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Dear Mr Thomas,

I wish to bring to your attention a matter of a great opportunity that has come across my radar. Two of my
dearest colleagues, Dr Kaufmann and Dr Nubia have been researching a very interesting topic that I personally
believe needs to be addressed. Before I go on let me introduce myself, I am Dr Dhalivaal, I have researched
beside them on the topic of the Black Tudors. We have uncovered that there is a great similarity in the lives of
Black Tudors and what has been happening in modern times with the experiences of a lot of people.

This opportunity is to share these findings and televise what would undoubtedly be an eye opening set of
stories that could even be set out over a series.

Factually we could provide you with all the relevant detail that would reveal just how close their lives were to
modern times, this would really excite and allow people to understand the impact that they made. It is vital
that we therefore do not forget and remember the lives of these people.

This documentary will reveal that Black Tudors were treated like normal people, some lived a simple life and
others were very important. For example John Blanke was a royal trumpet player; his job shows us that
important roles like a trumpet player had black people doing it. This would have been remarkable at the time
because he had direct connections to the king and he played at royal events. This should be remembered as it
shows us that people did not discriminate others judged by the colour of their skin, during the Tudor times.

Another aspect of Tudor England would be that some people were highly racist to the Black Tudors, like when
Sir Thomas More, a saint, wrote a letter describing the arrival of the Black Tudors; he describes them as slaves
and mocks them for their looks. People of more power would have had similar thoughts because they thought
that being white is powerful. This should be remembered because it proves to people nowadays that
discrimination to black people was around over 500 years.

I hope you make the correct decision regarding the documentary.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Dhalivaal

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