(Segundopadua) Pbsarc 003-Arcdesign1

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Segundo C.




A concept is an abstract or initial idea that can form part of a plan or strategy. It is often described as a type of mental representation. In terms
of construction, a concept is generally the initial idea for a project or development.

Answer the following questions in not more than two (2) sentences. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper to be submitted.

1.Do you believe that a great design can be mediocre if it is not presented well? Describe.

A great design can be mediocre if it is not presented well. In order to win over a client, planning officer or committee it is vital the scheme is clearly
conveyed and easy to understand. In a way its like a sales pitch, you are selling your design, ideas, concept. Your presentation of drawings can assist
a clients imagination, or help win a commission, they should clearly communicate the three dimensional elements of your design. Your drawings,
graphics and presentation boards have one main purpose – to communicate your design, and if your presentation looks good, but doesn’t do its job
– you may need to think again.

2.What is the difference between the words "sign" and "symbol"?

The difference between sign and symbol is that a sign on its own is a language and it is used to communicate between people whereas a symbol
represents something that is accepted by certain groups of people.

3.From your perspective, how do you define the concept?

A general notion or idea; conception

Plate No. 1- Project 1 brief “Design Concept”

Instruction for specified output-Create an object that represents you and create a poster expressing your self-identity.

I Represent myself as a paintbrush /pencil because it reminds me of my childhood, remembering those memories is so nostalgic
Segundo C. Padua

A paintbrush represent the possibility of creating endless varieties of art. The paintbrush also allows you to take advantage of colors. From
combining the primary colors, you can create an endless palette of varying shades.

I symbolize myself as a paint brush. I painted my past. I am painting my present and I will paint my future. Nobody can ruin or steal my own painting
because I am the paint brush that creating my own painting which is my life. I have the passion and right attitude to create a beautiful day.

Even I encounter struggles in choosing the perfect colors I will always end up resolving it by finding the right combination. I am the paint brush with
a smooth brush that describes my personality and it will bring me to success. Part of me is the the strong handle that goes with the flow where the
brush wants to go.

I am not just an ordinary paint brush, I am the magical one who will create an extraordinary art. I am the paint brush that is powerful to stand up to
create the beautiful painting of my life.

As a painter myself, the paintbrush holds special meaning to me as well. When I pick up a paintbrush as stand in front of a canvas I can let my
imagination run wild. There is not limit to what I can put on the canvas. I think painting is one of the best ways to discover your own inner creativity
and test your imagination.

Activity 2- Essay

Topic: Design Metaphors, Similes and Analogies.

Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper to be submitted together with your other task

1.Defining and distinguishing design metaphors, similes, and analogies

A metaphor is a figure of speech that uses one thing to mean another and makes a comparison between the two. A simile compares two different
things in order to create a new meaning. An analogy is comparable to metaphor and simile in that it shows how two different things are similar, but
it’s a bit more complex.

Activity 3- Essay

Topic: design Concept and Scheme design

Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper to be submitted.

1.Distinguish between design concepts and design schemes.

Concept design generally takes place after feasibility studies and options appraisals have been carried out and a project brief has been prepared.
The concept design represents the design team's initial response to the project brief.

Some designers will differentiate between 'concept design' and 'scheme design'. In this case, the 'concept' is the initial design idea, whereas the
'scheme' develops the concept, taking on board more functional and practical considerations. Most project plans have now combined these two
steps into the single stage 'concept design', or 'concept'.

Concept design is followed by 'detailed design' or 'developed design' during which all the main components of the building and how they fit
together are described.

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