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Synchronous Session Q1 W5

1. Open the PhET simulation for Plate Tectonics, click the Plate Tectonics

2. Manipulate the simulation to answer the tables on the attached google

slide. You are free to change the crusts, move or do anything to fill in the
tables in the following slides.

3. Answer the questions after the tables.

Continental-Oceanic Convergence

Plate A Continental Plate

Plate B Oceanic Plate

Geologic Volcanic Eruptions


Geologic Mountains, Trenches, and Volcanoes

1. Why did Oceanic Plate subduct under
Continental Plate?
Because the Oceanic Plate is denser than the Continental Plate.
2. How did the continental volcanic arc
Continental arcs are formed when oceanic crust subducts beneath continental crust on
an adjacent plate, resulting in the formation of an arc-shaped mountain belt.
Oceanic-Oceanic Convergence

Plate A Old Oceanic Plate

Plate B Young Oceanic Plate

Geologic Earthquake and Volcanic Eruptions


Geologic Trenches, Island and Volcanic Arcs

3. Which oceanic plate subducted under
the other?
The one that subducted is the Old Oceanic Plate because it is denser than the Young
4. Why did Oceanic Plate subduct under
another oceanic Plate?
Because the Old Oceanic Plate is denser than the Young Oceanic Plate, so it caused the
old one to subduct.
5. How did the volcanic island arc form?

The oceanic plate subducts, and the subducting slab's melted material rises to form a
volcanic island arc.
6. How will tsunami be formed because of
When the Old Oceanic Plate subducts, it will cause an earthquake making a sudden
move at the ocean floor making the tsunami to occur.
Continental-Continental Convergence

Plate A Continental Plate

Plate B Continental Plate

Geologic Earthquakes

Geologic They’ll form a mountain ranges

7. How did mountain range form through
The two tectonic plates collide, causing the earth to rise into mountainous forms.
8. Why is there no volcanic arc formed in
continental to continental convergence?
Instead of one plate colliding with another, the two masses of continental lithosphere collide in a process
called collision. There is no subduction occurs so, there is no magma and volcanic formation.
Continental-Continental Divergence

Plate A Continental Plate

Plate B Continental Plate

Geologic Plates moving apart


Geologic Formation of Trenches, Further divergence leads to the formation of

Features young oceanic crust.
9. How do sea and oceans form in this
type of plate boundary?
When both of the continental plates moved away from each other, it will cause a
magma formation and making young oceanic crust.
Oceanic-Oceanic Divergence

Plate A Oceanic Plate

Plate B Oceanic Plate

Geologic Both plate moves away from each other


Geologic Young oceanic crust may form

10. Why is there no volcanic island arc
Because the two Oceanic Plates diverge from each other, there will be no subduction to
11. Why don’t we see the mantle through
divergent plate boundaries?
New crust is continually being pushed away from divergent boundaries
Oceanic-Oceanic Transform

Plate A Oceanic Plate

Plate B Oceanic Plate

Geologic The oceanic plates slide past each other, resulting in earthquakes and
Event/Activities tsunamis to occur.

Geologic displacement of rock, and a broad zone of crustal deformation.

Continental-Continental Transform

Plate A Continental Plate

Plate B Continental Plate

Geologic Two plates slide to each other causing earthquakes.


Geologic Valleys and faults

12. What is the difference of transform
plate boundary from the other type?
Unlike other forms of plate boundaries, transform boundaries just slide past one
another, creating faults and valleys rather than volcanoes, mountains, or islands.

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