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Monohybrid Crosses,

Back-cross and Test-cross.

August 30th 2021

(a) (b)

(c) (d) (e)

(f) (g)

Some important terms in Genetics
At each locus, a diploid organism possesses two alleles
located on different homologous chromosomes
The seventh characteristics of Pisum sativum
in Mendel’s experiments
Mendel’s Experiment with Pisum sativum
Albinism in human being is usually
inherited as a recessive trait
(Richard Dranitzke/SS/Photo Researchers)
The Law of Segregation
• Mendel's first law of genetics
• The two members of a gene pair segregate randomly
and equally into the gametes, which then combine at
random to form the next generation.
The law of segregation
• Practice: Axial-Terminal Pods
• In garden peas, an allele T for axial flowers is
dominant to an allele t for terminal flowers.
✓In the F2 generation of a monohybrid cross,
what is the expected ratio of axial:terminal?
✓Among the F2 progeny, what proportion are
✓Among the F2 progeny with axial flowers, what
proportion are heterozygous?
Segregation results
from the separation
of homologous
chromosomes in
Phenotypic ratios for simple genetic crosses
(crosses for a single locus)
Ratio Genotype Genotype of progeny Type of
of parents dominance
3:1 Aa x Aa ¾ A-: ¼ aa Dominance (D)
1:2:1 Aa x Aa ¼ AA : 2/4 Aa :1/4 aa Incomplete
dominance (ID)
1:1 Aa x aa ½ Aa : ½ aa D or ID
Aa x AA ½ AA : ½ Aa ID
Uniform AA x AA All AA D or ID
aa x aa All aa D or ID
AA x aa All Aa D or ID
AA x Aa All A- D
Genotypic ratios for simple genetic crosses
(crosses for a single locus)
Back cross and Test cross
• A back cross: mating the F1 hybrid to one of the
parental types. There are two possible backcrosses in
the system.
• Tt x TT. Back crossing to the dominant parent. The Tt
plant will produce 1/2 T gametes and 1/2 t gametes.
The TT plant will produce only T gametes. The offspring
will thus be 1/2 TT and 1/2 Tt. Both of these types are
tall, so the result of a backcross to the dominant parent
is all offspring with the dominant type.
• Tt x tt. Back crossing to the recessive parent. The Tt
parent produces 1/2 T gametes and 1/2 t gametes, and
the tt parent produces only t gametes. The offspring
will be 1/2 Tt (tall) and 1/2 pp (dwarf). The offspring of a
test cross are in the same ratio as the gametes from the
organism being tested: 1/2 T (tall) and 1/2 t (dwarf).
Test cross:
one individual of
unknown genotype is
crossed with another
individual with
recessive genotype
for the trait.

How about the back

How about dihibrid
Incomplete Dominance
• In incomplete dominance the heterozygote exhibits a
phenotype that is intermediate between the
corresponding homozygotes and different from either one
• Example:
– Flower color in the four o’clock plant
– Two alleles
• CR = wild-type allele for red flower color
• CW = allele for white flower color
– Note how the nomenclature has changed from Cc to
superscripts ("C" is still the gene)

Copyright ©The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.

Red White
P generation
In this case, 50% of
the CR protein is not
sufficient to produce
Gametes CR CW
the red phenotype

1:2:1 phenotypic
ratio NOT the 3:1
ratio observed in F1 generation
simple Mendelian
Gametes CR CW

F2 generation

Fruit color in
eggplant is inherited
as an incompletely
dominant trait
• In Codominance, heterozygotes express the
phenotypes of both parents
• The ABO blood group provides an example
– Phenotype (A, B, AB or O) is determined by the type of
antigen present on the surface of red blood cells
– Antigens are substances that are recognized by
antibodies produced by the immune system
• As shown in figure below, there are three different
alleles that determine which antigen(s) are present
on the surface of red blood cells
– Allele IA, adds antigen A to H antigen
– Allele IB, adds antigen B to H antigen
– Allele i, doesn't add anything to H antigen
• Allele i is recessive to both IA and IB
• Alleles IA and IB are codominant
– They are both expressed in a heterozygous individual

Antigen A Antigen B Antigen A Antigen B

H antigen


Blood type: O A B AB
ii I I or IAi
neither A or B A B A and B
Surface antigen: against A and B against B against A none
Serum antibodies:
(a) ABO blood type
Glycosyl transferase Antigen A
encoded by IA allele

galactosamine RBC RBC
Glycosyl transferase Active
encoded by IB allele site
Antigen B

Galactose RBC RBC

(b) Formation of A and B antigen by glycosyl transferase

Mendel menemukan bahwa pada tanaman ercis
warna bunga merah dominan terhadap putih.
1. Tanaman berbunga merah heterozigot disilangkan
dengan tanaman berbunga putih. Tentukan
a) genotipe setiap induk
b) genotipe dan fenotipe untuk generasi F1
2. Tanaman bunga merah homozigot disilangkan
dengan yang berbunga putih. Tentukan
a) genotipe setiap induk
b) genotipe dan fenotipe untuk generasi F1
c) genotipe dan fenotipe untuk generasi F2
Toni memiliki sifat yang sama dengan kakeknya,
yaitu rambut lurus, padahal kedua orang tua Toni
berambut keriting. Secara genetis sifat rambut lurus
pada kakek Toni adalah …
(A) dominan (B) resesif
(C) intermedier (D) semi dominan
Persilangan bunga Mirabilis jalapa merah
dengan Mirabilis jalapa putih menghasilkan
keturunan F1 berwarna merah muda semua.
Bagaimanakah perbandingan fenotip keturunan
F2-nya jika terjadi penyerbukan sendiri?
(A)25% merah: 25% merah muda: 50% putih
(B) 25% merah: 50% merah muda: 25% putih
(C) 75% merah: 25% putih
(D) 50% merah: 50% putih.
Sejumlah marmut hitam dari genotip yang sama
dikawinkan. Dihasilkan 81 keturunan berwarna
hitam dan 28 berwarna putih. Apa genotip dari
kedua induk?
Wahyuni memiliki nenek yang dapat menggulung
lidahnya (sifat dominan). Nenek dari Wahyuni
mempunyai dua anak yaitu Ayah Wahyuni yang
dapat menggulung lidah dan Bibi Wahyuni yang
tidak dapat menggulung lidah, sama dengan sifat
ibu Wahyuni. Berapa kemungkinan Wahyuni dapat
menggulung lidahnya?
A.25 % (B) 50 % (C) 75 % (D) 100 %
Bentuk lobak bisa panjang (SLSL), bulat (SRSR)
atau oval (SLSR). Jika lobak panjang disilangkan
dengan lobak oval, lalu keturunan F1 dibiarkan
kawin sesamanya secara acak, bagaimana rasio
fenotipik yang diharapkan pada F2?
Jika ayam dengan bulu berwarna semburat
putih dikawinkan dengan ayam berbulu hitam,
keturunannya semua berbulu biru andalusia.
Jika ayam biru andalusia saling disilangkan,
dihasilkan keturunan semburat putih, biru
andalusia, dan hitam berturut-turut dengan
rasio 1:2:1.
a) Bagaimana cara pewarisan sifat bulu
b) Dengan menggunakan simbol-simbol yang
sesuai, tuliskan genotip bagi masing-masing
Bunga warna merah homozigot dominan
terhadap bunga warna putih. Apabila bunga
warna merah heterozigot disilangkan dengan
sesamanya, diperoleh keturunan berjumlah 36
batang. Berapa batang kah yang berbunga
Hukum Mandel satu menerangkan bahwa gen
sealel akan memisah pada saat ...
Jika A alel dominan dan a alel resesif, maka
kemungkinan genotip dari induk yang
menghasilkan 300 keturunan dengan sifat
dominan dan 100 dengan sifat resesif adalah
Jika seorang pengidap thalasemia minor
menikah dengan orang normal, berapa rasio
anak yang akan mengidap thalasemia minor?
Mungkinkah seorang penderita albino yang
menikah dengan orang normal akan
mendapatkan anak albino?
4. Perhatikan persilangan monohibrid dan dominan
penuh di bawah ini
Bunga mawar merah x Mawar putih
P1 MM mm
Gamet M m
M m
F1 ..............
Fenotip …………………………………..
P2 ……… x ………..
Gamet ……. ……..
F2 …………………………….
Dari persilangan di atas, individu F2 yang memiliki
genotip persis sama dengan induk (P1) mempunyai
rasio ……………
• Warna mata pada manusia merupakan sifat
keturunan. Mata hitam adalah dominan (H)
terhadap mata biru (h). Manakah yang lebih
sesuai, suami isteri masing-masing bermata
hitam mempunyai anak bermata biru ataukah
suami isteri masing-masing bermata biru
mempunyai anak bermata hitam?
Three phenotypes are observed for cone
colour in sitka spruce (Pitchea sitchensis): red,
reddish‐green and green.
When trees with green cones are crossed with
green cones, all offspring have green cones.
When green cones are crossed with red cones,
all offspring have reddish‐green cones.
What is the type of genetic control?

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