Comsatsuniversity Islamabad First Sessional Examination: Spring 2021

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First Sessional Examination

Spring 2021

Subject: Report Writing Skills Course Code: HUM102

Time Allowed: 1 Hour Max Marks: 20

Student Name: Adnan Haider Registration Number: SP20-BSE-037

Campus: Abbottabad Moderator Name: _________________________________

Declaration:I hereby declare that the paper submitted is the sole result of my own honest endeavors and that I
abide by academic integrity. If found guilty of violating the above, I shall be liable to procedures and consequences
thereof, as prescribed by the rules and regulations of COMSATS University Islamabad.

Instructions for Attempting the Exam:

Inscribe your full name, registration number and other relevant details on the question paper.
Q.1 What is a report?

A report is a written presentation of factual information based on an investigation
or research. Reports form the basis for solving problems or making decisions, often
in the subjects of business and the sciences. The length of reports varies; there are
short memorandum (memo) reports and long reports. Most often you will be asked
to write a long report.
Characteristics of report :
A report is to be structured with the use of headings and subheadings. It should be
comprised of sections which can stand independently when it comes to the
comprehension of these sections without referring to the other sections. A report is
a form of impartial communication based on facts and figures to maintain
objectivity in language.

Q.2 Discuss any two features of a well written report.

Two features of a well written report:
(1) A report shows a noticeable image of your unwavering focus. It likewise
expounds the way that your insight is complete, and you have given data in a way
which is plain as day.
(2) The data ought not exclusively be complete yet additionally conservative. All
in all, greatest data is given a base utilization of words. The general design of an
elegantly composed report is satisfactory and clear. Likewise, There are three
highlights that portray report composing at a fundamental level: a pre-
characterized structure, autonomous segments, and arriving at impartial
Q.3 What is the significance of report writing in practical life?
Benefits of a Report:
A report is utilized to keep a composed record of the multitude of assignments and
exercises being performed inside an association. Besides, a report likewise goes
about as a wellspring of composed correspondence inside an association in a
progressive way. It tends to be upward correspondence beginning from worker
moving towards the business or the other way around for example descending
correspondence. Similarly, it tends to be a wellspring of equal correspondence for
example worker to representative (shared correspondence).

Benefits of report in daily life :

In general, reporting writing is very helpful for making the record of
documentation. With the help of reports, we can easily recognize our work. For
example, reports play a vital role in schools and colleges for knowing how many
students have joined in this year. Report writing also helps the director of the
industry, business or any organization in order to make quick decisions and
planning of anything. The importance of report writing is that it also helps to
communicate within the company that is workers, to discuss the problems of the
business and to give investor details of everyday running.

 Easy Tool for Making Decision

 Analysis

 Evaluation

 Quick Source

 Improvement of Skill

 Professional Improvements

 Handle Complex Situation

Q.4 Analyze the given sample carefully. Which traits and characteristics are
visible in its structure to determine the sample as an example of technical

After reading the above sample carefully ,we conclude that this sample is based on
some good sort of report writing techniques, which i am going to discuss down
here .Technical writing, just as any other form of writing, has certain
characteristics which distinguish it from other types of writing. It is very different
from writing opinion pieces, essays, prose, non-fiction, or fiction. Technical
documents are written in a business writing style rather than one that is academic
or creative in nature.

 Clear – This Sample presents information clearly, leaving little to no room

for misunderstanding and used  clear, concise sentences.
 Straightforward – It is totally straightforward, the provided information are
in a way that is direct and straight to the point, without the use of literary

 Precise - The language used in this sample is very precise, describing

objects and procedures in an exact manner.
 Easily understood – This sample is too simple to understand .Effective
technical writers avoid words that people may not understand and will avoid
an eloquent writing style.
 Denotative meanings - This type of writing is based on words to ensure
that misunderstandings don’t occur due to differing interpretations based on

 Detailed – The writing is very detailed and informative, leaving nothing to

the imagination. Generally The perfect example of technical writing is a
textbook. Most textbooks describe the subject matter as fully as possible.

 Very structured – This writing is very structured. Generally this type of

writing needs to have an obvious composition that makes it easy for readers
to follow along. The audience needs to be able to rely on technical writing
for step-by-step instructions.
 Skimmable -This technical point is also implemented in the above sample.
Technical documentation should be designed with skim ability in mind, so
it’s easy for readers to scan through the full document and easily find
information they need. Technical writers should incorporate meaningful,
descriptive headings and include a thorough table of contents and/or index.
 Problem-solving focus - Technical documents should be created with
problem solving in mind. Readers use documents to learn how to perform
certain tasks or gain technical information, so they should be easy to follow
and organized in a way that’s easy to refer back to as questions come up

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