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Magic Words
to Obtain

I nvestigators often ask, “Do Where do these magic words clues when investigators ask them
any magic words exist for come from? Before interrogating about their backgrounds, attitudes,
obtaining confessions?” The suspects, investigators conduct in- beliefs, and values during the ini-
answer is an unequivocal yes. Cer- depth interviews to gain insight into tial interview. By listening atten-
tain words and phrases, such as suspects’ backgrounds, thoughts, tively to suspects, investigators can
“accidents happen...,” “anyone in and feelings. Experienced investi- discover important information
this situation could have...,” “ev- gators know that by nature, every- that leads to developing the magic
erybody makes mistakes...,” can one uses an often-unconscious words that they can use later to
give offenders a dignified way to mental process to justify their be- obtain confessions.
admit their involvement in a crime havior or cope with personal prob- Magic words come from three
and provide investigators with a lems. Criminals frequently employ commonly used defense mecha-
proven approach to obtaining con- these defense mechanisms to ratio- nisms—rationalization, projection,
fessions. After identifying the ap- nalize their actions, to project and minimization. Investigators
propriate words to use to obtain blame onto someone or something call these three defense mecha-
confessions, any investigator can else, and to minimize their crimes. nisms the RPMs of interrogation
become adept in using the magic While offenders do not blatantly and use them to help suspects main-
words of interrogation. reveal these devices, they do give tain their dignity, or save face,

October 1998 / 11
which often pays significant divi- missing by her mother and stepfa- a con man who relished outwitting
dends in the form of confessions. ther. Because the girl had run away opponents. Immediately, the inves-
In offering face-saving statements, from home twice before, investiga- tigator realized that in this contest
investigators employ the same de- tors lacked clear evidence of a of wills, Brad could be a formi-
fense mechanisms used by the sus- crime. However, the mother sus- dable adversary. To induce a con-
pects to justify their crimes. After pected foul play, even though the fession, the investigator would
listening intently during the inter- daughter’s body had not been need a complete reserve of face-
view, alert investigators feed back found. First, investigators deter- saving magic words to rationalize
to suspects the same magic words mined that Valerie’s mother and Brad’s actions (“I understand how
of rationalization, projection, and stepfather had separated a few days you might...”), to project the
minimization. before the girl’s disappearance and blame onto someone else (“teenag-
Equally important, RPMs only 6 months after their wedding. ers can be difficult to deal
make moral and psychological, not Second, they discovered that with...”), to minimize the crime
legal, excuses for suspects’ ac- Valerie and her stepfather had been (“accidents like this happen...”),
tions. Therefore, offenders remain alone in the residence immediately and to provide reasons to confess
accountable for their behavior. before her disappearance. Soon, (“only you can tell your side of the
A recent homicide case illus- the stepfather, Brad, became the story...”).
trates four techniques of develop- prime suspect. If harm had come to
ing magic words and an effective Valerie, resolution of the case Rationalize Suspects’ Actions
style of delivering them. In this hinged on the investigators’ skill in Rationalization offers plausible
example, the investigator uses the obtaining a confession from Brad. explanations for suspects’ actions
information gained in the initial in- While sitting knee-to-knee with that reflect favorably on them by
terview with the suspect to develop an investigator, Brad vehemently presenting their actions in a posi-
the RPMs and obtain a confession. denied any involvement in tive light. Many individuals ratio-
Valerie’s disappearance but nalize their actions to excuse errors
The Case seemed to lack concern for her of all kinds and degrees. Compe-
Valerie, a petite but strong- safety. A glib, self-confident truck tent investigators comprehend this
willed 16-year-old, was reported driver, Brad projected the image of psychological process and convey
empathy by indicating that they un-
derstand suspects’ frames of refer-
ence. When delivered in a gentle,
sincere manner, this empathetic ap-
proach projects acceptance of sus-
pects as “good” individuals who
have experienced devastating
By asking open-ended ques-
tions during the in-depth interview
with Brad, the investigator learned
of Brad’s strong need to control his
new wife and teenage stepdaugh-
ter. His attempts at control had
resulted in his wife’s telling him to
Special Agent Napier is a Special Agent Adams is an
profiler for the FBI’s National instructor in the Law
pack up and move out. During the
Center for the Analysis of Enforcement Communication interrogation that followed the in-
Violent Crime. Unit at the FBI Academy. terview, the investigator rational-
ized Brad’s actions.

12 / FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin

Brad, being suddenly placed Minimize the Crime confessions, they never lessen the
in the situation of having a Minimizing the offense helps impact that these criminal acts have
wife and teenager in your suspects reduce, to their psycho- on society.
home must have been stress- logical satisfaction, their roles in or During Brad’s interrogation,
ful. Any man would have seen the seriousness of their crimes. By the investigator diminished the at-
the need to define the rules carefully using such soft words as tack on Valerie by calling it an
for a teenager, like curfews, “mistake” and “accident,” which accident and something that Brad
use of the car, whom she minimize the gravity of the situa- normally would never do.
dated. Constant tension tion, investigators can decrease I have looked at this case very
existed in the house, ending suspects’ resistance to persuasion. carefully, Brad. This was
with your wife’s taking her Careful wordsmithing minimizes probably an accident. You
daughter’s side and forcing didn’t intend to do this. You

you out of the picture. wish you could change it and
The persuasive act of rational- would change it, if possible. It
ization plays to the psychological ...investigators was not a planned, intentional
natures or desires of the suspects to act; it just happened. This is
explain or justify their behavior.
should deliver not like you. You normally
Investigators seemingly get inside their magic words don’t act this way.
the suspects’ minds and tell the with a ‘feather
suspects why they acted as they approach,’ Provide Reasons to Confess
did, thus conveying a capacity to revealing sincere To improve the possibility of
understand. understanding obtaining confessions, investiga-
and empathy.... tors must provide suspects with
Project the Blame onto Others reasons to confess after employing

Projection excuses an act by the techniques of rationalization,
placing the blame on something or projection, and minimization. This
someone else. In Brad’s interroga- approach involves giving suspects
tion, the investigator projected the the impact of criminal acts in sus- good reasons why confessing their
blame onto Valerie’s mother for pects’ minds. Conversely, such crimes will work to their advan-
her failure to cooperate, onto emotionally charged harsh words tage. Some investigators use the
Valerie for her arrogance and chal- as “rape” and “murder” may cause term “themes” for the combined
lenging demeanor, and onto the suspects to focus on the conse- approaches of using RPMs and
tension in the house. quences of listening to the investi- providing reasons to confess. In-
Brad, if only Valerie’s mother gators and making admissions. vestigators develop effective rea-
had set clear rules when Harsh words also may make sus- sons to confess from the extensive,
Valerie was growing up, she pects feel ashamed of some aspect preliminary “getting to know you”
wouldn’t be such a defiant of their crimes, and therefore, interview. By understanding sus-
teenager. If her mother had should be avoided. In interroga- pects’ situations, motivations, and
backed your reasonable rules tions, investigators must reduce pressures in their lives, investiga-
for Valerie, maybe Valerie suspects’ hesitation to confess by tors can offer possible solutions.
would have understood. If minimizing the crimes. If investi- Why should offenders confess?
Valerie hadn’t openly ridi- gators do not minimize the crimes, For the mother who abuses her
culed and taunted you, you they do not create incentives for children, the chance of receiving
would have held your temper suspects to confess. However, psychological treatment and ending
as you usually do. It was while investigators downplay the the cycle of abuse might give her
Valerie who started this. seriousness of crimes to garner a reason to confess. For the

October 1998 / 13
hit-and-run driver who injures a promise of lenient treatment by the RPMs and reasons to confess
cyclist, confession may bring relief judicial system could make confes- take on added impetus when deliv-
through lifting the burden and eas- sions inadmissible in court by de- ered with the feather touch because
ing the guilt associated with such nying suspects the right to due pro- the essence of the approach in-
an act. For the woman who kills cess of the law.1 volves investigators’ attempting to
her spouse, the chance to tell her get inside suspects’ thought pro-
side of the story—the years of Deliver RPMs Effectively cesses, virtually reading their
abuse by her husband—may prove Once investigators develop minds.2 For its full impact, investi-
reason enough for her to tell the their magic words and reasons gators should use the feather touch
truth. For the repeat burglar, to confess, they must ensure that to explain suspects’ psychological
knowing that continuing to break their style of delivery corresponds states before offenders have the op-
into homes could result in being with the overall empathetic ap- portunity to address these issues
killed or wounded by a homeowner proach. Magic words alone cannot themselves, as illustrated in the fol-
armed with a firearm may consti- obtain a confession; they can lose lowing examples contrasting the
tute a reason to confess. The inves- their effectiveness if delivered sledgehammer and feather ap-
tigator used similar reasons to en- inappropriately. proaches with Brad.
courage Brad to tell the truth about Sledgehammer: Brad, you

Valerie. have lied to me from the
What I have seen in situations beginning. You’re not fooling
like this, Brad, is people ...RPMs make moral me with that story, and I’m
asking themselves later, and psychological, going to shove it down your
‘Where would I be if I had not legal, excuses for throat. You’ll be sorry.
taken the opportunity to tell
my side when I had the
suspects’ actions. Feather: Brad, I have some
problems understanding your

chance?’ Today is your story. I’ve seen this happen
opportunity; don’t let it pass. before and realize you are
Your story will never sound uncertain about what you can
better than it does right now. Investigators should avoid tell me. That’s natural, but
If you wait, the story will be high-pressure approaches to inter- I’m really concerned with
in the newspapers and on the rogating suspects. Rapid, machine- how you got into this mess.
radio, and it won’t be your gun delivery of RPMs causes the Let’s keep this simple and
side of the story. Brad, I am presentation to sound false. Rather honest. Let’s not make this
prepared to write my report. than using a heavy-handed, any worse that it is.
The prosecutor is certain to “sledgehammer” approach that
ask about this interview, verbally bullies suspects, investi- Sledgehammer: You strangled
particularly whether you were gators should deliver their magic Valerie. Why don’t you just
sorry, if you wanted to make words with a “feather” approach, say you did it?
amends, and if you cooper- revealing sincere understanding Feather: Brad, my experience
ated when you knew all the and empathy for suspects’ dilem- in similar cases is that the
facts. I’m giving you the mas. Because the genuine feel and person sitting in your chair
opportunity to determine your sound of sincerity represent the has a lot on his mind. He is
future. You can help me write most important aspects of persua- asking himself, ‘What is
the end to my report. sion, investigators must demon- going to happen to me? Who
While encouraging suspects to strate their sincerity by decreasing is going to know that I did this
confess, investigators must take the volume and speed of their thing? Am I better off telling
care when making promises. A speech. the entire story and my

14 / FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin

version of how this thing reasons to confess. Remaining respectable way out. The investiga-
started?’ Let’s handle these quiet for a long time, Brad tor rationalized Brad’s actions by
questions one at a time, finally spoke. He blamed his focusing on the stress and tension
keeping each concern in its wife for setting the stage for in the house, projected the blame
proper perspective and not the confrontation with onto Valerie’s mother and Valerie
letting it run wild. Valerie. He blamed Valerie herself, minimized the homicide by
The ability of investigators to for attacking him verbally, calling it unplanned, and provided
demonstrate warmth and sincerity demeaning him, and not viable reasons for a confession by
proves paramount in obtaining con- backing away. He said he encouraging Brad to tell his side of
fessions.3 If investigators’ delivery struggled with her, ended up the story as an opportunity to deter-
styles lack spontaneity and feeling, with his hands on her throat, mine his own future. By employing
any attempt to persuade will not and before he knew it, she the feather instead of the sledge-
garner the trust that allows offend- was dead. He drove his truck hammer approach, the investigator
ers to confess. to a lightly traveled bridge, maintained the necessary sincerity
parked it, removed Valerie’s to persuade Brad to tell the truth.
Reap the Rewards of RPMs body from beneath a tarp, and The investigator’s magic words
Today, even with the presence dumped it over the railing into and effective style of delivery led
of such scientific evidence as DNA the muddy river below. Then, to a confession.
profiling, RPMs and reasons to he disposed of her personal Suspects do not give up their
confess prove significant because belongings to set the stage for secrets easily. Persuading suspects
investigators still must rely on con- a runaway scenario. Months to admit their involvement in
fessions to solve many crimes. later, a body washed up on crimes requires a variety of skills
Recognized as a complex process shore; it was identified as and techniques. However, investi-
and often regarded as an art form, Valerie. gators who can rationalize sus-
interrogation has been the lifeblood pects’ actions, project the blame
of investigations and considered onto others, minimize their crimes,
“the nerve center of crime detec- and provide viable reasons for sus-
tion.”4 Because RPMs play an im- pects to tell the truth are well on the
portant role in the interrogation way to obtaining confessions.
process, investigators may need to
repeat them many times because Endnotes
suspects, as if in shock, are react- 1
Miller v. Fenton, 106 S. Ct. 445 (1985).
ing and adjusting to being con- 2
Warren D. Holmes, “Interrogation,”
fronted directly with the crimes. At Polygraph 24 (1995): 258. Holmes refers to
this point, investigators should am- this approach in a similar manner, characteriz-
ing it as taking the wind out of the suspect’s
plify, combine, and alter the RPMs sails.
to determine which process reso- 3
Charles Yeschke, Interviewing: A
nates with the suspect. The final © PhotoDisc Forensic Guide to Interrogation (Springfield,
phase of Brad’s interrogation IL: Charles C. Thomas, 1993), 36; and Fred
E. Inbau, John E. Reid, and Joseph P.
shows the value of the in- Buckley, Criminal Interrogation and
vestigator’s well-developed RPMs Conclusion Confessions (Baltimore, MD: Williams and
and reasons to confess. Brad confessed because the in- Wilkins, 1986), 52.
Quoted in the dissenting opinion of
After the investigator used the vestigator offered him face-saving Miranda, in Fred E. Inbau, John E. Reid, and
techniques of rationalization, options. The investigator brought Joseph P. Buckley, Criminal Interrogation and
projection, and minimization, the RPMs to life in the interroga- Confessions (Baltimore, MD: Williams and
he then offered Brad several tion room and provided Brad with a Wilkins, 1986), 319.

October 1998 / 15

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