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• I am glad to find an opportunity to work with RSD remotely

• I have been interested in improving myself and helping other people to be free, creating a
community of driven people who want to be unstifled.
• From my understanding, I believe this opportunity involves interacting with people and
providing solutions that best fit them. So it involves active listening, persuasion, building
rapport, providing win-win.
• I believe I can use my intelligence, ability to learn quickly, intentions to do great work with
strong work ethic for this job.
• It will provide me experience of socializing with people, learning how to persuade, and guide
the conversation and also understand how people work and how I work.
• It will provide your company an employee, who has same purpose as your company, who
has good work ethics, can help your company in web development in case needed. And can
look into both social and technical side of business.
• An employee who would be a coach in future, and can help you expand your business.
• I see this opportunity a win – win for both of us.

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