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Reading Final Task

Name: Glydel Christi Mananquil Date of Submission: September 23, 2021

Course: ENG023 – A112

Part 1: (20 points)

⚫ Read the text.
⚫ Identify the author's purpose and justify.
⚫ Extract statements supporting the purpose of the author. Explain what kind of claim it is.

Technology affects the way individuals communicate, learn, and think. It helps society and determines how Author’s Purpose:
people interact with each other on a daily basis. Technology plays an important role in society today. It has positive
The purpose of the author in writing this article is to
and negative effects on the world and it impacts daily lives. We are living in an era where technological advances
inform people about the positive and negative impacts of
are common. The internet and cell phones are some examples. However, with technological advances, there's a
technology in everyday relations and society. It is informative
downside to it all.
as it aims to enlighten people about a real-world topic. Facts
One aspect of technology that has had a great impact on society is how it affects learning. It's made learning
were also provided to back up such claims.
more interactive and collaborative, this helps people better engage with the material that they are learning and
have trouble with. Also, it gets you better access to resources. With the creation of the internet, it gives us access to
It was explicitly stated in the text that technology
information at a twenty-four-hour rate and you have access to almost anything online. In addition, it allows
affects the interaction of people in terms of communication,
students to get work done easier. Students can take quizzes and exams more easily, and teachers being able to hold
thinking, and learning. It has made daily activities more
online classes can be very effective. It also expands the boundaries of the classroom, encouraging self-paced
manageable to do with the advent of the internet, which made
learning. People can access learning through YouTube and social media. This helps students learn better than sitting
learning more collaborative, and access to various information
down for lectures and reading from textbooks. These technological advancements made learning more fun and
is at anyone’s convenience at any time of the day.
Another way technology has impacted society is through communication, how we talk and communicate with
Through networking, one can manage to send
one another worldwide. Technology brought many new methods of electronic communication. For example, there
messages and communicate with people from a certain point
are emails, social networking, you can facetime a person that lives on the other side of the world, and here's video
to any part of the world. Moreover, the perceived
conferencing where you can have conferences electronically. Lastly, the technological advancements that were
advancements in the health industry has also impacted the
made within the health industry have helped keep people safe and healthy. There are many innovate apps on
way people live and changed a lot of lives.
phones that although people to watch their weight, how many calories they intake, heart rate and other health
properties any time of the day. There's increased accessibility of treatment available, there's the change in
However, the author also did not neglect the
healthcare that adds benefits for the elderly, and hospitals using advanced technology within their surgical rooms.
downsides of these technologies, specifically by stating that
However, studies show that mobile communication affects people in a negative way when it comes to being
being reliant to this makes a person less sociable in terms of
sociable and making face-to-face contact. Mobile technology can decrease communication and relations between
face-to-face interactions, as he would only depend upon the
people. There's less personal time, where you find that you don't enough time for yourself because you're always in
electronic means of communication. Furthermore, the creation
contact with someone. Also, it can be distracting from your schoolwork. There is also loss of privacy, because
of mobile technology may also be a form of distraction
anyone can find you anywhere, at any time of the day. In conclusion, all of these things impact how humans act
especially when accomplishing due dates on time, and brings
today. Without technological advancements, our way of life would not be as complex. Technological influences
about less time for oneself, and loss of privacy, as anyone can
shape the way humans act today.
have access to a person’s profile through social media.
*This is an adapted text.

In the statement, “Technology affects the way interact with each other, resulting to a “… decrease in
individuals communicate, learn and think,” the author communication and relations between people,” as stated by
opens how technology works in everyday relations and the author. “There’s less personal time, where you find that
plays a fundamental role in a person’s life. The you don’t have enough time for yourself because you’re always
statement, “It has positive and negative effects on the in contact with someone,” “Also, it can be distracting from
world and impacts daily lives,” implies that the author your schoolwork,” “There is also loss of privacy because
did not also neglect the downsides of these technologies anyone can find you anywhere at any time of the day,” are the
but rather stating both arguments in the text for the statements where the author lists the negative impacts of
purpose of informing. The author supported this by technology. Indeed, technology plays a vital role in one’s daily
stating, “However, with technological advances, there’s activities, however, one’s own reliance to it, prompts to poor
a downside to it all.” self-awareness and acknowledgement, and can be distracting
whenever accomplishing tasks with due deadlines. In addition,
Stating the positive impacts of technology it also leads to a lack of privacy as anyone could have access to
follows the statements, “One aspect of technology that your profile through social media.
has had a great impact on society is how it affects
learning,” “Another way technology has impacted These claims are all claims of facts. These are all
society is through communication, how we talk and information that have been carefully observed over time
communicate with one another worldwide,” and “Lastly, and have been studied extensively throughout the
the technological advancements that were made within decades. Hertlein and Ancheta (2014) supported this, as
the health industry have helped keep people safe and they affirmed that the technological world has grown
healthy.” The statements above support the author’s and flourished over the ages and created feelings of
view on the advantages of these technologies, such as in relatedness between people. However, they also added
the learning aspect of students, the means of how that even with the positive aspects of technology, it also
people interact and communicate from different parts of has its fair share of downsides. Thus, concluding that the
the world to the health industry, with the advancements prior claims indicated are all backed up with reasons and
in healthcare and treatment procedures, and mobile arguments to consider it as fact, which is the prime
apps where people can monitor their health with just a determiner for the strength of the evidence presented
few taps of their fingers. Indeed, it has expanded the by the author.
boundaries of life as perceived before the advent of
technology. Here, the author stresses the significance of
the role of these advancements in society nowadays
through digital learning, electronic communication,
innovation of mobile apps and much more.

The statement, “However, studies show that

mobile communication affects people in a negative way
when it comes to being sociable and making face-to-face
contact,” shows how people nowadays rely on the
advent of technology in speeding up communications
Part 2: (20 points)
⚫ Read the statements below.
⚫ The type of deceptive appeal has been identified already.
⚫ Explain what made the sentence to be that specific deceptive appeal.

1. POST HOC. Their baby was the cause of good luck to the family because it was after her birth that they had put up a very successful business.
This statement is classified under Post Hoc. In definition, when a particular event happens and is believed to have caused the latter event. In this situation, the family
thought that the birth of their baby was what caused them to put up a successful business.

2. SLIPPERY SLOPE. If we don't extend the term of the president, the vice president will win and that will be the start of government that has no direction and which will
lead to a poor economy and many related problems.
This statement is classified under Slippery Slope as it is defined as the exaggeration of the consequences that may happen after a specific action. Here, it was
suggested that they extend the president's term to avoid future problems such as the likeliness that the vice president will win, that the government will have no direction
and thus, will lead to a poor economy and many related problems.

3. AD MISERICORDIAM. Robbers who steal because of the desperate needs of his poor family should be forgiven.
This statement is classified under Ad Misericordiam. This is a fallacy where a person appeals through emotions such as pity and misery rather than stating solid facts
and arguments. In this context, the robbers' crimes are demanded to be forgiven due to poverty that they are desperate to steal to provide for their families.

4. BIASED SAMPLING. The Democrat party wants to know how American's feel about illegal immigration, so they send a survey out to everyone listed on their party's
mailing list.
This statement is classified under Biased Sampling, which is a situation where the sampling is invalid and utilizes biased data to defend a claim. In this statement, the
Democrat Party wanted to know how the public feels about illegal immigration. However, they used the wrong sample, which is their own party's mailing list. Thus,
resulting in a bias in the results.

5. TWO WRONGS MAKE A RIGHT. A clerk who steals money from her company justifies her actions by saying that the company has been overcharging customers for years.
This statement is classified under Two Wrongs Make a Right, as it is defined that this fallacy is done by taking revenge by doing the same manner as the injury. In the
statement, the clerk stole money from the company, thinking it would be justified because the company has been overcharging customers for years.

6. OVERSIMPLIFICATION. Criminality will be stopped if you put all convicts in the electric chair.
This statement is classified under Oversimplification, as it is defined as a suggestion of possible solutions to a predicament wherein the connection of the two is quite
far-fetched in nature. In the context of this statement, it suggests that putting convicts in an electric chair can stop the prevalence of crimes.

7. HASTY GENERALIZATION. An Italian was convicted of being a member of the Mafia. All Italians must be members of the Mafia.
This statement is classified under Hasty Generalization, defined as applying a particular rule to a general situation with or without evidence. This statement explicitly
stated that an Italian was convicted for being a member of a Mafia. This was then generalized that all Italians must also be members of a Mafia too.
Part 3: (20 points)
⚫ Read the sample rationale.
⚫ Answer the questions after reading the text.

Passing the licensure examination is an essential element to be called professional and 1. What is the point of view on licensure examination based on the text?
at the same time, it will be a go signal that a graduate can legally practice his or her The research rationale presents the gap where students lack in terms of
chosen profession. Thus, elements in passing the licensure examination should be their preparations for the board examinations. The authors have detailed a list of the
identified in order to guide future examinees what to do and what should be done major factors that reviewees must possess in order to pass these exams, among
during examination, and mockboard program of the school is one of it (Marc, 2013).
which are the following: that one should be aware of what the basics are, knows
In the United States, some American researchers argue that licensure examinations
what should be done and apply these various techniques in their preparations, and
only test a certain kind of skill and it does not provide comprehensive results. They say
that many people have a good memory and a special ability to pass examinations and should go through extensive reviews and mock board exams before taking the
achieve brilliant results, though they have no capacity for original thought or licensure exam itself. In the rationale, the authors have revealed that one of the
imagination. But it should be realized that today the syllabus is so extensive that a primary reasons why students fail the examinations is their laziness to review their
student cannot expect to pass an examination by relying entirely on his memory. The subjects. Thus, they encourage the need for students to focus on reviewing and
student of today must not only have a fair knowledge of the subject matter, but also studying their subjects as well as experience real-life simulations of their respective
experience simulation such as mockboard program to ensure high chance of passing professions, as passing the board examination is a fundamental requirement for a
(Yu, 2011). person to legally perform his or her chosen career. This study then aims to discover
In the Philippines, according to Mojica (2013), the PRC Board Examinations can be very significant findings that may lead to the development of future mock board programs
tricky and difficult to pass for most students/reviewees. This is because certain crucial which may enhance the chances of students in passing the licensure examination.
factors are ignored or overlooked. Passing the board exam has been, and still is, and
will always be difficult. Each year, about 6,000 candidates sit for the board
examinations. Most of them do not make it. The passing statistics are known to be 2. How is the concept of licensure exam different or similar between the United states
only about 30 percent to 35 percent. This means, of course, that the mortality rate is and the Philippines?
65 percent to 70 percent. There are many excuses that are cast why
students/reviewees fail and most students/reviewees seem to always want to find In the United States, perceptions on the exam are believed only to test a
someone or something to blame. But the major factor why students/reviewees fail the particular skill of the examinee and that that indicator is not enough to provide
board exams is that they are lazy to review. accurate and comprehensive results. They also added that many people have an
In Davao City, there are a lot of students who are unaware of the importance of pre- excellent memory and possess a unique skill in passing such examinations but
review and regular review and other techniques for their success in their upcoming cannot be imaginative. They argue that students should not only have the essential
board examinations. Many students did not even care to give so much importance, backgrounds and fundamentals of their courses, but they should also try and
not even sacrificing their valued time in concentrating on subject matters pertaining to experience a simulation of their chosen careers, such as in mock-board programs.
their review (Tejano, 2015).
With the above issues and problems in passing the licensure examinations, the
researchers sensed an urgency to conduct study regarding the mock board program in The Philippines, on the other hand, particularly the PRC Board examinations,
the College of Criminal Justice Education (CCJE), based on the perception of teachers is deemed as complex and difficult to pass for many students. The passing rates are
and graduating students. The researchers believed that by conducting this study, known to be approximately 30 to 35 percent only. Though there are many reasons
important findings can be unearthed that can lead to formulation of future why reviewees fail, such as the case of most students who always find someone or
enhancement program for CCJE graduating students to enhance their chances in something to blame, the primary factor unearthed as to why they fail is that they are
passing the licensure examination. too lazy to review.
Similar to the notion of licensure examinations in the United States, locally, resolutions for the gap. This is also where they substantiate and elucidate their
many students are unaware of the importance of reviewing and applying the arguments. In the research rationale, the authors have gathered data from prior
necessary techniques it takes to pass such board examinations. Thus, it presents the studies, stating that such licensure examinations only test a particular set of skill and
urgency of sitting in pre-board reviews and mock-board programs before taking the does not provide complete results. They also added scenes from the local
licensure examinations itself. perspective and asserted that the PRC Board Examinations are tricky and challenging
to pass for most students. The low passing statistics also indicate that the authors’
3. Do you concur with the idea that board takers lack the cognizance of what to do
claims are valid and truthful as observed from a long-term perspective. The results of
before taking an exam?
the prior research studies have gathered the common themes that students are
Tejano (2015) verbalized that many students are unaware of the significance unaware of the significance of engaging in mock board programs, incognizant of the
of engaging in pre-board exam reviews and are oblivious to the essential techniques various techniques before taking the exams, and not sacrificing their time for
in passing the exams. They lack insight and do not want to spend their time reviewing studying their subjects.
their subjects. More so, it has been revealed that most students fail the exams
This is then where Occupying the Niche takes place, or the solution. In
because they are lazy to review. Considering the low passing rates of board takers on
this move, the authors turn the gap into a research space where counterclaims
the licensure examinations here in the Philippines, I concur with the conception that
are made, the gap will be filled, and questions will be answered. In the
reviewees indeed lack the cognizance of what to do before taking the exam. rationale, the authors have established the urgency of conducting the study,
particularly the significance of mock board programs in College of Criminal
Justice Education (CCJE), as perceived by teachers and graduating students.
4. How are the structure and the content of the rationale?
They argue that conducting the said research can unearth important findings
The rationale opens with passing the licensure examination as a primary that may enhance the board takers’ chances in passing the licensure
indicator for an individual to practice his or her profession legally. It presents the examination.
5. What is the implication of this study based on the rationale?
fundamental elements that a board taker should possess and emphasizes the
importance of engaging in pre-board reviews and mock exams to be mentally The research rationale mainly focuses on the curriculum pertaining to
prepared for the upcoming licensure examination. The authors apprehended the the study of criminal justice and the students’ apparent lack of giving
urgency of conducting this study to yield positive results that may enhance the importance in tackling pre-board exam reviews and acquiring basic techniques
chances of examinees in passing the board examination. in passing the licensure examination. Thus, the authors aimed to establish a
study that is to enact a research that may enhance the current state of the
The structure of the research rationale opens with establishing the aforementioned through the development of an academic-strengthening
territory or the situation. Here, the authors presented the context of the study program like mock board exams and conducting of extensive reviews for
and the necessary background needed to support the topic. They emphasized students before taking the examination. The goal of their study is to generate
the significance of passing the licensure examination as a prime criterion for significant findings that can lead to the development of future enhancement
board takers to practice their profession legally. They also presented certain initiatives for CCJE graduating students. The recommendations include that the
elements that reviewees must possess before taking the examination, all while
said study be part of future research studies but are not limited to a more in-
introducing the gap where students lack in preparing for such exams.
depth study involving and concerning students who are to be engaging in
Establishing the niche follows the background presented in the taking the board examinations.
introduction. Here, the authors argue that there is an open niche in the study,
suggesting possible resolutions

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