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Question Answers

Analyse Vishal's job. Is it worth doing so much, at the cost of so many things?
Vishal is a regional sales head of the company, he has to manage sales for the area he has been
accounted for , His roles and responsibilities are as follows, he has to select the talent, support
critical activities, sizing and structuring the team, enhancing the competencies, managing
performance, creating the success profile and rewarding. He is getting torn apart with all the
responsibilities that he has to take care of. This has been affecting him negatively both physically
and mentally.
Let’s analyse Vishal’s job, he has to be multitasking, having multiple roles like being - People
Manager, Customer Manager, and Business manager. His ultimate goal is to get results which takes
a lot of efforts. He should be focusing on important tasks like hiring a talented salesman, gathering
useful information rather than doing low award tasks like powerpoint presentations that can be

done by his juniors. Thus a Manager’s role is a crucial part of the proper functioning of a company.

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In my opinion considering the current scenario which is peak season for sales, the worthiness of

a job depends upon how effectively he manages all the tasks responsible under him.

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How is Vishal's life similar to any salesperson's life in general? What difference did you
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find between your life and that of Vishal?
Vishal’s life is similar to a normal salesman’s life in some aspects. He too has to work around

deadlines and is answerable to his manager. Just like a salesman trying to get a deal from
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customers his job involves motivating and creating opportunities for his team members for getting
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sales. The difference is that his position carries a lot of weight because his mistakes affect the
whole regional sales. Although Vishal is a manager he still has to do whatever his manager tells him
to do, he lacks freedom which I think most salesmen also do.
As a University Student, I can clearly see a lot of difference between my life and Vishal’s life. I feel
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as Student my life is more dynamic. Students need to explore new things and find their passion,
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whereas Vishal’s life has gone static on something that he may not be passionate about. Vishal’s
stress level is much higher than the average student does. Students do worry about their future
but we are usually able to balance it due to the free time for our personal growth. But Vishal is
getting squished with all the responsibilities that he has, He was not even able to take his wife to

dinner, which clearly shows the lack of time for personal affections. These were the main

differences between Vishal’s and my life.

What managerial skills are described in this case? Which skill is more important for
Vishal to possess? Why?

We see that Vishal is responsible for many things, a lot of them revolving around managerial skills.
This includes:
● Coordinating with his counterpart, Mr, Sandeep Singh for discussing sales strategy.
● Managing his team, giving them takes, reviewing their performance, motivating and
helping them.

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● Coming up with a Sales strategy to boost his branch’s sales.
● Coordinating with production houses and managing the distribution so as to meet the
● Giving Presentations about the sale in the session and keeping the VP updated about the
We can also categorise his required skills according to the 3 different roles of a manager:
People Manager: This role requires the skills that a manager learns through his experiences, This
includes hiring/selecting a team that possesses the important skills for being a sales
representative. After that as a manager, he should possess the intellect to guide them and perfect
their skills. These skills will help his team achieve the expected results.
Customer Manager: A manager should never forget his core skills, he should be a skilled Salesman.
Always negotiating and adding the value of his experience in the team. He should also be skilled in
Ke Account Management as those clients are crucial for the company’s profit. Overall his duties as
a Customer Manager revolve around building relationships and being a link between the clients
and the salesman.

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Business Manager: A manager should possess the qualities of a critical thinker. He should be ab;e
to help the company to come up with Strategic Ideas with respect to the current market scenario.

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He should be able to bridge the gap between Corporate and the branches to make sure the proper
transfer of information and delivering tasks.

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Why do you think that Vishal is handling too much (if you think so)? Is there a way out?

Yes, definitely Vishal is handling too much at the same time. Due to this, he is not able to do
anything properly whether it is family or work.
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Yes, there is a clear way out of Vishal’s problem, That is He should minimize Administrative and
Logistics work and focus on the important tasks. He should hire a talented team that would be able
to follow his orders even when he himself is not there to guide them. Doing the menial task of
travelling across the city just to deliver a Presentation could have been avoided if he had a team
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member to do so. We also see him confirming delivery dates with a manufacturer which could
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have also been done by the team or educating the distributor about the relevant delivery dates.
Overall Vishal is doing too much by himself instead he should try to distribute the work for proper
workplace management.

But let us suppose that Vishal is already doing his level best and can’t improve further at the
moment, then what to do?

Unfortunately, the best answer to that question is that not all jobs are meant for everyone. Maybe
he was not meant to be in the sales sector and honestly there is nothing wrong with this
conclusion. He should try to explore something new, something that makes him feel good and that

he is truly passionate about. But before all that I also suggest for him to take a break. Yes at least a
week-long break for his mind, he needs to take care of his health. Mental Health is often ignored.
Maybe after a good rest, he would be able to buckle up and perform the way that he used to when
he got the job in the first place. I have said this before and I will say it again, he needs to find
something that he is passionate about otherwise, in the long term, he will always be unsatisfied.

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Can Vishal manage his life in the long run? If so, please give suggestions.
With his current situation Vishal might not be able to live a happy long living life, his cholesterol is
high, he barely gets time to spend with his loving wife, and with no proper sleep on top of that, this
is a clear recipe of disaster. If he continues his life in the same way he would be a failure in both
personal and work life.
Vishal’s current state is inefficient, it is not that he is not working hard, instead, he should be doing
smart work. To do this first of all Vishal needs to analyse his current work ethics. For his case, I
would suggest the “Zero Based Approach.” It is never too late to start. He should now allocate his
time separately for the 3 roles that he needs to do as a manager. In his case I would suggest the
following schedule:
● People Manager(50% of his time): Vishal need to work on his People’s skill. He clearly does
not have a team skilled enough to do tasks without his guidance. This would require both
fresh talents and rigorous training. After the initial Grind, his job as Manager would be
much easier and would be able to focus more on his personal life and other important
work-related tasks.

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● Customer Manager(25% of his time): Vishal is doing an adequate job in this role. He still
hasn’t completely isolated himself from the role of a salesman. But he might need to reduce

this time, instead he should devote his time for quality assurance and coming up with new

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ideas that would help the team in getting the sales.

● Business Manager(25% of his time): As a manager, he needs to be the point of contact
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between the corporate office and his branch. This includes him to make sure that each
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member is following the code of conduct and working to his best. Strategising with the
company and coming with new plans ease his work down the line.
As said all hopes are lost, Vishal is young and can improvise and adapt. As mentioned earlier in

detail, he needs to find something that he is good at. Either this or he needs to work on his Time
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management skills. If he is able to organise his work then he might be able to find a balance. But
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this path may get more and more difficult as he proceeds, and no one wants to look back at his/her
life just to be disappointed that they wasted all those years working for something that does not
even make them happy. No one really wants to be in that situation. Hence I stand on my suggestion
of finding something new, something that moves him yes the process will be difficult but I am
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100% sure that later the results would be soo good that all of those risky decisions would seem
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worth it.

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