Activity 02, Tenth, II Topic, IV Termjc

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NOMBRE / NAME: Julian Colmenares

FECHA / DATE: 13/10/21


Match the vocabulary with the correct meaning.
a) a symbolic expression of a rule or a chemical combination 1
b) to estimate or determine the value of something 2 Assess
c) ..a rule or a way of controlling something 3 Regulation
d) to work as intended; to be able to do a job 4
e) to guess (or a guess about) the approximate amount of something 5 Estimate
f) a statement about future expectations 6
g) to state that two things are equal or very similar 7
h) to watch closely 8 Monitor
i) to control 9 Regulate
j) an area within a larger unit 10
k) valuation 11 Assessment
l) to say or guess what will happen in the future 12 Predict

Causative Verbs

Shopping _____ me feel happy.

a) lets b) makes c) let d) has

2.He _____ me to take a break.

a) helps b) permits c) get d) made

3.She _____ me to carry my lunch bags.

a) get b) helps c) let d) help

4.Our teacher _____ us to write a journal yesterday.

a) get b) got c) made d) requires

5.What is a causative verb?

a) A word used to describe an action, state, or occurrence
.b) An educated guess.
c) Verbs that show the reason that something happened.
d) A word used to identify people, places, or things.

6.Our school _____ us to wear uniforms.

a) requires b) helps c) get d) let

7.How can parents _____ their child to clean their room?

a) have b) get c) got d) had

8.Which causative verb means to convince someone to do something or to trick someone into doing something?

a) have b) get c) let d) help

9.Which causative verb means to assist someone in doing something?

a) help b) have c) get d) let

10.Which causative verb means to force someone to do something?

a) make b) let c) have d) get


a. Circle the best answer.

2. The pitch drop experiment is …

a. the oldest experiment in history.
b. the oldest experiment that is still running today.
c. the longest experiment in 1927.

3. The creator of the experiment wanted to …

a. have an experiment that lasted a long time.
b. show the dangers of everyday materials.
c. show that common substances have extraordinary properties.

4. Pitch is a substance …
a. that looks solid but is actually liquid.
b. that looks liquid but is actually solid.
c. that doesn’t appear to be liquid or solid.

5. The first time a drop of pitch fell was …

a. eight years after the experiment began.
b. three years after the experiment began.
c. forty years after the experiment began.

6. Which of the following sentences is not true about Professor John Mainstone?
a. He never saw the pitch drop.
b. He was responsible for the experiment for over fifty years.
c. He took over the experiment in 1927.

7. In the year 2000, …

a. an electricity failure meant the pitch drop was not filmed.
b. scientists set up a live stream of the experiment.
c. the ninth drop of pitch fell.
b. Complete the sentences with one to three words.
1. When pitch is at room temperature, you can break it ………………………………easily .
2. Professor Parnell put pitch into a glass funnel, let it cool, then turned it ………………………………
upside down
and cut off the top.
3. In total, only ..........................
9 drops have fallen from the funnel.
4. The next pitch drop is expected to fall in ………………………………
the 2020s .
5. In 1988, the scientist responsible for the experiment missed seeing the pitch drop
by ………………………………
5 minutes .
6. The speaker notes it’s interesting how news about a slow experiment can
spread ………………………………
so quickly .


Do you know of any other famous experiments? What are they?


Read this article and choose the better answer.

Light and Sound

Light and sound is found everywhere. Light and sound waves travel from place to place and can
be seen and heard. Light is visible to the human eye and is responsible for the sense of sight. It is a
form of energy we can see when it is reflected off the surface of an object. Sound is a mechanical
vibration that can pass through solids, liquids, and gases and can usually be identified by the sense
of hearing.

Light waves travel through the air from place to place and do not carry matter. Light is believed to
travel faster than anything in the universe. It travels at a speed of 186,000 miles per second. Light is
unable to travel through solids, but it can travel through liquids and gases.

There are two properties of light. The first property of light is called reflection. Reflection is when
light bounces off a surface which then allows the object to be visible to the eye. For example, when
the moon is seen in the sky, it is because the light from the sun reflects off the surface of the moon.
A light ray comes off a surface at an equal angle to the angle at which it struck the surface.

The second property of light is called refraction. Refraction is when a ray of light passes from a
transparent medium to another transparent medium such as from air to water, it changes speed and
the way it bends.

For example, when a pencil is placed into a glass of water, the pencil will seem like it is broken
into two pieces. Because the light is traveling through the water, there is refraction, and the light
bends causing the pencil to look like it is in two pieces. Another example of refraction, is the use of
eyeglasses to improve a person's vision. Using a glass that is curved at a certain angle the vision of
a person is corrected by the way light is refracted in the eye.

All sounds are different, but one thing in common is that sounds are created by something that
vibrates. Sound wave vibrations can travel through solids, liquids, and gases. Sound waves travel
through solids much faster than through liquids or gases, and faster in liquids than gases.

The molecules that make up a solid are closer together allowing the sound to travel
faster. Molecules are the substances that make up solids, liquids, and gases. In a liquid, the
molecules are farther apart, so the sound waves travel slower. In a gas, the molecules are spread
farther apart so the sound waves travel much slower. A sound traveling through a solid can be better
heard than traveling through a gas.

For example, a vibrating speaker collides with the molecules in the air passing along the energy
and creating sound waves. This is why music can be heard from the speakers. When there are no
molecules in the air, like in space, the sound could not be heard. The speed of sound travels much
slower than the speed of light. It normally travels in air at about 1200 feet per second.

In summary, light and sound is everywhere. Light is a form of energy we can see when it is
reflected off the surface of an object. Sound is a mechanical vibration that can pass through solids,
liquids, and gases. Reflection and refraction are two properties of light. Sound travels through solids
much faster than through liquids and gases. Molecules, which make up all objects, are closer
together in a solid allowing the sound to travel faster. Light travels much faster than sound.

1) Which of the following is a mechanical vibration?

A: Sound
B: Light
C: Water
D: Reflection
2) Which of the following statements is true?
A: Light travels at the same speed as sound.
B: Sound travels faster than light.
C: Light travels faster than sound.
D: The speed of light and sound depends on the temperature.
3) Which of the following best defines reflection?
A: Light bounces off a surface which then allows the object to be visible to the eye
B: A ray of light passes from a transparent medium to another transparent medium
C: A ray of light passes from a solid to a gas
D: Light bounces off the surface of the sun
4) Which of the following will sound travel faster?
A: Air
B: Water
C: Pudding
D: Wood
5) Which of the following makes up the substances of solids, liquids, and gases?
A: Molecules
B: Minerals
C: Vibrations
D: None of the above
6) Which of the following explains light waves bending as it passes through water?
A: Reflection
B: Refraction
C: Molecules
D: Energy

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