Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad

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Question no 1

Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad

teaching in your
own words. Describe major role of teacher in classroom. Also elaborate the
characteristics of quality teaching.

Definition of teaching:
Teaching is a process in which students are subjected to learn according to their interest, need
and to achieve a particular or a specific goal so that a student can become a welfare person of a
society. Teaching plays a very important role in the better development of a person because it
also deals with ethics, moral values and other positive aspects of a person’s personality.
Teaching process is not a simple process it occurs through a number of parameters.

As we know, every process is done by a server which is obviously a teacher in teaching process.
A teacher teaches the students that how to learn the subject matter. Without a teacher, teaching
process has no values. A teacher prepare a student for a particular task through teaching process.
So, we must understand that what a teacher actually is and what major qualities should be in a
teacher so that he can run teaching process in an effective way.

Major role of a teacher in classroom:

A classroom is a place where teaching process is carried out. You can say that a particular
environment which is conducting to learn is named as a classroom. A classroom is just an empty
place with walls without a teacher. So, it is a teacher who makes an empty room a class room.

A teacher plays a role of a head or a supervisor in classroom so there are a lot of responsibilities
of a teacher in classroom. Some are mentioned below:

 The most important and valuable role of a teacher is to deliver knowledge to students. A
teacher has come to this stage after the struggle of many years. So, he has a river of
knowledge which he now has to pass to other students. For this purpose the teacher sets a
particular curriculum which contains all the activities which the students has to be
 A teacher increases a student’s interest about a particular content. He used different ways
for communication with students. He delivers lectures, uses audio-visual aids, gives
assignments to students and many more.
 He also makes sure that every student is comfortable in classroom. He provides all the
available facilities to every single student like proper sitting place, proper air, ventilation
and Sun light.
 A teacher also motivate the students about their goals. He encourages them that they can
do anything what they want to do. For this, he talks to them and listen their problems and
difficulties and then also try to solve them.
 He also develops confidence and a sense of self-esteem to their students. So, they can be
a better members of their society and can perform their jobs in a better way.
 A teachers spreads positivity among students and promotes them to always available for
help of any person.

Characteristics of quality teaching:

Teaching process has a lot of values and it is very important for development of a better person.
So, this process should be very effective which can obviously do by an effective teacher.

Here, are some characteristics or qualities of an effective teacher who can promote a effective

 Best communication skills:

An effective teacher should have very excellent communication skills because to deliver
knowledge is their primary function which is done by communication.

 Ability to judge students:

A teacher should be such that is can sense or judge every single student. What are their basic
needs? What they actually want to do? Their level of interest in study and their curricular and
extra-curricular activities should also be known by a teacher.

 Fairness:
A teacher should be fair in all the dealings with the students. He should be free of favoritism and

 Creative:
A teacher must be creative so that he can gives a number of ways in dealing any process. He
should also be able to solve any problem faced by students or his own self.

 Tools for teaching:

A teacher should use effective tools for teaching so that every student can understand the
content. He should use audial and visual aids which proves very effective for learning. He must
have loud voice so that a student at the last bench could also get the same knowledge as the first
Teaching is a profession which build all other professions. So, it should be done in a very proper
and effective way.

ds for problem solving.

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