Congregation of YHWH, PO Box 832, Carteret NJ, 07008: ST TH

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Congregation of YHWH, PO Box 832, Carteret NJ, 07008

Shalom Brethren,
Rosh Chodesh Semeach (Happy New Moon). And blessings in Yahshua’s name, I pray that all of Yah’s
saints are well and blessed. Tonight, starts the 1st day of the 6th month according to the Biblical calendar.
Many new people will write me throughout the year and ask me why we are not keeping the Jewish
calendar. The modern Jewish calendar was made by Hillel the Second in 358 A.D., and is not the
calendar from Biblical times.
In scripture, we are told that you cannot start your holyday before the “tekufah” in Hebrew, which means
equinox in English. The sun has 2 equinoxes in a year. The first one is in the spring usually either on
March 20 or 21st, depending on the year, and in the fall usually on September 22-23.
This is where the sun passes the equator and brings the changing of the season, and scripture clearly
states you cannot have your feast before this happens.
Exo 34:22 And you shall observe a Feast of Weeks for yourself, the first-fruits of the harvest of wheat;
also, the Feast of Ingathering after the turn of the year.
The word for turn is tekufah, which again is the turning of the season at the equinox. The feast had to be
kept AFTER summer had ended and the harvest was in, because the point of the feast was to take your
harvest fruits to Jerusalem and appear before Yahweh with your offering from them, and then to enjoy
feasting on the rest of it.
Lev 23:9 And YAHWEH spoke to Moses, saying,
Lev 23:10 Speak to the sons of Israel, and you shall say to them, When you come in to the land which I
am giving to you, and have reaped its harvest, and have brought in the Omer, of the beginning of your
harvest, to the priest,
Exo 23:16 Also the Feast of Harvest, the first fruits of your labor, of what you sow in the field. Also the
Feast of Ingathering, after the going out of the year, (after the tekufah) at your gathering your work
from the field.
That is why Sukkot is also called the Feast of Ingathering, because you are ingathering your harvest to
bring up to the feast.
So, this year, the Jewish calendar started the year before the Spring equinox, while it was still winter, and
now they will keep their feast of Sukkot partly before the fall equinox while it is still summer, and the
harvest fruits have not been matured or gathered yet.
We will keep Sukkot according to the Biblical Calendar next month after the turn of the agricultural year,
and after the people would have had sufficient time to gather in their harvest. The Biblical Calendar is
actually quite simple that any farmer, or shepherd could have understood. You can download my free
book called “The Biblical Calendar” online at in the book section.
I also have attached the official COYJ Hymnal for any brethren or congregation who would like to use it.
Through the years many people have come to Jerusalem for the feast and some have brought songs and
hymnals to share, which is fine, but some have wrongly assumed that this was the official hymnal from the
Local congregations are most free to pick and choose praise songs that brethren are inspired to sing and
use them on a local level, but I wanted to send out our official songbook.
The song book is primarily made up from songs created to music around 100 years ago directly from the
Psalms themselves. Then, there are some other modern Messianic songs that we usually sing at Sukkot
that brethren enjoy.
Today, in the system of commercial Babylon that we are supposed to be coming out from most people in
the world have no idea what true worship really is. Most Churches sing and praise people, instead of
praising the Creator Yahweh.
Choirs will put more focus on how they look, and trying to make a successful video for thumbs ups, and
likes, instead of truly only trying to praise Yahweh, the Eternal Creator, from their heart.
The Psalms are inspired scripture from Yahweh’s Ruach to teach us how to praise and worship Him. Can
we do better than the Spirit of Yahweh with praise and worship?
I think not!
About half of the Psalms are from King David himself, and inspired directly by Yahweh’s Ruach into his
heart, and soul. When we read the psalms, we can literally get into the mind and heart of King David and
understand what he went through, and how he suffered.
We can also understand how he overcame, and how that brought him into a different place of praise and
worship that he had never been before. Through His inspired words, we not only can empathize with Him,
but we can also receive the same heart for worship that He had. It is as if he were there giving us this
great gift of how to truly praise and worship Yahweh in heart, mind, soul and strength.
So, not that Psalms are the only songs that we can worship Yahweh with, but since they are His scripture
to us, they certainly should be our foundation for praise and worship, especially in a such a plastic society
where most have no idea of true praise and worship, and even some churches use evil rock music with
satanic beats in their worship.
I am not saying that the music cords in the attached hymnal are the only ones that can be true worship to
Yahweh, and I also encourage our brethren who have the gift of music to pray and read the psalms and to
create their own music to them, if Yahweh inspires it.
The musical notes are included in the hymnal, and you can go online and find websites where the music is
played instrumental to sing with during your services if you so like to.
I have been praying for Yahshua’s end time remnant flock to be able to receive the gift of praise that can
only come from Yahweh, but also from a true heart of the worshipper to be able to worship Yahweh in
spirit and truth.
Psa 147:1 HalleluYah; for it is good to sing praise to our Elohim; because praise is delightful and
Psa 146:1 HalleluYah; praise (Aleph/Tav) YAHWEH, O my soul.
Psa 146:2 While I live, I will praise YAHWEH; I will sing praises to my Elohim while I have being.
May Yahweh bless His set apart flock and give you peace in these troubling times.

B’Shem Yahshua,
Elder Don

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