Operating Signals, Check-List For Possible Faults and Troubleshooting (Ups Safepower Evo Ug..)

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Check‐List faults and troubleshooting (Safepower evo UG..)



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Check‐List faults and troubleshooting (Safepower evo UG..)


1.  PREMISE................................................................................................................................................................... 3 
2.  SIGNALS................................................................................................................................................................... 3 
1)  Rectifier on ............................................................................................................................................................ 3 
2)  Battery on float charge .......................................................................................................................................... 3 
3)  Battery on boost charge ......................................................................................................................................... 3 
4)  Battery voltage ok.................................................................................................................................................. 3 
5)  Inverter on ............................................................................................................................................................. 3 
6)  Inverter-Reserve in Synchronism .......................................................................................................................... 4 
7)  Ups master ............................................................................................................................................................. 4 
8)  Load on inverter .................................................................................................................................................... 4 
9)  Reserve ok ............................................................................................................................................................. 4 
10)  Load on reserve ................................................................................................................................................. 4 
3.  ALARMS ................................................................................................................................................................... 5 
1)  Rectifier off ........................................................................................................................................................... 5 
2)  Rectifier blocked ................................................................................................................................................... 5 
3)  Rectifier overheating ............................................................................................................................................. 5 
4)  Battery pre-alarm ................................................................................................................................................... 6 
5)  Battery voltage not ok............................................................................................................................................ 6 
6)  Battery Fault .......................................................................................................................................................... 6 
7)  Max battery temperature ........................................................................................................................................ 6 
8)  Battery temperature probe fault ............................................................................................................................. 7 
9)  Inverter overload ................................................................................................................................................... 7 
10)  Over current ...................................................................................................................................................... 7 
11)  Inverter overheating .......................................................................................................................................... 7 
12)  Magnetic overheating ........................................................................................................................................ 8 
13)  Inverter blocking ............................................................................................................................................... 8 
14)  Inverter not synchronised .................................................................................................................................. 8 
15)  Switching blocked ............................................................................................................................................. 9 
16)  Static switch fault .............................................................................................................................................. 9 
17)  UPS emergency on ............................................................................................................................................ 9 
18)  Back feed protection........................................................................................................................................ 10 
19)  Max ambient temperature................................................................................................................................ 10 
20)  Highly distorted load ....................................................................................................................................... 10 
21)  Preventive maintenance recommended ........................................................................................................... 10 
22)  Missing Isolation ............................................................................................................................................. 10 
23)  Filter fault ........................................................................................................................................................ 11 

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Check‐List faults and troubleshooting (Safepower evo UG..)

This document provides essential information on the signals and alarms displayed on the
front UPS LCD monitor.
Specifically, as for signals, an explanation is provided to better understand UPS conditions
while the reason for which an alarm is triggered and a series of checks the operator can
run to better identify the cause are provided for each alarm.
Essential operations to be run to remove the fault found.

1) Rectifier on

Comment on the signal:

The rectifier is running since both power voltage and frequency are within the technical
specification limit values.
Status: Normally included.

2) Battery on float charge

Comment on the signal:

The rectifier is running and distributes power to keep the buffer battery charged.
Status: Normally included.

3) Battery on boost charge

Comment on the signal:

The rectifier is running and distributes current to charge the battery after it died following a
blackout or rectifier fault.
Status: Normally absent.
Included after a blackout.

4) Battery voltage ok

Comment on the signal:

Indicates that the battery voltage is suited to power the inverter (the VBatt min and VBatt
max values are indicated in the technical specifications).
If battery voltage is not suitable, the inverter stops. It automatically restarts when voltage
returns within admitted limits.
Status: Normally included.

5) Inverter on

Comment on the signal:

The inverter is running, distributes voltage equal to rated voltage and thus is able to
Status: Normally included.

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Check‐List faults and troubleshooting (Safepower evo UG..)

6) Inverter-Reserve in Synchronism

Comment on the signal:

Inverter voltage is in phase with reserve line voltage. This is possible provided that reserve
voltage frequency is suited to power the load.
Admitted tolerance can be selected at the following values:
a) ± 1% rated frequency
b) ± 4% rated frequency
Status: Normally included.

7) Ups master

Comment on the signal:

For a UPS in parallel, this signal indicates that the machine provides synchronisation to
the other UPS.
Status: It must be included on at least one of the UPS in parallel.
Checks: Continuous transmission of the “master” signal from one UPS to another is a
symptom of parallel system fault.
Reset: The most probable cause is a partial signal interruption on optic fibres due to
crushing or abnormal bend in the fibre. It may also be due to a control board fault.

8) Load on inverter

Comment on the signal:

The inverter is running and powers the load.
Status: Normally included.

9) Reserve ok

Comment on the signal:

Indicates that reserve voltage is suited to power the load. This signal is transmitted when
voltage is within ±10% of rated voltage.
Status: Normally included.

10) Load on reserve

Comment on the signal:

The signal is normal when both inverters are off or during mains switching (intentional or
due to overload).
Status: Normally absent.

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Check‐List faults and troubleshooting (Safepower evo UG..)

1) Rectifier off

Comment on the alarm:

power outage

Cause 1: Power outage of mains switch opened upstream from the UPS
Check 1: Check mains input voltage

2) Rectifier blocked

Comment on the alarm:

Caused by rectifier stop.
Cause 1: Mains input voltage under 20% Vnom
Check 1: Check mains input voltage

Cause 2: No input voltage phase

Check 2: Check mains input voltage

Cause 3: Incorrect mains input voltage cycle direction

Check 3: Check mains input voltage connections
Reset 3: Reverse the two mains input voltage phases

Cause 4: Input fuse triggered

Check 4: Check input fuses
Reset 4: Replace input fuses

Cause 5: Rectifier board transformer fault

Check 5: Check the transformer and relevant protection fuses

Cause 6: Rectifier board fault (control and power logic)

Check 6: Check concerned board power.

3) Rectifier overheating

Comment on the alarm:

Indicates rectifier overheating.
Cause 1: Fan fault
Reset 1: Replace fan

Cause 2: Air vents clogged

Reset 2: Remove air vent clog

Cause 3: Thermo-resistance fault (open contact)

Reset 3: Replace the thermo-resistance

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Check‐List faults and troubleshooting (Safepower evo UG..)

4) Battery pre-alarm

Comment on the alarm:

It should be considered normal in the event of prolonged power outage (indicates that the
battery is low), otherwise see alarms 2) and 3).

5) Battery voltage not ok

Comment on the alarm:

Indicates that inverter input DC voltage is not within the inverter operating range.
Cause 1: The rectifier is in soft start phase and has not yet reached rated VDC.
Reset 1: Reset is automatic when rectifier start has completed.

Cause 2: The machine is restarting after a stop due to dead battery.

Reset 2: Reset is automatic as soon as the battery is 70% charged.

Cause 3: Rectifier fault.

Check 3: Check whether the rectifier fault persists (alarm 2) even if input voltage is regular.

Cause 4: Converter DC/AC board fault (CS007 or CS228 board)

Check 4: Check chopper trigger on concerned board.
Reset 4: Replace the CS007 or CS228 board.

Cause 5: CS221 inverter logic board fault

Check 5: Check the ”Battery OK” signal on the CS221 board
Reset 5: Replace the CS221 board

6) Battery Fault

Comment on the alarm:

Period battery test failed or charge timed out (12 h standard).
Battery fault

7) Max battery temperature

Comment on the alarm:

The battery temperature sensor read a room temperature over 35°C.
Room air ventilation fault or clog.
Restore correct room ventilation.

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Check‐List faults and troubleshooting (Safepower evo UG..)

8) Battery temperature probe fault

Comment on the alarm:

Signals a temperature check circuit fault in the battery cabinet

Cause 1: Probe signal cable disconnected.
Check 1: Check signal cable continuity.
Reset 1: Restore signal continuity.

Cause 2: Probe fault.

Reset 2: Replace the faulty probe.

9) Inverter overload

Comment on the alarm:

The load is switched to the backup line.
Load over rated value.
Check load absorption.
Reduce load absorption. The load must be re-powered by the inverter.

10) Over current

Comment on the alarm:

IGBT electronic protection triggered.
Cause 1: Accidental peak over current.
Check 1: Check instant load absorption.
Reset 1: Restart the inverter.

Cause 2: Parallel regulation fault.

Check 2: Make sure there is no current recirculation between parallel UPS.

Cause 3: Inverter stage fault

Check 3: Check IGBT and driver board.

11) Inverter overheating

Comment on the alarm:

Indicates inverter overheating.
Cause 1: Fan fault
Reset 1: Replace fan

Cause 2: Air vents clogged

Reset 2: Remove air vent clog
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Cause 3: Faulty thermo-resistance (open contact)

Reset 3: Replace the thermo-resistance

12) Magnetic overheating

Comment on the alarm:

Indicates inverter transformer overheating.
Cause 1: Fan fault
Reset 1: Replace fan

Cause 2: Air vents clogged

Reset 2: Remove air vent clog

Cause 3: Faulty thermo-resistance (open contact)

Reset 2: Replace the thermo-resistance

13) Inverter blocking

Comment on the alarm:

The alarm signals the fact that the inverter is stopped.
Cause 1:
The inverter was turned off using the buttons on the front.
Reset 1:
Restart the inverter.
Other causes:
The cause is specified when one of the alarms described in points 5), 9), 10), 11) or 12)
(see single points)

14) Inverter not synchronised

Comment on the alarm:

This alarm is triggered whenever the inverter cannot remain synchronised with the
emergency mains.
Cause 1: Reserve/Static by pass frequency is out of the inverter connection range.
Check 1: Check G.E. frequency.
Reset 1: Return G.E. frequency within the limits.

Cause 2: G.E. frequency variation speed is excessive.

Check 2: Check whether G.E. changes frequency.
Reset 2: Restore correct G.E. frequency stability.

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Check‐List faults and troubleshooting (Safepower evo UG..)

15) Switching blocked

Comment on the alarm:

The switching blocking alarm is triggered when load power is forced on the mains.
“Forced” switch on one or more UPS in position “ON”.
Check whether one or more switch is forced “ON”.

Turn all forced switches to “OFF”.

16) Static switch fault

Comment on the alarm:

Static switch fault
Cause 1: one or more thyristor short circuits
Check 1: Ohm test thyristors

Cause 1: Control logic or power board fault

Check 1: Replace the above boards one at a time

17) UPS emergency on

Comment on the alarm:

Indicates EPO (Emergency Power OFF) triggered. The alarm is not on the display. The
UPS does not distribute output voltage and displays rectifier, backup and inverter block
alarms. Leds are all off except the LED (suitable backup)
Cause 1: Emergency Power Off button pressed.
Check 1: Check button conditions.
Reset 1: After turning off the button, follow the instructions in the manual to restore UPS

Cause 2: Signal cables to EPO button interrupted.

Check 2: Check EPO circuit connection integrity.
Reset 2: After restoring circuit integrity, follow the instructions in the manual to restore
UPS operations.

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Check‐List faults and troubleshooting (Safepower evo UG..)

18) Back feed protection

Comment on the alarm:

The alarm signals a severe static switch fault.
Cause 1: one or more thyristor short circuits
Check 1: Ohm test thyristors

Cause 2: NRE CS144 board fault

Check 2: Check the power supply of CS144 board

19) Max ambient temperature

Comment on the alarm:

The room temperature sensor measured temperature near maximum UPS operating
Room air ventilation fault or clog.
Restore correct room ventilation.

20) Highly distorted load

Comment on the alarm:

Load current harmonic distortion exceeds admissible UPS distortion. Consequently the
output voltage waveform is out of rated limits; this may cause load switching on the mains
in more severe cases.
Remove the more distorting loads (or increase UPS power).

21) Preventive maintenance recommended

Comment on the alarm: Normally off. If on, the alarm is triggered 1 year from activation
date. Warns the customer that preventive maintenance is recommended.

22) Missing Isolation

Comment on the alarm:

Normally disabled. If enabled, the alarm detects the lack of load cut-off.
Cause 1: Load current dispersion to grounding of one or more UPS output phases.
Check 1: Where possible, open load switches one at a time until the fault is found.
Reset 1: Restore normal system operations (from UPS) and cut off the faulty load.

Cause 2: Grounding phase on distribution cables between UPS and loads.

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Check‐List faults and troubleshooting (Safepower evo UG..)

Check 2: Perform check 1. If the signal does not disappear opening distribution switches,
this means that the dispersion is on UPS output connection cables and load switch.

Cause 3: Grounding phase in one of the two UPS.

Check 3: Proceed as with check 2. If the relevant signal does not disappear when a UPS
output switch is opened, this means that dispersion is inside the UPS. Check output wires
and switch.

Cause 5: Cut-off control board fault.

Check 5: Check CS144 board power.
Reset 5: Replace the faulty board.

23) Filter fault

Comment on the alarm:

The AC filter temperature sensor detected cubic condenser overheating.

Cause 1: AC filter cubic condenser fault.
Check 1: Check the probe with the open contact
Reset 1: Replace the cubic condensers with the new cylinder condenser kit (shatter proof)

Cause 2: Probe connection cables disconnected

Check 2: Check the connection on board CS223 or CS270. Check the jumper connection
where temperature probes are not installed.

Cause 3: (CS221) inverter logic board fault.

Reset 3: Replace the board
Note: The alarm may also be triggered when new cylinder condensers are installed
(temperature sensors not included) since the filter fault circuit is still on board CS221.

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Issue/000 2014-06-20 A. Mazza E. Rusconi P. Baggi PO-DT-F001E
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000 2014-06-20 - Prima Emissione A. Mazza E. Rusconi P. Baggi

Check‐List guasti e ricerca guasti (Safepower evo  UG..)        MD111 Rev00 Page. FR1 of FR1

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