Laila Correa Lesson Plan

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Laila Correa


The 8 parts of speech

● 3rd grade English/ELA class

● The 8 parts of speech
○ Noun
○ Pronoun
○ Verb
○ Adjective
○ Adverb
○ Preposition
○ conjunction/ interjection

Length of Lesson:
● The lesson would be 2 days
○ Day 1- in class learning (note taking / lecture)
○ Day 2- technology and test quiz work

Lesson Overview/Rationale:
● This lesson will focus on the main 8 parts of speech and how to identify the
different parts of speech and how to correctly write sentences and read
with a better understanding of the English language.

● Works cited:
○ The following are codes that correlate with this lesson plan-
○ EERL3.3.(pg.39)- “Identify the traits, motivations, or feelings of characters in a
○ EERI.3.2.(pg.40)- “identify a detail of a text”

Learning Objectives:
At the end of class students will be able to:
1. Answer questions based on or about speech or writing related topics
2. Understand important parts of a story or sentences
3. Identity different parts of speech and writings

Technology Uses:
● Technology use would be on day 2 of the lesson
○ Day 2 would need computers/laptops to do online lessons to identify
different parts of speech in different sentences
○ Cite i would use : 8 Parts of Speech Quiz | Grammar Quiz
■ The students would be able to test their knowledge and see their
score and it is accessible website for the teacher to conduct and see
the students also

Students: Teacher:
Note/worksheet taking materials Notes/worksheet for students

Be able to get online and take practice quiz Computer/ laptop class set

● Students:
○ Day 1- students would need note taking materials and to take notes/ worksheet
of what the different parts of speech are and how we use them in the language
and writing we use daily
○ Day 2- students would need to be able to get online and open the link the teacher
will have ready for them and take the multiple choice practice quiz for practice on
the previous days notes/worksheet

● Teacher:
○ Day 1- Teacher will need a worksheet/ have notes ready for the students on the
8 parts of speech and explain how we use them and how to identify them in
different ways
○ Day 2- Teacher will need a class set of computers/ laptops and administer a link
with a test quiz to see where the students are understanding or struggling with
the material

● The students will be assessed on day 2 on the practice quiz and will be able to see what
they’re strengths and weaknesses are and what information they retained from day 1
and what they still would need help and practice on and will be able to move forward
from there.

Cooperative learning:
● If the students did not do well on day 2 test quiz we could extend the lesson into a 3rd
day where the students would break into groups and test each other on different parts of
speech for an extra day of practice and it would get the students moving and
communicating with each other and testing positive challenge solving skills.


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