CITATION Reg18 /L 1033

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Serum is the fluid and solute component of blood which doesn’t play a role in clotting or blood
plasma without fibrinogens. Hemato-biochemical profiles have been used widely to identify the
health problems associated with productive and reproductive disorders[ CITATION Reg18 \l 1033 ].
Hematological and serum biochemical reference interval are essential laboratory variable for
optimal diagnostic purposes. The peri-parturient period of three weeks in dairy cattle is
associated with multiple changes including hormonal changes, moving from non-lactating to
lactating state as well as a major drop in feed intake and switching of the diet from a roughage-
based diet (i.e. hay and grass) into a diet rich in rapidly fermentable carbohydrates (i.e. high-
grain diets) [ CITATION Ame08 \l 1033 ]. One in two dairy cows in a herd is affected by one or
multiple metabolic disorders. The profile may vary according to factors such as origin, climate,
management practices, geographical distribution, season and stage of animals (Lee et al., 1978;
Cozzi et al., 2011; [ CITATION Ach \l 1033 ][ CITATION Mah13 \l 1033 ] . So, it is important to
determine the hematological and blood biochemical profile for the clinical interpretation of
laboratory findings especially in the post parturient stage in which the cattle are more likely to
suffer from metabolic disorders due to the draining of minerals like calcium and phosphorus in
the milk which may lead to hypocalcaemia, hypomagnesaemia and milk fever [ CITATION Ach \l
1033 ]. The metabolic diseases are highly associated with each other like cows affected by milk
fever are more prone to mastitis, retained placenta, metritis, left abomasal displacement (LDA),
dystocia, udder edema and ketosis [ CITATION Ame08 \l 1033 ]. Pal and Acharya (2013) have
documented the hematological and serum biochemical parameters in post -parturient stage of
Holstein cross cattle at the central part of Nepal [ CITATION Ach \l 1033 ] but no report has been
documented in the Jersey cross-bred cattle at the western part of Nepal although the Jersey
cross-bred are the major cattle breed raised in Nepal.[ CITATION Placeholder1 \l 1033 ]

Roughages typically have lower fermentable carbohydrate content than grains do, so increasing
roughage decreases the chance for an acute ruminal acid load. The ability of roughage to
stimulate chewing and saliva flow also should aid in moderating ruminal pH. Inherent buffering
capacity of roughage could be a factor, but Allen (1997) suggested that buffering by feeds would
most likely occur at a pH less than 5 and that the potential for direct buffering by dietary
ingredients was a small fraction of buffering by saliva. In commercial feedlots, cattle are adapted
gradually to a final high-grain diet. This adaptation process is designed to minimize the risk of
acidosis. It is presumed that careful bunk management designed to provide cattle with relatively
constant day-to-day feed intake during the adaptation period is important in preventing acute and
sub-acute acidosis. However, because pens of cattle are fed in commercial feedlots, and wide
swings in intake by individuals within the pen are possible, this transition period represents the
time during which acidosis is most likely to occur. Sources of fiber other than those provided by
traditional roughages might have beneficial effects on acidosis. For example, based on results
with individually fed cattle used to measure variation in feed intake and on ruminally cannulated
cattle exposed to an acidosis challenge model, Krehbiel et al. (1995) concluded that a digestible
fiber source like wet corn gluten feed did not eliminate acidosis but decreased the time that cattle
were exposed to an acid insult. When cattle are transitioned abruptly to a high-grain diet, such as
during the periparturient period, the rate of short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) production often
exceeds the rate of buffering and absorption through the rumen epithelium (RE), making the cow
more susceptible to developing the digestive disorder termed ruminal acidosis [ CITATION
Owe98 \l 1033 ]. Subacute ruminal acidosis, a common occurrence among commercial dairy
operations [ CITATION Oet99 \l 1033 ], is associated with depressed feed intake and production,
rumenitis, liver abscesses, and whole animal inflammatory response, thereby causing significant
economic [ CITATION Sto99 \l 1033 ] and animal welfare issues in ruminant production systems
[ CITATION Pla08 \l 1033 ]

Alkalosis that occurs in rumen is caused by a decrease in hydrogen ion concentration, and an
increase of pH in the rumen culture. Ruminal acidosis is a bovine disease that affects feedlot as
well as dairy cattle. Ingestion resulting from change in pH of ruminal fluid exceeding 7.5 is
referred to as alkaline ingestion or ruminal alkalosis[ CITATION Vij10 \l 1033 ]. Excessive alkaline
pH will inhibit ruminal contractions which can cause paresis of rumen musculature. Ruminal
alkalosis is caused by prolonged vomiting, hypovolemia, diuretic use and hypokalemia. Renal
impairment of HCo3- excretion must be present to sustain alkalosis. Metabolic alkalosis, a
disorder that elevates the serum bicarbonate, can result from several mechanisms. Intracellular
shift of hydrogen ions; gastrointestinal loss of hydrogen ions; excessive renal hydrogen ion loss;
administration and retention of bicarbonate ions.
Metabolic alkalosis is usually treated by replacing water and electrolytes (sodium and potassium)
while treating the cause. Rarely, when metabolic alkalosis is very severe, dilute acid is given
intravenously. Ruminal alkalosis occurred in cattle commonly in the period of December to June when
soyabean husk / Toor husk / soyabean husk along with Jowar kadbi was the only source of animal feed
available with the farmer which is high protein and less carbohydrate containing feed[ CITATION Kum18 \l
1033 ].

Acharya, R., & Pal, P. B. (2013). Study of hematological and serum biochemical profile in pre-parturient
murrah buffaloes in Chitwan district. Nepalese Vet, 34, 36-40.

Ametaj., B., Zebeli, D., Dijkstra, J., Tafaj, M., Steingass, H., & Drochner, W. (2008). Modeling the
adequacy of dietary fiber in dairy cows based on the responses of ruminal pH and milk Fat
production to composition of the diet. Journal of Dairy science, 91(5), 2046-2066.

Cozzi, G., Ravarotto, L., Gottardo, F., Stefani, A. L., Contiero, B., Moro, L., . . . Dalvit, P. (2011, August).
Short communication: Reference values for blood parameters in Holstein dairy cows: Effects of
parity, stage of lactation, and season of production. Journal of Dairy Science, 94, 3895-3901.

Krehbiel, C. R., Britton, R. A., Harmon, D. L., Wester, T. J., & Stock, R. A. (1995). Effect of ruminal acidosis
on volatile fatty acid absorption and plasma activities of pancreatic enzymes in lamb. Journal of
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Kumbhar, N. S., Borikar, S. T., Digraskar, S. U., Shaikh, S. R., & Ajabe, J. S. (2018). Occurrence, etiological
studies and clinical findings in ruminal alkalosis in cattle of Parbhani and adjoining areas. Journal
of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 6(6), 680-683.

Lee, H. W., Lee, P. W., & Johnson, K. M. (1978). Isolation of the Etiologic Agent of Korean Hemorrhagic
fever. The Journal of Infections Diseases., 137(3), 298-308.

Mahima, Singh, K. V., Verma, A. K., B. K., Singh, S. K., & Roy, D. (2013). Hematological and Serum
biochemical profile of apparently healthy Hariana Cattle heifers in northern India. Pakistan
Journal of Biological Science, 16(21), 1423-1425.

Oetzel, G. R., Nordlund, K. V., & Garrett, E. F. (1999). Effect of ruminal pH and stage of lactation on
ruminal lactate concentration in dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci., 82, 38.

Owens, F. N., Secrist, D. S., Hill, W. J., & Gill, D. R. (1998). Acidosis in cattle. A review: J. Anim. Sci., 76,

Plaizier, J. C., Krause, D. O., Gozho, G. N., & McBride, B. W. (2008). Subacute ruminal acidosis in dairy
cows: The physiological causes incidence and consequences. Vet.J., 176, 21-31.

Regmi, B., & Pande, K. R. (2018). Hemato-biochemical analyses of lactating cross-breed jersey cattle at
Kaski district Nepal. J. Inst. Agric. Anim. Sci, 35, 243-247.

Stone. (1999). The effect of subclinical rumen acidosis on milk components. Proc. Cornel. Nutri. Conf.

Vijaya, H. K., Amol, G., & Ansari, A. A. (2010). Alkaline indigestion in a buffalo-A case report. Intas
Polivet, 11(ii), 175-176.

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