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A Reverse Poem

I love him

I tell myself

I know that

We will be together forever

I don’t believe that

We could be separated

My thoughts tell me that

He’s the love of my life

Sometimes my heart lies and says

I could live an eternity

Without him

Like my friends say

“We’re perfect for each other”

And you can’t tell me

He’s not the one.

Now read from bottom to top.

we do not write poetry

we write mirrors

which are held up

to curious faces

who read

looking for their

own reflections
drunk on you

your name is

forbidden in

my mouth

or in my heart

because when

i think about


i'll cry a little more,

hurt a little stronger

love a little softer

because you no longer

make me feel sober

i'm drunk on the

memory of you

Saw it all,

One last time...

Slowly, pressed "DELETE"

Swore to myself,

This mistake shall not repeat.

But I know, you know

I was bluffing.
It happened again.

I saw it all one more time,

One last time.

But this time, my hands don't tremble

I press not slowly, but swiftly "DELETE"

And I know, for sure,

It won't repeat.

The secret life of poets

The poet lives two lives.

One on the outside,

And one in their mind.

When you look in their eyes

You could see an abyss.

If you looked long enough

You could sink into it.

But most people don’t see it.

Take the time to read the words, though,

And you would know for sure.

The poet lives in two different worlds.

i do not sing the storm. i do not sing rage, wrath

the lightning bolt, the scream. Despair i do not sing

i do not sing struggle–revenge poisonous blast–

the hurricane, the quake that tears the city of peace

i do not sing no border. i do not sing no flag

i do not sing no warrior but she that fights all fear

Poverty & sickness-night, the blade, the club, the trap

blows, wounds, cries, lies, bursts & war-blood i do not sing

i do not sing despise for any thing or being

i do not praise no richness no governors, no kings

From all this flower-garden i pick one single rose:

creation is just dew upon the rose of love

i celebrate one flame. i only sing one blues:

the flame of endless loving with you & only you

Whether a comma, or colon:

Punctuation slows my rolling

I need no period. When I end

no Capitalization when I begin

Rulelessly I flow my art

Not a single!

Exclamation mark

Are you not the one

Who'll know?

Where a question mark

No longer goes

Warp the structure

Bend the lines

Put in repeat

Let emotion unwind

Make yourself

Your poetry's the best

Be your own ruler

Pass your own test

Take your own road

Where ever it leads

Lover or hater

It's all poetry!

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