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FNOL Process

Customer calls the Claims Reference number Agent to open reference in Agent to check 247 Agent to check
CRM to ensure the HR360 for any New FNOL to be
Line Number and DPA Confirmed HR360, 247 CRM and FNOL started
policy is live recent claims

If soft fix is
If applicable, soft fix If the soft fix is Agent to check if
successful, FNOL to
to be attempted via unsuccessful, the this is a new or
be saved and moved
call or lens software FNOL is completed. exisiting claim via
to Soft Fix Status

Exisitng - If remedial work Exisiting - If in the recall

For a new Home Emergency Claim, the previously recommended is related period, the new FNOL will be
agent will either accept or decline based on to the boiler fault, customer will be left in Refer to Provider for
the terms and conditions. informed this needs to be UK Team to contact the
For a new Boiler Claim, the underwriting will completed previous engineer
explain if covered or not

If the customer pays, the payment

UK Team will contact the last
will be collected under the remedial
enigneer who attended for
job and the parts team tasked to
any parts recommendations
If declined, the agent will explain why order parts. The deployment team
If accepted, the agent will move (for boiler, the underwriting will be will then book the engineer. The new
the job to ETA for the stamped on the job ) and offer a Pay FNOL will be closed.
Deployment Team to book On Use Service outside the terms of
the agreement
If parts are needed and
covered, UK Team will If no parts are required and
task Parts Team to order just a reattend, the UK team
will move the job to Engineer
If the customer wants to pay, the To be Assigned and the
If the customer doesnt want to
payment will be taken and the job deployment team will book
pay, the claim will be declined
will be logged as a One Off
and the agent will categorise Once Parts team have
Repair and moved to Engineer to
this, for example, Declined - ordered, Deployment will
Be Assigned for the deployment
Shower, Declined - Taps book the engineer
team to book

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