Advancement. Increased Productivity Means That Your Workers Are Putting Out

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Human capital is the fundamental source of economic growth.

It is a
source of both increased productivity and technological

Increased productivity means that your workers are putting out

products more quickly or completing services at a more rapid rate than
before. In most businesses, the more products that workers produce or
services they complete, the more money comes in to the business,
making increased productivity a high priority for many business
1. Track and limit how much time you're spending on tasks.
You may think you're pretty good at gauging how much time you're spending on various tasks.

2. Take regular breaks.

It sounds counterintuitive, but taking scheduled breaks can actually help improve concentration.

3. Set self-imposed deadlines.

Try giving yourself a deadline, and then stick to it. You may be surprised to discover just how focused
and productive you can be when you're watching the clock.

4. Follow the "two-minute rule."

Entrepreneur Steve Olenski recommends implementing the "two-minute rule" to make the most of
small windows of time that you have at work. The idea is this: If you see a task or action that you know
can be done in two minutes or less, do it immediately. According to Olenski, completing the task right
away actually takes less time than having to get back to it later.

5. Just say no to meetings.

Before booking your next meeting, ask yourself whether you can accomplish the same goals or tasks.

6. Quit multitasking.
While we tend to think of the ability to multitask as an important skill for increasing efficiency, the
opposite may in fact be true. Psychologists have found attempting to do several tasks at once can result
in lost time and productivity. Instead, make a habit of committing to a single task before moving on to
your next project.
Technology advancement has simplified the way we do things, it saves time, it
increases on production, it simplifies communication, it has improved health care
and it has also improved our educational environment.

Technology Advancement in Medicine and Health care: Technology has
helped in saving many innocent lives. Human medicine and health sciences have
improved. Doctors and medical students have embarked on medical technological
tools to carry out extensive research on human health problems and challenges.
This extensive research has resulted into the development of new drugs, and
treatments which have helped in curing most challenging human diseases and this
has helped in saving so many lives and it has also prolonged the human lifespan.

Technological advancements in communication: Communication is a major

factor in both human lives and business. In (fig 1) you can see a lady using a fixed
land line to communicate, by then, this was the best way to communicate with
your family, friends or business partners and suppliers. The only challenge it had
was that it was fixed, so if you where not in the office or at home, people could not
communicate with you. With years this technology has evolved and we have
witnessed new mobile phones which made communication easier. In (fig 2) you
can see two adults enjoy advanced communication technology (ipad) , this is a new
technology , which can do more than just making calls. With its technology, you
can even do a live video call and see the people you’re communicating with, similar
to Smart phones like iphone or Samsung galaxy which can have related functions.
Impact of Human Capital in
Economic Development
Human capital affects economic growth and can help
to develop an economy by expanding the knowledge
and skills of its people. A knowledgeable workforce
can lead to increased productivity.
Importance of Human Capital in
Economic Development

Human capital is important because some level

of human knowledge and skills is necessary in
order for an organization to accomplish anything.

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