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Student Name: Caelyn Ockenfels

Date: September 22nd, 2021

Artifact Name: MCD Spreadsheet – Create 3 sheets on 1 spreadsheet; 1 for McFlurry flavors, 1 for MCD
Stock, and 1 for Nutritional Facts.

What you learned: I had previously used Excel before, but for the basic data input. I had no idea how to
use the functions, like the SUM and AVERAGE functions that the program offers. I also didn’t know how
to use the graph function. I truly had no idea that the graph function was something you could add into
your data sheets. I really enjoyed using these functions, as I feel it made my spreadsheet look more
professional and put together. I did struggle when it came to the pie chart on the last sheet, as I could
not figure out how to change the legend of the graph to reflect what each slice was meant to stand for.
Once I realized I would have to input the names manually, it became a little easier. Overall, this artifact
taught me quite a lot that I did not know previously!

ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS)-S Addressed: Standard #5 - #5b –
Students collect data or identify relevant data sets, use digital tools to analyze them, and represent data
in various ways to facilitate problem-solving and decision-making.

Application of Skills Learned for the Future: I think that using these data sheets in an English course
might prove to be a bit tricky, but I think I could come up with different ways to use them. I could ask my
students to make a breakdown of different characters by personality or trope within the novel, such as
villains, martyrs, heroes, anti-heroes, and the like. I could also use this as an end of the year project and
have them tally what characters from all the stories we read fit into different tropes, or what books fit
into what genres. Doing this, I feel, would show my students what tropes and genres are the most
common, versus which ones are least likely to occur. I also feel as though having them learn how to use
the graphing function would encourage their creativity within the projects.

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