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Activity 1: Read Me! Understand Me!
1. Buddhism
2. Islam
3. Christianity
4. Shintoism
5. Taoism
Enrichment Activity 1: Find the religion origin on the Map!

*Christianity&Judaism *Islam *Confucianism & Taoism *Shintoism *Hinduism *Buddhism

Assessment 1

1. Path
2. Right Concentration
3. Tawhid
4. Right Livelihood
5. Islam

Enrichment Activity 2: Photograph Analysis

Buddhism Basic Beliefs and Influence on the business.

Basic beliefs: People reach enlightenment, or wisdom by following the
Eightfold Path and understanding the Four Noble Truths.

Basic Beliefs
 Rebirth (Reincarnation) results from attachments
 Nirvana is a peaceful, detached state of mind
 Buddha is not the Buddhist God- he is just a revered

Four Noble Truths

 Truth of suffering
 Truth of the cause of suffering
 Truth of the end of suffering
 Truth of the way that leads to the end of suffering or

Eightfold Path:
1. Right View or Right Understanding: Insight into the true
nature of reality
2. Right Intention: The unselfish desire to realize
3. Right Speech: Using speech compassionately
4. Right Action: Using ethical conduct to manifest
5. Right Livelihood: Making a living through ethical and
nonharmful means
6. Right Effort: Cultivating wholesome qualities and
releasing unwholesome qualities
7. Right Mindfulness: Whole body-and-mind awareness
8. Right Concentration: Meditation or some other dedicated,
concentrated practice

Influence on the Business

• Buddhists search for the “right livelihood” and are
generally against companies that do not care for the
environment or that abuse animals.
Cofucianism Basic Beliefs and Influence on the business.

Basic Beliefs

 He stressed the importance of relationships between members

of society.
 His philosophy emphasized governmental and personal morality.
 He thinks when governments are corrupt, bad events will occur.
 Everyone should be educated, regardless of social class;
education is the path to self-improvement.
 Everyone should be treated humanely.
 People need to respect their elders and ancestors.
 People should practice traditional manners and rituals. -Rulers
should be chosen by merit, rather than birth.

Influence on the Business

• In a business, profit should be obtained with
• Confucian values were applicable to positive interpersonal
relations in business practice and in the workplace, in
regards to successful human resource management in
particular. These values included: trustworthiness, Ren
(compassion, humanness), Li (ritual, etiquette), harmony
and tolerance of others.
Basic Beliefs
 The Tao is a “power” which envelops, surrounds and flows
through all things, living and non-living.
-Creates balance in the universe. It embodies the
harmony of opposites.
• there would be no love without hate, no light
without dark, no male without female
 Refered to as yin and yang
-Let nature take its course by not interfering with it
• Harmonize yourself with the Tao
Influence on Business
• Taoism encourages companies to nourish people,
and the aim should not be personal success or gain,
but the common good.

Assessment 2


Figure 11 was based on the teachings of (1) Siddhartha Gautama which basic belief
for people is to reach (2) enlightenment and search for the (3) right livelihood.
Figure 12 coexist with Figure 13 in China. In business Taoism encourages companies
to nourish people and the aim should be for the (4) common good while Confucius
emphasizes that (5) profit in business is acceptable as long as it is acquired with


Gawad Kalinga is a Philippines-based movement that aims to end poverty

by first restoring the dignity of the poor. The organization employs an integrated
and holistic approach to empowerment, with values-formation and leadership
development at its core. Seeks to to eliminate poverty in the Philippines by
restoring people’s dignity, forging partnerships with business to help build
communities that nurture mutual support and self- improvement. Gawad Kalinga is
one of the biggest non-governmental organization in the Philippines.
Gawad Kalinga translated in English means “to give care” and it is an
alternative solution to the obvious problem of poverty not just in the Philippines
but the world. Its approach is integrated, holistic and sustainable – a concrete
action plan to rebuild this nation by harnessing the best of the Filipino – our faith
and patriotism. Gawad Kalinga’s achievements are a reflection of the sharing among
different classes in society, and the partnership involving all sectors of society –
bridging the gaps that divide us as people. We are also building International
villages, showing that poverty can be addressed if rich and poor nations learn to
share resources to create a better world for all.
Gawad Kalinga believes that the key to eliminating poverty is restoring
people's dignity.The organization believes that by residing in such a community,
people can regain their dignity and find opportunities to escape from poverty

1. A
2. C
3. D
4. D
5. D
6. C
7. D
8. B
9. C
10. C
11. B
12. C
13. B
14. A
15. A

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