Lab 12: Cisco UCCX: Day of Week and Time of Day Checks

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Lab 12: Cisco UCCX: Day of

Week and Time of Day Checks

Lab Overview
In this lab, you will continue developing the Main IVR Application script using the
UCCX Script Editor. In this lab, you will build out Day of Week and Time of Day
checks. Most enterprises have set business days and hours unless of course you
are a 24/7 shop. You will expand the UCCX Scripts by adding logic that will check
to see if the date and time on the server matches a specific date and time in our
scripts. You will check for Monday – Friday vs. Weekend as well as business
hours of 9AM to 5PM EST (GMT -5). This logic can be handy in situations where
you need to play an open vs. closed greeting.

In this lab, you will:

Log in to the UCCX App Admin web page

Log in to the Cisco UCCX Script Editor

Build Day of Week and Time of Day checks into the Main Application script

Upload the script to the UCCX Server

Test the call flows using a Reactive Debug

Estimated Time to Complete

30 minutes

Lab Topology and Addressing

Attention eLab Students
If you have purchased or received Cisco eLab credits for use with our Labs on
Demand solution, or if you have used a reset point during in-class labs, you may
need to perform special procedures to ensure your IP Communicator and PSTN
IP phones properly register.

Our lab environment uses reset points allowing you to rewind and fast forward
throughout various labs in a course. When performing a reset point, the static
entries in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager for IP Communicator
devices may change, requiring updates in order to properly register.

Note: For students who are completing labs within a class environment, note that
reset points should only be used under the direction of your instructor. Most
classroom lab environments will never use reset points and therefore will not require
you to complete these Appendix A steps.

Please See Appendix A in the eLabs Web Portal

When you log in to the Remote Labs web interface

at, you will be presented with a pop-up window
containing the lab exercises you are working on. The appendix will be located in
the upper navigation bar inside the pop-up window as seen below:

Lab Procedures
Task 1: Log In to UCCX App Admin Web Page
In this task, you will log in to the UCCX App Admin web page. Both Student 1 and
Student 2 will complete various sections of this exercise.

Device Address
Cisco Unified Contact Center Expresshttps://


admin Ci5co123!

Student 1 and Student 2: refer to Lab 1 for access instructions to Remote Labs if you
are not currently logged into the lab.

Student 1 and Student 2: from your respective Citrix Desktop, launch the Firefox web
browser. Enter https://uccx-pub- OR into the URL bar.

Student 1 and Student 2: since the lab environment in its current state uses self-
signed certificates, you will get the following security error. Click Continue to this
website (not recommended). Accept the certificate warning.
Note: Our lab environment is preconfigured for DNS and should have all the proper A
Records already configured. DNS allows you to browse to a name rather than an IP
address. Should you have issues browsing to https://cucm-pub-, attempt to PING the address by clicking Start,
entering CMD in the search box, and typing ping cucm-pub- or ask your instructor for further assistance.

Student 1 and Student 2: once you have accepted all of the certificate warnings, you
will be presented with the initial splash screen for Cisco Unified Contact Center
Express. Click Cisco Unified Contact Center Express Administration.

Student 1 and Student 2: log into the UCCX Interface using the username admin and
password Ci5co123!.
Task 2: Log In to the UCCX Script Editor

In this task, you will log in to the Cisco UCCX Script Editor and add additional
logical operations and set steps into the Physician script. Both Student 1 and
Student 2 will complete various sections of this exercise simultaneously.

Student 1 and Student 2: if it is not already opened, on the desktop, double click
the Cisco Unified CCX Editor. The program may take 1 - 2 minutes to launch. Be

Student 1 and Student 2: the Authentication section of the UCCX Script Editor will be
displayed once the program fully loads. Using the table below, enter the appropriate
values. Once you have entered all necessary values, click Log On.

UCCX Script Editor AuthenticationValues

User Identification admin
Password Ci5co123!
Unified CCX Server
Note: Clicking the Log On button will actually log into the UCCX server and the Script
Editor will have access to the Script, Application, and Document repositories from
within the script editor as well as you will have the ability to perform a reactive
debug! Clicking Log On Anonymously will allow you to use the editor only. Think of
this as Airplane Mode on a cell phone, you can work but just not connect to
Note: The login process for the Script Editor can take up to 30 seconds. Be patient!

Student 1 and Student 2: maximize the UCCX Script Editor by clicking the square in
the upper right hand corner of the application.

(Optional – may be set from previous lab) Student 1 and Student 2: using the two
diagrams below, you are going to re-organize the real-estate on the UCCX Script
Editor so that it is a little more advantageous to scripting. You can reposition the
different panes of the UCCX Script Editor by clicking the divider bars and dragging
them by holding down on the left mouse button.

Before Layout Modification:

After Layout Modification:
Task 3: Download the Base Lab 15 Script

In this task, both Student 1 and Student 2 will download a base script we are
providing for Lab 12. This script will provide a valid starting point for adding the
Day of Week and Time of Day steps. It is a continuation of Lab 11, however, we
are providing this script to rule out the chance that any errors you may have in
your own scripts would interfere with this lab.

Student 1 and Student 2: in your web browser, open a new tab. You may add a new
tab by clicking the + symbol.

Note: You may have previously opened windows; thus your screenshot may not
match what is listed below. It′s okay, keep on rocking!

Student 1 and Student 2: enter the following

URL: and
press Enter.

Student 1 and Student 2: when the download pop-up window is displayed,

select Save File and click OK.

Student 1 and Student 2: in the upper right hand corner of the browser, click the
down arrow to display a list of file downloads.

Student 1 and Student 2: drag the file Physician_Lab15_Base over to the desktop.

The file should now be listed on your desktop.
Student 1 and Student 2: close the web browser tab which you just loaded by clicking
the X.

Task 4: Add the Day of Week and Time of Day Steps to the Script

In this task, both Student 1 and Student 2 will load the base script we are
providing for Lab 12. This script will provide a valid starting point for adding the
Day of Week and Time of Day steps. It is a continuation of Lab 11, however, we
are providing this script to rule out the chance that any errors you may have in
your own scripts would interfere with this lab. Once the lab is loaded in the
UCCX Script Editor, you will add the necessary code for checking Dates and
Times to determine if the open or closed greeting should be played to a caller.

Student 1 and Student 2: in the UCCX Script Editor, choose File > Open.

Student 1 and Student 2: ensure the Desktop is selected. Next,

select Physician_Lab15_Base.aef. Click Open.
Student 1 and Student 2: maximize the script by clicking the square in the upper right
hand corner of the script.

Student 1 and Student 2: right click anywhere in the white space of the script.
Choose Expand All.
Student 1 and Student 2: scroll to the DATE_TIME_CHECK label in the Script Editor
Pane. You will be adding additional code in this section of the script.

Student 1 and Student 2: expand the General pallet window.

Student 1 and Student 2: while pressing the left mouse button, click the Day of
Week step and drag it into the script. Place the step directly below the
DATE_TIME_CHECK label. Your script should now resemble the screenshot below:
Student 1 and Student 2: double click the Day of Week step to open the
customization window. Using the Time Zone drop-down, set the time zone
to TZ[America/New_York]. Click the Add button.

Note: The TZ[America\New_York] time zone setting is based on the time zone of

your PC. Should you be located in a different time zone other than GMT -5, set the
value to Primary.

Student 1 and Student 2: in the Add Option pop-up window, enter Monday – Friday.
Click OK.
Student 1 and Student 2: in the Day of Week customization window, place
checkmarks beside each weekday (Monday through Friday). Click Add.

Student 1 and Student 2: in the Add Option pop-up window, enter Weekend.

Click OK.
Student 1 and Student 2: in the Day of Week customization window, place
checkmarks beside Saturday and Sunday. Click Apply then OK.

Student 1 and Student 2: notice your new output branches under the Day of Week
step. If you have properly configured this step, your script should be similar to the
screenshot below.
Student 1 and Student 2: while pressing the left mouse button, click the Time of
Day step and drag it into the script. Place the step directly below the Monday –
Friday branch of the Day of Week step. Your script should now resemble the
screenshot below.

Student 1 and Student 2: double click the Time of Day step to open the

customization window. Using the Time Zone drop-down, set the time zone
to TZ[America/New_York]. Click the Apply button.
Note: The TZ[America\New_York] time zone setting is based on the time zone of
your PC. Should you be located in a different time zone other than GMT -5, set the
value to Primary.

Student 1 and Student 2: highlight the Connection 2 label by single clicking it. It

should now be blue. Click the Delete button.

Student 1 and Student 2: highlight the Connection 3 label by single clicking it. It

should now be blue. Click the Delete button.
Student 1 and Student 2: highlight the Connection 4 label by single clicking it. It
should now be blue. Click the Delete button.

Student 1 and Student 2: highlight the Connection 1 label by single clicking it. It

should now be blue. Click the Modify button.
Student 1 and Student 2: in the Modify Connection Name pop-up window,
enter 9AM – 5PM EST. Click OK.

Student 1 and Student 2: highlight the 9AM – 5PM EST label by single clicking it. It
should now be blue. Click the Add Time button.

Student 1 and Student 2: in the Add Range of Hours pop-up window,

choose 9:00AM for the Start Time and choose 5:00PM for the End Time. Click OK.
Student 1 and Student 2: your Time of Day step should look similar to the screenshot
provided below. Click Apply and OK.

Student 1 and Student 2: while pressing the left mouse button, click the Goto step
and drag it into the script. Place the step directly below the 9AM – 5PM EST branch
of the Time of Day step. Your script should now resemble the screenshot below:
Student 1 and Student 2: double click the Goto step and in the Choose Label drop-
down, select OPEN_HOURS. Click Apply and OK.

Student 1 and Student 2: while pressing the left mouse button, click the Goto step
and drag it into the script. Place the step directly below the The Rest branch of the
Time of Day step. Your script should now resemble the screenshot below:
Student 1 and Student 2: double click the Goto step and in the Choose Label drop-
down, select CLOSED_HOURS. Click Apply and OK.

Student 1 and Student 2: while pressing the left mouse button, click the Goto step
and drag it into the script. Place the step directly below the Weekend branch of the
Day of Week step. Your script should now resemble the screenshot below:
Student 1 and Student 2: double click the Goto step and in the Choose Label drop-
down, select CLOSED_HOURS. Click Apply and OK.

Student 1 and Student 2: if you have properly configured the Day of Week and Time
of Day steps, your script should look similar to the screenshot below:
Task 5: Execute V.S.U.R.E and Test Application

In this task, both Student 1 and Student 2 will perform the VSURE process which
properly installs the newly created Main Application onto the UCCX server so it
can be used as an IVR Application. VSURE stands for Validate, Save, Upload,
Refresh, Execute. It′s a common technique used when deploying new
applications and scripts. This process is crucial and must be followed every time
to ensure proper deployment.

We will now execute the steps for the V.S.U.R.E. process.

VSURE: V = Validate

Student 1 and Student 2: the script must be validated for program integrity.
Select Tools > Validate.
Student 1 and Student 2: the script should validate successfully and will display a
Script validation succeeded message. Click OK.

Note: If you have errors in your script, you will notice a warning or error message
displayed in the lower right hand corner of the screen. You will need to review the
message (hint: double click the error message and it will take you to the exact line in
the script with the error) and retrace your steps in this lab to correct as needed.

VSURE: S = Save As

Student 1 and Student 2: in the top left corner of the UCCX Script Editor, choose File
> Save As.
Student 1 and Student 2: ensure the Save In drop-down shows the Desktop. Enter
the filename Physician_Lab15.aef. Click Save.

Note: It is best practice to always Save As instead of simply Save. In this way, you are
always sure of the correct saved location of scripts.
VSURE: U = Upload

Only one student at a time may upload scripts to the server. In this next section,
Student 1 will trust Student 2 that he or she has built a properly working UCCX
script. Student 2 will upload the script onto the server (no pressure Student 2).

Student 2: return to the CCX Administration page.

Note: You may need to log into the server if your session has timed out. Browse
to The username is admin and the
password is Ci5co123!.

Student 2: choose Applications > Script Management.

Student 2: click the Upload Scripts button.

Student 2: in the Upload Script pop-up window, click Browse.

Student 2: navigate to the desktop and select the Physician_Lab15.aef script.
Click Open.

Student 2: with the Physician_Lab15.aef script selected, click Upload.

Student 2: once the page refreshes, click Return to Script Management.

VSURE: R = Refresh

One of the most important parts of the VSURE process is to refresh the script.
Cisco UCCX caches the IVR Applications in memory. Until you click Refresh, you
are not running an application in production. You must refresh BOTH the script
and the application in order to force it into production and load the new script
into the UCCX servers cache and memory.

Student 2: on the Script Management web page, click the Refresh icon beside the
Physician_Lab15.aef script.
Student 2: navigate to Application > Application Management.

Student 2: click the Main IVR Application hyperlink.

Student 2: modify the Script from SCRIPT[Physician_Lab14.aef]
to SCRIPT[Physician_Lab15.aef]. Click Update. You will notice the page will refresh
and you will be presented with a new list of script parameters.

Student 2: using the table below, set the Main IVR Application prompts and
parameters. You can browse the prompts on the server by clicking the Show
Prompts button. Once you have entered all appropriate values, click Update. We are
providing a screenshot below for your reference.

Main IVR Application ParametersValue

Hello_Prompt (checked) Main_App/Hello.wav
System_Error_Prompt (checked) Main_App/SystemError.wav
Closed_Prompt (checked) Main_App/Closed.wav
Main_Menu_Prompt (checked) Main_App/MainMenu.wav
Pediatrics_CSQ (checked) “Pediatrics”
Family_Medicine_CSQ (checked) “Family Medicine”
Appointments_CSQ (checked) “Appointments”
Accounting_CSQ (checked) “Accounting”
Corp_Directory_Extension “19600” (Note: remove the *)
Student 2: notify Student 1 via Cisco Jabber that they may continue with the next

VSURE: E = Execute

Student 1 and Student 2: test the Main IVR Application by calling the pilot
number 19200 from your respective Cisco IP Communicator softphone. The system
will answer the call.
Test Plan for the Application:

Did you hear the Hello prompt?

Which greeting did you hear? Open or closed?

What is the current time on the server (note our servers are GMT -5 and EST
Time zone USA)?

Do you expect to hear the closed or open greeting based on the current time?

Instructor Challenge:

Perform a new Reactive Debug (see the end of Lab 11 for a refresher).

Prove that your Time of Day and Day of Week steps are executing as

Examine the call flows for the Time of Day and Day of Week steps inside the
reactive debug.

Lab Complete

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