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Product Review is a personal and voluntary feedback from the perspective of a

client about a particular product or service that he/she has previously purchased.
The commentary offers an insight into a product or service’s quality, function, and
usefulness and often helps others to decide whether the product or service is worth
purchasing or not.

Product Review Competition provides an opportunity for pupils to describe their

own experiences in using a product or service and deliver their honest opinions
through a solid and creative video presentation. This competition is an initiative to
promote and strengthen the use of the English language among pupils.


- To increase pupils’ proficiency in English language speaking skills.

- To provide a platform for students to display their talent in speaking skills using
correct use of language, grammatically apt and precise creative expression.

- To inculcate pupils’ interest in using English language to present a product

review orally.


This competition is open to all primary and secondary school pupils from
government-aided schools. The competition is divided into two categories;

Primary School : Year 4 – Year 6 pupils

Secondary School : Form 1 – Form 5 pupils


- Participants are allowed to submit ONE entry only based on the following;

 Gadgets and Electrical Appliances

 Health and Beauty
 Food and Cooking

Product Review Competition:Rules and Guidelines 2

- Participants are NOT allowed to review a sponsored product or service.

- All reviews must be a true reflection of the reviewer’s experience and opinion of the
product. Accordingly, all positive, neutral and negative reviews are eligible.

- The duration of the video should be 3 to 5 minutes. Video reviews must be recorded
and saved in MP4/3GP/AVI/MOV/WMV file and uploaded via a link provided by the
organizer. The organizer will not be responsible forcorrupt files submitted.

- Video reviews must be the pupil’s own work, authentic and original and must never
have been published in any social media platforms or have won a prize in any other
competitions prior to this competition. Plagiarized or translated works will be
disqualified immediately.

- Reviews must not touch on sensitive issues of ethnic, race and religion ofany kind.

- Participants are allowed to use any video-editing tools when creating the video.
However, the use of virtual props, Computer Generated Images (CGI) or special
effects are NOT permitted. The recorded video must be submitted in landscape

- Professional assistance is NOT allowed in the creation of the video and pupils
should be the main content contributors of the reviews. Adults may assist with
production and assistance should be limited to verbal guidanceonly.

- All reviews upon submission cannot be corrected or edited. Reviews submitted via
schools will be going through district and state or national level without any editing

- Reviews submitted will not be returned to the owner and the organizer reserves the
right to print and publish the winning reviews of this competition. However, the
copyright remains as the property of the owner.

- The organizer will not be liable for any form of claim related to plagiarism against
participants by any relevant party or any kind of effects after the products have been
reviewed by the participants.


- It is compulsory to use the English language throughout the video. The video
recording must not have English subtitles.

- Use of vulgar words and gestures are strictly prohibited and videos that include
sensitive issues such as politics or racial will be DISQUALIFIED.

Product Review Competition:Rules and Guidelines 3


The competition at the state level will be judged by a panel of 3 judges,

appointed by the PPD/ JPNS.

Marks will be allocated according to the following criteria:

i) Content - 35 marks
ii) Language - 35 marks
iii) Overall coordination - 20 marks
iv) Positive values/messages - 10 marks

Penalty: A total of 5 marks will be deducted if:

- Performance is below or above designated time frame; or stipulated

exclusions under competition guidelines are infringed (infringement of
competition rules).

- Judges will collectively determine the placing by a clear majority vote.

- Individual marks are confidential and will not be disclosed.

- All decisions are final. No appeal is allowed.


No. Position Prize & Certificates

1. 1 place Prize and Certificate of Achievement
2. 2nd place Prize and Certificate of Achievement
3. 3rd Place Prize and Certificate of Achievement
4. 4th Place Prize and Certificate of Achievement
5. 5th Place Prize and Certificate of Achievement
6. 6th to 10th Place Prize and Certificate of Participation
7. 11th Place and onwards Certificate of Participation

Product Review Competition:Rules and Guidelines 4


 The concept of this State Level Competition is in line with the concept of the
2021 National Level Competition.

 The JPN and KPM have the right to broadcast video recordings of the competition
on any platform for publicity or educational purposes.

 This concept paper is valid for 2021 until further notification or revision from the
Ministry of Education Malaysia and can be used at all levels for competitions
organized by the Ministry. The competition will abide to the above rules ONLY.

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