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September 15, 1821 is a memorable day for our Nation,

Guatem when representatives of the Central American provinces

declared Guatemala independent from Spain and formed a

Provisional Government Board that signed the act of sovereignty, which was the way to
turn Guatemala into a country. free and sovereign.

On the 199th anniversary of the signing of the act, historians and politicians consider it
convenient and necessary to think about how transcendental it has been for political and
democratic life for the country.

According to historians, the actions that precipitated the events of September 15, 1821 in
the Captaincy General of Guatemala, where the Act of Independence of Guatemala and
Central America are drawn up, highlight the invasion of Napoleon Bonaparte to Spain,
which generated the fall of the Spanish monarchy in 1808.

Likewise, in 1810, representatives of America and Spain met in the Cortes of Cádiz and
by 1812 a democratic Constitution emerged, which King Fernando VII vetoed upon
assuming the throne again.

Another reason was the discontent of the Creoles, that is, the children of Spaniards born
in America, since they did not have access to the political power that was destined for
those born in Spain and the ideas of the Enlightenment, which consigned the ideas of
equality, fraternity and commercial freedom, and of thought, therefore, went against
absolute monarchies
As a show of national pride, many buildings in Guatemala City are covered with blue and
white flags and are seen throughout the city. In many smaller towns children show their
patriotism by dressing in traditional costumes, marching in school parades and
participating in traditional dances.

The “Independence Torch” relays, various marathons, the stick and fireworks are part of
the many activities available in which one can participate or watch. These activities help
to unite families, schools, communities, cities and countries in a show of respect and
honor for those who fought for the search for freedom.

In the school’s civic events are held in honor of the celebration, also performing folk
dances, dressed in typical costumes and the traditional typical foods of our country.

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