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Evidencia 2: Workshop “Distribution channels”

Carlos Munive Rodriguez

Negociación Internacional
ficha no. 2282009
Actividad de aprendizaje 4

Evidencia 2: Workshop “Distribution channels”

Conocer en qué consiste la selección de los canales de distribución y manejar este

tema en el idioma inglés le permite ampliar el campo de acción hacia otros países de
cualquier empresa que desee exportar un producto o servicio y con ello aumentar sus
ingresos; en caso de contar con clientes o socios de habla inglesa.

Por lo anterior y para desarrollar esta evidencia, consulte el material de formación

denominado Distribution channels y los siguientes materiales complementarios:

 Vocabulary.

 English prepositions.

Luego de estas consultas, resuelva el siguiente taller en inglés:

1. Lea cuidadosamente la siguiente conversación:

Susan: Good morning Mr. White.

Mr. White: Good morning, Ms. Susan. Can we start the meeting?
Susan: Of course, Mr. White. I have the options on the board.

Mr. White: That’s good. Remember, we need to choose the most suitable distribution
strategy for our products.

Susan: We have three strategies: Intensive, exclusive and selective. Intensive

strategy pretends to reach the largest possible number of POS (Point of Sale), but
unfortunately it’s difficult to control. That’s because we would have to deal with many

Mr. White: What about the exclusive strategy?

Susan: It’s different from the first one. Only it’s necessary one POS by each
geographic area, no matter if it’s retailer or wholesaler.

Mr. White: Sounds god to me. And the last one?

Susan: Well, it’s the selective strategy. It’s the intermediate strategy between the
other ones.

Mr. White: I don’t know. I like the first one, but I don’t know how profitable it is.
Hhhhmmm, well. What do you think?

Susan: Well, I consider that the selective strategy is the best.

Mr. White: You’re right. Well done.

Susan: Thanks, Mr. White.

2. Responda T si es verdadero o F si es falso.

a. The Company product is a cake.

T ( ) F (x )

b. The meeting objective is to choose the product’s price.

T ( ) F (x )

c. Susan proposes three distribution strategies.

T (x ) F ( )

d. The selective strategy pretend to reach many POS.

T ( ) F (x )

e. The exclusive strategy is difficult to control.

T ( ) F (x )

f. Mr. White chooses the intensive strategy.

T ( ) F (x )

3. Lea el siguiente texto y responda las preguntas planteadas posteriormente:

Economic aspects – understanding of cannel emergence

Economic reasons are the foremost determinant of channel structure. The
emergence of the wide variety of intermediaries can be explained in terms of four
logically related steps in an economic process:

 Intermediaries can increase the efficiency of the process of exchange,

 They align the quantities and assortments produced with the quantities and
assortments consumed,
 They make transactions routine, and
 They facilitate the searching process.

Dependence and cooperation

Each member of a distribution channel is dependent upon the behaviour of other

channel members. Four different approaches have been used to assess
dependence levels in channel relationships:

 The ‘sales and profit’ approach, which postulates that the larger the
percentage of sales and profit contributed by the source firm, the greater the
target’s dependence on the source.

 The ‘role performance’ approach, which assesses the firm’s role performance
in carrying out its role in relation to another company down or up the channel.

 The ‘specific assets –offsetting investment’ approach, which maintains that

offsetting investments help to safeguard the target company against
opportunism by the source.
 The ‘trust’ approach, in which a long-term relationship is built on the extent to
which companies trust one another.1


1. The raise of such many intermediaries, are explained in ___ steps.

a. Three.
b. Two.
c. Five.
d. Four.

2. Intermediaries make:

a. Process of exchange.
b. Transactions routine.
c. New members.
d. Assortments.

3. A member of a distribution channel depends on:

a. Other channel members.

b. The retailers.
c. The wholesalers.
d. Intermediaries.

4. The ‘trust’ approach is based on:

a. The role of another company.

b. The percentage of sales.
c. How much companies trust each other.
d. Channel members.

5. The ‘role performance’ approach assesses:

Buhalis, D. y Laws, E. (2001). Tourismo distribution channels. Cornwall, Reino Unido: Thomson
a. The firm’s role performance.
b. The other channel members’ behavior.
c. Retailers.
d. Wholesalers.

4. Describa en inglés un producto de su preferencia, asígnele una marca y presente,

tanto las características como los costos de dicho producto, luego seleccione un
canal y tipo de estrategia de distribución según la clase de producto.




The hass avocado, also known as the heart fruit due to its similarity to this vital organ
and also called green gold, since due to its great reception it has set aside much of the
income in many countries above even products such as oil.
The high consumption of this has been generated due to the benefits it brings to
people's health since it is rich in natural fats and vitamins E, among others.
It is the best known and commercialized variety. At first it is green; Ripe and ready for
consumption, it is very dark violet, almost black.
With a hard, thick and rough skin, its pulp is yellow and its flavor is similar to that of nuts.
It is a relatively smaller variety than the rest of the varieties that are commercialized, but
with a higher proportion of pulp.
The best time to eat the avocado is the months: June, July, August, September and


2,892 pesos, is the cost of production and transportation of 1Kg of hass avocado to the
port in the United States.


According to the nature of the product; this being a perishable good, the appropriate
distribution channel is an integrated short channel where the number of
intermediaries is reduced, quality standards are kept, prices are kept and an
estimate is made of the quantity of products to be sold, simultaneously the supply of
the product will be in strategic places (generating greater coverage at the
geographical level) with complementary and / or similar products to meet sales goals
and projections. This distribution channel also guarantees the alliance with
distributors and wholesalers through distribution agreements where the parties agree
to send a specific quantity and the distributor to buy and distribute it, that is, it allows
planning production in advance according to demand. The oretical good or product


A selective strategy is used, analyzing aspects such as: geographical location,

number of customer visits per day, sales volume of complementary or similar
products sold, thus helping to promote the product to a larger population (a large
store surface) managing to sell the estimated number of products

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Nota: esta evidencia es de carácter individual. Recuerde revisar la guía de aprendizaje

con el fin de verificar que ha realizado todas las evidencias propuestas, saber cómo
desarrollarlas y entregarlas correctamente.

Criterios de evaluación
 Puede realizar actividades de verdadero o falso, basados en una conversación
que ha escuchado o en un texto que ha leído.

 Puede responder cuestionarios de selección múltiple, escritos en inglés.

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