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Comparative Economic Development:

Pakistan and Bangladesh

When Bangladesh declared independence from Pakistan in 1971, there were a lot challenges for
the Bangladeshi govt. to swathe the national economy on the development track. The big issues
were the poverty, hunger, huge population etc. The predictions were made that it’s very hard to
manage a huge population with very bad poverty conditions.

Though at that time Pakistan had same number of population but the economic conditions were
much better as compare to Bangladesh. The predictions about Pakistan’s progress were very high
but with the passage of time we saw that Pakistan did not achieve progress as compare to
Bangladesh. Here we have a look on the different areas where Bangladeshi economy
outperformed Pakistani economy:


We see that Purchasing Power Parity adjusted remains in the favor of Pakistan but the gap is very
narrow between Bangladesh and Pakistan. Per Capita Income has been grew at the rate 2.2% for
almost for half a century and as a result Per Capita Income has tripled for Pakistan but the
growth rate declined gradually except 2003 to 2007. Pakistan’s growth rate fell to 3% in
2008/09. Bangladesh stabled its growth gradually and achieved 4% which is greater than
Pakistan and is highest of their national growth rate.


According to the World Bank in Pakistan 23% population is living below the poverty line
(<$1.25/day) as well as in Bangladesh 49% population is living below the poverty line but
poverty progress remained impressive as Bangladesh’s economy was not be able to achieve
stability and growth.

Education and Literacy:

The literacy rate in both countries is almost the same 54% and 58% for Bangladesh and Pakistan
respectively. But literacy is growing faster in Bangladesh than Pakistan with the gender equality.
Female literacy rate in Pakistan is 40% and current figures show that female literacy is 50% in
Bangladesh. Bangladesh female enrollment ratio is much more than Pakistan and this will surely
result in major difference between overall growth and gender equality.


In both countries the life expectancy age is 66. But in 19470, the life expectancy age was 54 and
44 in Pakistan and Bangladesh respectively. These figures show that Bangladesh has been
progress at very high extent regarding field of health. In 1970, Bangladesh had rate of under-five
mortality 239/1000 live births and Pakistan had 180/1000 live birth under-five mortality. In 2008
the situation is entirely different as Bangladesh has 54/1000 under-five mortality rate as compare
to Pakistan’s 89/1000. This show the Bangladesh improved conditions of health.

Human Development Index:

In the recent years of independence, Bangladesh showed huge growth regarding human
development index and got the middle human development index before the Pakistan did. In
2009, Pakistan took the lead in human development index. Pakistan ranked 141st and Bangladesh
ranked 146th but that figure is nine times more according to predictions made about Bangladesh.


Bangladesh had high progress regarding reducing the fertility rate for population control. In
1970, both countries had the rate of 6 children per woman. Now Bangladesh has reduced it at 2.3
as compare to Pakistan’s rate of 4 children per woman. This rate has a huge impact on Per Capita
Income also, which will surely go in the favor of Bangladesh.


Bangladesh has a great disadvantage in the shape of geography constraints. Pakistan has an
advantage and uses this for the improvement as compare to Bangladesh. Bangladesh is the
densest country in the world with having 1,127 people in a square kilometer. This congested
situation has a poor effect on overall resources and economic position.
Gender Equality:

According to the Social Watch Report 2004, Bangladesh performed “above average” among all
groups. In Pakistan women literacy ratio is 60% to men. Bangladesh has a very high women
literacy ratio as it is 83% to men. We can see that in Bangladesh more girls than boys are
enrolled in primary education. As in Pakistan girls’ enrollment in primary education then boy is
less. And surely this will have a negative effect on literacy situation.


After the terrorist attack on United States in 11th September 2001, Pakistan has got strategically
vital position by its geographic surroundings. Pakistan received a lot of aid and opportunities
which helped to improved its economic condition.

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