Sustainable Development #2

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Comparison of energy sources and how to stimulate renewable energy forms.

In this exercise, you are going to compare two countries, focusing on their energy sources.
One of the countries is Ecuador, the other country is a developed country from North
America, Europe or Oceania. You are going to look at the following elements.

What are the renewable energy sources?

Renewable sources allow us to have an endless supply of energy. In the following
exercise I am comparing a developed country in this case, Netherlands and a
developing country which is Ecuador. Netherlands has made many changes in the
past years since the global warming. Netherlands energy source comes from
hydroelectric power, solar, biomas, onshore and offshore wind. Ecuador, is also a
country that has made few changes, eventhough is smaller. In Ecuador they use a
percentage of hydroelectric power, solar, wind, geothermal and biomass energy.

What is actual energy mix of both countries?

Natural gas and oil are the most important fuels in the Dutch energy supply. In 2018,
TPES came from natural gas (42%), oil (37%), coal (11%), biofuels and waste (5%),
and small shares from nuclear, wind, solar, hydropower and geothermal. The amount
of energy produced from renewable energy sources in the Netherlands increased
from 6.6% in 2017 to 7.38% in 2018 and 8.6% in 2019 (Renewable Energy
Consumption up by 16 Percent, 2020). In comparison to Ecuador, 92% of energy
generation in the country comes from hydroelectric plants, 7% from thermal and 1%
from unconventional sources (fovoltaic, wind, biomass, biogas, geothermal, among
others) (Ecuador - Electric Power and Renewable Energy, n.d.). Currently, Ecuador
has the presence of prestigious companies from Spain, Canada, Korea, China,
among others that are interested in investing.

What are the goals that these countries have for 2030, related to the renewable
energy sources?
In this industry of the Netherlands, they have set a goal to reduce their carbon
emissions through energy transition. They will be the first country to reduce their gas
emissions to an 80%.
Ecuador’s Constitution of 2008 explicitly states that the government will promote the
use of clean and alternative energy sources. Taking advantage of the enormous
water potential in Ecuador and the already renewable resources used, it is going to
diminish to 60,233.70 KT CO2 by 2030.

How can Ecuador try to stimulate the use of more renewable energy sources? Make
a description of at least 300 words how the country can become more sustainable,
focusing on the renewable energy sources.

Ecuador is a developing country which is trying to accomplish the environmental goals

proposed in the treaties and protocols signed. If the government contributes by proposing
long-term projects it will help to control the emission of greenhouse gasses. If there is a
good maintenance of the energy mix and consumption there could be reduced even
more. As it is mentioned before, by 2030, Ecuador wants to get to 60,233.70 KT CO2.
National government could deliver to city halls to encourage people to change their
lifestyles and incorporate a habit of being environmentally friendly. Ecuadorians should
start from home. One type of renewable energy is the biomas. The biomass comes from
living organisms such as plants and animals. The most common are the plants, wood
and waste. Citizens should classify plastics, organic waste and non-reusable materials .
Doing this the trash car has the job to collect these classified items and deliver it in a
fabric. The fabric will do an anaerobic decomposition that will transform waste into
energy. This organic waste not only comes from the houses but the farms, restaurants
and agroindustry. Moreover, there is a broad source of renewable energy. An advantage
of this alternative is that Ecuador is a step closer to transforming their energy. Another
strategy could be to install solar panels in most of the high and medium class economies.
Although this material is very expensive to offer to the citizens, the government should
intervene to subsidize a component of this product. With the subsidy it becomes more
accessible and allows them to accomplish their goals. Wind is a plentiful source of clean
energy. Windmills can be installed in the outskirts of Ecuador and in the mountains where
the air flows generating electricity. In order to achieve it, private and public sectors should
work together to improve the economy and as well to develop sustainable energy.

Arconel. (2015). Ecuador posee un 51,78% de energía renovable. Agencia de regulación

y control de electricidad. Retrieved october 5, 2021, from

Ecuador - Electric Power and Renewable Energy. (n.d.). Privacy shield: framework.

Retrieved october 05, 2021, from


Ministerio de Energía y Recursos Naturales No Renovables. (n.d.). ECUADOR


Gobierno del encuentro. Retrieved october 6, 2021, from


Ministerio de Energía y Recursos Naturales No Renovables. (2021, july 18). Ecuador

actualiza el Bloque de Energías Renovables a 500 megavatios con potencial de

inversión por USD 968 millones. Gobierno del encuentro. Retrieved october 06, 2021,



The Netherlands 202. (2020). IEA. Retrieved october 5, 2021, from

Ras, A. (2020, October 10). Netherlands- Country Commercial Guide. International Trade

Administration. Retrieved October 4, 2021, from


Renewable energy consumption up by 16 percent. (2020, june 02). CBS. Retrieved

october 4, 2021, from


Renewable Energy in Latin American: Ecuador. (2016, october). Norton Rose Fulbright.

Retrieved october 4, 2021, from

UTPL. (2017, december 21). Recursos del Ecuador para potenciar sus sostenibilidad

2020. UTPL. Retrieved october 5, 2021, from


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