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Received: 15 May 2020    Accepted: 7 December 2020

DOI: 10.1111/jth.15216


SARS-COV-2–associated coagulopathy and thromboembolism

prophylaxis in children: A single-center observational study

Giovanni Del Borrello1 | Isaac Giraudo1 | Claudia Bondone2 | Marco Denina3 |

Silvia Garazzino3 | Claudia Linari4 | Federica Mignone3 | Giulia Pruccoli1 |
Carlo Scolfaro3 | Manuela Spadea1 | Berardino Pollio5 | Paola Saracco6

Sciences of Public Health and Paediatrics,
University of Turin, Torino, Italy Abstract
Paediatric Emergency Department, Background: Multiple investigators have described an increased incidence of throm-
University Hospital “Città della Salute e della
boembolic events in SARS-CoV-2–infected individuals. Data concerning hemostatic
Scienza di Torino”, Torino, Italy
Paediatric Infectious Disease Unit,
complications in children hospitalized for COVID-19/multisystem inflammatory syn-
Department of Paediatrics, University drome in children (MIS-C) are scant.
Hospital “Città della Salute e della Scienza di
Torino”, Torino, Italy
Objectives: To share our experience in managing SARS-CoV-2–associated pro-coag-
Laboratory Medicine, University Hospital ulant state in hospitalized children.
“Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino”, Methods: D-dimer values were recorded at diagnosis in children hospitalized for
Torino, Italy
5 SARS-CoV-2–related manifestations. In moderately to critically ill patients and MIS-C
Immune-Haematology and Transfusion
Medicine, University Hospital “Città della cases, coagulation and inflammatory markers were checked at multiple time points
Salute e della Scienza di Torino”, Torino, Italy
and median results were compared. Pro-thrombotic risk factors were appraised for
Paediatric Haematology Unit, Department
of Paediatrics, University Hospital “Città each child and thromboprophylaxis was started in selected cases.
della Salute e della Scienza di Torino”, Torino, Results: Thirty-five patients were prospectively enrolled. D-dimer values did not dis-
criminate COVID-19 of differing severity, whereas were markedly different between
Correspondence the COVID-19 and the MIS-C cohorts. In both cohorts, D-dimer and C-reactive protein
Giovanni Del Borrello, Haematology Clinic,
1st floor (A), Regina Margherita Children levels increased upon clinical worsening but were not accompanied by decreased fibrin-
Hospital, Piazza Polonia, 94, 10126, Torino, ogen or platelet values, with all parameters returning to normal upon disease resolution.
Email: Six patients had multiple thrombotic risk factors and were started on pharmacological
thromboprophylaxis. No deaths or thrombotic or bleeding complications occurred.
Conclusions: COVID-19 pediatric patients show mildly altered coagulation and in-
flammatory parameters; on the other hand, MIS-C cases showed laboratory signs of
an inflammatory driven pro-coagulant status. Universal anticoagulant prophylaxis in
hospitalized children with SARS-CoV-2–related manifestations is not warranted, but
may be offered to patients with other pro-thrombotic risk factors in the context of a
multi-modal therapeutic approach.


blood coagulation tests, child, COVID-19, enoxaparin, thrombosis

Manuscript handled by: Jill Johnsen

Final decision: Jill Johnsen, 7 December 2020

© 2020 International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis

522 J Thromb Haemost. 2021;19:522–530.

1 |  I NTRO D U C TI O N
With approximately 50 million people infected, over 1 million
• Hemostatic complications in children hospitalized for
deaths (as of mid-October 2020),1 and innumerable economic
COVID-19/MIS-C are not well characterised.
losses, SARS-CoV-2–related disease (COVID-19) is among the most
• D-dimer values may not parallel disease severity in pedi-
severe pandemics to seize the world since the 1918 “Spanish flu.”
atric COVID-19 but increase in MIS-C.
As this infection spread across the globe, the medical literature has
• Repeated laboratory assessments revealed no signs of
been flooded by clinical observations and tentative pharmacologic
consumptive coagulopathy in either condition.
trials, all striving to better inform bedside practice. Nonetheless,
• COVID-19/MIS-C pediatric patients might benefit from
as this pandemic reaches its twelfth month, there are still many
a tailored anticoagulant prophylaxis regimen.
uncertainties regarding the best therapeutic approach to this elu-
sive disease.
A pattern of increased thrombotic risk among adult patients (espe-
cially those most greatly affected) has so far emerged,2 resulting from
an inflammatory-driven endothelial dysfunction and hypercoagulable in Turin, Italy. We prospectively enrolled all pediatric patients
state,3,4 and translating into a high rate of multi-organ macro- and mi- (birth to 21  years old) with SARS-CoV-2--related acute clini-
cro-vascular injury, and death.5 Thus, international societies and mul- cal manifestations requiring hospitalization. Current or previous
tiple national health-care institutions have offered guidance on how to SARS-CoV-2 infection was confirmed by either real-time polymeri-
evaluate for coagulopathy and implement an anticoagulation prophy- zation chain reaction (rt-PCR) performed on nasal and pharyngeal
laxis protocol in patients admitted with a diagnosis of COVID-19.6-8 swabs (SimplexaTM COVID-19 Direct Reaction Mix), and/or by anti-
The available evidence concerning COVID-19 pediatric patients S specific antibodies (In3diagnostic Eradikit COVID19), as previ-
draws a reassuring picture in terms of morbidity and mortality, with a ously described.13
low incidence of thrombotic complications (widely unreported in even Patients were labeled in terms of severity according to the fol-
the most severely affected patients9,10). Nonetheless, the International lowing pragmatic parameters (largely in agreement with interna-
Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH)-endorsed tionally recognized indications12): mild disease was defined as acute
Consensus-Based Clinical Recommendations for Anticoagulant upper respiratory or gastrointestinal symptoms, without systemic
Thromboprophylaxis in Children Hospitalized for COVID-19--Related involvement or abnormal findings on chest radiographs or lung
Illness suggest a low threshold of clinical suspicion (ie, a single addi- ultrasounds; moderate disease was defined as imaging-confirmed
tional pro-thrombotic risk factor) and an explicit reliance on D-dimer pneumonia with mild respiratory distress and no oxygen require-
values to guide the choice of pharmacologic prophylaxis. ment, or as gastroenteritis with dehydration requiring intravenous
To further complicate the issue, children may develop a SARS- fluids; severe disease was defined as oxygen-dependent imag-
CoV-2–related inflammatory syndrome (ie, MIS-C, multisystem in- ing-confirmed pneumonia, severe gastroenteritis, or overt sepsis;
flammatory syndrome in children) that usually arises weeks after an critical illness was defined as single- or multi-organ failure requiring
infection. This condition may present with a wide range of cardio- pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) admission and monitoring and/
vascular complications, ranging from arrhythmias to coronary artery or mechanical ventilation. MIS-C cases were defined according to
aneurysm, from myocarditis to sudden cariogenic shock; tends to Centers for Disease Control (CDC) criteria.14 Informed consent was
evolve rapidly and may come to the attention of the practicing pedia- obtained from the parents of all minors involved in this study, as
trician at its early stages; characterized only by persistent fever, vari- well as from the patients themselves, if older than 14 years of age.
ous cutaneous manifestations, and mild-to-moderate gastrointestinal The study protocol was approved by the local ethics committee.
disorders (ie, mimicking COVID-19--related symptoms in children).12
As the hemostatic impact of these two related conditions is still
not clearly defined in children, we hereby share our preliminary 2.2 | Laboratory analysis
experience in evaluating and managing the SARS-CoV-2--related
pro-coagulant state and thromboembolism risk in hospital-admitted A D-dimer assay was performed at diagnosis in all hospitalized pa-
children. tients. In order to uncover the evolution of coagulation and inflam-
matory parameters, a complete blood count, prothrombin time (PT),
fibrinogen, D-dimer, and C-reactive protein (CRP) quantification
2 |  M ATE R I A L S A N D M E TH O DS were recorded at three time points (ie, hospital admission, day of
worst clinical manifestations, symptoms’ resolution) only in a sub-
2.1 | Patient population set of hospitalized patients (namely, the moderately to critically
ill COVID-19 patients and the MIS-C cases). Serial measurements
We performed a single-center observational cohort study at a ter- were not performed in patients with persistently mild clinical dis-
tiary care children hospital (Regina Margherita Children Hospital) ease, as we did not want to burden these children with repeated
524       DEL BORRELLO et al.

blood draws that would have likely not impacted their clinical man- Unit of Regina Margherita Children Hospital, including 30 COVID-
agement. We defined the day of worst clinical manifestation retro- 19 cases (median age 3  years, range 10  days to 19  years) and 6
spectively, taking into consideration all the usual clinical parameters MIS-C cases (median age 6.8  years, range 4.5 to 12.5  years;
and vital signs (eg, temperature, respiratory rate, work of breathing, Table 2). Among the COVID-19 cases, 11 (40%) patients were fe-
number of bowel movements, and so on), and we used the labora- male, 14 (47%) patients followed a mild course, 10 (33%) presented
tory values collected within 24 hours of that day. In mechanical ven- with a moderate disease, 3 (10%) showed a severe illness, and 3
tilation or extracorporeal circulation were instituted, we made sure (10%) required admission to the PICU. In all, we identified 6 MIS-C
to include only laboratory values collected before such measures cases (17%). Among the MIS-C cases, 3 (50%) were girls and only
were started, given their impact on coagulation and inflammatory 1 (16.5%) required admission to the PICU. Overall, mild COVID-
markers. 19 cases were younger (median age 0.8 versus 3.9, P = .116) and
D-dimer values were tested with an automated, latex-en- showed a lower rate of comorbidities (14% versus 56%, P = .064)
hanced turbidimetric immunoassay (HemosIL® D-Dimer HS 500, compared to the rest of the COVID-19 cohort. Comorbidities in-
Instrumentation Laboratory [IL]), upper limit of normal 500  ng/mL cluded hemato-oncologic diseases (six patients), congenital heart
expressed as fibrinogen equivalent units), fibrinogen values were diseases and obesity (two patients each), chronic respiratory dis-
determined with an automated assay based on the Clauss method eases, diabetes mellitus, and rheumatological diseases (one patient
(HemosIL® QFA Thrombin [Bovine], IL) and PT was quantified by each). Two patients had multiple comorbidities. A single patient
means of a recombinant tissue factor--based reagent (HemosIL® was excluded from further analysis, as her clinical and laboratory
RecombiPlasTin 2G, IL---local average value is 11 s). All coagulation picture was likely confounded by the co-occurence of pneumococ-
testing was performed on ACL TOP systems and underwent a two- cal sepsis and multi-organ failure in the context of previously undi-
stage quality control. agnosed sickle cell disease.
Among COVID-19 patients, D-dimer values were not statistically
different between disease categories (mildly affected, median value
2.3 | Thrombotic risk appraisal and 814  ng/mL versus moderately affected, median value 916  ng/mL
anticoagulation management versus severely/critically affected 823 ng/mL, P = .46). In fact, in at
least five cases, all moderately to critically ill, D-dimer values above
Our institutional risk assessment model (RAM) was applied as pre- 500 ng/mL might have been due to a baseline condition, given the
viously described13 (Table  1). For the purpose of the RAM, MIS-C facts that D-dimer was persistently above the upper level of normal
patients were attributed a starting score of + 2 points and COVID- even after complete disease resolution and that those five patients
19 patients were attributed a starting score of + 1 point in case of had comorbidities known to be associated with increased baseline
at least “moderate” disease severity. Our approach was compared D-dimer values (eg, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, sickle cell disease,
with the ISTH-endorsed recommendations. Asymptomatic venous cystic fibrosis). We suspect also that two mildly affected newborns
thromboembolic events (VTE) were not screened for by means of might have had baseline increased values, although we did not col-
ultrasonography or computed tomography imaging. lect a sample upon symptoms resolution. Nonetheless, repeating
calculations upon removal of these patients did not change the over-
all results (data not shown).
2.4 | Statistical analysis Furthermore, coagulation and inflammatory markers did change
significantly over time in moderately-to-critically ill COVID-19 pa-
Statistical analyses were performed with Microsoft Office Excel tients (Figure  1): D-dimer levels increased slightly at the peak of
2019 and R version 4.0. Data are shown as median for continu- clinical manifestations, returning to normal upon disease resolution
ous variables and as percentage for categorical variables. The (median values of 916 versus 1200 versus 416 ng/mL, respectively,
Shapiro-Wilk test was performed to assess if continuous variables P = .159 and < 0.001). Concurrently, fibrinogen values stayed at the
were normally distributed. The Kruskal-Wallis test was performed upper level of normal during the course of the disease, returning
for comparison of the median values of continuous variables. to normal upon disease resolution (median values 373 versus 348
Proportions of categorical variables between groups were com- versus 233, respectively; P = .101 and P= .003), consistently with
pared with Fisher's exact test. A two-sided P-value less than 0.05 a mild inflammatory acute phase response (CRP levels of 9 versus
was judged statistically significant. Missing values were imputed by 26 vs 1  mg/L, respectively; P  = .330 and P = .0048). Platelets re-
mean substitution. mained globally unchanged over the whole course of the disease,
with a trend to higher counts upon recovery (223 versus 225 versus
292 x 109/L, P = .938 and P = .153); PT values were within normal
3 |   R E S U LT S values at all time points. Eight patients, seven in the moderate dis-
ease category and one in the severe disease category, presented the
Between 01 March and 15 October 2020, 36 children with SARS- peak of clinical manifestations upon diagnosis; in these cases, only
CoV-2--related illnesses were admitted to the Infectious Disease two values were recorded for each blood parameter (included in the

TA B L E 1   Institutional risk assessment model

Item Scores

Age/pubertal stage IF over 10 years old or Tanner stage above 2, + 1 pt; otherwise −1 pt
Mobilitya  IF BQM 1, +1 pt; IF BQM 2-3, 0 pt; IF BQM 4, −1 pt
CVC IF Port or tCICC, +1 pt; IF PICC, +1,5 pts; IF ntCICC or inserted within the previous 2 weeks, +2 pts; IF TPN or
hyperosmolar drugs infusion, add + 0,5 pt; IF catheter infectionb , add + 1 pt; IF > 2 catheter blockages requiring
fibrinolytic infusion, add + 1 pt
Infections IF bacterial sepsis or severe systemic viral infection or severe localized bacterial infection (eg osteomyelitis) +1 pt
Thrombophilia IF personal history of VTE or known major thrombophiliad , +3 pts; IF known minor thrombophilia, + 1pt; IF positive
family historye  + 1 pt
Trauma/surgery/PICU IF PICU admission lasting over 48 hours within the previous 2 weeks or major surgical operation within the previous
2 weeks: +1; IF major orthopaedic operation (upper extremity excluded) within the previous 2 weeks, + 2 pts; if
major trauma within the previous 2 weeks,+2 pts
Cardiovascular IF previous cardiac disease requiring anti-platelet agents, +3 pts; IF chronic pulmonary hypertension, +2 pts; if acute
comorbidities decrease of EF to 35%-45%, + 2 pts; if acute decrease of EF to 25%--35% or inotropes requirement, + 4ptsc ; if acute
decrease of EF to less than 25% or persistent arrhythmia, +6c 
Other comorbidities Obesity (BMI over 95e  centile), +1 pt
Sickle cell disease, +1 pt; IF vaso-occlusive crisis or acute chest syndrome, +2 pts
Status-post splenectomy for underlying hematological disease, +1 pt
Underlying inflammatory disease (eg, SLE, IBD), +1 pt; IF acute flare of underlying disease, +2 pts
Nephrotic syndromef , +2 pts
Active malignancy: leukemia, +2 pts; localized solid tumor, +1 pt; metastatic solid tumor, +2 pts; vascular
compression/invasion by solid tumor, +3 pts; CNS tumor, 0 pt; vascular tumor or malformation with LIC, +3 pts
Respiratory exacerbation due to cystic fibrosis, +1 pt
Pro-thrombotic drugsg , +1 pt
Mechanical ventilation, + 1 pt
Cigarette smoking, +1 pt
Bleeding risks Known bleeding disorder or personal/family history suggestive of a bleeding disorder
Severe uncontrolled hypertension
Moderate-to-severe head trauma or neurosurgical operation in the previous 72h
Major surgical operation in the previous 24h
Active gastrointestinal lesions
If sum of scores 3 pts or higher in the absence of bleeding risks, consider prophylactic anticoagulation and haematology consult

Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; BQM, Braden Q mobility score; CNS, central nervous system; CVC, central venous catheter; EF, ejection
fraction; IBD, inflammatory bowel disease; LIC, localized intravascular coagulation; ntCICC, non-tunnelled centrally inserted central catheter; PICC,
peripherally inserted central catheter; PICU, pediatric intensive care unit; tCICC, tunnelled centrally inserted central catheter; TPN, total parenteral
nutrition; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus.
Compared to baseline mobility status.
Based on positive cultures or characteristics of the skin surrounding the catheter exit site.
Consider therapeutic anticoagulation.
Protein S, protein C, or antithrombin deficiency; homozygosity or compound heterozygosity for factor V Leiden and/or factor II G20210A;
persistent triple-positive antiphospholipid antibodies.
One first- and/or multiple second-degree relative with unprovoked/minimally provoked deep venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, myocardial
infarct, or stroke < 50 years or recurrent unexplained late-occurring abortions (> 2).
Current spot urinary protein to creatinin ratio above 2.
Estrogen-containing oral contraceptive pill, systemic steroids (> 1--2 mg/kg/die of prednisone equivalent) for over 2 weeks, L-asparaginase in the
previous 3 weeks.

intermediate and last time points, respectively), and the third one other hand, CRP values were actually more accurate (median values
was imputed as missing value. 215.5 versus 5  mg/L, with values  >  100  mg/L being 100% sensi-
Comparing D-dimer values upon admission, MIS-C cases tive and specific). With respect to the changing of coagulation and
showed significantly higher values than COVID-19 cases as a whole inflammatory parameters over time in MIS-C patients (Figure  1),
(1906 versus 817 ng/mL, P < 0,001). In fact, a D-dimer value above D-dimer (1906 versus 3980  ng/mL, P  =  .05466), fibrinogen (580
1000 ng/mL (two times the upper limit of normal) showed a good versus 650  mg/dL, P  =  .10931), and CRP (215 versus 289  mg/L,
diagnostic accuracy to distinguish between COVID-19 and MIS-C P  =  .0.20018) increased paralleling a worsening of the patient's
cases (sensitivity 100%, 95% confidence interval [CI] 54.07% to clinical condition, while platelets slightly decreased (144 versus
100.00%; specificity 83.33%, 95%CI 62.62% to 95.26%). On the 110x109/L, P  =  .10931)---although this did not reach statistical
526       | DEL BORRELLO et al.

TA B L E 2   Clinical and demographic characteristics of pediatric hospitalized patients with SARS-CoV-2–related manifestations

Gender Comorbidities D-dimera  CRPb 

Clinical category Age (F/M) (Y/N) (ng/mL) (mg/L)

Mild COVID-19 9 m 4/10 2/16 800 4

(14) (10 d--17 y) (200--1800 b ) (0--20)
Moderate COVID-19 3.5 y 2/8 3/7 900 5
(10) (2 m--5.5 y) (200--1700) (0--76)
Severe-critical 7.5 y 3/3 6/0 800 25
COVID-19 (9 m--19 y) (100--2750 c ) (3--42)
MIS-C 6.8 y 3/3 0/6 1900 215
(6) (4.5--12.5 y) (1300--4400) (120--300)

Abbreviations: CRP, C-reactive protein; MIS-C, multi-inflammatory syndrome in children.

Values recorded upon hospital admission, data displayed as median and overall range.
The D-dimer value of 1800 ng/mL was recorded in a mildly affected newborn.
The D-dimer value of 2750 ng/mL was recorded in a critically affected sickle cell disease patient.

A Clinical classes: COVID-19 MIS-C B Clinical classes: COVID-19 MIS-C

7000 400

D-Dimer (ng/ml)

CRP (mg/L)



0 0
Admission Peak Discharge Admission Peak Discharge

C Clinical classes: COVID-19 MIS-C D Clinical classes: COVID-19 MIS-C

1000 1000

Fibrinogen (ml/dl)

PLTS (109/L)



0 0
Admission Peak Discharge Admission Peak Discharge

F I G U R E 1   Trends of laboratory assessments over the hospital stay. Coagulation and inflammatory response parameters (A, D-dimer
levels; B, C-reactive protein; C, fibrinogen; D, platelet counts) as they progressed in COVID-19 patients (moderately to critically ill) and in
multi-inflammatory syndrome in children patients at diagnosis (= ADMISSION), at peak of clinical symptoms (= PEAK), and upon disease
resolution (= DICHARGE) [Colour figure can be viewed at]

significance due to the low number of cases. All values normalized 1 mg/L, and PLT 370x109/L, P < .001). Again, PT values were ba-
upon disease resolution, with a trend toward higher than normal sically within the range of normal at all time points (PT ratio 1.1
platelet values (D-dimer 296  ng/mL, fibrinogen 221  mg/dL, CRP versus 1.2 versus 1,1, P = .458).

Prophylactic anticoagulation (PA) was started in six patients neutrophils and monocytes, 22 increased tissue factor expression by
(14%; Table 3). These patients received enoxaparin 100 U/kg every monocytes, 23 increased neurotrophic extracellular trap (NET) pro-
24 hours, except for two patients, who received unfractionated duction and delayed removal, 24 deregulated complement activa-
heparin (UFH) at 10 U/kg/h given the concurrent high bleeding tion, 25 and fibrinolysis shutdown, 26 to name a few. Even though the
risk. PA was continued until discharge or thrombotic risk factor res- exact sequence of events has not been clarified, a deregulated immu-
olution/attenuation, whichever came earlier. No patient received nological process starting at the interface between alveoli and lung
acetylsalicylic acid. No patient died, and no thrombotic or bleeding endothelium seemingly determines a local activation of hemostasic
complications were observed. If we had applied the ISTH-endorsed processes leading to platelets, neutrophils, and fibrin deposition (ie,
recommendations, we should have offered PA to 14 patients (40%), in situ micro- and macrovascular pulmonary thrombosis), which likely
including all our MIS-C cases; also, we should have suggested our contributes to the overall respiratory insufficiency and facilitates the
single patient with persistently elevated D-dimer values to continue systemic spread of inflammation and coagulopathy.
enoxaparin at home.11 Many study groups have tried to define laboratory markers that
could better describe and predict disease evolution, in order to guide
treatments, among which one of the most studied is D-dimer. 27
4 |  D I S CU S S I O N Unfortunately, D-dimer testing has numerous well-known draw-
backs, including lack of specificity, 28 and its role in terms of VTE
Multiple investigators have reported clinical and anatomopathologi- prediction is still controversial29: it tends to increase in all inflamma-
cal evidence of an increased incidence of thromboembolic events in tory conditions, which are per se associated with an increase in the
adult COVID-19 patients, 2,15 with up to 57% of critically ill individu- thrombotic risk, without a clear association between the intensity of
als developing symptomatic venous or arterial thrombotic complica- D-dimer alteration and the magnitude of the thrombotic risk; in fact,
tions despite pharmacological prophylaxis.2,16-19 From what could be D-dimer is not currently included in the usually applied VTE RAMs
gained so far, COVID-19–related coagulopathy is a multi-pronged pro- in the adult population.
cess consisting of endothelialitis and inflammatory-driven endothelial From the earlier reports of adult COVID-19 cases, D-dimer lev-
dysfunction, 20 platelet activation21 and increased interaction with els upon hospital admission and/or its increase during hospital stay

TA B L E 3   Clinical description of
patients who received prophylactic
score Description
Patient 1 3 14-year-old post-pubertal girl (TS 4) with COVID-19--driven
respiratory exacerbation of underlying cystic fibrosis, who
scored 2 on the BQM in the early course of her hospital
Patient 2 8 7-year-old boy with MIS-C, severe myocardial involvement
requiring continuous inotropic support and placement of a
non-tunnelled right-jugular CVC, who scored 1 on the BQM
over the first 10 days of his hospital admission
Patient 3 3 15-year-old obese post-pubertal boy (TS 5) with moderate
COVID-19, who scored 3 on the BQM over the course of his
Patient 4 6 19-year-old boy (TS 5) with critical COVID-19 requiring
mechanical ventilation, who had recently undergone matched
unrelated donor hematopoietic stem cell transplantation due
to relapsed acute lymphoblastic leukemia and had suffered
from multiple transplant-related complications (including
EBV reactivation and fungal pneumonia). A tunnelled CVC
had been inserted approximately 6 weeks before the current
Patient 5 3 6-year-old obese girl with MIS-C and reduced ejection fraction
(40%) but preserved mobility
Patient 6 6 9-month-old with a previously undiagnosed sickle cell disease
with critical COVID-19--induced acute chest syndrome who
required mechanical ventilation and was later escalated to
veno-venous extra-cardiac circulation (switching at that point
from PA to full therapeutic anticoagulation)

Abbreviations: BQM, Braden Q mobility score; CVC, central venous catheter; EBV, Epstein-Barr
virus; PA, prophylactic anticoagulant; TS, Tanner stage.
528       DEL BORRELLO et al.

have been linked to worse clinical outcomes and thrombotic com- the intensity of the inflammatory response, without a direct link
plications. These observations led many clinicians to use increasing with increased thrombotic risk. Indeed, contrary to the adult expe-
D-dimer values as a trigger to intensify their anticoagulation pro- rience, D-dimer has generally proved to be an unreliable biomarker
phylaxis protocol, increasing the administered dose of anticoagulant for diagnosing or predicting thrombotic complications in children:
up to full therapeutic levels,30 in the hope of counteracting the pro- it shows low accuracy in identifying pulmonary embolism43 and in
coagulant status so frequently observed. This practice lacks a solid predicting venous thrombosis recurrence.44 Finally, a recent report
evidence-based foundation and may be associated with increased by Al-Ghafry et al42 described viscoelastic testing consistent with
bleeding risk, which is well known to accompany hyperinflam- a pro-thrombotic state (increased maximum clot firmness [MCF] in
matory conditions in general and microvascular complications in both EXTEM and FIBTEM) in eight COVID-19 pediatric patients, with
particular. Also, the fact that the thrombotic process is mainly in- no correlation between D-dimer values and MCF. Thus, D-dimer
flammatory-driven (ie, immunothrombosis) and that inflammatory may be a poor choice as a parameter to guide therapeutic decisions
biomarkers (eg, CRP, interleukin-6, and soluble triggering receptor in terms of anticoagulant prophylaxis.
expressed on myeloid cells [s-TREM]) have proven to be even bet- We and others have observed that the pro-coagulant state in-
ter predictors than D-dimer in terms of clinical outcome point to a duced by COVID-19 is unlikely to translate in clinically relevant
multimodal approach, possibly combining agents active at different thrombotic complications in children. Pediatrics’ central dogma is
levels of the immuno-thrombotic process,34,35 as better suited to that children are not just little adults. This tenet holds particularly
overcome this difficult challenge. Luckily, multiple randomized trials true in the field of thrombotic disorders, as it is a widely recognized
are ongoing to provide the practicing community with solid data. notion that children develop far fewer thrombotic complications
Pediatric COVID-19 patients usually follow a less severe course, compared to adults, even in high-risk scenarios (eg, severe trauma,
with a very low mortality rate (less than 0.1% according to data re- complex orthopedic surgeries, critical diseases).45 The reasons be-
leased by the Italian National Institute of Health [ISS]); also, critically hind this reduced susceptibility are still not completely understood
ill children have better outcomes than their adult counterparts. and likely lie on both a more robust array of natural anticoagulants
Thrombotic complications do not appear to occur more often than (ie, increased levels of alpha-2-macrogloulin) and healthier vascular
what is expected in hospitalized children: a Italian observational linings (ie, reduced cumulative exposure to substances that are toxic
study (unpublished data, courtesy of Dr Garazzino) recorded a prev- to the endothelium---pollution, smoking, metabolism by-products).46
alence of 1 VTE in more than 350 hospitalized pediatric COVID-19 So, contrary to adult indications, we believe that universal pharmaco-
cases, compared to an estimated incidence of hospital-acquired VTE logic prophylaxis in the pediatric population is unwarranted and that
in the general pediatric population of approximately 1/200.37,38 raised D-dimer values should not be taken into consideration, given
MIS-C apparently conveys a risk of thrombosis of approximately its mere role as a marker of the acute-phase response in children. On
3.5% (which may be overestimated, given the paucity of reports that the other hand, as hinted by our data and corroborated by recent
detail the observed numbers of VTE),39 likely driven by a pro-coag- case series36,47 this disease tends to follow a more severe course in
ulant highly inflammatory milieu and increased venous stasis sec- the presence of comorbidities (ie, obesity, active malignancy, sickle
ondary to decreased myocardial function. In fact, this observed risk cell disease) that enhance the baseline thrombotic risk, especially by
is also lower than what would be expected in pediatric myocarditis priming the vascular surface toward endothelial dysfunction. This
(approximately 6% 40). baseline risk would be boosted by COVID-19 and could be counter-
Our single-center cohort appear to be similar in composition to acted by a targeted PA course with enoxaparin or UFH, which might
the comprehensive report by Duarte-Salles et al41 (available in pre- also contribute anti-inflammatory activity.48 Therefore, we suggest
print), with a prevalence of severe respiratory manifestations of 17% to evaluate every child hospitalized with COVID-19 for possible
among hospitalized patients with COVID-19. In terms of laboratory concurrent pro-thrombotic risk factors, and to consider a person-
alterations, our COVID-19 cohort displayed only mildly increased alized PA strategy accordingly. Also, given the concerning report by
D-dimer values across all severity categories, consistent with pre- Duarte-Salles et al41 of a bleeding rate of 2% to 3% in hospitalized
vious descriptions. Moreover, our dynamic evaluation of lab- children with COVID-19 (in a cohort in which more than 30% of pa-
oratory data confirmed that clinical worsening---albeit mirrored by tients received some sort of anticoagulation), we suggest to carefully
spiking D-dimer values, especially in the MIS-C cohort---was not balance the thrombotic and the hemorrhagic risks for every child.
associated with fibrinogen consumption, with all patients recovering Our study has several limitations. First, it comprises a small num-
without thrombotic sequelae. On the other hand, our MIS-C cohort ber of patients, so its results may not be generalizable and should
showed markedly increased values of both CRP and D-dimer, as be interpreted with caution. Second, our patient cohort was quite
previously reported, which rapidly decreased within 48 to 72 hours heterogeneous, including three patients with acute lymphoblas-
of corticosteroid therapy administration; only a single patient, who tic leukemia at different stages of their treatment protocol, which
never received steroids as she did not show significant cardiovascu- impacted the platelet valued recorded (both in terms of being sur-
lar involvement, maintained increased D-dimer values upon disease reptitiously low and of being confounded by transfusions). It must
resolution (2637 ng/mL). Again, these observations corroborate the be noted, though, that consistent with the absence of a consump-
view of D-dimer in children being a mere low-specificity marker of tive process, none of those children showed platelet transfusion

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