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NIM : P1337420419103


Jadi setelah lulus kuliah tentunya kalian akan menginjak dunia kerja yang mana pada memasuki
dunia kerja itu aka nada beberapa tantangan beberapa tahap untuk mendapatkannya setelah
membuat surat lamaran kemudia kalian akan diajarkan yang namanya interview yang mana
disitu untuk mengetahui segala sesuatu di diri kalian supaya peruhasaan
1. Research your target company
it means when you are willing just like a reading a magazine or many information you
that just like from internet, from television, letting with a for letting Advertisement of
job vacancy so you have to make a target of us that I used to know more about about
you about the problem of How to apply the job in the company sekarang di fakultas
kesehatan tetapi belum tentu mendapatkan pekerjaan di bidang kesehatan. Jadi
sebelum kita memasuki dunia kerja kita harus memilih perusahaan atau instansi yang
pas sesuai apa yang kita punya baik itu talent, skill, education
 having a good understanding about your target company plays an important
roloe in your success
 therefore, you should learn about the value
 though you don’t need to know everything about them, you should equip
yourself with the baground knowledge of the company

2. First impression count

 It must be really taken into account when you want to interview, the first impression is
very decisive for getting a job
 Greet with a smile when you first meet
 Can make something out of the ordinary
 Warm handshake
 An impression
The first impression plays crucial part in the success of interview

 Thus, you should greet the interviewers with beautiful smiles and firm handshakes
 Job interviewers are like first dater
 Good impression count
 Awkwardness can uprecdictable (hasilnya tidak bisa diprediksi tergantung kita
memberikan kesan seperti apa )

3. Be prepared
So what you be prepared ? apa yang harus dipersiapkan ?
 You should read your cv and job requirements carefully before the interview
People should cv and the job before research again before having research
carefully and prepare question was we are in the interview the interviewers then
us about the or editing that interview. Just like the interview and us make
question by reading a cv we have the be helf about because every what is it
prepared but it so make us because the first time stress so our to make a brain
and than please answer in the raight of the question proplay all interview and
skill woman
 Learn how to answer all the question yje interviewers my ask
Please answer in correct in a. if you don’t what is it sure we are not you can ask a
view second to and answer from your talk in right jika ditanya kamu belum yakin
dengan apa yang dibenak kamu diam sejenak, berfikir baru menjawab dengan
poin” yang pas sesuai dengan pertanyaannya daripada ada pertanyaan langsung
kamu jawab tetapi kau menyesalinya karena poin” yang kamu pakai untuk
jawab itu kadang tidak sesuai dengan pertanyaan jawabannya kemana mana
don’t say what is it omong terus tapi lemot
 You may be asked about your working experiences and expect salary
About your asked about you experience your salary you expect beside a relate
 “ think of all the skills you have
And your cv actually you feel any skill you have in will be right so the company
will no company skill about your talent have and first what is it a before ask
about it that you helf to learning we have to thinking you can explain your skill
your talent in correcting
 Think of all the talent you have
It means and make you what is it more having what is it moretain so you
can show you can what is it your idea your opinion

4. Don’t waffle ( jangan banyak omong )

 Go directly to the answers of the questions you are asked
 Do not answer immediatel and then regret about it
 A job interview is not a test of your know ledge
5. Be positive
 Be positive, patient and persistent in any conversation
Why do you like this sometime interview what is job can so the lasting
interviewers. All the interviewers want to see interviewis, interviewis orang yang
diwawancarai, sedangkan interviewers orang yang mewawancarai enjoy in
challange to have positive thinking jadi merekamenginginkan kita itu punya suka
dengan tantangan, suka dengan hal yang bersifat semangat, positive thinking,
ketika kita interview saat kita duduk jangan sampai kita menyender, kemudian
jangan melihat lantai kemudian melipat tangan kita, menggenggam tangan
jangan tegang, panic kita harus duduk yang tegak, jaga kontak mata dengan
interviewrs dengan baik
 The interviewers expect you to be
 Enthuastic
 Talented
 And have positive thinking
 Therefore, if they ask you the reason you apply for the job, just say you love this
new position rather than saying about your previous company
 Positive tought generate positive feelings and attract positive life experience
6. Be active
 interviewers appreciate active candidates sometime interviewers and it is be
your air what is it our expect our energy our smile and the of you more because
that smile, kadang" kalo kita aktif aktif kita bisa tanya tentang perkembangan
 this, you should show your good energy, sense of humor and a constant smile
7. Clarify anything you are unsure of
 ask for a repetition or an explanation of the question ia not clear enough
8. Appearance
appearance rules the world
 have a good hair cut 1 week before the interview
 choose proper clothes for the interview
you should always be neat and clean

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