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Review 9- Noun Clauses

A. Noun clauses/infinitives b. what the rest of the students are going to come to the movies
1. Do you know .................. ? c. if the rest of the students are going to come to the movies
a. where we will be taking the TOEFL test d. which the rest of the students are going to come to the movies
b. where will we be taking the TOEFL test 12. I wonder .....................
a. whether or not will she finish her graduate studies before
c. where we will taking the TOEFL test
d. which we will be taking the TOEFL test b. whether or not she will finish her graduate studies before
2. ............... changed his life forever. December
a. That Tom did c. if she finish her graduate studies before December
b. What did Tom do d. whether or not she finish her graduate studies before December
c. What Tom did 13. ..................was the question asked by the campus authorities.
d. Who Tom did a. Whose bike this belonged to
3. I will talk ................... b. Whose bike does this belong to
a. about whatever is on your mind c. Who's bike this belonged to
b. whatever is on your mind d. Which's bike does this belong
c. about whenever is on your mind 14. Atthawut doesn't know ...................
a. what he do after he graduates from college
d. about whichever is on your mind
b. what should he do after he graduates from college
4. I don't know ................... . c. what to do after he graduates from college
a. when will we go to the football game d. what to do after he graduate from college
b. whom we will go to the football game 15. Saleh can't decide ............. .
c. whenever we will go to the football game a. whether go fishing or go swimming
d. when we will go to the football game b. whether to go fishing or to go swimming
5. ....................... when the others will arrive? c. whether to go fish or to go swimming
a. Do Steve know d. whether should he go fishing or should he go swimming
b. Do Steve knows 16. ................. how to get to the bus station from this university?
c. Does Steve know a. Could you please tell me
b. You could please tell me
d. Is Steve know
c. Could please you tell me
6. Did the student hear .................. ? d. Could you please say me
a. who Jim Drake said about open university advising 17. Dorothy Punch taught us ....................
b. what Jim Drake said about open university advising a. how improve our listening and pronunciation skills
c. what did Jim Drake say about open university advising b. how should we improve our listening and pronunciation skills
7. After four hours of interrogation, the police officers finally c. how to improve our listening and pronunciation skill
figured out ............. . d. how to improve our listening and pronunciation skills
a. who he was behind the Bank of America bank robbery 18. ................... is obvious at this point.
b. who was behind Bank of America bank robbery a. That she did not pass the TOEFL
c. who was behind the Bank of America bank robbery b. What she did not pass the TOEFL
d. whose was behind the Bank of America bank robbery c. That did she not pass the TOEFL
8. .............. is hire a tutor who can help them with their math d. That she not did pass the TOEFL
skills. 19. It is a fact ......................
a. What they do a. are earthquakes quite prevalent in San Bernardino
b. What should they do b. that earthquakes quite are prevalent in San Bernardino
c. Whatever they should do c. that earthquakes are quite prevalent in San Bernardino
d. What they should do d. that earthquake are quite prevalent in San Bernardino
9. Do you know ............... ? 20. ........................ was a suggestion by his friend who had
a. who's house that is successfully passed the beastly exam.
b. whose house is that a. What he should go to the next TOEFL seminar
c. whose house that is b. That he should go to the next TOEFL seminar
d. whose house is c. That should he go to the next TOEFL seminar
10. is unimportant to her peers. d. Why he should go to the next TOEFL seminar
a. If she passes
b. Whether does she pass or not
c. Whether she pass or not
d. Whether she passes or not
11. Sue Ellen does not know .........................
a. who the rest of the students are going to come to the movies

B. Noun clauses connectors "what and that" 6. .......... we should keep a 72 hour emergency kit in case of
1. .......... he said to me was not important. an earthquake was a suggestion at the city council meeting.
a. that b. what a. that b. what
2. I know .......... Hiroko has talked to Jun. 7. I need to talk to you about .......... John said to Mary at
a. that b. what the party last Friday.
3. He doesn't remember happened at the accident. a. that b. what
a. that b. what 8. Everyone knows .......... she said to him.
4. I heard .......... there was a serious traffic accident on the a. that b. what
corner of University Parkway and College Avenue. 9. We know .......... good love is always hard to find.
a. that b. what a. that b. what
5. .......... we should do in the case of an earthquake should 10. Friendship in a relationship is .......... I seek.
be an agenda item at the next City Council meeting. a. that b. what
a. that b. what 11. It is unlikely ..... we will have hurricanes in Southern
a. that b. what

C. Noun clauses using "ever" connectors

1. She can sleep .......... she wants. She just can't sleep here.
a. whoever b. who(m)ever c. whatever d. whichever e. whenever f. wherever g. however
2. It is important to say .......... you are thinking when you talk to your friends.
a. whoever b. who(m)ever c. whatever
d. whichever e. whenever f. wherever
3. There are three cars in the driveway. We can drive in ........ car you like best.
a. whoever b. who(m)ever c. whatever d. whichever
e. whenever f. wherever g. however
5. Jake can make friends with .......... he meets.
a. whoever b. who(m)ever c. whatever d. whichever
e. whenever f. wherever g. however
6. You may complete the writing assignment with .......... materials you would like to use.
a. whoever b. who(m)ever c. whatever d. whichever
e. whenever f. wherever g. however
9. I will work .......... my boss decides to send me.
a. whoever b. who(m)ever c. whatever d. whichever
e. whenever f. wherever g. however
10. We have three televisions in our house. You may use .......... one you like.
a. whoever b. who(m)ever c. whatever d. whichever
e. whenever f. wherever g. however
11. You may solve the problem .......... you want, but the problem needs to be solved soon.
a. whoever b. who(m)ever c. whatever d. whichever
e. wherever f. however
12. My teenage son is driving me crazy. He comes home whenever he wants, and he does .......... he wants with whomever he sees.
a. whoever b. who(m)ever c. whatever d. whichever
e. whenever f. wherever g. however
13. You tell him that .......... he brings to the boxing ring I will fight.
a. whoever b. who(m)ever c. whatever d. whichever
e. whenever f. wherever g. however
14. Satoshi can go shopping at the mall .......... he wishes.
a. whoever b. who(m)ever c. whatever d. whichever
e. whenever f. wherever g. however
15. Yi-Ju will do .......... it takes to pass the TOEFL.
a. whoever b. who(m)ever c. whatever d. whichever
e. whenever f. wherever g. howeverass .......... he wants as long as he gets there on time.
16. I know that .......... comes to the park with my family will have a great time.
a. whoever b. who(m)ever c. whatever d. whichever
16. A diligent and faithful employee, Maria will complete the project .......... her supervisor wants.
a. whoever b. who(m)ever c. whatever
d. whichever e. however
17. .......... wants to go to the beach should let me know now. We leave in five minutes.
a. whoever b. who(m)ever c. whatever d. whichever
e. whenever f. wherever g. however
18. There are too many different freeways in this area. I have no idea where we are going. Choose .......... freeway you think will take us
back to San Bernardino
a. whoever b. who(m)ever c. whichever d. whenever

D. Noun clauses "the subjunctive

Khong Thi Sam- Da Phuc High School-grade 11

1. The coach advised ............................. .

a. that the students competed in the race b. when the students compete in the race
c. that the students compete in the race d. why the students compete in the race
2. I wish .........................
a. that I was there at the party b. were I there at the party
c. I was there at the party d. that I were there at the party
3. The teacher asked .........................
a. that all students are on time for the practice TOEFL test b. all students are on time for the practice TOEFL test
c. that all students be on time for the practice TOEFL test d. that all students should be on time for the practice TOEFL test
4. I demand .........................
a. that you do your chores immediately b. that you do your chore immediately
c. that you should do your chores immediately d. that you will do your chores immediately
5. Did you know ............................. ?
a. that voyeur television be becoming more popular b. that voyeur television is becoming more popular
c. that is voyeur television becoming more popular d. what voyeur television is becoming more popular
6. His girlfriend insists ............................. .
a. not that he date other women b. that he not dates other women
c. he must not date other women d. that he not date other women
7. Historians don't really know .........................
a. whose invented fire b. who invented fire c. who did invent fire d. who invents fire
9. She recommended .........................
a. that John complete his homework before watching television
b. that John completes his homework before watching television
c. that John should complete his homework before watching television
d. whom John complete his homework before watching television
10. The admissions employee requested ............................. .
a. that Shadi will resend all his transcripts from Israel
b. that can Shadi resend all his transcripts from Israel
c. that Shadi should resend all his transcripts from Israel
d. that Shadi resend all his transcripts from Israel
11. The police officer suggested ............................. .
a. that we be alert when we pull up to a stop light, a fact which might prevent a carjacking
b. that we are alert when we pull up to a stop light, a fact which might prevent a carjacking
c. that we alert when we pull up to a stop light, a fact which might prevent a carjacking
d. that we must be alert when we pull up to a stop light, a piece of advice which might prevent a carjacking
12. It is essential .........................
a. that you are on time for all business meetings
b. that you be on time for all business meetings
c. that you should be on time for all business meetings
d. that you on time for all business meetings
13. It is imperative .........................
a. that you are not late for your appointment
b. that you not late for your appointment
c. that you be not late for your appointment
d. that you not be late for your appointment
14. It is important .........................
a. that we are prepared for all possible emergencies
b. that we be prepared for all possible emergencies
c. that we be prepare for all possible emergencies
d. that we prepared for all possible emergencies

Mixed exercises:

Khong Thi Sam- Da Phuc High School-grade 11

Khong Thi Sam- Da Phuc High School-grade 11

Khong Thi Sam- Da Phuc High School-grade 11

Khong Thi Sam- Da Phuc High School-grade 11

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