firms are needs as many as 100,000 Transport
emerging from lockdowns more staff because Covid has 13897.0 Standard Ch 447¾ 0.9 2.0 132.4 McBride 76 3.3 1.4 103.0 Northern 2 VCT 64* 71 5.5 4833.8 Brit Land 521⅝ 2.9 73612.5 Deutsche Post € 59⅜ 2.3 1.8
under the strain of spiralling stopped foreign workers 1061.1 PZ Cussons ● 247½ 0.8 2.3 1076.7 Redde Northgate ● 437½ 1.7 3.5 89582.1 Deutsche Tele € 18¾ 3.2 1.5
input and shipping costs, moving to the UK, and lim-
skills shortages, new export- ited the number of drivers Beverages 40188.9 Reckitt Benck 5627 1.0 3.1 4931.0 Royal Mail 493⅛ 3.1 4.1 52704.2 Heineken € 91½ 1.1 3.8
ing paperwork, emergency qualifying for their licence. 495.7 Wincanton 398 3.2 2.6 312949.5 LVMH € 620 1.0 1.6
debt repayments, rent accru- A Government spokesman
als and business rates. said: “Throughout the pan- 82262.4 Diageo 3523 1.6 2.1
Information technology 31621.8 LafargeHolcim SFr 51⅜ 3.9 1.4
“The Government should demic we have provided 774.0 Stock Spirits 387 1.0 2.2 5110.7 Lufthansa € 8½ — —
urgently move to mitigate businesses with hundreds of Travel & Leisure
cost pressures by reducing billions of pounds of support 352.1 Aptitude Sftwre 622 2.3 0.9 28893.8 Nokia OYJ € 5⅛ — —
employer national insurance including loans, grants, VAT 12327.8 Aveva Group 4093 0.3 0.9 2656.9 Carnival ● 1445 — 25111.7 Michelin € 140¾ 1.6 1.5
contributions, which are cuts, business rates relief and Chemicals
serving as a jobs tax and yet the furlough scheme.” 66.5 CML Micro 402 70.6 0.5 3649.4 easyJet ● 799 — 46024.8 Pernod Ricard € 175¾ 1.6 1.9

12888.7 Croda Intl 9238 1.6 1.0 7757.6 Sage Gp 735¼ 1.6 2.4 10827.6 Entain 1849 — 34810.7 Philips (Kon) € 38 2.2 1.5

TSB investigated 5761.5

Johnson Mat

Victrex ●



1816.9 Spirent ● 297 2.3 1.5 1100.3

FirstGroup ●

Flutter Entrtmt 13720

90 —

117793.0 Siemens €

21978.6 Societe Gen €





by City watchdog
309.0 Fullers ‘A’ 796 — 53700.2 Stellantis € 17⅛ — —
422.3 Go–Ahead Grp 978 — 12563.0 Suez Environ € 19⅝ 3.3 0.1
5757.1 abrdn 264 2.6 5.5 7883.8 IAG Intl Cons Air 158⅞ — 17901.4 Thales € 83⅞ 2.1 2.5

on debt ‘treatment’ 1878.4

Balfour Beatty ●

Barratt Dev









Intercont Hotels 4472

Mandarin 148⅜


Total €





4164.6 Bellway ● 3375 1.8 2.5 2423.5 Beazley ● 397¾ — 1700.3 Mitchells&But ● 285 — 82566.1 Volkswagen € 279¾ 1.7 3.5

By Ben Woods Barclays and Clydesdale 5926.6 Berkeley Grp 4870 37.2 0.2 4152.9 DirectLineIns ● 309⅛ 1.2 7.2 1618.7 National Ex ● 263⅝ —
Financial Services with a
TSB is under investigation by £26m fine in December over 375.9 Boot H 282 1.6 2.0 3227.4 Hiscox ● 931⅝ -8.5 0.9 1199.1 Playtech ● 391⅜ —
Recent issues
the City watchdog over the their treatment of consumer 167.7 Costain 61 — 1532.4 Lancashire Hldg ● 628 0.1 1.7 796.3 Rank Group ● 170 —
treatment of customers credit customers that fell Mkt Cap
(£m) Stock Price Cvr Yld
struggling to make their loan behind on loan repayments. 29268.5 CRH 3756 1.3 2.2 15671.0 Legal & General 262½ 1.5 6.8 899.7 Restaurant Gp ● 117⅝ —
repayments for the past Barclays moved to “proac- 3211.9 Grafton Gp ● 1342 3.1 1.1 6236.3 Phoenix 624 1.9 7.7 15364.7 Ryanair 1361⅜ — 14.6 BiVictriX Thera 22 —
seven years. tively redress” more than
The Financial Conduct 1.5m customers with a pay- 1177.7 Morgan Sindall ● 2540 1.4 2.8 38044.1 Prudential 1454½ 5.1 0.8 380.4 Stagecoach 69 — 59.6 Likewise Group 31 —
Authority (FCA) is examining ment of £273m. 9081.6 Persimmon 2846 0.9 8.3 8617.6 St James Place 1596½ 1.0 3.1 3414.7 TUI AG ● 310⅝ — 18.1 Southern Energy 5 —
whether the bank’s debt col- Meanwhile, Lloyds Bank, Mkt Cap Mkt Cap
(£m) Stock Price NAV Yld (£m) Stock Price Cvr Yld
lection service “fell short” Bank of Scotland and The 2386.4 Redrow ● 677⅝ 5.5 0.9 1439.4 Wetherspoon ● 1118 —

when supporting customers Mortgage Business were also 6396.1 Taylor Wimpey 175⅜ 0.8 4.7 106.6 Northern 3 VCT 97½* 107 4.6 1016.5 CLS Hldgs ● 249½ 2.5 3.0 6128.4 Whitbread 3034 —
between 2013 and 2020. slapped with £64m in fines Investment trusts
112.6 Nthn Venture 71¼* 73 6.3 74.9 Cap&Regional 67 —
Early findings from the Mkt Cap
(m) Stock Price NAV Yld
review suggest TSB’s behav- ‘We are conducting 412.5 Pacific Assets 341 369 0.7 4195.3 Derwent Ldn ● 3740 2.0
Electricals AIM
iour may have left some cus-
tomers out of pocket, a review to assess 12826.7 3i 1318 1042 2.9 1465.8 Pantheon ● 2710 3522 — 1976.4 Gt Portland Est ● 778½ 1.6

according to The Mail on if treatment fell short 117.1 Dialight 359 — 2866.0 3i Infrastructure ● 321½ 263 3.3 1671.1 Personal Ass ● 49500 48641 1.1 2136.0 Grainger ● 317 2.6 1.7 32.4 Afentra 14¾ —
The investigation, which is of what is expected’ 901.7 discoverIE Grp ● 1008 1.3 1.0 306.8 Aberdeen Diversified 99⅛ 121 5.6 30.7 PremierMitonGlb 168½ 187 4.2 1407.8 Hammerson ● 33½ 1.2 153.4 Arbuthnot 1030 -0.6 1.6

being carried out with the 11438.7 Halma 3013 3.0 0.6 352.5 Aberdeen New India 604 700 0.2 4057.8 RIT Cap Ptnrs ● 2590 2659 1.4 598.8 Helical 489½ 1.5 2.1 375.4 BrooksMacdonald 2320 0.8 2.4
b a n k ’s s u p p o r t , w a s from the FCA in relation to
3759.5 Renishaw ● 5165 0.0 0.3 3176.7 Alliance Trust ● 1014 1071 1.4 616.2 Ruffer Inv Pref 288 279 0.7 7148.4 H K Land 306¼ -5.2 5.3 1.6 Cambria Africa 0¼ —
launched last year and is mortgage customers
expected to be completed in struggling to make debt 1097.6 XP Power ● 5590 1.8 1.7 1272.1 Allianz Tech Trust ● 298 317 — 527.9 Schroder Asian TR 489½ 487 1.5 204.8 McKay Secs 222½ 3.7 404.0 Central Asia Met 229½ 1.3 6.1
2022. repayments. 614.7 Asia Dragon Trust 492 543 1.0 895.5 Scot American ● 517* 504 2.3 152.1 Raven Property 26⅞ — 2138.3 Ceres Power 1123 —
TSB has put aside £55m to A TSB spokesman said: “As
cover the costs should it be we set out in our annual Electricity 253.0 Baillie Giff China 408 398 1.8 493.6 Scot Invest 746 827 3.1 244.6 Raven Prop Prf 113 10.6 206.7 Churchill China 1875 0.1 0.4
forced to pay out millions of report in February we are 579.0 Baillie Giff Euro Gwth158¾ 161 2.2 19122.4 Scot Mortgage 1354 1331 0.3 2401.3 Safestore ● 1139 1.8 220.4 Cohort 537 1.2 2.1
pounds in compensation fol- currently conducting a
lowing a potential FCA fine. review of customers who 1661.0 Drax Group ● 416⅜ 0.0 4.5 1554.5 Bankers Invstmt Tst ●118¼* 117 1.8 219.5 Sec Tst of Scot 218½ 221 2.6 1971.6 Savills ● 1378 2.1 1.7 9.9 Deltex Medical 1¾ —
Payouts are expected to be were in arrears to establish 35409.3 Nat Grid 979 0.9 5.0 491.6 Biotech Growth 1178 1205 — 3086.1 Smithson Inv Tst ● 1894 1849 — 15459.2 Segro 1288* 1.8 102.6 Eleco 123½ 9.8 0.3
focused on the interest cus- whether our treatment fell
tomers may have missed out short of what they should 17385.8 SSE 1666½ 2.7 4.9 100.0 BlackRock Enrgy&Res86 94 4.7 1605.8 TR Property ● 506 516 2.8 69.6 Town Centre 131½ 2.7 120.0 Finsbury Food 92 —
on due to charges that should have expected. 228.6 BlckRock FroInv 120¾ 131 4.2 2100.2 Tmpletn Em Mt ● 177¾ 193 3.3 4054.0 Tritax Big Box ● 235⅝* 187 2.8 109.1 Futura Medical 38 —
not have been applied. “The review is due to con-
It comes after the FCA hit tinue until 2022.” Engineering / Industrial 642.0 BlckRck Grt Euro 678 659 0.9 744.7 Tritax Euro Box £ 121* 3.4 692.5 Warehouse REIT 163 136 3.8 75.1 Hornby 45 —

38.4 BlckRck Inc&Grth Inv178* 202 4.0 253.9 Troy Inc & Gr 78¾ 80 2.5 1758.6 Workspace Gp ● 971 1.8 1169.9 James Halstead 562 1.2 2.5

Vast Resources to shine with 1808.3

Bodycote ●





BlackRock Latin 357

BlckRck SustAmerInc185¾* 197

404 5.7


UIL Fin ZDP 2022 139½

UIL Fin ZDP 2024 121







Botswana mine diamond deal 1006.6 Coats Group ● 69¼ 0.9 2.0 1030.3 BlackRock Small ● 2110 2202 1.6 28.9 UIL Fin ZDP 2026 115½ 118 —
117.2 Mpac Group 581 —

131.4 Cropper J 1375 — 970.4 BlkRk Throg Tst 993* 970 1.0 466.2 Utilico Emerg 212 244 3.7 246.4 Brown N 53½ — 37.2 MS Intl 230 0.9 3.6
By Ben Woods delivering “quality gems”
249.9 Goodwin 3250 1.6 3.1 1043.7 BlackRock Wld M ● 568 580 3.9 1885.9 Witan ● 247* 264 2.2 3428.2 Dairy Farm 253⅜ 1.4 4.2 390.1 Numis 362 2.5 3.3
spanning “large stones and
A LONDON-listed mining fancy colours”. 4716.5 IMI ● 1767 2.7 1.3 360.5 BMO Cap & Inc 336 339 3.5 2426.3 Worldw HealthTr ● 3710 3654 0.6 1609.7 Dixons Carph ● 138 0.3 2.2 281.1 Premier Miton 178 0.5 4.6
company is polishing off a The deal is hinged upon Net Asset Values © 2021 Morningstar Estimated at
29682.6 Jardine Mthsn 4113⅛ -0.6 3.1 784.3 BMO ComProp 99¾* 121 4.2 previous day’s close see 2681.6 Dunelm ● 1323 3.6 0.9 8.2 Prime People 67 —
deal to buy an African dia- Vast securing a bank guaran-
mond mine in Botswana. tee alongside regulatory and 8006.4 Melrose Ind 164¾ -14.7 0.5 959.6 BMO Glob SmCo ● 168¾ 180 1.0 3227.5 Frasers Group ● 630 — 60.0 SRT Marine Sys 36½ —
Vast Resources is poised to competition approval in Bot- 9924.7 Mondi 2044 2.0 2.6 110.5 BMO Mgd G 291 284 — 3046.9 Greggs ● 2992 -0.9 0.5 219.0 Tribal Gp 104½ 1.3 2.2
seize control of Gem Dia- swana. It is poised to com- Media
monds Botswana – an arm of plete later this year. 252.8 Severfield 82 1.9 3.5 68.9 BMO Mgd I 146 144 4.2
Mkt Cap
737.5 Halfords 370⅜ 3.0 2.4 33.3 Union Jack Oil 33⅝ —
Gem Diamonds that owns the Vast has projects across 5632.5 Smiths Gp 1421 1.9 2.5 325.7 BMO Priv Eq Ord 440½ 478 3.7
(£m) Stock Price Cvr Yld
5642.9 Howden Joinery ● 947⅝ 1.9 1.4 30.4 Xtract Resources 3⅝ —
Ghaghoo diamond mine. Romania and Zimbabwe.
The AIM-listed firm is The Ghaghoo mine was 6039.3 Smith (DS) 439¾ 1.1 2.8 179.1 BMO Real Est Inv 74⅜ 103 4.3 6094.7 Auto Trader 635 2.6 0.8 10283.3 JD Sports Fash 996¾ 16.0 0.1 540.2 Young & Co – A 1570 —
planning to raise the money discovered in 1982 by Falcon- 10886.8 Smurfit Kappa 4203 2.0 2.4 83.9 BMO UKHighIncTst 98½ 105 5.4 282.4 Bloomsbury 346 1.9 2.6 7601.4 Kingfisher 360 3.4 2.3 224.3 Young & Co – N/V 932 —
needed to complete the deal bridge Mining and evaluated
The Alternative Investment Market is for young and
through “third-party financi- as part of a joint venture with 11773.1 Spirax 15960 1.9 0.8 454.7 Brunner 1065* 1169 1.9 2259.8 Daily Mail ‘A’ 1072 3.4 2.3 265.2 Lookers 67¾ —
growing companies. Shares may carry higher risks than
ers” rather than tapping the diamond giant De Beers. 699.7 Vitec 1515 -0.7 1.0 1843.8 Caledonia ● 3350 4293 1.9 1136.6 Euromoney ● 1040 1.7 1.6 3187.8 Marks & Spen ● 162¾ — those with a full quotation, and may be difficult to sell.
investors for funds. Gem Diamonds snapped
Andrew Prelea, the chief up the site in May 2007. 4213.5 Weir 1623 -5.0 0.7 1441.8 Capital&Count ● 169⅜ -165.0 0.3 7981.5 Informa 531 — 7039.9 Morrison (WM) ● 291 0.3 4.5

executive of Vast Resources, Gem Diamonds Botswana 1786.2 City of Lon ● 400* 388 4.8 4635.3 ITV 115⅛ 2.2 2.9 84.2 Mothercare 14⅞ —
said the mine was a “highly has an agreement in place to Americans Bold FTSE100 Stocks ● FTSE250 Stocks
* Ex-dividend † Ex-scrip ‡ Ex-all
85.8 CQS Nat Res G & I 128¼* 153 4.4 5734.9 Pearson 758 2.1 2.6 10537.6 Next 7926 —
compelling opportunity” pay a 10pc royalty to the Gov- Food producers Mkt Cap § Ex-rights # Suspended
(m) Stock Price Cvr GrsYld
that would “deliver diamond ernment of Botswana on all 75.8 Dunedin Ent 419 493 0.5 1205.6 Reach ● 385½ 4.9 1.8 14471.6 Ocado 1927½ — Cover relates to the previous year’s dividend.
Yields are net of basic rate tax.
production in a relatively diamonds produced and sold
15952.2 Ass Brit Fds 2015 9.3 0.3 1045.2 Edinburgh Inv Tr ● 607 658 4.0 42059.9 RELX 2175 1.3 2.2 259.1 Pendragon 18½ — 7026.2 Alcoa $ 37⅝ — —
short period”. from the site.
He added that the mine The investment comes 9673.5 Coca–Cola HBC 2650 1.8 2.1 1280.4 Edin Worldwide ● 316 318 — 6059.0 Rightmove 706⅜ 1.7 1.1 501.9 Saga 358¼ — 126529.4 Amer Express $ 159¼ 1.1 5.0
has $250m (£183m) worth of after Vast raised £1.8m from a
2154.2 Cranswick ● 4084 2.5 1.7 231.5 ElectraPrivEq 594 514 5.2 11622.3 WPP 972⅜ 1.9 2.7 6871.3 Sainsbury J 294¾ -1.2 3.6 339920.0 BankAmerica $ 40⅜ 2.1 2.2
investment and infrastruc- share issue earlier this month
ture, which was capable of to restructure its debt.
The Daily Telegraph Monday 23 August 2021 *** 27

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tsar claims
subsidy rules
risk cronyism
the Adam Smith Institute, which is also
Business Secretary told to a signatory, said: “Governments are far
too quick to forget they are spending
publish grants worth more our money. We have every right to
than £500 to bring more know when the state is transferring our
transparency to system money to private businesses. Transpar-
ency drives better policy making and
By Tim Wallace shines the light on poor behaviour and
corrupt dealings.”
THE Government risks distorting the Anna Powell-Smith, director of the
economy and encouraging cronyism Centre for Public Data, said the £8bn
unless it opens up its new subsidies sys- subsidies regime needs strict oversight.
tem to more radical transparency, its She said: “Subsidies to businesses can
own corruption tsar has warned. create harms, such as rent-seeking.
In an open letter backed by transpar- When subsidies aren’t made public,
ency groups and free market think these harms are much harder to spot.
tanks, John Penrose MP, urged Kwasi “This Government has committed to
Kwarteng, the Business Secretary, to putting data and transparency at the
publish all subsidies given with a value heart of policymaking – now is its
of £500 or more. chance to prove it, with its flagship
Currently the Government plans to subsidy policy.”
only publish individual grants of more James Roberts, political director at
than half a million pounds – up from the the TaxPayers’ Alliance, added: “When
€500,000 (£429,000) required under it comes to taxpayers’ money, account-
the EU regime which is being replaced. ability is all. Ministers shouldn’t start a
But Mr Penrose said ministers should stealth subsidy regime, which could see
use Britain’s departure from the single hidden cash handed over with no ques-

market to shake up the current regime. tions asked.”

He said: “Leaving the EU creates a Flagship policies including the drive
golden opportunity to craft a simpler, to net zero carbon emissions and level-
faster and more agile subsidy regime ling up the nation are expected to
that genuinely helps businesses, but involve significant subsidies to support
which doesn’t create rip-offs or blunt businesses, investment and jobs.
Britain’s competitiveness either. At the same time, the pandemic has Red alert Demonstrators let off flares from a ledge above the entrance to Guildhall, London, as Extinction Rebellion begins
“But subsidies are a heady drug that ushered in an era of higher spending, two weeks of disruptive protests to highlight its demand that the Government halt all new investment in fossil fuels.
can prove impossible for businesses and potentially raising the importance of a
politicians to resist, so they need iron- more transparent system governing
clad public oversight too.” subsidies.
Mr Penrose wants subsidies from any
public body to be published within 30
days, rather than the six months cur-
Mr Kwarteng has called the post-
Brexit subsidies scheme “more agile
and flexible” than the EU version.
JP Morgan chief reschedules UK visit after Covid rule snub
rently proposed. The UK is proposing to set out a range
He said: “It would be simpler, of principles which all local bodies must
cheaper, would cut red tape burdens, follow. It hopes that this will create a By Lucy Burton headquarters in London while visiting ‘Imagine telling all the biggest bank, edges closer to targeting
wouldn’t harm the efficiency and com- simple system which stops different Europe, where he went to a “Choose UK households by launching its own
petitiveness of British businesses, and regions from using public cash to bid JP MORGAN boss Jamie Dimon is pre- France” event at the Palace of Versailles shareholders that Jamie online bank to take on challenger firms
would match already-existing transpar- against each other for investment. paring to visit London for the first time as Emmanuel Macron, the president of Dimon is in a hotel [under such as Monzo. His visit could also
ency rules elsewhere in the UK.” A spokesman for the Department of since the pandemic hit after snubbing France, sought to lure global banks result in a fresh push for a return to the
In the letter, the coalition of groups Business, Energy and Industrial Strat- the capital on his last trip to Europe due away from the City. quarantine] for two weeks’ office in London, with the banker a
including Transparency International egy said: “The UK’s new subsidy control to UK quarantine rules. At the time, UK rules required all pas- vocal advocate of workers returning to
UK, Spotlight on Corruption, the Centre system marks a clear departure from Mr Dimon, Wall Street’s longest- sengers to quarantine for 10 days if they senior executives. Sources said that headquarters.
for Policy Studies and the TaxPayers’ old, inflexible and bureaucratic EU state serving bank boss, is due to meet UK were travelling from amber list coun- there was consternation in Whitehall Mr Dimon is the only bank chief still
Alliance, said transparency should help aid regime. clients and staff next month after spook- tries such as France and the US, which after Mr Dimon met Mr Macron in Paris in the same job since before the 2008
prevent “attempted abuse of our sub- “The proposed thresholds for upload- ing Whitehall in June when he bypassed made business trips impossible. but did not visit the UK, with ministers financial crisis. He was paid $31.5m
sidy regime in future, either by direct- ing subsidies to the public database a visit to the City due to strict quaran- One insider said at the time: “Imagine taking action to relax the rules because (£23.2m) in 2020 and was last month
ing taxpayers’ cash to commercially strike the right balance between boost- tine restrictions and spent time in Paris telling shareholders that Jamie Dimon of concerns that the City could lose offered a “special award” by the bank to
hopeless political favourites, or simply ing transparency and reducing the instead. is in a hotel for two weeks.” major investment to rivals. stay in the role for longer.
through fraud and error”. administrative burden on public The billionaire banker was forced to Weeks later, the Government rein- Mr Dimon’s September trip to the UK A JP Morgan spokesman declined to
Matthew Lesh, head of research at authorities to save the taxpayer money.” drop a visit to the bank’s European troduced quarantine-free travel for also comes as JP Morgan, America’s comment on his forthcoming visit.

Ultra Electronics private equity bidder loaded Cobham with debt

By Alan Tovey Britain’s nuclear deterrent and military began in May, with it eventually from £1.8bn when Cobham was a public like-for-like revenue growth in 2020.
assets, could face a similar fate. dumped at a $20m loss to UK turna- Ben Wallace, left, company, with the disposals having More than $350m has been spent on
THE US private equity firm seeking to Advent launched a £2.6bn bid for round investor Rcapital. the Defence reduced annual sales to £1.1bn in the research and development and strategic
buy Ultra Electronics has loaded up Ultra last month, sparking warnings of In September, Cobham’s Aviation Secretary, has faced year covered by the accounts. The investments. The disposals of the Mis-
defence firm Cobham with $3bn potential risks to national security and Systems UK business which uses a fleet calls to act to ensure report also notes no dividends were sion Systems, Aero Connectivity and
(£2.2bn) of debt following pledges to be damage to the UK’s manufacturing of business jets to simulate enemy air- that Ultra Electronics paid, and it invested $115m in R&D. Aviation Services UK business units
a “good custodian” of the business, base. It has taken Advent less than two craft for the RAF to train against was is protected John Spellar, a Labour MP and mem- have been conducted in accordance
analysis has revealed. years to offload business large chunks sold to US-headquartered Draken Inter- ber of the Commons defence select with our undertakings and with the
After undertakings were given to the of Cobham, banking £3bn in the pro- national for $238m. committee, urged the Government to purview of the Ministry of Defence.
Government that UK interests would be cess, Daily Telegraph analysis reveals. Sales continued this year with aircraft sold to Eaton, a US industrial manufac- ensure Ultra avoided a similar fate. “The buyers of these business units
protected, Advent International has set According to the most recent annual communications unit AeroConnectivity turer domiciled in Ireland. Cobham has He said: “It’s likely to be the same old have been strategic, corporate owners,
about dismantling Cobham, giving accounts filed by AI Convoy (Luxem- sold to US aerospace parts business gone from 10,000 staff to 6,000. story, with these asset strippers loading within the Five Eyes community, who
ammunition to critics who claim that an bourg), the parent company which con- TransDigm for $965m in January. AI Convoy’s accounts for the year to up sound British companies with debt are committed to growing and investing
acquisition by what they label a “vul- trols the Cobham businesses Advent In February, Cobham’s Mission Sys- the end of Dec 2020 reveal its heavy and undermining their future and that in the businesses in the UK and abroad.
ture firm” would see it asset stripped. acquired, the process began with the tems business, which holds the in-flight borrowings, with the $3bn of debt 5.5 of the British defence industry.” “Cobham has continued to comply
Advent bought Cobham in Sep 2019 disposal of the small Axell Wireless unit refuelling technology the company was times Ebitda. Prior to its takeover, Cob- A spokesman for Cobham said: “Cob- with all undertakings given to the UK
for £4bn. Now there are concerns that which had less than 100 staff. Axell founded upon and which enabled the ham’s debt to earnings ratio was effec- ham has performed strongly under Government at the time of acquisition
Ultra, a supplier of components vital to makes antennas and the sale process RAF to bomb the Falklands in 1982, was tively nil. Revenue has also fallen, down Advent, despite the pandemic, with 6pc by Advent.”

Global dividends to bounce back Biotech start-up defends takeover of Vectura

By Simon Foy o u t $47 1 .7 b n ( £ 3 4 6 b n ) Continent’s key dividend By Hannah Boland a deal with asthma technol- Health charities wrote to their Vectura partnerships.”
between April and June. season. ogy firm Vectura. The pair Vectura’s shareholders last Rory McGoldrick, Inspira
INVESTOR dividends will This was still 7pc below Jane Shoemake, a fund A BRITISH biotech helping are working on creating an week saying they should co-founder and chief execu-
return to pre -pandemic the same period in 2019 but manager at Janus Hender- Vectura to develop an inhala- inhalable version of Inspira’s seize the opportunity to tive, said the company had
highs within the next year Janus Henderson said it son, said: “Across the world, ble Covid-19 drug has issued Covid-19 treatment and are prove their commitment to been “initially concerned” by
after payouts jumped by expects payouts to return to the restart of cancelled divi- a staunch defence of the planning to kick off trials for ethical investing by blocking the deal. However, he said he
26pc during the second quar- pre-pandemic levels in the dends has driven the recov- company’s £1.1bn takeover the treatment next year. the takeover. was now supportive of the
ter, according to findings next 12 months. ery so far, but we are also by Philip Morris Interna- The show of supp or t The letter said: “If PMI takeover.
from money manager Janus It raised its forecast for seeing stronger dividend tional, claiming blocking the comes amid questions over takes over Vectura, collabo- Mr McGoldrick said: “A
Henderson. total payouts in 2021 to $1.39 growth than we expected.” deal would leave the tobacco Vectura’s commercial part- rators would have to choose tobacco company moving
Companies restarting pay- trillion from $1.36 trillion. Some of the FTSE’s biggest giant “no choice but to con- nerships and whether they between working with the into healthcare does not
outs that they cancelled dur- UK dividends jumped 61pc dividend payers, such as oil tinue its bad practices”. could be put at risk by the tobacco industry – and thus sound like an obvious mar-
ing the crisis contributed to during the second quarter, giant Shell, boosted their London start-up Inspira expected takeover by Philip be excluded from reputable riage but PMI has very pub-
three quarters of the surge, while European payouts payouts after axing them last Pharmaceuticals announced Morris, the world’s largest medical and scientific licly stated its strategy to
as firms worldwide handed were up 66pc during the year. earlier this year it had signed listed tobacco company. communities – or dissolve move away from tobacco.”
28 *** Monday 23 August 2021 The Daily Telegraph


New Zealand’s crumbling zero-Covid strategy

Ardern’s policy is falling
apart as strict border
controls begin to take their
toll, writes Louis Ashworth

oilet paper shortages.
Compulsory masks. A nation
enthralled by the movements of
a single Covid-19 spreader.
Watching New Zealand’s current
news cycle is like taking a step into the
past. The country was plunged into a
snap lockdown last Tuesday after a
single virus case – the first in half a
year – was detected in Auckland, the
country’s biggest city.
The so-called “Auckland cluster”
threatens to end a period of almost
unbelievable control of the virus in the
world’s southernmost country.
Since Covid-19 first arrived in New
Zealand in late March last year, there
have been fewer than 3,000 cases, and
just 26 deaths. By any measure, that is a
huge success. For comparison, last
Wednesday alone the UK added 33,646
cases and 111 deaths.
The country is now the last real
holdout of the “zero Covid” strategy
shared with its near neighbour
Australia, which has seen its own
efforts fall apart amid similarly low
vaccination rates.

‘People are wondering how

honest the government was
initially about its reasons
for the slow vaccine rollout’
“We’re almost on the cusp here,”
says Sir Peter Gluckman, director at
Koi Tū, a think tank at the University of
Auckland and the country’s former
chief science adviser. “Can we get the
genie back in the bottle, and then hold
out for long enough to get the
population adequately vaccinated, and
then open the borders?”
Spirits appear to still be high. Where
lockdown fatigue kicked in across
many parts of the world, New
Zealanders on social media still seem management that saw it running off the sector, but the Reserve Bank of first shots arrived on the market, but suspicion that New Zealand’s tight “The government is giving thought
to see the novelty of empty business successive surpluses. New Zealand was forced to delay a hike just a fifth of Kiwis have been double- border controls played a major role. to how we can reduce the barriers of
districts and quiet streets. On video “We knew that there was going to be in the wake of the latest lockdown. vaccinated, with supply constraints a The loss carries a long tail for New the fortress … which we’re going to
app TikTok, a post mocking foolhardy a rainy day when we were going to Like Australia, New Zealand’s early major factor in the hold-ups. Zealand’s heavyweight tourism sector. have to do,” says Grimes. “It’s not as if
Covid-19 superspreaders has racked up have to spend up large fiscally,” says success has raised the stakes more “People are wondering how honest There’s a fear too that other major we can stay completely closed off to
over 100,000 “likes”. Arthur Grimes, senior fellow at Motu than ever. As an outbreak of the delta the government was initially about its companies may soon take similar steps the rest of the world.”
But the economic reality for some Economic and Public Policy Research, strain threatens to shatter normality, reasons for the slow vaccine rollout,” and put off investing in New Zealand Like their Australian neighbours,
businesses will still be tough, a research institute based in the country’s low vaccination rate says Prof Norman Gemmell, of the out of concerns over how difficult it is New Zealanders face a touch-and-go
particularly if temporary lockdowns Wellington. leaves it particularly vulnerable. University of Wellington. to get workers in. future. Widespread vaccination is
become a frequent occurrence. Of the “We always thought it was going to The low rates of inoculation show Ardern’s strategy was dealt a totemic There’s certainly no shortage of within reach by the early months of
country’s three major export sectors be a foot and mouth disease outbreak, the shortfalls of the “wait and see” blow earlier this month, when Amazon people wanting to enter the country 2022 if supply keeps up, but Ardern
– agriculture, tourism and education – but it turned out to be a Covid stance that Prime Minister Jacinda said that production of its Lord of the under the current system. The still faces a difficult decision over
the latter two are still being battered as outbreak.” Ardern’s government took last year. As Rings series, which has a budget of government’s Managed Isolation and whether the country should maintain
a result of tight border controls which But the virus has had impacts international peers more blighted by more than $1bn (£730m), would shift Quarantine booking system, under its “fortress” mentality and accept
include a mandatory quarantine elsewhere that could be harder to the coronavirus scrambled to secure from New Zealand to the UK, despite which arrivals can book hotel places, is becoming an economic pariah, or take
period for arrivals. tackle. House prices, a long-standing doses last autumn, Wellington was incentives totalling tens of millions of fully booked until the end of a gamble and join the rest of the world
Where other countries are trying to problem in the country, have jumped more ponderous, awaiting trial Kiwi dollars. November. For the roughly 1m Kiwis in accepting the virus as part of life.
rein in spending, New Zealand is still by around a fifth on average in the past information and calling for worse- Amazon has held back from living abroad, there will be question Sir Peter concludes: “How long can
packing fiscal firepower, a side product year. There are hopes that an interest affected nations to be prioritised. explaining the rationale for the marks over whether they can return we keep shutting ourselves off from
of decades of broadly prudent rate rise could begin to take pressure Most of a year has passed since the decision, but there is a widespread for Christmas in the current climate. the world? It’s not clear.”

State-backed firm’s diversity

drive branded ‘identity politics’
By Ben Gartside 2018 if the remuneration committee tive of Audeliss, which is currently
had given full points for diversity and leading the process to replace the Bank
A STATE-backed uranium enrichment inclusion to executives. of England’s chief economist Andy
company is allowing its executives to Matthew Lesh, of the Adam Smith Haldane said the scheme had a number
make hundreds of thousands of pounds Institute criticised the scheme, saying it of merits.
in bonuses a year by improving diver- did not provide a good use of taxpayer Mr Sandhu said: “As the weight of
sity within the business. money. research shows, having diverse teams
Urenco, a joint venture between the “This is a bizarre programme. Tax- and inclusive cultures within an
UK and Dutch governments has a bonus payer money should be spent reward- organisation increases innovation and
scheme that means executives could ing people for the merit of their work productivity.
receive up to £700,000 each in “Leaders have a business and moral
payments for diversity and inclusion ‘Leaders have a business duty to drive diversity and in an ideal
successes. world this should be enough. However,
The British government owns a and moral duty to drive incentives can sometimes be one part –
33pc stake in Urenco, which was estab- diversity and in an ideal although not all – of the solution.”
lished in 1971. A Urenco spokesperson said: “Diver-
According to the company’s annual world this should be enough’ sity and inclusion is key for Urenco.
report, 10pc of its long-term incentive “To support this, several initiatives
programme is based on successes in – not for activities related to the colour have been launched to ensure we are
promoting diversity and inclusion, with of someone’s skin, gender or sexuality. building an inclusive organisation and
the yearly figure decided by its remu- “Urenco should be entirely focused that equality and diversity are cele-
neration committee. on the safe enrichment of uranium not brated and valued.
Urenco declined to say the exact playing identity politics.” “To incentivise change there is a
figure paid to executives, but Daily However, the approach was sup- diversity and inclusion element to the
Telegraph analysis of the scheme ported by a public sector-backed head- long-term incentive plan ( LTIP )
estimates that around £700,000 of hunter who specialises in hiring diverse arrangements of our executive remu-
bonuses could have been awarded since candidates. Suki Sandhu, chief execu- neration.”

Careful process
Farmers lay
matting covers over
seedbeds to protect
young crops from
direct sunlight in
Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Seedbeds are used
before planting
winter crops, such
as cauliflower,
cabbage, tomatoes
and broccoli, so
that they grow
better once sown in
the fields.
The Daily Telegraph Monday 23 August 2021 *** 29

Channel 4 fights back with real-time bids for online advert space
By Ben Woods All 4 catch-up service. It claims the Verica Djurdjevic, chief revenue officer a change of ownership” when it Channel 4’s new platform will allow which is worth £7.1bn in the UK alone.
launch of All 4 Private Marketplace will at Channel 4, said the platform repre- launched a consultation on privatisa- advertisers to target All 4 viewers by The broadcaster has signed up Deliv-
CHANNEL 4 is to begin rapidly auction- make it the first UK broadcaster to sents the next generation of advertising tion last month. It believes a sale would their age, gender or programme tastes. eroo and advertising agencies Omni-
ing online advertising across its stream- bolster its advertising income using innovation for broadcasters. offer greater investment and financial They will also be able to monitor the com Media Group and Publicis Media to
ing service as it battles the threat of real-time bidding. Channel 4 wants to convince ministers security amid fears over the future of its performance of their ad campaigns in the new platform.
privatisation. The move forms a key plank of a five- it is capable of surviving the age of ad-funded business model. real-time and instantly increase their Channel 4 revealed in June that it had
The Gogglebox broadcaster has cre- year strategy to wean Channel 4 off streaming despite fears it could be out- This prompted a sharp rebuke from spend if demand grows. bounced back from a pandemic adver-
ated a new platform where firms can traditional television advertising in muscled by the financial power of Netflix. Charles Gurassa, the chairman of Chan- Real-time bidding has been used by tising plunge to post a record surplus of
automatically bid for ad space around favour of doubling All 4’s audience and The Government has confirmed that nel 4, who claimed the plans would Google and Facebook to dominate the £74m last year. Around 80pc of all 16-to-
the 14,500 hours of programmes on its securing 30pc of sales from digital ads. its “preferred option” was to “facilitate have a “very harmful” effect on viewers. market for online display advertising, 34 year olds are now signed up to All 4.

PayPal to let
users trade
crypto despite
‘bubble’ fears
people who want to have their first
The service is set to allow experience, they have that conduit of
doing it through us.”
people in the UK to buy The company has not said how many
and sell virtual assets such of its 403m accounts are in the UK, but
as Bitcoin and Ethereum the country generates just over 10pc of
its revenues.
By James Titcomb PayPal said it would include “educa-
tional content” warning of the risks of
PAYPAL is to allow users in Britain to investing in cryptocurrency within its
buy and sell Bitcoin and other crypto- app and said it encouraged customers to
currencies, making it among the largest research it before investing. Users will
companies to embrace the controversial also be limited to £15,000 per transac-
virtual assets in the UK. tion, and £35,000 per year.
The company’s service will enable The FCA has taken a tougher stance
customers to choose from four types of on cryptocurrencies in recent months
cryptocurrency: Bitcoin, Ethereum, as more consumers have invested. It has
Litecoin and Bitcoin Cash, which they repeatedly warned investors that the
will be able to buy, hold and sell from assets are risky and cracked down on
later this week. brokers including the UK arm of crypto-
It comes amid a wild ride for crypto- currency giant Binance.
currencies this year that has seen Bit- Paypal’s European operation, which
coin’s price climb to an all-time high is based in Luxembourg, is licensed by
before falling by almost 50pc and the FCA and has said it does not need
rebounding again in recent weeks. extra approval in order to launch
However, the surge has led to warn- cryptocurrency trading in Britain.
ings from financial regulators, with the
Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) tell- ‘So, for people who want to
ing investors that they should be pre- Pass the popcorn Disney has raked in $125m (£92m) in streaming sales from Marvel movie Black Widow, starring Scarlett
pared to lose their money. have their first experience, Johansson (above). The takings were revealed in court files after Ms Johansson sued the company for breach of contract.
PayPal allowed American users to they have that conduit of
buy and sell cryptocurrencies last year,
and the UK is the first market outside doing it through us’
the US where the company has
launched the feature.
Unlike the online exchanges where
Financial technology companies
such as Revolut, Square and Robinhood
Private equity giant Apollo in takeover twist for Sainsbury’s
people buy and sell cryptocurrencies – have added Bitcoin trading in an
virtual assets that reside on an online attempt to cash in on surging interest
database known as the blockchain – from retail investors. By Ben Woods bury’s is exploratory, according to the become the next chairman of Morrisons Speculation has been mounting since
PayPal will not give users direct access After adding cryptocurrency invest- Sunday Times. should CD&R’s approach prove to be the the Qatari Investment Authority (QIA)
to the coins, which will be held by ing in the United States late last year, AMERICAN buy-out fund Apollo has Meanwhile, talks continue over winning bid. He was at the helm of ceded £300m worth of Sainsbury’s
Paxos, a US cryptocurrency company. PayPal’s transaction revenues – the cut weighed a takeover approach for Sains- teaming up with Fortress for a fresh Tesco for 14 years as chief executive. shares in April to a billionaire investor
This means they will not be able to it takes on certain payments, including bury’s as private equity giants seek to swoop on Morrisons. Sainsbury’s shares have climbed by known as the “Czech sphinx”.
spend the coins or transfer them out- cryptocurrencies – rose by 33pc in the cash in on Britain’s grocery sector. The takeover twist comes after for- nearly a third since the start of the year The swoop by Daniel Kretinsky’s firm
side PayPal. first three months of 2021. The New York fund has reportedly mer Tesco boss Sir Terry Leahy burst to 294.7p on the prospect of a takeover Vesa Equity Investments boosted his
However, by giving them exposure to The company has said that users who run the rule over the UK’s second- into the lead to buy Morrisons after a bid for the 152-year-old chain. stake in the grocer to nearly 10pc.
the coins’ price it could open up crypto- have invested in cryptocurrency more biggest supermarket chain after its bid £7bn offer from buy-out fund Clayton, While the QIA – the Qatari state’s
currency to a new wave of customers regularly open the PayPal app, making for Asda was trumped last year by the Dubilier & Rice was backed by the $320bn (£232bn) sovereign wealth fund
who are yet to dabble in Bitcoin.
Jose Fernandez da Ponte, head of dig-
ital currencies at PayPal, said: “Crypto
them more likely to use other services
such as paying through the app or send-
ing people money.
Issa brothers and TDR Capital.
Apollo appeared poised to join a take-
over consortium led by the investment
supermarket’s board. Morrisons agreed
to a 285p per share takeover offer on
Thursday from CD&R, which counts Sir
£7bn – continues to hold a 15pc stake,
rumours are building that it could
prompt a further sell-off this year.
can be an intimidating environment, Bitcoin has traded at just under firm Fortress to buy Morrisons after Terry as a partner, following a bidding The offer made by buy-out fund Clayton, The QIA has been one of the biggest
people hear about hardware wallets and $50,000 (£36,700) recently, up from ruling out a solo bid for the Bradford- war with rival suitor Fortress. Dubilier & Rice for the Bradford-based shareholders in Sainsbury’s since it
private keys and this and that. So, for around $11,500 a year ago. based grocer. Apollo’s interest in Sains- Sir Terry is now in pole position to supermarket chain Morrisons mounted a failed takeover bid in 2007.

Tech start-up for engineers to save money on R&D raises £8.5m

By Matthew Field The start-up develops an artificial by aerospace giant BAE Systems to workforces and the risk that expertise amounts of data throughout their entire Mr Ahlfeld said: “This year, the Gov-
intelligence programme that analyses speed up its design process, and is also and knowledge could be lost as staff life cycle, bringing this data together ernment is seeing excellent returns on
A BRITISH start-up developing artifi- all of a company’s engineering data. It being used by carmakers BMW and retire. requires a new set of skills, no blueprint its Future Fund investment.”
cial intelligence tools for engineers has can then apply this historic data to new Honda and German engineering com- He said programmes such as Mono- exists yet because the ways of working Monolith’s funding is from Insight
raised £8.5m from investors including 3D designs, giving engineers insight pany Siemens. lith helped gather that data into one have changed significantly.” Partners, a US private equity fund and
New York fund Insight Partners and the into how their virtual creations will per- The start-up, launched by Imperial place, using software to cut down on The Future Fund was launched as a early backer of e-commerce company
founder of Formula E. form in the real world. College researcher Richard Ahlfeld, last repetitive tasks and testing. £250m fund, but ultimately dishing out Shopify and social network Twitter.
Monolith AI, founded in 2016 as a Better use of data could save industry year was one of the first recipients of “Companies have these huge data £1bn in convertible loans to start-ups It has also secured funding from Ale-
spin-out from Imperial College London, billions of pounds each year; the auto- backing from the Government’s Future lakes that they are not using for any- throughout the pandemic. The Govern- jandro Agag, the founder of electric
has built software that aims to save motive industry alone spends £100bn Fund, its early stage rescue fund. thing,” he added. ment’s loans convert into equity when vehicle racing franchises Formula E
engineering firms millions of pounds in on R&D annually. Mr Ahlfeld said many engineering Dave Holmes, operations director at one of its portfolio companies com- and Extreme E. It takes Monolith’s total
research and development costs. Monolith’s technology is being used companies were grappling with ageing BAE, said: “Our products create massive pletes a funding round. raised to £10.6m.

Klarna leads way in ‘buy now, pay ‘As it stands it’s been a bit
of a wild west and these
firms have been left to
later’ revolution, but at what cost? operate as they like’
convinced and fear the sector is now
too large to escape the same rules as
are concerned that people who too long. “Regulation needs to be other providers. Around five million
Treasury and charities fear embarked on spending sprees as a introduced as soon as possible to people used the services last year,
result of the easy credit offered to them ensure that companies offering “buy spending a total of £2.7bn.
popularity of firms giving online are now in an uncomfortable now, pay later” properly assess “As it stands it has been a bit of a
‘easy credit’ creates debt cycle of debt. A review by the Financial whether customers can afford to repay wild west and these firms have been
problems, says Lucy Burton Conduct Authority (FCA) found earlier in the first place,” says Jane Tully of left to operate as they like,” says
this year that users could easily spend Money Advice Trust, the charity which financial campaigner Alice Tapper.

rom marketing deals with Lady more than £1,000 online with few runs National Debtline and Business “It’s very evident that we can’t leave
Gaga to advertising featuring the checks on whether they could afford Debtline. “Companies need to be as this industry to self-regulate.”
animated character Pingu – repayments. Christopher Woolard, clear as possible in their terms and Research by Credit Karma, a credit
Klarna is doing its best to promote who led the study and was interim ‘buy now, pay later’ should not be the report firm, found earlier this year that
itself as a cuddly alternative to default way to pay at the checkout.” 48pc of “buy now, pay later” users
traditional payday lenders. Top executives are putting on a believed it was too easy to enter an
Britain’s biggest “buy now, pay
later” firm is such a master in
marketing that its founder was
$46bn brave face about the looming
shake-up. Klarna last year rejected
suggestions that the sector should be
agreement without realising. Tapper
thinks the reforms must force firms in
the sector to have better quality

described as a “Disney version of a The valuation of Klarna, making it now regulated by the City watchdog, information so that shoppers go in
tech entrepreneur prince” in an the most valuable financial technology arguing that it does not need greater with their eyes wide open.
interview published in a woman’s start-up company in Europe scrutiny, but has now changed its tune. Klarna, which is considering a
magazine last year. “We’ve been very clear that we listing, hinted earlier this year that it is
Klarna is now the most valuable believe it’s right to regulate this One in every 25 credit card payments is by young customers on ‘buy now, pay later’ deal more likely to go public in the US than
financial technology start-up in chief executive at the time, said the use sector,” insists UK head Alex Marsh. the UK. Marsh insists that no decision
Europe with a valuation of $46bn of buy now, pay later quadrupled Gary Rohloff, the co-founder of consumers in a cycle of debt bail various providers. Marsh thinks such has been made and that the regulatory
(£34bn) and a string of celebrity between January and December 2020. Klarna rival Laybuy, echoes that themselves out of these types of loans criticism is unfair. “[Klarna] receives a crackdown will not put the company
partnerships under its belt. Typically 75pc of users were women. sentiment, saying he believes using credit cards anyway. Earlier this fee from the merchant, that’s where we off a London debut. “We’re not waiting
Others want in on the action, with Woolard recommended that the “providers should conduct proper year credit card provider Zopa said that get our revenue – if you don’t pay me for anything coming out on regulation
banking start-up Revolut last week sector is regulated for the first time affordability checks”. one in every 25 credit card transactions back, we’ll lose that money from the – we’re [ just] in no rush to list or exit,”
launching a service which allows its and the Treasury has agreed to bring But there are obvious concerns. made by its young customers is used to merchant. That gives us an incentive to he says. Much will emerge on the
16m users to drip-feed their wages forward legislation. Industry sources Marsh says a worst-case scenario for pay off “buy now, pay later” debts. ensure we only offer the product to direction of travel over the coming
over the course of a month rather than say they expect the Treasury to launch the sector would be a “highly A poll conducted around the same [people who can afford it],” he argues. months. In the meantime, the Disney
receiving it all at once. its consultation on the matter within prescriptive regulation” which would time by Censuswide found that 30pc of “Credit cards’ business model is prince behind the $46bn business may
But after online shopping boomed weeks. Debt charities and campaigners force consumers “back to using credit 18-24-year olds using the schemes dependent on keeping consumers in be wishing for a knight in shining
during a string of lockdowns, critics argue that the crackdown is taking far cards”. Yet studies have shown that were unaware how much they owed to debt with interest.” Critics are not armour of his own.
30 *** Monday 23 August 2021 The Daily Telegraph

Business comment
Burton A four-day working week isn’t quite
British firms the crackpot idea that some think
fearful of bids ROGER BOOTLE
OTLE works. There are still some people who
argue for a shorter working week on
these grounds, often associated with
‘Most people
seem to think
truth. If any length of working week is
God-given then it is six days and not
five, with the Sabbath acting as a day of
productivity that when working hours
are reduced, total output may not fall.
In some sectors it could actually rise. If

must spin a the supposed disappearance of jobs

because of robots and AI.
Yet, as I argued in my recent book
there is
rest, mirroring the day that God took
off during Creation. And six days was
indeed the normal working week until
he is right about this, then there is no
trade-off between working hours and
incomes. We are faced with the

better story
The AI Economy, in this respect there is inevitable or comparatively recently. prospect of having more leisure
nothing different about this economic Moreover, if you look at history over without losing any income.
The SNP is pondering the revolution from the economic God-given long periods you see remarkable I think Gomes is on to something for
move, but there is a key revolutions that have gone before. about evidence on the variability of work some parts of the economy – but not
Yes, some jobs will disappear but patterns. Average working hours in the all. In major parts of the economy,
debate to be had about the others will spring up to take their working UK peaked at the time of the Industrial fewer hours worked is going to mean
Overseas buyers are snapping up effects on labour and costs place. Contrary to what you may have five days’ Revolution and have been trending less output. And that means lower real
heard elsewhere, we are not about to down since. incomes.
companies at a rate not seen for
very so often someone proposes experience “The Death of Work”. Most striking of all is the data on But that doesn’t mean that a shorter
that the economy should move to The serious argument in favour of a average working hours going back to working week isn’t going to happen. It
years – so boards must ensure that a four-day working week, with shorter working week is that, as the medieval times. In the late would be more readily accepted if a fall

they are not seen as easy pickings the weekend extending across three economy becomes more productive 14th century there was a sharp drop in in average working hours occurred
days. Indeed, this idea is currently and we as individuals become better the average number of hours worked gradually at a time of rising
ver a lavish breakfast in a London under active consideration by the SNP. off, we are able to afford to work less across the year. productivity.
hotel last week, one chief executive On the whole, when such – if we want to. What could possibly explain this? In that case, an absolute drop in
was asking an investor for some dis- suggestions are made they are widely In essence, as the economy becomes The answer is the Black Death which output and income could be avoided.
creet advice. Concerned about the condemned as the imaginings of more productive we face a stark afflicted Britain and other European They simply wouldn’t rise at the rate
startling number of British compa- crackpots. Although there is an awful choice. At one extreme, we could work countries in the middle of the 14th that they would have done if working
nies being picked off by overseas lot of crackpottery around on this just as much as before and take the century. It dramatically reduced the hours had stayed the same.
buyers, he wondered how his company could bet- subject, in general the recent whole benefit of our increased workforce, perhaps by as much as a Whether Gomes is right or not about
ter tell its story. proponents of a shorter working week productivity in the form of higher third. The result, unsurprisingly, was a the effect on productivity, if we are to
It was a smart thing to do. Storytelling is have been eminently sane. But there is incomes and consumption. sharp rise in real wages. work fewer hours then there are major
important in the business world and judging by a key debate to be had about the effects At the other extreme, we could Medieval man reacted to this in a social and economic questions about
the number of firms succumbing to overseas and the costs. decide against any increase in income particular way. He seems to have had a what we are going to do with the time
takeovers, many are not very good at it. In the past, proponents of a shorter and consumption and take the benefit target level of earnings in mind and thereby released.
Following Brexit and the pandemic, bargain working week have often focused on of our increased productivity wholly in when he reached that target level more At the very least, the leisure
hunters have spotted a flash sale. the supposed shortage of jobs. They the form of reduced working hours easily because of higher real wages he industries would have to expand still
In this proverbial sale, some firms are the have argued that it would be fairer to and an associated increase in leisure decided to work less. further and this would offer many
equivalent of clothes scrunched up on the floor spread the limited amount of work time. And, of course, we could make Accordingly, the average number of opportunities for increased
covered in yellow sticker discounts. As one more equally over the population. any choice between these two hours worked fell. So much for the idea employment – albeit, presumably, not
seasoned investor puts it, companies are “more This idea is known by economists as extremes. of set working hours. for five days a week.
vulnerable to bids when buyers think “the lump of labour fallacy”. When I have suggested at The idea of a shorter working week The shape of our lives, including the
management is under pressure and they can turn As anyone who has the flimsiest conferences and other gatherings that has recently received eloquent shape of the normal week, would
them”. Some executives are now worried that knowledge of economic history will we might be on the brink of moving endorsement from a new book called change dramatically. If Friday is the
they have failed to spin a good yarn about their readily acknowledge, the number of towards a shorter working week, the Friday is the New Saturday by the new Saturday then Thursday is the
business, leaving their shares trading at a jobs has risen dramatically over time general reaction has been one of economist Pedro Gomes. new Friday.
discount to US equivalents. Others are roughly to match the number of incredulity. Most people seem to think One of the striking things about this
questioning the advice they’re getting from people willing and able to do them. that there is something inevitable or book is that Gomes argues that Roger Bootle is chairman of Capital
investment bankers. As companies across the UK This is not accidental. It goes to the God-given about working for five days. working as hard as people currently do Economics
are snapped up at a rate not seen in years, nobody essence of how the economic system Yet nothing could be further from the has such a deleterious effect on their
wants to end up looking like the fool.
Of course the surging interest in UK business
from foreign buyers is no bad thing, but like any
sale there will be winners and losers. The Down to dust
concern is that the rush of foreign takeovers, The chimneys and
while flattering, won’t boost Britain in the long
run. Boards could be signing off on cheap deals boiler house at
that might land them and their advisers a quick Ferry Bridge C
windfall now but could later impact UK jobs and Power Station
lead to seller’s regret. collapse during a
There are fears that Britain’s footprint in
some sectors is being hollowed out, with controlled
figures obtained by the BBC showing that explosion. The
foreign, private buyers have spent more buying former coal-fired
UK-listed companies in the last eight months plant opened in
than they have in the last five years put
together. There is nothing wrong with a 1966 and was
takeover, but bosses looking at how to sharpen closed in 2016, with
up their company’s image in light of this flurry demolition work
of foreign bids are doing the smart thing.
Boards should be in a
starting three years
position of strength if an later.
‘The private offer crosses their desks
equity sector, rather than a target
heavy with because they were seen as
easy pickings. Subtly
cash and asking an investor for
eager to storytelling advice over
breakfast could end up
spend, has saving their bacon.
timed it well’ That’s because mergers
are often messy. A weak
board will lose its way
quickly as cash-rich bidders fight to outsmart
each other and grab the best deal. Recent

takeover talks have played out like a soap drama

involving investors publicly clashing on
valuations, counter bids, politicians stepping in
and dramatic moves from former colleagues.
Opposition against takeovers by US private
equity giants for firms such as Ultra, which
makes defence equipment for Britain’s nuclear
submarines, underlines the political and
economic threat that some of these deals pose
and the conundrum that chief executives could
find themselves in. Senior military chiefs have
attacked the potential deal, while at least one top
shareholder has said they are all for it.
Meanwhile the UK’s competition watchdog
has raised concerns about the potential £29bn
takeover of British microchip company Arm by
US tech titan Nvidia. And the back-and-forth
bidding war for UK grocery chain Morrisons
could mark a stunning comeback for former
Silicon Valley’s driverless car dream is on track to fail
Tesco boss Sir Terry Leahy, who is a partner at
the US firm currently leading the race, Clayton self-driving car might encounter, the Level 2 assistance) stopped mentioning the computer can’t be programmed to
Dubilier & Rice, and used to work with
ANDREW concerns raised were sensible. No one dates at all. drive into a human without
Morrisons’ chief David Potts and chairman ORLOWSKI is more aware of danger than a driver. The driverless car chimera has its bankrupting the manufacturer in a
Andrew Higginson while at Tesco. Blockbuster But drunk on their sense of destiny, the roots in a strange fantasy, one that subsequent lawsuit, it halts. Traffic
deals are rarely without politics, personal engineers seemed oblivious. As a gripped US military theorists three behind the vehicle halts too, and very
dynamics and clashes. Bloomberg report last week drily decades ago. Generals have long soon the city is gridlocked.
Many could benefit from the latest rush of noted, “small disturbances like dreamed of removing human soldiers Lobbyists came up with an
deals – the latest offer for Morrisons has left construction crews, bicyclists, left from the battlefield and replacing them ingenious demand: fence off all
investors delighted, while City advisers are Minimal progress has been turns, and pedestrians remain with machines. But in the 1990s, the top Economic pedestrians where the vehicles
cashing in on the flurry by pocketing huge fees. made on autonomous headaches for computer drivers” brass became obsessed with something Intelligence operate, and dedicate lanes to the
Some takeovers will turn out to be for the best, adding that “right now, no driverless much more ambitious. Drawing from clunky robot cars. These were “modest
others will prove to be a disaster. Household projects despite the tech car from any company can gracefully new ideas of complexity and biology,
For unique insight
infrastructure changes”, insisted
names including Debenhams, the AA, Saga and titans investing huge sums handle rain, sleet, or snow.” Those “last the theorists envisaged swarms of into the world’s Andrew Ng, Google’s then artificial
Pizza Express, are among those to have been few details” as the report (possibly machines capable of self-organisation economic issues, intelligence guru. But in reality, these
burnt by private equity. Yet openness to foreign sarcastically) calls them, remain and intelligence. Think Dr Dolittle sign up to our

required the fabric of the city to be
investment is vital for the UK economy and City or years, the driverless car has insuperable. meets Dr Strangelove. Economic radically changed to compensate for
investors do not have a blanket view on UK firms been a poster child for The NHTSA’s concerns with Tesla Autonomous vehicles were one of Intelligence the shonky state of the tech. Destroy
being snapped up. technology-led disruption – the give us a useful reality check into how three strategic projects to emerge from newsletter, the city, to save the self-driving car? No
What they do want is boards to be able to stand very embodiment of the idea that little progress has actually been made. the rubble of the defence agency thanks, said planners, and such
firm and sell their story properly when that bid “software is eating the world”. But that On the industry’s five-point scale in Darpa’s decade-long, billion-dollar by Ambrose lobbying efforts were rejected.
comes knocking. As one investor moans: dream now looks all but dead. Another which manual driving is Level 0, and Strategic Computing Initiative. In Evans-Pritchard Here in the UK, the Government has
“Sometimes boards just want to get out, but the nail was quietly hammered into its full automation, or hands off self- 2004, Darpa launched the Grand and Jeremy approved Level 2 – so expect a shunt –
UK market is undervalued and in some sectors coffin last week when the American driving, is Level 5, Tesla’s Autopilot Challenge, a competition to drive cars Warner but our own publicly funded research
management is giving in too easily”. British car safety regulator, the National only offers Level 2. On its website, the in the Mojave Desert in clear, dry efforts are much more modest and
companies need to learn how to tell their story Highway Traffic Safety Administration manufacturer points out that conditions and largely in straight lines. ei-newsletter useful. We can expect to see
better given so much of UK plc is being taken out. (NHTSA), announced an investigation “Autopilot does not turn a Tesla into a Google took a keen interest, and autonomous vehicles in agriculture,
Good storytelling is even more important if into Tesla’s Autopilot feature. Nothing self-driving car nor does it make a car adapted the work for its self-driving for example, and in the fields of
activists are on the prowl. Corporate lawyers attracts the attention of the state like autonomous”, which is something of car in 2014, boasting of the hours of Wiltshire and Dorset where trials are
have been warning for months that hostility is in rear-ending its hardware. The agency an understatement. Autopilot merely largely incident-free mileage. That taking place, you already can. These
the air and that aggressive bids could be ahead, noted 11 incidents in which a Tesla had offers driver assistance when parking started an industry-wide panic, and are low-risk environments, largely free
particularly if differences in valuation cannot be smashed into the back of an or changing lanes, and adaptive cruise autonomous driving has since gripped of nasty surprises.
reconciled. This could take the form of outright emergency services vehicle, two of control. But even that modest level of governments, researchers and the rest Interviewed for Sky News seven
approaches against a board’s wishes or by using which were parked at the time. So the assistance clearly has issues, and of the car industry and consumed years ago when Google unveiled its
more subtle so-called “bear hug” tactics, where a glitch had become rather hard to judging distance is one of them. billions in private and public money. first prototype autonomous vehicle –
bidder goes over directors’ heads with an ignore. Uber and Lyft have both sold off The most insuperable problem this looked like an infant’s toy – I
informal approach to shareholders. This didn’t stop Elon Musk, Tesla their autonomous car divisions. Others eventually became apparent to the mused that this may be an elaborate
“Bid defence preparation by targets is more chief executive, announcing plans for a have shut down completely, notably boffins, by now the only people in the joke by Silicon Valley to bankrupt the
important now than ever,” Hogan Lovells partner robot humanoid on Friday, claiming, in the truck start-up Starsky. Even Apple, world not to realise it might exist. This established auto industry, wasting its
John Connell Partner argued in a recent M&A carnival barker style, that his cars are with its apparently bottomless is what the author and transport resources in pursuit of an
report. The private equity sector, heavy with already “semi-sentient”. pockets, mothballed its own commentator Christian Wolmar calls unachievable dream. But now the
cash and eager to spend it, has timed its shopping When the obituary is finally written autonomous car project Titan two the “Holborn problem”. When joke’s on Silicon Valley.
spree well. Boards need to stand strong and work for the autonomous car, we should ask years ago. Established auto pedestrians spill onto the pavement, as
out what their narrative is before it’s too late. A not why it failed, but why people ever manufacturers like BMW (which they once did outside Holborn station Andrew Orlowski is founder of the
takeover might be the right move, but they will thought it would succeed. When the predicted full autonomous driving for at 5pm every Friday evening, no research network Think of X and tweets
stumble without a convincing story. public was asked what problems a this year but merely ships a Tesla-like autonomous vehicle can move. Since @andreworlowski
The Daily Telegraph Monday 23 August 2021 *** 31


Polymetal must prove itself a good bet against volatility

said margin improvement across the in net fees in the fourth quarter as
ON business has been strong and kept hiring picks up. There are more than Economic week ahead
AD management’s full-year outlook 1m job vacancies in the UK.
unchanged. He is confident that With business all but certain, Wyoming, USA, Federal Reserve
trading momentum and a 6pc half-year analysts say investors’ attention will be might be best chair Jerome
rise in the order book, will push the on the cost line after the group cut known for Powell is likely to
group to return to growth in the costs by 13pc during the pandemic. laconic cowboys, be a highlight. At
second half of the year. With hiring picking up, this could be but once a year it one point, it had
The share price of the gold hard to maintain. serves as a looked like Mr
producer is down – but Interim results: Half-year numbers from Dublin- meeting place Powell might
PureTech Health, John Wood, Invesco headquartered CRH, meanwhile, will for some of signal the central
with uncertainty high, it Bond Income Plus give an insight into how the US society’s most bank’s support
could be a valuable hedge Economics: economy is faring. closely watched for tightening in
GDP (Germany); new home sales (US) More than half of the building speakers: central the months to
Today materials group’s business comes from bankers. come. But with
over the pond. In April the FTSE 100 The cowboys some economic


Interim results: firm said first half underlying profits might be pleased indicators
BATM Advanced Communications Full-year results: would be “well ahead” of those in to be left looking shaky,
Economics: Clipper Logistics 2020. Management said they expected undisturbed this and no sign of a
CBI monthly industrial trends survey Interims: “further normalisation” of its markets week as Covid-19 slowdown in
(UK); manufacturing, services PMI Costain, Grafton in the second half as the economy has forced the rising Covid
(UK, EU, US, Asia); existing home sales Economics: rebounds. Jackson Hole cases, the urge to
(US) CBI quarterly distributive trades symposium to go tighten looks
survey (UK); business sentiment Full-year results: Hays virtual for a likely to be
Tomorrow (Germany) The Cyprus-based company should benefit from the general rise in commodity prices Interim results: CRH, Polymetal Int, second year, a resisted – for
Hunting, Chesnara, Macfarlane Group last-minute now.
Engineering and consultancy firm Thursday precious metals could still be a which Polymetal has suggested will be Economics: change after Elsewhere, we
Wood Group reported half-year valuable hedge against further flat before increasing in 2022 – costs CBI quarterly service sector survey earlier efforts to will get “flash”
revenue through June was down 21pc FTSE 100 Polymetal’s share price is potential market volatility which and profits. The current forecast is for (UK); unemployment claims, GDP (US) pare down the purchasing
when compared with last year, to down by a quarter over the past year would prove a boon for the miner. In a full year pre-tax profit of $1.4bn, in agenda to a managers’ index
$3.2bn (£2.4bn), though highlighted which could be explained by gold and its last update in July, the Cyprus- line with last year and far higher than Friday domestic-only readings for
that momentum was improving in the silver stepping back from price peaks headquartered company reported 2019. affair. August, which
second quarter. Investors will be in August last year. The fall suggests increased revenue on the back of Separately, full-year results from Interim results: That doesn’t will be carefully
hoping for more details on that markets think there is less need to higher metal prices. Hays could be seen as a wider indicator Sopheon, BigBlu Broadband, BBGI stop it from watched for
performance in the first chunk of the turn to safe haven assets as the global It should benefit from the general of the global jobs market, and therefore Global Infrastructure being important. signs the
third quarter, and if earnings are on economy starts to emerge from the rise in commodity prices. Analysts are the differing economic recoveries, Economics: The agenda post-lockdown
track for the company’s full-year pandemic. The company is one of the looking for a $1.42 payout for the full with the recruiter posting about its Personal income and personal remains fairly recovery is
outlook. world’s top 10 producers of gold and year, up from $1.29 in 2020. They will business across the world. The FTSE consumer expenditure, goods trade mysterious, but a beginning to lose
Robin Watson, chief executive, has top five of silver. However, the also want guidance on production – 250 company reported a 39pc increase balance (US) speech by steam.

Market data Unit trusts & open-ended investment companies prices
Mid Change Mid Change Mid Change Mid Change Mid Change Mid Change
World market indices  Friday close Name Init chge Sell Buy on day Name Init chge Sell Buy on day Name Init chge Sell Buy on day Name Init chge Sell Buy on day Name Init chge Sell Buy on day Name Init chge Sell Buy on day

Glob Abs Ret 0% 115.99 … Multi-Mgr Divrsfd A Acc – 95.7 … JPM Global Macro Fund A Acc 3.00 75.36 +0.08 Jupiter China L Inc – *108.21 -2.2857 Eqty Inv Chrties GBP Inc – *1547.99 -0.01
Index Change
ª Australia All Ordinaries 7725.10 -10.20 -0.13pc Glob Multi-Strat 0% 134.33 … Multi-Mgr Inc&Gwth A Acc 5.00 200 … JPM Global Macro Fund A Inc 3.00 65.63 +0.06 Jupiter Corp Bond L Inc – 64.99 +0.0273 Eqty Inv Chrties GBP Acc – *28425.19 -0.23
© Brazil Bovespa 118052.77 +888.08 +0.76pc *112.38
Inflation-Linked Corp Bd 0% 113.8 … Multi-Mgr Inc&Gwth A Inc 5.25 162.3 … JPM Global Macro Opps A Acc 3.00 85.25 +0.14 Jupiter Dstrbtn L Acc – +0.0094 M&G Corp Bond A Inc 3.00 41.79 …
ª China Shanghai Composite 3427.33 -38.22 -1.10pc
© France CAC General 6626.11 +20.22 +0.31pc AXA Investment Managers UK Long-Term Global Equity 0% 307.43 … Multi-Mgr Mangd A Acc† 5.00 327.7000 … JPM Global Macro Opps A Inc 3.00 84.49 +0.14 Jupiter Dstrbtn L Inc – *60.36 +0.0051 M&G Corp Bond A Acc 3.00 80.09 …
© Germany DAX 15808.04 +42.23 +0.27pc Limited Asian Income 0% 128.33 … Multi-Mgr Mangd A Inc† 5.00 317.2000 … JPM Global Uncons Eq A Acc 3.00 2328 +11.00 Jupiter Dstrbtn & Grth L Inc – 107.56 +0.2342 M&G Dividend A Inc 4.00 55.16 …
ª Hong Kong Hang Seng 24849.72 -466.61 -1.84pc 7 Newgate Street, London, EC1A 7NX
Continental European 0% 223.11 … Sterling Bond Acc† 4.25 254.2 … JPM Global Uncons Eq A Inc 3.00 172.2 +0.80 Jupiter Eco L Inc – 573.38 +3.5446 M&G Dividend A Acc 4.00 739.44 …
ª India BSE S&P SENSEX 55329.32 -300.17 -0.54pc Cust Svs: 0845 777 5511
ª Japan Nikkei 27013.25 -267.92 -0.98pc Global Dynamic Bd 0% 95 … Sterling Bond Inc† 4.25 70.94 … JPM Japan A Acc 3.00 665 +5.20 Jupiter Emerg Euro Opps L Acc – *247.02 +0.3426 M&G Episode Grwth Stg A Dis 4.00 65.07 …
ª Russia RTS 1623.50 -12.13 -0.74pc *3202.44
Amer Gwth Acc – 1196 +9.00 Global High Yield Bd 0% 93.74 … Strategic Bond A Inc 4.00 131.9 … JPM Japan A Inc 3.00 159.7 +1.20 Jupiter European L Inc – +25.8614 M&G Episode Income A Inc 4.00 130.06 …
© Singapore Straits Times 3102.75 +15.78 +0.51pc
© Spain Madrid SE 878.83 +1.02 +0.12pc Biotech Acc – 247.4 -2.90 Global Opportunities 0% 277.55 … UK Absolute Return A Acc 5.00 168.5 … JPM Multi-Asset Income A Acc 3.00 109.2 -0.20 Jupiter Euro Inc L Acc – 89.67 +0.5222 M&G Episode Income A Acc 4.00 191.17 …
© Switzerland +12.08 +0.10pc
UK Alpha A Acc†
SMI Index 12415.66
Clean Economy R Acc – 1189 +4.00 International Bd 0% 114.56 … 5.25 179.6 … JPM Multi-Asset Income A Inc 3.00 66.23 -0.15 Jupiter Euro Inc L Inc – 54.68 +0.3184 M&G Global Dividend A Inc 4.00 244.58 …
© USA Dow Jones 35120.08 +225.96 +0.65pc
Emerg Mkts Acc – 321.4 -3.10 Multi-Asset Bal 0% 160.04 … UK Smaller Cos A ACC 5.00 1161 … JPM Multi-Asset Inc A Mth Inc 3.00 66.19 -0.15 Jupiter Euro Special Sits L Acc – *539.64 +5.1168 M&G Global Dividend A Acc 4.00 373.22 …
© USA Nasdaq 14714.66 +172.87 +1.19pc
FinTech R Acc – 1018 +1.00 Mult-Asset Div Return 0% 136.21 … UK Equity Income A Inc 5.00 536.3 … JPM Multi-Man Gwth A Acc 3.00 1449 … Jupiter Fin Opp L Inc – 891.35 -1.2228 M&G Glbl Emrgng Mkts A Inc 4.00 270.83 …
Commodities summary Friday close Global Tech – 238.3 +1.20 Mult-Asset Growth 0% 231.04 … UK Index Opps Tst A Acc – 107.4229 … JPM Multi-Man Gwth A Inc 3.00 1294 … Jupiter Fund Of Inv Tsts L Inc – 374.07 -0.2410 M&G Glbl Emrgng Mkts A Acc 4.00 321.99 …

Price Change Global Thematics R GBP Acc – 2386 +9.00 Oriental 0% 208.92 … UK Tracker A Acc – 289.3000 … JPM Natural Res A Acc 3.00 656.3 -9.10 Jupiter Global Emg Mkts L Acc – 71.4 -0.4174 M&G Glbl High Yld Bd A Inc 3.00 47.66 …
© Gold per troy oz $1781.64 +0.89 +0.05pc
Health Acc – 2768 +21.00 Real Return A 0% 114.11 … US Growth A Acc 5.00 1941 … JPM Natural Res A Inc 3.00 43.32 -0.59 Jupiter Global Eq Inc L Acc – 89.64 +0.4498 M&G Glbl High Yld Bd A Acc 3.00 146.93 …
ª Silver per troy oz £16.90 -0.11 -0.66pc
© Krugerrand £1317.00 +4.65 +0.35pc Japan R GBP Acc – 676.2 -5.40 UK Equity Fund 0% 150.56 … †Available as an ISA JPM Sterling Corp Bd A Grs Acc 3.00 106.4 +0.10 Jupiter Global Eq Inc L Inc – 71.64 +0.3595 M&G Global Macro Bd A Inc 3.00 87.19 …
© New Sovereign £303.34 +1.02 +0.34pc
Managed Balanced Acc – 520.4 +1.00 UK Income 0% 129.96 … JPM Sterling Corp Bd A Grs Inc 3.00 60.66 +0.05 Jupiter Global Finl Innov L Acc – 142 -0.1428 M&G Global Macro Bd A Acc 3.00 143.66 …
© Maples £1318.69 +4.66 +0.35pc
© Platinum per oz £732.65 +19.07 +2.67pc Managed Income Acc – 195.7 +0.20 UK Opportunities 0% 182.98 … JPM UK Dynamic A Acc 3.00 210.2 +0.50 Jupiter Global Managed L Acc – 365.78 +2.2097 M&G Global Themes A Inc 4.00 1257.49 …
ª Palladium per oz £1671.69 -22.92 -1.35pc Managed Income Inc – 110.9 +0.20 US Opportunities 0% 343.04 … JPM UK Dynamic A Inc 3.00 153.7 +0.30 Jupiter Global Managed L Inc – 348.9 +2.1077 M&G Global Themes A Acc 4.00 2068.74 …
© Copper grade A £6648.18 +144.27 +2.22pc
Monthly Inc Inc – 253.4 +0.80 Emerging Income 0% 95.22 … JPM UK Equity Core E Acc – 409.4 +0.70 Jupiter Growth & Inc L Inc – 88.2 +0.0011 M&G Managed Growth A Inc 4.00 126.11 …
ª Tin high grade £23209.70 -924.70 -3.83pc
© Lead £1660.67 +9.25 +0.56pc Monthly Inc Acc – 713.0 +2.20 Global Dynamic Bd Inc 0% 1.0421 … J.P. Morgan Asset Management JPM UK Equity Core E Inc – 63.13 +0.12 Jupiter Income Trust L Inc – *481.19 +0.1712 M&G Optimal Income A Inc 3.00 150.91 …
ª Zinc special high grade £2154.24 -0.80 -0.04pc 60 Victoria Embankment, London, EC4Y 0JP *129.22
UK Growth Acc – 401.0 +0.80 Global Emerging Mkts 0% 232.3 … JPM UK Equity Gwth A Acc 3.00 174.5 +0.20 Jupiter India L Acc – -1.9288 M&G Optimal Income A Acc 3.00 231.95 …
© Aluminium high grade £1876.61 +14.37 +0.77pc Clients:0800 204020.Brokerline 0800 727770
© Nickel £13532.87 +45.57 +0.34pc UK Select Opps R Inc – 2182 -2.00 Global Equity Fund 0% 274.58 … JPM UK Equity Gwth A Inc 3.00 148.8 +0.20 Jupiter Japan Inc L Acc – *145.94 +0.0930 M&G Property Portfolio A Inc – 91.06 96.44 +0.07
© Baltic Dry Index* 4092.00 +116.00 +2.92pc *105.3
UK Select Opps R Acc – 4117 -4.00 Multi Asset Inc 0% 122.32 … JPM Asia Growth A Acc 3.00 294.8 -2.50 JPM UK Equity Value A Acc 3.00 196.6 +0.10 Jupiter Japan Inc L Inc – +0.0671 M&G Recovery A Inc 4.00 121.07 …
© Wheat per tonne £193.00 +2.00 +1.05pc
ª Brent Crude -1.27 -1.91pc UK Smllr Cos Acc – 448.7 -0.70 JPM Asia Growth A Inc 3.00 161.8 -1.30 JPM UK Equity Value A Inc 3.00 103.2 +0.10 Jupiter Merlin Bal Prtfo L Acc – 227.86 -0.0806 M&G Recovery A Acc 4.00 307.67 …
Oct settlement $65.18 Carvetian Capital
*Copyright Baltic Exchange Information Services Ltd.
AXA IM Funds Management Limited JPM Div Gth A Net ACC 3.00 326 -1.00 JPM UK Eq Inc A Acc – 59.37 +0.04 Jupiter Merlin Bal Prtfo L Inc – 147.63 -0.0522 M&G Strategic Corp Bd A Inc 3.00 78.07 …
Admin: Stuart House, St John’s St,
Jupiter Merlin Consv Prtfo L Acc– 68.78 +0.0909 M&G Strategic Corp Bd A Acc 3.00 134.48 …
Exchange rates Friday close Peterborough PE1 5DD
Dealing & Enquiries: 0345 850 0255 Jupiter Merlin Consv Prtfo L Inc – 54.71 +0.0723 M&G UK Inc Distribution A Inc 4.00 741.17 …
£ > € Rate 1.1657 Change -0.36¢ £ > $ Rate 1.3615 Change -0.46¢ *950.5 *531.83
Generation Fd 5.00 -7.7 Jupiter Merlin Grth Prtfo L Acc – +4.3570 M&G UK Inc Distribution A Acc 4.00 7926.55 …
Tourist £1= Sterling £1= 1 Euro = 1 Dollar =
Australia Aus $ 1.8139 1.9106 1.6390 1.4033 Sand Aire FENIX Bal Inc 5.00 *199.9 … Jupiter Merlin Grth Prtfo L Inc – *516.87 +4.2344 M&G UK Infl Lkd Corp A Inc 3.00 119.67 …
Canada Can $ 1.6720 1.7524 1.5032 1.2871 *351.86
Jupiter Merlin Inc Prtfo L Acc – +0.4827 M&G UK Infl Lkd Corp A Acc 3.00 125.89 …
Denmark Krone 8.2522 8.6691 7.4367 6.3673 Consistent Unit Trust
Blue Whale Capital Management Co Ltd Jupiter Merlin Inc Prtfo L Inc – *145.92 +0.2002 †CAR - Net Income reinvested.
Euro € 1.1129 1.1657 … 0.8562
Hong Kong HK $ 10.0700 10.6052 9.0976 7.7893 0345 307 3439 Admin: Stuart House, St John’s St,
Jupiter Merlin WW Prtfo L Inc – 386.79 +2.6271
India Rupee 89.3100 101.2922 86.8926 74.3975 Peterborough PE1 5DD Natwest Investment Funds
Dealing & Client Services 0345 850 8818 Jupiter Merlin WW Prtfo L Acc – 386.78 +2.6270 (RBS Collective Investment Funds Ltd)
Israel Shekels 3.9798 4.4104 3.7834 3.2393
*206.54 *141.95 PO Box 249, York YO90 1ZY
Japan Yen 142.2500 149.4995 128.2467 109.8050 Blue Whale Growth R Acc – +2.78 Jupiter Monthly Alt Inc L Acc – -0.1379
0117 940 3848
Kuwait Dinar … 0.4101 0.3518 0.3011 *78.28 *32.2
Opportunities Unit Tst Inc 0% 80.51 … Jupiter Monthly Alt Inc L Inc – -0.0313
New Zealand NZ $ 1.8606 1.9949 1.7113 1.4652
Norway Krone 11.7800 12.3171 10.5662 9.0467 Opportunities Unit Tst Acc 0% *209.1 215.1 … Jupiter N.American Inc L Acc – *204.09 +1.3681 Global Bond Fund Inc – 104.1 …
Pakistan Rupee 210.4000 222.9457 191.2518 163.7500 *158.82
Practical Invest Inc 5.00 260.5 278.8 … Jupiter N.American Inc L Inc – +1.0646 Mangd Eqty Grwth Fnd Acc – 123.4 …
Saudi Arabia Riyal 4.7741 5.1060 4.3802 3.7503
Singapore $ 1.7320 1.8563 1.5923 1.3634 Practical Invest Acc 5.00 1540 1648 … Jupiter Responsible Inc L Acc – 129.74 +0.4973 Mangd Grwth Fund Inc – 119.7 …
South Africa Rand 19.6000 20.8480 17.8843 15.3125 Jupiter Responsible Inc L Inc – 73.78 +0.2828 Mangd Grwth Fund Acc – 121.9 …
Sweden Krona 11.4600 12.0124 10.3048 8.8230
Discretionary Unit Fund
BNY Mellon Fund Managers Jupiter Strategic Bond L Acc – *111.97 +0.0203 UK Eqty Fund Acc – 109.0 …
Switzerland Franc 1.1899 1.2498 1.0721 0.9180 No 1, Poultry, London EC2R 8JR. 020 7415 4130
Investors: 0800 614330 Brokers: 08085 660000
Thailand Baht 40.6500 45.4367 38.9774 33.3725 Maitland Discretionary Inc 3.00 2770.2774 -7.3113 Jupiter Strategic Bond L Inc – *67.04 +0.0122 UK Eqty Fund Inc – 101.6 …,
UAE Dirham 4.6925 5.0010 4.2900 3.6732 *255.59
Jupiter UK Growth L Inc – +0.7862
UK £ … … 0.8579 0.7345
USA $ 1.3002 1.3615 1.1680 … BNY Mellon Investment Funds (ICVC) Jupiter UK Smaller Cos Eq L Acc – *489.36 -0.9706
Tourist rates for indication use only. Sterling Income Shares Jupiter UK Special Sits L Inc – 190.96 +0.2380

Global Income 0% 237.21 … Fundsmith LLP Jupiter US Sm&Md Inst I Acc – 80.99 …
Rates PO Box 10846, Chelmsford, Essex, CM99 2BW.
Corporate Bond 0% 102.69 … Jupiter US Sm&Md Cap Ret Acc – 74.46 …
0330 123 1815
Inflation Change on month Year
Equity Inc 0% 146.06 …
RPI (1987=100) Jul 305.50 +0.5pc +3.8pc Marks & Spencer Unit Trust
Mid Change Mid Change
RPIX (Target 2.5pc) Jul 306.90 +1.4 +3.9pc Equity Inc Booster 0% 95.37 … Fundsmith Equity T Acc – 648.81 +0.0660 Name Init chge Sell Buy on day Name Init chge Sell Buy on day Management Ltd
CPI (2015=100 target 2pc) Jul 111.30 0.0pc +2.0pc Kings Meadow, Chester, CH99 9UT
Glob Abs Ret 0% 115.71 … Fundsmith Equity T Inc – 592.35 +6.01 JPM UK Eq Inc A Inc – 49.36 +0.03
Halifax house price index Jul 450.50 +0.4pc +7.6pc 0870 333 1835
Glob Multi-Strat 0% 133.69 … JPM Emg Euro Eq A Acc 3.00 256 -0.40 JPM UK Sm Cos A Acc 3.00 767 -1.20

Money Inflation-Linked Corp Bd 0% 113.68 … JPM Emg Euro Eq A Inc 3.00 51.14 -0.08 JPM UK Sm Cos A Inc 3.00 143 -0.20 High Income Inc – *110.5 110.5 …

Long-Term Global Equity 0% 409.1 … JPM Emg Markets A Acc 3.00 312.9 -3.30 JPM Uncons Bond A Acc 3.00 77.3 -0.06 High Income Acc – *290.4 290.4 …
Bank Rate 0.1pc Nationwide Base Mortgage Rate 2.10pc
Overnight 0.04pc US Fed Funds 0.00-0.25pc Asian Income 0% 210.92 … JPM Emg Markets A Inc 3.00 132.5 -1.40 JPM Uncons Bond A Inc 3.00 55.94 -0.05 UK Select Port Inc – 320.8 320.8 …
7 day 0.04pc US Long Bonds Yld 1.87pc Janus Henderson Investors
Continental European 0% 338.15 … JPM Emg Mkts Inc A Acc 3.00 94.62 -0.48 JPM US Eq Inc £ Hdg A Inc 3.00 150.4 -0.40 UK Selection Port – 633 633 …
1 month 0.05pc European base rate 0.00pc PO Box 9023 Chelmsford, CM99 2WB
3 months 0.07pc Global Dynamic Bd 0% 99.29 … Enquiries: 0800 832 832 JPM Emg Mkts Inc A Inc 3.00 66.24 -0.34 JPM US Eq Inc A Acc 3.00 250.9 +0.60 UK 100 Co’s Fund Inc – 210.6 210.6 …
6 months 0.09pc Website:
Global High Yield Bd 0% 59.37 … JPM Eur Dyn (ex-UK) £ Hg A Acc3.00 288.9 +0.20 JPM US Eq Inc A Inc 3.00 187.6 +0.40 UK 100 Co’s Fund Acc – 402.9 402.9 …

Global Opportunities 0% 424.39 … Asia Pac Cap Gwth A Acc 5.00 1306 … JPM Euro Dyn (ex-UK) A Acc 3.00 290.2 +1.40 JPM US Select A Acc 3.00 292.8 +1.60 W’wide Man Inc – *574.8 …
Major price changes FTSE 100 Week on week
International Bd 0% 249.68 … Asian Dividend Income Inc 5.00 85.81 … JPM Euro Dyn (ex-UK) A Inc 3.00 126.7 +0.70 JPM US Select A Inc 3.00 286.1 +1.60 W’wide Man Acc – *967.3 …
Risers 33 Volume Close Change Fallers 67 Volume Close Change
© JustEatTkway 0.29m 6801 10.05pc ª Anglo Amer 4.76m 2868½ -15.36pc Multi-Asset Bal 0% 245.54 … Cautious Managed A Acc 5.00 300.7 … JPM Europe A Acc 3.00 1877 +10.00 JPM US Sm Cap Gwth Fd A Acc 3.00 1074 -10.00
© Ocado Group 1.12m 1927½ 8.29pc ª Burberry 2.29m 1825 -14.32pc
Mult-Asset Div Return 0% 175.92 … Cautious Managed A Inc 5.00 154.7 … JPM Europe A Inc 3.00 99.15 +0.52 JPM US Sm Cap Gwth Fd A Inc 3.00 281.3 -2.80
© Fresnillo 0.93m 835⅜ 4.74pc ª Antofagasta 1.59m 1399 -9.36pc
© Rentokil Initial 3.70m 584¼ 4.36pc ª Glencore 45.45m 309⅝ -8.09pc Mult-Asset Growth 0% 1153.64 … China Opps A Acc 5.00 1523 … JPM Euro Smaller Co A Acc 3.00 1101 +5.00
© AstraZeneca 1.92m 8731 3.62pc ª abrdn 5.46m 264 -7.56pc Oriental 0% 1034.77 … Emerg Mkts Opps A Acc 5.00 232.3 … JPM Euro Smaller Co A Inc 3.00 141 +0.60
© Smith&Neph 3.11m 1425 2.93pc ª Evraz 2.12m 544¼ -7.51pc
© SSE 2.24m 1666½ 2.55pc ª Rio Tinto 2.23m 5226 -7.50pc Real Return A 0% 129.25 … European Growth A Acc† 5.25 293.9 … JPM Global Bd Opps A Grs Acc – 60.97 -0.01

© Natl Grid 5.83m 979 2.46pc ª M&G 13.73m 210 -7.16pc UK Equity Fund 0% 899.25 … European Sel Opps A Acc 5.00 2249 … JPM Global Bd Opps A Grs Inc – 50.63 -0.01
M&G Securities Ltd
© Croda Intl 0.17m 9238 2.44pc ª BHP Group 8.79m 2183½ -5.98pc PO Box 9039, Chelmsford, CM99 2XG
UK Income 0% *65.93 +0.08 Fixed Int Mthly Inc A Inc 4.25 22.92 … JPM Global Bond A Gross Acc 3.00 292.2 +0.30
© Segro 1.23m 1288 2.06pc ª Phoenix 2.68m 624 -5.97pc Enq: 0800 390 390. UT Deal: 0800 328 3196
© JD Sports Fash 1.41m 996¾ 2.05pc ª BP 38.68m 287⅞ -5.73pc UK Opportunities 0% 367.17 … Global Care Growth A Inc 4.50 510 … JPM Global Bond A Gross Inc 3.00 223.9 +0.20
Jupiter Unit Trust Managers Ltd
© Experian 0.75m 3199 1.98pc ª Entain 2.69m 1849 -5.66pc The Zig Zag Building, 70 Victoria Street, London,
US Opportunities 0% 376.51 … Global Equity Inc A Inc† 5.25 64.7 … JPM Global Eq Inc £ Hdg A Acc 3.00 123.8 … SW1E 6SQ Charibond Chrties Fxd Int Acc – *4284.16 +2.33
© Hikma Pharms 0.36m 2580 1.98pc ª Melrose Ind 4.64m 164¾ -5.42pc
© Vodafone 43.51m 122⅝ 1.98pc ª Lloyds Bk Gp 93.54m 44 -4.86pc Global Growth Acc 4.25 4767 +43 JPM Global Eq Inc £ Hdg A Inc 3.00 76.25 +0.01 020 3817 1000 Charibond Chrties Fxd Int Dis – *123.22 +0.07
B Shares
© Admiral 0.56m 3676 1.88pc ª ITV 7.70m 115⅛ -4.76pc Global Strategic Cap Acc† 5.00 315.9 … JPM Global Eq Inc Fd A Acc 3.00 148.5 +0.60 Jupiter Abslt Rtn L Acc – 38.93 -0.2301 Charity Multi Asset Acc – *10201.72 +10.94
© Sage Group 1.61m 735¼ 1.83pc ª Prudential 5.18m 1454½ -4.21pc
Global Income 0% 190.72 … Global Technology A Acc 5.00 3324 … JPM Global Eq Inc Fd A Inc 3.00 110.8 +0.40 Jupiter Asian Fd L Inc – *988.37 -8.5842 Charity Multi Asset Dis – *89.7 +0.1
© Halma 0.54m 3013 1.79pc ª Legal&Gen 13.13m 262½ -4.20pc
© GlaxoSmKline 5.57m 1515⅜ 1.58pc ª Weir Group 0.42m 1623 -4.16pc Corporate Bond 0% 124.4 … Multi-Mgr Abs Ret A Acc 5.00 155.4 … JPM Global HiYld Bd A Grs Acc 3.00 128.8 -0.10 Jupiter Asian Inc L Acc – *163.22 +0.1113
© Tesco 15.12m 246½ 1.46pc ª Intl Cons Air 20.44m 158⅞ -4.06pc Initial charge:
Equity Inc 0% 108.07 … Multi-Mgr Active A Acc† 5.00 268.1000 … JPM Global HiYld Bd A Grs Inc 3.00 35.65 -0.05 Jupiter Asian Inc L Inc – *133.52 +0.0910
© Lon Stock Ex 0.37m 8036 1.34pc ª Informa 3.29m 531 -3.80pc This charge in percentage terms is included in the purchase
*115.31 price of the units. It is levied by the unit trust manager to cover
© Avast 6.38m 602⅝ 1.24pc ª HSBC 38.46m 396⅛ -3.73pc Equity Inc Booster 0% 74.35 … Multi-Mgr Distbn A Inc 5.25 139.9 … JPM Global HiYldBdAGrsMthInc3.00 35.66 -0.05 Jupiter China L Acc – -2.4359 administrative costs and commissions.
© Bunzl 0.60m 2691 1.24pc ª Standard Chart 6.45m 447¾ -3.70pc
* Denotes Ex-dividend ‡ Denotes Suspended
32 *** Monday 23 August 2021 The Daily Telegraph

Social news Announcements

Telephone: 0800 072 32 32 or +44 1634 88 7587 Fax: 020 7931 3370
Email: Book online:

Today’s birthdays ONE HUNDRED YEARS AGO

Sir Brian Pearse, Chairman,
Lucas Varity plc, 1994-98, is 88; )ULPOH\3DUN+RVSLWDOWR.DWKU\QDQG
Sir Roy Strong, writer and 0DWWKHZDVRQ+HQU\$QGUHZ$VKOH\
historian, 86; Dame Sarah Goad, LONDON, TUESDAY AUGUST 23, 1921
Lord-Lieutenant for Surrey,
1997-2015, 81; Baroness O’Neill of
Bengarve, Chairman, Equality
and Human Rights Commission,
2012-16, 80; Mr Ted Maidment,
Headmaster of Shrewsbury HUSBANDS’ TRAINS. %86+(//Ř/RUQD0DUJXHULWHGLHG
School, 1988-2001, 79; Lord SHDFHIXOO\DWKRPHRQWK$XJXVW
Lilley, former Conservative The immediate success attending the reintroduction of week-end DJHG$EHORYHGZLIHPRWKHUDQG
Government Cabinet Minister, 78; tickets, more especially to the seaside resorts nearest to London, E\DOO$SULYDWHIDPLO\EXULDOZLOOEH
Dame Glynne Evans, former has been phenomenal. “There are many figures I could give you,” KHOGRQWKHPRUQLQJRIVW$XJXVW
diplomat, 77; Mr Geoff said a railway official to a representative of The Daily Telegraph IROORZHGE\DVHUYLFHRIWKDQNVJLYLQJDW
Thompson, Chairman, Football yesterday, “but I shall not do so, because they convey a very imper- 6W0DUN
Association, 1999-2008, 76; Sir ZKLFKDOODUHZHOFRPH
Mark Hedley, a former High
fect idea of what happened. The bare fact that between 30,000 and 2QOLQHUHI$
Court Judge, 75; Mr Willy 40,000 people left one station alone in twelve hours is a statement
Russell, author, 74; Mr Geoff which would leave nine people out of every ten cold. It does not
Capes, former athlete; former fire the imagination; but let the public realise the feverish anima- $XJXVWWK:LIHRIWKHODWH'RQ
British and Commonwealth shot tion beating through all the great London termini in the rush hours (QTXLULHVUHJDUGLQJGRQDWLRQVDQGWKH
put champion, 72; Dr Sir Andrew of last Saturday, the crowds surging round the booking offices, the IXQHUDOVHUYLFHWR:+6TXLUHV 6RQ
Pocock, former diplomat, 66; rush to the departure platforms, the crowded trains as they 7HO  
Prof Simone Buitendijk, steamed out of the stations for their coastal destinations and then, 2QOLQHUHI$
Vice-Chancellor of Leeds
University, 63; Mr Patrick behind the scenes, orders given and promptly carried out for
Derham, Head Master, duplicate and even triplicate trains to be made up – let the inquirer 3,1&.1(<Ř'DYLG&KDUOHVGLHG
Westminster School, 2014-20, 62; see all this for himself, and he will realise at once that the week-end +XVEDQGRI6XVLHIDWKHURI.DWKHULQH
Dr David Landsman, former ticket has resumed its old position of favour with the public.” .LOO\DQG&KDUOHVJUDQGIDWKHURI
diplomat, 58; Mr Richard An official of the London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway 0XFKORYHG3ULYDWHFUHPDWLRQ
Illingworth, ICC umpire; former 2QOLQHUHI$
cricketer, 58; Mr Jim Murphy,
stated that the tremendous rush had been most gratifying to
former Labour Government the company, showing that the public appreciated the
Cabinet Minister, 54; and Ms greater facilities for travelling that were now offered to 35((&(Ř$UWKXU3DWULFN-DPHV 3DW
Saskia Clark, sailor; Olympic gold them. No fewer than thirty trains were duplicated to cope LOOQHVVFRXUDJHRXVO\ERUQH/RYHGGHDUO\
medallist, 470 sailing class, Rio with the exodus for the week-end from London to the popu- E\KLVIDPLO\KLVSDWLHQWVDQGHYHU\RQH
2016; silver medallist, London lar resorts on this south-coast line. Brighton was easily first ZKRNQHZKLP7KDQNVJLYLQJ6HUYLFHDW
2012, 42. favourite, but there was not a town along the coast; from 6W0DU\ŚV6HGJHIRUGRQ)ULGD\UG
Hastings to Portsmouth and the Isle of Wight which was not GHVLUHGWRFXUHSDUNLQVRQVRUJXN
Today is the anniversary of the
Battle of the Mons in 1914. in the booking list and to which people did not go, taking 2QOLQHUHI$
advantage of these tickets, available from Saturday to Mon-
day, and issued at a cost of about a single fare and a third. The 6+$:Ř*LOOLDQ Q¥H8OOPDQ b'LHG
Legal news only restriction placed on ticket-holders – and the official was SHDFHIXOO\RQ:HGQHVGD\WK$XJXVWDW
speaking only of the Brighton line; different conditions may 3HWZRUWK&RWWDJH1XUVLQJ+RPH
Ms Jennifer Claire Jones has be imposed on other lines – is that they must not return on DJHGb'HDUO\ORYHGZLIHRI-DPHV
been appointed a Salaried PRWKHURI$GDP6DUDKDQG%HQDQG
Sunday by any train before six a.m. This is certainly not an JUDQGPRWKHUb$OOIXQHUDOGHWDLOVDQGWR
Employment Judge of the onerous condition. Otherwise, on the return journey on Sun- PDNHDGRQDWLRQLQPHPRU\
and Wales), assigned to the day or Monday any train can be used. Passengers may take
60lb of luggage free of charge. 2QOLQHUHI
Midlands (West) Region with
effect from Sept 1, 2021, and will The week-end system on the Brighton line includes week-ends at
be known as Employment Judge Dieppe, without the necessity of obtaining passports. In this case 672.(6Ř3DPHOD(OL]DEHWKRI
the cheap return tickets are issued every Friday, Saturday, and WK$XJXVWDJHG\HDUV
Inner Temple
Sunday up to Sept. 25. Many people went over last week-end for %HORYHGZLIHRIWKHODWH5REHUW
the Dieppe races on Saturday, and there are meetings again at the 0XFKORYHGPRWKHURI$QGUHZDQG
Mr Justice Soole has been duly 5LFKDUG)XQHUDO6HUYLFHDW*XLOGIRUG
elected as Reader-elect for 2022 next two week-ends. Our informant could not suggest any reason &UHPDWRULXPRQ7XHVGD\VW$XJXVWDW
of the Inner Temple. why the railway companies, who are acting jointly in this matter DP(QTXLULHVWR-*RUULQJH 6RQ
of week-end tickets, should not have returned to the system which )XQHUDO'LUHFWRUV7HO
Mr Andrew Desmond Smith has prevailed before the war of issuing tickets from Friday till Tuesday. 2QOLQHUHI
been appointed an Assistant An official of another line suggested that railway managers, now
Judge Advocate General, with that the railways had been decontrolled, found themselves faced 7+:$,7(6Ř0LFKDHO-RKQSHDFHIXOO\
effect from Sept 6, 2021, and will
be known as Judge Advocate with an entirely new problem, and in this, as in other matters, VXUURXQGHGE\KLVIDPLO\RQWK$XJXVW
Smith. would have to proceed warily. Officials of both the Brighton and /XFLQGDDQG7KRPDV)XQHUDOWREH
the South-Eastern Railways agreed that there was every reason to KHOGDW6W*LOHV&KXUFK&KHVWHUWRQRQ
Mr Darren Keith Reed has been believe the week-end tickets had been adopted as a permanent VW6HSWHPEHUDWSP1RȜRZHUV
measure, and not limited to the summer months only. The author- KHOSIRUKHURHVRUJXN
Advocate General, with effect ities of the South Eastern and Chatham Railway are equally satis-
from Sept 21, 2021, and will be 2QOLQHUHI$
fied with the result of the first week-end experience.
known as Judge Advocate Reed.
“Fathers’ trains” would be a fitting name for these week-end
Judge McKenna retired as trains, in consequence of the great number of City men who
President of the General travelled to the coast on Saturday, obviously bent on spend-
Regulatory Chamber of the ing the week-end with their families already at the seaside. '(11,1*Ř.DWKOHHQUG$XJXVW
First-tier Tribunal with effect The South-Eastern have also extended these facilities to take )RUHYHULQP\WKRXJKWV1LJHO
from Aug 14, 2021. in the other side of the Channel, issuing cheap tickets every 2QOLQHUHI
Following an Expressions of Friday, Saturday, and Sunday till the end of September for
Interest exercise, Judge Edward Ostend, Boulogne, and Calais. These facilities were fully ',;(<Ř-RKQ'L[H\2%(GLHGRQ
Richards will be appointed as made use of during the past week-end. UG$XJXVWDJHG\HDUV0XFK
As was expected, the nearer seaside towns proved the most popu- RIbKLVZRUNLQJFDUHHULQWKHQHZVSDSHU
Cornwall with effect from Nov 1, lar week-end resorts, and there were few inquiries for tickets to LQGXVWU\$OVRUHPHPEHULQJ3DXOLQHKLV
places at long distances from town. From Waterloo the London
and South-Western Railway Company booked fewer than 500 GHDUO\ORYHGSDUHQWVDQGJUDQGSDUHQWV
Bridge news week-end passengers; but while this is not regarded as very satis- 2QOLQHUHI$
factory, it should be remembered that the nearest coast town on
Virtual bridge clubs have held this system is Portsmouth, and that the list of stations to which the
heats of the British Summer new facilities extend is much smaller than the pre-war list. Indeed,
Simultaneous Pairs, writes the present scheme of week-end tickets must be looked upon as
Julian Pottage, Bridge only a beginning The railway companies, just free from State con-
Correspondent, and a different trol, have to proceed carefully, and an immediate resumption of all
set of boards was in play on each
the pre-war facilities was not to be expected. As the needs of the
of four days. The winners of the
Wednesday and Thursday public become a more clearly known, however, further and better
sessions are as follows: services will be introduced.
Wednesday: 1st John Hawkins '$1,(/$16:(5('DQGVDLG%OHVVHG
Berkshire), 65.50%; 2nd Jake ZLVGRPDQGPLJKWDUHKLVDQGKH
Tredinnick and Bill Russell July weather FKDQJHWKWKHWLPHVDQGWKHVHDVRQVKH
Allan Oddie and Giles Ip (Heritage The first 12 days of the month England, while mean minimum NQRZOHGJHWRWKHPWKDWNQRZ
Coast, Suffolk), 65.30%. were mainly unsettled, with spells temperatures were between 0.5 XQGHUVWDQGLQJ
Thursday: 1st Dodo Georgevic of heavy rain and showers, and 2 °C above normal generally. 'DQLHO
and Denis Gough (Northfield, especially over England, while Wide parts of England and
Birmingham), 72.82%; 2nd Paul other parts of the UK saw less rain parts of the Scottish Highlands had Legal Notices
Hazard and Jane Hazard (Patcham, and more warmth at times. By a wet month, with double the
Sussex), 70.97%; and 3rd James mid-month, however, all areas average rainfall amount in many
Dutton and Shirley Dutton were drier and much warmer, places, but Northern Ireland, ,17+(+,*+&28572)-867,&(
(Allendale, Dorset), 67.19%. with temperatures exceeding 30 south-west Scotland and the far %86,1(66$1'3523(57<&28576
°C on several days in some areas, north of Scotland had a dry month. 2)(1*/$1'$1':$/(6
and unbroken sunshine for many. The UK overall had 93% of average &203$1,(6&2857 &K'

Prize-winners of In Northern Ireland, 31.3 °C was July rainfall. Sunshine was above ,17+(0$77(52),16,*1,$
recorded on the 21st at Castlederg, average for western areas,
crossword 29,754 Co Tyrone, setting a new record as especially in Scotland, but just 7+(Ŝ&203$1<ŝ 

the highest temperature for any below average for some eastern &203$1,(6$&7bb
Three first-prize winners: month. However, the final week fringes, and well below for the 127,&(,6+(5(%<*,9(1WKDWWKH
Mr P. Tomaselli, Stockwood, was much more unsettled once Northern Isles, with 111% of RUGHURIWKH+LJK&RXUWRI-XVWLFHGDWHG
Bristol; again, with temperatures back to average overall. FRQțUPLQJWKHUHGXFWLRQRI
Christine Daldorph, Whitstable, near average and frequent The UK monthly extremes were WKHLVVXHGVKDUHFDSLWDORIWKH&RPSDQ\
showery rain. as follows: a maximum UHFRUGLQJWKHVKDUHFDSLWDORIWKH
Mr L. F. Plugge, London. The provisional UK mean temperature of 32.2 °C was &RPSDQ\LPPHGLDWHO\IROORZLQJWKH
Five runners-up: temperature was 16.6 °C, which is recorded at Heathrow, Greater 5HGXFWLRQWDNLQJHȚHFWZHUHUHJLVWHUHG
David Gill,cBrough, East 1.5 °C above the 1981-2010 London, on the 20th, and a E\WKH5HJLVWUDURI&RPSDQLHVRQ
Yorkshire; long-term average, and was minimum temperature of -0.1 °C 
Mike Cocke, Flitwick, provisionally the equal fifth was recorded at Braemar, 'DWHG
warmest July for the UK in a series Aberdeenshire, on the 2nd. In the +RXVH:DWHUIURQW3OD]D6WDWLRQ
Stephen Jones, Witney, from 1884. Mean maximum 24 hours ending at 9 am UTC on 6WUHHW1RWWLQJKDP1*'4
Oxfordshire; temperatures were up to 3 °C the 26th, 87.9 mm of rain fell at 6ROLFLWRUVIRUWKH&RPSDQ\
Chris & Charlotte Taylor, above normal in western Scotland Bethersden, Kent. A wind gust of 2QOLQHUHI$
Henleaze, Bristol; and Northern Ireland, but close to 67 knots (77 mph) was recorded at
Peter Nation, Gillingham, Dorset. normal in easternmost counties of Needles, Isle of Wight on the 30th.
The Daily Telegraph Monday 23 August 2021 *** 33


Marshal of the RAF Sir Peter Harding

Charismatic and imposing Chief of Defence Staff who despite his considerable strategic talents was brought down by a tabloid exposé

ARSHAL OF THE and to have a better understanding of equipment, often in the face of
ROYAL AIR FORCE the pressures on aircrew flying combat political opposition from those
SIR PETER aircraft. ministers with different agendas.
HARDING, who has In November 1988 he took up his The third question that exercised
died aged 87, served appointment as Chief of the Air Staff him was the spectre of yet another cuts
as the RAF’s Chief of (CAS). He travelled widely, both to RAF exercise, which he later described as
the Air Staff before being appointed in units and to foreign air forces where he “more teeth-to-tail nonsense, this time
1992 as Chief of the Defence Staff, the took every opportunity to promote the dressed up as the civilian-isation of as
most senior British military post. Royal Air Force and the British aircraft much as possible of our defence
Fifteen months later he resigned, industry. He was widely admired for capability”. He was not averse to
however, following the exposure by his presence, charisma, confidence, surrendering some support areas to
the tabloid press of his affair with the intellect and easy social manner. He civilian contractors, but he fought hard
wife of a former Conservative MP. could easily grip the attention of a to maintain the fundamental command
From the early days of his career, lecture hall speaking without notes. structures with appropriate service
Harding had been identified as an Harding was also able to staffing.
officer with considerable potential, demonstrate his capability as a pilot, On March 13 1994, Harding, and the
and one likely to rise to the senior and he accepted numerous invitations then Secretary of State for Defence,
ranks of his service. His career was to fly host foreign air forces’ aircraft. Malcolm Rifkind, were alerted that The
managed to give him an extremely On one occasion, flying in the first News of the World newspaper was to
wide exposure to the various pilot’s seat of a Soviet Sukhoi 27 fighter, publish details of an affair that Harding
operational and flying roles, and later he exclaimed: “All the bloody had conducted with Lady (Bienvenida)
he filled some of the most demanding instruments are metric!” Nevertheless, Buck, the young wife of a former
and influential staff appointments both he still managed to fly a very Conservative MP, Sir Anthony Buck. In
in MoD and in Nato. accomplished sortie. a deal masterminded by the later
Peter Robin Harding was born in Two years into Harding’s time as disgraced publicist Max Clifford, who
Lambeth on December 2 1933. He lived CAS, Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait had obtained private letters, Lady
in the centre of London until the onset and for the next few months, the RAF Buck invited Harding to lunch at the
of the Blitz in 1940 when his family involvement in the area, and the Gulf Dorchester where an undercover
moved to Chingford, Essex, where he War that followed, occupied much of reporter was at an adjacent table
attended the local grammar school. He his time. recording their conversation. On his
joined the RAF as a national With the appointment of Air Chief departure, Harding and Lady Buck
serviceman in March 1952 and trained Marshal Sir Patrick Hine, Commander exchanged a kiss, which was captured
as a pilot. in Chief Strike Command, as the Joint by a photographer lying in wait.
After completing his two years he Commander of all British Forces When the news broke, Harding
signed on for further service. Having deployed to the Gulf, Harding’s immediately offered his resignation. In
converted to jets, he was posted to fly Harding in the cockpit of a vintage Mustang fighter on a visit to the US, 1991; and hosting the PM Mrs Thatcher at HQ Strike Command primary role in the MoD was to advise a letter to him, Rifkind paid tribute to
the new Canberra bomber with 12 ministers and the other service chiefs his “many years of dedicated service”,
Squadron. During his time on the the policy divisions of the RAF and at government levels. Harding found the reorganisation of the MoD, and the on air aspects of the campaign. He was and expressed regret that “we would
squadron he deployed to Malaya for six MoD: these included acting as the international environment at resulting loss of individual vice chiefs particularly conscious of the role of the no longer have the benefit of your
months to conduct bombing secretary to the Defence Policy Staff. SHAPE invigorating, and he from each service department. When media and its influence on the morale advice and judgment”. Other senior
operations during the Malayan Working at this level in a tri-service established close relationships that the change occurred, Harding assumed of families. politicians saw no reason why he
Emergency. staff was “a very, very big learning were to prove valuable in his later the new post of Vice Chief of the Within the RAF he created a special should have resigned, although there
He trained as a flying instructor, but exercise”, he recalled. Promoted to appointments. Defence Staff in the MoD central staffs. cell to keep families advised and he had been a suspicion that during the
being notably tall (well over 6 ft), he group captain at the age of 38, Harding He returned to become the Air His disappointment at leaving MoD visited every station that had aircrews affair he might have been discussing
could not fit into the current jet found that his career was being Officer Commanding No 11 (Fighter) after a few months, and where he serving in the Gulf. With the military matters.
trainer, the Vampire. So he was sent to accelerated, and after a further two Group, which gave him an opportunity believed he had much to contribute to invaluable help of his wife, Sheila, who Harding’s departure created deep
the RAF College Cranwell to instruct years he assumed command of RAF to fly the RAF’s latest fighters, the new organisation, was tempered accompanied him on visits and had divisions among some of the RAF’s
on the Meteor, where his students Bruggen in Germany, the home to including the Tornado. He was also by his appointment as the private meetings with wives and most senior retired and serving
were equally tall flight cadets training three squadrons of Phantoms, fighter- responsible for implementing the Commander-in-Chief at RAF Strike partners, he was able to identify officers, who believed he had done
to be pilots. Cranwell had a profound ground-attack aircraft which could plans for a radical re-equipment Command. In addition to commanding concerns and problems, and offer great damage to the service. Having
effect on him, and later in life he carry nuclear weapons, and a programme of modern radars and his many diverse squadrons and units, reassurance. resigned, his name was removed from
maintained that “it was the first time Bloodhound surface-to-air guided ground control systems for the UK air he also held the senior Nato post of Harding was particularly vexed that the Air Force List – but it was later
[he] became truly and deeply missile squadron, making it one of the defence region. Commander-in-Chief UK Air. he, with his fellow chiefs, had to reinstated. Harding spurned the
interested in the Royal Air Force.” largest operational bases in the RAF. Harding joined the Air Force Board With the majority of the RAF’s conduct a study for the then Secretary limelight and led a quiet life, but the
In 1960 Harding left for a two-year Harding’s appetite for flying never as Vice-Chief of Air Staff in 1982. He operational capability under his of State for Defence, Tom King, to manner in which he dealt with the
exchange appointment with the Royal wavered, and he operated regularly had strong feelings about the need for command, he pursued a “people first” identify savings and the disbandment situation and his position attracted
Australian Air Force, flying Canberras with each squadron. He enjoyed the a more agile fighter to complement the policy, with a heavy programme of of units. He found it particularly considerable respect among his peers.
from a base in Queensland. His flying strike/attack role and later claimed Tornado strike/attack aircraft and he visits when he was able to meet those distasteful that one of the Tornado Peter Harding was appointed CB
took him to Malaya, New Zealand and that the Phantom was his favourite supported the idea of a European under his command, and they to meet squadrons flying in the war was (1980), KCB (1983), GCB (1988), and
Papua New Guinea. His time with his plane. collaborative venture, the Eurofighter and talk with him. He also flew the identified for disbandment while still Commander of the Legion of Merit
family in Australia was a period he After less than two years he was that led ultimately to today’s Typhoon. wide variety of aircraft in use, so as to engaged in the theatre. (USA) (1992). He received an Honorary
particularly enjoyed. again promoted to return to MoD as The other major issue at the time was keep abreast of tactics and capabilities On January 1 1993, Harding was Doctor of Science (Cranfield
He returned to the UK to attend the one of the directors of Defence Policy. appointed Chief of the Defence Staff, University), was elected a Companion
RAF Staff College before going to MoD, His division dealt with strategy, which simultaneously being promoted to and Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical
responsible for the postings and career covered the whole of UK’s defence Marshal of the Royal Air Force. During Society and a Liveryman of the
management of junior officers, after posture and budget. His success in this his 16 months in post he identified Honourable Company of Air Pilots.
which his career took a very different appointment led to promotion to air Northern Ireland, the conflict in the After leaving the RAF, he became
course and he trained on helicopters. vice-marshal and a posting to Supreme Former Yugoslavia, and yet another Deputy Chairman of GEC-Marconi Ltd
He took command of 18 Squadron Headquarters Allied Powers Europe cuts exercise in the defence budget as and served as chairman of some
based at Gutersloh, the most forward (SHAPE) at Mons in the key post of the main concerns that faced him. international companies overseas. He
(nearest the East German border) of all Assistant Chief of Staff (Policy and Most of the Northern Ireland was a member of council of the
the RAF airfields in Germany. The Plans), an appointment usually activities were the responsibility of the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust.
squadron provided support for the reserved for an RAF officer likely to Army’s Chief of the General Staff, but Tall, debonair and articulate,
Army’s 1st British Corps and it was in reach the highest ranks. Harding found himself increasingly Harding was also an outstanding
this appointment that Harding began At SHAPE he worked for the involved in the early period of pianist, particularly in modern jazz, and
to appreciate the vital role of the RAF charismatic US General Al Haig, the discussions to find a peaceful solution. an avid bird watcher – his binoculars
in the key Central Region of Nato. He Supreme Allied Commander Europe After a flying visit to Bosnia he and field guides accompanied him on
adapted to this new role quickly, and (SACEUR), whom he held in the recognised the complexities of the all his many visits.
– never lacking in confidence – he also highest regard. Harding’s division was situation in the former Yugoslavia. Sir Peter Harding married, in 1955,
set about reviewing and reorganising responsible for nuclear policy and for Contingency plans for action on the Sheila May, who survives him with two
the whole modus operandi of the budgets and plans. This was an era ground and in the air had to be made, of their three sons and a daughter.
support helicopter role. when arms control and the Mutual and which were both militarily and
In June 1970 Harding began a series Balanced Force Requirements (MBFR) politically complex. He had to argue Sir Peter Harding, born December 2
of high-profile staff appointments in were being discussed and negotiated strongly for the right force levels and 1933, died August 19 2021

Don Everly
One half of the Everly Brothers whose country-tinged harmonies influenced the Beatles and others

ON EVERLY, who has died aged 84, with his year they achieved three No 1s, with Walk Right Back, Ebony
brother Phil formed the influential pop duo the Eyes and Temptation.
Everly Brothers, whose breezy harmonies married In 1961 both boys joined the Marines for a short period of
the Nashville country style in which they had been service, then embarked on a European tour. It was while
brought up with the teenage romantic themes that came to they were performing in London that Don’s addiction to
define white pop music in the 1950s. amphetamines first made a serious impact. Twice in the
While they never embraced the raunchiness of rock and space of 12 hours he was carted off to hospital, unconscious,
roll, they became a significant influence on a host of acts, and he was flown back to the United States, amid stories in
among them the Beatles, Buddy Holly, Simon and the press that he had been struck down by food poisoning
Garfunkel, the Beach Boys and the Byrds. Even Bob Dylan or a nervous breakdown. Phil finished the tour alone. Later
claimed to have been “knocked out” when he saw the Don reflected: “I had some personal problems around about
Everlys live, and wrote a song for them called The Fugitive. ’62. Then I woke up and the Beatles were here.”
The brothers’ popularity waned in the early Sixties, but For three years the Everlys performed together only
they continued to record and perform until they fell out occasionally, although they continued to record, and their
spectacularly in 1973, the beginning of an estrangement singles The Price of Love and Love Is Strange did well in
that lasted for a decade. Britain. With the triumph of rock music, however, their best
Born into a mining family on February 1 1937 at Brownie, days were now behind them, and in 1968 the Everlys decided
Kentucky, Isaac Donald Everly was the son of Ike and to make a concept album in which their own country music
Margaret Everly, who formed a popular country singing act would be intercut with excerpts from old Everly Family radio
in the 1940s. Shortly after Don’s birth, Ike took his family to shows from the early Fifties. The album, Roots, was a flop.
Chicago, where Phil was born on January 19 1939. Their deal with Warner Bros came to an end, and they signed

In 1944 the family moved to Shenandoah, Iowa, where with RCA, recording the albums Stories We Could Tell (1972)
Ike and Margaret had a radio breakfast show on which their and Pass the Chicken and Listen (1973).
two sons also sang, developing the instinctive harmonies The relationship between the brothers had become
that would become a feature of their later careers. At the increasingly acrimonious, and it fractured completely on
age of eight, Don had a solo spot on radio, singing July 14 1973 at the John Wayne Theatre in Buena Park,
commercials for a brand of rat poison. California. Phil smashed his guitar and stalked offstage,
Don and Phil, who attended high school at Shenandoah, leaving Don to announce the duo’s evident break-up.
were treated more or less as twins despite the two-year age Phil and Don Everly: their 1950s smash hits included Bye Bye Love For a decade their worked apart, making solo albums.
gap: they were dressed alike and shared birthday parties, Don returned to his country roots, finding success in
and Don had to wait for his first sports jacket until Phil was and established the brothers as the first successful pop act Nashville with his band Dead Cowboys and playing with
old enough to have one too. to come out of Nashville. Don and Phil bought a new Albert Lee. In 1979 he recorded a duet with Emmylou
By 1953 the family had moved to Knoxville, Tennessee, Oldsmobile on the proceeds and embarked on a tour with Harris, Everytime You Leave, for her album Blue
where the brothers encountered the guitarist and producer Johnny Cash. They began sporting matching suits, and Kentucky Girl.
Chet Atkins, who signed Don to his small publishing their growing army of fans had difficulties telling them In June 1983 the Everly Brothers, to tremendous fanfare,
company, Athens Music. Don’s song Thou Shalt Not Steal was apart (Don’s hair was darker, and his the deeper voice). were reunited on stage at the Royal Albert Hall in London.
given to Kitty Wells, who had a minor hit with it in 1954. The In the same year they released a string of hits: Wake Up They recorded for Mercury in Nashville, and continued to
brothers were then signed by Columbia to make their first Little Susie; This Little Girl of Mine; All I Have to Do Is Dream; perform well into the new millennium.
record, Keep a-Lovin’ Me; released in February 1956, it made and Claudette. In 1958 they followed up with Bird Dog and They were admitted to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in
no impact on the charts and Columbia let them go. Devoted to You. They became close friends with Buddy Holly, 1986, and in 1997 received a Grammy Lifetime Achievement
The Everlys passed their time at Madison, near Nashville, who originally wrote his song Not Fade Away for The Everly Award. They were inducted into the Country Music Hall of
waiting for a break. “Finally, the guitar was cool,” Don later Brothers before they suggested that he record it himself. Fame in 2001.
recalled, “but Elvis didn’t have the kind of voice I liked, nor Following the release of Let It Be Me in 1959, the brothers Don Everly’s first marriage, to Mary Sue Ingraham, was
a sound I liked. I was listening to Ray Charles, Brownie moved to Warner Bros Records. By now they were among dissolved, as was his second, to the actress Venetia
McGhee and Sonny Terry, and Bo Diddley.” the most bankable stars in the pop business, alongside Elvis, Stevenson. His third wife was Adela Garza. With Venetia
Salvation came in the form of the pop label Cadence, Pat Boone and Ricky Nelson. Cathy’s Clown, a single written Stevenson, from whom he was divorced in 1970, he had a
owned by Archie Bleyer, who was interested in getting into by Don, remained at No 1 in America for five weeks in 1959 son, Edan, a musician who owns a recording studio in
country music. He signed the Everly Brothers, and in 1957 and topped the British charts for seven, selling more than Atlanta; a daughter Erin, who was briefly married to the
they recorded Felice and Boudleaux Bryant’s Bye Bye Love. eight million copies worldwide. rock singer Axl Rose (he wrote the Guns N’ Roses song
The arrangement used four guitars, played by Phil, Don, On the back of its success Cadence delved into its archive Sweet Child of Mine for her); and another daughter, Stacy.
the Nashville session man Ray Edenton and Chet Atkins, to release When Will I Be Loved, which reached No 8 in the US He also had a child with his first wife.
and introduced the Everlys’ style of close country and No 4 in Britain. The Everlys’ popularity in America had,
harmonies over a rocking beat. The song was a smash hit, however, begun to wane by 1960, although in Britain that Don Everly, born February 1 1937, died August 21 2021
34 *** Monday 23 August 2021 The Daily Telegraph

Television & Radio

Last night on television Anita Singh

gh What to watch

Ruby Wax’s nostalgia trip Tsunami: Impact

it is their children whose
innate conservatism
threatens their happiness.

turned into a therapy session ™

Airing across the The White Lotus
next three nights SKY ATLANTIC, 9PM
(subsequent instalments
are subtitled, with no ‹ Mike White’s excellent
hyperbole, Destruction drama packs more character
and Devastation), this and story into this second
cannily structured episode than others manage
documentary balances in an entire series. Tonight,

f you missed the first series of human interest and hard the appalling students Paula
Serengeti (BBC One), you will science to understand the and Olivia (Brittany O’Grady
need a quick primer. It looks like causes and effects of the and Sydney Sweeney)
a regular natural history series, but it Boxing Day Tsunami that misplace their drugs stash
isn’t. This is a “drama” starring a bunch killed more than a quarter and newly-wed Rachel
of wild animals. The show is the of a million people in 2004 (Alexandra Daddario) goes
brainchild of Simon Fuller – yes, the as it hit the coasts of looking for moral support.
man who brought you the Spice Girls Indonesia and Thailand.
– and his take on the wildlife genre is Dr Xand van Tulleken Entertainment
one step away from Johnny Morris and Raksha Dave are our
doing the voices on Animal Magic. guides to the catastrophe Mastermind
The animals all have names, and through its earliest stages, BBC TWO, 7.30PM
soap opera storylines. Kali the lioness as two tectonic plates 19
has got a deadbeat partner, Sefu. He’s miles beneath the Indian ‹ Clive Myrie makes his
“a male she could once depend on. But Ocean, after millions of debut as inquisitor and
when duty calls, he fails her.” Honestly, years of increasing proves a warmer presence
ladies, what can you do? But Kali is also pressure, finally ruptured. than his predecessor John
hiding a secret from Sefu: he isn’t the The footage taken before Humphrys, but otherwise
father of her kids. If he finds out, the tsunami itself, some of the formula remains
there’ll be hell to pay. And a plot you it filmed by Van Tulleken’s unchanged as the first
could easily transfer to an episode interviewees, is staggering quartet of 96 hopefuls take
of EastEnders. enough. Documentarian to the black chair. Specialist
Perhaps it’s the Spice Girls Dendy Montgomery recalls subjects include Tsar

Wax lyrical: the interviewer had a strange encounter with OJ Simpson in the Nineties connection that means there’s a that “the land was a kind of Nicholas II and Bruce
whole lot of Girl Power going on. porridge” while the initial Springsteen.
hen was the last is her own performance – and it was The elephants are cool because “the earthquake rumbled on,
time you watched a performance, she explained, a “loud sisterhood sticks together”. Zalika’s his film starkly illustrating
an entertaining American” persona that she adopted “priorities have changed” because she the reality; later, as the
celebrity interview? for an earlier comedy show and never needs to raise a family. The baboons ocean is sucked out to the Dr Xand van Tulleken guides us through the 2004 tsunami
The most fun to be dropped. “I turned from the Ugly have a male leader but he’s a “kinder horizon in three minutes,
had these days is Duckling into Joan Rivers overnight,” and gentler” New Man sort, so no need the seriousness of the Europe’s largest tsunami of a natural disaster, the
watching something like The Graham she said. “It was a house style and it to worry about the patriarchy. There’s situation dawns on the simulator. It is an shock waves from which
Norton Show, where Hollywood’s worked and it worked and it worked.” a zebra too, but we don’t get the chance assembled tourists. Dave, emotionally gripping are still being felt by many
finest perch on the sofa to tell some Wax uses the show as a means of to find out its pronouns because it very meanwhile, takes a seat in and sensitive evocation to this day. Gabriel Tate
well-rehearsed anecdotes. self-examination, pointing out that quickly becomes someone’s dinner.
But it wasn’t always this way. In the she overdid the shtick in her Trump It’s decent fare for kids (unless
1990s, some of the most famous people interview because she was nervous they’re very fond of zebras) and looks
in the world agreed to be interviewed and mortified that he could see straight gorgeous, or at least gorgeously Arts in the coal mine for the UK,
by Ruby Wax. Her modus operandi through her. “I had a terrible father,” expensive. But it feels so fake. It doesn’t tech espionage, campus The White Lotus: Connie Britton
was to barge into their space (hotel she said at one point in an attempt at take long to notice that scenes involving A Shanghai Symphony activism and business
rooms, usually, but in Donald Trump’s quick-fire repartee. “I can tell,” Trump a leopard in a tree, and baboons interference are under
case a private plane with gold-plated replied. “Because you’re angry. You’re climbing the tree to intimidate it, don’t
way on British soil.
toilet fittings) and be loud, funny and aggressive with a smile.” Wax cringed include the leopard and the baboons in ‹ Sun Shuyun’s Summer of Wild Weather:
exhausting. The one that sticks in the while watching it back: “It’s very the same shot. Sure enough, go to the documentary tells the story Drama Is Worse to Come?
mind involved Wax rummaging in the uncomfortable when someone doesn’t BBC website and you will find the of China’s leading classical CHANNEL 4, 9PM
Duchess of York’s drawers, which were like you.” She was almost apologetic series director explaining: “At times, ensemble, the Shanghai When I’m 64
covered in Post-it notes labelling the for her past behaviour. the specially shot animal behavior [sic] Symphony Orchestra, BBC FOUR, 9PM
‹ “Wild” is one word for it;
contents (small white T-shirts, small All good therapy for Wax, I’m sure, has been enhanced by previously shot founded in 1879 and whose others you could apply to
pink T-shirts): “You couldn’t open but that’s not why viewers were here. material, to build a clear and dramatic fate reflected the turbulent ‹ Just the sort of intriguing this summer’s weather
a drawer? What, are you too lazy?” We wanted to see the interviews again, narrative.” And: “The named modern history of China. repeat BBC Four may have range from “disappointing”
The BBC could treat us all by not hear the presenter dissecting her characters aren’t always the same A Shanghai Symphony to make its trademark to to “alarming”, as
uploading the interviews to iPlayer, own technique. Tom Hanks was a animal every time we see them.” Documentary maintain its viability and temperatures have soared
allowing us to dip into the archive. delight, gamely getting in on the joke. The BBC isn’t hiding this, but nor malign Chinese activity individuality as a channel, and the summer has been
Instead, it has repackaged highlights Carrie Fisher was whipsmart, OJ is it singing it from the rooftops. Oh, China’s Magic Weapon around the world: the soft this wonderful but largely marked by devastating
of them in an odd new series, When Simpson grimly fascinating. And for all that’s the other thing: the singing. BBC TWO, 9PM
(and not so soft) power of forgotten 2004 drama by wildfires and serious
Ruby Wax Met… (BBC Two). of her angst about it, Wax’s encounter Along with the syrupy voice-over from the United Front Work Tony Grounds follows flooding across the world.
The format involves Wax watching with Trump made for great television Lupita Nyong’o, it adds to the feeling ‹ A neat counterpoint to Department, a political widowed cabbie Ray It is, as reporter Morland
old clips and telling us what she thinks (and revealed a sweet side to Melania). that we’re being sold The Lion King-lite. A Shanghai Symphony, Jane strategy to advance Chinese (Paul Freeman) and lonely Sanders acknowledges, no
now – with the benefit of 25 years’ Trump called Wax “the world’s most Corbin’s disturbing film influence by non-political retired teacher Jim (Alun coincidence, with climate
distance and a degree in cognitive obnoxious reporter”. He was probably When Ruby Wax Met… ★★★ casts a light on one of many means. With Australia Armstrong); when their change’s impact now
therapy. But what she concentrates on right. But she delivered the goods. Serengeti II ★★ shadowy examples of having acted as a canary friendship turns to romance, apparent to all. GT

Radio choice Charlotte Runcie

39 Ways to Save the Planet engineers working on Drama: Leni Goes to by Colin Shindler (Lovejoy),
RADIO 4, 1.45PM
initiatives that could add up Hollywood it’s a psychological portrait
to make a big difference to RADIO 4, 2.15PM
of ambition and artistic
‹ Produced in partnership the planet. Returning for obsession in a glamorous
with the Royal Geographical another 10-parter beginning ‹ Elinor Coleman stars as world, following the story of
Society, this series this afternoon, the series the German film-maker Riefenstahl’s career after
documents pithy ideas to sets off by exploring Leni Riefenstahl, and making many Nazi
mitigate climate change. innovative ways of using Gwendoline Christie (Game propaganda films in friendly
Tom Heap and Dr Tamsin solar power to heat water, of Thrones) plays Marlene collaboration with Hitler.
Edwards from King’s and bring cheap and Dietrich, in this drama about She was never charged with
College London hear from efficient hot showers to Riefenstahl’s attempt to war crimes, and died in
scientists, designers, and the whole world. crack Hollywood. Written 2003 at the age of 101.

Radio 1 Ottoman writer Evliya Celebi 10.45 the Day 5.45 Farming Today 5.58 - Question 8.30 Discovery 9.00
The Essay: Mise-en-Scene. The political 6.00am Tweet of the Day Newshour 10.00 News 10.06
FM 97.6-99.8MHZ
and social settings of films from the HARDtalk 10.30 World Business
7.00am Matt and Mollie 10.00 Radio Sixties and ’70 11.00 Night Tracks Radio 5 Live Report 11.00 The Newsroom 11.20
1 Anthems 10.32 Radio 1 Anthems 12.30am - 6.30am Through the Night Sports News 11.30 The Conversation
MW 693 & 909KHZ
11.02 Adele Roberts 12.45pm 12.00 News 12.06am The History
Newsbeat 1.00 Adele Roberts 2.00 Radio 4 6.00am 5 Live Breakfast 9.00 Your Hour 1.00 News 1.06 Business
Scott Mills 5.45 Newsbeat 6.00 Radio Call 10.00 Naga Munchetty 1.00pm Matters 2.00 The Newsroom 2.30 The
FM 92.4-94.6MHZ; LW 198KHZ
1’s Future Sounds with Charli XCX Nihal Arthanayake 4.00 5 Live Drive Documentary: The Fake Paralympians
8.00 Radio 1’s Power Down Playlist 6.00am Today 9.00 How to Play 9.30 7.00 5 Live Sport: The Monday Night 3.00 News 3.06 Outlook 3.50 Witness
with Charli XCX 9.00 Radio 1’s Future The Age of Denial 9.45 Book of the Club 8.00 5 Live Sport 10.30 Colin History 4.00 The Newsroom 4.30 In
Artists with Jack Saunders 12.00 Week: They 9.45 LW: Daily Service Murray 1.00am Dotun Adebayo 5.00 - the Studio 5.00 - 8.00am Newsday
Radio 1’s Drum & Bass Show 2.00am 10.00 Woman’s Hour 11.00 My Name 6.00am Wake Up to Money
Radio 1’s Decompression Session 3.00 Is Philip 11.30 Loose Ends 12.00 Radio 4 Extra
Radio 1’s Workout Anthems 4.00 News 12.01pm LW: Shipping Forecast Classic FM DIGITAL ONLY
Radio 1 Dance 5.00 - 7.00am Radio 1 12.04 News of the Dead 12.18 You
FM 99.9-101.9MHZ
Early Breakfast with Arielle Free and Yours 12.57 Weather 1.00 The 6.00am The House 6.30 Charity Ends
World at One 1.45 ‹ 39 Ways to 6.00am More Music Breakfast 9.00 at Home 7.00 The Gambler 7.30 The
Radio 2 Save the Planet. See Radio choice 2.00 Alexander Armstrong 12.00 Anne- Unbelievable Truth 8.00 Steptoe and
The Archers 2.15 ‹ Drama: Leni Goes Marie Minhall 4.00pm John Brunning Son 8.30 The Wordsmiths at
FM 88-90.2MHZ
to Hollywood. See Radio choice 3.00 7.00 Smooth Classics at Seven. Gorsemere 9.00 It’s Your Round 9.30
6.30am The Zoe Ball Breakfast Show Brain of Britain 3.30 The Food Relaxing sounds 8.00 The Classic FM Lip Service 10.00 The Great Scott
9.30 Ken Bruce 12.00 Vanessa Feltz Programme 4.00 Planet Bach. Concert with John Suchet. John 11.00 TED Radio Hour 11.50
2.00pm Steve Wright in the Afternoon Clemency Burton-Hill charts the introduces a week of programmes Inheritance Tracks 12.00 Steptoe and
5.00 Anita Rani 7.00 Jo Whiley’s Shiny playing of Bach around the globe 4.30 celebrating the Philharmonia Son 12.30pm The Wordsmiths at
Happy Playlist 7.30 Jo Whiley 9.00 Beyond Belief 5.00 PM. News Orchestra 10.00 Smooth Classics Gorsemere 1.00 The House 1.30
The Blues Show with Cerys Matthews. headlines 5.54 LW: Shipping Forecast 1.00am - 6.00am Bill Overton Charity Ends at Home 2.00 Keeping
New and classic blues tracks 10.00 5.57 Weather 6.00 Six O’Clock News On Keeping On 2.15 Northanger
Trevor Nelson’s Rhythm Nation 12.00 6.30 The Unbelievable Truth. With World Service Abbey 2.30 Masterpiece – Animal
Preeya Kalidas 3.00am Pick of the Rufus Hound, Fern Brady, Ria Lina, Farm 3.00 The Great Scott 4.00 It’s
Pops 4.00 - 6.30am Nicki Chapman and Tony Hawks 7.00 The Archers Your Round 4.30 Lip Service 5.00 The
7.15 Front Row. Arts programme 7.45 8.00am News 8.06 HARDtalk 8.30 Gambler 5.30 The Unbelievable Truth
Radio 3 Incarnations: India in 50 Lives. A Business Daily 8.50 Witness History 6.00 The Coma 6.30 A Good Read
profile of Indira Gandhi, India’s first 9.00 News 9.06 The Climate Question 7.00 Steptoe and Son 7.30 The
FM 90.2-92.4MHZ
female prime minister 8.00 This 9.30 CrowdScience 10.00 News Wordsmiths at Gorsemere 8.00 The
6.30am Breakfast 9.00 Essential Union: The Ghost Kingdoms of England 10.06 The Cultural Frontline 10.30 House 8.30 Charity Ends at Home
Classics 12.00 Composer of the Week: 8.30 Crossing Continents 9.00 Trending 10.50 More or Less 11.00 9.00 TED Radio Hour 9.50 Inheritance
Beethoven – At the Keyboard 1.00pm Extinction Compendium 9.30 How to The Newsroom 11.30 The Tracks 10.00 Comedy Club 12.00 The
Proms Chamber Music 2021 2.00 Play 9.59 Weather 10.00 The World Conversation 12.00 News 12.06pm Coma 12.30am A Good Read 1.00 The
Afternoon Concert 4.30 Early Music Tonight 10.45 Book at Bedtime: News Sportsworld 1.00 The Newsroom 1.30 House 1.30 Charity Ends at Home
Now 5.00 In Tune 7.00 In Tune of the Dead 11.00 Word of Mouth CrowdScience 2.00 Newshour 3.00 2.00 Keeping On Keeping On 2.15
Mixtape 7.30 BBC Proms 2021. A 11.30 Mastertapes 12.00 News and News 3.06 HARDtalk 3.30 World Northanger Abbey 2.30 Masterpiece –
concert by harpist Catrin Finch and Weather 12.30am Book of the Week: Business Report 4.00 BBC OS 6.00 Animal Farm 3.00 The Great Scott
kora player Seckou Keita 10.00 The They 12.48 Shipping Forecast 1.00 As News 6.06 Outlook 6.50 Witness 4.00 It’s Your Round 4.30 Lip Service
East Speaks Back. Jerry Brotton heads World Service 5.20 Shipping Forecast History 7.00 The Newsroom 7.30 5.00 The Gambler 5.30 - 6.00am The
to Turkey on the trail of 17th-century 5.30 News Briefing 5.43 Prayer for Sport Today 8.06 The Climate Unbelievable Truth
The Daily Telegraph Monday 23 August 2021 *** 35

Today’s television

FV Freeview FS Freesat (AD) Audio description (R) Repeat (S) Subtitles (SL) In-vision signing
Main channels Film choice
BBC One BBC Two ITV Channel 4 Channel 5

6.00 am Breakfast (S) 9.15 Animal Park 6.30 am Animal Park (AD) (R) (S) 7.15 6.00 am Good Morning Britain (S) 9.00 6.00 am Countdown (R) (S) 6.40 6.00 am Milkshake! 9.15 Jeremy Vine (S)
(AD) (S) 10.00 Homes Under the Bargain Hunt (AD) (R) (S) 8.00 Sign Lorraine (S) 10.00 This Morning (S) Everybody Loves Raymond (AD) (R) 11.15 The Nightmare Neighbour Next
Hammer (AD) (R) (S) 11.00 Wanted Zone: Fake or Fortune? (AD) (R) (S) 12.30 pm Loose Women (S) (S) 7.05 Everybody Loves Raymond Door (R) (S)
Down Under Revisited (R) (S) 11.45 (SL) 9.00 BBC News at 9 (S) 10.00 1.30 News; Weather (S) (AD) (R) (S) 7.25 Everybody Loves 12.15 pm 5 News at Lunchtime (S)
Caught Red Handed (AD) (R) (S) News (S) 1.55Regional News; Weather (S) Raymond (AD) (R) (S) 7.50 12.20 Traffic Cops (R) (S)
12.15 pm Bargain Hunt (AD) (S) 1.00 pm Letterbox (R) (S) 2.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal (R) (S) Everybody Loves Raymond (AD) (R) 1.15 Home and Away (AD) (R) (S)
1.00 BBC News at One; Weather (S) 1.30 Eggheads (R) (S) 3.00 Tenable (R) (S) (S) 8.15 Everybody Loves Raymond 1.45 Neighbours (AD) (S)
1.30 Regional News; Weather (S) 2.00 FILM: It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad 4.00 Tipping Point (R) (S) (AD) (R) (S) 8.40 Frasier (AD) (R) (S) 2.15 FILM: My Midwife Is Murder (2018, It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World
1.45 The Coroner (AD) (R) (S) World (1963) Comedy starring 5.00 The Chase Celebrity Special (R) (S) 9.10 Frasier (AD) (R) (S) 9.40 The Big TVM) Thriller starring Penelope (1963)
2.30 Impossible (R) (S) Spencer Tracy See Film choice (S) 6.00 Regional News; Weather (S) Bang Theory (AD) (R) (S) 10.10 The Mitchell (S) BBC TWO, 2PM ★★★★
3.15 Greatest Escapes to the Country 4.30 World’s Sneakiest Animals (R) (S) 6.30 News; Weather (S) Big Bang Theory (AD) (R) (S) 10.40 4.00 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun (R)
(R) (S) 5.15 Flog It! (R) (S) The Big Bang Theory (AD) (R) (S) (S) ‹ This chaotic, Oscar-winning road
3.45 Saved and Remade (S) 6.00 Richard Osman’s House of Games 11.05 The Simpsons (AD) (R) (S) 5.00 5 News at 5 (S) movie about a group of colourful
4.30 The Bidding Room (R) (S) (S) 12.05 pm Channel 4 News (S) 5.30 Neighbours (AD) (R) (S) eccentrics racing to collect $350,000
5.15 Pointless (R) (S) 6.30 The Farmers’ Country Showdown 12.10 Posh Pawnbrokers (R) (S) 6.00 Home and Away (R) (S) in stolen cash was Quentin Tarantino’s
6.00 BBC News at Six; Weather (S) (S) 1.10 A New Life in the Sun: Road Trip 6.30 5 News Tonight (S) favourite film while the director was
6.30 Regional News; Weather (S) (R) (S) growing up (but don’t let that put you
2.10 Countdown (S) off). Alongside a formidable principle
3.00 Find It, Fix It, Flog It (R) (S) cast, it has more than 60 celebrity
4.00 A Place in the Sun (R) (S) cameos, including Jerry Lewis, The
5.00 Couples Come Dine with Me (R) (S) Three Stooges and Buster Keaton.
6.00 The Simpsons (AD) (R) (S)
6.30 Hollyoaks (AD) (R) (S)

Forrest Gump (1994)

SKY ONE, 9PM ★★★★

Ghosts: Jim Howick and Charlotte Ritchie Mastermind: Clive Myrie takes over as host James Martin’s Islands to Highlands Secret Spenders: Anita Rani presents Police Interceptors ‹ Robert Zemeckis’s Oscar-winning
comedy drama is full of spirit – even if,
at times, it’s saccharine. Forrest (Tom
7.00 Rip Off Britain (R) (S) 7.00 River Walks: The Tees Kirsten 7.00 Emmerdale Wendy is threatened 7.00 Channel 4 News (S) 7.00 Traffic Cops An insight into the Hanks) is a simpleton with a heart of
O’Brien takes a 15-mile walk along (AD) (S) working life of officers patrolling gold, who, ever true to the homely
7.35 The Return of the Taliban – the river (AD) (R) (S) Derbyshire’s roads (R) (S) advice of his mother (Sally Field)
Panorama Yalda Hakim investigates 7.30 Coronation Street An ambulance is reflecting on his improbable life
Afghanistan’s fall to the Taliban (S) 7.30 Mastermind New series See What arrives for a breathless Liam (AD) (S) as a Vietnam War hero, table-tennis
to watch (S) champion and accidental millionaire.
How much you enjoy it will depend
8.05 EastEnders Keegan decides to 8.00 Only Connect The Ramblers take on 8.00 James Martin’s Islands to 8.00 Food Unwrapped New series. Matt 8.00 Police Interceptors Lisa and Jim on your sentimentality threshold.
come clean to Tiffany (AD) (S) the Woolgatherers (S) Highlands The chef explores Tebbutt visits Argentina to learn the drive through muddy fields in
Northern Ireland with Paul Rankin secret of perfect popcorn (AD) (S) pursuit of a 4x4 (S)
8.30 Ghosts Alison and Mike camp in the 8.30 University Challenge Durham takes (AD) (S)
grounds while the house is being on Trinity College, Cambridge (S) 8.30 Secret Spenders New series (AD)
fumigated (AD) (S) 8.30 Coronation Street (AD) (S) (S)

9.00 Celebrity MasterChef With Katie 9.00 China’s Magic Weapon The 9.00 Long Lost Family A woman looks 9.00 Summer of Wild Weather: Is Worse 9.00 Tsunami: Impact New series. The
Price, Dion Dublin, Joe Swash, Will activities of the United Front Work for the father she never knew (AD) to Come? Footage from around the dramatic story of the tsunami on
Kirk and Melissa Johns (AD) (S) Department See What to watch (S) (S) world of extreme weather Boxing Day 2004 See What to
conditions in 2021 See What to watch (S)
watch (AD) (S)
Thunder Road (2018)
10.00 BBC News at Ten (S) 10.00 QI (R) (S) 10.00 News; Weather (S) 10.00 9/11: 102 Minutes That Changed 10.00 Casualty 24/7: Every Second FILM4, 10.50PM ★★★

10.25 Regional News; Weather (S) 10.30 Newsnight (S) 10.30 Regional News; Weather (S) America Footage of the attacks on Counts (R) (S) ‹ The previously unknown Jim
10.35 Ladhood Liam decides it is time he 10.45 Junk and Disorderly Making a profit the World Trade Centre (R) (S) Cummings makes a real splash in
learned to drive (S) 11.15 Afghanistan: The Great Game – A on motorcycle memorabilia (R) (S) 12.00 Gogglebox 1.00am Naked Attraction 11.05 A&E After Dark 12.05am this comedy-drama, writing, directing
Personal View by Rory Stewart 1.55 Ramsay’s 24 Hours to Hell and Extraordinary Medical Mysteries and starring as a small-town Texan
12.15am Afghanistan: The Great Back 2.45 Ramsay’s Kitchen 1.00 The Live Casino Show cop in meltdown, struggling with
Game – A Personal View by Rory Nightmares USA 3.35 This Way Up 3.00 Entertainment News on 5 3.10 bereavement, a bitter divorce, and
Stewart 1.15 Sign Zone: Countryfile 11.40 All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite 4.05 Michael Johnson Meets Will Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Wild a custody battle. If the supporting
2.15 Sign Zone: The Queens of Pop: 12.30am Shop: Ideal World 3.00 FYI Bayley 4.30 Michael Johnson Meets 4.00 The Railways That Built Britain characters feel like they are only
11.00 Have I Got a Bit More News for You Viva La Diva 3.15 Sign Zone: Life in a Extra 3.15 Lingo 4.05 ITV Hannah Cockroft 5.00 Location, with Chris Tarrant 4.45 Wildlife SOS glorified props for his petulant
11.45 Shop Well for Less? 12.50- Cottage Garden with Carol Klein Nightscreen 5.05 - 6.00am Tipping Location, Location 5.50 - 6.00am 5.10 House Doctor 5.35 Thomas & anti-hero, that’s somehow fitting for
6.00am News 3.45 - 6.30am This Is BBC Two Point Jamie’s Comfort Food Friends 5.50 - 6.00am Fireman Sam this portrait of a manic narcissist.

FV Freeview FS Freesat (AD) Audio description (R) Repeat (S) Subtitles (SL) In-vision signing
Freeview, satellite and cable Variations
BBC Four ITV3 ITV4 Sky One Sky Atlantic Film4 Drama Northern Ireland
FV 9 FS 173 SKY 116 VIRGIN 107 FV 10 FS 115 SKY 119 VIRGIN 117 FV 25 FS 117 SKY 120 VIRGIN 118 SKY 106 VIRGIN 110 SKY 108 FV 14 FS 300 SKY 313 VIRGIN 428 FV 20 FS 158 SKY 143 VIRGIN 130 BBC One: 7.00 - 7.35pm Suzie Lee:
7.00 pm The Joy of Painting 10.20 am A Touch of Frost 11.30 am The Champions Noon NCIS: Los Angeles 11.10 am The Leftovers 11.00 am Alpha (2018) Adventure Noon The Bill Home Cook Hero 10.35 Chronicles of the
7.30 Icelandic Walks with Julia 12.40 pm Heartbeat 12.35 pm The Big Match Revisited 1.00 pm Hawaii Five-0 12.30 pm The Leftovers starring Kodi Smit-McPhee 1.00 pm Classic EastEnders Glens 11.05 Ladhood 11.35 Have I Got
a Bit More News for You 12.20am Shop
Bradbury 1.45 Classic Emmerdale 1.35 Robin of Sherwood 2.00 Hawaii Five-0 1.35 The Wire 12.55 pm Akeelah and the Bee 1.40 Classic EastEnders
Well for Less? 1.20 - 6.00am BBC News
8.30 EastEnders 2.15 Classic Emmerdale 2.40 The Avengers 3.00 Magnum P.I. 2.45 The Wire (2006) Drama 2.20 Peak Practice BBC Two: 10.00 - 10.30pm Trad Ar Fad!
9.00 When I’m 64 See What to 3.20 Classic Coronation Street 3.50 The Sweeney 4.00 Modern Family 3.50 Elementary 3.05 Edward Scissorhands (1990) 3.20 Bergerac UTV: 8.00 - 8.30pm Mahon’s Way
watch 3.55 On the Buses 4.55 Minder 5.00 The Simpsons 4.45 Blue Bloods Fantasy with Johnny Depp 4.20 Auf Wiedersehen, Pet
10.30 Queers 4.25 Midsomer Murders 6.00 The Big Match Revisited 5.30 Futurama 5.45 The Sopranos 5.10 The Pink Panther Strikes 5.20 Birds of a Feather Scotland
10.50 Queers 6.25 Downton Abbey 7.00 Who Wants to Be a 6.30 The Simpsons 6.50 The Sopranos Again (1976) Crime comedy 6.00 Bread
11.10 Queers 8.00 Vera Millionaire? 8.00 A League of Their Own 7.55 Game of Thrones sequel starring Peter Sellers 6.40 ’Allo ’Allo! BBC One: No variations
11.30 Queers 10.00 Ladies of Letters 8.00 The Celebrity Chase 9.00 FILM: Forrest Gump 9.00 The White Lotus See What 7.15 Bride Wars (2009) Comedy 7.20 Last of the Summer Wine BBC Scotland: 7.00pm Beechgrove
11.50 Bunkers, Brutalism and 10.30 Ladies of Letters 9.00 FILM: Collateral Damage (1994) Oscar-winning to watch starring Kate Hudson 8.00 The Coroner 7.30 The Great Food Guys 8.00 Born to
Be Wild 9.00 The Nine 10.00 Off the
Bloodymindedness: Concrete 11.00 A Touch of Frost (2002) Thriller starring comedy drama starring Tom 10.10 In Treatment 9.00 The Old Man & the Gun 9.00 Luther Ball: Petty and Ill-Informed 11.00 The
Poetry with Jonathan 1.15 am The Loch Arnold Schwarzenegger Hanks See Film choice 10.45 In Treatment (2018) Light-hearted drama 10.20 New Tricks Karen Dunbar Show 11.30 Pity Party
Meades 2.15 ITV3 Nightscreen 11.10 pm FILM: Species III 11.35 The ‘80s: Cinema’s Greatest 11.15 Britannia starring Robert Redford 11.40 Bad Girls Midnight Close
12.50 am Icelandic Walks with 2.30 - 6.00am Teleshopping (2004) Sci-fi horror sequel Decade 12.15 am True Blood 10.50 Thunder Road (2018) 12.50 am Dalziel & Pascoe STV: 10.40pm Scotland Tonight 11.05
Julia Bradbury starring Sunny Mabrey 12.35 am Manifest 1.25 Californication Comedy drama starring Jim 2.40 - 4.00am Kavanagh QC It’ll Be Alright on the Night 12.05am
1.50 - 3.20am Planet Ant: Life 1.30 am Motorsport UK 1.30 Road Wars 2.00 Britannia Cummings See Film choice The Jonathan Ross Show: Special Guests
Inside the Colony 2.30 River Monsters 2.00 NCIS: Los Angeles 3.05 Californication 12.40 - 3.00am Sweet Country 12.30 - 3.00am ITV Nightscreen
3.00 - 6.00am Teleshopping 3.00 - 4.00am Hawaii Five-0 3.40 - 4.15am Californication (2017) Drama
4.55 Grand Designs 5.55 Kirstie and News 12.00 NFL: Total Access 1.00- Honours 2.20 The Last Voices of World Only Fools and Horses 6.40 Are You BBC One: 10.35pm Hayley Goes 11.05
ITV2 Sky History Sky Cinema Premiere Ladhood 11.30 Have I Got a Bit More
Phil’s Love It or List It 6.55 Escape to 5.00am Live NFL. New Orleans Saints War One 3.10-4.00am Europe’s Being Served? 7.20 Keeping Up
11.30am Secret Crush 12.30pm 11.15am Forged in Fire 12.10pm 24 hours, including at: News for You 12.15am Shop Well for
the Chateau: DIY 7.55 Grand Designs v Jacksonville Jaguars (kick-off Waterways Appearances 8.00 Only Fools and
Emmerdale 1.00 Coronation Street American Pickers: Best Of 1.10 11.25am The Craft: Legacy (2020) Less? 1.15 - 6.00am BBC News
9.00 24 Hours in A&E 10.00 Luxury 1.00am) Horses 9.20 Not Going Out 10.40 All BBC Two: 7.00 - 7.30pm Weatherman
2.00 Supermarket Sweep 3.00 Dress Cruises: From Boom to Bust? 11.05 8 Counting Cars 2.05 Assembly Required Horror drama starring Cailee Spaeny Round to Mrs Brown’s 12.00 Peep
3.05 Unidentified: Inside America’s and Gideon Adlon 1.15pm Synchronic
Talking Pictures TV Walking: Dinefwr Park and Sully
to Impress 4.00 Secret Crush 5.00 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown Show 12.35am Not Going Out 1.55
Sky Sports Premier UFO Investigation 4.05 Ancient Aliens 24 hours, including at:
ITV Wales: 8.00 - 8.30pm Beyond the
You’ve Been Framed! 5.30 You’ve 12.10am 24 Hours in A&E 1.15 League (2019) Sci-fi thriller starring Anthony All Round to Mrs Brown’s 3.00 You, Line: North Wales’s Traffic Cops
Been Framed! Gold 6.00 Catchphrase Luxury Cruises: From Boom to Bust? 5.00 Pawn Stars 6.00 American Mackie and Jamie Dornan 3.05 Space Noon FILM: The Young Lovers (1954) Me & Them 3.35-4.00am Peep Show
Celebrity Special 7.00 Superstore 8.00 2.20 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Noon Gary Neville’s Soccerbox Pickers: Best Of 7.00 Forged in Fire Dogs: Return To Earth (2020) Cold War romance starring Odile
ITV Regions
Bob’s Burgers 9.00 Love Island: The Countdown 3.20-3.50am Food 1.00pm PL Greatest Games 1.15 8.00 Lost Relics of the Knights Templar Animated adventure with the voice of Versois 2.00pm Enemy at the Door
Premier League 6.30 Soccer AM: The 9.00 WW2 Mystery: Foo Fighters Mauriett Chayeb 4.40 Extinct (2021) 3.00 FILM: The Girl In the Picture
Live Final 10.35 Family Guy 11.30 Unwrapped No variations
American Dad! 12.30am Bob’s Best Bits 7.00 Live MNF. West Ham 10.00 Robert Kirkman’s Secret History Animated adventure, featuring the (1957, b/w) Thriller starring Donald Noon Antiques Roadshow 1.00pm
Burgers 1.25 Superstore 2.15 Totally United v Leicester City (kick-off of Comics 11.00 Vietnam: Lost Films voice of Adam Devine 6.20 The Houston 4.15 Running for Pleasure The Architecture The Railways Built S4C
Dave 8.00pm) 11.00 Soccer AM: The Best 12.00 Search for the Lost Giants Adventures of Wolfboy (2019) Drama 4.45 FILM: Strictly for the Birds 2.00 Restoration Workshop 3.00
Bonkers Guinness World Records 3.05
Bits 11.30 Premier League Icons 6.00am Cyw 12.00 Newyddion S4C a’r
FYI Extra 3.20 ITV2 Nightscreen Noon Bangers and Cash 1.00pm Top 1.00am Lost Relics of the Knights starring Jaeden Martell 8.00 Phobias (1964, b/w) Comedy starring Tony Abandoned Engineering 4.00 World
Tywydd 12.05pm Pobl a’u Gerddi 12.30
3.30-6.00am Teleshopping Gear 2.00 Red Bull Soapbox Race 3.00 12.00 MNF 1.45am Premier League Templar 2.00 Assembly Required 3.00- (2021) Premiere. Horror anthology Tanner 6.00 Scotland Yard 6.35 War Two From Above 5.00 The World Heno 1.00 Darn Bach o Hanes 1.30
Top Gear 4.00 Bangers and Cash 5.00 Years 3.45-4.00am PL Greatest 4.00am Vietnam: Lost Films starring Leonardo Nam 9.40 The FILM: Small Hotel (1957, b/w) at War 6.00 Antiques Roadshow 7.00 Heno Aur 2.00 Newyddion S4C a’r
E4 Rick Stein’s Secret France 6.00 QI XL Games Craft: Legacy (2020) Horror drama Comedy starring Gordon Harker 7.45 Great British Railway Journeys 8.00 Tywydd 2.05 Prynhawn Da 3.00
7.00 Richard Osman’s House of Games Sky Arts starring Cailee Spaeny 11.30 Look at Life 8.00 The Main Chance Secrets of the London Underground Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd 3.05 Hen Dy
Noon Brooklyn Nine-Nine 1.00pm The 7.40 Would I Lie to You? 8.20 QI BT Sport 1 Synchronic (2019) Sci-fi thriller with 9.00 FILM: Eyewitness (1970) Crime 9.00 Adolf Hitler’s War 10.00 Nazi Newydd 4.00 Awr Fawr: Sali Mali 4.05
Big Bang Theory 3.00 Mike & Molly 9.00 QI XL 10.00 Have I Got a Bit 11.55am National Trust: National Anthony Mackie 1.15am Run Hide thriller starring Mark Lester 10.50 Hunters 11.00 War Factories 1.00am Awr Fawr: Halibalw 4.15 Awr Fawr:
4.00 The Goldbergs 5.00 Brooklyn More News for You 11.00 Taskmaster Noon The Outdoor Sports Show Treasures 1.05pm Auction 1.30 Fight (2020) Crime drama starring FILM: Deadfall (1968) Thriller starring Impossible Engineering 3.00-6.00am Pablo 4.25 Awr Fawr: Guto Gwningen
Nine-Nine 6.00 The Big Bang Theory 12.00 Mock the Week 12.40am Have 12.30pm Vanarama National League Auction: David Bowie Collector 2.00 Isabel May 3.10-4.55am Final Days Michael Caine and Eric Portman Teleshopping 4.40 Awr Fawr: Amser Maith Maith yn Ôl
7.00 Hollyoaks 7.30 The Big Bang Highlights 1.00 Premier League Discovering: Diane Keaton 3.00 Portrait 5.00 Stwnsh 6.00 Arfordir Cymru: Llyn
I Got a Bit More News for You 1.40 (2020) Thriller starring Tyler Posey 1.20am FILM: Pit Of Darkness (1961)
Review 2.00 Premier League World Artist of the Year 2017 4.00 Music 6.30 Helo Syrjeri 6.57 Newyddion S4C
Theory 8.00 Below Deck: Would I Lie to You? 2.25 QI 2.55 Mystery starring William Franklyn Discovery
2.30 ESPN FC 3.00 PSA Squash 4.30 Icons: New Wave 4.30 Video Killed the 7.00 Heno 7.30 Newyddion S4C a’r
Mediterranean 9.00 Celebrity Insert Name Here 3.30-4.00am Last PBS America 2.55-5.10am FILM: Rough Cut Tywydd 8.00 Pobol y Cwm 8.25 Garddio
Gogglebox 2020 10.00 The Stop Garage Badminton Unlimited 5.00 ESPN FC Radio Star 5.00 The Seventies 6.00 (1980) Comedy starring Burt Reynolds Noon Chasing Classic Cars 1.00pm
a Mwy 8.55 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd
Inbetweeners 11.05 Harley Quinn 5.30 Live: Serie A 7.30 Live: Serie A. Discovering: Morgan Freeman 7.00 11.05am Martin Luther King: Roads Gold Rush: White Water 3.00 Railroad 9.00 Con Passionate 10.05 Cegin Bryn:
12.05am Duncanville 12.35 Rick and Sampdoria v AC Milan (kick-off Raphael: In Search of Beauty 8.00 to Memphis 1.00pm Beautiful Alaska 4.00 Alaska: Homestead Rescue Y Dosbarth Meistr 10.35 Ceffylau Cymru
Sky Sports Main Event 7.45pm). Coverage of the Italian top- Andre Rieu: Welcome to My World 9.00 Serengeti 1.35 Nazi Hunters 2.35
GOLD 5.00 Wheeler Dealers 6.00 Misfit
Morty 1.35 Gogglebox 2.30 Naked 11.05 - 11.40pm Traed Lan
Attraction 3.25-4.15am Harley Quinn Noon Live: Good Morning Football flight match at Stadio Luigi Ferraris A Shanghai Symphony See What to Europe’s Waterways 3.35 9/11: The 11.40am Keeping Up Appearances Garage 7.00 Supertruckers 8.00
3.00pm Sky Sports News 5.00 The 9.45 BT Sport Goals Reload 10.15 watch 10.00 Turandot on Sydney Firemen’s Story 4.40 Martin Luther 12.20pm Hold the Sunset 1.00 Only Kindig Customs 9.00 Iron Resurrection
Transfer Show 5.30 Sky Sports News Vanarama National League Highlights Harbour 12.00 Comedy Legends King: Roads to Memphis 6.35 Nazi Fools and Horses 1.40 Are You Being 10.00 Street Outlaws: Mega Cash Days
More4 7.00 Live MNF. West Ham United v 10.45 What I Wore 11.00 WWE Raw 1.00am Octavia Spencer: Off Camera Hunters 7.35 China on Film 8.45 Served? 2.20 Ricky & Ralf’s Very 12.00 Iron Resurrection 1.00am
11.05am Find It, Fix It, Flog It Leicester City (kick-off 8.00pm). Highlights 12.00 WWE SmackDown 2.15 Rankin Presents 3.00 The Battle Honours 9.55 The Last Voices Northern Road Trip 3.20 Keeping Up Street Outlaws: Mega Cash Days 3.00
12.05pm Car S.O.S 1.05 Escape to Coverage of the top-flight clash from Highlights 1.00-4.15am Live: WWE Nightmare Worlds of HG Wells 3.30- of World War One 11.00 Nazi Hunters Appearances 4.00 Hold the Sunset Iron Resurrection 3.50-4.40am Diesel
the Chateau: DIY 2.15 Four in a Bed The London Stadium 11.00 Sky Sports Monday Night Raw 4.00am Diana Athill: Final Say 12.00 China on Film 1.10am Battle 4.40 Last of the Summer Wine 6.00 Brothers
36 *** A Monday 23 August 2021 The Daily Telegraph

Weather & Crosswords

*** Monday 23 August 2021


Fans turn on
Arsenal after
dismal start
By Matt Law at Emirates Stadium

hArteta’s team suffer worst White was missing through Covid-

19 and is unlikely to return in time
opening to season in 75 years for the trip to the Etihad Stadium,
while Martin Odegaard had not
hSupporters vent their fury been signed permanently in time to
face Chelsea.
following defeat by arch rivals It means Arsenal were without
nine players.
Mikel Arteta insists Arsenal’s sup- “It’s really challenging,” Arteta
porters are still behind his side, said. “We’re missing nine players.
even after they were booed off at the We put out a team and we played
Emirates Stadium as defeat by Chel- with a lot of courage in a situation
sea condemned them to their worst that is tough.”
start to a season in 75 years. Asked if things should improve
First-half goals by Romelu when players started to return,
Lukaku and Reece James mean the Arteta replied: “One hundred per
north London side have failed to cent.” Only once have Arsenal had a
register a point or a goal in their first worse record two games into a sea-
two Premier League games. son, in 1946 when they accrued no
Arsenal were jeered off at half- points and had a goal difference of
time and full time and now face a Continued on Page 2
daunting trip to Manchester City on
Saturday, but Arteta is adamant
there were “positives” to take from Solskjaer cries
es ‘foul’
the reaction of the crowd.

Lukaku enjoys “I saw a lot of excitement and they

tried to push the team,” the Spaniard
said. “At 2-0, nobody is going to be
happy, but in the second half they
tried to be positive and the players
Leniency of
referees is
turning game
dream debut P.2
talked about that. In the end, of
course, they showed they were dis-
appointed, but I saw a lot of posi-
tives with the crowd.”
into rugby
Pages 6-7
Silencer: Striker Romelu Lukaku goads the Arsenal supporters after announcing his return to Chelsea with a goal inside 15 minutes New £50 million signing Ben

City prepare a final bid to sign Kane after striker makes 18-minute appearance
By John Percy at Molineux reception by the travelling support- second leg. “Harry helped the team. Spurs maintained their perfect
ers, who chanted “he’s one of our We are talking about one of the best start to the league season with a sec-
Manchester City are poised for a with his future remaining uncertain own” before he appeared as a 72nd- players in the world and we are very ond successive win, after Dele Alli’s
final move to try to sign Harry Kane ahead of the transfer deadline a minute substitute. He missed the lucky to have him,” Nuno said. penalty, his first goal for them since
this week, after the Tottenham week tomorrow. matches against City and Pacos de “It’s too soon to know if he will be March 2020. Tottenham are target-
Hotspur forward made his first City are set to table another bid Ferreira and head coach Nuno involved on Thursday. He is getting ing signings before the deadline,
appearance of the season yesterday. for the England international this Espirito Santo was unable to offer back to fitness and still has to with Wolves winger Adama Traore
Kane was introduced as a late week, though Tottenham chairman any guarantees that Kane would improve. You could see the way he understood to be on Nuno’s list.
substitute in Tottenham’s 1-0 vic- Daniel Levy is determined to avoid face the Portuguese club in the helped the team in terms of posses-
tory at Wolverhampton Wanderers, selling him. Kane was given a warm Europa Conference League play-off sion and the fine lines.” Alli on the spot: Page 5
2 *** Monday 23 August 2021 The Daily Telegraph


Chelsea underline title

Romelu Lukaku
taps in Chelsea’s
opening goal

credentials as ‘dominant’
Lukaku scores on return
to sink lacklustre Arsenal
Jason Burt
CHIEF FOOTBALL It was his first goal against who claimed it. The move began as
at Emirates Stadium Arsenal, but his 114th in the Premier Chelsea worked their way down the
League – taking him ahead of Ian left, with Marcos Alonso’s pass
Wright in the all-time list. There will infield intended for Lukaku. Xhaka
be many more to come. It burst slid in, but the ball ran to Mason
0 Arsenal’s optimism, with the fans
back, money spent, their own young
tyros given their head and Granit
Xhaka apparently worthy of a new
Mount, who again found James
unmarked. The wing-back slammed
the ball high into the net. As the goal
was scored, Kieran Tierney could be
contract. The next pass backwards seen throwing himself to block
Lukaku 15, James 35 by them was booed and the frustra- James. Too late.
Att: 58,729 tion started to bubble over. It was game over. Yes, Arsenal
There were more boos at half- huffed and puffed and maybe
time – and again at full time – and should have had a penalty when
This was men against boys which, although some were directed at James appeared to bundle over
given Romelu Lukaku first arrived referee Paul Tierney, it was as if Bukayo Saka in the penalty area. Reece James
at Chelsea as a raw teenager 10 years those fans had never been away. The referee was unmoved and the smashes home
ago and returns as one of the world’s Arteta had summoned a siege decision stood after a Var check. Chelsea’s second
finest strikers, was accurate in more mentality, the manager saying Last season it probably would
ways than one. “they” (whoever they are) could not have been given, but the rules have
Chelsea were simply too good for break Arsenal’s “spirit”, although been loosened with the officials
Arsenal, with Mikel Arteta’s side here it had been clearly fractured. deciding there was insufficient con-
having now played two, lost two and Chelsea smashed straight through it tact. If Arsenal were unfortunate
with no goals scored. In 118 seasons and, although Arsenal improved then, they were lucky when an ugly
in English football it is the first time significantly in the second half, it lunge by Rob Holding on Alonso
that has happened to them at the was never enough. went unpunished. Last season that
start of a league campaign. Perhaps instead of worrying could have been a red card.
Thomas Tuchel’s side were too about outside noise, Arteta should Arsenal threatened twice more.
strong, too skilful, too well-organ- have organised his team better. First, Edouard Mendy tipped over a
ised and too competitive. They were Even the most basic of coaching fierce rising shot from Saka. Then,
just far better, and Lukaku now courses would have pointed out, for when Mari headed a corner back
gives them an even bigger edge. example, that James – who was across goal, it was met by Holding,
Asked to assess his performance, outstanding – needed to be stopped who could only send his own header
the Belgian was succinct and accu- d ow n th e r i gh t . I n s t e a d , h e wide.
rate. “Dominant,” he said. remained unmarked. It always felt like Chelsea had too
Lukaku got his goal inside 15 min- Arsenal were without £50 million much and when Tuchel turned to
utes, having not scored in 15 appear- signing Ben White after he tested N’Golo Kante – what a substitute to
ances for Chelsea during his first positive for Covid-19, as well as be able to bring on – it ended any
spell at the club that ended in 2014. other players, but that was not the flickering hope of a way back for
That summed up the difference he problem; it was simple organisation Arsenal.
made to Chelsea – who are bona and not being good enough. When The home side appeared to know
fide, genuine, daunting Premier Mari finally got close to Lukaku, he it, too, with Chelsea creating chance
League title contenders – and the was booked for bringing him down. after chance and with Lukaku at the
difference between them and Arse- And then Chelsea scored again centre of it all. He went closest when
nal. He called it “emotional”. Unfor- and – guess what? – it was James he met Mount’s cross, running in
tunately, it was for Arsenal also. front of a static Holding, only for
Following his £97.5 million move Bernd Leno to excel in turning his
from Inter Milan and on his second How they stand strong, close-range header onto the
debut, Lukaku did precisely what crossbar and away for a corner. Leno
P W D L F A GD Pts
Chelsea want. As the away fans Chelsea 2 2 0 0 5 0 5 6
then also blocked from Kai Havertz,
chanted his name at a corner,
Lukaku tapped the club badge on
his shirt. This appears set to be a
who was teed up by Lukaku and
should really have scored.
“Too easy,” shouted one angry
‘The table is not decided in August –
very, very happy reunion.
The 28-year-old held the ball up
Tottenham Hotspur 2
Man Utd
Arsenal fan. For Chelsea it was just
that. no one can feel sorry for themselves’
against Pablo Mari, like he was fend- Brentford 2 1 1 0 2 0 2 4 Lukaku undoubtedly gives them
ing off an over-eager puppy, and Man City 2 1 0 1 5 1 4 3 a far greater dimension, but does
released it back to Mateo Kovacic, West Ham 1 1 0 0 4 2 2 3 not make them predictable, with From Page 1 bles” side who won the title in 2003-
who picked out Reece James Aston Villa 2 1 0 1 4 3 1 3 Tuchel demonstrating their formi- minus seven. This year they have 04, fears that even the return of big
unmarked on the right. The wing- Leicester 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 3 dable attacking options by bringing conceded four goals. names such as Alexandre Lacazette,
back’s low cross was precise and for Watford 2 1 0 1 3 4 -1 3 on Timo Werner and Hakim Ziyech. “I will try to give them [the play- Thomas Partey, Gabriel Magalhaes,
all Mari’s desperate efforts to Southampton 2 0 1 1 2 4 -2 1 Just like Lukaku, they are going ers] confidence and belief that foot- White and Odegaard will not be
impede him, Lukaku was in the six- Crystal Palace 2 0 1 1 0 3 -3 1 to take some stopping. Arsenal were ball changes quickly and the table is enough to address the malaise.
yard area to tuck the ball into the Leeds Utd 2 0 1 1 3 7 -4 1 never going to be up to the chal- not decided in August,” Arteta “Two games, two losses, you have
net. Mari ended up on the ground Wolverhampton 2 0 0 2 0 2 -2 0 lenge. Maybe Chelsea’s next oppo- added. “I don’t want to see anyone to somehow get the team working
having thrown his arms in the air. Burnley 2 0 0 2 1 4 -3 0 nents, Liverpool, will provide a feeling sorry for themselves.” properly,” Campbell said on Sky
Not a good look for Arsenal, but a Newcastle 2 0 0 2 2 6 -4 0 truer test with, on its own, Lukaku Arsenal legend Sol Campbell was Sports. “When you don’t have the
textbook example of what Chelsea Arsenal 2 0 0 2 0 4 -4 0 against Virgil van Dijk a contest to less optimistic. The former England quality you need to be solid. Be solid
hoped for from Lukaku. Norwich 2 0 0 2 0 8 -8 0 savour. defender, a mainstay of the “Invinci- first then start building.
The Daily Telegraph Monday 23 August 2021 ** 3

McDermott opens up on
‘fight’ against dementia
By Jeremy Wilson

Terry McDermott, the former Liver-

pool, Newcastle and England mid-
fielder, has issued a heartfelt thank
you for the messages of support that
“will help me in the fight” following
the disclosure that he has been
diagnosed with dementia.
“I’m touched and overwhelmed
by them all – each one is appreci-
ated,” said the 69-year-old, who
admitted that a “frightening” num-
ber of former footballers had also
been diagnosed with neurodegen- Legend: Terry McDermott (centre) at Anfield
erative disease. on Saturday and in his playing days (below)
These include Denis Law, the for-
mer Manchester United and Scot- ers’ Association and Football Writ-
land striker who went public with ers’ Association player of the year in
his diagnosis last Thursday and 1980 and, after returning to New-
believes his condition was caused castle in 1982, became assistant
by repeatedly heading a football. manager alongside Kevin Keegan,
Dawn Astle, the daughter of for- his former team-mate.
mer England striker Jeff Astle, has In a statement, Liverpool sent
persistently warned that dementia their “love and best wishes” and
is endemic among former football- pledged “any and all support” to a
ers and landmark research, led by player whose career included three
Dr Willie Stewart at the University European Cup wins with the club.
of Glasgow, recently confirmed that McDermott intends to remain a reg-
outfield players were four times ular spectator at Anfield this season.
more likely to suffer neurodegener- Stewart has called on football to
ative disease. face up to the dementia crisis and
hey are also five times more
They examine how to limit heading
likely to die of Alzheimer’s, four and head impacts to mitigate a
times more likely to die of continuous repeat
rep of the
motorr neurone disease nightmare that t hun-
and att a doubled risk dreds of foot
football fami-
of Parkinson’s. lies are fafacing. His
“Nothing has study of almost
come to me easily,” 8,000 plplayers has
ermott said in a
McDermott found no reduction
ment on the
statement dementia rates
in demen
pool website.
Liverpool through th the genera-
“I’m not fright- tions betw
between the
ened of taking it 1930s and 191990s.
on. Battling is second The Footba
Football Associa-
re. The worst thing
nature. ttion
ti published guid-
on has publish
was, until my condition was recommends no
ance that recom
nosed you don’t know
diagnosed more than 10 training
what’ss going on. headers per week in
he number of ex-
“The grass-roots
gr ass-root football
playersrs being diagnosed maximum of
and a ma
with dementia or Alzhei- “high-impact”
10 “high
mer’s is frightening.” headers among
Dermott was both
McDermott professional
ssional Football-
Professional playe

Marseille’s Payet struck by bottle

as angry fans storm onto pitch
Former West Ham forward Dimitri The ugly scenes come just a week
“There are players to come back competitive, but we’re ready for the Payet was hit by a bottle before after Marseille’s trip to Montpellier
in, but it seems when even players Up next Arsenal’s forthcoming challenge and, hopefully, can throwing it back into the crowd as was marred by incidents of bottles
come back in it’s the same situation. Premier League fixtures improve.” Marseille’s game at Nice was aban- being thrown at the visiting players.
I want to see that character.” Thomas Tuchel, the Chelsea head doned when the visitors refused to That game was halted on 89 minutes
Lukaku described his second Saturday v Oct 30 v Leicester coach, was delighted with Lukaku’s play on as French football with Marseille leading 3-2 after Val-
Chelsea debut, coming a few days Manchester City (a) City (a) start. “It’s the package that’s so descended into mayhem. entin Rongier was hit on the head.
short of 10 years since making his Sept 11 v Norwich Nov 6 v Watford (h) exciting,” he said. “His age, his Payet was struck by the missile in In Scotland, Rangers have
first appearance for the club, as City (h) Nov 20 experience and he is a Chelsea fan. the 74th minute when he was taking launched an investigation after a
“dominant”. The Belgian had failed Sept 18 v Liverpool (a) It’s always been his dream to make it a corner only to spark wild scenes at social media video showed fans
to score in 15 appearances during v Burnley (a) Nov 27 at this club. During his time away, the Allianz Riviera by returning it to allegedly chanting a racist song
his first spell at Chelsea, but made Sept 26 v Newcastle (h) his personality grew and now he the stands. He also appeared to about Celtic’s Japanese forward
the perfect start to his return by v Tottenham Nov 30 v Man trusts in himself. throw a second bottle. Kyogo Furuhashi.
scoring and being involved in the Hotspur (h) United (a) “I am very happy with how he has The home crowd rushed to con- The footage, from what looks like
second goal, netted by James. Oct 2 v Brighton (a) Dec 4 v Everton (a) integrated already, a very smart guy front Payet and the match was a supporters’ bus, emerged yester-
“I try to improve every time,” Oct 18 v Crystal Dec 11 who likes to be in the group. He is a halted with Nice leading 1-0 through day when the club were in Dingwall
Lukaku, 28, said. “I have a long way Palace (h) v Southampton (h) very democratic leader, talks to Kasper Dolberg’s goal, although for a 4-2 win over Ross County. A
to go, but it was good to win and we Oct 22 v Aston Dec 14 v West everyone, friendly and is totally Nice were eventually awarded a 3-0 club spokesperson said: “Those who
need to keep getting stronger Villa (h) Ham (h) competitive. He gives us something win with Jorge Sampaoli’s side partake in such behaviour are not
because the Premier League is very we did not have.” refusing to play on. representative of our club.”
4 *** Monday 23 August 2021 The Daily Telegraph


Arteta needs answers to lift gloom over Emirates

Matt Law their opponents were being suck-
ered in. Odegaard is a talented
FOOTBALL NEWSS player, but it is hard to see how he
at Emirates Stadium
dium would have changed much about
this game, given he was part of
similar performances while on loan
at Arsenal last season.
hArsenal manager can no White is an upgrade on Holding,
but he was part of the defence who
longer plead poverty but must conceded two goals at newly pro-
find leaders among group of moted Brentford on the opening
weekend. These are early days, of
young summer signings course, but a trip to Manchester
City before the international break

or the Arsenal fans, it must suggests that things will get worse
have felt like they had never for Arteta and Arsenal before they
been away. The pre-match get better.
excitement, heightened by the There were plenty of empty seats
reintroduction of Martin Odegaard, on view for Arsenal’s first match at a
was followed by a promising start fully open Emirates for 18 months,
under sunny skies. But, as was oh so and the Chelsea fans sang “Is there a
predictable, the sky quickly fell in. fire drill?” as the supporters who did
By half-time the supporters were turn up flooded out early.
booing and the clouds had gathered There could be even more tickets
over the Emirates. on general sale before the next
Those in red who stayed for the visitors, Norwich City, arrive, when
final whistle booed even louder, but Arsenal could easily still be stuck on
by then the majority of the home zero points.
fans had made for the exits. And who There are at least a couple of rea-

could blame them? sons for optimism in the shapes of

Odegaard was not signed perma- Bukayo Saka and Emile Smith
nently from Real Madrid in time to Rowe, who had their moments
make his second Arsenal debut and against the European champions.
Ben White was the latest player to y g at the Emirates for the
be ruled out with Covid-19, so Albert first time sinc
since his European Cham-
Sambi Lokonga was the only one of Under pressure: ond-half display suggested Arteta back, including Thomas mas Partey and pe
pionship penalty shoot-out miss,
the club’s £125 million summer Mikel Arteta used the half-time break well, but it Gabriel Magalhaes, s, but this still Saka received a huge cheer from the
signings to start against Chelsea. watches his side was already too late by then and it is looks like a group of players short of Arsenal fans and generous applause
Goalkeeper Aaron Ramsdale, struggle, while hard to fathom why he did not, or real leaders. from the Chelsea supporters
who cost more than the £20 million Pierre-Emerick could not, make tactical alterations With club captain ain Pierre- ahead of k kick-off.
Arsenal sold Emiliano Martinez for, Aubameyang (right) sooner from the touchline. Emerick Aubameyang ang starting It was the winger who pro-
was on the substitutes’ bench along came off the bench Arteta has big players to come on the bench, Granit nit Xhaka, a vided two nervous moments for
with Nuno Tavares. The left-back player Arsenal were e more than Chelsea, going down under a
may have helped to stifle Chelsea’s open to selling at thehe start of the challenge from James inside the
threat down the right through Arsenal’s miserable start transfer window, took ook the arm- penalty area towards the end of the
Reece James, which head coach band yesterday, but ut there was first half and an forcing Edouard
Mikel Arteta did nothing about Reece James’ first-half heat map shows Only once in history have Arsenal ponsibility on
nobody taking responsibility Mendy to tip a deflected shot over
how Arsenal were totally overwhelmed on fared worse in their opening two
during the first 45 minutes. their left side. By the time Mikel Arteta games of the season. the pitch after Chelsealsea had taken a
his crossbar after the break.
It is all very well spending a lot of could react, the game was out of reach. Points GD/GA the lead. Pablo Mari ri simply could Saka exited to a standing ovation
money and targeting young, hungry 1946-47 0 -7 not cope with Romelu elu Lukaku and when he was replaced by Aubamey-
2021-22 0 -4
players, but if the coach could not 1923-24 0 -4 was eventually booked oked for a foul ang, but the same generosity will
see that his team had major prob- 1928-29 0 -3 helsea’s record
from behind on Chelsea’s afford to Arteta if results
not be afforded
lems on the left side during a first 1954-55 0 -3 signing, before Rob b Holding fol- er
and p erformance s do not
1992-93 0 -3
half in which James assisted and 2018-19 0 -3 lowed him into the book at the end improv quickly. No longer
scored, then there cannot be much This is the first time the London of the first half for a wild challenge able tot plead poverty, it is
hope for this Arsenal squad or their Direction of play side have lost their opening two on Marcos Alonso. Chelsea could f the coach to prove
time for
beleaguered fans. An improved sec- games without scoring. have barely believed ved how easily his cre
The Daily Telegraph Monday 23 August 2021 *** 5


Kane returns to
bolster Spurs as
Alli hits the spot
By John Percy at Molineux

under Bruno Lage, their new head

0 coach, but were ultimately tooth-
less. Tottenham, though, were still
fortunate to leave the Black Country
Alli 9 pen

Att: 30,368
1 with their second successive league
win of the campaign.
If there were any fears over Kane
being subjected to hostility from
Tottenham’s fans, they disappeared
The uncertainty around Harry Kane here. He was also given a warm ova-
will continue to swirl for another tion at the final whistle as he went to
eight days, but there remains little applaud them.
doubt that Tottenham supporters City remain determined to strike
cannot envisage a future without a deal for the England international,
him. while Kane is also keen to pursue a
Kane was introduced 18 minutes move to the champions. Tottenham
from time at Molineux, in his first are refusing to sell but, on this evi-
appearance of the season, and given dence, his legacy with supporters
a heroic reception by the travelling will be untarnished if he does move
fans despite the forward’s determi- before Aug 31.
nation to join Manchester City. Spurs went ahead with their first
It was Nuno Espirito Santo’s first threatening moment on goal – and it
return to Wolves since his depar- ultimately proved decisive.
ture in May, with Tottenham secur- Alli was released into the penalty
ing a scarcely deserved victory area by Sergio Reg uilon and
through a Dele Alli penalty, his first upended by Wolves goalkeeper Jose
league goal since March 2020. But it Sa. With Kane on the bench, Alli was
was Kane’s appearance that will given penalty duties and his deliv-
dominate most conversations. ery into the corner was clinical.
For 72 minutes there was a chill- Nuno said: “Dele did a very good
ing vision of how Spurs could look job and he worked very hard. He
without their talisman, with Son scored in the beginning of the
g-min enduring an
Heung-min game and in the last min-

oon of frustration t
utes of the game he Back in the fold: Wantaway striker Harry Kane tussles for the ball with Leander Dendoncker after being introduced in the 72nd minute
in attack.
ck. r
was running all
Kanee was on the over the pitch, so Lage, meanwhile, will be wonder- Lage said: “This is the way we those incredibly rare afternoons
ham bench tha shows the
that ing how he has started life in Eng- want to play and the game stayed in where he was ineffectual.
for thee first time lev of fitness
level lish football with no points. our hands for 90 minutes. After 70 minutes, the away fans
since December th he has and
that Wolves were full of verve and vig- “We had 25 attempts to score one chanted Kane’s name and he was
fter missing
2018, after th belief that
the our, responding well after going goal, but I challenge the players to finally introduced to rapturous
the twowo game s he has. A huge, behind with their attacking intent play this way. The most important applause, with England manager
againstt Manches- hu help.
huge hinting at the approach Lage will be thing is to score goals. Gareth Southgate watching from
ter City and “A l l t h e trying to instill. “I believe in my work and the the stands.
Pacos de Fer- team worked Adama Traore was devastating on players believed in me from the first Kane was a menace in his brief
reira. He was v e r y h a rd . the wing, tormenting right-back day. We are confident with the pro- cameo, forcing a save from Sa after
sorely Y
You know it Japhet Tanganga, who had per- cess and we will continue to grow advancing into the area, and spark-
missed.. was not the best formed so well against City the pre- up as a team.” ing the visitors into some life.
Wolves of ou
our games, but vious weekend and was given There was also a return for Raul Wolves finished strongly but
dominated wh
when you can- another difficult afternoon. Jimenez, the Wolves forward mak- could not find the crucial equaliser,
for long not play as good Traore is a target for Tottenham ing his first home appearance in with Nuno completing a satisfactory
periodss as you want you and if he could finish then even big- nine months since sustaining a frac- return to the club he served for four
ne to do your
need ger clubs would be queuing up to tured skull. years.
Embrace: Nuno ta
tasks well and sign him. He wasted a glorious sec- Without Kane, Tottenham were A perfect start for Tottenham, but
Espirito Santo th boys did
the ond-half chance with only Hugo devoid of a threat going forward. there is more to come with the Kane
with Harry Kane am
amazing.” Lloris to beat. Son was isolated and having one of transfer saga.

Arsenal handed easier path into one of four sides (five teams were
seeded, but they could not meet
City) and they have been pitted
stage of the competition this term
after finishing second to Paris
St-Germain in last season’s French
path” for the sides who won their
leagues last season.
Five clubs will go through from

Champions League group stage against by far the least dangerous of

that quartet in Slavia Prague, whom
they thrashed 13-2 on aggregate in
top flight.
Only with victory in this second
round can teams join the group
the league path, plus seven from the
champions path, to join the four
already through, in the 16-team
2019. stage, where clubs including group stage, which will be broadcast
By Tom Garry WOMEN’S FOOTBALL REPORTER The alternatives were seven-time defending champions Barcelona live on streaming platform DAZN.
champions Lyon, five-time finalists and last year’s beaten finalists, The new English league season
Arsenal avoided the big hitters in pose the same threat in Europe as Wolfsburg or new Arsenal coach Chelsea, will join the competition. begins on the weekend of Sept 3-5.
the Women’s Champions League they do in men’s football, and both Jonas Eidevall’s former club, Rosen- The Women’s Champions League League path, second-round draw Levante v Lyon,
second-round draw, but Manches- English clubs will be favourites to gard, who reached last year ’s has never previously had this group- Arsenal v Slavia Prague, Real Madrid v Manchester City,
Wolfsburg v Bordeaux, Rosengard v Hoffenheim.
ter City face a high-profile meeting progress through their two-leg ties, quarter-finals. stage format.
Champions path Glasgow City v Servette FC Chenois,
with Real Madrid. albeit Real will be no pushovers. Lyon are Europe’s most success- The qualification route was split Juventus v Vllaznia, FC Twente v Benfica.
Relative newcomers to the wom- Arsenal, who were unseeded for ful and best-funded women’s side, into a “league path” for non-domes- First legs to be played on Aug 31/Sept 1; second legs to
en’s game, Real Madrid do not yet the draw, knew they could only face but they are entering at this early tic champions and a “champions be played Sept 8-9.
6 ** Monday 23 August 2021 The Daily Telegraph


United ‘lose way’ to give early ammunition

By Jeremy Wilson CHIEF SPORTS REPORTER at St Mary’s Stadium clearly improve when Edinson defensive regulars – Kyle Walker- of Harry Maguire and, while United
Cavani returns and their new sign- Peters and Jan Bednarek – among complained loudly, a greater accept-
hardly cause for despair but, having ings settle, but this only reinforced a the Southampton substitutes. It ance this season from referees of
Fred 30 og 1 dismantled Leeds 5-1 the previous
week, this was arguably an even
more significant chance to make a
feeling that they will again struggle
to deliver a serious title challenge.
Liverpool, Manchester City and
meant a different back four from
most of last season and a lack of
familiarity felt significant early on as
a  more physical approach was
clearly evident.
Jack Stephens stepped in front of
Manchester Utd
Greenwood 55 1 statement of intent for the season.
United had fought back from the
concession of a controversial early
Chelsea have got used to winning
the biggest trophies since Sir Alex
Ferguson departed the main stage
Southampton wobbled. A cross by
Bruno Fernandes first bounced up
off Paul Pogba and onto the cross-
Fernandes to win back possession

From a 9-0 drubbing in February to goal to equalise through Mason in 2013 and, having got Southamp- bar, with Mohammed Salisu then Up and away: Manchester
honours even in August. Football Greenwood but then, with the game ton on the ropes, it would have been producing a goal-line clearance to United have now equalled
moves quickly and, with some pride
restored for Southampton – whose
at their mercy, faltered inexplicably
and only averted defeat when Adam
hard to imagine any of those three
not landing the knockout blow.
deny Anthony Martial.
One home fan was holding a sign
27 the top flight’s longest
unbeaten away run, set by
manager, Ralph Hasenhuttl, greeted Armstrong missed two late chances. Central midfield looked like Unit- that read, “JWP thanks for staying – Arsenal’s ‘Invincibles’
a first point of the season like a vic- Even Solskjaer, whose glass is ed’s area of greatest concern and, loyalty matters” and, with captain
tory – it was an afternoon that also usually half full, rued how his team with Nemanja Matic rather than James Ward-Prowse leading by
prompted familiar questions for “lost our way” and offered up Scott McTominay paired alongside example after signing a five-year and, following a quick exchange of
Manchester United under Ole Gun- “maybe tiredness and sloppiness” as Fred, there was a distinctly work- contract last week, Southampton passes between Moussa Djenepo,
nar Solskjaer. potential explanations. “We gave manlike feel to much of their play. began finding the tempo that is their Armstrong and then Adams while
An away draw to equal an all-time their crowd something to cheer With new signings Jadon Sancho hallmark under Hasenhuttl. United appealed for a foul, the ball
Premier League record of 27 straight about and they had some dangerous and Raphael Varane on United’s Armstrong was supporting Che nestled into the corner of David de
games unbeaten on the road is moments,” he said. United will bench, Hasenhuttl huttl named two Adams in his relentless pressing Gea s goal. Replays
Gea’s R confirmed a

Rough ride: Jack Che Adams then

Stephens makes takes his chance
his presence felt to go through tthe
with a robust back of Fernand
challenge on to leave Ole
playmaker Bruno Solskjaer
Gunnar Solskjae
Fernandes, which (left) fuming
leads to Saints

Lenient referees must not turn “We can’t go from one extreme,
from volleyball or basketball last
year, to rugby,” Solskjaer said. “I like
we will get injuries. Hopefully we
can find a middle way.”
Of his team’s hesitancy and appar-
challenges. “There’s no fouls any
more?” he said. “We have to stick to
protecting the players. Watch wres-

football into rugby, says Solskjaer the more lenient way – it’s more
men’s football – but it’s a clear foul,
he goes straight through Bruno. You
ent expectation that Craig Pawson,
the referee, would award a foul, Sol-
skjaer said: “We should do better. If
tling if you like those things.”
United striker Mason Greenwood
was adamant that Fernandes had
can see early on with the fans as you don’t get a foul, we should make been fouled. “I think it’s come
By Jeremy Wilson well, it gets the crowd going when a block, put a body on the line and through the back of him – if there’s a
you fly into a few tackles, and we did make sure there is no shot on target. foul, there’s a foul,” he said.
Ole Gunnar Solskjaer expressed down, before Che Adams’s shot suffer a few tackles.” “We did well to get the goal, build Ralph Hasenhuttl, the Southamp-
alarm that English football had deflected off Fred and past David de Solskjaer also warned that the pressure, and we had another five or ton manager, said he supported the
veered from non-contact volleyball Gea. The United players were furi- added leniency would cause inju- six minutes with a good spell. Then new approach and hoped it would
or basketball to rugby with its leni- ous as Fernandes lay on the ground, ries, and accused Southampton of we lost our way a little bit.” reward what he called Southamp-
ent refereeing approach following and while Solskjaer was unhappy unfairly rough tactics. “You know Klopp had suggested following ton’s “aggressive, pressing” style.
what he thought was a clear foul in with his team’s immediate reaction, what they are going to do, kick our his team’s 2-0 win against Burnley “I’m happy not every touch is a
the build-up to Southampton’s goal. he joined Jurgen Klopp, the Liver- players, and there are quite a few on Saturday that the Premier League foul,” he said. “This is what the Pre-
Jack Stephens stepped across pool manager, in questioning the fouls the referee has let go,” he said. would turn into “wrestling”, after mier League was famous for. It is
Bruno Fernandes, knocking him new refereeing approach. “If that is the way they want to go, highlighting a series of unpunished more robust – it is a good thing.”
The Daily Telegraph Monday 23 August 2021 *** 7

to title doubters Referee’s view

By Keith Hackett

decisive deflection off Fred follow-

ing Adams’s shot.
The hosts might have doubled
their lead when Tino Livramento,
ampton goalkeeper Alex McCarthy.
With Sancho coming on and Green-
wood moving to a more central
striker’s position, United created a
‘Light-touch’ officials can still get tough
their new 18-year-old full-back from further flurry of chances. Pogba

Chelsea, surged down the right but shot wide and Fernandes had a urgen Klopp made a and has certainly adapted to the giving statistics on player injuries
his cross narrowly evaded Arm- header blocked by McCarthy, before characteristically outspoken lighter touch. will also need to be monitored.
strong. Hasenhuttl later described a mistake by Maguire gift-wrapped comment about his Liverpool Remember, in previous seasons We must also remember that this
Livramento as one of England’s best Armstrong a clear sight of goal. De players having to endure a his average yellow card count was entertaining light-touch approach
young players. “He has everything, Gea saved, but the hosts forced a “wrestling match” against Burnley in excess of four per game. This does not exonerate referees from
the physique, speed, quality on the corner from which Armstrong was and the Premier League being in weekend he did not reach into his applying red and yellow cards
ball and the right mindset,” he said. unable to head them to victory. danger of going backwards 10 to 15 pocket once to produce a card of where appropriate.
Southampton switched to five at Hasenhuttl still greeted the final years. any colour. I looked closely at Solskjaer had justification for
the back at half-time but remained whistle with a clenched fist and a Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, the Dean’s performance and could not feeling aggrieved. There was a
defensively fragile and, after 55 cry of “yes”. He was later asked Manchester United manager, was find reasons for Klopp’s claims. clear foul on Bruno Fernandes in
minutes, United produced the about his new touchline look – also aggrieved at the way his side I agree with Gary Lineker’s the build-up to the Southampton
equaliser that their control of pos- waistcoat, trousers and sparkling conceded a goal at Southampton observation that the German’s goal. Referee Craig Pawson should
session had increasingly threatened. white trainers – in place of the usual and used a rugby analogy to talk remarks may have been designed have awarded a free-kick. It was an
Pogba was the creator, linking tracksuit. about the home side’s rugged to influence the match officials in outrageous call, but had nothing to
with Fernandes before teeing up “When it brings [points], I’ll do approach. charge of next Saturday’s big match do with lighter-touch officiating.
Greenwood, whose effort squirmed any thing – bathing shorts or Klopp was clearly making at Anfield against Chelsea. That aside, I have to compliment
through the legs of Salisu and South- Speedos,” the Austrian replied. reference to the new “lighter- If Klopp ever has any concerns the referees this weekend,
touch” approach that the about the referee’s performance he especially those who, at the request
Professional Game Match Officials can enter the official’s dressing of the Var, visited the pitchside
Limited has adopted at the room 30 minutes after the game monitors and were prepared to
top-flight clubs’ request after the and seek clarification on any point. change their minds having taken
success of Euro 2020. He can also telephone PGMOL another look at the incident.
I have to say I am bemused by chief Mike Riley and discuss his This weekend we also witnessed
the Liverpool manager’s outburst, concerns. close offside calls, however when
which I think was ill-informed and There is no doubt in my mind the dual lines (what we refer to as
unfair, and I think most observers that when we get to the business the broadcast and datum line) were
feel that way. end of the season – and this might shown on screen, it was evident
Klopp, like all managers in the be in less than two months – the they were not touching, so players
Premier League, will have attended more relaxed style of refereeing were correctly ruled offside.
pre-season meetings where this will come under pressure to So Riley, why not pick up the
new approach will have been change. It is important for PGMOL phone today and have a chat with
discussed. to hold regular meetings with Klopp after you have determined
Mike Dean, the official in charge referees and club managers to get who is going to referee Chelsea v
of the Liverpool v Burnley game, a feel of any tweaks that need to be Liverpool? My choice would be
delivered a top-class performance made. Information from clubs Michael Oliver.

Leicester avoid need to sell in pursuit of top four

By John Percy

Since winning the Premier League football is firmly in their sights.

West Ham v Leicester
in 2016, Leicester City have often Rodgers said: “Over the years those 8pm, Sky Sports
been victims of their own success. players felt the need to move on and
Perhaps, that is finally about to end. further their careers, which is abso-
Over the past five summers they lutely fine as that’s the nature of the there was never an inquiry or a bid
have sold N’Golo Kante, Danny game. Some of the biggest clubs in made. There has been no drama
Drinkwater, Riyad Mahrez, Harry the world will lose their players. there.”
Maguire and Ben Chilwell and raked “You’ve always got to be prepar- Tielemans, the Belgium interna-
in nearly £260 million in transfer ing this pipeline of players so if tional, remains in talks over a new
fees. you  do lose them, you’ve got the contract and Leicester are quietly
Due to their resources being nex t one s coming in. That ’s confident he will commit his future
smaller than the established “Big something we’re very clear on here to the club. Leicester have also
Six”, the policy of selling a star at the club. recruited well again this summer,
player every year has been the club “This summer, the players have with Patson Daka, Boubakary Sou-
model, even if it was sometimes been able to reflect on where we are mare, Jannik Vestergaard and Ryan
difficult for supporters to accept. at as a team and a club to move Bertrand the new arrivals.
This year, however, the Leicester forward, and they feel they want to After missing out on the top four
squad could finally survive a be a part of that. That’s great news. on the final day two seasons run-
summer unscathed. “There’s obviously been things ning, the objective will be to finally
Barring any unwanted and unex- around James this summer [the make that next step under Rodgers.
pected late drama, coveted players links with Arsenal], but the reality is This season, West Ham will rep-
such as Youri Tielemans, James resent one of the threats to that mis-
Apology as fans shut out of St Mary’s for kick-off Maddison and Wilfred Ndidi will be sion and Leicester lost both games
staying at the King Power Stadium In the money How club have in the Premier League against David
By Jeremy Wilson for the new campaign. profited from big-name sales Moyes’s side last season.
Maddison, the attacking mid- Maddison is one player who owes
Southampton have apologised after fielder, had been on the radar of N’Golo Kante Harryy Maguire
g Rodgers a performance after miss-
a problem scanning tickets left Arsenal, but the signing of Martin helsea,
£32m to Chelsea, (below
(below) £80m ing the game in London last season
numerous fans unable to gain entry Odegaard from Real Madrid last July 2016 t Ma
to Manchester due to a breach of Covid regulations.
to St Mary’s in time for kick-off. week has now totally closed down Unite
United, “I am pretty sure this will be a big
The issue was unconnected to any possibility of a deal taking the nkwater
Danny Drinkwater Augu 2019
August season for him,” Rodgers said. “He
any new Covid-19 procedures and player away from Leicester. helsea,
£35m to Chelsea, was outstanding over the course of
the club have pledged an investiga- The impact of Covid-19 on foot- September 2017 Be
Ben pre-season, putting in a lot of extra
tion and a full refund to all general Frustrated: Supporters outside the stadium ball’s finances cannot be overstated, C
Chilwell work.
admission ticket-holders following but Leicester are now in a far rez
Riyad Mahrez £5 to
£50m “He is such a technical player
their first game at a fully operational getting behind the team and today’s stronger position than ever before. £60m to Che
Chelsea, who has a wonderful view of the
stadium since the pandemic began. issues will have tainted that experi- Their growth and progress under Manchesterr City, A
August game. If he stays clear of some of the
“We know you have waited 16 ence for a large number of you,” said Brendan Rodgers is clear to see, and July 2018 2
2020 little niggles he has had, I am sure it
months to be at a full stadium of fans managing director Toby Steele. the target of Champions League will be a great season for him.”
8 *** Monday 23 August 2021 The Daily Telegraph


Jason Burt’s Team of the weekend

Aston Villa 2-0 Newcastle Attendance 41,964 Table
HOME AWAY NEXT GAME It has been an Potter, who has
Aston Villa Newcastle
6 P W D L F A W D L F A GD Pts
Goalscorers Ings Subs Longstaff assured start to dealt well with
Martinez ■ 45, El Ghazi 62 pen (Hayden 46), 1 Chelsea 2 1 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 2 0 5 6 28/08 Liverpool (a) Lloris
6 6 7 6 the season for (Tottenham) the sale of Ben
Subs Philogene- Joelinton (Fernandez 2 Liverpool 2 1 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 3 0 5 6 28/08 Chelsea (h)
Cash Konsa Mings Young Bidace (Buendia 86), (g) 78), Fraser 3 Brighton 2 1 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 2 1 3 6 28/08 Everton (h)
Brighton. White for a
Tuanzebe (Douglas (Willock 90) Not Victories over remarkable
used Clark, Lewis, 4 Tottenham 2 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 6 29/08 Watford (h)
7 7 7 Luiz 89), Wesley Burnley, away, £50 million
(Ings 90) Not used Hendrick, Krafth, 5 Man Utd 2 1 0 0 5 1 0 1 0 1 1 4 4 29/08 Wolverhampton (a)
Livramento Van Dijk Stephens James
McGinn Douglas Luiz ■ Ramsey Targett, Steer (g), Gillespie (g), Gayle
6 Everton 2 1 0 0 3 1 0 1 0 2 2 2 4 28/08 Brighton (a) and at home to (Southampton) (Liverpool) (Southampton) (Chelsea) – and has even
7 Brentford 2 1 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 4 28/08 Aston Villa (a) Watford are brought Shane
Nakamba, Hause,
5 8 6 Chukwuemeka 8 Man City 2 1 0 0 5 0 0 0 1 0 1 4 3 28/08 Arsenal (h) precisely the Duffy back into
Buendia ■ ★Ings★ El Ghazi 9 West Ham 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 2 2 3 23/08 Leicester (h) kind of games the fold. A
10 Aston Villa 2 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 2 3 1 3 28/08 Brentford (h) they have to win Bissouma Alli Elliott more consistent
(Brighton) (Tottenham) (Liverpool)
6 5 11 Leicester 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 23/08 West Ham (a) if they are to goalscorer – and
Referee D Coote (Nottinghamshire) 12 Watford 2 1 0 0 3 2 0 0 1 0 2 -1 3 29/08 Tottenham (a) continue to Brighton are
Saint-Maximin Wilson ■
2 Shots on target 1 13 Southampton 2 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 3 -2 1 28/08 Newcastle (a) establish looking – would
5 6 5 ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙
9 Shots off target 8 14 Crystal Pal 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 -3 1 28/08 West Ham (a) themselves in Jesus Lukaku Ings make a
Almiron Willock Hayden ■ ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ 15 Leeds 2 0 1 0 2 2 0 0 1 1 5 -4 1 29/08 Burnley (a) the Premier
(Man City) (Chelsea) (Aston Villa)
5 4 3 Corners 4
16 Wolves 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 -2 0 29/08 Man Utd (h) League under difference and
4 5 5 Murphy ■ 8 Fouls committed 17 17 Burnley 2 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 1 0 2 -3 0 29/08 Leeds (h) their shrewd might just turn
Lascelles Fernandez Schar ■ ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ 18 Newcastle 2 0 0 1 2 4 0 0 1 0 2 -4 0 28/08 Southampton (h)
3 Offsides 2 manager Manager: Graham Potter
them into a
❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ 19 Arsenal 2 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 1 0 2 -4 0 28/08 Man City (a)
5 Graham (Brighton) top-half team.
49 Possession% 51 20 Norwich 2 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 1 0 5 -8 0 28/08 Leicester (h)
Woodman ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙

Brighton 2-0 Watford Attendance 29,485 Crystal Palace 0-0 Brentford Attendance 23,091 Leeds 2-2 Everton Attendance 36,293

Brighton Watford Crystal Palace Brentford Leeds Everton

6 6 8
Goalscorers Duffy Subs Hernandez Subs Ayew (Schlupp Subs Ghoddos Goalscorers Klich Goalscorers
Sanchez 10, Maupay 41 (Louza 46), King Guaita Meslier 41, Raphinha 72 Calvert-Lewin 30
6 6 7 7 68) Not used (Onyeka 70), Wissa
(Cathcart 65), (Mbeumo 77), 5 7 5 pen, Gray 50
Webster ■ Duffy ■ Dunk March ■
Subs Connolly
Deeney (Sema 78)
5 6 7 6 Matthews (g), Subs Shackleton
(Maupay 46), Butland, Tomkins, Bidstrup (Janelt 87) (Firpo 60), Roberts Subs Townsend
Not used Foster (g), Ward ■ Andersen ■ Guehi Mitchell Not used Fernandez, Ayling Struijk Cooper ■
Mwepu ■ (Trossard Mateta, Kelly, (Klich 60) Not used (Iwobi 75), Delph
8 6 8 72), Moder (Lallana Ngakia, Rose, Riedewald, Rak-Sakyi Goode, Forss, 8 Forshaw, Klaesson (Gray 83), Kean
80) Not used Fletcher, Sierralta, 6 Dervisoglu, 6 5
Trossard Lallana ★Bissouma★ Baah 7 6 Sorensen, Roerslev Phillips (g), Helder Costa, (Calvert-Lewin 90)
Alzate, Zeqiri, Steele Dallas Firpo Rodrigo, Cresswell, Not used Kenny,
Gallagher Kouyate McArthur 7
7 6 (g), Caicedo, Drameh, Holgate, Begovic (g),
Gross Mac Allister Roberts, Richards Klich Summerville Gbamin, Davies,
7 6 6 5 7 7 6
Maupay Zaha Benteke ■ Schlupp Raphinha Bamford ■ Harrison

6 5 6 6
Bonaventure Referee A Taylor (Cheshire) Referee M Atkinson (West Yorkshire) Calvert-Lewin Referee D England (South Yorkshire)
Toney Mbeumo
3 Shots on target 1 2 Shots on target 3 8 6 7 4 Shots on target 8
6 4 6 6 ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙
6 6 ★Gray★ Richarlison Iwobi
Sema Louza Cleverley Sarr 10 Shots off target 9 7 7 7 5 Shots off target 11 13 Shots off target 9
6 ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ Henry Canos ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ 7 7 ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙
7 Corners 2 Janelt Norgaard ■ Onyeka 3 Corners 5 8 Corners 5
Etebo ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ Allan Doucoure ■ ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙
11 6 7 7 8 10 8 6 12
5 6 5 6 Fouls committed Fouls committed 6 5 4 6 Fouls committed
❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ Pinnock Jansson ★Ajer★ ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙
Masina Kabasele Troost-Ekong Cathcart 1 Offsides 1 1 Offsides 2 Digne ■ Keane Mina ■ Coleman ■ 0 Offsides 0
5 ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ 7 ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ 6 ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙
55 Possession% 45 50 Possession% 50 66 Possession% 34
Bachmann ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ Raya ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ Pickford ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙

Liverpool 2-0 Burnley Attendance 52,591 Man City 5-0 Norwich Attendance 51,437 Arsenal 0-2 Chelsea Attendance 58,729

Liverpool Burnley Man City Norwich Arsenal Chelsea

7 Goalscorers Jota Subs Rodriguez
6 7 Subs Aubameyang
Goalscorers Krul 7 Subs Mumba Goalscorers Lukaku
Alisson 18, Mane 69 (Wood 75), Pieters Ederson og, Grealish 22, (Giannoulis 46), Leno (Saka 61), Tavares 15, James 35
(Gudmundsson 79) (Tierney 66),
7 8 8 7 Subs Thiago (Keita
Not used Hennessey 8 7 7 6 Laporte 64, Sterling McLean (Rupp 46), 4 5 4 6 Balogun (Martinelli
Subs Kante (Kovacic
81), Firmino (Jota 71, Mahrez 84 Sargent (Pukki 77) 72), Ziyech (Mount
Alexander- ★Matip★ Van Dijk Tsimikas 81), Gomez (g), Collins, Norris, Walker Dias Laporte Cancelo Not used Dowell, Cedric Holding ■ Pablo Mari ■ Tierney 79) Not used
Subs Sterling 82), Werner
Arnold Bardsley, Thomas, Tzolis, Sorensen, Maitland-Niles,
(Tsimikas 90) Not
Richardson, Dodgson (Torres 61), Palmer 6 5 Chambers, Nelson,
(Havertz 90) Not
8 7 7 used Konate, Adrian, 7 7 7 (Gundogan 69), Gunn (g), Idah,
Sambi Lokonga ■ Xhaka Elneny, Kolasinac,
used Arrizabalaga
Jones, Minamino, Omobamidele (g), Thiago Silva,
Elliott Henderson Keita Robertson, Kelleher
Gundogan ■ Rodri Bernardo Mahrez (Grealish 75) 6 Ramsdale (g)
Not used Ake, Chalobah, Zouma,
(g) Zinchenko, Steffen
5 Smith Rowe 6 Hudson-Odoi,
7 8 7 9 6 6 (g), Mendy, Pepe 5 Saka Chilwell
★Jesus★ Torres Grealish Fernandinho, Doyle
Salah Jota Mane Martinelli

6 6 8
Wood Referee M Dean (Wirral) 5 4 5 Referee G Scott (Oxfordshire) Referee P Tierney (Lancashire)
Barnes Lukaku
Cantwell Pukki Rashica 7 7
8 Shots on target 3 4 Shots on target 0 3 Shots on target 5
❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ Havertz Mount ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙
7 5 5 5 19 Shots off target 6 5 5 3 12 Shots off target 1 3 Shots off target 17
McNeil Brownhill Cork Gudmundsson ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ Lees-Melou Gilmour Rupp ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ 7 7 7 9 ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙
8 Corners 4 6 Corners 1 Alonso Kovacic Jorginho ★James★
9 Corners 8
❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙
6 6 6 6 6 Fouls committed 12 3 4 4 5 13 Fouls committed 6 7 7 7 10 Fouls committed 3
❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ Giannoulis Gibson Hanley Aarons ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ Rudiger Christensen Azpilicueta
Taylor Mee Tarkowski Lowton 3 Offsides 7 2 Offsides 3 5 Offsides 0
6 ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ 6 ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ 7 ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙
66 Possession% 34 67 Possession% 33 37 Possession% 63
Pope ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ Krul ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ Mendy ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙

Southampton 1-1 Man Utd Wolverhampton 0-1 Tottenham Attendance 30,368 West Ham v Leicester Tonight 8pm
Southampton Man Utd Wolverhampton Tottenham TV Sky Sports
5 7 1
Goalscorer Fred 30 Goalscorer Subs Dendoncker Goalscorer Alli 10 Probable teams
McCarthy Jose Sa (Joao Moutinho 72), pen Fabianski
og Greenwood 55
7 7 6 6 Subs Bednarek Subs Sancho 7 7 6
Silva (Saiss 84), Ait
Subs Lo Celso (Lucas 5 15 21 3 West Ham
Nouri (Trincao 84)
Livramento Stephens ■ Salisu Perraud (Walcott 46), Diallo (Martial 59), Moura 67), Kane ■ Coufal Dawson Ogbonna Cresswell
Kilman Coady Saiss Not used Hoever,
(Djenepo 70), McTominay (Fred (Son 72), Winks
Gibbs-White, Ruddy
Walker-Peters 76), Lingard (Matic (g), Cundle,
(Bergwijn 90) Not 41 28
6 7 7 5 (Perraud 79) Not 86) Not used Mata, 7 6 8 6 Marques, Campbell
used Doherty, Gil Rice Soucek 
Salvatierra, 8
Walcott Ward-Prowse Romeu Djenepo ■ used Long, Varane, Dalot,
Nelson Joao ★Neves★ Marcal Sessegnon, Gollini
20 22
Redmond, Tella, James, Heaton (g),
van de Beek Semedo Moutinho (g), Davies, Scarlett Bowen Benrahma Fornals Out Masuaku (knee).
Elyounoussi, Valery,
7 6 Forster (g) 6 6 7 9
★Adams★ Armstrong Trincao Jimenez ■ Traore Antonio

5 6 5 4 9
Martial Referee C Pawson (South Yorkshire)
Bergwijn Son Lucas Moura
Referee S Attwell (Warwickshire) Vardy Leicester
7 6 6 3 Shots on target 3 6 Shots on target 6 7 10 17
Pogba ■ Bruno Fernandes ■ Greenwood ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙
5 12 6 6 6 19 2 Barnes Maddison Perez
6 5
Shots off target
❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ Alli Hojbjerg ■ Skipp ■
Shots off target
❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ 25 8 
Matic Fred 7 Corners 7 5 Corners 4 Ndidi Tielemans
❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ Out Fofana (fibula), Bertrand
6 6 6 6 12 Fouls committed 10 6 7 6 5 9 Fouls committed 7 33 4 18 25 (coronavirus), Evans (foot).
Shaw Maguire ■ Lindelof Wan-Bissaka ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ Reguilon Dier Sanchez Tanganga ■ ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ Thomas Soyuncu Amartey Pereira
0 Offsides 2 2 Offsides 0
6 ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ 7 ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ 1
35 Possession% 65 60 Possession% 40 Referee M Oliver (Northumberland)
De Gea ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ Lloris ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ Schmeichel
The Daily Telegraph Monday 23 August 2021 *** 9


This week’s fixtures Sky Bet EFL Scotland

Kick-off 7.45 unless stated Championship League One League Two Premiership
P W D L F A W D L F A GD Pts P W D L F A W D L F A GD Pts P W D L F A W D L F A GD Pts P W D L F A W D L F A GD Pts
Premier League
West Ham v Leicester (8, Sky Sp Premier League). Fulham 4 1 1 0 3 1 2 0 0 7 2 7 10 Sheff Wed 4 2 0 0 3 0 1 1 0 2 0 5 10 Forest Green 4 2 0 0 8 4 2 0 0 5 2 7 12 Hibernian 3 1 0 0 3 0 1 1 0 5 4 4 7
West Brom 4 2 0 0 7 2 1 1 0 4 3 6 10 Wycombe 4 2 0 0 3 1 1 1 0 4 2 4 10 Bradford 4 2 0 0 6 2 1 1 0 3 2 5 10 Aberdeen 3 1 0 0 2 0 1 1 0 3 2 3 7
Champions League Play-offs 2nd leg Stoke 4 2 0 0 4 2 1 1 0 3 1 4 10 Portsmouth 4 2 0 0 3 0 1 1 0 1 0 4 10 Swindon 4 0 1 1 1 2 2 0 0 4 1 2 7 Hearts 3 1 1 0 3 2 1 0 0 2 1 2 7
Ferencvaros (2) v Young Boys (3) (8, BT Sp ESPN), Coventry 4 2 0 0 4 2 1 0 1 1 1 2 9 Accrington 4 2 0 0 3 1 1 0 1 2 2 2 9 Mansfield 4 2 0 1 6 5 0 1 0 1 1 1 7 Celtic 3 2 0 0 12 0 0 0 1 1 2 11 6
Ludogorets v Malmo (8, BT Sp 2), PSV Eindhoven (1) v QPR 4 0 2 0 3 3 2 0 0 6 2 4 8 Sunderland 4 2 0 0 3 1 1 0 1 2 2 2 9 Stevenage 4 1 1 0 2 1 1 0 1 3 4 0 7 Rangers 3 1 0 0 3 0 1 0 1 4 3 4 6
Benfica (2) (8, BT Sp 1). Cardiff 4 1 1 0 4 2 1 1 0 4 2 4 8 Burton 4 2 0 0 3 1 1 0 1 1 3 0 9 Harrogate T 2 2 0 0 5 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 6 Dundee Utd 3 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 2 0 6
Sky Bet League Two
Bournemth 4 0 2 0 4 4 2 0 0 4 1 3 8 Bolton 4 1 1 0 5 4 1 1 0 4 3 2 8 Hartlepool 3 2 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 2 3 2 6 Motherwell 3 0 0 1 2 3 1 1 0 3 2 0 4
Leyton Orient v Harrogate Tn.
Carabao Cup 2nd round Birmingham 4 0 1 1 0 2 2 0 0 6 0 4 7 Plymouth 4 1 1 0 2 1 1 0 1 3 2 2 7 Carlisle 4 0 2 0 1 1 1 1 0 2 1 1 6 St Johnstone 3 0 1 1 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 -1 2
Barrow v Aston Villa (Sky Sp Main Event), Birmingham Blackburn 4 1 0 1 3 3 1 1 0 3 2 1 7 Wigan 4 1 1 0 2 1 1 0 1 3 2 2 7 Newport Co 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 3 2 1 6 Dundee 3 0 2 0 4 4 0 0 1 0 6 -6 2
v Fulham, Blackpool v Sunderland, Brentford v Forest Huddersfield 4 1 0 1 2 5 1 1 0 3 2 -2 7 Oxford Utd 4 2 0 0 3 1 0 1 1 2 3 1 7 Northamptn 3 1 0 1 2 3 1 0 0 1 0 0 6 Ross County 3 0 1 1 2 4 0 0 1 0 3 -5 1
Green, Cardiff v Brighton, Gillingham v Cheltenham, Luton 4 1 0 1 3 5 1 0 1 3 3 -2 6 Rotherham 4 1 0 1 2 2 1 0 1 1 1 0 6 Ley Orient 3 1 0 0 3 0 0 2 0 2 2 3 5 St Mirren 3 0 0 1 1 2 0 1 1 2 8 -7 1
Huddersfield v Everton, Leeds v Crewe, Millwall v
Cambridge Utd, Morecambe v Preston North End, Middlesbro’ 4 1 0 1 4 4 0 2 0 1 1 0 5 Cambridge 4 1 1 0 4 1 0 1 1 2 3 2 5 Exeter 4 1 1 0 4 1 0 1 1 0 3 0 5 Livingston 3 0 0 2 2 4 0 0 1 0 3 -5 0
Northampton v AFC Wimbledon, Norwich v AFC Barnsley 4 1 0 1 1 1 0 2 0 3 3 0 5 MK Dons 4 1 0 1 3 3 0 2 0 5 5 0 5 Colchester 4 0 1 1 1 2 1 1 0 2 1 0 5
Bournemouth (7), Nottingham Forest v Wolverhampton Derby 4 0 2 0 1 1 1 0 1 2 2 0 5 AFC W’don 4 0 2 0 4 4 1 0 1 2 2 0 5 Tranmere 4 1 0 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 5 Celtic 6-0 St Mirren
(8), Oldham v Accrington (7), QPR v Oxford Utd, Abada 17, 22
Bristol City 4 0 1 1 1 2 1 0 1 4 4 -1 4 Gillingham 4 1 1 0 3 2 0 1 1 1 2 0 5 Rochdale 4 0 1 1 1 2 1 0 1 5 4 0 4 Turnbull 28, 44, 84
Sheffield Utd v Derby, Shrewsbury v Rochdale,
Swansea 4 0 1 1 1 3 1 0 1 2 2 -2 4 Morecambe 4 1 0 1 2 1 0 1 1 3 4 0 4 Barrow 4 1 1 0 3 2 0 0 2 1 3 -1 4 Edouard 62
Stevenage v Wycombe, Stoke v Doncaster, Swansea v
Plymouth (7), Watford v Crystal Palace, Wigan v Peterboro’ 4 1 1 0 4 3 0 0 2 0 4 -3 4 Lincoln City 4 1 0 1 2 2 0 1 1 1 2 -1 4 Port Vale 4 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 -1 3 Livingston 1-2 Motherwell
Bolton. Forrest 38 Watt 48
Reading 4 1 0 1 4 4 0 0 2 3 5 -2 3 Cheltenham 4 1 0 1 3 4 0 1 1 3 4 -2 4 Scunthorpe 4 0 1 1 2 4 0 2 0 1 1 -2 3 Grimshaw 79
Papa John’s Trophy Hull 4 0 0 2 0 4 1 0 1 4 3 -3 3 Fleetwood 4 1 0 1 3 3 0 0 2 1 3 -2 3 Crawley 3 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 2 3 7 -3 3 (1,718)
Northern Group E: Scunthorpe v Man City U21 (7). Dundee 2-2 Hibernian
Preston 4 1 0 1 2 4 0 0 2 1 3 -4 3 Ipswich 4 0 2 0 4 4 0 0 2 2 4 -2 2 Bristol Rvs 4 1 0 1 1 2 0 0 2 2 6 -5 3
Northern Group F: Lincoln City v Man Utd U21 (7). Cummings 11 Boyle 39 (pen)
Southern Group E: Exeter v Chelsea U21 (7). Millwall 4 0 1 1 2 3 0 1 1 2 4 -3 2 Charlton 4 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 2 2 4 -4 1 Sutton Utd 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 2 3 -1 2 McGowan 83 Porteous 59
Blackpool 4 0 0 2 0 3 0 2 0 3 3 -3 2 Crewe 4 0 1 1 1 2 0 0 2 0 3 -4 1 Salford City 4 0 2 1 1 2 0 0 1 1 2 -2 2 (5,295)
Champions League Play-off 2nd leg Sheff Utd 4 0 0 2 1 3 0 1 1 0 4 -6 1 Doncaster 4 0 1 1 1 2 0 0 2 0 3 -4 1 Walsall 4 0 1 1 2 4 0 0 2 0 3 -5 1 Hearts 1-1 Aberdeen
Brondby (1) v Red Bull Salzburg (2) (8, BT Sp 2), Nottm Forest 4 0 0 2 2 4 0 0 2 1 3 -4 0 Shrewsbury 4 0 0 2 0 4 0 0 2 0 3 -7 0 Oldham 4 0 0 2 1 3 0 0 2 1 3 -4 0 Boyce 56 (pen) Ojo 71
Dinamo Zagreb (0) v Sheriff (3) (8, BT Sp ESPN),
Shakhtar Donetsk (1) v Monaco (0) (8, BT Sp 1).
Bournemouth 2-2 Blackpool Bolton 2-1 Oxford Utd Carlisle 1-1 Leyton Orient Ross County 2-4 Rangers
Carabao Cup 2nd rd Solanke 6, 19 Husband 57 Afolayan 45 Taylor 11 Abrahams 9 (pen) Smith 74 Clarke 40 Aribo 15, Goldson 19
West Brom v Arsenal (8, Sky Sp Main Event), Yates 60 (pen) Doyle 63 (4,597) White 77 (pen) Morelos 56
Newcastle v Burnley, Newport Co v Southampton. (9,187) (15,073) (6,450) Arfield 84
THURSDAY Blackburn 1-2 West Brom Cambridge Utd 3-0 Burton Exeter 4-1 Bristol Rovers St Johnstone 0-1 Dundee Utd
Brereton 51 Mowatt 1 Smith 53 Jay 3, 15 Finley 70 Pawlett 60
Europa League Play-Off 2nd leg Phillips 45 Hamer 73 (og), 79 (og) Dieng 22 (5,716)
AZ Alkmaar (0) v Celtic (2, Prem Sp 1) (7.15), (11,926) (4,468) Kite 24 (5,284)
Alashkert FC (0) v Rangers (1) (4). Cardiff 3-1 Millwall Charlton 0-2 Wigan Forest Green 6-3 Crawley
Europa Conference League Qualifying Flint 66, 70 Afobe 76 Darikwa 88 Cadden 1, 67, 69 Hessenthaler 14, 30 Championship
Play-off round 2nd leg Morrison 83 McClean 90 Stevens 24 Appiah 86
(18,168) (13,839) Matt 48, Young 78 (1,922) HOME AWAY
Tottenham (0) v Pacos Ferreira (1, BT Sp 2), Aberdeen
P W D L F A W D L F A GD Pts
(0) v Karabakh (1), St Johnstone (1) v LASK (1) (7), Coventry 2-1 Reading Crewe 0-1 Accrington Harrogate Town 2-1 Barrow
Shamrock Rovers (2) v Flora Tallinn (4) (8). Allen 62 Swift 40 (pen) Nottingham 17 Pattison 60, 81 Zanzala 17 Kilmarnock 3 1 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 3 0 5 9
Godden 90 (4,187) (1,564) Inverness 3 2 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 3 9
FRIDAY (16,464)
Sky Bet League One Partick 3 1 0 0 3 2 1 0 1 4 3 2 6
Derby 0-0 Middlesbrough Doncaster 0-0 Portsmouth Hartlepool 2-0 Walsall
Burton v Cheltenham (Sky Sp Football). (16,123) (6,660) Burey 23 Arbroath 3 1 0 1 3 2 0 1 0 2 2 1 4
Sky Bet League Two Featherstone 57 (pen) Morton 3 0 1 1 4 5 1 0 0 1 0 0 4
Rochdale v Colchester. (4,677)
Queen of S 3 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 5 5 -1 3
cinch Scottish League Two Fulham 2-0 Hull Fleetwood 3-2 Cheltenham Mansfield 2-3 Bradford
Mitrovic 22 Clarke 33 Wright 8 Hawkins 37, 52 O’Connor 19 Raith 2 0 1 0 4 4 0 0 1 0 1 -1 1
Edinburgh City v Elgin.
Carvalho 34 Johnson 81 May 87 Vernam 61 Hamilton 3 0 0 2 0 3 0 1 0 4 4 -3 1
Kick-off 3 unless stated Morris 90 (2,392) (6,058) Cook 87
Ayr 3 0 1 0 2 2 0 0 2 0 3 -3 1
SATURDAY Luton 0-5 Birmingham Gillingham 2-1 Morecambe Northampton 1-3 Rochdale
Dunfermline 2 0 0 1 0 3 0 1 0 2 2 -3 1
Premier League Roberts 7 Carayol 4 Stockton 25 Guthrie 21 Taylor 17
Aston Villa v Brentford, Brighton v Everton, Liverpool v Hogan 26, 47 Oliver 79 (pen) Andrews 73 Raith A Dunfrmline A (floodlight failure)-Arbroath 3 Partick
(10,014) Gardner 84, Aneke 88 (3,789) (4,870) Odoh 90 1-Hamilton 0 Kilmarnock 2-Inverness CT 1 Ayr 0-Morton 2
Chelsea (5.30, Sky Sp Main Event), Man City v Arsenal
(12.30, BT Sp 1), Newcastle v Southampton, Norwich v Preston North End 1-0 Peterborough Ipswich 2-2 Milton Keynes Dons Oldham 1-2 Colchester Queen of the South 3.
Leicester, West Ham v Crystal Palace. Bauer 14 Bonne 16, 72 Twine 59 Bahamboula 73 Sears 9 (pen)
Sky Bet Championship
O’Riley 75
Chilvers 12 League 1
Barnsley v Birmingham, Cardiff v Bristol City (12.30), Rotherham 0-2 Sheffield Wednesday Salford City 0-1 Swindon HOME AWAY
QPR 2-2 Barnsley
Derby v Nottingham Forest (12.30, Sky Sp Main Chair 76 Frieser 14 Kamberi 50 Payne 49 P W D L F A W D L F A GD Pts
Event), Fulham v Stoke, Huddersfield v Reading, Hull v Austin 90 Woodrow 27 Gregory 77 (2,229) Montrose 4 1 1 0 3 2 2 0 0 5 0 6 10
AFC Bournemouth, Luton v Sheffield Utd, (11,522)
Falkirk 4 2 0 0 5 1 1 1 0 3 2 5 10
Middlesbrough v Blackburn, Millwall v Blackpool, Sheffield Utd 1-2 Huddersfield Shrewsbury 0-3 Plymouth Scunthorpe 1-1 Sutton Utd
Preston North End v Swansea, QPR v Coventry, Sharp 90 Koroma 75 Hardie 24, 65 Scrimshaw 51 Wilson 84 Queen’s Pk 4 2 0 0 5 0 0 2 0 2 2 5 8
Peterborough v West Brom (8, Sky Sp Main Event). Colwill 90 Jephcott 50 (2,429) Cove Rangers 4 1 1 0 6 3 1 0 1 3 3 3 7
(28,036) (5,737)
Sky Bet League One Alloa 4 1 1 0 4 2 0 0 2 1 4 -1 4
Cambridge Utd v Bolton, Charlton v Crewe, Ipswich v Stoke 1-0 Nottingham Forest Sunderland 1-0 AFC Wimbledon Stevenage 1-1 Port Vale
Tymon 66 Winchester 64 Norris 33 Rodney 20 Dumbarton 4 0 1 1 3 5 1 0 1 3 3 -2 4
AFC Wimbledon, Milton Keynes Dons v Accrington,
(21,346) (29,093) (2,727) Airdrie 4 0 0 2 1 5 1 1 0 5 4 -3 4
Morecambe v Sheffield Wednesday, Oxford Utd v
Lincoln City, Plymouth v Fleetwood, Rotherham v Clyde 4 1 0 1 2 4 0 1 1 2 5 -5 4
Doncaster (1), Shrewsbury v Gillingham, Sunderland v Bristol City 0-1 Swansea Wycombe 1-0 Lincoln City Tranmere 0-1 Newport Co
Piroe 19 Vokes 3 Fisher 60 Peterhead 4 1 0 1 4 3 0 0 2 1 3 -1 3
Wycombe, Wigan v Portsmouth. (20,139) (6,160) East Fife 4 0 1 1 1 3 0 0 2 3 8 -7 1
Sky Bet League Two (Friday)
Barrow v Bristol Rovers, Crawley v Northampton, Forest Alloa 1 Queen’s Park 1-Dumbarton 1 Cove Rangers 3-East
Fife 0 Montrose 2-Falkirk 3 Clyde 0-Peterhead 2
Green v Port Vale, Harrogate Tn v Exeter, Hartlepool v Airdrieonians 3.
Carlisle, Leyton Orient v Bradford, Salford City v Vanarama League
Newport Co, Scunthorpe v Tranmere, Sutton Utd v League 2
Oldham, Swindon v Mansfield, Walsall v Stevenage. National North South
Dundee Utd v Hearts, Hibernian v Livingston, P W D L F A W D L F A GD Pts P W D L F A W D L F A GD Pts P W D L F A W D L F A GD Pts P W D L F A W D L F A GD Pts
Motherwell v Dundee. Notts Cnty 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 5 0 5 3 K’minster 2 1 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 2 1 4 6 Dartford 2 1 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 3 1 5 6 Kelty Hearts 4 2 0 0 3 0 1 1 0 5 3 5 10
cinch Scottish Championship Dag & Red 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 1 2 3 Fylde 2 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 4 2 3 6 Havant & W 2 1 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 2 1 4 6 Annan Ath 4 1 0 1 3 3 2 0 0 4 0 4 9
Ayr v Raith, Dunfermline v Arbroath, Kilmarnock v Forfar 4 1 1 0 4 2 1 1 0 3 1 4 8
Altrincham 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 1 2 3 Spennymoor 2 1 0 0 3 2 1 0 0 2 1 2 6 Bath City 2 1 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 1 0 4 6
Inverness CT, Partick v Morton, Queen of the South v
Chesterfield 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 2 3 Brackley 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 2 6 Stirling 4 0 0 1 1 3 2 0 1 5 3 0 6
Hamilton. Maidstone 2 1 0 0 4 2 1 0 0 2 1 3 6
cinch Scottish League One Boreham W 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 2 3 Gloucester 2 1 0 0 4 0 0 1 0 2 2 4 4 Elgin 4 1 2 0 5 2 0 0 1 1 3 1 5
Braintree 2 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 3 0 3 4
Airdrieonians v Alloa, Clyde v Cove Rangers, East Fife v Maidenhead 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 1 1 3 Farsley Celtic 2 0 1 0 2 2 1 0 0 1 0 1 4 Cowdenbth 3 1 0 0 3 1 0 1 1 1 3 0 4
Concord R 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 3 3 1 4
Peterhead, Falkirk v Queen’s Park, Montrose v Woking 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 1 1 3 Albion 4 1 1 1 4 3 0 0 1 0 3 -2 4
AFC Telford 1 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 Hamp & Rich 2 0 0 1 1 2 1 0 0 5 0 4 3
Dumbarton. Edinburgh C 4 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 5 -4 3
Southend 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 3 Gateshead 1 1 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 Ebbsfleet 1 1 0 0 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 3
cinch Scottish League Two
Wrexham 1 0 0 02 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 1 Blyth Sp 2 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 3 -1 3 Sten’muir 4 0 1 1 1 2 0 1 1 2 3 -2 2
Cowdenbeath v Annan Athletic, Forfar v Stranraer, Hungerford 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 1 3 3
Stenhousemuir v Kelty Hearts, Stirling v Albion. Solihull Mrs 1 0 1 00 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 Kettering 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 3 -1 3 Stranraer 3 0 0 2 0 6 0 1 0 1 1 -6 1
Dorking 2 1 0 0 3 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 3
Vanarama National League Eastleigh 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Chester FC 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 2 0 1 Albion 0 Annan Athletic 1-Elgin 1 Forfar 1-Kelty Hearts 1
Eastbourne 2 0 0 1 0 5 1 0 0 5 2 -2 3
Boreham Wood v Aldershot, Chesterfield v Wealdstone, Edinburgh City 0-Stenhousemuir 1 Cowdenbeath 1-Stranraer
Bromley 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Curzon Ash 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Slough 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 3 -2 3 0 Stirling 3.
Dagenham & Redbridge v Bromley, Eastleigh v
Wrexham, Grimsby v Weymouth, Maidenhead Utd v Grimsby 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Southport 2 0 1 0 2 2 0 0 1 2 3 -1 1 Oxford City 2 0 1 0 3 3 0 1 0 1 1 0 2
Dover, Notts County v Torquay, Solihull Moors v Barnet, Yeovil 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bradford PA 2 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 -1 1 Chippenham 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 HIGHLAND LEAGUE: Formartine United 4 Nairn County
Southend v Stockport Co (5.20, BT Sp 1), Woking v FC Wealdstone 1 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 Hereford 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 -1 1 1-Forres Mechanics 2 Clachnacuddin 2-Fort William 0 Brora
Dulwich 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8-Fraserburgh 1 Brechin 0-Huntly 1 Keith 1-Inverurie Loco
Halifax, Yeovil v King’s Lynn Tn. FC Halifax 1 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 Guiseley 2 0 0 1 2 4 0 1 0 1 1 -2 1 Chelmsford 2 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 1 0 1 -2 0 Works 3 Deveronvale 0-Rothes 2 Buckie Thistle 0-Strathspey
SUNDAY King’s Lynn 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 Darlington 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Thistle 3 Lossiemouth 1-Wick Academy 1 Turriff United 1.
St Albans 2 0 0 1 1 3 0 0 1 2 3 -3 0
Premier League Torquay 1 0 0 1 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 -2 0 LOWLAND LEAGUE: Berwick 2 East Kilbride 3-Bo’ness Utd 1
Leamington 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hemel Hemp 2 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 1 2 4 -5 0
Burnley v Leeds (2, Sky Sp Main Event), Tottenham Bonnyrigg Rose 2-Caledonian Braves 4 Vale Of Leithen
Hotspur v Watford (2), Wolverhampton v Man Utd Stockport C 1 0 0 1 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 -2 0 Boston Utd 2 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 1 0 1 -2 0 0-Celtic B 1 Dalbeattie Star 0-Civil Service Strollers 4
Tonbridge 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 5 -5 0
(4.30, Sky Sp Main Event). Weymouth 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 -2 0 Alfreton 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 -3 0 Cumbernauld Colts 2-Edinburgh Univ 0 Rangers B 3-Gretna
Billericay 2 0 0 1 2 5 0 0 1 0 3 -6 0 2008 1 Broomhill 2-Spartans 2 E Stirling 3-Stirling
cinch Scottish Premiership Aldershot 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 -2 0 Chorley 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 3 -4 0 Welling 2 0 0 1 1 4 0 0 1 0 3 -6 0 University P Gala Fairydean P (Postponed -new date to be
Rangers v Celtic (12, Sky Sp Main Event), Aberdeen v Barnet 1 0 0 1 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 -5 0 York 2 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 1 0 4 -5 0 announced).
Ross County, St Mirren v St Johnstone. Billericay 2 Eastbourne Borough 5-Chelmsford 1 Maidstone
Dover 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -12 AFC Fylde 1 Boston Utd 0-AFC Telford 3 Chorley 0-Bradford Utd 2-Chippenham P Ebbsfleet Utd P-Dartford 3 Slough
FA Women’s Championship
Aldershot 0 Chesterfield 2-Barnet 0 Notts County 5-Bromley P A 1 Hereford FC 1-Curzon Ashton 1 Guiseley 1-Farsley 0-Dorking Wanderers 3 St Albans 2-Hampton & Richmond 1 WELSH PREMIER LEAGUE: Connah’s Quay Nomads 1
Blackburn v Sheff Utd (2), Coventry United v Celtic 2 Chester FC 2-Gateshead 3 Kettering 1-Gloucester 4 Havant and W 2-Hemel Hempstead 0 Braintree Town
P Grimsby P-FC Halifax 1 Maidenhead Utd 2-King’s Lynn Aberystwyth Town 0-Haverfordwest County 0 Cardiff Met
Sunderland (2), Crystal Palace v Bristol City (2), Town 0 Southend 1-Solihull Moors 2 Wrexham 2-Stockport York 0-Kidderminster 3 Blyth Spartans 0-Spennymoor Town 3-Oxford City 3 Concord Rangers 3-Tonbridge Angels 0 Bath Uni-Barry Town United 0 Bala Town 0-Flint Town United 4
Durham v Watford (12), Lewes v Charlton (2), Liverpool Co 1 Dagenham & Redbridge 3-Torquay 1 Altrincham 3 Southport 2-Alfreton Town 0 Brackley 1. City 1-Welling 1 Hungerford Town 4. Cefn Druids 0-Penybont 1 Newtown 1-The New Saints FC 5
v London City Lionesses (2). 3-Wealdstone 1 Woking 2-Weymouth 0 Boreham Wood 2. Caernarfon Town 3.
10 *** Monday 23 August 2021 The Daily Telegraph


Klopp answers the

Wijnaldum question
with teenage talent
By Chris Bascombe at Anfield

hHarvey Elliott revels in his Just like Wijnaldum? Anfield’s new star
key role as Liverpool overcome
Harvey Elliott’s completed passes v Burnley Completed passes in the
Burnley 2-0 to suggest Dutch attacking third vs Burnley
midfielder may not be missed Elliott


t is a measure of Liverpool’s Henderson and Salah
serene start to the Premier
League season that the club’s 17
hierarchy are yet to face what Alexander-Arnold
might be called “the Georginio
Wijnaldum question”. 16
Apprehensive supporters have Liverpool's most frequent pass Alexander-Arnold Henderson Elliott
combinations all featured Elliott to Elliott 18 to Elliott 15 to Salah 15
asked why the void in the centre of
their midfield was not filled follow-
ing Wijnaldum’s contentious depar- Elliott, responsible for more for-
ture to Paris St-Germain. ward passes than any other Liver-
When Liverpool lined up against pool player on Saturday, was denied
Norwich City without Jordan Hen- the sweetest of assists, when his
derson and Fabinho, and then called perfectly weighted pass fell to a
up an 18-year-old for Saturday’s visit narrowly offside Mohamed Salah.
of Burnley, you can imagine But he will have enjoyed playing
thoughts were drifting towards the a part in the game’s second goal
much-admired Dutchman. when he received Virgil van Dijk’s
To lose such an established player diagonal ball and linked with Trent
on a free transfer might have been Alexander-Arnold to tee up Sadio
considered careless; to fail to replace Mane.
him with a player of comparable Elliott grew into the game. There

pedigree looked negligent. were some tricky moments, of

Instead, laments for Wijnaldum’s course, such as losing out to a thun-
absence have been drowned out by derous 50-50 challenge with Josh
the appreciation of the performance Brownhill on the edge of his own
of teenager Harvey Elliott. penalty area, which led directly to
He is not a direct replacement for Shaqiri deal Dwight McNeil forcing Alisson
Wijnaldum, though. Elliott’s profile Lyon in talks Becker into a save. There was
is significantly different, playing another occasion with a clever six-
higher up the pitch and more likely Xherdan Shaqiri yard pass to a team-mate diced with
to pick a pass for overlapping full- is poised to move danger, inviting an interception
backs than to slot into a defensive to Lyon after deep in the Liverpool half.
role to cover their runs. Liverpool These can be attributed to inex-
And anyone expecting an 18-year- accepted a perience, and were overshadowed
old to easily replace a Holland inter-
national who featured in all but 11 of
Liverpool’s 190 Premier League
games – as Wijnaldum did over his
five years – is being unreasonably
£9.5 million offer
from the French
Liverpool had
rejected an initial
by the more eye-catching qualities
which ensured Elliott was such a
menace that he was the most fouled
Liverpool player.
And Klopp’s message to Elliott
Jesus masterclass gives Gua
ambitious. But should Elliott’s bid for the afterwards may have been that, hav- By Jim White at the Etihad Stadium
promise be realised, Liverpool’s 29-year-old ing emerged unscathed against
recruiters can expect more credit.
They signed Elliott from Fulham
international but
Sean Dyche’s physical team, every-
one else might seem like light-
hManager hails efforts of his Eyes on the prize:
Gabriel Jesus was
But even if Kane does arrive, of
one thing we can be sure: Gabriel
when he was 16, helped by a combi- Shaqiri will now weights. ‘incredible’ players as Brazilian involved in three of Jesus is going nowhere.
nation of their scouting and the fact hold talks with When Klopp suggested he had dazzles on the wing during City’s goals in the For many observers it seemed
the youngster and his father are the Ligue 1 club, already signed a “new midfielder” – win over Norwich as likely that were City to bring in Kane
Liverpool fans who followed the who yesterday following Elliott’s return from a loan thumping 5-0 win over Norwich he impressed as a long-term replacement for
club around Europe. drew 3-3 at home spell at Blackburn Rovers and the playing on the wing Aguero it would be Jesus who made

Elliott’s arrival, in a deal which with Clermont. signing of an extended deal – that ep Guardiola appears in no way. On Saturday he demonstrated
may rise to £4.3 million, was offi- Shaqiri joined remark prompted more rolling of hurry. After Manchester City his value to the cause with a brilliant
cially confirmed in July 2019. Klopp Liverpool in 2018 eyes than any expectation that the brushed aside Norwich with performance, which saw him
has been nurturing him in readiness in the wake of teenager was ready to be immedi- an ease that approached involved in three goals, with
for Saturday’s full Premier League former club Stoke ately thrust into a title-challenging disdain, he was asked, not for the another assist ruled out by Var. His
debut, transforming him from a City’s relegation. team. first time, whether he was going to manager heaped praise on him, say-
wide attacker to a deeper, more ver- Jurgen Klopp At such an early stage, it would be buy Harry Kane. His answer did not ing his parents should be proud. The
satile midfielder. described the premature, dangerous and plain suggest a manager with a pressing interesting thing was that Jesus was
A recurring criticism of Liver- £13 million move wrong to portray Elliott as the natu- need to spend. not playing as he previously has as
pool’s midfield has been that too as a “no-brainer”, ral, like-for-like successor to Wijnal- “When we decide to not sign a a central striker: he dazzled out on
many players brought similar quali- but Shaqiri has dum. But his emergence does contract for [Sergio] Aguero and the wing.
ties; more adept at dominating and fallen out of demonstrate to critics of Liverpool’s people say what we’re going to do, I Guardiola has always liked to
controlling than creating. favour in recent transfer policy that perhaps, just said many times: it will depend on attack from the flanks. Already able
Whether Klopp prefers Elliott, seasons and last perhaps, the club knew what was the market; the options,” the City to call on the services of Raheem
Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain, Thiago year was coming when they terminated the manager said. “Maybe we buy or Sterling, Riyad Mahrez and happy to
Alcantara or Curtis Jones, the signs restricted to only contract negotiation with a midfield maybe we’ll not. We still have 10 play Phil Foden out there, he has
are that his midfield unit is evolving five league starts. veteran and successfully concluded days in the transfer market, we’re added Jack Grealish to his wing
again. the other for a precocious teenager. going to see what happens.” resources. Now Jesus has
The Daily Telegraph Monday 23 August 2021 *** 11

Ings stunner is straight

from playbook of Villa’s
new ‘set-piece specialist’
By John Percy at Villa Park

hWonderful scissor kick and

El Ghazi penalty seal 2-0 home
win but Newcastle left to rue
two crucial refereeing decisions

he acrobatics and predatory
instincts of Danny Ings
cannot be coached, but the
strategy behind his wonder-
ful goal on Saturday was devised at
Aston Villa’s training ground.
Ings’s scissor kick was a sublime
moment of invention, yet the set-
piece routine was the work of a new
appointment who Villa are hoping New addition: Austin MacPhee has been
will further the club’s progress. recruited to help with Villa’s set plays
After the departure of former
England captain John Terry and upgrade for the back four, while
Dean Smith’s long-serving deputy Ings and Ollie Watkins – who missed
Richard O’Kelly, Austin MacPhee Saturday’s win with a knee injury –
was recruited this summer. are effectively replacing the goals of
A 41-year-old Scot, MacPhee has Jack Grealish.
worked with the Mexico and North- Leon Bailey, the £25 million
ern Ireland national teams and is signing from Bayer Leverkusen, was
Villa’s “set-piece specialist”, doing also absent with a hamstring issue
his job alongside Smith and Craig so Smith has a variety of options.
Shakespeare. For the Ings goal, it There is no doubt that Ings is
was MacPhee’s decision to make already paying back his own
more of defender Matty Cash’s long £25 million fee, with two goals in as
throw, with Tyrone Mings told to many games since moving from
head the ball back into the danger Southampton.
area. Ings was then presented with Smith said: “He has a great
the opportunity to deliver a brilliant personality. You speak to coaches he
overhead kick into the top corner, has worked with and everyone is
admitting after the game that the very complimentary about the sort
build-up was all down to the work of of lad he is.
MacPhee. Villa are also close to “He has settled into our dressing
appointing another first-team room and the standards he has will
coach, who will effectively be the lift the dressing room.
No 3 behind Shakespeare. “I’m not only pleased with Danny
The new coaching set-up under- Ings the player, but Danny Ings the
lines Villa’s focus on innovation and person. He is a regular goalscorer at
the recognition that the key ingredi- this level, regularly up in the top
ent in coaching and fitness is data goalscorers’ chart.
and analytics. “We also have Ollie, who has
MacPhee was also involved in the missed the first couple of games, but

ardiola faith with or without Kane thinking behind Villa’s second goal,
again from a set-piece, which
resulted in Newcastle’s Jamaal Las-
celles handling a Mings header in
the penalty area.
scored 16 goals last season.
“I expect him to be up there as
well. Hopefully we will have him
back for next week.”
This was a difficult afternoon for
pointed out rather forlornly that his they were so precise a goal was Anwar El Ghazi put away the pen- Newcastle and manager Steve
The all-action Brazilian side had somehow managed to con- almost certain to be the outcome. alty to secure a comfortable victory Bruce, with referee David Coote the
cede the same goal four times. A Watching from afar, Kane must for Villa, who performed badly at focus of his ire after two crucial
Gabriel Jesus’ touches shows how active Canary Groundhog Day it may have have been drooling at the thought of Watford in their first match of the decisions went against them.
he was across the pitch for Man City been, but it was a very aesthetically how he might exploit that kind of season. With Villa spending £93 mil- Callum Wilson was harshly
pleasing goal. With Torres dropping service. But even if he does not lion this summer on new players, it judged to have been offside late in
deep, the ball would be played to arrive, City fans will be assured that will take time for Smith’s team to the second half, after he was
Kyle Walker. Apparently telepathi- a position has been found for Jesus gel, but they undoubtedly possess a upended by Villa goalkeeper Emil-
cally able to judge precisely where to cause significant problems to broader and deeper squad than iano Martinez in the area, and Bruce
and when Jesus was going to run, opponents. Maybe Sterling could be before. Ashley Young and Axel had a point when demanding more
the full-back passed in behind Nor- used more often centrally, as he was Tuanzebe are already a huge consistency from officials.
wich’s hapless defenders. Here, here when he came on as a substi-
gifted more space than he should tute and found himself perfectly
have been allowed, Jesus took pos- able to convert yet another Jesus Here’s one we prepared earlier... striker’s perfectly executed goal
Direction of play session, advanced a couple of strides cross. Guardiola did not seem con-
and whipped a devilish cross into cerned about the idea of sticking Throw 1
announced himself as a more than the box. with the hand he already has. Header
Matty Cash aims a long
effective occupant of the wider Guardiola talked afterwards of “If the team is the same, I’m more Shoot
throw in to the box
areas, he has in his squad more wide the manner in which Jesus liked to than pleased with the team,” Guardi- Ings
boys than a convention of City of position his body being better ola said. “The group of people are 3 2
London traders. adapted to playing on the wing, and fantastic, the players have incredi- 1 Tyrone Mings rises high
Playing on the right of a front whatever it was he was doing with ble quality, so I cannot complain. 2 Mings to flick it backwards
three with Grealish on the left and his hips and thighs, it worked. But of course, the club have an obli-
Ferran Torres in the middle, the Frankly it did not matter who or gation to look forward, to get better, 3
Brazilian spent his afternoon driv- what connected with his crosses – and this is what we are going to do.”
ing Norwich to distraction. Not least Grant Hanley’s shin, Tim Krul’s City get better than this? The rest Cash Danny Ings’ scissor kick
sends the ball into the net
their manager, Daniel Farke, who shoulder or Grealish’s inner thigh – have been warned.
12 *** Monday 23 August 2021 The Daily Telegraph

hGray shows early promise

Weekend tactical talking points hPotter finally reaps rewards

hAjer shuts door on Palace

Positive Benitez gets to Bissouma epitomises

grips with fiery Leeds Brighton’s evolution
Leeds United 2-2 Everton Brighton 2-0 Watford

By Arindam Rej Early promise: Demarai Gray By John Aizlewood appearances for
at Elland Road scored Everton’s second goal at the Amex Stadium Brighton than Bissouma,
who became a midfield
Rafael Benitez’s first Twice they went in Twenty-five yards from linchpin as Potter’s nur-
away Premier League front, but twice they his own goal, the ball at turing bore fruit.
test as Everton manager were pegged back; the his feet and seemingly An enabler rather than
was a challenge against first from a Michael with the time and space a solo act, on Saturday
Marcelo Bielsa’s ener- Keane error and the to launch a Watford Bissouma pulled all the
getic Leeds – and the second after a consistent attack, Tom Cleverley midfield strings. He had
Spaniard mixed pragma- problem – the inability to did not see Yves Bis- more guile than Clever-
tism with positivity to contain Raphinha. souma bearing down on ley, that most intelligent
earn a point. Dominic C alver t- him like a thief in the of footballers. He was too
Leeds had 70 per cent Lewin was denied twice Brighton night. In an physical for Watford
of possession, but both by Illan Meslier at 2-1. instant, the visiting cap- strongman Peter Etebo
t e a m s h a d 17 s h o t s The fact Calvert-Lewin tain was robbed and Neal and, finding time where
apiece. Everton, though, kept being fed by the Ma u p ay h a d s c o re d others only found trou-
had twice the number of likes of Demarai Gray Brighton’s game-sealing ble, he sprayed passes to
shots on target: eight. and Alex Iwobi showed second goal. Pascal Gross on the right
Benitez and Bielsa Everton’s attack was It was Bissouma’s most and Solly March on the
shared a long embrace again built around him. obviously eye-catching left. All that is lacking is
after full time, their Calvert-Lewin won a moment but, as he was an eye for goal – just two

Gray is pure gold Impressive Brighton on the up

Everton winger’s tour-de-force
Goals 1 Touches Interceptions How Bissouma sparked win over Watford Seagulls’ flying start
31 1 Tackles Interceptions Recoveries PL 20-21 PL 21-22
Recoveries 2 Points
Passes Successful Passing
Shots on target, 11 Accuracy 6
Total (inc. Blocks)
Successful Passes, 4
ending in Final third
Clearances 3
6 2
Chances Created Dribbles Success Rate
1 0
(inc. assists) 50 91.67% Games 2 4 6 8

mutual respect clear. penalty, that he scored. for so much of last sea- Premier League strikes
Their methods may dif- Gray, Everton’s other son, the Mali interna- in total – and an aerial
fer, but both had players scorer, made a contribu- tional was outstanding presence. Potter lauded
willing to work hard for tion that was also credit against Watford. He, Brighton’s start, with
them. The former Liver- in the bank for bargain- more than anyone, epito- two straight wins, recall-
pool manager will not hunting Benitez. mises Brighton under ing that last season they
have much time to win G r a y ’s m o v e m e n t manager Graham Potter. did not reach six points
over the sceptics – so it reflected the way Ever- It has not been an easy until November. He also
was intriguing to see ton played; with flexibil- path since he arrived in claimed he was doing
how he dealt with Biel- ity. Benitez appears to 2018. In a bumpy first nothing different and
sa’s 3-3-1-3 in front of a have recruited a signifi- year, manager Chris Brighton’s evolution was
b ay i n g E l l a n d R o a d cant wide threat for an Hughton preferred the a result of the team
crowd that made it hard outlay of just £1.7 million. more prosaic Davy Prop- embarking upon a third
to get his instructions After this clash of two per and Dale Stephens. season together.
across. obsessive students of In Potter’s maiden sea- And Potter is building
Everton had initial dif- management, Benitez son, Bissouma played that team around Bis-
ficulties creating any- did not re ceive full fewer games still as souma – if the growing
thing clear-cut, but they marks, but still chalked Aaron Mooy prospered. list of suitors can be
gradually started to look up a commendable Last term, though, rebuffe d b efore the
slick on the break. outcome. n o b o d y m a d e m o re transfer window closes.

Towering trio crucial 4in) and Ethan Pinnock

(6ft 4in) at the base of his
lion last month, is decep-
tively quick for a player
of his gangly physique.
Brentford stand tall
How Bees’ ‘Big Three’ shut out Palace
with Pinnock naturally
quiet and Ajer a natural
leader. He was only 16

to Brentford survival On Saturday, the tow-

ering trio were forced to
cope with the considera-
Brentford are a flexible
side, capable of flitting
between strategies
Pontus Jansson
Kristoffer Ajer Ethan Pinnock

when he was given the
captain’s armband at his
first professional club, IK
ble aerial threat of Crys- within matches, and the 30 Start in Norway.
Crystal Palace 0-0 Brentford tal Palace’s Christian 49
centre-backs play a key Tougher tests await
Benteke. They shut role in their approach. Tackles Clearances Headers Won for Brentford, but four
By Sam Dean of their gigantic back down the Palace front- They can fight for the points from two games is
2 3 7
at Selhurst Park three. man, aside from one sec- ball, dominate in the air as good a start as they
1 1 3
There are few top- ond-half chance, and did and play out from the could have realistically
0 3 2
Two games played, zero flight defences more the same to Jeffrey Sch- back. In Pinnock, they hoped for. If their three-
goals conceded. Brent- physically robust than lupp and Wilfried Zaha. have a player who has Passing Accuracy man defence can remain
ford’s Premier League Thomas Frank’s. For the Ajer was especially already proved capable as formidable as they
adventure has started first two matches of this impressive in his duels of dribbling out of oppo- have been so far, Brent-
wonderfully, and their campaign, he has called with Zaha. The Norwe- sition pressure. 80% 70% 79.6% ford should have more
early promise has been on Kristoffer Ajer (6ft gian, who joined from The three also bring a than enough to stay in
built on the solidity 6in), Pontus Jansson (6ft Celtic for about £13 mil- mix of personalities, the division.
The Daily Telegraph Monday 23 August 2021 *** 13


Nordqvist holds nerve to end four-year major wait

By James Corrigan GOLF
CORRESPONDENT at Carnoustie Final scores

hBritain’s Georgia Hall has to GB & Ireland unless stated

276—A Nordqvist (Sweden) 71 71 65 69;
settle for share of second place 277—G Hall 68 69 73 67; L Salas (US) 69 69
70 69; M Sagstroem (Sweden) 67 73 69 68;
hKoerstz Madsen drops back 278—M-J Lee (Australia) 71 69 72 66; N
Koerstz Madsen (Denmark) 70 69 68 71;
after bunker nightmare on 18th 279—P Tavatanakit (Thailand) 71 72 69 67; L
Harm (Germany) 70 73 69 67; 280—M
Jutanugarn (Thailand) 72 67 71 70; 281—A
Anna Nordqvist established her Jutanugarn (Thailand) 71 71 68 71; L Duncan
place among Europe’s greats and 68 73 68 72; M Steen (US) 73 70 69 69;
Carnoustie confirmed itself as a 282—S Kyriacou (Australia) 72 70 71 69; L
Maguire 72 67 72 71; M Harigae (US) 70 67
major venue with the unrivalled 76 69; S-Y Kim (S Korea) 67 71 72 72; B
penchant for unexpected drama. Henderson (Canada) 71 69 70 72; N Korda
This was a Women’s Open Sunday (US) 67 73 70 72; Y Noh (US) 70 69 71 7;
that had it all – including seagulls 283—A Hewson 73 70 71 69; A Furue (Japan)
stealing balls and protagonists 74 70 67 72; M Castren (Finland) 73 68 72
shanking wildly on the 18th – and at 70; A Thompson (US) 69 70 70 74; 284—W
Meechai (Thailand) 71 68 73 72; P Reto (S
the end of it, Britain could take sol- Africa) 72 70 72 70; 285—S Nuutinen
ace in not only hosting such a grip- (Finland) 70 71 68 76; E Szokol (US) 72 72 71
ping spectacular, but also coming so 70; N Hataoka (Japan) 70 72 71 72; 286—S
close to glory. Lewis (US) 73 71 71 71; A Valenzuela
England’s Georgia Hall had to (Switzerland) 70 73 73 70; L Ko (NZ) 72 71 72
watch in something approaching 71; G Lopez (Mexico) 70 73 71 72; H-J Kang
(S Korea) 73 72 72 69; 287—H Shibuno
competitive agony as Nordqvist (Japan) 70 70 72 75; A Yin (US) 73 72 70 72;
two-putted the last green to win by P Delacour (France) 73 71 71 72; S-H Oh
one shot and so join Annika Soren- (Australia) 71 69 71 76; C Ciganda (Spain) 69
stam and Dame Laura Davies as the 75 72 71; 288—Y Saso (Philippines) 68 71 74
only female players from her conti- 75; B Lincicome (US) 71 72 69 76; M Khang
nent to win three or more major (US) 77 66 71 74; 289—E K Pedersen
(Denmark) 71 74 72 72; B Altomare (US) 70
titles. 75 74 70; J Shin (S Korea) 71 71 71 76; E-H Ji
That is rich company to keep for (S Korea) 72 69 73 75; L Walsh 74 69 76 70;
the 34-year-old, but in weeks like N Broch Larsen (Denmark) 75 68 74 72; 290—
this – when her putter matches the J-G Lee (S Korea) 72 72 70 76; G Piller (US) 72
blessed consistency of her ball- 70 73 75; A Thitikul (Thailand) 71 73 68 78;
H Green (Australia) 73 70 71 76; 291—Ind-

striking – it is easy to envisage Nor- Bee Park (S Korea) 70 75 77 69; J Coleman

dqvist making further inroads into (US) 72 69 77 73; P Anannarukarn (Thailand)
the legacies of the two grand Mad- 72 72 68 7 79; 292—A Lee (US) 68 75 80 69; M
ames of European golf. Alex (US) 772 70 75 75; K MacDonald 75 70
Through all the usual Carnoustie Long wait: Anna Nordqvist kisses the trophy after winning the AIG Women’s Open, edging out Georgia Hall (below)
ow)) 71 76.
madness, Nordqvist maintained her
composure and even if it was tough 69, for a 12-under total, which meant be just as delighted to have Nor- meant that shehe 2
21-year-old from West Kil-
for Hall, the 2018 champion, to see she collected £642,000 and so guar- dqvist on her team in Toledo as she did not even n finish bride
b who birdied the first
her own attempt fall short by a sin- anteed herself a sixth appearance will to have Hall. second alongside a
and, for stages on the front
gle stroke after her brilliant 67, there for Europe in next month’s Solheim There were two eagles on the rican’s
Hall and American’s n
nine, looked sure to con-
could be no doubt that Nordqvist Cup. Captain Catriona Matthew will 25-year-old Briton’s scorecard as she Lizette Salass and t
tend. Alas, Duncan fell
deserved to add the Women’s 2021 came so near to replicating her tri- another Swede, a
away on the back nine and
Open title to her 2009 Women’s umph at Lytham three years ago. Madelene Sag- h
had to settle for a tie for
US PGA and 2017 Evian Champion- Unwanted birdie Check the rules “Even to have had a chance to win nstead
strom, but instead 1
10th and top amateur hon-
ships. The latter, remarkably for is very special at Carnoustie,” Hall dropped into a tie for ou
ours. “This experience has
such a high-quality performer, was said. “I’m very happy with the way I ustralian
fifth with Australian bee pretty surreal and, yeah,
her last piece of silverware of any played. That’s all I could ask.” Minjee Lee. just dead exciting,” the Stirling
kind. Hall knows it could have been far Sagstrom was another Univ
University student said.
“I’ve been waiting for this for a worse – she could have been Nanna plagued by those Angus D
Duncan plays for Great Brit-
long time,” Nordqvist said. “There Koerstz Madsen. demons. She bogeyed the ain and Ireland against the
have been a lot of downs since then, The Dane arrived at the last hole ut on a play-off
18th to miss out Unite States in the Curtis Cup
which makes it even sweeter. My in a tie with Nordqvist – and then and was later informed that, w
this weekend, and she would be
husband was brought up 20 min- the ghosts of Jean van de Velde came ole, her ball had
on the first hole, a
well advised to concentrate on
utes away from here, and that makes visiting. been moved back at least 15 sho
that showdown in Conwy and not
this even more special.” Her hus- The 26-year-old pushed her verly-inquisitive
yards by an overly-inquisitive look at what she would have won
band is Kevin McAlpine, the current approach into a greenside bunker t’s a first for me,”
seagull. “That’s here. IfI she had been a profes-
caddie to PGA Tour professional Ball tampering: An inquisitive seagull and then, from an admittedly awk- she said. sional, she would now be more
Martin Laird. moved Madelene Sagstrom’s ball back ward lie, played a catastrophic layed with Lou-
Sagstrom played £8
than £80,000 richer.
Nordqvist produced a final-round about 15 yards on the first fairway shank. The resulting double bogey ise Duncan, the amateur Carno
Carnoustie: cruel until the end.

Victory song heard for first time better. In the first half there was a
chance we could have got a few
more points on the board, but to
long. The new boys don’t even know
what it sounds like.”
Leigh remain bottom of the table
and Harvey Livett crossed over, and
Krisnan Inu added the extras.
Richard Marshall, the Salford

after Leigh win at 17th attempt come in at half-time being in the

lead was a good feeling for the lads.
“I believe in the players and
and are still odds-on favourites for
coach, said: “We must congratulate
Leigh on their efforts. They played
well and deserved to win. It was a
believe in everything we have been tough ask. There was a decent crowd
Rugby League doing. The hard work was rewarded Happy day: Kurt Haggerty, and they got behind their team.
today.” Leigh’s interim head They were going to win a game, and
cess against lacklustre neighbours Leigh captain Liam Hood and for- coach, says he is pleased unfortunately it was against us.
Leigh 32-22 Salford his players’ hard work has
Salford at Leigh Sports Village. mer Salford prop Adam Sidlow “I am bitterly disappointed, not
Leigh won their first Super League “I didn’t know where it was going scored decisive late tries, and Craig been rewarded with a win just because it’s Leigh but about the
game of the season, at the 17th to come or at what point, but I knew Mullen added both conversions to way we played and how we man-
attempt, to finally give interim we would win a game. So, I am finish with 16 points from eight suc- aged the game.”
coach Kurt Haggerty something to happy and really pleased for the cessful kicks, five of them penalties. “We just go forward to the next Leigh Brand, Elliot, Stone, Thornley, Mullen, Mellor, Bell,
smile about lads. They have worked really hard Non-playing squad member Tom game and will try to win again,” said Ashworth, Eaves, Sidlow, Hellewell, Foster, Gerrard.
“I always thought we would get a through all the adversity. Spencer led the victory song and Haggerty, whose side face champi- Subs Hood, Ioane, Gee, Butler.
Salford Lolohea, Sio, Inu, Sarginson, Williams, Hingano,
first win,” Haggerty said, as 12 points “In the second half we have been Haggerty admitted: “He was the ons St Helens on Thursday. Brown, Johnson, Ackers, Ormondroyd, Livett, Greenwood,
in a three-minute spell late on known for falling away from games, only one who knows the words Ken Sio scored a brace of tries for Addy. Subs Norman, Taylor, Lannon, Burke.
sealed the club’s long-overdue suc- but we have been getting better and because we haven’t won for that Salford after winger Rhys Williams Referee Marcus Griffiths.
14 *** Monday 23 August 2021 The Daily Telegraph


Exclusive interview
‘I felt I could hit the ball
wherever I wanted’
By Tim Wigmore

hTwenty years on, Mark talent, Butcher

just retaining
her was worried about
ng his county spot. In
Butcher recalls pummelling the the summer of 2001, the changes
Australian attack for 173 to win began to help p but, while he was
averaging an unremarkable 34.3
a Test he almost did not play in the season’s’s County Champi-
onship, an n injur y cri si s

efore the Headingley Test of opened up a Test berth.
2001, Mark Butcher was The startt of Butcher’s
almost dropped. During the Ashes return n was inauspi-
previous Test, when Aus- ived for train-
cious: he arrived
tralia thrashed England to retain the ing 24 hours rs late. After
urn at Trent Bridge, Butcher had riend’s spare
living in a friend’s
been out drinking late. Nasser Hus- room, he had d planned to
sain and Duncan Fletcher, England’s uesday; at the
move on a Tuesday;
captain and head coach, seriously time, he had not even con-
considered discarding him. sidered thatt it was two
Instead, on his drive home from days before the first Test.
Lord’s to Chelmsford, Hussain asked When David d Graveney,
England’s senior players for their Match England’s chairman of
views; they convinced him to retain summary led him to tell
selectors, called
Butcher, who had taken a tumultu- him ab out hi s re call,
ous route to just be playing in the Fourth Test Butcher said: d: “I’ve got to
2001 Ashes. After making his Test (Headingley, Aug move in on thishis day. Is it all
debut in 1997, he had scored centu- 16-20, 2001) n up late?”
right if I turn
ries against South Africa and Aus- Australia 447 After hittingng 38 and 41 on
tralia the following year. But he was (Ponting 144; hi s re call at Edgbaston,
far too inconsistent and, with his Gough 5-103) & Butcher was the lone England
marriage disintegrating, floundered 176-4 dec player to haveve a night out with
on the tour of South Africa in (Ponting 72; the Australian n players. “It taught
1999-2000. “I had a few flashes Gough 2-68). me that they’re’re not superhuman –
where I played pretty well and felt England 309 they have the e same hang-ups and
comfortable,” Butcher recalls. “By (Stewart 76 not foibles as you u do. If more of
that South Africa tour, my personal out; McGrath our lads had known that,
life was in an absolute state.” 7-76) & 315-4 things mightt have been
With an average of 25.1 from 27 (Butcher 173 not t.” By the
a bit different.”
Tests, he was dropped. It was the out; Gillespie 2-94) fourth Test, Butcher
prelude for Butcher to work with his was England’s d’s top
father – former England batsman 2001 Ashes run-scorer in the
Alan – on rebuilding his technique. 1st Test series, after hitting
In his first incarnation as a Test (Edgbaston) econd
83 in the second
cricketer, Butcher had become Aus won by an rd’s. It
innings at Lord’s.
“stodgy” and “quite easy to bowl at”. inns & 118 runs had not been
At Surrey’s indoor school, begin- 2nd Test (Lord’s) enough to stop a
ning in January 2001, the two Aus won by 8 wkts magnificentt Aus-
remodelled his technique. The 3rd Test tralian side e from
tweaks aimed to help Butcher (Trent Bridge) cruising to o a 3-0
become “more neutral” at the Aus won by 7 wkts lead. The Ashes
crease, more fluent scoring through 4th Test ustralia had
retained, Australia
the off side and have “a scoring (Headingley) designs on a 5-0
option for the ball wherever it was”. Eng won by 6 wkts whitewash. After
None of this was done with an 5th Test rain disrupted d the
England recall in mind. “It was with (The Oval) fourth day, Adam
a view to not walking away from Aus won by an ustralia’s
Gilchrist – Australia’s
playing the game altogether,” he inns & 25 runs ptain, with
stand-in captain,
says. With Surrey’s array of batting Steve Waugh gh injured –
declared, to o set England
315 runs in 11010 overs. After
rain returned,d, they needed
another 311 from 90 overs
on the final day.
England had ad only success-
fully chased more once in their
Test history. Yet when Butcher was
interviewed on the final morning,
he said: “It’s very important you go
out there with th a positive attitude,
‘I learnt Australia were
and look to tryry to win the game.”
vival looked beyond
Even survival
not superhuman – they
England as they slipped to 33 for
two after 10 overs, losing both open-
have same hang-ups
ers on a pitchh with uneven bounce. and foibles as you do’
The Daily Telegraph Monday 23 August 2021 *** 15

Conquering hero:
Mark Butcher after
hitting the winning
runs off Shane
from short
sh leg, allowed him to
scramble back into his crease
after a full-length dive. After
Butcher clipped Warne for
How the Hundred could improve
Warne (bottom three ttowards the Western
right) and Terrace
Terrace, he could revel in his
dominating Glenn Te century for three
first Test
McGrath (far left) years; the
th only shame was that, Ten-ball sets would build pressure
after his near run-out, he had “a
massive streak of dirt all over Gladiatorial duels are what crowds want, writes Scyld Berry
the pad aand up my trousers” as
he celebr
celebrated. For Butcher, what
followed was w a glorious blur. Each 10-ball block has drama. If one bowler, This physical pressure gladiatorial cricket, with present. Turn Welsh Fire
“It all h
happened in a flash – by to be delivered by a however, delivers every and mental stress will be no hiding place after five – and it is not as if they
then, ever
every ball’s a coconut and single bowler set of 10 balls, the too much for some balls. Cricket at its most have set Wales on fire
I’m just having
h to go at every- The Hundred needs to be tension builds, especially bowlers, but this is confrontational, even – into Western Fire,
thing.” H His shot-making had simpler, quicker and far if the batsmen get after professional sport. brutal. A series of 10 playing at Cardiff, Bristol
reached res resplendent levels. more dramatic him. Under pressure, he The best will improve, duels of 10 balls. and perhaps Taunton.
Most of T Test batting is about cop- At the moment, after bowls a wide and a no ball the worst will disappear. And after nobody has
ing with whwhat Butcher calls “impos- almost every block or set and suddenly the The pace bowler will hit a century in the App
tor syndro
syndrome – where you just of five balls, one bowler is parameters of the game need a whole range of existing version, batsmen Add some human interest
think I’m no not really good enough”. replaced by another. change: the batsmen can slower balls to get will be able to score a by telling the life stories
Now, as England
Eng hurtled towards Just as it is getting score 20, 30 or even 40 through his 10-ball set. hundred in the Hundred. of the women who have
their target, Butcher felt invincible. interesting and a pace off one 10-ball block. The spinner will have become celebrities
“All of those hours facing 100 mph bowler is under pressure, Hundred totals at to turn it both ways: no Regional change overnight.
tennis balls in the indoor school at it is all change in the present are poor man’s more flat offies. The number of teams When the teams for a
the Oval camcame together. It was just field, a flat off-spinner T20 totals, like 140 for Then, for the first time does not have to be game are announced, just
brilliant. It wasw the greatest feeling bowls a few darts and the seven. Make this simple in the game’s history, the increased from eight: the click on a player’s name
in the world that you could hit the tension is dissipated (with rule change and they will bowler will perhaps talent is spread thinly to find out who these
ball whereve
wherever you wanted.” good reason, the five-ball escalate. If Liam become the most valuable enough as it is, although new role models are.
Sports scientists
sci talk of the zone: over was binned in the Livingstone or Jason Roy player, even the most the standard should rise if
a state of min
mind where athletes attain 1890s). takes down a bowler or idolised and highest paid. Covid-19 restrictions Party starter: Tymal
such fierce concentration and The Hundred is all two, the totals will reach Make each set last 10 ease. But the South West Mills lifts the trophy as
immersion in i what they are doing action and not enough 200, even 300. balls and you will have is completely excluded at Southern Brave celebrate
that they rrise to a higher plane.
Butcher offoffers a lucid description.
“One of tthe issues that all per-
formers h have is that you can be
quite sel
self-aware – you can be
aware of y your movements, your
body and lots of external things.
When youyou’re in the zone, you just
feel nothi
nothing. Your eyes are doing
all the wowork for you and then
transferring information to your
body. And your body has been
trained in su such a way that you can
do all this st stuff automatically. It’s a
very cool p place to be, because it
occurs to yo you in that sort of state
that you can pull off pretty much
whatever yo you fancy. The only thing
is to stop you
yourself from being overly
confident an and taking the p---, really.”
Butcher got off Only whe
when he punched Warne
the mark when a for three thrthrough point – high-fiv-
delivery from Glenn ing the spin
spinner on his way back to
McGrath reared up, completing his 173rd run to clinch
hit his bat handle and victory – did Butcher release him-
soared over the slips; he self from his state. “The concentra-
was also dropped behind by tion had beebeen so, so fierce up until
Gilchrist. Yet with Australia that momen
moment, I just lost it a bit, just
striving for wickets and deploy- wide-eyed aand mouth open. It was a
ing aggressive fields, England pretty magi
magical moment.” His only
reached 118 for two at lunch, with regret was that, in the euphoric
Butcher on 55, supported by Hus-
sain. Australia had a default for how
post-match ttelevision interview, he
forgot to th thank his father: “The
Give it some big-name stardust
to respond: bowl McGrath and whole thin thing was only possible
Shane Warne in tandem at the start because of the old man.” Butcher Attract the best to compete with IPL, writes Nick Hoult
of each session. But after lunch, need not havhave worried. Watching on
McGrath was uncharacteristically TV, a proud father saw his son play,
awry to Butcher, the England bats- as Gilchrist h hailed “one of the great- Better overseas players women’s game, so expect them on the road to all the batsman who hits the the culture if there were
man taking 23 from 21 balls across est Ashes Te Test innings of all time”. Yes, Covid-19 complicated more India players next the first-class grounds, most sixes and a big more alcohol-free options
five overs. When Brett Lee came on, the situation this year, year, which is great news. spreading the word? bonus for anyone who at grounds? There is a
Butcher greeted him with consecu- but the tournament But if the men’s game It would be politically hits five in a row off the lairiness to the
tive boundaries – a regal off drive lacked stardust. To be wants to attract the best difficult to do that for the same bowler (from balls atmosphere for the men’s
and then a crisp flick from outside honest, it was just the it will have to pay bigger men’s game because it one to five) and even 10? matches later in the
off stump of such nonchalance and Blast with fewer teams salaries to tempt the likes would rival the Blast, but Also, it would be nice evening that does scare
timing that, Butcher says jokingly, it and a concentration of of AB de Villiers to the women’s matches to hear from the players some children. One dad
could have been played by Brian county talent. It did not commit to more cricket in would not have that on the field. How about spoke to me after a game
Lara. “I sort of flipped it, Lara style, matter much this their schedule. problem. Also, standalone wiring up the captains so at the Oval about his
over square leg for a one-bounce summer, but in future women’s games at the they can talk us through son: “He has had a great
four. And I’m walking down the years it will have to Take women on tour Test grounds in the latter their decisions? Yes they time, but learnt a lot
pitch to Nas with a bit of a Cheshire attract the biggest names The women’s tournament stages can work, too, it will moan it is too quick, about life tonight.” It is
Cat grin on my face. And he went, to really stand up against was the big success. The just needs confidence in but this tournament is hard to change societal
‘F------ concentrate’.” A raucous the Indian Premier Hundred elevated it above the product. about fun. Let us try to habits and the
final-day Headingley crowd began League. The England and any other domestic delay the stattos and the tournament does not

to sense what was possible. Wales Cricket Board women’s tournament in Player awards seriousness of it all from want to become a nanny
“They were loud and boisterous believes it is a long way this country, the men’s It happens at the IPL so sucking the joy out of the state telling people how
and the Aussies started to make the from persuading the competition less so. The why not here? A cap worn competition for as long as to behave, but perhaps
odd fielding mistake,” Butcher says. Board of Control for women’s teams attract a by the leading run-scorer, possible. subtle changes to what
The most significant was when Cricket in India to release family audience and are leading wicket-taker and people can buy in the
Butcher was on 97, and charged its male cricketers, but it great role models for boys six-hitter. Why not have a Alcohol-free sponsor grounds could make a
down for a single to mid-on: the is different for the and girls, so why not take big financial reward for Would it help to change difference.
fielder’s throw, and a slow pick-up
16 *** Monday 23 August 2021 The Daily Telegraph

Paralympic Games

Interview Tai finds ‘silver linings’ in surgery

By Fiona Tomas “We are not 100 per cent sure
what the outcome is going to be
hSwimmer takes positives because it’s a very grey area,” admits
Tai, who used a Zimmer frame and
from giving up dream of Tokyo wheelchairs between her foot sur-
gold to have an operation on geries during childhood.
“We’re looking into designs with
nerve damage in both elbows an innovation team that may cause
less problems for me. It will be really

ara-swimmer Alice Tai was cool and I’m excited for that.”
tipped to be Britain’s poster- Tai knows there are advantages to
girl at the Paralympics in her present situation, even if she
Tokyo, where she looked des- will have to wait for her first individ-
tined for more success in the pool. ual Paralympic title, having claimed
At the age of 22, she already holds a gold in the 4 x 100 metres medley
titles across European, world, Com- relay gold at the 2016 Rio Paralym-
monwealth and Paralympic level pics. As a neuroscience student at
and, in a nod to the dominant force Middlesex University, the opportu-
she has become in the world of nity to understand her injury and
para-sport, takeaway chain Papa human biomechanics has kept her
John’s even created “The Alice Tai” mentally engaged.
pizza to mark what would have been “I [recently] spent a day at the EIS
her second Paralympics. after a physio appointment,” Tai
But Tai will not be flavouring says. “I bought Gray’s Anatomy, the
Japanese culture this summer. Last textbook, and I just sat with this
month, she announced her with- skeleton there called Harry, just
drawal from the Games to prioritise
surgery for long-term nerve damage
in both elbows. ‘My lack of independence
Born with club foot, a condition
which affects her movement and for
up to the Games would
which she had over a dozen opera-
tions during childhood, Tai has used
have really affected
crutches for more than a decade.
But recently, her reliance on them
my mental health’
surfaced in the cruellest of ways –
the nerve damage is the result of learning about anatomy. That’s
years of pressure that has been been the extent of my entertain-
forced through her elbow joints. ment, it sounds so sad!”
“Medically, I know I need this Part of Tai’s enthusiasm is driven
surgery,” says Tai, who has recently by the fact that she is treading a
stopped using crutches for fear of relatively unknown path in the
her condition deteriorating. “Even world of para-sport. “What’s inter-
mentally, I don’t think I could have esting is the literature I’ve read

put up with the pain it’s causing me. around my injury and the applica-
My lack of independence up until tion of that in different sports,” she
the Games, I think that would have says. “On top of the fact I’m a crutch
really affected my mental health. user, there’s no one who really fits
Coming to terms with it was quite my case. The majority of people who
difficult, but after I considered develop this injury are from over-
everything, it seemed like the most head sports, where they throw
sensible option.” things overhead.”
A keen musician, Tai cannot even Cool by the pool: Alice Tai was expected to be one of the stars of Tokyo after a record haul of seven titles at the World Championships It is little wonder the prospect of
play her beloved guitar, such is the being a textbook example for future
pain caused by her nerve damage, emphasising how the plant-based who use them in para-sport and personally suck, there are a lot of sil- generations of athletes yields a
which began festering in the weeks pizza made in her honour is better people day-to-day who use long- ver linings.” degree of contentment from Brit-
after her record haul of seven titles enjoyed with pineapple – before term mobility aids. If we can figure Never one to be disconsolate, Tai ain’s most successful para-swimmer.
at the London World Champion- reflecting on her current something out that may be more is being supported by a team of “It’s cool knowing that if there’s
ships in 2019. circumstances. suitable for long-term use, then the “brilliant minds” at the English anyone in the same situation in the
In a testament to her positive out- “Crutches in general aren’t application of that could really ben- Institute of Sport, which is aiming to future, then they can use me as a bit
look, the Ealing swimmer is upbeat designed for long-term use,” she efit those who need to use crutches. design a new, sustainable mobility of a case study,” Tai says. “I quite like
when we chat on the phone – explains. “There are a lot of athletes Even though my circumstances aid which she can rely on long term. that.”

Organisers to tighten Covid rules after two cases Olympics, there were restrictions
on individuals for the first 14 days.
“For the Paralympic Games with
Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games
Facts and figures
the IPC and stakeholders, we will
By Gareth A Davies in Tokyo Great Britain has a team of 228 com- being a Delta nation at that time need to further discuss this before Opening ceremony Nations
petitors, with support staff taking there was even more testing finalising,” Nakamura added. “It is Tomorrow competing
Two athletes tested positive for cor- the number to more than 500 in expected of us. not an ethical or moral-based rule, 163
onavirus in the competitors’ village Tokyo. Mike Sharrock, chief execu- “But we also took responsibility but it is a necessary measure to Closing ceremony
yesterday leaving Paralympics tive of the British Paralympic Asso- to limit exposure to environments ensure safety.” Sunday, Sept 5 Athletes
organisers to consider ramping up ciation, said: “For us, it is about the that could be a risk. Meanwhile, plans are reportedly taking part
restrictions and rules on the eve of safety and well-being of the ath- “As a team, we also want to look afoot to allow up to 140,000 4,500
tomorrow’s opening ceremony. letes. That is always our top priority. out for ourselves and each other. end the Tokyo
schoolchildren to attend
The names of the two athletes In this case, that is especially so. There have been lots of innovative Paralympics despite the spread of GB athletes
have not been revealed by the “We are very clear at the BPA that ways of having an additional sophis- ong teenagers
the Delta variant among 2
organising committee for the in terms of the team our absolute ticated level of risk mitigation.” and those even youngerer who are not
Games, but neither is understood to priority is to get them there safely, However, with cases on the rise, it vaccinated. G captain
be British. create the environment where they could mean increased testing Tokyo recorded a total of more H
With Covid-19 cases rising in can compete at their best, and then frequency and greater restrictions than 5,000 cases for a third straight C
Japan, Hidemasa Nakamura, the get them home again.” on movement. onally, Japan
day yesterday. Nationally, (le
delivery officer for Tokyo 2020, has Penny Briscoe, the chef de mis- “We are looking to be stronger on topped 25,000 for the
stated that anti-virus measures put sion of Paralympics GB, said: “The behaviour management. We are second successive day, y,
in place for the Olympics may have 14-day run-in was obviously a really under a state of emergency in with a record 25,876 6
to be ramped up for the Paralympics. robust series of testing and with us Japan,” Nakamura said. During the positive cases.
The Daily Telegraph Monday 23 August 2021 ** 17


Raducanu’s super run

falls at the final hurdle
By Simon Briggs on their serve, such was the move-
TENNIS CORRESPONDENT ment of the ball-toss in the air, and
there were more breaks than holds
hTeenager misses out on her in the early stages, which found
Raducanu dropping the first set 6-1
first WTA title win in Chicago before recovering to send the match
into a decider.
hBriton heads for her maiden A healthy crowd had gathered at
the XS Tennis Village – a trailblazing
US Open qualifying in fine form centre in downtown Chicago which
has arguably done more than any
It was an agonisingly close-run other club to bring diversity to
thing, but Britain’s biggest tennis American tennis, in defiance of its
hope Emma Raducanu could not So close: Emma Raducanu (above) returns in old “Country Club” image. This was
quite manage a title on the eve of her a keenly fought contest with Clara Tauson a truly urban setting, as demon-
maiden appearance at the US Open. strated by the deafening rattle of a
Raducanu, who now moves into Tauson has been touted as the train along the neighbouring tracks
the world’s top 150, is due to play in next Caroline Wozniacki, even every few games.
the qualifying event in New York though she plays a more aggressive Raducanu took a 2-0 lead in the
this week – which will be the first style than the former world No 1. third set and seemed to have Tauson
time that she has participated in any Raducanu has not really been linked at the end of her tether, judging by
grand slam, even at the preliminary with any particular British anteced- much banging of the Danish racket
stage, outside Wimbledon. ent, given that we have not had a on the court surface and a lengthy
Had she been able to sneak the world-beater since Virginia Wade in argument with the umpire at the
extra few points she needed for vic- the 1970s. But she is achieving end of that second game. But she
tory over fellow 18-year-old Clara things at a young age which evoke narrowly failed to break again for
Tauson last night, it would have the prodigious talent of Laura Rob- 3-0 – which might have been deci-
been a huge morale boost, for this son – even though Robson’s career sive – and Tauson began to ramp up
was a $125,000 (£92,000) tourna- took a swift downturn after she suf- her aggression. Despite some ath-
ment, and thus much stronger than fered the first tinglings of what letic and determined defence from
the $25,000 and $15,000 events she would become a debilitating wrist Raducanu, these tight matches usu-
has won in the past. issue in 2013. ally go to the player who is prepared
But Raducanu can hardly be too During last week’s run in Chi- to be more assertive, and so it was as
disappointed with her first four cago, Raducanu had already des- Tauson closed out a 6-1, 2-6, 6-4 vic-
weeks in the United States, which patched a pair of top-100 opponents tory in a little over two hours.
have already delivered eight wins as in world No 58 Alison Van Uytvanck Earlier, world No 1 Ashleigh Barty
against only three defeats – one of and world No 93 Clara Burel, results had clinched her fifth title of the sea-
which came after she suffered heat- that offered further evidence of the son – the most prestigious being
stroke in Pennsylvania last week. star quality she displayed during Wimbledon – with a thumping 6-3,
Last night’s match was her first her recent run to the fourth round 6-1 victory over Jil Teichman at the
final in one of these Challenger- of Wimbledon. Western and Southern Open in Cin-
level events, and it came against a Against Tauson, she started cinnati. The match lasted only 76 Video nasty Daniil Medvedev knocks over a camera at
woman she has faced several times slowly in gusty, windy conditions minutes and confirmed Barty’s
in the junior ranks, as they were that caused one of the courtside status as a leading contender for the the Western and Southern Open before kicking the unit
born less than six weeks apart in umbrellas to be carried out of its US Open when the tournament and raging the collision “could have broken” his hand
2002. stand. Neither woman felt confident proper starts in a week’s time.

Septuagenarian Maslin jumps at chance for GB’s Paris defence

Modern Pentathlon both brought home gold, is a legend. says. “But the comedian Harry got to be able to ride different horses
By Marcus Armytage When I was a boy being dragged Worth wrote to my parents asking if – it’s tough, they’ve got 20 minutes
round the show-jumping circuit in they minded him calling his daugh- and a few jumps to get acquainted.
hRetirement is not an option the south mainly as company for my
sister, I invariably had four faults in
ter Jabeena [he actually named her
They need to have good hands and
good energy. It’s like building a
for legendary riding coach who the first round and had to wait half She was already competing at the house; if the foundations aren’t
helped French and Choong the day for her to compete in a Royal Windsor Show, meeting the right, it will fall down.”
jump-off. Often taking part in the Queen aged five, and represented French, 30, has been having
claim historic golds in Tokyo adult classes in the next-door ring Great Britain on junior and young coaching sessions with Maslin
was one person who stood out for rider teams. The British pentathlon pretty much once a week since she

f all the coaches at the Tokyo two reasons other than her great team first came calling in 1974 at the was put on the modern pentathlon
Olympics, who would have affinity with horses; her unique and behest of Capt Jim Fox, one of the programme aged 16 and, if it really
predicted that the most unforgettable name, Jabeena Mas- founding fathers of the sport here was a lottery, then French would not

intense scrutiny would fall lin, and her trademark bowler hat – and a part of the three-man team consistently keep winning.
upon a person responsible for only a which offered about as much who won gold at Montreal in 1976. Maslin might be pushing for
fifth of one event? protection as a paper napkin in the The management, believing rid- oldest coach at the Olympics but,
After the now-infamous melt- event of a fall. Unbridled enthusiasm: Jabeena Maslin ing a random horse drawn from a having helped the team to an
down of Annika Schleu, as she When, in a semi-nod to health hat was more down to luck than unprecedented double gold, she is
tensely and tearfully tried to get an and safety, the British Showjumping it up because it looked so awful with skill, wanted him to be sent to the only just hitting her stride.
ounce of co-operation out of Saint Association made chinstraps com- a harness attached.” local riding school for lessons. He, Having survived breast cancer
Boy in the show-jumping round of pulsory, David Broome even tried to Adopted at an early age by a farm- however, insisted on Maslin and she and had her knee replaced in 2018
the modern pentathlon, her riding instigate a campaign for Maslin to be ing family from Wantage, her older has been involved one way or and spent her life “married to
coach, Kim Raisner, was thrown out allowed to keep wearing her distinc- sisters’ best friend at school was a another for approaching 50 years. horses”, she still mucks out 30 some
for telling her to hit the horse harder tive headgear. South African called Gabeena and “Back in those days they did not mornings and retirement is not on
and “punching” it. “I was taken to Patey’s in London, when their new sister arrived they take the riding seriously and treated her agenda. “They asked me to stay
In contrast, Team GB’s riding but none of their hats ever fitted, so changed the G for a J and, thus, she it as if it’s a lottery, but it’s not,” she on and I said if I can’t do it, I’ll tell
coach for the modern pentathlon, in I stuck with the bowler,” Maslin, 76, became Jabeena. explains. “A show jumper is one-on- ’em,” she says. “After all, it’s only
which Kate French and Joe Choong recalls. “But I eventually had to give “I’ve never met another,” she one with a horse, a pentathlete has three years.”
18 ** Monday 23 August 2021 The Daily Telegraph


Charlie Brooks destroy democracy – what else are

the bot farms for? – is perhaps the
most insidious weapon because it
causes otherwise peaceful,
law-abiding people to turn on each
Take, for example, the manner in

Racing’s triple threat which jockeys and trainers are

getting attacked through this
medium. We have seen only the tip
of the iceberg as to the mental

and why Westminster damage it is causing them, and we

glibly assume that this abuse is
coming from within our country.
But is it? How can we be sure that
Nationwide issue: Racecourses need to up their game to combat the scourge of drugs

“disco biscuits” and who knows

what else are fuelling violence at
There also has to be a serious
attempt to profile the dealers. A few

should see big picture China is not silently seeding our

turmoil in the same manner that
Russia stirs up strife during
big sporting gatherings where
young men “let their hair down”.
Racecourses need to up their
undercover officers in the pubs
around York last week, for
instance, would have identified
democratic elections? game on this front. The threat of either those well worth stopping as
Until the Government forces sniffer dogs and pocket searches they entered the racecourse or
social media companies to unveil will not be sufficient to act as a people with very weak bladders.
hPandemic has dealt the in Westminster could be bothered
to listen to it.
the online offenders, or shut them
down, we should not make any
serious deterrent and safeguard the
image of racing as a harmonious
I hasten to add that there is no
reason to believe York or any other
sport a financial blow but The three weapons of attack that assumptions as to the source of the place for a civilised family day out. racecourse has a particular
social media abusers and I am running through the prism are
pandemics, social media
In the meantime, the British
But racecourse security problem. This is a nationwide issue.
But there is no point in blanket
personnel alone cannot win this
drugs are equally insidious manipulation and narcotics. Horseracing Authority should battle. At the moment all dealers searching the handbags of 90-year-
Racing has not been financially utilise the closed intranet to have to do to evade the cursory old ladies or Jockey Club members’

here is a theory that sustainable during the pandemic. communicate with its participants searches is to hide the drugs in underpants.
China is still trying to Eighteen months down the line, and make racing a social media- their underpants. Any fear of I would not for one moment
destroy Western that may sound pretty obvious. But free sport. The “cost” of not getting caught is also nonexistent. blame China for our current drug
democracy. And it turns could our country survive another building up large online fan bases There is no jeopardy. wave. The South Americans have
out that horse racing is a very pandemic financially? Probably. is a price well worth paying. So the “woke” concept that police done that part of the job for them.
good prism through which to But could the racing industry Narcotics are an even bigger stopping and searching suspected But worse is yet to come. Once
“war-game” this proposition. maintain a semblance of its current threat to the peaceful enjoyment of dealers outside racecourses and addicted, a generation of our young
Racing is, after all, the self? Definitely not. racing. It should come as no marching them off to a portable will be at the mercy of an
second-biggest sport in the UK The combined havoc that social surprise that the drug binge that building for a proper search is too organised, hostile nation should it
and sustains huge employment media and drugs are going to wreak has seemingly swept across the heavy-handed must be abandoned. choose to mix debilitating poison
across the breadth of the on the sport is evident and yet I do country during lockdown is now Racecourses need to become a “not into the drugs.
country. not see anyone getting to grips spilling onto racecourses. worth the bother” zone for those Let us just hope the World
It could be considered the with either problem. One has only to watch football who are pushing drugs. And that is Health Organisation makes sure
“canary in the mine” if anyone The use of social media to fans to realise that cocaine, ecstasy, not the case at the moment. that does not happen.


Baseball S Lowry (Rep of Ireland) 71 67 62; 201—C Rugby League

MLB: NY Yankees 7 Minnesota 1-Tampa Bay 8 Conners (Canada) 70 69 62; H Varner III 66 67
Chicago White Sox 4-Chicago Cubs 2 Kansas City 68; 202—S Burns 71 67 64; B Koepka 70 64 Betfred Super League
68; K Mitchell 68 64 70; X Schauffele 70 62 Castleford 23 Wakefield 18
4-Toronto 3 Detroit 0-LA Dodgers 4 NY Mets
70; H Swafford 71 65 66; C Tringale 67 68 67. Castleford—T: Eden (2), Holmes, Olpherts. G:
3-Milwaukee 9 Washington 6-Oakland 5 San
Richardson (3). DG: Richardson. Wakefield—T:
Francisco 6-Cleveland 5 LA Angels 1-Houston 15
Seattle 1-Cincinnati 7 Miami 4-Baltimore 4 Motor racing Arona, Johnstone, Kershaw. G: Lino (3). HT: 19-6.
WTCR RACE OF HUNGARY (Budapest).-Race 1: 1 Hull 23 Hull K R 22
Atlanta 5-Boston 1 Texas 10-St. Louis 4
G Magnus (Belgium) Audi 30mins 41.529secs; 2 Hull—T: Swift, Faraimo (2), Tuimavave. G: Sneyd
Pittsburgh 5-Colorado 5 Arizona 2-San Diego 4
M Azcona (Spain) CUPRA +2.127secs; 3 Y (3). DG: Sneyd. Hull K R—T: Keinhorst, Milnes,
Philadelphia 3 (10 Innings). Crooks, Vete. G: Crooks (3). HT: 16-10.
Ehrlacher (France) Lynk & Co +2.682. Race 2: 1 S
Urrutia (Uruguay) Lynk & Co 28:53.853; 2 F Leigh 32 Salford 22
Boxing Leigh—T: Mellor, Brand, Hood, Sidlow. G: Mullen
LAS VEGAS, NEVADA.-WBA Super Welterweight Vervisch (Belgium) Audi +2.328; 3 M Azcona
(Spain) CUPRA +3.387. Championship (8). Salford—T: Williams, Livett, Sio (2). G: Inu
Title: Yordenis Ugas (Cuba) bt Manny Pacquiao (3). HT: 14-10.
(Philippines) UD 12th rd. Standings: 1 Y Ehrlacher 103pts; 2 S Urrutia
101; 3 J-K Verney (France) 87. P W D L F A Pts Win%
Cricket LE MANS 24-HOUR (Circuit de la Sarthe): 1 Catalans D's 18 16 0 2 525 312 32 88.89
SECOND TEST.-Kingston: Pakistan 302-9dec Toyota (M Conway (GB), K Kobayashi (Japan), JM St Helens 16 13 0 3 398 140 26 81.25
(110 overs; Fawad Alam 124; Babar Azam 75); Lopez Argentina); 2 Toyota (K Nakajima (Japan), S Warrington 16 11 1 4 478 275 23 71.88
West Indies. Buemi (Switzerland), B Hartley (New Zealand) +2 Wigan 20 12 0 8 337 353 24 60.00
laps. Hull K R 15 8 0 7 369 332 16 53.33
Cycling Hull 16 8 1 7 347 332 17 53.13
VUELTA A ESPANA.-Stage 8 (Santa Pola - La Motorcycling
BRITISH SUPERBIKE CHAMPIONSHIP (Cadwell Leeds 19 10 0 9 462 344 20 52.63
Manga del Mar Menor, 173.7km): 1 F Jakobsen Castleford 18 9 0 9 342 434 18 50.00
(Holland) Deceuninck-QuickStep 3hrs 56mins Park).-Race 1: 1 P Hickman (GB) BMW 20mins
5secs; 2 A Dainese (Italy) Team DSM; 3 J 21.062secs; 2 J O’Halloran (Australia) Yamaha at Huddersfield 19 6 0 13 324 388 12 31.58
Philipsen (Belgium) Alpecin-Fenix; 4 J Meeus 2.080secs; 3 T Bridewell (GB) Ducati at Salford 17 5 0 12 283 465 10 29.41
(Belgium) Bora-Hansgrohe; 5 JS Molano 3.729secs. Race 2: 1 P Hickman 26mins Wakefield 19 5 0 14 343 461 10 26.32
(Colombia) UAE Team Emirates all at same time. 10.023secs; 2 J O’Halloran +0.155; 3 T Bridewell Leigh 17 1 0 16 288 660 2 5.88
Stage 9 (Puerto Lumbreras - Alto de Velefique, +0.817. Championship Standings: 1 J
O’Halloran 342pts; 2 C Iddon (GB) Ducati 223; 3 BETFRED CHAMPIONSHIP: Batley 56 Sheffield
188km): 1 D Caruso (Italy) Bahrain Victorious 12-Bradford 30 Swinton 26-Featherstone 64
5hrs 3mins 14secs; 2 P Roglic (Slovenia) Jumbo- T Mackenzie (GB) Yamaha 223.
WORLD SUPERBIKES GP OF NAVARRA (Spain).- Dewsbury 6-Newcastle P London Broncos
Visma +1-05; 3 E Mas (Spain) Movistar Team P-Oldham 6 Toulouse 34-Widnes 25 Halifax
+1-06; 4 J Haig (Australia) Bahrain Victorious Race 1: 1 S Redding (GB) Ducati 37mins
50.793secs; 2 J Rea (GB) Kawasaki at 2.519secs; 6-York 30 Whitehaven 12.
+1-44; 5 MA Lopez (Colombia) Movistar Team; 6
3 T Razgatlioglu (Turkey) Yamaha at 5.894; 4 A
A Yates (GB) Ineos Grenadiers both at same time.
Locatelli (Italy) Yamaha at 9.405; 5 A Lowes (GB) Snooker
Overall: 1 P Roglic 34hrs 18mins 53secs; 2 E BRITISH OPEN (Leicester).-Semi-finals: G
Mas +28s; 3 MA Lopez +1-21; 6 A Yates +2-07. Kawasaki at 16.219. Race 2: 1 T Razgatlioglu
(Turkey) Yamaha 36mins 09.492secs; 2 S Wilson (Eng) bt E Slessor (Eng) 4-3; M Williams
TOUR OF NORWAY.-Stage 4 (156.5km): 1 M (Wales) bt J Robertson (England) 4-1. Final: M
Walls (GB) Bora-Hansgrohe 3hrs 25mins 16secs. Redding (GB) Ducati at 1.105secs; 3 J Rea (GB)
Kawasaki at 3.715; 4 A Locatelli (Italy) Yamaha Williams bt G Wilson 6-4.
Final Overall: 1 E Hayter (GB) Ineos Grenadiers
at 10.758; 5 T Sykes (GB) BMW at 14.437.
15hrs 15mins 0secs.
Championship Standings: 1 T Razgatlioglu Squash
311pts, 2 J Rea 311, 3 S Redding 273; 4 A Lowes BRITISH OPEN (Hull).-Men’s Semi-finals: A
Golf 169; 5 A Locatelli 151. Farag (Egypt) bt M Rodriguez (Colombia) 11-5
D+D REAL CZECH MASTERS (Prague).-Final rd 11-4 11-6; P Coll (Australia) bt M ElShorbagy
Scores (GB & Ireland unless stated): 273—J (Egypt) 11-8 11-7 11-5. Final: P Coll bt A Farag
Veerman (US) 71 66 68 68; 275—S Crocker
Rugby Union 6-11 11-6 11-6 11-8. Women’s Semi-finals: N
(US) 68 67 70 70; T Pulkkanen (Finland) 68 69 The Rugby Ch’ship El Sherbini (Egypt) bt A Sobhy (US) 11-7 9-11
66 72; 276—H Stenson (Sweden) 67 69 69 71; Argentina 10 South Africa 29
11-2 11-6; N Gohar (Egypt) bt H El Hammamy
P Peterson (US) 68 70 68 70; 278—D Argentina: J Mallia, I Mendy, S Chocobares, J de la
(Egypt) 11-8 11-5 11-9. Final: N El Sherbini bt
Burmester (S Africa) 68 69 72 69; 279—S Fuente (L Cinti 60), S Carreras, D Miotti (N Sanchez
N Gohar 9-11 13-11 5-11 11-7 11-2.
Kjeldsen (Denmark) 70 67 73 69; B Poke 61), G Bertranou (F Ezcurra 78), N Tetaz Chaparro
(F Gigena 56), J Montoya (F Bosch 74), F Gomez
(Denmark) 73 71 67 68; J Kruyswijk (S Africa)
Kodela (S Medrano 57), M Alemanno, T Lavanini, P
69 68 72 70; D Perrier (France) 72 68 69 70; M ATP & WTA T’MENT (Cincinnati, Ohio).-Men’s
Baldwin 73 69 69 68; 280—B Stone (S Africa) Matera, G Petti (J Gonzalez 65), R Bruni (M Kremer
47). T: Matera. C: Sanchez. P: Miotti. Semi-finals: A Rublev (Russia) bt D Medvedev
72 69 70 69; J Luiten (Holland) 71 71 68 70; F (Russia) 2-6 6-3 6-3; A Zverev (Germany) bt S
Mruzek (Czech Rep) 72 71 70 67; O Fisher 70 South Africa: W le Roux (D Willemse 64), C Kolbe,
L Am, D de Allende, M Mapimpi, H Pollard, C Tsitsipas (Greece) 6-4 3-6 7-6 (7-4). Final: A
72 71 67; M Siem (Germany) 71 68 69 72; Zverev bt A Rublev 6-2 6-3. Women’s Semi-
Reinach (J Hendrikse 63), T Nyakane (S Kitshoff
281—S Soederberg (Sweden) 70 64 73 74; J finals: A Barty (Australia) bt A Kerber (Germany)
15), M Marx (B Mbonambi 56), T du Toit, M Orie (N
Lagergren (Sweden) 70 70 69 72; A Meronk 6-2 7-5; J Belen Teichmann (Switzerland) bt K
Van Rensburg 52), L De Jager (K Smith 61), S
(Poland) 68 67 72 74; A Cockerill (Canada) 69 Pliskova (Czech Rep) 6-2 6-4. Final: A Barty bt J
Kolisi, F Mostert, J Wiese (D Du Preez 54). T:
72 70 70; N Hoejgaard (Denmark) 68 71 69 73; Belen Teichmann 6-3 6-1.
Mapimpi, Marx. C: Pollard (2). P: Pollard (5).
D Young 70 70 72 69. WTA CHALLENGER T'MENT (Chicago).-Final: C
HT: 3-15. Referee: Karl Dickson.
USPGA THE NORTHERN TRUST, (Jersey City, Tauson (Denmark) bt E Raducanu (GB) 6-1 2-6 6-4.
Australia P New Zealand P
New Jersey).-3rd rd leaders (US unless stated,
P W D L B F A Pts
Final Round postponed until today): 197—J Rahm
South Africa 2 2 0 0 1 61 22 9
Sport on TV
(Spain) 63 67 67; C Smith (Australia) 69 68 60; CRICKET: West Indies v Pakistan, 2nd Test - BT
198—E van Rooyen (S Africa) 69 67 62; 199—T New Zealand 1 1 0 0 1 57 22 5 Sport 2 3.45. FOOTBALL: Premier League, West
Finau 67 64 68; J Thomas 63 69 67; 200—T Australia 1 0 0 1 0 22 57 0 Ham v Leicester - Sky Sports Main Event, Sky
Hoge 69 64 67; V Hovland (Norway) 68 67 65; Argentina 2 0 0 2 0 22 61 0 Sports Premier League 7pm.
The Daily Telegraph Monday 23 August 2021 *** 19


Fahey ‘panic’ over as Perfect Power storms home Racing results

5.45 (1m6f h’cap): Oceanline (W Buick 17-2) 1; Sovereign
Brighton Going: Good-good to firm in places
2.20 (5f60yds h’cap): Ocean Wilde (D Keenan 5-1) 1; Joli’s Duke (66-1) 2; Cormier (4-1) 3. Praiano 11-4F. 12 ran. 1¼, hd.
By Marcus Armytage when he came to us, but he came Legacy (10-3) 2; Campachoochoo (5-2) 3. Lasting Beauty 9-4F. (A King). NRs: Single, Viaduct.
RACING CORRESPONDENT back to earth after a couple of 6 ran. ½, 1l. (J Ryan). 6.15 (1m1f h’cap): Yorkshire Lady (Joanna Mason 15-2) 1;
2.50 (5f60yds mdn): Lucky Shake (M Ghiani 7-2) 1; Thefastnthecurious (33-1) 2; Strawberri (11-4F) 3. 14 ran.
weeks. That’s what the breeze-up Goldenhurst (5-2F) 2; Suanni (9-1) 3. 7 ran. 1½, hd. (S & E 1¼, 2¼. (M & D Easterby). NRs: Lady Reset, Zulu Girl.
Richard Fahey might have had a lads have to do. He soon learnt and Crisford). NR: Ridicule. 6.45 (1m h’cap): Farasi Lane (T Marquand 13-2) 1; Give It
3.20 (5f215yds h’cap): Endowed (M Ghiani 11-8F) 1; Some Teddy (8-1) 2; Baby Steps (12-1) 3; Tommy G (10-1) 4.
quieter Ebor meeting than he usu- he’s been very simple since.” Touchwood (5-2) 2; Sands Of Time (15-2) 3. 5 ran. ½, 4l. (A
Bucephalus 9-2F. 16 ran. 2¾, 1¼, ¾. (T Ward). NR: Dalanijujo.
ally does on the Knavesmire last Audarya, James Fanshawe’s filly Carroll). Jackpot: Not won, pool of £21,277.30 carried over.
Placepot: £632.90. Quadpot: £101.40.
week, but the Yorkshire trainer who won last year ’s Prix Jean 3.50 (7f216yds h’cap): Magnetised (H Turner 11-2) 1; Goddess
Of Fire (85-40) 2; Dark Company (11-4) 3. De Vegas Kid 2-1F.
claimed the prestigious Prix Morny Romanet before going on to tri- 4 ran. ½, ¾. (D M Simcock). Worcester Going: Good
at Deauville with Perfect Power yes- umph at the Breeders’ Cup, was nar- 4.25 (7f216yds h’cap): Sam Bellamy (J Fanning 6-1) 1; 1.00 (2m7f h’cap nov ch): Rhythm Is A Dancer (H Cobden
Thunderoad (9-2) 2; He’s Our Star (9-4F) 3. 9 ran. nk, 1l. (M 14-1) 1; Oscar Montel (16-5) 2; Streets Of Doyen (6-5F) 3. 5
terday. rowly denied a second win in the Johnston). ran. 9½, 5l. (P Nicholls).
The colt, ridden by Christophe race by 33-1 outsider Grand Glory. 5.00 (1m1f207yds h’cap): Dartington (C Fallon 9-4JF) 1; 1.35 (2m7f h’cap ch): Head On (T J O’Brien 7-2) 1; Hoot At
Midnight (10-3F) 2; Mr Jim (16-1) 3. 14 ran. 1½, nk. (I Williams).
Soumillon – always a good man to “She ran very well and the last Contingency Fee (9-4JF) 2; Long Call (8-1) 3. 5 ran. 2¼, 3¾. (M
2.10 (2m nh flat): Operation Manna (J J Burke 11-4) 1;
Tregoning). NRs: Derek Duval, National Treasure.
have on your side in a French Group 100 metres seemed a long way,” Fan- 5.30 (1m3f198yds h’cap): Eton Blue (Mr S Walker 15-8F) 1; It’s
Fifrelet (9-1) 2; Turpin Gold (9-1) 3. Wild Breeze 9-4F. 9 ran. ½,
2¼. (T Lacey).
One face – was settled at the back Yorkshire winner: Perfect Power leads way shawe said. “It’s good to see her How We Roll (11-2) 2; Hooves Like Jagger (11-4) 3. 5 ran. 5½,
2.40 (2m7f mdn hdle): Not At Present (K Woods 7-2) 1;
and then proceeded to scythe in the Group One Prix Morny at Deauville back after Goodwood [she disap- shd. (G Baker). Seinesational (6-5F) 2; Cardboard Gangster (9-4) 3. 6 ran. ½,
Placepot: £72.20. Quadpot: £16.90.
through the field. pointed in the Nassau]. She’s run 11l. (B Pauling).
3.10 (2m h’cap hdle): Champagne City (C Gethings 6-1) 1;
He hit the front 60 yards out and imagine he’s a nice horse to ride at really well and it’s just annoying she Sandown Going: Good to soft-good in places Solstalla (4-1) 2; Constancio (18-5) 3. Fix Sun 10-3F. 6 ran. 3¾,
beat the French colt Trident by a the races because you wouldn’t feel got beaten.” 3.55 (7f mdn): King Of Conquest (W Buick 6-4F) 1; Paradias 7l. (T R George).
(20-1) 2; Shut Up Michael (28-1) 3. 11 ran. 2½, nk. (C Appleby). 3.40 (2m7f h’cap hdle): Do Ya Feel Lucky (T Scudamore 10-1)
length and a quarter. Asymmetric – he was ever going to get flustered.” Lady Bowthorpe, who beat her 4.20 (1m1f209yds h’cap): Silver Gunn (D E Hogan 11-1) 1; 1; Get An Oscar (6-1) 2; Dynamic Kate (6-1) 3. Midnight
trained by Alan King, who is getting That was in contrast to the comprehensively in the Nassau, fin- Maiden Castle (7-1) 2; Mascat (11-2) 3. Sweet Reward 5-1F. 15 Aurora 5-1F. 11 ran. shd, 4l. (D Pipe). NR: Kalinda.
ran. nk, 1½. (M Botti). NRs: Civil Law, End Result. 4.10 (2m7f h’cap hdle): Czech Her Out (T Scudamore 6-1) 1;
a taste for Group One Flat races – trainer. “I was panicking there – ished down the field. “She hasn’t 4.50 (5f10yds h’cap): Amazonian Dream (O Murphy 5-2F) 1; Mini Crest (4-1JF) 2; Chosen Shant (11-2) 3. Ballymilan 4-1JF.
was a close-up third. maybe Christophe wasn’t, but he’s a run to her Goodwood form,” said Whistledown (7-1) 2; Vince Lombardi (40-1) 3. 10 ran. ns, 2½. 10 ran. 1½, 3¼. (M Scudamore). NR: Mabela.
“He’s a laid-back character, but I better jockey than I ever was or will trainer William Jarvis, who could (B Millman). 4.45 (2m4f h’cap nov hdle): Duc De Bourbon (L Williams 15-8F)
5.20 (5f10yds h’cap): Be Proud (W Buick 11-4F) 1; Global 1; Faitque De L’isle (9-4) 2; King’s Proctor (3-1) 3. 4 ran. 10l,
always thought he was pretty be – but it was just great to see him find no immediate reason for the Prospector (9-1) 2; Beyond Equal (8-1) 3. 13 ran. ½, 1¾. (J 5½. (P Nicholls). NR: Sufi.
smart,” Fahey said of the winner. “I coming through. He was very buzzy poor performance. Goldie). NRs: Aljady, A Pint Of Bear, King Of Stars, Royal Birth. Placepot: £178.70. Quadpot: £34.90.


Brighton 4.15 Maiden Stakes (5) 6f £3,672 3.00 Casumo Handicap (5) 3YO 6f £3,240 6.55 Visit Handicap (4) 1m £4,752 5.05 Visit Juvenile Hdl (Div 1) (3) 3YO 2m £5,991
1 28 Giveit Some Orange (20) R Brisland 4 9 8 D Keenan 5 1 174 Danzart [H](46) (D) (BF) M Channon 9 7 C Bishop 4 1 204 Poet’s Dawn (9) (C)(D) T Easterby 6 10 0 Ella McCain (5) 3 1 411 Scrappy Jack (36) W G M Turner 11 8 H Kimber (7)
2 5 Blackthirtyone (68) A West 3 9 5 J Haynes 1 2 041 Maajdah (18) (D) W Haggas 9 6 T Marquand 2 2 483 Safran [H](9) (D) D O’Meara 4 9 12 D Tudhope 2 2 Colden’s Passion (F39) C Tizzard 10 12 B J Powell
Marlborough 3 6- Dusky Lord (334) R Varian 3 9 5 A Atzeni 6 3 915 Wudashudacuda (60) (D) R Teal 9 5 G Rooke (3) 3 3 339 Eton College (29) M Johnston 4 9 11 J Fanning 4 3 Devious Dreamer [T](F42) D P Quinn 10 12 J Bowen
1.45 - Summer’s Day 4 320 Imperial Force [V](25) A Balding 3 9 5 4 111 Russco (16) D McCain 9 5 J Crowley 5 4 132 Mars Landing (15) (D) (BF) Sir M Stoute 4 9 10 4 422 Fred Bear (25) (BF) Miss S West 10 12 M Goldstein
2.15 - Porterinthejungle 3.45 - Hot Scoop C Hutchinson (5) 2 R Kingscote 10
5 1-4 Shrara (14) (CD) R Beckett 9 4 R Hornby 1 5 Nayon [H](F35) R Eddery 10 12 F Gregory (3)
2.45 - Fille De La Lune 4.15 - Tawaazon 5 00- Iron Wolf (350) A Carroll 3 9 5 Mollie Phillips (5) 4 5 216 Malhoob (90) (D) R Varian 3 9 6 D O’Neill 9
6 611 Portelet Bay [V](24) (D) P Evans 8 11 H Crouch 6 6 173 Challet [H](10) (CD)(D) (BF) M Dods 4 9 6 C Beasley 1 6 Rhythmic Blues (F29) M & D Easterby 10 12 T Midgley (7)
3.15 - Junoesque 4.47 - Shamshon 6 64 Tawaazon (11) (BF) Owen Burrows 3 9 5 W Buick 3 S.P. f’cast: 9-4 Maajdah, 3-1 Russco, 4-1 Portelet Bay, 6-1 Danzart, 7 223 Six Strings (19) (D) (BF) G Tuer 7 9 6 S James 6 7 Scots Gold (F114) D Skelton 10 12 H Skelton
S.P. f’cast: 2-1 Tawaazon, 9-4 Imperial Force, 3-1 Dusky Lord, 5-1 13-2 Shrara, 10-1 Wudashudacuda. 8 Sir Taweel [T](F59) N King 10 12 Bryony Frost
Giveit Some Orange, 16-1 Blackthirtyone, 100-1 Iron Wolf. 8 826 Trinity Lake (22) D Carroll 5 9 5 Z Wheatley (7) 5
Going: Good-good to firm in places TV: Sky Sports Racing 9 Aliomaana [H](F19) M Harris 10 5 M Bastyan (3)
Draw: In sprint races low numbers tend to have an advantage over five 3.30 Join Casumo Today Handicap (6) 5f £2,700 9 468 Carnival Zain [H](16) (D) M Hammond 4 9 3 B Garritty (3) 7
furlongs, high best over six furlongs. 4.47 Apprentice Handicap (5) 5f £3,240 1 265 Handytalk (11) (D) B Millman 8 9 9 R Coakley 2
10809 Fennaan (12) (D) Phillip Makin 6 9 1 R Scott 11 10 Fiamette [V](F161) Miss J Davis 10 5 J M Davies
[B] Blinkers [V] Visor [E] Eyeshield [T] Tongue Strap [P] Cheekpieces 1 242 Boom The Groom (19) (D) A Carroll 10 9 5 11977 Al Erayg [P,T](21) (D) T Easterby 8 9 1 D Allan 8 11 Lanika (F24) G Brown 10 5 Paul O’Brien (3)
Mollie Phillips (3) 2 2 311 Secret Potion [P](13) (CD)(D) R Harris 7 9 7 T Whelan 8
S.P. f’cast: 3-1 Mars Landing, 6-1 Six Strings, 7-1 Challet, Malhoob, S.P. f’cast: 11-4 Scots Gold, 3-1 Scrappy Jack, 10-3 Fred Bear, 7-1
1.45 Maiden Fillies’ Stakes (5) 2YO 6f £3,780 2 537 Batchelor Boy [B](17) (C)(D) J Gallagher 4 9 3 3 513 Bellevarde (13) (CD)(D) (BF) R J Price 7 9 7 A Villiers (5) 9 Poet’s Dawn, 15-2 Trinity Lake, 8-1 Safran, 10-1 Others. Aliomaana, 10-1 Devious Dreamer, Colden’s Passion, 16-1 Others.
1 Darcy’s Rock S Durack 9 0 T P Queally 3 C Hutchinson 4 4 85- Rocking Reg (423) R Teal 4 9 6 G Rooke (3) 6
2 99 Maison Beau (15) A Carroll 9 0 M Ghiani 6 3 143 Street Parade [P](11) (D) M Attwater 5 9 2 5 152 Atty’s Edge (11) (CD)(C)(D) C Mason 5 9 5 W Cox (3) 1 7.25 Titanium Racing Handicap (6) 3YO 1m 4f £2,322 5.35 Visit Juvenile Hdl (Div 2) (3) 3YO 2m £5,991
3 7 No More Tiers (47) C Hills 9 0 K Shoemark 4 Molly Presland (5) 3 6 226 Fard [B](10) M Blake 6 8 11 T Greatrex (3) 5 1 122 King Viktor (8) (D) (BF) B Ellison 9 8 B Robinson 4 1 1 Caramelised (25) (CD) A King 11 4 T Cannon
4 7 Sense Of Security (21) R Hughes 9 0 S W Kelly 5 4 531 Shamshon (19) (CD)(D1) S C Williams 10 9 2 7 916 Blue Venture (19) (CD) A Carroll 4 8 10 T Marquand 7 2 651 Raqisa (17) (D) J O’Keeffe 9 7 J Garritty 5 2 Aggagio [H](F45) Mrs S Leech 10 12 S Bowen
A Farragher 1 3 321 Out Of Sight (23) Alex French 9 7 S Cherchi (3) 6 3 6 Crane (25) N Henderson 10 12 N De Boinville
5 42 Summer’s Day (21) C Appleby 9 0 W Buick 2 8 -48 Edge Of The Bay (19) C Mason 4 8 6 S Hitchcott 4
S.P. f’cast: 15-8 Shamshon, 2-1 Boom The Groom, 3-1 Street 4 367 Blue Honey (22) M Dods 9 2 C Beasley 3 4 Gavin [H](F86) Joe Ponting 10 12 C Hammond
6 224 Tadita Twitch (9) E Dunlop 9 0 S Osborne (5) 1 Parade, 11-2 Batchelor Boy. 9 837 Hot Hot Hot (17) (D) A Carroll 4 8 2 K O’Neill 3
S.P. f’cast: 6-5 Tadita Twitch, 5-4 Summer’s Day, 10-1 No More 5 675 Hellenista (6) T Easterby 8 11 D Allan 1 5 Gonna Go Viral (F74) J Farrelly 10 12 B J Powell
S.P. f’cast: 3-1 Secret Potion, 7-2 Bellevarde, 6-1 Handytalk, 7-1
6 532 Oot Ma Way [P](14) I Jardine 8 2 A Mullen 2
Tiers, 14-1 Sense Of Security, 20-1 Darcy’s Rock, 50-1 Maison Beau.
Chepstow Blue Venture, Atty’s Edge, 8-1 Fard, 12-1 Edge Of The Bay, Rocking
Reg, 16-1 Hot Hot Hot. S.P. f’cast: 11-4 Out Of Sight, 3-1 Raqisa, 7-2 King Viktor, 4-1 Oot
Prey For Glory (F59) D P Quinn 10 12
Sabre Jet [T](F19) A Murphy 10 12
J Bowen
J Quinlan
2.15 Handicap (5) 7f £3,240 Ma Way, 15-2 Hellenista, 12-1 Blue Honey.
8 Von Melas (F20) M & D Easterby 10 12 T Midgley (7)
1 465 Velvet Vista [B,T](12) (CD)(D) M Murphy 5 9 10
Marlborough Ripon Jackpot Card
D Muscutt 7 7.55 Handicap (6) 3YO 6f £2,322 9 Addosh [H](F24) S Edmunds 10 5 C Gethings
1.00 - Kath’s Toyboy 2.30 - Fieldsman 1 643 Cometh The Man [B,E](8) D O’Meara 9 8 D Tudhope 13 10 7 Baby Sham (36) Seamus Mullins 10 5 A Thorne (5)
2 764 Kendergarten Kop [B](1) (CD)(C)(D) D Flood 6 9 9 1.30 - Almost An Angel 3.00 - Russco (nb) Marlborough
S Osborne (5) 2 2 541 Mr Trevor [H](17) (D) Mrs A Duffield 9 7 S Gray 7 11 5 Free Degrees (29) S-J Davies 10 5 W T Kennedy
2.00 - Rani Of Jhansi 3.30 - Blue Venture 3 Blazing Son (17) B Smart 9 6 G Lee 8
3 217 Aweemaweh [P](5) (CD)(D) M Channon 4 9 7 S M Levey 6 5.25 - Willard Creek 6.55 - Mars Landing (nap) 283 S.P. f’cast: 8-11 Caramelised, 6-1 Crane, 8-1 Addosh, 10-1
4 436 Ireland’s Eye [V](17) D Carroll 9 5 H Shaw 10 Aggagio, 14-1 Von Melas, 16-1 Prey For Glory, Sabre Jet, 20-1 Others.
4 111 Porterinthejungle (18) (CD)(D) R Brisland 5 9 3 5.55 - Wade’s Magic 7.25 - King Viktor
K Shoemark 3 Going: Good to soft-soft in places TV: Sky Sports Racing 6.25 - Notation 7.55 - Oh So Hot 5 197 Ginato [B](17) (CD) (BF) R Fell 9 5 J Hart 1
5 563 Madrinho [B](4) A Carroll 8 9 0 M Ghiani 5 Draw: High numbers have a slight advantage in races up to a mile. 6 354 Miss Bella Brand (24) Mrs I G-Leveque 9 4 G Wood 4 6.05 Bet At Handicap Chase (5) 2m 3f £2,505
[B] Blinkers [V] Visor [E] Eyeshield [T] Tongue Strap [P] Cheekpieces 7 446 Albegone [B](12) T Easterby 9 0 D Allan 6 1 -32 Makety (39) O Sherwood 7 12 0 J J Burke
6 926 Kick On Kick On [P,T](15) I Williams 6 9 0 David Egan 4
Going: Good to soft TV: Sky Sports Racing 2 244 Pointed And Sharp [T](36) (D) P Hobbs 9 11 12 T J O’Brien
7 481 Rhyme Scheme [P,T](18) (CD) M Appleby 4 8 11 W Buick 1 1.00 Casumo Bet 10 Get 10 Handicap (5) 3YO 5f £3,240 Draw: Low numbers favoured on the sprint course.
8 226 Oh So Hot (18) (BF) Adrian Nicholls 8 12 B McHugh 3
9 103 Miss Trixie (17) (D) Steph Hollinshead 8 10 3 53U Bagan [P](25) (C) T R Gretton 7 11 9 J Best
S.P. f’cast: 9-4 Porterinthejungle, 3-1 Rhyme Scheme, 5-1 1 311 Blue Moonrise (4) (CD)(D) P Evans 10 3(12ex) [B] Blinkers [V] Visor [E] Eyeshield [T] Tongue Strap [P] Cheekpieces
Josephine Gordon 11
Aweemaweh, 6-1 Madrinho, 8-1 Kick On Kick On, 10-1 Kendergarten Gina Mangan (7) 5 4 302 Chapati (27) J Coulson 7 11 8 F Gregory (3)
Kop, 12-1 Velvet Vista. 2 441 Kath’s Toyboy [B](18) (D) R Hughes 9 7 J Crowley 4
5.25 Maiden Stakes (5) 1m £3,510 10339 Keepherlit [P](17) N Tinkler 8 8 R Scott 9 5 4-4 Moans Cross (36) D Bridgwater 7 11 4 M Bastyan (3)
1 7 Colleague (23) E Alston 4 9 11 J Hart 5 11740 Suntory Star (47) B Haslam 8 8 A Mullen 5 6 214 Air Hair Lair (25) (CD) (BF) Miss S West 5 10 12 M Goldstein
3 212 Glamorous Breeze [P](9) (CD) (BF) C Mason 9 6
2.45 Nursery (6) 2YO 1m £2,700 W Cox (3) 1 2 /2- Liberation Point (322) M Appleby 4 9 11 K Stott 1 12058 Desert Cat (39) E Alston 8 7 S Cherchi (3) 12 7 4P7 This Breac [H,T](25) J Frost 10 10 3 C Quinn (7)
1 788 Lark Lane (10) M Channon 9 9 W Buick 4 4 727 Bluebird Day (30) R Beckett 9 0 H Crouch 3 3 76 Ryton (18) T Easterby 4 9 11 D Fentiman 4 13008 Lady Artela [P](21) Ewan Whillans 8 7 C Hardie 2 8 74P Alburn [H,T](48) R Armson 11 10 0 P Armson (7)
2 635 Dashing To You (20) W Stone 9 7 Laura Pearson (3) 1 5 234 Mahale (69) M Channon 8 13 G Bass (5) 7 4 Charlesishere Mrs A Duffield 3 9 5 S Gray 6 S.P. f’cast: 7-2 Mr Trevor, 4-1 Cometh The Man, 6-1 Oh So Hot, 8-1
Blazing Son, 10-1 Ginato, Miss Bella Brand, Ireland’s Eye, 12-1 Others. S.P. f’cast: 15-8 Bagan, 7-2 Air Hair Lair, 4-1 Makety, 6-1 Chapati,
3 455 Fille De La Lune (10) K Burke 9 6 P-L Jamin (5) 5 6 525 Tenth Century (84) M Blake 8 12 T Greatrex (3) 6 5 38 Cragside (18) T Easterby 3 9 5 D Allan 2 15-2 Pointed And Sharp, 12-1 Moans Cross, 20-1 Others.
4 389 Pretty Green [T](12) S C Williams 9 5
5 643 Twistaline (12) B Millman 8 7
M Ghiani 7
N Currie 3
7 657 Toptime (4) B Millman 8 12 R Coakley 2 6 3 Willard Creek (18) T D Barron 3 9 5 C Beasley 3 Stratford 6.35 Dr Robert Davies 50th Birthday Hcap Hdl (3) 3m 2f £4,956
S.P. f’cast: 11-4 Blue Moonrise, 3-1 Kath’s Toyboy, 9-2 Glamorous 7 33 Angel Amadea (13) (BF) W Haggas 3 9 0 D Tudhope 7
6 007 True Company (10) S Kirk 8 7 Shariq Mohd (7) 2 Breeze, 6-1 Bluebird Day, 8-1 Tenth Century, Mahale, 12-1 Toptime. 1 -32 The Bull Mccabe [T](55) (C) K Bailey 7 11 12 D Bass
S.P. f’cast: 13-8 Angel Amadea, 5-2 Liberation Point, 3-1 Willard
7 007 Ribble Bridge (40) S Kirk 8 7 David Egan 6 Creek, 8-1 Cragside, 20-1 Charlesishere, Ryton, 33-1 Colleague. Marlborough 2 801 Ballon Onabudget [P](29) (D) T R George 8 11 8 J J Burke
S.P. f’cast: 15-8 Twistaline, 9-4 Dashing To You, 4-1 Pretty Green, 1.30 Casumo Best Odds Guaranteed Hcap (5) 3YO 7f £3,240 3.55 - Tynecastle Park 6.05 - Bagan 3 -11 Wbee (36) (CD)(C) G Hanmer 6 11 2 S Bowen
7-1 Fille De La Lune, 12-1 Lark Lane, 20-1 Ribble Bridge, 25-1 True 1 107 Marselan (18) (D) E J-Houghton 9 7 C Bishop 1 5.55 Handicap (5) 5f £2,862 4.30 - Cape Robin 6.35 - Wbee 4 4-P Dr Des [P](115) (C) P Bowen 10 11 0 J Bowen
Company. 2 241 Almost An Angel (4) (CD)(C)(D) P Evans 9 7(6ex) 1 106 Dapper Man [P](6) (CD)(D11) R Fell 7 9 11 J Hart 2 5.05 - Fred Bear 7.05 - Captain Cobajay 5 6-1 Tel’art [P](25) (CD)(C) B Pauling 7 10 11 K Woods
Gina Mangan (7) 3 2 623 Buniann (30) (D) P Midgley 5 9 11 K Stott 6 5.35 - Caramelised 7.35 - Div Ine Tara S.P. f’cast: 2-1 Wbee, 5-2 Ballon Onabudget, 7-2 Tel’art, 4-1 The
3.15 Handicap (6) 1m 2f £2,700 3 775 Arcadian Nights (12) M Channon 9 4 T Marquand 5 3 354 Big Thanks [P,T](12) Phillip Makin 3 9 9 P Mulrennan 5 Bull Mccabe, 12-1 Dr Des.
1 634 Cafe Sydney (6) (C)(D) A Carroll 5 9 9 Mollie Phillips (5) 10 4 134 Duke Of Prussia (8) (D) Sir M Prescott 8 11 R Tate 4 4 Thrilla In Manila [P](11) (D) P Midgley 5 9 8
2 431 Mahanakhon Power [V](2) (D) M Appleby 4 9 12(5ex) 5 645 Mountain Ash [P](34) B Millman 8 3 K O’Neill 2
B Robinson 9
Going: Good-good to firm in places TV: Racing TV
[B] Blinkers [V] Visor [E] Eyeshield [T] Tongue Strap [P] Cheekpieces
7.05 Racing TV Handicap Chase (5) 2m 1f £2,505
W Buick 8 1 -53 Costly Diamond [T](9) G Hanmer 7 12 1 W Shanahan (7)
S.P. f’cast: 2-1 Duke Of Prussia, 9-4 Almost An Angel, 4-1 Marselan, 5 443 Canford Bay [T](19) (CD)(D) A Brittain 7 9 8 C Hardie 3
3 804 Catch My Breath [P](10) J Ryan 5 9 7 D Keenan 5 6-1 Mountain Ash, 7-1 Arcadian Nights. 6 613 Harrogate (10) (CD)(D) P Midgley 6 9 7 G Lee 7
3.55 Join Racing TV Now Maiden Hurdle (4) 2m 3f £4,084 2 P4P Steeles Terrace (1) A Carroll 9 11 12 H Bannister
4 223 Platinum Prince [V](18) G L Moore 4 9 5 T P Queally 2 1 4 Allsfineandandy [P](28) C Tizzard 5 11 4 H Kimber (7) 3 -53 Guns For Hire [P](56) E Williams 6 11 1 C Ring (3)
7 237 Wade’s Magic [P](6) (D) (BF) T Easterby 4 9 6
5 211 Junoesque [P](19) (CD)(C)(D) J Gallagher 7 9 5 2.00 Download The Casumo App Novice Stks (5) 1m £3,672 Ella McCain (5) 8 2 323 Edinburgh Castle [T](41) (BF) Jonjo O’Neill 5 11 4 4 -30 Genever Dragon (24) (D) D McCain 4 11 1 T Gillard (5)
G Buckell (3) 3 1 5 Twiggys Pride (26) J Flint 5 9 8 W Cox (3) 4 T Scudamore
8 418 Twice Adaay [P](21) (D) A Keatley 3 9 1 3 Grenadier Guard (F35) D Shaw 5 11 4 J M Davies 5 PP1 Captain Cobajay (9) (D) Justin Landy 8 10 11 C Bewley
6 475 Cap D’Antibes (20) M Roberts 4 9 3 C Shepherd 7 2 Mujtaba W Haggas 3 9 2 J Crowley 7 Ryan Sexton (7) 4
4 Kyllachy Castle (F13) C Tizzard 5 11 4 T J O’Brien 6 4F0 Gaia Vallis [P,T](25) D Bridgwater 5 10 7 A Bellamy (7)
7 047 Azor Ahai [T](79) G Baker 5 9 2 S W Kelly 9 3 Ship To Shore P Chamings 3 9 2 C Bishop 5 9 532 Qaaraat [V](13) (D) A Brittain 6 8 10 K Schofield (5) 1
5 P53 Lisronagh Stone [B,T](25) P Henderson 8 11 4 N Scholfield 7 44P Kapsize [P,T](42) (BF) P Bowen 7 10 0 S Bowen
8 535 Selecto [P](19) M Channon 4 8 13 Rose Dawes (7) 6 4 0 Undercover Agent (11) M Gillard 3 9 2 R Hornby 3 S.P. f’cast: 10-3 Qaaraat, 5-1 Harrogate, 11-2 Buniann, 6-1 Wade’s 8 224 Babytaggle (9) G Brown 10 10 0 Shane Quinlan (5)
Magic, 15-2 Big Thanks, 8-1 Canford Bay, Twice Adaay, 10-1 Dapper
6 24/ On The Meter [WS](735) D Bridgwater 7 11 4 B J Powell
9 352 Thunderoad (1) A Carroll 5 8 7 M Ghiani 1 5 323 Rani Of Jhansi (22) D M Simcock 3 8 11 T Marquand 8 9 -8P St Merryn (25) (CD) B Summers 10 10 0 D Burton (5)
Man, 14-1 Thrilla In Manila. 7 522 Percy’s Word (40) (BF) D Skelton 7 11 4 H Skelton
10863 Teemlucky [V](19) I Williams 5 8 7 David Egan 11 6 90 Ruby Lily [T](19) S Lycett 3 8 11 10573 Trio D’ecajeul [P](27) M Blake 7 10 0 D Noonan
8 3P- Sir Canford [P,T](F39) A Stronge 5 11 4 J Bowen
11087 Champagne Highlife [P](33) J Flint 4 8 7 T Heard (5) 4 Elisha Whittington (5) 2
7 77P Sovereign Point (13) P Webber 3 8 11 S Hitchcott 6
6.25 Best Odds Guaranteed At Hcap (4) 2m £4,752 9 5P/ Tynecastle Park (F33) R Eddery 8 11 4 F Gregory (3) S.P. f’cast: 5-4 Captain Cobajay, 9-2 Costly Diamond, 13-2 Kapsize,
S.P. f’cast: 5-2 Mahanakhon Power, 3-1 Junoesque, 7-1 Platinum 10 5 Alioski (1) G Brown 4 11 0 Paul O’Brien (3) 7-1 Babytaggle, 12-1 Guns For Hire, Steeles Terrace, 14-1 Others.
Prince, 10-1 Thunderoad, Cap D’Antibes, 12-1 Teemlucky, Azor Ahai, 1 589 Notation (11) M Johnston 4 9 10 J Peate (7) 3
8 9 Where’s The Dog (19) R Brotherton 3 8 11 W Carver (3) 1
Selecto, 14-1 Others. 2 064 Eagle Court [H](30) D O’Meara 4 9 7 D Tudhope 1 11 F Catbird Seat (48) A King 4 11 0 T Cannon
S.P. f’cast: 4-5 Mujtaba, Evens Rani Of Jhansi, 20-1 Ship To Shore,
12 94 Ottavio [H](36) Dr R Newland 4 11 0 C Hammond
7.35 Mares’ Open NH Flat Race (5) 2m £1,906
50-1 Twiggys Pride, 66-1 Undercover Agent, 100-1 Sovereign Point, 3 218 Let Me Be (29) (CD)(D) K Dalgleish 5 9 6 J Fanning 5 1 -62 Div Ine Tara (42) F O’Brien 6 10 12 L Harrison (5)
3.45 Selling Handicap (6) 6f £2,700 Where’s The Dog, Ruby Lily. 4 156 Au Clair De Lune (18) G Scott 4 9 5 R Kingscote 2 S.P. f’cast: 9-4 Percy’s Word, 4-1 Edinburgh Castle, Catbird Seat,
5-1 Sir Canford, 10-1 Ottavio, 12-1 Tynecastle Park, 14-1 Others. 2 553 Gerritzen [T](22) T Bulgin 6 10 12 M Kendrick
1 637 Haidarah [T](18) M Bell 4 9 7 K Shoemark 8 5 281 Dance To Paris [V](30) (D) L Wadham 6 9 5 DOUBTFUL 6
2.30 Apprentice Handicap (4) 7f £4,590 3 U Annie’s Dream (22) C Hobson 4 10 9 Tabitha Worsley (5)
2 807 Hot Scoop [B,T](13) (D) J Osborne 3 9 7 S Osborne (5) 1
1 601 Cold Stare [P,T](16) (D) D O’Meara 6 10 4 DOUBTFUL 7
6 9-3 Land Of Winter [P,T](41) (D) R Guest 5 9 4 D Allan 9 4.30 Novices’ Handicap Chase (4) 2m 5f £3,594 4 5 Checkitsme (31) M Harris 4 10 9 M Bastyan (3)
3 550 I’m Mable (23) Darryll Holland 3 9 5 W Buick 2 7 422 Ghadbbaan (30) (BF) B Ellison 5 8 5 C Hardie 7 1 U31 Umndeni [P](2) P Hobbs 7 12 0 T J O’Brien
2 886 Gloves Lynch [P](20) M Wigham 5 9 12 H Russell 1 5 Joyful Song A Newcombe 4 10 9 H Kimber (7)
4 846 Split Elevens [P](13) (D) J Butler 3 9 3 David Egan 5 8 247 Nakeeta [H](21) I Jardine 10 8 5 A Mullen 8 2 693 Goa Lil (24) N Twiston-Davies 5 11 11 S Twiston-Davies
3 432 Miquelon [P](11) (BF) A Watson 4 9 6 Joanna Mason 6 6 Pennymaze S A Harris 4 10 9 H Nugent (5)
5 320 Jack Ryan [B](10) J Ryan 4 9 1 D Keenan 3 9 255 Bollin Neil [P](21) (D) T Easterby 5 8 4 D Fentiman 4 3 7/1 Royal Ruby (36) (C) N Henderson 9 11 8 N De Boinville
4 112 Bolly Bullet [P](3) (D) (BF) J G O’Shea 4 9 5 7 3 Puffin Bay (41) O Sherwood 4 10 9 J J Burke
6 536 Starchant (30) J Bridger 5 8 8 T Heard (5) 7 S.P. f’cast: 7-2 Ghadbbaan, 4-1 Let Me Be, 13-2 Au Clair De Lune, 4 4F1 Fat Sam [H](25) (C) C Down 7 11 8 J M Davies
L Browne (7) 4 8 72 Shantou Champagne (22) P Bowen 4 10 9 S Bowen
7 006 Whistling Sands (83) R Brisland 5 8 8 15-2 Eagle Court, 8-1 Bollin Neil, Nakeeta, 10-1 Land Of Winter, 5 -1P Don’t Ask [B,T](29) A Hales 8 11 7 K Woods
Mollie Phillips (5) 6 5 254 Delta River (40) P Evans 6 9 4 Gina Mangan (5) 5 14-1 Notation. 9 Splashing Wave R Curtis 4 10 9 B R Jones
6 U21 Cape Robin [T](54) T Vaughan 7 11 5 Charlie Price (5)
8 857 Urban Highway (173) (C) A Carroll 5 8 8 M Ghiani 4 6 704 Sir Plato [V](31) (CD)(C) B Millman 7 9 2 A Villiers (3) 2 10 Tearaway Tilly M Walford 4 10 9 J Hamilton
7 122 Grageelagh Girl [P](36) (C) (BF) F O’Brien 10 11 0
S.P. f’cast: 7-2 Split Elevens, 4-1 Haidarah, 5-1 I’m Mable, 6-1 Hot 7 692 Fieldsman (18) (CD)(D) A Carroll 9 9 2 Emma Taff (7) 3 Whistler’s Nap L Harrison (5) 11 Triptothecity [T]N King 4 10 9 Bryony Frost
Scoop, 7-1 Starchant, Jack Ryan, 8-1 Urban Highway, 12-1 Whistling S.P. f’cast: 7-4 Bolly Bullet, 3-1 Miquelon, 6-1 Sir Plato, 8-1 Delta Bagan (6.05 Stratford) is today’s nap for Whistler (Marcus Armytage) S.P. f’cast: 5-2 Royal Ruby, 3-1 Umndeni, 5-1 Cape Robin, 11-2 S.P. f’cast: 3-1 Div Ine Tara, 10-3 Puffin Bay, 7-2 Shantou
Sands. River, Fieldsman, 10-1 Gloves Lynch. of The Sunday Telegraph. Grageelagh Girl, 6-1 Fat Sam, 12-1 Don’t Ask, Goa Lil. Champagne, 7-1 Joyful Song, Splashing Wave, 14-1 Others.
20 ** Monday 23 August 2021 The Daily Telegraph


Final whistle
Alan Tyers

Beeb raises bat for

maiden Hundred
n entire Saturday An immediate time machine for under the same few non- Saturday, particularly the women’s
afternoon and early
Loving it: Georgia
Adams and Sarah older viewers to the days of Tony negotiables it always has done. The It has been event, were packaged as a family
evening of cricket on
BBC television; and it
Bryce, of Oval
Invincibles, meet
Lewis, and although it is hard to
imagine AR Lewis of Glamorgan
weather is often poor, there is no
substitute for a close contest, and better than entertainment product. A battery
of children’s TV types and excitable
began with the following
comfortingly familiar piece of
Love Island alumni
Chris Hughes and
and England sporting the silver
parachute trousers of his BBC
there are periods when the TV
coverage will have to fill in for rain,
expected. young people with microphones
vox-popped kids in the crowd, and
information: “The good news
here from Lord’s is that we had
Josh Denzel presentational successor Isa Guha,
a reminder that no matter what
light, and times where not a lot is
happening on the field.
But that is grabbed cricketers for a chat.
Everyone universally agreed that
a bit of drizzle earlier but we
are due to start on time.”
bastardisations inflicted upon it,
cricket in this country operates
Neither the men’s nor women’s
Hundred final was able to deliver
not saying everything was amazing and
brilliant, be it the day out, the
much of a match in terms of
sporting excitement. In both
much, entertainment, the batting, the
progress being made by women’s
contests, the side batting second
were never seriously in it as the
given its cricket.
As Anya Shrubsole began
replies limped to a close with the bungled proceedings with her hooping
chasers 32 and 48 runs short medium-paced inswingers through
respectively. launch the smoke that lingered in the
Whether that matters is hard to murky Lord’s air from the pre-
judge right away. Would a brace of match fireworks, one could not
thrillers have converted more help be reminded of Ian “Bully”
agnostics flicking through the TV Austin at the 1999 World Cup
channels on a drizzly Saturday in opening match on this ground.
August? Perhaps, but no cricket This was a better TV day than that.
match can guarantee a result, other The much-vaunted innovations
than the ones those clever of the Hundred have, as it turns
bookmakers in the Far East take out, been the weakest bits of it. Few
such an interest in. bowlers have opted to send down
And as for the levels of cricket, the 10 balls in a row that they are
this column will leave the question permitted to, meaning that it is
of the standard of the women’s effectively a contest of 20 overs
game to the experts – actual and (sound familiar?), except with five
self-appointed – and note only that deliveries per set. This has not
the evidence of one’s own eyes increased the pace of matches
suggests professionalism is raising
Readers’ significantly.
the bar apace. As to the men’s letters The commentators’ cheerleading
game, the number of franchises along with an exaggeration of the
seems about right without diluting Send your views quality and/or drama on screen
the talent pool too much. on sport and our would have irritated some viewers
To address the Hundred as an coverage to the on Saturday; but this is a by-product
entertainment spectacle is an Sports Editor, The of having everyone involved – on-
easier task: cricket fans in this Daily Telegraph, pitch and on-microphone – willing
country have clamoured for years 111 Buckingham the enterprise to be a commercial
that we want the sport back on Palace Rd, SWIW success.
terrestrial TV, and by putting 7½ 0DT. Or email A third division pop singer doing
hours of it on BBC2 on a Saturday, sportletters@ a turn to an uninterested crowd
the England and Wales Cricket between breaks at a third-full
Board has belatedly delivered. Please include cricket ground in the drizzle is not
As a competition, the Hundred your postal the greatest show on earth, no
has been better than anyone dared address. We will matter how much the organisers
to hope, although that is not saying publish the best wish it so, but cricket back on the
much, given the bungled launch. each week. BBC is what we wanted, and that is
Correctly, the broadcasts on what we got.

Sport in brief

Boxing Cycling The 46-year old beat Gary

Manny Pacquiao suffered a Damiano Caruso won stage Wilson 6-4 in Leicester,
surprise defeat by Cuban nine of the Vuelta a Espana making his only two
Yordenis Ugas in Las Vegas as reigning champion centuries of the event in the
and admits he may now quit Primoz Roglic, who finished final. “I should have gone out
boxing for good to focus on second, increased his overall several times. Unfortunately
his political career. Pacquiao, lead. The Italian led for for Gary, this was the best I
in his first fight since July much of the 188km stage played all week,” he said.
2019, lost by unanimous across the mountains of
decision as Ugas retained his Andalusia to claim his first Golf
WBA (super) welterweight win at the Vuelta since 2017. Johannes Veerman, of the US,
title. “In the future, you may won the Czech Masters – his
not see Manny Pacquiao in Snooker first European Tour title – by
the ring,” said the 42-year- Mark Williams saved his best two strokes as Finland’s Tapio
old Filipino, a senator in his until last at the British Open Pulkkanen dropped three
homeland. to claim a 24th ranking title. shots in the final two holes.

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