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Perspectives of Community

Community in late Middle English term come from a Latin word “communitas” which means
fellowship. This word as divided in Latin roots, “communis”, means “common”. Com translates to
“with” or together”, whereas “munire” translates to strengthen, to fortify” or “to defend”, hence learning
about communities using different perspectives essentially incorporates the ideas and concepts
gathered from field of knowledge such as anthropology, social psychology, sociology, and political
science to name few.  These disciplines offer varied insights and lessons in understanding the
meaning and relevance of community. 
Community in the different perspectives.  
Understanding community will be like the concept of a very known story of the Elephant and
the Six Blind Men. Phil Bartle, a former Chief Technical Adviser for Uganda Community Management
Program explained, “community” is a construct, that is a social  mechanism, phenomenon, or
category created and develop by society; a perception of an individual, group, or idea that is
“constructed” through cultural or social practice. As such, a community may come in one of many
shapes, sizes, colors, and locations, no two of which are alike. Hence, consulting different
perspective such as anthropology, social psychology, sociology, and political science to name few
disciplines which offer varied insights and lessons in understanding the meaning and relevance of
Definitions of Community in the different Perspectives
Social Science Perspective

The study of communities using social science perspective goes beyond knowledge of the
origins and history of communities. A social science perspective can be employed to learn how a
community deals with problems and crises. Take the case of a disaster affected community, on the
social dimension of individual life- the interactions, relationships and the bonds formed by individuals
and how these are manifested in the formation of organizations within the communities which   make
people help each other and response in times of crisis.
Civil Society Perspective 

Civil society perspective about community refers to a political community of organized groups
operating within the authoritative parameters of the state. Civil society has also been referred to as
the third sector distinct from the state (government) and the market (business). 
Non – government Organizations (NGOs) and People’s Organizations (PO’s) and Social
Organizations (SO’s) are common examples of civil society.  These organizations actively pursue
political and social development goals through a variety of actions and strategies.

Institutional Perspective 
Social institutions perform a function of coordinating values, goals and actions of its individual
members. Social Institutions arise from a voluntary shared agreement among individuals that
generally shape their behavior as a collective.  They are two categories of institutions, these are 
Formal are explicitly communicated, embodied in a legally codified documents or artifacts. Serve as
the basis for authority to be executed and oppressed (Laws and policies that are implemented by the
government agency) and the Informal are practices and norms, traditions, culture, conduct and beliefs
system of a community. Not codified or written but are embedded in communities.

Organic/ Grassroot Level Perspective

An organic perspective refers to local or grassroots groups within a particular locale that are
driven and organized because of community issues and concerns.  Generally conceptualized as the
formation of neighborhood organizations, rural and urban, convened to pursue local development
goals or address issues, such as crime prevention, environmental protection or waste management.
Grassroots organizations or movements are typically composed of volunteers from the
local/community level.  A good example for this is lowering the incidence of petty crimes may be
accomplished by organizing citizen patrol groups and installing security features in the communit

Name:________________________________________ Section:__________ Date:____________

A.Connecting yourself to your community: Analysis of your community

In the community you are in list down below the strength and weakness that your community is in.  
You may visit government site or the link below for mor information in the community you are in. .Use the space at the back to answer.
Strength Weaknesses

B.Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Directions: Read each question
carefully. Encircle the letter of the best answer in the given answer sheet.

1. Community can be employed to learn how a community deals with problems and crises.
a. social science
b. society
c. institutions
d. government 
2. ________________________ about community refers to a political community of
organized groups operating within the authoritative parameters of the state.
a. Government
b. Institutional Perspective
c. Civil society perspective
d. Local Government Unit (LGU)
3. _________________________ perform a function of coordinating values, goals and
actions of its individual members. It arises from a voluntary shared agreement among
individuals that generally shape their behavior as a collective.
a. Family
b. Government
c. Society
d. Social institutions
4. ____________________________ refers to local or grassroots groups within a particular
locale that are driven and organized because of community issues and concerns. 
Generally conceptualized as the formation of neighborhood organizations, rural and
urban, convened to pursue local development goals or address issues, such as crime
prevention, environmental protection or waste management.
a. organic perspective
b. social institution
c. civil society perspective
d. social perspective
5. Community structure changes overtime. Which of the following best describe for it?
a. Community structure changes because of the loss and arrival of species.
b. Community structure is not static because of people’s migration.
c. Community structure should evolve from its present state.
d. Community structure changes over time because of motivating factors such as people


WEEK 6 and 7
Elements of Community
Functions of Community
A significant step in understanding the community is to identify its primary functions. Roland
Warren (2010), enumerated five relevant functions which community must fulfill in order to survive –
production-distribution-consumption, socialization, social control, social participation, and mutual
support.  These functions can be used as basis for examining the community and its dynamics. Aside
from recognizing these five primary functions, one must also understand how these functions are
interrelated. As mobilizer, the leader of the community must be able to realize and be adequately
sensitive to the multiple and overlapping interest of the community members which he or she must
work with.
Function Description
Production- This has to do with economic functions. Communities provide its members
Distribution- livelihood through the use of its resources and the system of exchange
Consumption embedded therein such as trade and commerce.
Socialization This function primarily works on how the community shapes social behavior
by instilling in its members norms, values, knowledge, skills and attitudes.
This can also be referred to the community’s way of learning and sharing the
“how we do things here.”
Social Control As a complex system, mechanisms within communities such as social
pressure or formal institutions is vital to regulate the conduct and behavior of
community members. This function can also be referred to as “boundary
Social Participation Communities thrive through the association and involvement of its members. 
These are exemplified in the groups and organizations within communities
such as religious associations, businesses, and neighborhoods.
Mutual support Another important purpose of community is to “share the journey” and to
motivate each other along the way. Hence, this function of community offers
its members interactions that encourage cooperation and solidarity.

Structural Dimensions of Community

When seeking to analyze communities, it is necessary to look on its structure and dynamics.
Community structure is the attributes and characteristics of the elements of the community and how
these elements are interrelated. Understanding these dimensions will benefit the actors and players
of the community in facing challenges such as issues and problems which are typically
There are basically four structural dimensions of community that are significant in
understanding the dynamics and advancement of community. These are briefly described in the table
Dimension Description
Geographical It focuses on how a community is shaped by the physical space it uses and the
location of its resources such as human, natural, and technological.
An examination of a community’s geographic system would typically start by
looking at the scope and limits of its territory, distribution of its population, and the
location of its resources.

Socio- This dimension refers to the relationships of power and control between individuals
Political  and groups in a community. It focuses on the various ways and means of allocating
power, influence and decision making.
Political leadership, whether formal or informal, and how it is accepted and
sustained by community members are important factors that help analyze the
quality and processes of decision-making in the community.
Socio-political dimension also includes types of governments and management
systems, as well as how people in small bands or informal groups make decisions
when they do not have a recognized leader.

Economic It refers to the means by which members of a community produce, allocate, and
distribute scarce resources and useful goods and services to address their needs
and wants, whether that is through gift giving, obligations, barter, market trade, or
state allocations.
It is the aspect of the community that is concerned with how exchange value is
created and what systems of exchange occur within a community.
A good mobilizer of economy will not try to enforce his or her belief of what would
be the best system of distribution; the community members must come to a
consensus decision.

Cultural This dimension provides an understanding of how culture affects members of a

community and how this relates to community dynamic and processes.
It refers to people’s way of life and encompasses the values and beliefs that are
passed on from one generation to another.
Community actors and players must learn, study and be aware of culture of the
community. To be an effective catalyst of social change, actors and players must
make suggestions and promote actions which do not offend those prevailing

Community Dynamics and Processes

A community cannot exist without interaction among its members. Each individual plays an
important role for the progress of community dynamics. Thus, community members are referred to as
actors and mobilizers that contribute to the creation of meaning and harmony in the society.
Community progresses according to the kind of interaction and dynamics that exist in the social
In analyzing community, another important thing to consider is to recognize the dynamics and
processes which focus on community power relations, leadership, and social change. They are
determined by its nature and structure and how it reacts with external and internal forces. 
Power Structure
All types of communities with its diverse social systems have people or groups of people who
control decision-making functions. These people can be called key leaders or power actors. Power
structure in the community refers to the roles that these key leaders or “power actors” perform. They
act together to get things done and affect change that will significantly contribute to the goal of
making the lives of the community better. In order for community social action projects initiated by the
power actors to be a success, it is important to involve other key people in the community or the
community at large. Power structure is categorized into formal power and informal power structure.
1. Formal Power Structure – Authority or power comes from the legal authoritative basis of
elected and appointed government officials and leaders of civic organizations. Power actors in this
category are referred to as legal-authoritative decision-makers. They are individuals or bodies
whose authority is based on formal rules and institutions. They are the mayors, council members,
barangay captains, etc. who occupy positions of authority through legally mandated processes like
elections or formal political appointments.
2. Informal Power Structure – This exists alongside the formal-institutional power structure.
Power actors in this structure are known as influencers. They have power primarily because
of their influence, not just their positions of authority. These are individuals or groups who do
not have direct authority or title but are capable of shaping decisions that affect the community.
They can propose, pressure and effect decisions made by the decision makers according to
their interests and agenda. According to USDA-NRCS (2005), influence and power are usually
characterized by past achievements, source of ideas, human relations skills, contact with
others, access to needed resources, influence within community organizations, past
participation in community groups, length of residence in the community, occupation,
education, control of jobs, wealth, credit, and mass media.
Call for Social Change
Mahatma Gandhi once said that, “You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if
a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.” From this prominent quote, we
can picture out the choice that is upon our shoulders as a member of the community. You have
previously learned that communities exist primarily on the interaction and will of its members. It is
indeed, us, who create the value and meaning. How we look at our communities will determine our
contributions. The most significant element for effecting change is the community - that is me and
you! The answer to the problems at hand starts within us. It is high time to make a decision and start
being proactive citizen that volunteers and take part in movements, organizations, and projects that
brings social change. Be part of the solution, to make difference, and to move forward towards
building a better community. Change is upon us. Choose to be a catalyst of change.



Name:________________________________________ Section:__________ Date:____________

Activity A: Who Builds Community?
DIRECTIONS: Identify the groups and actors for each structural dimension. List down other influential
positions, personalities, or groups in each dimension. Then, write their roles and contribution to
community development. (10 POINTS )

Dimension Actors Contribution to Community Development




Activity B: It’s I Who Build Community

DIRECTIONS: Categorize the list that you have in Activity 2 according to what structural dimension
they belong. Write them in the second column. Then, on the third column, list down your possible
future contributions. (10 POINTS )

Dimension My Present Contribution My Future Contribution





Activity C: Pledge of Commitment

DIRECTIONS: Write down your pledge of commitment towards effecting change in your community
that will lead to social change and community development. (10 POINTS )

D. DIRECTIONS: I. Read each sentence carefully. Identify whether each statement is TRUE or
__________1. The function of community that focuses on making efforts that encourage community
cooperation can be referred to as social control.
__________2. Socialization is the instilling of norms, values, knowledge and skills into its member
which leads to community development.
__________3. Understanding communities require that we examine its structure and dynamics.
__________4. Community structure refers to the attributes and characteristics of the relations of the
component parts of the community.
__________5. Community issues and problems are typically one-dimensional.
__________6. The challenges communities face can be analyzed through a combination of
interrelated dimensions.
__________7. Dynamics and processes focus on community power relations, leadership, and social
__________8. Formal power structure is composed of elected and appointed government officials
and leaders of civic organizations.
__________9. As community player, you cannot initiate social change unless it is driven by the actors
from the power sector.
__________10. The most important element for effecting change is the community.

E. DIRECTIONS: II. Identify what is being describe in every item. Choose your answer from the
word bank.
_______________1. It is the function of community where members are open to interactions that
encourage cooperation and solidarity.
_______________2. Mechanisms within communities such as social pressure or formal institutions,
regulate the conduct and behavior of community members
_______________3. Communities provide its members livelihood through the use of its resources
and the system of exchange embedded therein such as trade and commerce.
_______________4. Communities function by allowing its members to thrive through association and
_______________5. Focuses on how a community is shaped by the physical space it uses and the
location of its resources.
_______________6. Refers to people’s way of life. It encompasses the values and beliefs that are
passed on from one generation to another.
_______________7. Refers to the means by which members of a community allocate, produce, and
distribute scarce resources to address their wants and needs.
_______________8. It refers to the relationships of power and control between individuals and
groups in a community.
_______________9. They can propose, pressure and effect decisions made by the decision makers
according to their interests and agenda
_______________10. They are the mayors, council members & Barangay Captains whose authority
is based on formal rules and institutions.

F. DIRECTION: Read each statement carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the
chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.

1. The Monte Verde Association in Tanza was known for its exemplified
contribution in the community by providing livelihood within their barangay. Which function of the
community does this show?
a. Production-Distribution-Consumption c. Social Control
b. Socialization d. Mutual Support

2. One among many reasons of community development is the instilling of norms, values,
knowledge and skills into its member. This function is referred to as ______.
a. Production-Distribution-Consumption c. Social Control
b. Socialization d. Social Participation

3. Rules and policies make the community stable. In order to maintain peace and order in
Calabarzon, curfew hours and drinking outside the house are now prohibited. This scenario is
best explained by ______. 
a. Production-Distribution-Consumption c. Social Control
b. Socialization d. Social Participation

4. In order to understand the community, it is important to analyze its dynamics and elements.
Which of the following statements best describes the elements of community?
a. Challenges communities face can be analyzed through a combination of interrelated
b. Understanding communities does not require that we examine its structure and dynamics.
c. Community issues and problems are can be address by looking at single dimension only.
d. Structures represent the types of community and their relations the society as whole.

5. Kim-Soona, a visitor from Korea stayed months in Barangay Camachile in General Trias,
Cavite. She noticed the uniqueness of this barangay for sharing positive thoughts and ideas
with the other members of the community. This strongly shows that _____.
a. the barangay has strong sense of power relations.
b. the members of the barangay are Kdrama fanatics.
c. the barangay has significantly have a good neighborhood association.
d. the barangay exemplified well the function of mutual support.

6. Another key dimension of the community is shaped by the physical space it uses and the
location of its resources. This can be referred to as _____.
a. Cultural Dimension c. Socio-Political Dimension
b. Economic Dimension d. Geographic Dimension

7. Badjao tribe located in Mindanao is one among the many tribes in the Philippines. They have a
rich set of values and beliefs which they pass from one generation to another.  This statement
expresses the _____ of the Badjao community.
a. Cultural Dimension c. Socio-Political Dimension
b. Economic Dimension d. Geographic Dimension

8. There is an aspect of the community that is concerned with how exchange value is created. It
is particularly concerned to the means by which members of a community allocate, produce,
and distribute scarce resources to address their wants and needs. Which structural dimension
is identified by this statement?
a. Cultural Dimension c. Socio-Political Dimension
b. Economic Dimension d. Geographic Dimension

9. Some members of the community do not hold position in the government offices, yet they have
the power to propose, pressure and effect decisions made by the decision makers according to
their interests and agenda. What do you call these power actors?
a. Influencers c. Socialites
b. Legal Authoritative Decision Maker d. Elites

10. The group of young people in the Barangay Julugan makes impact in the total community
decision. Among the informal power structures that exist, why should they be called an
a. They are the group who do not have direct authority but are capable of changing the society.
b. They are the group have a strong influential capability.
c. They are the group that are accepted by the community.
d. They are the group that has potential enough for change.       

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