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Mobilise your enterprise

to its full potential

Gerard Sofianos ± Britehouse Mobility

Mobilise your enterprise to
its full potential

in context

Business mobility

Business mobility

Business mobility
Mobilise your enterprise to
its full potential

in context

Business mobility

Business mobility

Business mobility
Mobility in context
Mobility in context

Our personal mobility devices are an extension of ourselves

Evolution of mobile devices

Dr. Martin Cooper of Motorola, made the first US analogue mobile phone
call on a larger prototype model in 1973

Codenamed project Venus, the Apple QuickTake 100 was launched at

the Tokyo Mac World in February 1994

In 1996, recognising the importance of GPS to civilian users as well as

military users, Bill Clinton declared GPS to be a dual-use system and
establishing an Interagency GPS Executive Board to manage it as a
national asset

The Newton was the first successful PDA. Introduced in 1993, it paved
the way for such things as the Palm PDA, Pocket PC

Flint's thesis paper, written in the 1932, the barcode technology has
become our everyday companion
Evolution of mobile devices
What is the real question?

Without mobility will our

business will be left
high and dry?

How do we leverage
mobility to our advantage?
Mobility in context

Our personal mobility devices are an extension of ourselves


Twitter case study 78% 14%

SMS 8%
We quickly understood that we were doing
Twitter for iPhone 8% users a disservice by not having a great client
on each of the major mobile platforms. So, we
Twitter for Blackberry 7%
took a similar approach with Twitter for
TwitPic 4% BlackBerry and Twitter for Android, which
launched a new version this week.
TweetDeck * 3% This strategy has been quite successful. Total
mobile users has jumped 62 percent since mid-
Echofon * 3% April, and, remarkably, 16 percent of all new
users to Twitter start on mobile QRZ´
Google Friend Connect 2%
³Indeed, 46 percent of active users make mobile
Uber Twitter 2% a regular part of their Twitter experience´.

* Represents multiple clients on mobile and desktop

The evolution of mobility device
usage in business

Social Networking Unified Comms

Transactional = BUSINESS


Email and

Mobilise your enterprise to
its full potential

in context

Business mobility

Business mobility

Business mobility
Mobility operates from
the industrial to the flashy space
Business mobility is about
business transactions

1 Paper based transactions are concluded digitally

Proof of delivery Invoicing

Sales orders Works orders

Inspections Audits/surveys

Approvals/submissions Trip sheets

Receipts Transfer orders

Business mobility is about
market awareness and field intelligence

2 Mobilises and speeds up field processes

Field marketing Stock taking

Surveys Credit applications

Planograms Campaign management

Collateral management
Business mobility is about
operational awareness and control

3 Operational measurement and control

Barcode reading Scanning

Time stamps GPS locations

Reports 2SHUDWLRQDO.3,¶V

Usage metrics Real-time data flow

Enterprise mobility is about
real value to business

4 Real return on investment

Top Line ROI Improved Revenue

‡ Sales
‡ Customer service
‡ Market intelligence

Bottom Line ROI Cost Savings Sales

‡ Time
‡ People
‡ Errors
Mobilise your enterprise to
its full potential

in context

Business mobility

Business mobility

Business mobility
Strategic considerations

Enterprise Mobility strategy must address all aspects of business,

customers, staff, suppliers and stakeholders

2 Enterprise Mobility is a continual evolution ± Roadmap


4 Enterprise Mobility must be driven from top down as a business strategy

5 Foundation is based on solid architectural design principals

assessing the paradigms

Custom Application Thin vs Rich µ6PDUW

development extensions applications mobility'
‡ No architecture ‡ Low risk ‡ ERP ‡ Functionality ‡ MEAP
‡ Single focus ‡ Test and use ‡ On browser ‡ Process Centric
‡ Modules
‡ Silo approach ‡ Limited ‡ Coverage ‡ Role Based
customisation engagement.
‡ No strategy ‡ Functional
‡ Fragmented
‡ Speed to speed ‡ Diversity Matrix
‡ Rich client technologies
‡ WiFi, LAN, 3G ‡ Rule of 3
‡ Device ‡ Single function
‡ Domain IP field
dependent ‡ Connectivity
Mobilise your enterprise
to its full potential

in context

Business mobility

Business mobility

Business mobility
Design considerations

1 Embrace diversity ± OS, device, communications, back office and users

2 Mobile device management is cornerstone to success

3 Mobile device security is a key aspect of enterprise mobility strategy

4 Integration is a major challenge and at the heart of a strategic architecture

5 Operational support is imperative to success

6 Allow for smart mobility ± both on & off Line

Enterprise mobility platform

Device types

Mobile user roles

Operational reporting
Mobile applications
Direct Store Sales Force Field Marketing Other 3rd Party
Deliver Automation Consulting Applications

Integration layer
Mobile Business Framework

Mobile Device Security ± MDS

Mobile Device Management ± MDM

Presented by
Gerard Sofianos

Created by
Alessandro Bottega

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