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Data for the public good

Participatory data

A framework for involving

people in the use of data September 2021
Contents Participatory data stewardship 2


3 Executive summary

6 Foreword

7 How to read this report

9 Introduction

17 Mechanisms for participatory data stewardship

48 Who to involve when developing participatory mechanisms

49 Benefits of effective participation for the design, development

and use of data-driven systems

53 Conclusion

55 Methodology

56 Appendix

58 Acknowledgements
Executive Summary Participatory data stewardship 3

Executive summary

Well-managed data can support organisations,

researchers, governments and corporations to conduct
lifesaving health research, reduce environmental
harms and produce societal value for individuals and
communities. But these benefits are often overshadowed
by harms, as current practices in data collection, storage,
sharing and use have led to high-profile misuses of
personal data, data breaches and sharing scandals.

These range from the backlash to Care.Data,1 to the

response to Cambridge Analytica and Facebook’s
collection and use of data for political advertising.2 These
cumulative scandals have resulted in ‘tenuous’ public trust
in data sharing,3 which entrenches public concern about
data and impedes its use in the public interest. To reverse
this trend, what is needed is increased legitimacy, and
increased trustworthiness, of data and AI use.

This report proposes a ‘framework for participatory data

stewardship’, which rejects practices of data collection,
storage, sharing and use in ways that are opaque or seek
to manipulate people, in favour of practices that empower

1 Triggle, N. (2014). ‘ How did it go so wrong?’ BBC News. 19 Feb. Available at:
health-26259101 [Accessed 6 Jul. 2021].
2 Fruchter, N., Yuan, B. and Specter, M. (2018). ‘Facebook/Cambridge Analytica: Privacy lessons and a way forward’. Internet Policy
Research Initiative at MIT. Available at:
3 Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation. (2020). Independent report: Addressing trust in public sector data use. GOV.UK. Available
public-sector-data-use [Accessed 15 February 2021].
Executive Summary Participatory data stewardship 4

people to help inform, shape and – in some instances –

govern their own data.

As a critical component of good data governance, it

proposes data stewardship as the responsible use,
collection and management of data in a participatory and
rights-preserving way, informed by values and engaging
with questions of fairness.

Drawing extensively from Sherry Arnstein’s ‘ladder of

citizen participation’ 4 and its more recent adaptation into a
spectrum,5 this new framework is based on an analysis of
over 100 case studies of different methods of participatory
data stewardship.6 It demonstrates ways that people can
gain increasing levels of control and agency over their
data – from being informed about what is happening to
data about themselves, through to being empowered to
take responsibility for exercising and actively managing
decisions about data governance.

Throughout this report, we explore – using case studies

and accompanying commentary – a range of mechanisms
for achieving participatory decision-making around the
design, development and use of data-driven systems
and data-governance frameworks. This report provides
evidence that involving people in the way data is used

4 Arnstein, S. (1969). ‘A Ladder of Citizen Participation’. Journal of the American Institute of Planners, 35(4), pp.216-224. Available at:
5 Patel, R. and Gibbon, K. (2018). ‘Why decisions about the economy need you’. The RSA. Available at:
blog/2017/04/why-decisions-about-the-economy-need-you [Accessed 15 February 2021].
6 Patel, R. and Peppin, A. (2z020). ‘Exploring principles for data stewardship’. Ada Lovelace Institute. Available at: https://www. [Accessed 16 Feb. 2021].
Executive Summary Participatory data stewardship 5

can support greater social and economic equity, and

rebalance asymmetries of power.7

It also highlights how examining different mechanisms

of participatory data stewardship can help businesses,
developers and policymakers to better understand which
rights to enshrine, in order to contribute towards the
increased legitimacy of – and public confidence in – the
use of data and AI that works for people and society.

Focusing on participatory approaches to data

stewardship, this report provides a complementary
perspective to Ada’s joint publication with the AI Council,
Exploring legal mechanisms for data stewardship, which
explores three legal mechanisms that could help facilitate
responsible data stewardship.8

We do not propose participatory approaches as an

alternative to legal and rights-based approaches, but
rather as a set of complementary mechanisms to ensure
public confidence and trust in appropriate uses of data,
and – in some cases – to help shape the future of rights-
based approaches, governance and regulation.

7 Kapoor, Astha and Whitt, Richard S. (2021). Nudging Towards Data Equity: The Role of Stewardship and Fiduciaries
in the Digital Economy. February 22. Available at SSRN: or
8 Ada Lovelace Institute. (2021). Exploring legal mechanisms for data stewardship. Available at:
Foreword Participatory data stewardship 6


Companies, governments and civil-society organisations around the

world are looking at ways to innovate with data in the hope of improving
people’s lives through evidence-based research and better services.
Innovation can move quickly, but it is important that people are given
opportunities to shape it. This is especially true for areas where public
views are not clearly settled. 

This new report from the independent research institute and deliberative

body the Ada Lovelace Institute provides practical examples of how
to engage people in the governance of data through participatory data
stewardship. The report shows that there are choices about when and
how to bring people into the process – from data collection, to linkage, to
data analysis. 

One of the most frustrating experiences for people is when they are
told they will have the power to shape something, but find in fact
that consultation is very limited. To mitigate this the report helpfully
distinguishes between different kinds of involvement, with a spectrum
ranging from ‘inform’ all the way to ‘empower’. 

Participatory data stewardship provides a practical framework and

case studies, to demonstrate how citizens can participate in shaping
the way that data is being used. I hope businesses, policymakers and
leaders of organisations will take inspiration from it, and generate a
new set of use cases that we can continue to share in the future.  Data
innovation creates new opportunities and challenges that can take
us beyond agreed social conventions. To make the most of the
opportunities it is therefore imperative that people’s voices are heard to
shape how we use data. 

 Hetan Shah 
Vice-Chair, Ada Lovelace Institute
Chief Executive, The British Academy 
How to read this report Participatory data stewardship 7

How to read this report

If you’re a policymaker wishing to understand more about

participatory approaches to data stewardship

— For an overview of the benefits of participatory approaches to

data governance for people and society go to p. 49.
— See p. 14 for an illustration of the participatory framework.
— Read through each of the approaches, starting with the summary
table on p. 17, noting that each have their pros and cons, and that
the most appropriate approach to take will vary depending on
context, use of the data, the type of data being governed, and
those who are most likely now and in future to be impacted by the
data use and governance.
— Read the case studies on pp. 22–46 for examples of how these
mechanisms have been used in the real world, their participatory
implications and complexities and critiques.

If you’re responsible for data governance in your organisation and

seeking to embed participatory approaches

— Go to p. 49 for an overview of the benefits of taking a participatory

approach to data stewardship.
— See p. 48 for the key questions to answer about who to involve in
the process.
— Go to p. 17 for an indicative list of the range of approaches and
tools data stewards can use to best to involve people in data
— Read the case studies on pp. 22–46 for examples of how these
mechanisms have been used in the real world, their participatory
implications and complexities and critiques.
How to read this report Participatory data stewardship 8

If you’re a civil-society organisation supporting the use of data for

individual and collective benefit

— See p. 14 for an illustration of the participatory framework.

— Read through each of the approaches, starting with the summary
table on p. 17, noting that each have their pros and cons, and that
the most appropriate approach to take will vary depending on
context, use of the data, the type of data being governed, and
those who are most likely now and in future to be impacted by
data use and governance.
— Read the case studies on pp. 22–46 for examples of how these
mechanisms have been used in the real world, their participatory
implications and complexities and critiques.
— See p. 48 for the key questions to answer about who to involve in
the process.

If you’re using or aware of mechanisms for participatory data


— See p. 14 for an illustration of the participatory framework, and let

us know whether it’s a useful model.
— Read the case studies for each mechanism on pp. 22-46, and let
us know what you think about the implications for participation,
and the summary of their complexities and critiques.
— See the table in the appendix listing 30 examples and get in touch
to let us know if we are missing something.
Introduction Participatory data stewardship 9


To understand how participatory data stewardship can bring unique

benefits to data governance, we need to understand what it is and how it
can be used.

1. Why participatory data stewardship matters

Organisations, governments and citizen-led initiatives around the world

that aspire to use data to tackle major societal and economic problems
(such as the COVID-19 pandemic) face significant ethical and practical
challenges, alongside ‘tenuous’ public trust in public- and private-
sector data sharing.9 To overcome these challenges, we will need to
create robust mechanisms for data governance, and participatory data
stewardship has a distinct role to play in their development.

Traditionally, data governance refers to the framework used to define

who has authority and control over data and how that data may be
used.10 It commonly includes questions around data architecture,
security, documentation, retention, and access. Many organisations that
use data or build data-driven systems implement a data-governance
framework to guide their decision-making.

Institutions including data cooperatives, data trusts, data-donation

systems and trusted research environments are designed to govern the
use of beneficiaries’ data. Currently, private-sector data-governance
approaches often do not address the concerns of the beneficiaries of
data, and do not encourage those using that data to consider how their
choices can best support the needs of those who will be affected by their

9 Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation. (2020).

10 Olavsrud, T. (2021). ‘Data governance: A best practices framework for managing data assets.’ CIO.
Introduction Participatory data stewardship 10

‘Involving beneficiaries The report provides evidence that involving people (‘beneficiaries’) in the
can encourage design, development and deployment of data governance frameworks
responsible innovation can help create the checks and balances that engender greater societal
and improve data quality’ and economic equity, can help to rebalance asymmetries of power, and
can contribute towards increased public confidence in the use of data.11

The term beneficiaries includes ‘data subjects’, who have a direct

relationship with the data in question as specified in the GDPR,12 and
also encompasses those impacted by the use of data (e.g. workers,
underrepresented and excluded groups) even if they are not themselves
data subjects. In other words, we use the term ‘beneficiary’ to encompass
anyone who might be affected by the use of data beyond simply the data
subjects – those who have the potential to benefit from participatory
data stewardship – and this helps to move beyond a compliance-based
approach to a model that is underpinned by social license.

Beneficiaries can include:

• the data subjects – the people to whom the data directly relates, for
instance, when processing biometrics data
• people within the wider public – for instance, those who might have an
interest in how data is governed or used ethically, as well as those who
might have lived experience of an issue or disadvantage
• people at risk of being oversurveilled, underrepresented or missing
from the data itself, e.g. migrant populations, members of Indigenous
communities, people from racialised minority groups, people with
mental health conditions and transgender people
• stakeholders working in technology or related organisations, or
members of a global supply chain. e.g. those engaged in collecting and
processing data, or who have an interest in data to secure their own
collective workplace rights.

In addition, involving beneficiaries can encourage responsible innovation

and improve data quality, as the beneficial feedback loop below

11 Kapoor, Astha and Whitt, Richard S. (2021). Nudging Towards Data Equity: The Role of Stewardship and Fiduciaries
in the Digital Economy. 22 February. Available at SSRN: or
12 The Information Commissioner’s Office defines the data subject as ‘the identified or identifiable living individual to whom personal
data relates’. Available at:
Introduction Participatory data stewardship 11

Data use and

data-governance models
underpinned by a strong sense
of trust and confidence

More representative,
inclusive and Fairer and more
proportionate uses equitable outcomes

Broader social welfare

Increased social license
outcomes supported
and active participation
by data

Figure 1: Effective We outline the benefits of effective participation in the design,

participatory approaches development and use of data and data-governance frameworks later in
generate a beneficial
feedback loop the report (see p. 49).

2. What do we mean by ‘stewardship’?

Stewardship is a concept that embodies the responsible planning

and management of common resources.13 To apply this concept of
stewardship to data, we must first recognise that data is not a ‘resource’,
in the same way that forests or fisheries are finite but renewable
resources. Rather, it is a common good that everyone has a stake in,
and where the interests of beneficiaries should be at the heart of every

13 The use of stewardship to describe the governance of common resources was foundational to the work of Nobel Prize-winning
economist Elinor Ostrom, who developed design principles for collective governance. Though often focused on shared natural
resources like pastures, forests or fisheries, applying Ostrom’s principles to data can help us to think through thorny challenges
of doing good with data. See Ostrom, E. (2015). Governing the Commons. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. The Ada
Lovelace Institute has mapped Ostrom’s principles against real-world examples where data is stewarded for social causes, or on
behalf of data subjects, see:
Introduction Participatory data stewardship 12

‘We understand data The Ada Lovelace Institute has developed the following working
stewardship as key to definition of data stewardship:
protecting the data
rights of individuals
and communities’ ‘The responsible use, collection and management
of data in a participatory and rights-preserving

We understand data stewardship as key to protecting the data rights of

individuals and communities, within a robust system of data governance,
and to unlocking the benefits of data in a way that’s fair, equitable and
focused on societal benefit. We contend that the principles and values
that underpin stewardship can help to realise aspects of trustworthy and
responsible data collection and use.

In this report, the term ‘data steward’ is used to describe the role of
the individuals and organisations processing and using data on behalf
of beneficiaries. In particular, stewards are responsible for involving
the people who have a stake in and are impacted by data use and
processing. That involvement is based on a relationship of trust and
a social mandate to use data (often described in the legal context as
a trust-based ‘fiduciary’ relationship – where the data steward has a
responsibility to put people and society’s interests ahead of their own
individual or organisational interests).

Data stewardship can operate throughout the data lifecycle (see figure 2
below). In the age of ‘datafication’,15 data stewardship operates not only in
relation to data collection, processing, organising, analysis and use, but
also in the design and development of data-driven systems, including
those that aim to predict, prescribe, observe, evaluate and sometimes
influence human and societal behaviour. This makes data stewardship
a complex task, but also points to its potential to engender better
outcomes for people and society.

14 See Ada’s post, Disambiguating data stewardship, for more on the development of this definition. Available at: https://www.
15 ’Datafication’ is a term that describes the process of rendering human and social behaviour in quantifiable ways, in turn releasing it as
a new form of economic and social value. See the Ada Lovelace Institute’s report The data will see you now for a detailed explanation
of how this operates in relation to health data. Available at:
Introduction Participatory data stewardship 13

Collect Record Process Organise

Delete Store

Access Share Use Retain

Figure 2: The data lifecycle 3. Introducing a framework for participatory data stewardship

Participation in its most fundamental sense is the involvement of people

in influencing the decisions that affect their lives. In the technology-
mediated environment that many of us currently inhabit, the ways data is
used can preclude meaningful participation.

The Ofqual exam results algorithm that made predictions about A-levels
in the UK, or the cookie notices and terms and conditions that ‘nudge’
towards uninformed consent at the expense of individual data rights,
demonstrate how this can disempower people.16

In response to these conditions, we have developed a framework for

participatory data stewardship (see figure 3 below) to demonstrate how
it is possible to empower beneficiaries to affect the design, development
and use of data-driven systems.

16 Office for Statistics Regulation. (2021). Ensuring statistical models command public confidence. Available at: https://osr. [Accessed 19 Aug 2021].
Introduction Participatory data stewardship 14

The framework is based on Sherry Arnstein’s ‘ladder of citizen

participation’,17 which illustrates that there are different ways to enable
participation (see figure 5 in appendix), and its more recent adaptation
into a spectrum of power,18 which represents the possible outcomes of
informing, consulting, involving, collaborating and empowering people
(see figure 6 in appendix).

Inform Collaborate
We will keep you informed about We will look to you for advice
how your data is being governed and innovation in design of
data-governance models, and
incorporate your advice and
recommendations where possible

We will work with you to ensure your
concerns and aspirations are directly
reflected in data governance

Consult Empower
We will listen to, acknowledge We will advise and assist in line
and provide feedback on concerns with your decisions about your
and aspirations for the governance own data-governance models
of your data

Figure 3: Framework for We propose this framework to support thinking about how different
participation in data modes of participation in and about data governance can enable
beneficiaries to have increasing power and agency in the decisions
made about their (and by extension others’) data. Moving through the
spectrum, the level of power afforded to beneficiaries increases from
being the recipients of ‘information’ through to being ‘empowered’ to act
with agency.

17 Arnstein, S. (1969). ‘A Ladder of Citizen Participation’. Journal of the American Institute of Planners, 35(4), pp.216-224. Available at:
18 Patel, R. and Gibbon, K. (2018). ‘Why decisions about the economy need you’. The RSA. Available at:
blog/2017/04/why-decisions-about-the-economy-need-you [Accessed 15 February 2021].
Introduction Participatory data stewardship 15

The framework first shows how participatory data stewardship

mechanisms can seek to achieve meaningful transparency, responding
to people’s rights to be informed about what is happening or can happen
with data about them.

Next, the framework describes mechanisms and processes that can

build towards understanding and responding to people’s views (consult
and involve) in decision-making about data.

Ultimately, the vision is to realise conditions where people can

collaborate actively with designers, developers and deployers of data-
driven systems and (to the extent that is possible) are empowered.
When this happens, beneficiaries’ perspectives form a central part of the
design of data governance, which then builds confidence and capacity
for people to continue to participate in the data-governance process.

The next section of the report outlines the range of participatory

mechanisms at data stewards’ disposal.

It is important first to note that while participatory approaches may

take different forms or have different intended outcomes, they are most
often not mutually exclusive, and can in fact often complement each
other. There is no single ‘right’ way to do participation, and effective
participation is not a ‘one-off’ solution or mechanism.

The complex issues raised by data governance can’t be solved by a ‘one-

size-fits-all’ or an ‘off-the-shelf’ approach. Beneficiaries can participate
at different stages in the data lifecycle – from collection, storage, cleaning
and processing of data, as well as its use and deployment – and there
are different types, approaches, methods or means of participation that
afford very different levels of power.
Introduction Participatory data stewardship 16

Data sheets

Data registers and

algorithm registers


Reframing data

Communication and

UX design

Focus groups, surveys

Participatory impact Consulting:
Evaluation and Roadshow and
assessments understanding how
impact assessment community
people feel
Citizen data audit engagement

Lived experience

Data cooperatives Public deliberation

Implementation, Scoping:
governance and aligning values and Citizen juries and
‘Bottom-up’ data trusts
management expectations public dialogue
and institutions

developing the
terms of use



Public deliberation

Citizen juries and

public dialogue

Figure 4: Purposes of
different participatory
Mechanisms Participatory data stewardship 17

Mechanisms for participatory

data stewardship

There are a wide range of different participatory mechanisms, methods

and activities that can be used to support better data governance,
depending on purpose and context (see figure 4).

These are summarised in table 1 below, and followed by a detailed

description and analysis of each mechanism in detail, which explains how
it works and explores the benefits, complexities and challenges through
real-world case studies to help understand how these models operate
in practice. These models form an indicative but not an exhaustive list,
which we expect will iterate and evolve over time.

The various mechanisms and accompanying case studies are also

illustrative of the creative potential of participation, and the range of
approaches and tools at data stewards’ disposal in thinking about how
best to involve people in the use of data.

Table 1: Participatory mechanisms

Purpose Description What people can expect Relevant participatory Case studies
(drawn from Arnstein’s (drawn from the IAP2 mechanisms, methods
ladder of participation) Participation Spectrum) and activities

INFORMING ‘A one way flow of ‘We will keep you informed • Meaningful and radical • Enabling ‘armchair
information’ on how your data is being transparency audit’ through open
(p. 19)
used’ • Explainability – the AI and algorithm
process of enabling a registers (Helsinki
data-driven system to be and Amsterdam),
explained in human administered by
terms Saidot, 2020
• Mechanisms such as • Making sense of the
model cards and data societal value of
sheets data by reframing
• Rethinking and ‘big-data mining’
reframing how we talk and ‘data as oil’
about data, so it is more narratives
accessible and inclusive
Mechanisms Participatory data stewardship 18

Purpose Description What people can expect Relevant participatory Case studies
(drawn from Arnstein’s (drawn from the IAP2 mechanisms, methods
ladder of participation) Participation Spectrum) and activities

CONSULTING ‘Inviting people’s opinions, ‘We will listen to, • Community networks • Community
through attitude surveys, acknowledge concerns • User experience (UX) engagement and
(p. 28)
neighbourhood meetings and aspirations, and testing and co-design consultation by
and public hearings’ provide feedback on • Surveys and public CityVerve
how public input influenced attitudes research (Manchester),
the data-governance multi-sector
• Community
framework’ consortium led
engagements and
by Manchester
City Council,
INVOLVING ‘Allow citizens to advise, ‘We will work with you to • One-off and • Institutionalised
but retain for ensure your concerns and institutionalised public public
(p. 32)
powerholders the aspirations are directly deliberation and deliberation, the
continued right to decide’ reflected in data deliberative democracy Danish Board of
governance... we will initiatives Technology,
provide feedback on how • Lived experience panels 1986–2011
public input influenced • Horizon scanning, design
these decisions’ thinking and futures

COLLABORATING ‘Enables people to ‘We will look to you for • Public deliberation and • Global mental
negotiate and engage in advice and innovation in deliberative democracy health data bank,
(p. 38)
trade-offs with design of data-governance initiatives the Wellcome
powerholders’ frameworks... and • Bottom-up ‘data- Trust with Sage
incorporate your advice governance initiatives’ Bionetworks,
and recommendations managed by an 2020
to the maximum extent independent fiduciary • Large-scale data
possible’ (e.g. data trusts, and donation for
data-sharing contracts research, UK
that build in Biobank,
collaboration) 2006–present
• Participant panels and
data donation
EMPOWERING ‘Citizens obtain the ‘We will provide advice and • Data governance rules • Citizen-driven,
majority of decision- assistance as requested in shaped and routinely collaborative
(p. 44)
making seats or full line with your decisions for reviewed by beneficiaries data
managerial power’ designing/developing your and data donors management
own data-governance • Voting on governance and governance,
framework’ boards of data- access Salus Coop
initiatives (Spain),
• Ownership and/or control 2017–present
of data cooperatives
• Setting terms of data
licensing and access, with
permissions overseen by
Mechanisms Participatory data stewardship 19

‘Transparency and Inform

explainability are
distinct mechanisms ‘Informing’ people about data use and governance involves a one-way
that can contribute to flow of information from those who use, gather, deploy and analyse data,
informing beneficiaries to data subjects or ‘beneficiaries’. This information flow can be direct or
meaningfully as to how indirect (through an intermediary, such as a data trust).
data is used’

1. Meaningful transparency and explainability

Transparency and explainability are distinct mechanisms that can

contribute to informing beneficiaries meaningfully as to how data is
used. Transparency provides people with the necessary information and
tools to be able to assess the use of data-driven systems and how their
data is managed. Features of transparency include openness and clarity
about the purpose, functions and effectiveness of these systems and
frameworks. Transparency is enshrined in the GDPR as the ‘right to an
explanation’, under Articles 13 and 14, as well as in Article 15 as the ‘right
to access’ of data subjects for solely automated decision-making.19

An alternative way of expressing this one-way flow of information is as

‘explainability’. In the context of AI decision-making, explainability can be
understood as the extent to which the internal mechanics of a machine
or deep-learning system can be explained or made understandable in
human terms. Enabling ‘explainability’ of complex uses of data (such
as algorithmic or data-driven systems) has developed into its own
established field of research, with contributions from the Alan Turing
Institute and the Information Commissioner’s Office among many.20

However, to improve outcomes for beneficiaries, transparency and

explainability must move beyond simply informing people about how
their own individual data has been used, or how a data-driven system has
affected a decision about them, and towards the data beneficiary being
able to influence the outcome of the data use through their increased
understanding. In other words, it must be meaningful, and there must
be a recognition that the rights of transparency and explainability can
extend beyond the individual data subject.

19 Wachter, S. (2021). A right to explanation. Alan Turing Institute. Available at:
to-explanation [Accessed 15 February 2021].
20 See website from the Alan Turing Institute on Project ExplAIn. Leslie, D. (2019). Project ExplAIn. The Alan Turing Institute. Available at: [Accessed 15 February 2021].
Mechanisms Participatory data stewardship 20

What is meaningful transparency and explainability?

What meaningful transparency and explainability look like will depend on

the type of data used, the intent and purpose for its use, and the intended
audience of the explanation.

Some researchers have distinguished between model-centric

explanations (an explanation of the AI model itself) for general
information-sharing and broader accountability purposes; and more
subject-centric explanations (explanations of how a particular decision
has impacted on a particular individual, or on certain groups).21

Subject-centric explanations are usually the first step towards increased

accountability. The UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has
identified six main types of explanation:22

• Rationale: the reasons that led to a decision, delivered in an accessible

and non-technical way.
• Responsibility: who is involved in the development, management
and implementation of an AI system, and who to contact for a human
review of a decision.
• Data: what data has been used in a particular decision and how.
• Fairness: steps taken across the design and implementation of an AI
system to ensure that the decisions it supports are generally unbiased
and fair, and whether or not an individual has been treated equitably.
• Safety and performance: steps taken across the design and
implementation of an AI system to maximise the accuracy, reliability,
security and robustness of its decisions and behaviours.
• Impact: steps taken across the design and implementation of an AI
system to consider and monitor the impacts that the use of an AI
system and its decisions has or may have on an individual, and on wider

21 Ruiz, J. (2018). ‘Machine learning and the right to explanation in GDPR’. Open Rights Group. Available at: https://www.openrightsgroup.
org/blog/machine-learning-and-the-right-to-explanation-in-gdpr/. [Accessed 15 February 2021].
22 ICO. (2020). What goes into an explanation? Available at:
explanation/ [Accessed 5 Jul. 2021].
Mechanisms Participatory data stewardship 21

One example of In addition to explainability, meaningful transparency refers to initiatives

meaningful transparency that seek to make information about an AI system both visible and
in practice is the use interpretable to audiences who may have different levels of competency
of ‘algorithm registers’ and understanding of technical systems.23 These initiatives identify clear
implemented by the ‘targets’ of transparency, such as an algorithm, the ‘assemblage of human
cities of Amsterdam and non-human actors’ around algorithmic systems, or the governance
and Helsinki regime that oversees the management and use of that system.24

As our article Meaningful transparency and (in)visible algorithms

demonstrates, meaningful transparency initiatives are ones that ‘build
publicness’ by aligning AI systems with values traditionally found in
the public sector, such as due process, accountability and welfare
provision.25 These initiatives provide people with the necessary tools and
information to assess and interact with AI systems.

One example of meaningful transparency in practice is the use of

‘algorithm registers’ implemented by the cities of Amsterdam and
Helsinki. These registers provide a list of data-driven systems put into
use by these cities, and provide different levels of information aimed
at audiences with differing competencies and backgrounds. These
registers not only disclose key facts about the use of data-driven
systems, but also enable members of the public to perform their own
independent ‘armchair audit’ into how these systems may affect them.

Other examples of emerging transparency mechanisms include model

cards, which aim to document key details about an AI system’s intended
uses, features and performance.26 Data sheets are a similar mechanism
that aim to summarise essential details about the collection, features,
and intended uses of a dataset. 27 To date, data sheets and model cards
have been used primarily by AI researchers and companies as a

23 Ananny M, Crawford K. (2018). Seeing without knowing: Limitations of the transparency ideal and its application to algorithmic
accountability. New Media & Society. 20(3):973-989. doi:10.1177/1461444816676645
24 M. Kaminski. (2020). Understanding Transparency in Algorithmic Accountability. Forthcoming in Cambridge Handbook of the Law
of Algorithms, ed. Woodrow Barfield, Cambridge University Press (2020)., U of Colorado Law Legal Studies Research Paper No. 20-
34, Available at SSRN:
25 L. Stirton, M. Lodge. (2002). Transparency Mechanisms: Building Publicness into Public Services. Journal of Law and Society. https://
26 See, for example the model cards from Google Cloud:
27 Gebru, T., Morgenstern, J., Vecchione, B., Vaughan, J.W., Wallach, H., Daumeé III, Hal and Crawford, K. (2018). Datasheets for Datasets.
Available at:
Mechanisms Participatory data stewardship 22

means of transferring information about a dataset or model between

teams within or outside of an organisation. While, to date, they are not
intended to provide information to members of the public, they could
be repurposed.

Case study: Enabling ‘armchair audit’ through open

AI and algorithm registers (Helsinki and Amsterdam),
administered by Saidot, 202028

Helsinki and Amsterdam were among the first cities to announce open artificial
intelligence (AI) and algorithm registers. These were founded on the premise
that the use of AI in public services should adhere to the same principles of
transparency, security and openness as other city activities, such as public
bodies’ approaches to procurement.

The infrastructure for open AI registers in both countries is being administered

by the Finnish commercial organisation, Saidot. They are aiming to build a
scalable and adaptable register platform, to collect information on algorithmic
systems and share them flexibly with a wide range of stakeholder groups.

Participatory implications:

These AI and algorithm registers are openly available, and any individual is able
to check them. This illuminates the potential for ‘armchair auditing’ of public-
service algorithmic systems. Accessing the register reveals information about
the systems that are reported on, the information that is being provided, and the
specific applications and contexts in which algorithmic systems and AI are being

Saidot conducted research and interviews with clients and stakeholders to

develop a model that serves the wider public, meaning it’s accessible not only
to tech experts but also to those who know less about technology, or are less
interested in it. The approach adopts a layered model, enabling any individual
to find and discover more information based on their level of knowledge and

28 Dimitrova, A., (2020). ‘Helsinki and Amsterdam with first ever AI registries’ Available at:
view/helsinki-and-amsterdam-with-first-ever-ai-registries-5982 [Accessed 15 Feb. 2021].
Mechanisms Participatory data stewardship 23

To develop meaningful Complexities and critiques

transparency and
explainability of data- Given the relatively recent emergence of these approaches, more
driven and AI systems, needs to be understood about the effectiveness of these systems in
it is necessary to enable enabling ‘meaningful transparency’ in the way defined above. Do these
beneficiaries to gain registers, for example, genuinely enable non-specialist people to become
insights into the decision- armchair algorithmic auditors? And are they complemented by the
making processes that implementation of, and access to, independent audits, which are also
determine their goals important transparency mechanisms?29

To develop meaningful transparency and explainability of data-driven

and AI systems, it is necessary to enable beneficiaries to gain insights
into the decision-making processes that determine their goals, the
impact of their outcomes, how they interact with social structures and
what power relations they engender through continued use. This may
sound straightforward, but these are not static pieces of information
that can be easily captured; they require ongoing investigation using a
multitude of sources.

Lack of access to complete, contextual information about complex

uses of data is often due to information being spread across
different organisational structures and under different practices of
documentation. Any information architecture set up to promote
transparency must contend with the way data-governance frameworks
relate to the real world, tracking the shifting influences of technology,
governance and economics, and the public and private actors
embedded within them. This requires an articulation of how to access
information as well as what information to access. Answering the ‘how’
question of transparency will require addressing the conditions around
who executes it, with what motives and purposes.30

Some critics have argued that relying exclusively on transparency and

explainability as mechanisms for engaging and involving people in data
governance risks creating an illusion of control that does not exist in
reality. This might distract from addressing some more harmful data
practices that engender unfairness or discriminatory outcomes.31

29 Dimitrova, A. (2020).
30 Safak, C. and Parker, I. (2020). ‘Meaningful transparency and in(visible) algorithms’. Ada Lovelace Institute. Available at: https://www.
31 Edwards, L. and Veale, M. (2018). ‘Enslaving the Algorithm: From a “Right to an Explanation” to a “Right to Better Decisions”?’. IEEE
Security & Privacy, 16(3), pp.46–54. Available at:
Mechanisms Participatory data stewardship 24

Technologists and Others have highlighted that increased transparency about data use and
policymakers frequently management forces policymakers to be more explicit and transparent
reach for analogies and about the trade-offs they are choosing to make. In this context, it has
metaphors, in efforts been argued that explainability doesn’t just pose a technical challenge,
to communicate but also a policy challenge about which priorities, objectives and trade-
with diverse publics offs to choose.32
about data

2. Rethinking and reframing the way we communicate about data

Another core component that informs the way we collectively

conceptualise, imagine and interact with data are the narratives we build
to describe how data operates in societies.

Narratives, fictional or not, have a profound effect on shaping our

collective understandings of all aspects of our world, from the political
or economic to the technological. They rely on a range of devices:
news articles, visual images, political rhetoric and influential people all
contribute to the prevalence of a particular narrative in the public

Central to many narratives is the use of metaphors, and that’s

particularly true when it comes to technology and data, where the
abstract nature of many concepts means that metaphors are used
to conceptualise and understand processes and practices.33 

Technologists and policymakers frequently reach for analogies and

metaphors, in efforts to communicate with diverse publics about data.
Sociologists Puschmann and Burgess have explored how metaphors are
central to making sense of the often abstract concept of data.34 If we are
to move to more participatory mechanisms for data stewardship and
governance, we will need to understand and unpick how these specific
metaphors and narratives shape data practices.

32 Coyle, D., & Weller, A. (2020). ‘“Explaining” machine learning reveals policy challenges’. Science, 368 (6498), pp.1433-1434. Available
33 Van den Boomen, M. (2014). Transcoding the digital: How metaphors matter in new media. Instituut voor Netwerkcultuur.
Available at:
34 Puschmann, C. and Burgess, J. (2014). ‘Big Data, Big Questions | Metaphors of Big Data’, International Journal of Communication, 8(0),
p. 20. Available at:
Mechanisms Participatory data stewardship 25

Current narratives Why narratives about data matter

create policies and
technologies that How we talk about data influences the way we think about it. How
too-often minimise the we think about data influences how we design data policies and
potential societal benefit technologies. Current narratives create policies and technologies that
of data while facilitating too-often minimise the potential societal benefit of data while facilitating
commercial incentives commercial incentives. To reimagine narratives, we need to understand
and challenge the metaphors and framings that are already prominent. 

Data has been called everything from ‘the new oil’, to water or radioactive
waste.35 Metaphors like this are used to make the concept of data more
tangible, more open and more accessible to the public, but they ascribe
qualities to data that aren’t necessarily inherent, and so can have the
effect of mystifying or creating disempowering perceptions of data.
Metaphors can frame issues in particular ways, highlighting certain
qualities while obscuring others, and this can shape perspectives and
belief according to the intentions of those setting the narrative.

Common understandings created through metaphor are all-too-often

misunderstandings. For example, as ‘oil’, data’s economic value is brought
into focus, but its non-rivalrous quality (the fact that it can be used
simultaneously by different people for different purposes) is hidden.36 
These misunderstandings about the ways we describe data can reveal
much about the contemporary social and cultural meaning we give to
it.37 For example, when economic value is highlighted, and common
good is obscured, the market motivations to make ‘commodity’ the
meaning of data are revealed. 

Such narratives also suggest that practices about data are, like forces
of nature, unfixed and unchangeable – rather than social practices
undertaken by people and power holders. And it’s important to note that

35 Rajan, A. (2017). ‘Data is not the new oil’, BBC News. Available at:; Lupton,
D. (2013). ‘Swimming or drowning in the data ocean? Thoughts on the metaphors of big data’, This Sociological Life, Available at:
big-data/; Doctorow, C. (2008). ‘Cory Doctorow: why personal data is like nuclear waste.’ The Guardian. Available at: http://www. (All accessed: 15 February 2021).
36 Coyle D., Diepeveen S., Wdowin J., et al. (2020). The value of data: Policy Implications. Bennett Institute for Public Policy Cambridge,
the Open Data Institute and Nuffield Foundation. Available at:
37 Lupton D. (2013). ‘Swimming or drowning in the data ocean? Thoughts on the metaphors of big data’, This Sociological Life,
29 October. Available at:
the-metaphors-of-big-data/ (Accessed: 15 February 2021).
Mechanisms Participatory data stewardship 26

‘data’ itself is not the source of value – but rather actors’ positioning and
abilities to make use of data is what brings value.

But focusing on one single metaphor and its pitfalls reveals only part of
the power of narratives. Researching the metaphors that exist across
a range of prominent data narratives, Puschmann and Burgess identify
two interconnected metaphorical frames for data: data as a natural
force to resist or control; and data as a resource to be consumed. As a
natural force, data ‘exists’ in the world – like water, gravity or forests – just
waiting to be discovered and harnessed by humans. As a resource to be
consumed, data is conceptualised as a commodity that can be owned
and sold, then used – just like oil or coal.

These two metaphorical frames promote the idea that data is a value-
neutral commodity, and so shape data practices to be extractive
and promote commercial and competitive incentives. Many other
sociocultural meanings exist, or could exist, manifested through
metaphor. Recognising and understanding them allows us to interpret
these sociocultural meanings, and address how they shape data policies,
processes and practices. 

Case study: Making sense of the societal value of

data by reframing ‘big-data mining’ and ‘data as oil’

One of the major metaphorical frames that embodies data as a natural force or
resource to be consumed is that of ‘big-data mining’, a narrative that emerged in
a range of corporate literature in the 1990s. This framed big data as a new ‘gold
mine’ waiting to be tapped, from which companies could gain wealth if they knew
how to extract it.38

Positioning ‘data’ as a resource from which insight can be ‘mined’ perpetuates the
conceptual model that economic value can be extracted from data, leveraging
the culturally embedded analogy that gold ore mined from the earth

38 Kerssens, N. (2019). ‘De-Agentializing Data Practices: The Shifting Power of Metaphor in 1990s Discourses on Data Mining’, Journal
of Cultural Analytics, 1(1), p. 11049. Available at:
Mechanisms Participatory data stewardship 27

(for example, in the American Midwest) delivered untold wealth for colonialist
settlers and ignores the unequal power dynamics of the extractive practices that
underpin these narratives.

Participatory implications:

The reality is that data does not exist in the natural world, lying dormant until
it is discovered and its value extracted, and the focus this metaphor places on
wealth value obscures the societal value data can have if stewarded well. To
overcome these framings it’s necessary for those affected by data to participate
in rethinking and reframing how data is conceptualised, to bring data narratives
(and therefore practices) in greater alignment with public expectations and

Following existing metaphors like oil and mining, the natural world remains a good
conceptual foundation to develop alternative metaphors. One option is to see
data as a greenhouse gas, where its uses create harmful byproducts that must
be limited.39 Other metaphors might recognise that oil, gold and other natural
commodities are not perceived and treated in the same way as forests, rivers
and sunlight. These more ‘ecological’ metaphors have been posed as alternatives
that could promote concepts and practices where data is stewarded more
sustainably and less extractively.

Complexities and critiques – why reframing doesn’t go far enough

Reframing old narratives, and creating new narratives is no easy task.

Narratives are slow to develop and permeate, and require critical mass
and collective understanding to gain the traction needed to change
our deeply conditioned mental models of the world. Introducing new
metaphors is challenging when so many, often-contradictory, ones
already exist. Moreover, creating new metaphors from the ‘top down’
would continue to represent asymmetries of power by perpetuating
a model where data stewards – governments, corporations and other
institutions – continue to impose their world view on data subjects,
especially those already marginalised. Rethinking the narratives and
metaphors that shape how data is conceptualised must therefore be
part of a participatory process.

39 Tisne M. (2019). ‘Data isn’t the new oil, it’s the new CO2’. Luminate Group. Available at:
isnt-the-new-oil-its-the-new-co2 (Accessed: 15 February 2021).
Mechanisms Participatory data stewardship 28

A range of data Consult

stewardship mechanisms
build consultation Understanding public attitudes to different uses of data
into their design
and development A range of data stewardship mechanisms build consultation into their
design and development. Consultation can take place with individuals,
groups, networks or communities, to enable people to voice their
concerns, thoughts and perspectives. Consultation activities can take a
range of forms but often involve the use of quantitative and qualitative
methods including public-opinion ‘attitude’ surveys, neighbourhood
meetings and public hearings.

While the principles of user-led design aim to understand a narrower set

of perspectives – those of the intended user of the data, rather than the
views of beneficiaries or the public – they can contribute to consultation’s
aim by ensuring designers and developers of data-driven systems
understand people’s aspirations and concerns.

What is meaningful consultation?

The process of seeking to understand people’s attitudes to different

uses and approaches to data, commonly referred to as consultation,
has undergone a shift in acceptance. It was dismissed by Arnstein as a
tokenistic activity, because it carried with it no meaningful promise of
effecting power shifts or changes.40 However, eighteen years later, the
Gunning Principles – relating to consultation in two landmark British
court cases of Coughlan (2001) and Brent London Borough ex parte
Gunning (1989) – sought to make a distinction between ineffectual
consultation of the type Arnstein had in mind and effective consultation,
by setting out guiding principles.

40 Arnstein, S. (1969). ‘A Ladder of Citizen Participation’. Journal of the American Institute of Planners, 35(4), pp.216-224. Available at:
Mechanisms Participatory data stewardship 29

In the United Kingdom, The Gunning Principles of Consultation:41

the Gunning Principles
have formed a strong • Consultations should be undertaken when proposals are still at a
legal foundation for formative stage: Bodies cannot consult on a decision already made.
assessing the legitimacy Organisations need to have an open mind during a consultation and
of public consultations a willingness to listen to alternatives to any proposals they have put
• There must be sufficient information to permit ‘intelligent
consideration’ by the people who have been consulted: People
involved in the consultation need to have enough information to make
an intelligent choice and input in the process.
• Adequate time for consideration and response: Timing is crucial –
participants must have sufficient time and a supportive environment
to consider issues and make an informed response.
• Responses must be conscientiously taken into account: Bodies must
be able to demonstrate (with reference to evidence) that they have
listened to and fully considered responses from those they engaged
prior to making any final decision. They must also provide motivation
as to why certain responses were taken into consideration and others
were not and for what reasons.

In the United Kingdom, the Gunning Principles have formed a strong

legal foundation for assessing the legitimacy of public consultations, and
are frequently referred to as a legal basis for judicial review decisions
(the process by which UK law reviews the validity of decisions made by
public bodies). They also act as a valuable mechanism through which to
understand how impactful and meaningful a consultation process is likely
to have been.

In addition to the principles above, a range of consultation-based

approaches have sought to acknowledge significant asymmetries
of power in relation to the perspectives of people at risk of being
disproportionately impacted by the use of data, and/or who are at risk
of being excluded or underrepresented by data-driven systems. This is
especially important in a context where ‘publics’ themselves are diverse
and not equal.

41 The Consultation Institute. (2018). The Gunning Principles – Implications (2018). Available at: https://www. [Accessed 15 Feb. 2021].
Mechanisms Participatory data stewardship 30

The use of lived-experience panels (groups that work to shape an initiative,

drawing from their own personal experience of an issue, such as racial or
social injustice) seek to ensure structural inequalities and dynamics of
power and privilege are considered in the design of data-driven systems
and governance frameworks. These can form an important part of good
and effective consultation. Examples include the Ada Lovelace Institute’s
approach to understanding issues of power and privilege impacting on
people from minority-ethnic backgrounds, on issues of access and gender
diversity;42 and the emphasis on lived-experience panels by the Wellcome
Trust, by engaging with people with mental health conditions to inform the
establishment of a global mental-health databank (see case study, p.39).43

Globally, much has been made of the importance of co-creation and

enabling agency over data in ways that are led and co-designed with
a range of Indigenous communities rather than designed without and
imposed on the communities,44 and these initiatives draw on similar
insights. There is good practice emerging across New Zealand and
Canada in this context that demonstrates how to move away from the
invisibility of Indigenous peoples in data systems towards a ‘people-
and-purpose orientation to data governance’ that promotes active
involvement and co-creation of systems in ways that are culturally and
societally relevant and sensitive.45

42 Patel, R. and Peppin, A. (2020). ‘Making visible the invisible: what public engagement uncovers about privilege and power in data
systems’. Ada Lovelace Institute. Available at:
power-in-data-systems/ [Accessed 5 Jul. 2021].
43 Wolpert, M. (2020). ‘Global mental health databank pilot launches to discover what helps whom and why in youth anxiety and
depression’. LinkedIn. Available at:
trackingId=uh3v1y0AQ3WGMK1Ssvq9JA%3D%3D [Accessed 5 Jul. 2021].
44 Carroll, S.R., Hudson, M., Holbrook, J., Materechera, S. and Anderson, J. (2020). ‘Working with the CARE principles: operationalising
Indigenous data governance.’ Ada Lovelace Institute. Available at:
operationalising-indigenous-data-governance/ [Accessed 5 Jul. 2021].
45 Carroll, S.R., Garba, I., Figueroa-Rodríguez, O.L., Holbrook, J., Lovett, R., Materechera, S., Parsons, M., Raseroka, K., Rodriguez-
Lonebear, D., Rowe, R., Sara, R., Walker, J.D., Anderson, J. and Hudson, M., (2020). The CARE Principles for Indigenous Data
Governance. Data Science Journal, 19(1), p.43. Available at:
Mechanisms Participatory data stewardship 31

Case study: Community engagement and consultation

by CityVerve (Manchester), multi-sector consortium
led by Manchester City Council, 2015 46

The CityVerve project was a Smart City demonstrator, funded by the UK

Government and Innovate UK, in the UK city of Manchester. It was a two-year
project to develop and test new Internet of Things (IoT) services at scale,
adding sensors to equipment throughout the city that collected and shared data
across a network. It combined health and social-care data, environment data
and transport data to analyse energy use and monitor air quality in cities, and
to provide integrated and personalised healthcare feedback to individuals and
clinicians about people’s symptoms.

A key aim of CityVerve was to build a ‘platform of platforms’ to gather and collate
data across Manchester about the needs of a UK city. This was built by telecoms
company Cisco, and the data was stored by BT’s cloud-based ‘Internet of Things

Participatory implications:

The CityVerve team used a creative approach to consultation, which attracted

1,000 workshop attendees. They reached a further 11,300 with art and
performance, commissioning local artist, Naho Matsuda, to bring the project to
life through an innovative digital installation.

The team adopted user-design approaches and developed a local communities’

platform, which was built around interests and activities relating to the IoT, and
also ran community forums to provide people with an introduction to networked
data. One of the project partners, Future Everything, led human-centred design
workshops with participants to discuss and explore IoT technology pilots and
design use cases for the data being collected – highlighting the extent to which
‘consultation’ can be creative and innovative, helping to inform and build the
capacity of those who participate.

46 University of Manchester Digital Futures. (2015). The CityVerve Project. Available at:
case-studies/the-cityverve-project/ [Accessed 19 Aug. 2021].
Mechanisms Participatory data stewardship 32

Complexities and critiques

A critique of consultative approaches and user-design approaches

is that, too often, the feedback loop between the people’s input and
the decisions made about design and implementation fails to operate
effectively or clearly, negating participants’ ability to have or exercise
‘real power’. When this happens, consultation can serve to legitimate
decisions that would have been made regardless, or can design in a
manner that is ‘leading’, exclude marginalised perspectives or fail to
capture the full complexity and nuance of an issue. Critics also express
concern about the process misleading participants into thinking they
have greater power and agency over the terms and conditions of the
data governance initiative than they actually have, creating a potential
misalignment between expectations and the reality of the consultation’s
likely impact.

The controversy around Google affiliate Sidewalks Labs’ efforts to

develop Toronto’s Waterfront is a good example of this.47 The now-
abandoned proposal to deploy a civic data trust as a participatory
mechanism was demonstrated to be insufficient and inadequate in
reassuring members of the public of the acceptability of the partnership
between Sidewalks Lab and Waterfront Toronto. Instead of assuming
that the partnership itself was acceptable and proposing engagement
within that context, Waterfront Toronto could have considered engaging
publics on their expectations prior to entering into it – and then sought to
embed consultation within the partnership.


Beneficiaries advise through deliberation

The process of ‘involvement’ positions beneficiaries in an advisory

role, which helps inform early-stage decision-making by data stewards
and fiduciaries. These initiatives convene non-specialist beneficiaries
alongside specialists and stakeholders, with a view to informing key
moments in the public-policy landscape. They seek to advise and better
inform government and regulatory bodies on the conditions for the

47 Hawkins, A.J. (2020). ‘Alphabet’s Sidewalk Labs shuts down Toronto smart city project’. The Verge. Available at: https://www.
Mechanisms Participatory data stewardship 33

acceptability of uses of AI and data (particularly where the use of data

is contested, controversial and where clear regulatory norms have yet
to be established).

Often, enabling an advisory role for beneficiaries in shaping approaches

to data governance draws on the values, norms and principles of
deliberative democracy. Through the established methodologies of
deliberation, beneficiaries and key stakeholders are provided with access
to privileged information and equipped at an early stage with sufficient
time and information to play a central role in shaping approaches to data

Doing this well can take time (through a long-form process, convening
and re-convening people over weekends, weeks or months at a time),
considerable resources (human and financial – to support people to
contribute through the process), and the skills to make complex issues
transparent and understandable.

This is particularly important given that questions about how data is used
and governed can be deeply societally relevant, but also opaque for non-
specialists unless considerable time and effort is made to address questions
around how uses of data-driven systems interact with the complex policy
contexts in which they take place. For instance, in a deliberative process
seeking advice on the parameters of health-data sharing, beneficiaries will
need to be informed about the use of data, the proposal for a particular
data governance mechanism, and also about the implications of its use for
health-data outcomes and the impact on patients.49

48 Solomon, S., & Abelson, J. (2012). ‘Why and when should we use public deliberation?’ The Hastings Center report, 42(2), p.17–20.
Available at:
49 Understanding Patient Data and Ada Lovelace Institute. (2020). Foundations of Fairness: Where Next For NHS Health Data
Partnerships? Available at:
Mechanisms Participatory data stewardship 34

There has been a proliferation of one-off initiatives in this space, which


• Understanding Patient Data’s citizen juries on commercial health data

partnerships, in partnership with the Ada Lovelace Institute50
• US-based TheGovLab’s Data Assembly51
• the Royal Society of Arts (RSA) citizen juries in partnership with
DeepMind (an AI company owned by Google) on AI explainability52
• the Information Commissioners’ Office and Alan Turing Institute’s
Explainable AI citizen juries53
• the Ada Lovelace Institute’s Citizens’ Biometrics Council, with input
from stakeholders such as the Information Commissioner’s Office and
the Biometrics Commissioner54
• a range of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)-funded initiatives under
the auspices of the long-established public-dialogue programme
Sciencewise, including a public dialogue on location data with the Ada
Lovelace Institute.55

In addition to and beyond the one-off initiatives, calls have grown for the
‘institutionalisation’ of participatory and deliberative approaches to data
and AI governance. A recent OECD report, Catching the Deliberative
Wave defines ‘institutionalisation’ in two ways. The first is ‘incorporating
deliberative activities into the rules of public decision-making structures
and governance arrangements in a way that is legally constituted so as
to establish a basic legal or regulatory framework to ensure continuity
regardless of political change’. The second is ‘regular and repeated
processes that are maintained and sanctioned by social norms, which
are important for ensuring that new institutions are aligned with societal

50 Understanding Patient Data and Ada Lovelace Institute. (2020). Foundations of Fairness:
51 TheGovLab. (2020). The Data Assembly. Available at: [Accessed 5 Jul. 2021].
52 Balaram, B. (2017). ‘The role of citizens in developing ethical AI’. The RSA. Available at:
of-citizens-in-developing-ethical-ai [Accessed 5 Jul. 2021].
53 ICO (2019). Project explAIn Interim report. Available at:
[Accessed 5 Jul. 2021].
54 The Ada Lovelace Institute. (2021). The Citizens’ Biometrics Council. Available at:
citizens-biometrics-council/ [Accessed 5 Jul. 2021].
55 Peppin, A. (2021). ‘How charting public perspectives can show the way to unlocking the benefits of location data.’ Ada Lovelace
Institute. Available at: [Accessed
5 Jul. 2021].
56 OECD. (2020). Innovative Citizen Participation and New Democratic Institutions: Catching the Deliberative Wave. Available at:
Mechanisms Participatory data stewardship 35

Media commentators on data and AI have proposed that a ‘council of

citizens’ should form part of the basis of the institutional decision-making
structure that should be enabled to help regulate algorithmic decision-
making.57 While these kinds of approaches may be relatively novel in the
field of AI and data governance specifically, they have precedents in the
assessment of emerging technologies more broadly.

Case study: Institutionalised public deliberation, the

Danish Board of Technology, 1986–201158

One of the highest-profile forms of institutionalised participatory technology

assessments was the deliberative consensus conference model implemented
by the Danish Board of Technology, which has now been disbanded. The Danish
Board of Technology had a statutory duty to inform citizens and politicians on
new technology implications, received an annual subsidy and delivered an annual
report to the Danish Parliamentary Committee on Science and Technology. It
was abolished by law in 2011, and its successor is the Danish Board of Technology

The model combined the knowledge of technology experts with the

perspectives of non-specialists. The experts helped inform citizen-led reports
that summarised the citizens’ agreement or disagreement on questions of
how a technology should be developed, their potential risks, future potential
applications and appropriate mechanisms through which the effects of the
technology on society might be measured. They then shared their consensus
reports with the Danish Parliament and the media, which resulted in wide debate
and reporting on the findings.

The Danish Parliament received reports directly from consensus conferences on

topics as contentious as food irradiation and genetic modification. Deliberators in
both instances proposed that government funding should not be spent on those
technologies. These recommendations were subsequently endorsed by the
Danish Parliament.59

57 Carugati, F. (2020). ‘A Council of Citizens Should Regulate Algorithms’. Wired. Available at:
council-of-citizens-should-regulate-algorithms/ [Accessed 15 Feb 2021].
58 Jørgensen, M.S. (2020). ‘A pioneer in trouble: Danish Board of Technology are facing problems’. EASST. Available at: https://easst.
[Accessed 15 Feb 2021].
59 Grundahl, J. (1995). ‘The Danish consensus conference model.’ In Joss, S.& Durant, J. (eds) Public Participation in Science: The
Role of Consensus Conferences in Europe. Science Museum: London. Available at:
Mechanisms Participatory data stewardship 36

Participatory implications:

The consensus conference as a method of technology assessment was

introduced in many western European countries, the USA and Japan during the
1990s. This assured a route for participatory governance of technologies in an
advisory capacity by non-specialist perspectives, while simultaneously ensuring
that these perspectives reached power-holders, including parliamentarians.

While the Danish Board of Technology model no longer operates with a

statutory footing, due to reductions in public funding, it has a legacy through
the establishment of a non-profit foundation in shaping policy on emerging
technology. As a case study, it highlights the potential policy and cultural
institutionalisation of participatory advice and input in influencing policy
decisions about data governance.

Complexities and critiques

Critics of public deliberation acknowledge the cost, resource and time

involved, and these can make it difficult to embed public perspectives
in a fast-moving policy, regulatory and development field such as

Other critiques acknowledge that requirements that expect citizens to

deliberate over some time may impose structural constraints on who
is empowered or able to participate. This is a critique identified in a UK
Government report on the use of public engagement for technological
innovation, for instance.60

Not all data governance questions and issues will demand this level of
engagement – on questions where there is a high level of established
public support and mandate, meaningful transparency and consultation-
based approaches may be adequate.

There are organisations working on technology issues that have sought

to adapt the traditional deliberation model to incorporate the potential
for a more rapid, iterative and online approach to deliberation, as well
as to complement it with approaches to engagement that consider

60 GOV.UK, (2021).The Use of Public Engagement for Technological Innovation. Available at:
Mechanisms Participatory data stewardship 37

Embedding public and engage with the lived experiences of underrepresented groups
deliberation thoughtfully and communities. Examples include the rapid, online Sounding Board
and effectively requires model prototyped in 2017 by UK Government-funded programme
time and resourcing, Sciencewise,61 with a view to informing rapidly moving policy cycles, and
and this can be in tension a recent prototype undertaken during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis
with the imperative by the Ada Lovelace Institute in partnership with engagement agencies
to work rapidly in Traverse, Involve and Bang The Table.62
developing and designing
data-driven systems The Royal Society of Arts (RSA)’s landmark work on building a public
culture of economics is an example of how deliberative processes
have been complemented with community engagement and broader
outreach work with underrepresented communities.63 This initiative
complemented a deliberative Citizens’ Economic Council with an
economic inclusion community outreach programme (‘On the Road’)
that worked in locations identified as high on the index of multiple

Embedding public deliberation thoughtfully and effectively requires

time and resourcing (often over months rather than weeks), and this
can be in tension with the imperative to work rapidly in developing and
designing data-driven systems, or in developing policy and regulation to
govern the use of these systems. An example of when urgent decision-
making demands a more iterative and agile approach to assembling
data infrastructures is the necessarily rapid response to the COVID-19
pandemic. In these instances, deliberative exercises may not always
appear to be expedient or proportionate – but might on balance be
valuable and save energy and effort if a particular use of data is likely to
generate significant societal concern and disquiet.

61 Patel, R. (2015). ‘Digital Public Engagement – Lessons from the Sounding Board’. Involve. Available at:
resources/blog/opinion/digital-public-engagement-lessons-sounding-board [Accessed 5 Jul. 2021].
62 Ada Lovelace Institute. (2020). Confidence in a crisis? Building public trust in a contact tracing app. Available at: https://www. [Accessed 5 Jul. 2021].
63 The RSA. (2017). The Citizens’ Economic Council ‘On The Road’. Available at:
64 The RSA. (2017).
Mechanisms Participatory data stewardship 38

While deliberation can Collaborate

be exclusively advisory,
when embedded in a Stewards and beneficiaries collaborate in governing data
data access, sharing or
governance framework, The process of collaboration in the context of public involvement in data
it can also have potential and AI can be understood as enabling people to negotiate and engage
to navigate tensions in trade-offs with powerholders and those governing data about specific
and trade-offs. aspects of decision-making.

1. Deliberation embedded across data access, sharing and

governance frameworks

While deliberation can be exclusively advisory, when embedded in a data

access, sharing or governance framework, it can also have potential
to navigate tensions and trade-offs. There has been increased interest
in the question of whether (and to what extent) it is feasible to embed
deliberation as part of data-sharing, databank, or data-trust models,
through the use of ‘bottom-up data trusts’ and ‘civic data trusts’ for

There are two aspects to this potential. Firstly, deliberative approaches

focus on understanding societal benefits and harms, exhibiting potential
for enabling participation of data beneficiaries as collectives, rather
than as individuals (who are rarely in a position to negotiate or engage in
trade-offs as they relate to their data rights).

These approaches have the potential to enable collective consent

around the particular uses of data governance, including engaging those
most likely to be directly impacted – in turn helping to address a central
challenge associated with relying exclusively on individual consent.
Consent-based models have been critiqued for failing to encourage
citizens to consider the benefits of data use for wider society, as well as
being designed in ways that can feel coercive or manipulative – rather
than genuinely seeking informed consent.

65 Delacroix, S., and Lawrence, N. D. (2019). ‘Bottom-up Data Trusts: disturbing the ‘one size fits all’ approach to data governance’,
International Data Privacy Law, Volume 9, Issue 4, pp. 236–252. Available at:
Mechanisms Participatory data stewardship 39

Secondly, unlike other mechanisms, deliberative approaches have

the potential to be embedded at different points of the data lifecycle –
shaping collection, access, use and analysis of data.

The Ada Lovelace Institute has not identified any pilots that have been
successful, to date, in embedding deliberative approaches specifically in
the governance of data-sharing partnerships. However, there is potential
for developing future pilots drawing on and iterating from models in
related areas, as the following case study – a pilot project initiated by the
Wellcome Trust – demonstrates.

Case study: Global mental health databank, the

Wellcome Trust with Sage Bionetworks, 202066

The Wellcome Trust has funded a pilot project with young people across India,
South Africa and the United Kingdom with a view to co-designing, building and
testing a mental-health databank that holds information about mental and
physical health among people from 17 to 24 years old. The goal is to create a
databank that can be used in the future to help improve the ways mental health
problems like anxiety and depression for young people living in high and low-
income countries around the world are treated and prevented. The Wellcome
Trust expects the databank to help researchers, scientists and young people
answer the questions, ‘What kinds of treatments and prevention activities for
anxiety and depression really work, who do they work for, and why do they work
among young people across different settings?’

Participatory implications:

This initiative aims to test participatory approaches to involving young people,

including through the use of lived-experience panels and citizen deliberation,
working directly with lived-experience advisers and young people experiencing
mental health conditions through the process of creating the databank.

66 Taylor, K. (2020). ‘Developing a mental health databank’. Medium. Available at:
mental-health-databank-99c25a96001d [Accessed 15 Feb. 2021].
Mechanisms Participatory data stewardship 40

The Wellcome Trust’s mental-health databank pilot signals the likely direction
of travel for many participatory approaches to data governance. Although it
remains to be seen what its effect or impact will be, its ambitions to embed
deliberative democracy approaches into its design, and involve young people
experiencing mental health conditions in the process, are likely to be replicable.67

Complexities and critiques

There are currently few examples of participatory approaches to govern

access and use of data, and therefore few studies of the effectiveness
of these methods in practice. Early insights suggest that this approach
may not be appropriate for all data-sharing initiatives, but may be
particularly appropriate for those that require a thoughtful, measured
and collaborative approach, usually involving the collection and use of
data that is highly sensitive (as with the Wellcome Trust initiative, which
relates to mental-health data).

A recent report from public participation thinktank Involve finds that

there are three potential stages at which deliberative participation could
be feasible in the design of data-sharing or data-access initiatives (what
we describe in this report as a data-governance framework), which
warrant further experimentation, testing and evaluation. These are:68

1. Scoping – aligning purpose and values of the data-sharing or data-

access initiative, prior to its establishment.
2. Co-design – developing criteria, framework or principles to ensure
its decision-making process meets the needs and expectations
of wider stakeholders and the public, and developing policy on the
distribution of value (i.e who benefits from the use of the data, and
whether there is public or wider societal value that comes from it).
3. Evaluation – deploying participatory approaches to ensure that the
intended impact of the access initiative has been met, that outcomes
and potential have been maximised, and to ensure adequate
accountability and scrutiny around the claims for data access and
use. This reflection on how the initiative has worked can be continual
as well as retrospective.

67 Sage Bionetworks. (2020). Collaborating with youth is key to studying mental-health management. Available at: https://www. [Accessed 5 Jul. 2021].
68 Lansdell, S. and Bunting, M. (2019). Designing decision making processes for data trusts: lessons from three pilots. The Involve
Foundation (Involve). Available at:
Mechanisms Participatory data stewardship 41

In data donation, an 2. Data-donation and data-altruism models

individual actively
chooses to contribute Another example of a collaborative approach to data governance is the
their data for the model of ‘data donation’, which has at its basis the premise that those
purposes of wider who contribute or donate their data will expect to see certain terms and
societal gains conditions realised around the process of donation. Usually, a term or
condition will revolve around a clear articulation of ‘public benefit’ or
wider societal gain.

In contrast to more ‘extractivist’ approaches to data governance, where

approaches to gathering and mining data about people can take place
surreptitiously, data-donation mechanisms are a route through which
individuals can explicitly agree to share their data for wider societal and
collective benefits under clear terms and conditions.69

In data donation, an individual actively chooses to contribute their data

for the purposes of wider societal gains, such as medical research. It
is a non-transactional process, so donors do not expect an immediate
direct benefit back as a consequence of donating. If data donors and
volunteers are not satisfied that their expectations are being met, for
example if an AI or machine-learning process failed to meet donor
expectations, they have the right to ‘withdraw’ or delete their data, or
otherwise to be able to take action, and many contributors may choose
to do so during the lifespan of their participation in the process.

Data-donation initiatives can be part of a research study, where data

subjects voluntarily contribute their own personal data for a specific
purpose. Another model, which is increasingly gaining popularity,
is that data subjects might opt to share data that has already been
generated for a different purpose. For example, people who use
wearable devices to track their own activities may choose to share
their data with a third party).

Emerging evidence suggests that encouraging people to share data

for pro-societal purposes is both a strong motivator and a key basis
for public confidence in the effectiveness of the approach. A recent
University of Bristol research study into the psychology of data donation
found that the strongest predictor of the decision to donate data was to

69 Bietz, M., Patrick, K. and Bloss, C. (2019). ‘Data Donation as a Model for Citizen Science Health Research’. Citizen Science: Theory and
Practice, 4(1), p.6. Available at:
Mechanisms Participatory data stewardship 42

serve society, and that knowing the consequences and potential benefits
of donating data was a critical factor influencing people’s decisions to
participate. Here, data governance becomes a collaborative endeavour,
where the legitimation, consent and pro-societal motives of data
donors become central to both the viability and the effectiveness of the

A good example of this type of initiative is UK Biobank, which is a large-

scale biomedical database that provides accredited researchers
and industry organisations with access to medical and genetic data
generated by 500,000 volunteer participants specifically for the
purpose of effecting good health outcomes.

Case study: Large-scale data donation for research,

UK Biobank, 2006–present70

UK Biobank has blood, urine and saliva samples from 500,000 volunteers
whose health has been tracked over the past decade, as part of a large-scale
‘data donation’ research initiative. This has enabled it to gather longitudinal data
about a large sample size of the population, helping to answer questions about
how diseases such as cancer, stroke and dementia develop. It has also formed
the basis for intervening in response to COVID-19, with data about positive
coronavirus and GP/hospital appointments added, and 20,000 contributors
sharing blood samples for pandemic response purposes.71 A range of third-party
organisations including those in academia and industry can apply for different
layered levels of access, paying a subscription fee to be able to access this data.

Participatory implications:

UK Biobank is a data-donation model that has monitoring of data access and

use in place through internal and external auditing mechanisms. It is a national
resource for health research, with the aim of improving the prevention, diagnosis
and treatment of a wide range of serious and life-threatening illnesses. It
operates on the basis that contributors ‘opt in’ to sharing their data for
research purposes.

70 UK BioBank. (2021). Explore your participation in UK Biobank. Available at:

[Accessed 15 Feb. 2021].
71 UK BioBank. (2021). Explore your participation in UK Biobank. Available at:
[Accessed 15 Feb. 2021].
Mechanisms Participatory data stewardship 43

Data donors are free to opt out and stop sharing their data at any point without
needing to provide a reason. If someone opts out, UK Biobank will no longer
contact the participant or obtain further information, and any information and
samples collected previously would no longer be available to researchers.
They would also destroy samples (although it may not be possible to trace all
distributed sample remnants) and continue to hold information only for archival
audit purposes.

Complexities and critiques

While data donation has the potential to support longitudinal,

evidence-based research, a major critique and challenge of this
mechanism has been the extent to which self-selection can result in the
underrepresentation of marginalised groups and communities. Research
demonstrates that there is a consistent trend of underrepresentation of
minority populations in biobanks, which undermines their value.72

A number of dynamics contribute towards this, including the lack of

financial support for ‘data donors’, or assumptions that, for instance, all
data donors will have the necessary resources to contribute, or have a
confirmed place of residence. Further structural inequalities compound
underrepresentation, for instance, differential levels of trust in the
effectiveness of data-driven systems, uses of data and in researchers.

Data from self-selecting biobank models, while useful, can therefore

be at risk of perpetuating unequal outcomes when it comes to the use
of social policy mechanisms, or excluding underrepresented groups
and communities from data-driven health policy. This persistent
phenomenon of exclusion of underrepresented groups and communities
from datasets is often described as the ‘missing data’ problem. This
missing data can entrench and perpetuate inadvertent bias and
discrimination by failing to identify differential impacts.73

72 Kim P, Milliken EL. (2019). ‘Minority Participation in Biobanks: An Essential Key to Progress: Methods and Protocols’. Methods
in Molecular Biology. 1897: pp.43-50. Available at:
73 Groenwold, R., & Dekkers, O. (2020). ‘Missing data: the impact of what is not there’. European Journal of Endocrinology, 183(4), E7-E9.
Available at:
Mechanisms Participatory data stewardship 44

Other challenges include a lack of clarity to data donors about exactly

how their data has been used, and how to ‘opt out’ of data donation.
Increasingly, data donation’s incentive structures warrant critical
scrutiny – there is always a risk of creating coercive or perverse incentive
structures in corporate environments (for instance, private-sector
providers such as insurers requesting ‘donations’ of wearable data in
exchange for lower premiums or annual fees).

Another potential issue is the lack of clarity about the exact terms on
which the data is ‘donated’, for instance, some people feeling that they
are expected to share their data to access a healthcare service, when in
reality there is no such expectation, or limited awareness about rights to
opt out of data sharing. This is a particular challenge with ‘opt out’, rather
than ‘opt in’ models of data donation (presently widespread practice
in the UK National Health Service), as recent societal discussion and
debate about the UK’s new centralised data-sharing infrastructure, and
opt-out mechanisms under the General Practice Data for Planning and
Research (GPDPR) proposals have highlighted.74


Beneficiaries actively make decisions about data

Empowering data beneficiaries enables them to exercise full managerial
power and agency, and take responsibility for exercising and actively
managing decisions about data governance – specifically, how data
is accessed, shared, governed and used. In this model, the dynamic
of power is shifted away from the data steward towards the data
beneficiary who makes the decision, advised where necessary by
appropriate specialist expertise.

74 Machirori, M. and Patel, R. (2021). ‘Turning distrust in data sharing into “engage, deliberate, decide”.’ Ada Lovelace Institute. Available
at: [Accessed 5 Jul. 2021].
Mechanisms Participatory data stewardship 45

Examples of these approaches are relatively rare, but they do exist, are
increasingly emerging and include the following:

• shared control and ownership of data (through, for instance, data

• electoral mechanisms for beneficiary involvement (such as voting on
• setting terms and conditions for licensing and data access
• shaping the rules of the data-governance framework.

The following case study of the Salus Cooperative (known as Salus

Coop), based in Spain, illustrates how beneficiaries have been enabled to
make decisions actively about the governance of their, and others’, data
– through corporate governance, but also through processes such as
setting license terms.

Case study: Citizen-driven, collaborative data

management and governance, Salus Coop (Spain),

Salus Coop is a non-profit data cooperative for health research (meaning in

this context not only health data, but also lifestyle-related data that has health
indicators, such as number of steps taken), founded in Barcelona by members
of the public in September 2017. It set out to create a citizen-driven model of
collaborative governance and management of health data ‘to legitimize citizens’
rights to control their own health records while facilitating data sharing to
accelerate research innovation in healthcare’.

Salus meets the definition of a data cooperative, as it provides clear and

specified benefits for its members – specifically a set of powers, rights and
constraints over the use of their personal health data – in a way that also benefits
the wider community by providing data for health research. Some of these
powers and rights would be provided by enforcement of the GDPR, but Salus is
committed to providing them to its members in a transparent and usable fashion.

75 For more on data cooperatives see chapter 2 in Exploring legal mechanisms for data stewardship (Ada Lovelace Institute, 2021)
76 Data Collaboratives. (n.d.). Salus Coop. Available at: [Accessed 15 Feb. 2021].
Mechanisms Participatory data stewardship 46

Participatory implications:

Together with citizens Salus has developed a ‘common good data license for
health research’ through a crowd-design mechanism, which it describes as
the first health data-sharing license in the world. The Salus common-good
license applies to data that members donate and specifies the conditions that
any research projects seeking to use the member data must adhere to. The
conditions are:

• Health only: The data will only be used for health-related (i.e. treatment of
chronic disease) research.
• Non-commercial: Research projects will be promoted by entities of general
interest such as public institutions, universities and foundations only.
• Shared results: All research results will be accessible at no cost.
• Maximum privacy: All data will be anonymised and unidentified before any
• Total control: Data donors can cancel or change the conditions of access to
their data at any time.

Salus describes itself as committed to supporting data donors’ rights and

ensuring they are upheld, and requiring researchers interacting with the data
to ensure that:

• individuals have the right to know under what conditions the data they’ve
contributed will be used, for what uses, by which institutions, for how long and
with what levels of anonymisation
• individuals have the right to obtain the results of studies carried out with the
use of data they’ve contributed openly and at no cost
• any technological architecture used allows individuals to know about and
manage any data they contribute.

Critiques and complexities

Models such as data cooperatives can provide security for beneficiaries

and data subjects that supports data sharing for beneficial purposes.
However, because they exclusively expect or engender greater levels
of active participation in managing and shaping a data-sharing regime
or process, they are at risk of excluding those who may wish to actively
participate but find the costs onerous. For example, potential data
donors may feel they lack the time, levels of knowledge about the
regulatory landscape, or financial and social capital.
Mechanisms Participatory data stewardship 47

This means that these approaches are rarely appropriate for all
beneficiaries and data subjects, and so cannot claim to be fully inclusive
or representative. Data cooperatives can, therefore, struggle to generate
the scale and level of participation from data subjects that they might
hope for, but they can nevertheless help broaden out the range of
intelligence informing data governance.

Another critique relates to the financial sustainability of these

approaches and models. There is limited financing available that would
absorb the project and start-up costs associated with data cooperative
models, especially where they need to meet regulatory requirements and
constraints. This can present a financial and a regulatory burden that
is a barrier to setting up a data cooperative. In contrast to shareholder-
controlled companies, cooperatives cannot give equity to investors, as
they are owned by, and give return on investment to, their respective
members. Therefore, cooperatives (and governance models similar
to cooperatives) require significant, external financial support from
governments, foundations and research grants if they are to succeed.
Who to involve Participatory data stewardship 48

When designing a
participatory process Who to involve when developing
to meet a specific
objective, the choice participatory mechanisms
about who to involve
matters as much as which
types of involvement or
participation mechanisms What all these different methods and approaches have in common is that
are used they seek to involve beneficiaries in the use, development and design of
data and AI, and that they involve some element of sharing power with
those beneficiaries in the way that data-driven systems and governance
frameworks themselves are designed.

When designing a participatory process to meet a specific objective,

the choice about who to involve matters as much as which types of
involvement or participation mechanisms are used. These choices
will be dependent on context, but – as outlined on p. 48 – the range of
actors who can be defined as beneficiaries is broad, and extends beyond
those designing and deploying data-driven systems and governance
frameworks, to those affected by them.

When participatory mechanisms are introduced, key questions

developers of data-driven systems and governance frameworks should
answer about who to involve (who their beneficiaries are) will be:

1. Who has a stake in the outcomes that emerge?

2. Who is most likely to be directly affected and impacted, either
benefiting or being adversely impacted?
3. Who is most likely to be overrepresented and/or underrepresented
in the data?

These three key questions are informed by a recognition that the data
stewards’ responsibility is not just to manage data itself effectively, but
also to recognise that data often relates, either directly, or indirectly to
people (beneficiaries). As well as recognising the rights of data subjects,
and the potential benefits and harms of data use to beneficiaries, data
stewards need to understand that when data omits or excludes people,
it has the potential to have harmful consequences. This can happen, for
instance, by discriminating against or underrepresenting some people’s
interests and concerns. This means that participation can be as much
about including or involving those who do not have a direct relationship
with the data as assembled, as those who do.
Benefits Participatory data stewardship 49

Benefits of effective participation

for the design, development and
use of data-driven systems

Early and continuous engagement with beneficiaries, and those most

likely to be affected by the use and deployment of data-driven systems
can help inform decisions about the design of those systems. These
decisions will create better outcomes for those designing, developing
and deploying data-driven systems and governance frameworks, as well
as for people and society.77

Beneficial outcomes for designers, developers and deployers of

data-driven systems and governance frameworks

Because Participatory approaches encourage interactions with a

range of views, perspectives, norms and lived experiences that might
not otherwise be encountered in the development and design of data-
driven systems and governance frameworks. This minimises the risks of
groupthink, unconscious biases and misalignments between intended
and actual outcomes. Benefits of effective participation for designers
and developers include:78

• Better understanding of ethical and practical concerns and issues:

Enabling developers and designers to better understand ethical
concerns and challenges from the public, and better understand public
perspectives, values, trade-offs and choices.79 Participatory data
stewardship can also inform and affect the quality of data embedded
within a system.

77 ESRC website. (n.d). Why public engagement is important. Available at:
guidance/why-public-engagement-is-important/ [Accessed 15 February 2021]
78 There are various definitions of values-led and instrumental rationales for public engagement including: Stirling, A. (2012). ‘Opening
Up the Politics of Knowledge and Power in Bioscience’. PLoS Biology 10(1). Available at:
79 The Involve Foundation (‘Involve’), (2019). How to stimulate effective public engagement on the ethics of artificial intelligence.
Available at:
debate%20on%20the%20ethics%20of%20artificial%20intelligence%20.pdf [Accessed 15 February 2021].
Benefits Participatory data stewardship 50

• More considered design of systems and frameworks informed by

diverse thinking: Improved decision-making about development
and design that reflects and has taken account of a diversity of
experiences and perspectives.80
• The anticipation and management of risk in the development
and design of systems or frameworks: The ability to manage risk in
development and design, particularly those systems or frameworks
that are complex and controversial because of sensitive data,
circumventing and addressing the risk of ‘techlash’. Participation
can also reduce the long-term costs for technology developers and
• Higher-quality data-governance frameworks: Across corporate data
governance, there is often a lack of documentation or knowledge about
the context in which a particular dataset was collected, for example,
what levels of consent it has or what were the data subject’s intended
uses. When data generation is opaque and invisible to the data subject,
its legitimacy as a data source is frequently either assumed through
terms and conditions, or ignored entirely. This can lead to downstream
violations of contextual integrity of that data. Embedding participatory
data stewardship involves shifting institutional incentives in corporate
practice, to prioritise improved data quality over data quantity (a ‘less
is more’ ethos), with the benefits of clearer, higher quality and fit-for-
purpose datasets.

Beneficial outcomes for trustworthy data governance

Participatory approaches to data governance also play a central role

in shaping technology’s legitimacy, where legitimacy is defined as
the ‘reservoir of support that allows governments to deliver positive
outcomes for people.’ 82 In the case of data, the principle of legitimacy
extends beyond public bodies such as governments and regulators,
to those designing, developing and implementing data-governance
frameworks – this is developers and deployers’ ‘social license to build’.
All these public bodies, companies and individuals can use data to
deliver positive outcomes for people, but only with public support.

80 Page, S. (2011). Diversity and complexity. Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press.
81 Clarke, R. (2015). Valuing Dialogue: Economic Benefits and Social Impacts. London: Sciencewise Expert Resource Centre. Available
at: [Accessed 15 February 2021].
82 Centre for Public Impact. (2018). Finding Legitimacy. Available at:
a-more-Human-Government.pdf [Accessed 15 February 2021].
Benefits Participatory data stewardship 51

Participatory approaches We redefine legitimacy in the context of data, therefore, as the broad
to data governance can base of public support that allows companies, designers, public
help engender some servants and others to use data, and to design and develop data-
societally beneficial governance frameworks. The absence of this legitimacy has been
outcomes illustrated in a series of public, controversial events that have taken
place since 2018. Examples include the Cambridge Analytica/Facebook
scandal, in which political microtargeting was misused;83 or the scandal
that emerged when the NHS shared sensitive patient data with private
research company DeepMind, with limited oversight or constraints.84
More recently, governments’ efforts to implement and deploy digital
contact tracing across the world have also met with considerable public
debate and scrutiny.85

Participatory approaches to data governance can help engender

some societally beneficial outcomes, but we do not propose that they
replace legal and rights-based approaches, such as those embedded
in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or across broader
data protection and governance frameworks, which are analysed in
detail in our companion report Exploring legal mechanisms for data
stewardship.86 Rather, they work hand in hand with rights-based and
legal approaches to ensure public confidence and trust in appropriate
uses of data. Some participatory approaches will and can, help shape the
future of rights-based approaches, governance and regulation.

83 Fruchter, N., Yuan, B. and Specter, M. (2018). Facebook/Cambridge Analytica: Privacy lessons and a way forward. Internet Policy
Research Initiative at MIT. Available at:
84 ICO. (2018). Royal Free - Google DeepMind trial failed to comply with data protection law. Available at:
85 Ada Lovelace Institute. (2020). Exit through the App Store? Rapid evidence review. Available at:
evidence-review/covid-19-rapid-evidence-review-exit-through-the-app-store/ [Accessed 5 Jul. 2021].
86 Ada Lovelace Institute. (2021). Exploring legal mechanisms for data stewardship. Available at:
report/legal-mechanisms-data-stewardship/ [Accessed 5 Jul. 2021].
Benefits Participatory data stewardship 52

Outcomes from different approaches to participatory data governance

can include:

• enabling people and society to better understand and appreciate the

wider public benefit that comes from ‘donating their data’ in a given
• enabling designers of data-governance framework o understand
the boundaries of data use and management: what people feel is
acceptable and unacceptable for the access, use and sharing of their
data in a given context
• enabling the use of collective intelligence shared by data stewards
and beneficiaries, to improve the quality of data protection and data
governance when gathering and using personal or sensitive data, or
data about marginalised groups
• strengthening accountability, by opening opaque data uses up to
democratic, civic scrutiny and constructive criticism (particularly in
contexts where the use of data is likely to have a significant impact on
individuals or diverse groups, or where there is a risk of bias and self-
selection in the use of datasets)
• building public confidence in the way data is gathered and used,
particularly where third parties access data, by ensuring people are
able to oversee and hold to account decisions about rights to access,
share and control that data
• tightening the feedback loops that exist between those who are
stewards and fiduciaries of data, and those to whom the data relates
(either directly, or indirectly).

These are all potentially valid outcomes that emerge from embedding
participatory data stewardship mechanisms. The mechanisms to enable
these outcomes can be different – if they are to be impactful, they are
quite likely to vary depending on context, use of the data, the type of data
being governed, and those who are most likely now and in future to be
impacted by the data use and governance.
Conclusion Participatory data stewardship 53


This report highlights the range and plurality of participatory data

stewardship mechanisms through which people and society are able
to influence and shape data governance processes, and the potential
benefits for beneficiaries, public bodies and those designing and
deploying data-driven systems and governance frameworks.

By examining real-world case studies, it has set out some of the

ways in which those managing, controlling and governing the use
of data can avoid ‘going through the empty ritual of participation’
described by Arnstein – and shift away from practices that are harmful,
disempowering or coercive of people, towards practices that promote a
collaborative and co-creative approach to working together.

The framework for participation on p. 14 demonstrates the multiple

and overlapping goals participation can have, in the context of the
design, development and deployment of data-driven systems and
data-governance frameworks. The range of different mechanisms that
serve different goals and purposes can complement each other and are
mutually reinforcing.

Effective participation must start with the goal of informing people about
their data – with transparency (the right to be informed and the right
to take meaningful action based on what one knows), where the data
steward shares information about what is happening to people’s data in
ways that enable them to take action.

For participation to become meaningful, it must extend beyond

transparency towards mechanisms that aim to understand, interact with,
be advised by and then respond to people’s views (consult and involve) in
decision making about data– shifting power dynamics in that process.

The end goal of participation is to realise a set of conditions where

people have the potential to be empowered, so that their perspectives
form part of the design of data governance, are responded to, and in turn
build confidence and capacity for beneficiaries to continue to participate
in the data governance process.
Conclusion Participatory data stewardship 54

As this report makes apparent, there is considerable creative potential

for developers, designers, beneficiaries and users of data-driven systems
and data-governance frameworks to work together in shaping improved
mechanisms for stewardship. The aim is to create a virtuous cycle,
where participation effects substantial change in practice, and public
confidence and trust generated by participatory approaches effect
improved outcomes in the use of data for people and society.
Methodology Participatory data stewardship 55


This report and framework has been developed and informed by

extensive mixed-methods qualitative and case study-based research
that encompasses:

• a case study-based analysis of over one hundred examples of

participatory data sharing 87
• a literature review of data metaphors and narratives
• a desk-based review and synthesis of grey and academic literature on
existing models of public engagement in technology and data
• the deliberations of the Ada Lovelace Institute and Royal Society’s
Legal Mechanisms for Data Stewardship working group.88

87 Patel, R., Gibbon, K. and Peppin, A. (2020). Exploring principles for data stewardship. [online] Ada Lovelace Institute. Available at: [Accessed 16 Feb. 2021].
88 The Ada Lovelace Institute. (2021). Exploring legal mechanisms for data stewardship. Available at: https://www.adalovelaceinstitute.
Appendix Participatory data stewardship 56


Sherry Arnstein’s ‘ladder of citizen participation’ sets out how institutions

might ascend the metaphorical rungs in involving people in critical decisions
made about what affects their lives. The lower rungs on the ladder represent
nudging or manipulating people to act in a particular way, or merely
attempting to tell people about a decision, and the higher rungs grant
greater levels of power and involvement in shaping those decisions.

Citizen control

Delegated power Degrees of

citizen power



Consultation Degrees of


No power

Figure 5: Arnstein’s ‘Ladder

of Citizen Participation’
Appendix Participatory data stewardship 57

Low Power High

Data steward

Inform Consult Involve Collaborate Empower

Data beneficiary

Figure 6: The participation

Acknowledgements Participatory data stewardship 58


We would like to thank the following colleagues for taking time to review a
draft of this paper, and offering their expertise and feedback:

• Alix Dunn, Computer Says Maybe and Ada Lovelace Institute Board
• Dr Allison Gardner, Keele University
• Andrew Strait, Ada Lovelace Institute
• Astha Kapoor, The Aapti Institute
• Carly Kind, Ada Lovelace Institute
• Professor Diane Coyle, Bennett Institute for Public Policy, Cambridge
• Hetan Shah, British Academy and Ada Lovelace Institute Board
• Jack Hardinges, Open Data Institute
• Dr Jeni Tennison, Open Data Institute
• Kasia Odrozek, Mozilla Foundation
• Katie Taylor, Wellcome Trust
• Professor Lina Dencik, The Cardiff Data Justice Lab
• Lisa Murphy, NHSx
• Dr Mahlet Zimeta, Open Data Institute
• Miranda Marcus, Wellcome Trust
• Dr Miranda Wolpert, Wellcome Trust

We are also grateful to techUK and to the Cardiff Data Justice Lab, who
both organised workshops to facilitate input into this research, and for
attendance at those workshops by a range of technology companies,
policymakers, civil-society organisations and academics.

This report was lead authored by Reema Patel, with substantive

contributions from Aidan Peppin, Valentina Pavel, Jenny Brennan,
Imogen Parker and Cansu Safak.
About Participatory data stewardship 59

About the Ada Lovelace Institute

The Ada Lovelace Institute was established by the Nuffield Foundation

in early 2018, in collaboration with the Alan Turing Institute, the Royal
Society, the British Academy, the Royal Statistical Society, the Wellcome
Trust, Luminate, techUK and the Nuffield Council on Bioethics.

The mission of the Ada Lovelace Institute is to ensure that data and
AI work for people and society. We believe that a world where data
and AI work for people and society is a world in which the opportunities,
benefits and privileges generated by data and AI are justly and equitably
distributed and experienced.

We recognise the power asymmetries that exist in ethical and legal

debates around the development of data-driven technologies, and will
represent people in those conversations. We focus not on the types
of technologies we want to build, but on the types of societies we want
to build.

Through research, policy and practice, we aim to ensure that the

transformative power of data and AI is used and harnessed in ways that
maximise social wellbeing and put technology at the service of humanity.

We are funded by the Nuffield Foundation, an independent charitable

trust with a mission to advance social well-being. The Foundation funds
research that informs social policy, primarily in education, welfare and
justice. It also provides opportunities for young people to develop skills
and confidence in STEM and research. In addition to the Ada Lovelace
Institute, the Foundation is also the founder and co-funder of the Nuffield
Council on Bioethics and the Nuffield Family Justice Observatory.

Find out more:

Twitter: @AdaLovelaceInst

Permission to share:
This document is published
under a creative commons
licence: CC-BY-4.0 ISBN 978-1-8382567-6-0

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