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Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica ñ Drug Research, Vol. 74 No. 2 pp.

401ñ404, 2017 ISSN 0001-6837

Polish Pharmaceutical Society



Department of Drug Chemistry, Medical University of Warsaw, 1 Banacha St., 02-097 Warszawa, Poland

Abstract: Three new methods were developed for the quantitative determination of mesalazine in the form of
the pure substance or in the form of suppositories and tablets - accordingly: bromatometric, diazotization and
visible light spectrophotometry method. Optimizing the time and the temperature of the bromination reaction
(50∞C, 50 min) 4-amino-2,3,5,6-tetrabromophenol was obtained. The results obtained were reproducible, accu-
rate and precise. Developed methods were compared to the pharmacopoeial approach - alkalimetry in an aque-
ous medium. The validation parameters of all methods were comparable. Developed methods for quantification
of mesalazine are a viable alternative to other more expensive approaches.

Keywords: mesalazine, bromatometric assay, spectrophotometry, diazotization, validation

Mesalazine (5-ASA) is chemically known as 5- chemoprevention action of 5-ASA which is based

amino-2-hydroxybenzoic acid. It is a derivative of on inhibition of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A).
salicylic acid and the active metabolite of sul- PP2A is an enzyme involved in the phosphorylation
fasalazine (1). Mesalazine is administered orally or and degradation of β-catenin leading to inactivation
rectally in the treatment of ulcerative colitis and of Wnt/β-catenin which regulates many important
Crohnís disease (2-4). There are also reports about processes in the organism i.e., carcinogenesis, apop-
the possibility of using this drug in the treatment of tosis or cell proliferation (11).
colorectal cancer (5-7). Currently, several approaches has been
Mesalazine causes an anti-inflammatory effect. described for determination of mesalazine in the
The therapeutic mechanism of mesalazine activity is form of a pharmaceutical formulation. Various
achieved via the local treatment of the gastrointesti- instrumental methods were described such as: spec-
nal tractís mucosa. Numerous, nonexclusive mecha- trofluorometric, UV spectrophotometric, differential
nisms of action of that compound were described in pulse voltammetry, adsorptive stripping voltamme-
literature (2, 8, 9). The anti-inflammatory effect of try, micellar electrokinetic chromatography, high
mesalazine is achieved by the process of inhibiting performance liquid chromatography, ultra-perform-
the conversion of arachidonic acid in the mucosa, by ance liquid chromatography, liquid chromatography
inhibiting cyclooxygenase enzyme. with tandem mass spectrometry and pharmacopoeial
Mesalazine also inhibits the formation of per- titrimetric method - alkalimetry in an aqueous medi-
oxides in the rectal mucosa and inhibits the enzyme um (12-15).
5-lipoxygenase hindering the synthesis of Most of the above methods, despite the high
leukotrienes in the colon. In addition, mesalazine level of application, requires access to expensive
has a similar effect to activate PPAR-γ nuclear equipment and reagents. The procedure of sample
receptors located in the intestinal epithelial cells, preparation is often labor intensive and requires
reducing the activity of transcription factor NF-κB qualified staff.
that regulates the expression of genes for pro- Based on the properties resulting from the
inflammatory proteins (10). There are also reports of chemical structure of mesalazine new, rapid and

* Corresponding author: e-mail: tomasz.pawinski@wum.edu.pl.


more economical methods for the quantitative deter- Procedure for suppositories
mination of mesalazine in pharmaceuticals were The suppositories were weighed and shredded.
developed: bromatometric assay, diazotization An accurately weighed quantity containing 0.03 g of
method and visible light spectrophotometry. mesalazine was transferred to a volumetric flask,
dissolved in 50 mL water (50OC) and analyzed
EXPERIMENTAL according to the previously described procedure.

Materials and reagents Diazotization method

All used reagents were of analytical reagent Accurately weighed about 0.15 grams of the
grade and solutions were made in distilled water. substance was dissolved in 40 mL of HCl (161 g/L)
Pharmaceutical grade mesalazine certified to be and boiled for one minute. After cooling (down to
more than 98 % pure (Tokyo Chemical Industry), about 2-5OC) the mixture was slowly titrated with a
and Asamax 500 enteric-coated tablets, and Asamax solution of NaNO2 (0.1 mol/L) RM. The end point
250 suppositories (Astellas Pharma) were purchased of the titration was determined potentiometrically
from local market. using a platinum electrode.
Calculations were based on the relationship
Apparatus and methods that 1 mole mesalazine is reacted with 1 mole of
A Specol spectrophotometer with 1 cm quartz NaNO2. 1 mL of sodium nitrite solution (0.1 mol/L)
cells was used for all absorbance measurements. RM corresponds to 0.01531 g of mesalazine.
Mesalazine was converted to a stable, purple-blue
derivative - a complex of ferric chloride (III). Procedure for tablets
The concentration range of the calibration Tablets were weighed and pulped into a fine
curve was 0.01 ñ 0.08 mg/mL. The wavelength was powder. An accurately weighed quantity containing
530 nm. 0.15 g of mesalazine was dissolved in 40 mL of HCl
Bromination reactions were carried out in a (161 g/L) and boiled for 1 min. After cooling, the
water bath. Potentiometric measurements were per- solution was analyzed according to the previously
formed using a platinum electrode (diazotization described procedure.
method) and glass electrode (alkalimetry).
Procedure for suppositories
General procedures The suppositories were weighed and shredded.
Bromatometric method An accurately weighed quantity containing 0.15 g of
Accurately weighed about 0.03 g of the sub- mesalazine was dissolved in 40 mL of HCl (161
stance was dissolved in 50 mL of water at 50OC in a g/L) and boiled for 1 min. After cooling, the solution
stoppered conical flask. Then, there were added 10 was analyzed according to the previously described
mL of HCl (281.0 g/L), 0.1 g of KBr and 50.0 mL of procedure.
KBrO3 (0.0167 mol/L) RM. The solution was rest-
ing for 50 min in 50OC, in the dark. Then, there were Visñspectrophotometric method
added 15 mL of a solution of KI (100 g/L). After 15 Calibration curve
min, to the solution was added 50 mL of CH3COOH Accurately weighed approximately 0.1 g of
(856 g /L), and the liberated iodine titrated with a mesalazine standard was dissolved in 90 mL of boil-
solution of Na2S2O3 (0.1 mol/L) RM. 2 mL of a solu- ing water in a volumetric flask. After cooling down
tion of starch was added at the end of the titration. to the ambient temperature, the flask was filled up
Control example was processed similarly. with water to 100 mL. Solutions of the following
Calculations were based on the relationship that concentrations were made: 0.08, 0.06, 0.04, 0.02
1 mole of mesalazine reacted with 4 moles of the and 0.01 mg/mL. To 25 mL of each solution was
atomic bromine and 1 mL of potassium bromate (0.1 added 1 mL of FeCl3 (0.05 g/L), and the absorbance
mol/L). RM corresponds to 0.001914 g of mesalazine. was measured. The following calibration curve was
obtained: y = 11.578x + 0.0039.
Procedure for tablets Accurately weighed approximately 0.1 g of
Tablets were weighed and pulped into a fine mesalazine was dissolved in 100 mL of boiling
powder. An accurately weighed amount containing water in a volumetric flask with a capacity of 100.0
0.03 g of mesalazine was transferred to a volumetric mL. After cooling down to the ambient temperature,
flask, dissolved in 50 mL water (50OC) and analyzed 5.0 mL of the solution was transferred to a volumet-
according to the previously described procedure. ric flask with a capacity of 100.0 mL and filled up to
Development and validation of bromatometric, diazotization and... 403

mark with water. Then, to 25.0 mL of obtained mix- Procedure for tablets
ture was added 1 mL of FeCl3 (0.05 g/L), and after Tablets were weighed and pulped into a fine
that the absorbance was measured. powder. An accurately weighed amount of triturated
tablets, containing 0.05 g of mesalazine, was trans-
Procedure for tablets ferred to a volumetric flask, dissolved in 100 mL of
Tablets were weighed and pulped into a fine boiling water and analyzed according to the previ-
powder. An accurately weighed amount containing ously described procedure.
0.10 g of mesalazine was dissolved in 100 mL of
boiling water. After cooling down, 5.0 mL of the
solution was transferred to a flask with a capacity of RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
100.0 mL and filled up to mark with water. Then, to
25.0 mL of obtained mixture was added 1 mL of Validation
FeCl3 (0.05 g/L) and the absorbance was measured. Validation of the proposed methods was per-
formed by determination of ten replicates of fixed
Procedure for suppositories concentration of the drug (in tablets, suppositories
The suppositories were weighed and shredded. and pure substance). From obtained results were
An accurately weighed amount containing 0.10 g of appointed following values: arithmetic mean, stan-
mesalazine was dissolved in 100 mL of boiling dard deviation S, relative standard deviation RSD
water. After cooling, 5.0 mL of the solution was %, coefficient of variation CV% and deviation from
transferred to a volumetric flask with a capacity of the values declared by the manufacturer was calcu-
100.0 mL and filled up to mark with water. Then, to lated. The readings are shown in Table 1.
25.0 mL of obtained mixture was added 1 mL of The developed method gave reproducible
FeCl3 (0.05 g/L), and the absorbance was measured. results. Statistical analysis confirmed the usage
validity of each approach in the quantitative deter-
Alkalimetric method mination of mesalazine. The results of the analysis
The quantitative analysis was performed in proved to be very similar to the results obtained
accordance with the prescription indicated in FP X using the reference method.
(15). Accurately weighed approximately 0.05 g of The results obtained during studies are within
mesalazine was dissolved in 100 mL of boiling the acceptable range of tolerance for the average
water. After cooling down, solution was titrated content of the active ingredient. This demonstrates
with NaOH solution (0.1 mol/L) RM. Potentiometer accuracy of the described analytical methods.
was used to determine the end point of the titration. Diazotization approach is the most accurate -
Calculations were based on the relationship that 1 the results were very similar to the values declared
mole of mesalazine reacts with one mole of NaOH by the manufacturer. On the contrary, the lowest
and 1 mL of sodium hydroxide solution (0.1 mol/L) accurate was achieved by determining mesalazine in
RM corresponds to 0.01531 g of mesalazine. suppositories. The relatively large deviation in the

Table 1. The validation parameters of developed methods.

Mean RSD CV Accuracy

Method S
[%] [%] [%] [%]
Pure substance 100.12 0.5017 0.0050 0.50 0.12
Bromatometric Tablets 100.67 1.1769 0.0117 1.17 0.67
Suppositories 95.93 0.7328 0.0076 0.76 4.07
Pure substance 100.04 0.1572 0.0016 0.16 0.04
Diazotization Tablets 99.58 1.9946 0.0200 2.00 0.42
Suppositories 99.28 0.3602 0.0036 0.36 0.72
Pure substance 99.45 0.4263 0.0043 0.43 0.55
Spectrophotometric Tablets 99.34 0.6764 0.0068 0.68 0.66
Suppositories 90.04 2.2500 0.0250 2.50 9.96
Pure substance 99.91 0.6530 0.0065 0.65 0.09
Tablets 99.97 0.1200 0.0012 0.12 0.03

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