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Index of Notation

Notations are listed in order of occurrence. References are given by section or

subsection rather than page number. Section numbers are printed in the heading on
the inside of each page.

second Stiefel-Whitney class, ' ' ends of ( - ) , 7.3.

1.3, 1.9. ; Kirby-Siebenmann invariant
intersection number, 1.7. 8.3D, 10.2B.
selfintersection number, 1.7. -disk bundle of vector bundle E.
'; Euler number of u, 1.7. , 4-manifold with form 10.1.
involution on group ring 1.7
roc(—); Rochlin invariant of spin 3-
connected sum
manifolds, 10.2B.
of surfaces, 1.8.
mapping cylinder of h.
of 4-manifolds, 1.9.
transverse sphere, 1.9.
-connected sum, 10.7A.
endpoint compactification, 3.8.
; distance between relations, Kerviare-Milnor invariant,
4.5. 10.8A.
closure. S t o p ; manifold structure set, 11.3.
singular image of a map, 4.6. JVMTOP; normal map set, 11.3.
a 4-manifold, 10.1, 10.4. Wall surgery group, 11.3.

Index of Terminology

Accessory disks, 3.1. Capped

Alexander isotopy, 9.3B. surface, 2.1.
Algebraic transverse sphere, 1.9. grope, 2.4.
Almost smoothing, 8.8. tower, 3.2.
Annulus conjecture, 8.1. Compactly supported
Aspherical, 11.5. bordism, 11.9B.
s-cobordism, 5.3, 11.1.
Bing double, 4.2, 12.2A. Concordance
Body, of embeddings, 10.5A
of a capped surface, 2.1. of group actions, 11.10D.
of a capped grope, 2.4. Conelike (fixed point), 11.10A.
of a capped tower, 3.2. Connected (n-), 8.3C.

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