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A Storybird Don't tell Anyone

Don't tell

by Rashel Avalos
A Storybird
Don't tell Anyone

by Rashel Avalos

Illustrated by
Jamin Still

Published on
February 12, 2020

© Storybird 2020 All rights reserved

Instructions for creating a two-sided booklet:

1. Print pages 1-9.

2. Take all pages out of the printer, and rotate them 180 degrees and put them back in the printer, face-side up.
The top of the pages should be facing down, and headed into the printer.

3. Print pages 10-15.

4. Trim the covers and pages, including the blanks.

5. Place the pages in order, putting the blanks at the beginning and end (these will help firm up your cover, you
can replace them with a thicker paper stock if you wish.

6. Staple the left side.

7. Glue the front and back covers together, then glue the entire cover to your completed, stapled book. (Your
cover should be glued to the blank backing pages)

Please note: These instructions are for most printers, yours may be different.
My name is Valeria, i am 9 ears old.
My dad died when I was two years old.
With the little money he left us when he
died, my mom bought a small house away 1
from the city.
The house came with a storybook

-Really mother ?- I ask.

My mom showed me a warm smile and
- Yes, All the stories are true, now we are
going to sleep that it is already 7 at night, 3
tomorrow is your birth day an i have a
secret to tell you my darlin.
-Hello? someone can
listens to me? I don't
know were I am.
-Are you alone girl?-
Said someone behind 5
- Yes- I said - I don't
know were I am, sir

- Up here little girl. - He said

- Where ? - I asked
- In the tree, among the branches- he told
- But this man is crazy, there is no one in
there just an owl - I think- I just see a owl.-
I said him 7
- I am the owl, my name is Genaro, what's
That morning I woke up scared.
All the day I think about the owl. He was
I was afraid to dream with him again, I
didn't want to sleep. That same night I 9
thought about the story that my mother read
to me although my mother tall me that i
have a especial gitf.

- Why are you crying little Valeria ? aks me

a familiar voice.
I dried my tears and asked- It's you Genaro?

- of course is me but you didn't answer my 1

- I came to ask you why i can talk to you ?
but now i am lost.
Your father was my best friend, He got
along with all the animals except the
wolves. there was an old bear that saw the
future. He told him he was in danger. I try 1
to help him, I carry him on his back but the
wolves already followed them

Get on my back, I'll take you home.

let's wait for the moon to be at the top to go
out to a town far from the wolves.
- Why do wolves want to kill us, Genaro?
- Because they think you are a danger to the 5
forest and to them- Down there, look down,
they are already looking for you.
We got home and I stood at the door
thinking about what to tell my mom. After
10 minutes I went in and told my mother
everything, she without telling me anything
left the house and went to look for 1
something, I followed and we took out a
giant leaf. i didn't ask nothing, we were

I slept a little and then I saw the beautiful

landscape that the forest offered me.
At dawn we saw a broken bridge.
- The bridge is the only thing that unites the 1
village for the forest- said Genaro.
Now that I'm 25, I still remember
everything that happened.
My mother died two years ago from a cold,
I'm still sad about it but she went to a better
I always have in mind what he said: 2
- Take care Valentina and remember not to 1
tell anyone
After an hour we were already flying, Genaro
told me that the trip would be one hour and
that was better that we sleep all the night, he 1
will be flying with us so that nothing happens 8
to us.

At ninght we arrived at the town, everyone

was slept and Genaro talked to a villager who
also had the gift of talking with animals and
told him that we will stay at his home for 2
the wolves chased them all over the forest, the
bear got tired and he can't run anymore.
unfortunately your father died that day but
before he died he told me to take care of you 1
and your mother. Now that you're 10 years
old, you can escape from the wolves

They will look for you every day until they

found you, so it is better that you and your 1
mother leave here. 6
I needed to know the truth. That same night I
went in search of the owl. I entered the forest
so much that I lost myself.
I walked and walked and it seemed like I was 1
going in circles, after a few hours I got tired
and I crashed in a tree to cry

- You are a special little Valeria.

- What do you mean ?
- Why do you think your mother brought you
here. Your dad could also understand us little
Valeria. That's why he died.
- My mom told me that she died in an
accident 1
- However, it was not.
- You are in the forest.- said the man.
-That is imposible, I was in my bedroom- I
-No little girl you are in the florest now and
it's dangerous. 6
-Who are you? - I ask
- I am the watchman-said
-The watchman? Where are you ?- i ask.

I was scared, it couldn't be real.

- My.... My name is valentina- I said
stuttering- are you real?
- Of course little Valentina, i am real. Look
what time it is, it's time to go and you too, just 8
close your eyes.
Every afternoon my mom read me that book....

- In the middle of the forest there is a portal

made of giant stones. If you cross the portal 2
you can meet the animals of the forest, those
animals can talk to you .- Said my mother.

That night I dreamed I was in the forest.

It was night and I had a lamp in my hands.
I was afraid and It`s very cold, I listened to
the animals talk. 4
- Who is she? What is she doing here ?

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