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One Hundred Pieces of Advice of Life, Everyone classic

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 Chinese(simplified)->English Bilingual & Comments

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1.All the difficulties and hardships are valuable. --In order to consign important tasks to you,
the God has been tempering your willpower.
2.To volunteer one's services does a lot of good. --By doing it, you may make yourself, your
existence and abilities noticed by others.
3.Never choose a profession that doesn't suit you. --It involves human relationships and
personal feelings. To change your profession is not such an easy thing.
4.Never change your profession easily. --The risk is huge. You'd better not do it rashly
without unswerving daring and resolution.
5.You live not only for food but for ambitions as well. --You should think it over what you
would be in the future.
6.Never enjoy honor by yourself. --Otherwise, you would swallow bitter pill alone.
7.Sit on a cold bench until it is hot patiently. --If so, nothing would stop you.
8.Leave some space to your director. --He needs a sense of safety.
9.Take care not to catch crabs while groping for fish. --Groping for fish would become the
burden for you in the society.
10.Never hold the thought of having unrecognized talents. --Having unrecognized talents is
most probably caused by yourself.
11.No money is easy to earn in the world. --Start from small gain.
12.When you are employed by an evil director, accept his torment.
13.Never abuse your director in public. --It would leave you nothing but your resignation.
14. Learn new knowledge from people of all walks of life. --Remember, you should learn
with modest attitudes.
15.Acknowledge your mistake honestly. --Sophistry would only do harm to yourself.
16.Conduct yourself and work in society with the thought that suffering losses is just gaining
extra advantages. It helps you accumulate working experience, enrich your working ability
and expand your interpersonal relationships.
17.Take failures as the teacher you learn from. --It’s better for you to learn from others’
failure rather than bear in mind your own failure.
18.Never to talk about your pride before those who are frustrated, which does harm to your
interpersonal relationships.
19.Don’t take it easily to be late. --Being on time is a kind of respects to others.
20.Complete sincerity can affect even metal and stone. --Your genuineness and sincerity will
arouse your sympathy which makes you impossible turn down others.
21.You need to classify your friends accordingly, which prevents you from harms.
22.Examine others by time. --Time is the inspector making others unconscientiously about
what they do.
23.Examine others by inquiry. --You may know about him by collecting and learning from
the obtained information.
24.Examine others by catering to their likes. --They may take the mask off unwittingly.
25.Establish a friend archives, otherwise you wish you had know more friends than you have
when you need them.
26.Expand your interpersonal relationship. --Take initiative to make friends instead of waiting
others to do so.
27.Be elastic while making friends. --Remember your enemy would become your friend.
28.Make friends with those who would criticize you. --They are true guides in your life.
29.You need to keep distance with your best friends to keep long friendship.
30.  Take care not to create friendship with those who show kindness unexpectedly. –You
should watch with a cold eye on how things get on and neither accept nor decline it, giving as
good as you get.
31.Make up deficiency of your ability with diligence, which makes you enlightened and
attracts attentions.
32.Turn a day into 48 hours to make full use of every minutes and seconds.
33.Work hard for some medals to set up your standing and reputation and to make yourself
respected and accorded a courteous reception
34.Never to yield when you are met with difficulty. --Treat it as touchstone.
35.Be number two instead of number one.  --If you fail to be number one, you would become
proud of yourself.
36.Be careful not to be looked down upon in work. Never to drift along aimlessly,
underestimate your job, or muddle along.
37.Money follows human and human want health. You can easily earn money with a healthy
38. You should get ready to promote your juniors. –They probably become the source to
support you.
39.Behave properly to win respect and then trust.
40.Raise your social status properly. --Human is a kind of commodity in the job market.
41.Trade the material wealth for interpersonal relationship. --Material wealth is for a short
term while interpersonal relationship is for a long time.
42.Transform dedication to work as a habit. --In the short term it is for your boss while in the
long term it is for yourself.
43.Seek a guider who may save you difficulty and hardship while groping your way.
44.Increase capitals with accumulation, steadily and constantly.
45.Find an opponent to compete, follow him and finally surpass him.
46.Meet all the challenges in the work with all your strength. --Don’t consider the sudden
condition as a method to punish you.
47.Tolerate temporary and fight for the future. As condition is stronger than human, you need
to tolerate.
48.Apply others’ success methods, which are the guides for you to follow.
49.Don’t view yourself as boss or director. --Learn from your job to develop ability to be a
boss or director.
50.Don’t feel satisfied with the present small achievement. --Ask yourself,” Is that all I can
51.Be an expert in your field as soon as possible. --You may get it as long as you concentrate
your efforts on it.

52.It is better to get a situation of win-win rather than that of life-and –death.  --A situation of
win-win is virtuous competition.
53.Conduct your interpersonal relationship just as sowing seeds. --The sooner, the better.
54.Conduct your career just as sowing seeds. No seeding, no grains.
55.Climb up after a fall. --Otherwise you would be underestimated
and lose opportunities.
56.Don’t seek excuse for failure, but face the failure and find its cause.
57.Change the environment or change yourself. --You’d better improve yourself instead of
changing environment.
58.Extend battlefront to avoid fighting against main force. --There are few fights against main
force in life.

59.Don’t fight without confidence. --We can’t afford wasting life.

60.Take self-examination as every day job. Since you are not perfect and say or do something

61.Encourage yourself when you are at a low tide. --Never ask or depend on others to
encourage you.
62.Take advantage of others’ intelligence for your job. --You should understand that  a
person’s intelligence is limited.

63.Often hold a sense of crisis. --Don’t think that you have good luck.

64.You can play both the leading roles and the supporting roles and feel at ease at or from
stage. --You are able to adapt to circumstances when facing the actual life.
65.Never do hastily, which will only do harm to you.

66.You’ better keep patient if it is getting more and more troublesome. --Nothing in the world
is easy.
67.Control your mood. --Or it would tell others that you are still a child.
68.Be the tortoise not the rabbit. --Those who have the ability as the rabbit easily feel proud.

69.Do minor assignments and earn small money. --It’s the prequisite for major assignments
and big money.
70.Don’t be over-cautious for your past failure. --The environment is changing, and you are
making progress. Success may be achieved with a new round of try.
71.Live as a cockroach does. If you are as tough as a cockroach, you may live all kinds of life.

72.You should go about things steadily and surely, offending others and defensing yourself.
--You would be successful only by achieving success.
73. Depend on your ability not on your relationship. You could not rely on relationship
forever while ability is the best support for you.

74.Make yourself outstanding instead of waiting others to find your merits. –Everyone is for
himself. Who has the time to watch and find out about you?

75.As the proverb goes, ”Cut paths through mountains and build bridges across rivers”. After
you go though a bridge and climb a mountain, you will see a new field.

76.Keep in advance of the subordinates.—Leaders of authority or goodwill is not as good as

those of ability.

77.It is necessary for a new official to apply strict measures. So that he could tell others, “I’m

78.Take advantage of fatal attractions in a clever way. That is man need to be gentle and soft
and woman act spoiled.

79.Face squarely your shortcomings and protect yourself from others’ frame-up by living
openly , aboveboard and earnestly without wishful thinking.

80.Only ask for 5 jiao instead of 1 yuan. –There is only one chance to ask for 1 yuan.

81.Drop your airs to broaden your interpersonal relationship. –Your airs would only keep you
away from others.

82.One should not speak in absolute terms so that you could leave some room for accident
and prevent you from being unable to get out of an embarrassing situation.

83.Comprehend the philosophy of Chinese life. They pay attention on interpersonal

relationship, think one way and act another way and uphold formalism.

84.Take advantage of the Chinese feelings to each other in the first 3 minutes when they meet
for the first time. You get respect for your respect to others.

87.Never express your disappointment easily. –Otherwise you would be considered weak and

88.The interpersonal relationship is that you pay before you get. –Take the initiative to satisfy

89.Don’t neglect others reputation.—Not showing due respect for others’ feelings easily
evokes quarrels.
90.You should take some people to heart carefully. Not all the people are good persons.

91You should hold back your trust to some people. –If you believe in them completely, you
will suffer a lot.

92.Take care of the relationship with villain appropriately. –Don’t depend on or offend them.

93.You should not prevent others from making money. –Instead, it is better for you to make a

94.You should keep low key to eliminate others’ envy to you. – Envy is as dangerous as fire
to destroy a person.

95.It is impossible for you to attend to each and every aspect of a matter. -Because someone is
probably dissatisfied with you.

96.Understand selfish in human nature and take advantage of it.-Don’t take their selfish to

97.He is bound to listen to you if you follow his meaning. –Those with bad temper, deep
subtle thinking and wishful thinking could not help comply with you.

98.You can get bliss out of misfortune by vigorous actions, including maintaining present,
keeping patient, and accumulating abilities.

99.You can postpone turning weak form glorious with caution. –Most failures are made in
prosperous time.

100.Flowers blossom when the time comes. --What you should do is to make efforts. It is the
god's business to consider when flowers blossom.

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