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Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology


LAB. 1 - Flat Circular Pressure Plate - 2021 Sem. 2

By writing our names below, we declare this is a group assignment and no part of this submission
has been copied from any other group's work or from any other source except where due
acknowledgment is explicitly made in the text, nor has any part been written for us by another
person. Refer to Unit of Study Outline for Plagiarism guidelines.

STUDENT NAMES & No.s – S M Shagor (102427517)

Lab. Date & Time / Demonstrator : 26/08/21 (10:30) / Weibai Li
The aim of this Experiment is to measure the behaviour of a thin flat aluminium circular plate with
clamped edges (GUNT item FL 120 - see Fig. 1 below) due to a series of pressure steps (Δ p) and
then to compare these experimental readings with theoretical calculations. Two different types of
measurements will be taken at a number of radial locations – vertical deflection and strain. The
experimental and theoretical deflections can be compared directly. However, the experimental
strains must be first converted to experimental stresses before they can be compared with the
theoretical stresses (see Appendix and References for further details ).

Strain is measured at a number of locations (see Fig. 2, page 3) using strain gauges bonded to the
top surface of the thin aluminium plate. Readings from these strain gauges are monitored on an FL
151 Data Logger directly as microstrain (10 -6 m/m or μm/m).

IMPORTANT NOTES: 1) RETAIN a COPY of your Results for use with the FEM Assignment.

2) This experimental report must be written by yourself.

3) DO NOT exceed 0.6 Bar Total Pressure. [ 1 Bar = 10 5 Pascals ]

Fig. 1 - Flat Circular Pressure Plate Experiment

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Vertical upwards plate deflection (‘Z’ direction) is measured using the dial gauge (4) – in Fig. 1,
which has units of 0.01 mm. The dial gauge is mounted on a calibrated slide (5) and secured with a
thumb screw, Tighten thumb screw prior to taking each measurement, record results in TABLE 1,
start measurements in centre. Pressure is applied to bottom surface of plate by rotating the oil
reservoir knob (2).

1. Move dial gauge to centre and initially zero by rotating the face - subsequently do not change.
Set starting pressure to ZERO and measure vertical ‘Z’ deflection at all noted locations.
(This starting profile will be used as a Reference.)

2. Increase pressure to 0.2 and 0.4 Bar and repeat measurements of vertical ‘Z’ deflection at all
locations noted for each pressure These readings are the raw deflection measurements.

3. From raw deflection measurements taken in Step 2, subtract dial gauge readings at starting
ZERO pressure (Step 1), at corresponding locations. This will produce a set of corrected
deflection readings for pressure steps Δ p of 0.2 and 0.4 Bar. Use these corrected
experimental deflection readings when comparing with theory.

4. De-pressurise equipment. Compare experimental and theoretical deflection results.

Table 1 – DEFL’N RESULTS ( Units - 0.01 mm )

Radius 95 L 75 L 50 L 25 L 0 25 R 50 R 75 R 95 R
(mm) →
p=0 1.2 3.1 4.8 7.1 9.2 7.6 5.0 3.4 1.6

p = 0.2 3.0 10.8 21.3 30.9 35.2 31.4 21.8 11.0 3.4
∆p = 0.2 1.8 17.8 38 55.4 62.2 56.2 38.4 18.6 5.1
Bar ۞
p = 0.4 4.6 17.8 38.0 55.4 62.2 56.2 38.4 18.6 5.1
∆p = 0.4 3.4 14.7 33.2 48.3 53 48.6 33.4 15.2 3.5
Bar ۞

۞ - Corrected / Calculated Value.

DATA : 1. The circular plate is made from aluminium; take E = 70 GPa,  = 0.3.
2. Equivalent diameter of clamped plate is 220 mm.
3. Thickness of plate is 3.0 mm.

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[ DEMONSTRATOR : - Turn on FL 151 Data Logger approx. 30 minutes prior to start of test.]

1. Set starting pressure to ZERO and use FL 151 Data Logger to record all measured strain
gauge readings in TABLE 2. (Allow readings time to “settle”.)
2. Increase pressure to 0.2 and 0.4 Bar and repeat Strain readings as above for each pressure.
3. From raw strain readings (Step 2), subtract corresponding strain readings at Zero Press.
(Step 1) to produce a set of Corrected Strain values (take care with +/- signs) – use these
Corrected values in further calculations. (This procedure allows for “drift” in Strain Gauges.)
4. De-pressurise equipment. Note that FL 120 equipment takes an average value of the two strain
gauges located at the same radius and orientation.
5. Convert Corrected Strain into experimental Radial and Tangential Stress at radii noted below
[See Appendix for further details.] Compare experimental and theoretical values for Stress.

Table 2 – STRAIN RESULTS ( Units - μm/m )

Strain Chan Radius Direct- Strain Strain Strain ۞ Strain Strain ۞
Gauge -nel r (mm) ion p = Zero p = 0.2 ∆p = 0.2 p = 0.4 ∆p = 0.4
Bar Bar Bar Bar
1 A1 97.5 εr 3.6 -238 -241.6 -416 -174.4
2 A2 97.5 εt 44.3 46.3 2 62.8 60.8
3 A3 72 εr -14.1 -60.9 -46.8 -76.5 -29.7
4 A4 72 εt -26.7 33.1 59.8 126.3 66.5
5 A5 25 εr 2.5 155.4 152.9 253.1 100.2
6 A6 25 εt -38.5 95.0 133.5 213.8 80.3
7 A7 63 εr -24.7 -33.6 -8.9 -42.6 -33.7
8 A8 97.5 450 -51.3 -146.7 -95.4 -240.8 -145.4
۞ - Corrected / Calculated Value.

Fig. 2 - Strain Gauge Location

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Type and edit your report using Microsoft Word (hand-written is not acceptable except for the
sample calculation). Plot graphs using graphic paper or computer software. Submit your lab
report through Canvas by due Date. Please scan your report and save whole report as one PDF file
with a name of Student ID_Lab1.pdf.

The Report must include (in order):

(i) This handout as cover sheet /results for your report.

(ii) For deflection - Plot a scale Graph of corrected experimental and theoretical values for
Δ p = 0.2, 0.4 Bar. Vertical axis of graph should be ‘Z’ deflection and horizontal axis
diametral location. Use Eq. (16.26) from Textbook by Benham and etc. for Theoretical
Deflection curve, w. Take Effective Value for Max. Radius, a = 110 mm. (2 Mark)

(iii) For Stress - two scale Graphs (one for Radial, one for Tangential) comparing
experimental and theoretical stress values for Δ p = 0.2, 0.4 Bar. Vertical axis of graph
should be stress and horizontal axis radial location. (2 Mark)

(a) Convert Measured Radial and Tangential Strain at three radial locations corres-
ponding to Strain Gauges 1 through 6, to Radial and Tangential Experimental Stress
according to Eqs. (4.1) and (4.2) in GUNT 120.pdf document. Thus, three separate
calculations are required at r = 25, 72 and 97.5 mm.

(b) Calculate Theoretical Radial and Tangential Stress according to Eqs. (4.8) and (4.9)
in GUNT 120.pdf document. Take Effective Value for Max. Radius, R = 110 mm.

(c) Plot Graphs of Experimental Stress results versus Radius as noted in LAB. 1 Handout
and draw in curve for Theoretical Stress. Two Graphs required – one for Radial Stress
and one for Tangential Stress.

(iv) Discussion and conclusion. Compare differences (in percentage) between

Experimental and Theoretical Results; comment on potential sources of errors and
possible solutions. Why do you think pre-load applied and values subtracted? The
expected length of the Discussion is between half and one full page using 12 font size
with 1.5 line space (200-400 words). (2 Mark)

(v) Sample Calculations should be included in an Appendix, attached at the end. Only this
part can be hand-written neatly (1 mark).

Total - 7 Marks

For a flat thin circular plate subject to uniform pressure with a clamped periphery (as shown Fig. 1),
it is expected that deflected profile will be a smooth ‘bell shaped’ curve according to the following
equation : (Ref.: Chapt.16 in “Mech. of Eng’ng Mat’ls” by Benham, Crawford and Armstrong)

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p 2
w= ( a2 − r 2 )
Deflection curve : 64 D ….…………………………….. eq.
where : w = vertical deflection (m) ; a = fixed max. radius (m); r = variable radius (m);
p = pressure (Pa) ;
Flexural Rigidity: 12 ( 1- ν 2 )
where : E = Young’s Modulus (Pa) ; h = plate thickness (m) ; ν = Poisson’s ratio.
σr νσ θ
εr = −
Generalized Hooke’s Law: E E
σθ νσ r
εθ= −


1) Textbook - “Mechanics of Engineering Materials” by Benham, Crawford and Armstrong.

2) Further Instructions for Analysis may be found on Canvas at following sub-directory:

Modules/ Practical Lab 1 in Week 4/ GUNT 120.

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Discussion and Conclusion
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The findings of the experiment reveal that, in most cases, the experimental data closely resembles the
theoretical data. The plate deflection at p = 0.2 had significantly aberrant behavior, diverging much more than
the graph at p = 0.4. It also revealed that the observed deflection was negative closer to the plate's periphery
where it was clamped. The explanation for this could be that the plate was deflected in a negative direction as
a result of being clamped, and the force supplied by the pressure was insufficient to deflect it considerably
because it was so close to the clamped area. This demonstrates that maximal deflection occurs closer to the
plate's center than the margins.

The stress calculations demonstrate that the actual values are fairly close to the theoretical ones. It's worth
noting, though, that all of the numbers closer to the plate's center are slightly higher than the theoretically
projected values. This could be due to the plates not being as strong as they should be, resulting in increased
stress for a given pressure.

The use of corrected pressure values created an initial deflection of the plate, making the plate deflection more
uniform and reducing the risks of experimental error due to odd stresses and deflections for both the deflection
and stress results. The preload values were deducted from the values derived from the stresses applied since
absolute values were necessary for our computations.

The findings of the experiment indicate that the deflection of a flat plate is parabolic, with the highest
occurring in the middle and no deflection occurring when it is clamped. Maximum stress is likewise found in
the center of the plate, according to the stress graphs. As a result, it can be shown that the largest stress occurs
where the maximum deflection occurs.

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